Gunnar Eriksson: Elias Fries and the romantic biology
T. Nathorst-Windahl: Some unsual Agarics from Sweden. II. . . . .
Arne Jensen: The appearance of Erysiphe betae (VANHA)
WELTZIEN in Denmark ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ingvar Nordin: Fnosktickans (Fomes fomentarius (L. ex FR.)
KICKX) vardvaxtval i Sverige. (Summary : The Swedish
host species of Fomes fomentarius (L. ex FR.) KICKX) ..
Jørgen Koch: Physoderma Gerhardtii SCHROET. on Glyceria
maxima (HARTM.) HOLMBL. in Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
J. P. Skou: The conidial stage of Cochliobolus sativus as a potential pathogen and as a cause of a disguised disease in
cereals in Denmark ................................
Ny Litteratur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Meddelelser fra Foreningen til Svampekundskabens Fremme
1963-1964 ................................. . . . .....
Udgivet af Foreningen til Svampekundskabens Fremme
Rolighedsvej 23, København V.
Trykningen afsluttet December 1967.
Hertz·Bogtrylckergaarden. København
PDF scanning and OCR by the Danish Mycological Society 2010 - www.svampe.com
FRIESIA . Bind VIII . Hefte 1 . 1966
For ret nylig er litteraturen om ELIAS FRIES, der ikke
er særlig stor, blevet beriget med et vægtigt bidrag, GUNNAR ERIKSSON: "ELIAS FRIES och den romantiska biologien". *) Afhandlingen, som er skrevet på svensk for den
filosofiske doktorgrad ved Uppsala Universitet, giver en
yderst fængslende fremstilling af den historiske baggrund
for FRIES' videnskabelige indsats inden for mykologien.
Da afhandlingen næppe er videre kendt uden for Sverige,
aftrykkes med forfatterens tilladelse nedenfor dens fyldige engelske resume.
The German romantic philosophy, represented mainly by SCHELnot only affected art and litterature but also science. Many
scholars, especiaIly biologists, were fascinated by its speculative spirit
and magnificent theory of the world. ELIAS FRIES, the Swedish systematic botanist and mycologist, (1794-1878) gives an example of
this. This is a study of his systematic theories and their dependence
upon the speculative natural philosophy.
Nature was understood by the romantic natural philosophy as a
spiritual entirety, built up of polar forces in constant development.
Every individual part of the univers e mirrored the entirety, constituted a microcosmos, which contained something of the qualities of
the whole. Because the world was spiritual and because man was
also spiritual he could through his powers of reason explore it, and
because the part mirrored the whole the study of one single part
could lead to knowledge of the whole. Therefore the romantic philosophy could promise its supporters · a penetrating knowledge of the
world, an absolute certainty concerning the principles of thought,
Akademisk avhandling. Lychnos-Bibliotek, nr. 20. 487 s. Almqvist &
Wiksell, Uppsala 1962. - Pris: hft. sv. kr. 45.-, indb. sv. kr. 57.- .
2 -
which also could appeal to other scientists, especially when their own
research rested on dim principles.
A fieid, which during the century before DARWIN was characterized
to a great extent by a theoreticai uncertainty was the field of systematic botany. As early as during the 18th century many researchers
strived after "the natural system", in which the plants would be
classified according to their "real affinity", not according to external
and artificial grounds. Most botanists had, however, a very dim
idea of the meaning of affinity. They usually did not concern themselves with the phylogenetic affinity, because it was generally
supposed that in our time just as many different species existed as
were created in the beginning. Many scholars identified affinity with
"resemblance", but it was usually vaguely felt that there was a
deeper reason for it, a feeling which was expressed in the theories
about God's plan for creation and in the opinion that the forms were
grouped around types, Platonic ideas, which were reflected in different degrees of clarity by the different individuals. The method of
research was also vague. The supporters of the natural system principally favoured the empirical method, but unconsciously they often
resorted to logical deductions and subjective evaluations.
The romantic biologists were, however, conscious of theory. Their
plant system was built on a thoroughly comtemplated conception of
the world and a determined idea of the scientific method. This is
apparent through an investigation of the German romantic biologist
L. OKEN'S natural system, published in Lehrbuch der N aturphilosophie
in 1810, as well as of C. G. NEES VON ESENBECK'S Handbuch der
Botanik) published in 1820, and System der Pilze und Schwiimme)
published 1817.
The literary romanticism did not appear in Sweden until about
1810. Before this time there was no romanticism in Swedish science.
ELIAS FRIES hardly encountered romanticism until he starte d his
studies at the univers ity in 1811. But even before that time, in the
pre-romantic cultural atmosphere, there were phenomena, which
could facilitate his later acceptance of the romantic philosophy: the
worshipping of nature, and the religious currents such as Herrnhutism and Swedenborgianism, which had Platonic mysticism in
common with romanticism. Natural theology ("physicotheology")
according to whose doctrine the study of nature proved God's omni-
3 -
potence, wisdom and goodness, could also be developed into a sincere
philosophy of life, related to romanticism. A few Swedish naturalists
were Swedenborgianists and almost all of the botanists who were
active around the year 1800 were familiar with and supporters of
natural theology. FRIES'S father was a minister, interested in botany,
and had been brought up in WOLFF'S philosophy, where the physicotheological arguments played an important part. During his school
years in Vaxjo (1803-1811) ELIAS FRIES came into contact with
different forms of pre-romanticism.
As a background for FRIES'S activities a survey of the entire
romantic current in Swedish science during the decade 1810 is given.
Because the extreme romanticism in Swedish literature primarily
appeared in Stockholm and Uppsala (in the middle of Sweden) one
could also expect to find romantic science there. It is also true that
there was an interest in speculative scientific research in the literary
romantic circles, primarily in Uppsala, where especially CHR. STENHAMMAR and J. H. WALLMAN, both best known as botanists, are worth
noticing. But also in Lund in the south of Sweden, where FRIES
resided during his univers ity studies, there were representatives in
speculative science. Most important of these is C. A. AGARDH, the
famous algologist, professor of botany from 1812. He was FRIES'S
tea cher and counsellor and it can be conjectured that he was very
important in the growth of FRIES'S romanticism. During FRIES'S three
undergraduate years, 1811-1814, there are, however, still no traces
of romantic influence to be found.
In 1814 FRIES was appointed docens in botany (without pay) and
he wrote his first scientific papers in systematic botany and phytogeography. He was aIready interested in the natural system. In the
summer 1815 he has visited by WALLMAN. They became friends, and
because W ALLMAN intended to publish a Swedish flora the following
year, FRIES helped him with the fungi. In their correspondence during
the spring 1816 they discussed OKEN'S plant system, and FRIES then
appeared to be a confessor of romanticism- but with some hesitancy.
In the printed flora the philosophic premises were, however, carefully
-4concealed. In 1819 FRIES and CHR. STENHAMMAR began to correspond,
which was of great importance for FRIES' continued development.
Toward the end of 1820 he published the first part of his most famous
work, Systema mycologicum) which is still the basis for the nomenclature of many major groups of fungi. In the introduction of this
work he was extremely speculative, primarily joining OKEN and
NEES VON ESENBECK. The system of fungi is based on a metaphysical
conception of the world: everything is supposedly built on four principles, the elements, the different proportions of which explain all
the differences between the products of nature. The existence of fungi
depends, apart from the elements (primarily water, air and the components of fire: light and heat), on a special force: nisus reproductivus. The proportionally varied influence of these factors is the
basic reason for the different appearences of the fungi's fruit bodies
and conditions in this way the systemization. FRIES distinguishes
four different fruit types and creates therefore four classes of fungi,
each class consisting of four orders, each order with four tribes or
main genera. In each group there is a "center", where the combination of elements, which is typical of the group, appears most
clearly, and "radii" , whose forms border on other groups. All groups
are principally built up the same, and each form in a group reflects
forms in the other groups. The forms within one gro up are connected
by "affinity" , and plants from different groups, which resemble one
another, are connected by "analogy" . These are two very important
conceptions in FRIES' systemization. These terms were adopted by the
English entomologist W. S. MAC LEAY (see his essay, which is mentioned in the reference list*) and were later adopted by several
foreign biologists.
FRIES'S most roman tic period occured during the first half of the
1820's. In letters to his friends he drew up a speculative system over
the whole vegetable king dom in close connection with OKEN'S ideas,
but in 1825, when he published the part which contained the lower
cryptogams (in Systema orbis vegetabilis) ) he had aIready to a great
extent freed himself of his dependence to OKEN. His system was still
*) W. S. MAC LEAY: Remarks on the identity of certain general laws
which have been lately observed to regulate the natural distribution of
insects and fungi. - Trans. Linnean Soc. of London, vol. 14, pt. 1,
London 1823.
-5built upon a successive quartering, but it did not originate from
OKEN'S theory of the four elements, but was built upon a logical
dichotomy. (An English account of the theories in this thesis is given
by J. LINDLEY; see the reference list. *) In 1820 FRIES was on bad
terms with his former teacher AGARDH. Their personal disagreements
were the background for scientific polemics. Above all they were
disputing the usefulness of logic in systematic botany. AGARDH
expressed an opinion that the logical rules were only human fictions,
FRIES on the other hand vindicated in Systema orbis vegetabilis that
the laws of nature followed the rules of logic. In spite of the fact
that both botanists were romanticists they developed two very different botanical systems.
FRIES'S next large systematic work was Lichenographia europaea
reformata} published in 1831. Many speculative elements from earlier
works can be found here, but in spite of them there is a new and
more "realistic" spirit in this book. FRIES gives human reason a more
modest place than the empiric observation, and he no longer quotes
any romantic philosophers, but seeks support for his opinions from
FRANCIS BACON and other clas si c, generally accepted authorities. The
development toward this standpoint can be followed in pamphlets
and statements during the period 1825-1831, and can als o to a certain
extent be explained through personal circumstances.
In 1834 FRIES was appointed professor in Uppsala, where he
remained until his death. In 1835 he published a provincial flora,
Flora scanica} where he for the first time published his system over
the entire vegetable kingdom. In several small dissertations and
other papers he presented the principles for this system, but he never
wrote any collected and detailled representation of it. The system
was still formed on a regular number of plant groups within each
larger group. He also kept his idealistic theory about centers, the
forms of which most clearly reflected the "idea" of the group, and
* ) J. LINDLEY: Some account of the spherical and numerical system of
nature of M.
vol. 68, 1826.
The philosophical magazine and journal,
6 -
radii, the forms of which gradually bordered on other groups ; the
theory of the difference between analogy and affinity and the logi cal
classification is als o to be found here. But these theories fight against
more "realistic" ideals, and the demand for empiric observation is
growing stronger. Re no longer refers to a speculative theory of life
as a foundation for his system, and he soon shows an open contempt
for the German "Naturphilosophie" from which his own ideas once
As early as the 1820's there were traces of biologi cal vitalism in
FRIES: he was of the opinion that life was a special force, higher
than the inorganic forces. This vitalism became very clear in Lichenographia 1831, and occupied a prominent position in his concept of the
world during his years in Uppsala. FRIES'S gro wing hostility toward
speculations is closely connected with vitalism: because life was
something higher, something divine, man could not, even with his
ability to reason, penetrate it; only through a humble study of its
different revelations could it be possibIe to trace its mysteries.
Like many other romantic biologists FRIES had from an early
stage nurtured a doctrine of evolution. Like most romanticists he did
not at first believe that one species could develop into another, but
he thought that all species at one time had been imperfect, and that
they then separately had risen to higher perfection, and had become
more and more similar to the idea which they reflected. During the
1830's and 1840's he began instead to assume that every genus had
existed from the beginning, but that species within the genus could
have developed through ramification from one single basic form.
Re could, however, never accept R. F. LINK'S theory*) from the 1820's
that man evolved from an ape, and he was equally unable to accept
DARWIN'S opinion that all organisms have developed from a few
original forms. As an idealist he was frightened by the materialism
of Darwinism, but he also feared that the botanists would limit the
number of the presently accepted species because of DARWIN'S theory
of heredity.
Concerning his general view of nature FRIES could, during his
Uppsala period, be compared with many well known biologists from
the middle of the 19th century. Four German botanists, for whom
*) H. F. LINK: Die Urwelt und das Altertum, erHiutert durch die Natur-
kunde. I-II. 1821-1822, Berlin.
7 -
FRIES especiaIly expressed admiration, are mentioned. In the works
of the descriptive botanist WILHELM KOCH he found the same demands, i. e. that the marks of distinction between the species should
be taken from the living plant, and not from dried out herbarium
specimens, as he himself expressed. In the same way as FRIES
L. REICHENBACH built a system upon the romantic "Naturphilosophie",
developed a doctrine concerning the degrees of metamorphosis of
plants, which FRIES had als o done, and adopted the terms analogy
and affinity. M. SCHLEIDEN, the famous discoverer of the cell as the
fundamental element of construction of plants, also showed, in spite
of his harsh opposition to speculative botany, an inclination for a
philosophical founda tion in science, and confessed tha t there was
something divine in nature. ALEXANDER BRAUN formed an idealistic
and vitalistic physiology of plants, which FRIES held in high esteem.
An idealistic view of nature, free from the worst exaggerations
of romanticism, als o distinguished such prominent researchers as
general Swedish cultural atmosphere, as well as among contemporary
Swedish scientists, the same spirit was also predominant.
Finally the relations between FRIES and two of his followers,
N. J. ANDERsSON and H. VON POST, are being examined. ANDERSSON
later adhered to DARWIN and J. D. HOOKER and was perhaps the
first in Sweden to adopt the modern phylo-genetic conception of
affinity. VON POST, skilled botanist, but primarily known as geologist,
shared FRlEs's anti-materialism and carried his idealistic concept of
nature farther in many respects. Until his death FRIES kept his
vision of nature as a harmonious unity, governed by adivine reason,
not by the struggle for existence.
En indgående recension af fil. dr. GUNNAR ERIKSSON'S doktorafhandling har HANS KROOK skrevet i Svensk Botanisk Tidsskrift 57 (4): 492-497,
1963, hvortil læserne henvises. - Se i øvrigt: ELIAS FRIES' autobiography
"Historiola studii mei mycologici" i Friesia 5 (2): 135-160, 1955, hvor bl. a.
findes en fortegnelse over FRIES' hovedværker og endvidere en liste over
den vigtigste litteratur om FRIES. Til denne liste må yderligere føjes ROB.
E. FRIES: ELIAS FRIES i "Swedish men of science 1650-1950", ed. with an
introduction by STEN LINDROTH.
FRIESIA . Bind VIn . Hefte 1 . 1966
In a previous pap er (Friesia VI (1961), 291-309) the author has
given descriptions of some unusual Agarics which during the last
years ha ve been collected in the provinces Vastergotland, Halland,
Bohuslan and Varmland in the southwestern part and in the province
Småland in the southern part of Sweden. In the present paper the
author has added further species from the mentioned area. Certain
Agarics collected earlier have als o been identified and some of these
are here reported. The following species are reported for the first
time from Sweden: Mycena alba (BRES.) KUHN. (Omphalia alba
BRES.), M. margaritispora J. E. LANGE, Pluteus Thomsonii (BERK. &
BR.) DENNIS (P. cinereus QuEL.), Rhodophyllus (Eecilia) rusticoides
(GILLET) J. E. LANGE, R. (Leptonia) fulvus (ORTON), (Leptonia
Andrianae BRES. sensu F. H. MøLLER, non BRES.), R. (Nolanea)
araneosus QuEL., R. (Nolanea) xylophilus J. E. LANGE, Hebeloma
pusillum J. E. LANGE, Phaeocollybia lateraria A. H. SMITH, Cortinarius
(Hydrocybe) crassifolius VELEN., Conocybe Mairei KUHN., Lactarius
lacunarum ROMAGN. ex HORA and Leptoglossum Rickenii SING. ex
HORA (Omphalia muralis (Sow. ex FR.) QuEL. sensu RICKEN, non
FR. New records of a number of uncommon species are also given.
The identification of these Agarics were based on my descriptions
of the species in the fresh state. Microscopic examinations of the
dried fruit-bodies were made on crushed mounts in ammoniacal Congo-8-
9 -
red, with or without addition of phloxine with ca. 3 % KOH or in
Melzer's reagent as a test for amyloidity. Unfortunately many dried
Agarics preserved in different herbaria are practically useless because
descriptions of the fresh fungi were not made and it is then often
impossible to determine them la ter with security. The collection numbers cited and the photographs are those of the writer.
1. Mycena alba (BRES.) KUHN. Syn. Omphalia alba BRES. Småland : Femsjo parish, just N. of the church on old, mossy stems
of living Acer platanoides af ter heavy rains, 4.IX.1957 (n. 6392).
C a p about 1 cm across, bell-shaped or hemispherical becoming
somewhat expanded, white or cream-coloured, radiately striate ar
even furrowed; g i Il s distant, white ar whitish, very broadly adnafe
or somewhat decurrent; s t e m 5-10 (15) X 0.5-1 mm, white, often
curved upwards from the base, equal, covered with white fine down;
f l e s h thin, white. - S P o r e s 6.5-8p, spherical, aften with one
oil-drop; cheilocystidia abundant, 40-65 X 8-12p, more or less clubshaped and often somewhat curved.
A detailed description with drawings of microscopical features is
given by KUHNER (1938). M. hiemalis is somewhat similar but with
greyish-brown caps.
The species has not been previously reported from Sweden.
2. Mycena aurantiomarginata (FR.) QUEL. Syn. M. elegans
(PERS. ex FR.) KUMMER sensu J. E. LANGE and KUHNER. - Goteborg:
Långedrag under cultivated Picea and Abies in a garden, 10.X.1943
(n. 3743); Halland: Fjiirås parish, Tjoloholm under Fagus amongst
dead leaves, 31.X.1959 (n. 6836).
C a p 1-2 cm across, conicai to bell-shaped and pruinose at first,
then expanding, brownish with an yellowish-olive tinge when moist,
margin yellow to orange with a cast of fuscous, striate, becoming
paler as it dries; g i Il s rather crowded, narrow, adnate or with a
decurrent tooth, pallid olive, edges bright orange; s t e m about
4-6 cm X 1.5-2 mm, rigid and cartilaginous, equal, brownish ar
greyish olive with an orange pruina at the apex, base strigase with
orange-coloured hairs. - S p o r e s 7-9 X 4.5-5p, ellipsoid, smooth,
amyloid; cystidia about 30-40 X 9-12p, clavate, filled with a brightorange pigment, the apices echinolate.
10 -
According to FRIES this beautiful plant is recognized by the
orange-coloured edges of the gills whereas the closely related M. elegans (FR.) QuEL. has yellow-coloured edges.
It is illustrated by KONRAD & MAUBLANC pI. 222; by J. E. LANGE,
FI. Agar. Dan. pI. 54 G, as M. elegans.
It seems to be rather rare in Sweden.
3. Mycena margaritispora J. E. LANGE. Syn. M. lasiosp erma
BRES. sensu KUHN., non BRES. - Goteborg: Botan. Tradgård. Naturpark on decaying bark lying at the base of a high elm (Ulmus) after
heavy rains, 18.VI.1941 (n. 2453) .
C a p 4-8 mm across, obtusely conic or campanulate, fuscous to
dingy ochraceous on the centre, yellowish towards the margin, whitepruinose at firs t, translucent-striate almost to the centre when moist
and somewhat radiately grooved; g i Il s almost distant, rather narrow, white, with a faint yellowish tint, usually seceding in age,
pruinose under a lens; s t e m 2-4 cm X 0.5-1 mm, more or less
fuscous, cartilaginous, equal, covere d with a dense coating of hairs,
given it a velvety appearance; f l e s h thin, pallid. - S p o r e s
5.5-7,u, subglobose, apiculated, with low, obtuse warts, non-amyloid;
basidia 2-spored; cystidia 40-65 X 9-13,u, numerous, ventricose with
long necks, the apices usually with two branchlets, pilocystidia
numerous, smooth, 40-80 X 9-12,u, broadly fusoid, hyaline.
A good illustration is given by J. E. LANGE, FI. Agar. Dan. pI.
58 D, D 1.
This species has not previously been reported from Sweden.
4. Rhodophyllus (Eccilia) rusticoides (GILLET) J.E.LANGE
- Varmland : Fryksande parish between Hagtorp and Lillån, growing amongst short grass in sandy soil, 21.IX.1947 (n. 4641).
C a p 1.5-2 cm across, convex, rather smooth, umbilicate, more or
less dark brown, finally funnel-shaped, margin striate when moist;
g i Il s brownish with a tint of reddish, distant, rather thick and
ve ry broad, deeply decurrent and almost triangular; s t e m short,
2-2.5 cm X 1.5-2 mm, brownish, smooth, almost equal, slightly hollow.
- S p o r e s 8-9 X 7-8,u , angular, rounded; cystidia absent.
Illustrated by J. E. LANGE, FI. Agar. Dan. pI. 80 D and DL
I think it is the first record of this species from Sweden.
-11 5. Rhodophyllus (Entoloma) porphyrophaeus (FR.) J. E.
Goteborg: Slottsskogen under high, cultivated, deciduous
trees among moss and grass, 4.IX.1948 (n. 5005).
C a p 4-8 cm broad, bell-shaped or convex, then flattened and
distinetly umbonate, purplish-brown or grey-brown with a tinge of
flesh-colour, radiately fibrillose, finally brown-grey; g i Il s at first
whitish, then paIe pinkish, finally flesh-coloured, broad, deeply
emarginate-adnexed or free, rather distant; s t e m tall, 7-11 cm X
8-12 mm, similarly coloured to the cap, attenuated upwards from
the base which is white fibrillose-striate, rigid and brittle, fistulose ;
f l e s h paIe grey-bluish or brownish at first, becoming whitish as it
dries; s m e Il and t a s t e not distinctive. - S p o r e s 10-11 X 6-7.5.u,
± ellipsoid, somewhat nodulose with a lateral apiculus and one oildrop; cheilocystidia inflated, somewhat bottle-necked, about 40-50 X
12-18.u or occasionally with a ro und head to 20.u broad. Hyphae of
cap cuticle 7-9.u diam.
This tall, graceful fungus is illustrated by J. E. LANGE, Fl. Agar.
Dan. pI. 73 D and by RICKEN pI. 72,3.
It seems to be rather rare in Sweden.
6. Rhodophyllus (Entoloma) turbidus (FR.) QuEL. sensu
KUHN & ROMAGN. Flor. Anal. (1953) 196. Syn. R. Cordae (KARST.)
J. E. LANGE. - Halland: Fjarås parish, Tjoloholm under Fagus)
Fraxinus and Quercus in small groups or solitary among scattered
Geum urbanum) 31.X.1959 (n. 6825).
C a p 3-4 cm across, rather thin but somewhat fleshy in the centre,
convex, then expanded, sepia-grey, sometimes slightly depressed
round the low, rather dark umbo, often radially darker streaky when
half-dry, margin striate, paler grey with silky sheen when dry;
g i Il s paIe brownish at firs t, then greyish, finally pinkish grey,
subcrowded, broadest in the middle, narrowly adnate or emarginate;
s t em 5-8 cm X 5-7 mm, somewhat attenuated upwards from the
base, rather conspicuously silvery fibrillose-striate, apex slightly
pruinose, fragile, finally hollow, base often white-tomentose. F l e s h
concolorous, drying white or paIe greyish. S m e Il and t a s t e none
or very faint. - S p o r e s 8-9.5 X 6.5-8.u, subglobose or broadly
ellipsoid with rounded angles; basidia 4-spored and cystidia absent.
In Monographia Hym. Sueciae FRIES says: "stipes deorsum clavatoinflatus" for the typical form, which is in accordance with the descrip-
12 -
tions given by RICKEN (1915) and ORTON (1960). My specimens,
however, have only a slightly thickened base as in FRIES form pinetorum.
It is illustrated by J. E. LANGE, FI. Agar. Dan. pI. 76 D as
R. Cordae (KARST.) LANGE (EntoZoma Cordae KARST. 1879, 268)
and by RICKEN (1915) pI. 72,4 excI. spore drawings.
As far as I am aware this species is rare in Sweden.
7. RhodophylIus (Leptonia) fulvus (ORTON). Syn L eptonia
Goteborg, Xnggården, about 200 m SSV of Finnsmossen on a hillside among grass,
4.IX.1953 (n. 5845).
C a p 2.5-3.5 cm across, rather thin, convex and umbonate at first,
then expanded and somewhat umbilicate, yellow-brown with a tawny
tinge, smooth or slightly flocculose-fibrillose , pellucido-striate almost
to the centre which has dark brownish squamules, drying dingy
ochraceous with a tawny tinge, silky shining; g i Il s at first almost
white, then yellowish flesh-coloured, finally pinkish buff, very broad
especially behind, adnate or sometimes separating, almost distant;
s t e m 3-5 cm X 2-3 mm, equal or slightly thickened towards the
base, paler then the cap and slightly silky-striate, finally hollow,
base white tomentose ; f l e s h whitish; s m e Il none. - S P o r e s
10-14 X 7.5-8p, ellipsoid, 5-6 angular; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia
hyaline, club-shaped, 45-50 X 10-16p; hyphae of cap cutic1e filamentose, 6-20 p diam. with vacuolar pigment.
The species is figured by F. H . MØLLER (1945) as Leptonia Andrianae BRES.
It is not reported from Sweden before.
Andrianae BRES. sensu F. H . MØLLER, non BRES. -
8. RhodophylIus (Nolanea) araneosus QuEL. - Goteborg:
Botan. Tradg. Naturpark, growing under deciduous trees, 11.VIII.1941
(n. 2542) ; Vastergotland: Styrso parish, Kanso, gregarious on sandy
soil under deciduous trees, 3.X.1951 (n. 6801).
C a p 2-3.5 cm across, somewhat fleshy, conicaI to bell-shaped,
then expanded, umbonate, covere d with dense, greyish, finally greybrown, depressed and shining hairs. In age well-developed caps are
often upturned at the undulated margin; g i Il s paIe greyish, then
dark er grey or brownish-grey, finally somewhat tinge d pinkish by
13 the spores, distant, broad and adnexed; s t e m 3-5 cm X 3-6 mm,
slightly thickened at the base, striate, covered with dense, greyish or
greyish-brown, shining hairs, sometimes tinged reddish near the base,
hollow, base white-tomentose; f l e s h greyish; s m e Il and t a s t e
none or very faint; veil not observed. - Spores 11-13 X 7-8,.u,
ellipsoid with rather rounded angles; basidia club-shaped, 4-spored;
cheilocystidia inflated fusoid, 40-80 X 11-25,.u, granular, projecting
the basidia about 40,.u.
This fungus is evidently RhodophyZlus araneosus QuEL. as described and figured by L. and H. DøsSING in Friesia (1961). QUELET,
Flore Mycologique de la France etc. (1888) does, however, not mention the conspicuous cheilocystidia, the sometimes reddish tinge near
the base of the stem and sta tes tha t his fungus has narrow gills and
is gro wing in woods of conifers. KURNER & ROMAGNESI, Fl. anal.
(1953) have described the stem as "orne d'une forte houppe de poils
raides, gris ou jaunes, ± rougissantes" which is not in accordance
with the original diagnosis.
The species has not been previously reported from Sweden.
9. Rhodophyllus (Nolanea) minutus (KARST.) J. E. LANGE.
- Goteborg: Botan. Tradg. Naturpark, scattered under Alnus} Crataegus and Fraxinus on almost naked, rather moist and shady ground,
1.VlII.1953 (n. 5654); Hisingen, Rya skog in deciduous wood on
shady, moist ground, 3.VIII.1953 (n. 5663).
C a p about 8-15 cm across, somewhat convex, then flattened,
slightly umbilicate, thin, brittle, paIe yellowish-brown with brownish
striae and a darker spot in the centre, hygrophanous, pallid and
shining as dry; g i Il s whitish at first, then dirty yellowish, finally
rose-coloured, rather crowded, broad, thin, widest in the middle,
almost free; s t e m about 2.5 cm X 1-1.5 mm, equal, brittle, solid,
dingy yellowish-brown, apex pallid, smooth; f l e s h thin, sordid. S p o r e s 8-11 X 7-8,.u; cystidia absent.
A good illustration is given by J. E. LANGE, Fl. Agar. Dan. pI. 79 H.
The species is rather uncommon in this area.
l have gathered a species which resembles this fungus but it
differs mainly in ha ving cystidia on the edges of the gills. l think
it may be R. (Leptonia) tenellus FAVRE but prefer to await further
collections to be sure of that.
-14 -
Fig. 1. Rhodophyllus (Nolan ea) papillatus (BRES.) J. E. LANGE.
Varmland: Stora Kil parish, Lokene farm, 29.VII.1958. -
'l X .
10. Rhodophyllus (Nolanea) papillatus (BRES.) J. E. LANGE.
- Varmland : Stora Kil parish, Lokene farm, growing on an old
mossy lawn with apple-trees, 29.VII.1958 (n. 6692). - Fig. 1.
C a p generally ± conicaI to convex, 12-25 mm across, thin, papilIate or with small umbo, smooth or almost so, grey-brown with a
marroon tint, dark striate when moist, paler and greyish cinnamoncoloured and silky when dry; g i Il s rather crowded and broad,
sinuate, paIe grey or paIe sepia, finally brownish pink; s t e m
4-5 cm X 1.5-2.5 mm, equal, grey-brown, shining, stiff and brittle,
smooth or slightly white silky-striate with indistinct white-pruinose
apex, narrowly hollow, base white-tomentose; s m e Il and t a s t e
not noted. - S p o r e s 9-10.5 X 7-7.5p, subovate, obtusely angularwavy. Basidia 4-spored; cystidia absent; hyphae of cap cuticle 7-15p
-15 My fungus agrees very well with the deseription given by BRESADOLA, leon. Mye. pl. 583.1 in having "lamellae ex albide luridis earneo-fuseae" . Aeeording to KUHNER & ROMAGNESI, Flore Anal., 189,
N olanea clandestina as figured by BRESADOLA, leon. Mye. pI. 585,2
is more like N. papillatus BRES. The gills as described by him for
N. clandestina "e griseo-umbrinis purpuraseentes" is, however, in
accordance with the deseription given by FRIES "ex umbrine purpuraseentes" .
The species is also described and figured by KONRAD & MAUBLANC
pl. 180,2 and by J. E. LANGE, Fl. Agar. Dan. pl. 78 D. LANGE writes,
however: "Gills originally dirty brown" whieh does not agree with
BRESADOLA'S diagnosis.
This species seems to be uneommon in the area investigated by me.
11. Rhodophyllus (Nolanea) xylophilus J. E. LANGE. Varmland : Vitsand parish amongst dried Sphagnum on the shore at
the Lake Ovre Brocken, 22.IX.1947. (n. 4662).
C a p 6-15 mm across, eonvex, paIe brown-yellow with a tinge of
flesh-eolour, pellucido-striate almost to the somewhat darker centre;
g i Il s at first whitish, finally flesh-coloured, rather distant, free,
widest in the middle; s t e m 2-3 cm X 1 mm, smooth and almost
diaphanous. S p o r e s 10-11 X 8-9 Il, irregularly more or less
quadrangular-erueiate; eystidia absent.
This small Agaric resembles maeroseopieally R. (Nolanea) minutus
and is illustrated by J. E. LANGE, pl. 77 B.
The species has not been reported from Sweden before.
12. Rhodotus palmatus (BULL. ex FR.) MAIRE. Syn Crepidotus palmatus (BULL. ex FR.) GILLET, Pleurotus palmatus (BULL. ex
FR.) QuEL. and P. subpalmatus (FR.) GILLET. - Vastergotland:
Satila parish, Håvet, about 4 m high on a more or less living trunk
of wild apple (Malus)) 3.XI.1940 (n. 2386).
C a p about 3.5(4) cm across, convex, then ± flattened, fleshy,
soft, smooth, elastic, orange-buff with a flush of flesh-eolour, somewhat pruinose, margin thin, at first ineurved, then plan, translueently
striate when moist; g i Il s broad, similarly eoloured or paler than
the eap, narroved towards the margin of the eap, somewhat distant,
adnexed or almost free; s t e m 1-3 cm X 5-8 mm, fleshy, more or
-16 less excentric, almost equal and often curved upwards, striate, whitish
to buff-coloured or sometimes with a tinge of reddish, paler at the
apex, solid; f l e s h thick, paIe in the cap, orange or flesh-coloured
with a tinge of yellow in the stem; s m e Il pleasant; t a s t e bitter
to acrid; s p o r e p r i n t salmon-pink. - S p o r e s 6-7 p in diam,
spherical, warted; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia numerous, 40-60 X
5-7 p, cylindric to inflated flask-shaped, often obtuse, thin-walled and
sometimes not easy to observe; cap cuticle thick, gelatinous.
This interesting Agaric is easily recognisably by the more or
less orange colour on the capo Illustrations are to be found in KONRAD
& MAUBLANC pI. 303,2 and in Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. (1932) pI. XI.
The species is very uncommon in the part of Sweden investigated
13. Pluteus Thomsonii (BERK. & BR.) DENNIS. Syn. P. cinereus
QUEL. - Goteborg: Slottsskogen on an old stump (Fagus?J) 7.VII.
1955 (n. 6033).
C a p 1-4.5 cm across, convex-plan or slightly depressed in the
centre when old, dark brown, pellucido-striate at the margin, rugulose
or veined and pruinose on the surface, hygrophaneous, drying paIe
grey-brown with a tinge of olive; g i Il s whitish at first, then
pinkish, free, rather crowded, broadest in the middle; s t e m about
5 cm X 4-5 mm, greyish olive or rather paIe brownish, equal or
slightly thickened at the base, white floccose but apex often pruinose,
solid; s m e Il none. - S P o r e s 6.5-8 X 5.5-7 p, subglo bose or broadly
ellipsoid; cheilocystidia clavate or fusiform, 35-65(70) X8-20(25)p,
some with a hairlike appendage on the apex, 10-50 p long; cells of
cap cuticle fusiform, about 40-60 X 13-20 p, projecting beyond sphaeropedunculate or pyriform cells, 15-35 p diam.
A good illustration is given by J. E. LANGE, FI. Agar. Dan. pI.
71 D as P. cinereus QuEL.
Apparently this species has not been previously reported from
14. Crepidotus luteolus (LAMB.) SACC. Syn. C. pubescens
BRES. sensu J. E. LANGE. - Goteborg: Hisingen, Rya skog on dead
stems of Urtica dioeca and Filipendula uZmaria lying on the ground
in damp place at the edge of a deciduous wood, 26.IX.1960 (n. 6880).
-17 C a p 1-3 cm broad, rather fleshy in the middle, bracket-shaped
or resupinate, reniform, attached laterally or excentrically, at first
whitish, soon turning yellowish, almost glabrous, margin ofte n remaining incurved for some time; g i 11 s at first whitish, then
yellowish, finally ferrugineous, rather distant, broadest in the middle
and sometimes alittie decurrent on the stem; s t e m rudimentary,
white, felt y but sometimes wanting. - S P o r e s 7-9(11) X3.5-5p,
narrowly amygdaliform, minutely punctate; cheilocystidia cylindric,
flexuose, often irre gul ar swollen or with short projections near the
apex, 40-60 X 6-9 p .
Illustrated by J. E. LANGE, FI. Agar. Dan. pI. 132 D, as C. pubeseens BRES.
I think that this species is rather uncommon in the area investigate d by me.
15. Naucoria centunculus (FR.) KUMMER. - Goteborg: Botan.
Tradg. Naturpark on a very rotten trunk of Betula lying on the
ground, 29.VII1.1961 (n. 6914).
C a p 0.7-1.5 cm across, convex, then expanded with a small, obtuse
umbo, olive-brown, somewhat deeper coloured at the centre, surfaee
mea ly and very minutely pubescent, margin striate when moist and
at first incurved, but at length becoming eventually upturned, when
dry paler; g i 11 s broad, thick, adnate, paler then the cap, rather
crowded and with fimbriated whitish edge; s t e m 3-4 cm long, about
2 mm thick, but slightly thieker downwards, often curved upwards
from the support, coloured like the cap but paler, apex powdery,
becoming hollow, base whitish; f l e s h brownish; ve i l none. S P o r e s 6.5-9 X 4.5-5 p, phaseoliform; cheilocystidia for the most
part clavate, 40-45X7-9p, attenuated at the base; cap cutic1e cellular, cells vesiculose-c1ub-shaped, ± erect, hyaline, 30-50 X 18-23p. No
c1amp connections seen.
Illustrated by J. E. LANGE, FI. Agar. Dan. pI. 124 L
I have found only a few fruit-bodies and apparently the species
is uncommon in Sweden.
16. Hebelorna pusillum J. E. LANGE. G6teborg: Sodra
Guldheden under Alnus) Betula) Populus tremula and Rhamnus on
moist ground, 10.X.1955 (n. 6067).
-18 C a p 1-1.5 cm across, convex, then expanded with a small, obtuse
umbo, slightly viscid when moist, in the centre rather dark reddishbrown and at the margin whitish; g i 11 s rather broad and distant,
pallid at first, then brown-reddish, on the edge white and beaded
with drops of moisture in damp weather; s t e m 3-4 cm X 2-2.5 mm,
whitish at first, then paIe brownish, powdered at the apex, solid;
f l e s h whitish, then somewhat brownish with a faint s m e 11 of
radish and an acrid t a s t e. - S P o r e s 10-12(13) X 6-7 1-', somewhat
almond-shaped, paIe yellow-brown, warted; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia 50-70 X 7-121-', narrowed at the base, 3-51-' diam; cap cuticle
filamentous, cells 4-111-' diam., somewhat clamped.
Illustrated by J. E. LANGE, FI. Agar. Dan. pI. 120 C.
The species seems to be uncommon in this part of Sweden and
is reported for the first time from this country.
17. Phaeocollybia lateraria A. H. SMITH. - BohusHin, Vasterlanda parish about 400 m NNO. the Lake Stora Silevatten in shady,
somewhat moist coniferous wood, 17.VII.1963 (n. 6967).
C a p 2-4 cm broad, conic, acute, slowly expanded in age and
always retaining a sharp conic umbo, somewhat viscid, glabrous,
light ochraceous red, hygrophanous, drying brownish with a tinge of
brick-red and shining; g i 11 s free to adnexed or sometimes adnate,
crowded, broadest in the middle, paIe clay-ochre or tawny olivecoloured; s t e m 8-14 cm X 3-5 mm, glabrous, at the apex similarly
coloured to the cap, in the lower part dark red-brown, becoming black
when handled, hollow, at the base with an about 10 cm long cartilaginous p s e u d o r r h i z a; f l e s h slightly reddish; ve i labsent. S p o r e s 9-11 (12) X 4-5.5 I-' , ± amygdaliform, roughened; basidia
4-spored; cheilocystidia 25-30 X 4.5-5.5 1-', hairlike to narrowly elava te,
hyaline, hyphae of the cap cuticle more or less gelatinized; pleurocystidia absent.
This interesting Agaric is described from U.S.A. by A. H. SMITH
(1957). BRESINSKY (1958) has studied a collect in KILLE.RMANN'S herbarium (Viechtach, Bayern, Sept. 1933) determined as Naucoria
nasuta KALCHBR. var. nigripes KILLERMANN which fungus was by all
means in accordance with the original diagnosis of Ph. lateraria A. H.
SMITH and is for the first time collected in Europe.
It has not been previously reported from Sweden.
19 -
Fig. 2. Cortinarius (Hydrocyb e) bibulus QUEL.
Goteborg: Bot. Tradg. Naturpark, 27.VIII.1957. -
1 X.
18. Cortinarius (Hydrocybe) bibulus QuEL. Syn. C. am ericanus A. H. SMITH, C. pulchelZus J. E. LANGE. - Goteborg: Botan.
Tradg. Naturpark under Alnus glutinosa on moist gro und amongst
Viola palustris and liverworts, 27.VIII.1957 (n. 6291). - Fig. 2.
I have ealier (Acta Horti Gotoburgensis (1958) collected this
small Agaric from Rya skog. It is readily recognizable by the more
or less dull violet colour all over; c a p up to 1 cm broad; g i Il s
distant, broad and thick; s t e m 2-3 cm X 1-2.5 mm. It grows on
moist gro und especially under Alnus glutinosa.
19. Cortinarius (Hydrocybe) crassifolius VELEN. - Småland: Femsjo parish, Femsjo about 100 m W. of Hagnen growing in
a small troop on a road in grass under Picea) 4.IX.1957, leg. et det.
M. MOSER (n. 6333) ; Femsjo just W. of S. Bokeberg under Picea and
Betula) 6.IX.1957, leg. et det. NATHORST-WINDAHL (n. 6419).
C a p 2-5 cm broad, bell-shaped to convex, umbonate, fleshy, deep
brown when moist and not striate, drying paler brown with silky
fibrils, shining; g i Il s very broad, distant and thick, cut out behind,
olive-brown at firs t, then red-brownish cinnamon-coloured, margin
paIe pruinose; s t e m 7-8(10) mm thick, often thickened to 15(20) mm
and brownish with shining fibrils below, paIe at the apex; u n i v e rs a l ve i l ends ab ove in a ring-like zone, which, however, soon disappear; c o r t i n a paIe dirty brown-coloured; f l e s h brownish;
s m e Il strong, disagreable. - S p o r e s 8-12 X 6-7.5,ll ,broadly ellipsoid, coarsely warted.
My description agrees very well with this given by VELENOVSKY,
Ceske Hoube (1920). Characteristic features are the very broad,
distant and thick gills and the blackening of the whole fungus with
age or when handled. This species is growing with Picea as apparent
mycorrhiza partner.
During the season of 1957 while studying Agarics in Femsjo
together with Dr. M. MOSER, Innsbruck, I have obtained a fresh
collect determined by him (n. 6333) and a few days later I myself
have colected material of this characteristic species in the same
parish (6419).
As reported for the first time from Sweden it is a nice addition
to our Flora.
20. Cortinarius (Hydrocybe) damascenus FR. - Goteborg:
orgryte forsamlingshem in a park under Quercus in low grass,
17.X.1960 (n. 6863).
Fasciculate. C a p 4-7 cm across, obtusely conic, becoming almost
plane with a low obtuse umbo, hygrophanous, red-brown when moist,
fading to greyish yellow or brownish, with whitish fibrils at first,
especiaIly towards the margin, then glabrous, margin incurved and
often fissile or rimose ; g i Il s rather distant and broad, paIe cinnamon-coloured at firs t, then somewhat darker brown or almost reddishbrown, adnate; s t e m 8-12 cm X 1-1.5 cm, cartilaginous, firm and
stiff with a pallid coating of appressed fibrils with a tinge of paIe
ochre, somewhat spindle-shaped and rooting at the base and with a
faint zone from the v e i l; f l e s h pallid; s m e Il and t a s t e not
distinctive. - S p o r e s 7-8 X 4-5,ll, ellipsoid.
J. E. LANGE gives a good illustration of this species in FI. Agar.
Dan. pI. 100 E.
It seems to be uncommon in the part of Sweden investigated
21 -
21. Conocybe Mairei KUHN. - Goteborg: Botan. Triidg. Naturpark scattered on naked soil under Alnus) Frax inus and Ulmus)
1.VII.1943 (n. 3551).
C a p about 3-6 mm broad, thin, convex, then flattened and
slightly umbonate, ochraceous to paIe tan, ochre-brown in the centre
with a whltish bloom, hygrophanous, margin striate or furrowed
when moist, slightly paler when dry; g i Il s broad, especially in the
middle, adnexed or almost free, rather distant, egg whitish; s t e m
1.5 (2) cm long, very slender, whitish or with a tinge of yellow, equal
or somewhat thickened at the base, white-powdery; ve i labsent. S p o r e s (6.5) 7-8 X 4-4.5 p, ellipsoid; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia
numerous, 19-26 p long, inflated below and abruptly tapering towards
the apex; cap cuticle with numerous pilocystidia, inflated below and
11-13p thick, narrowed towards the apex, 1.5-2p diam.
An illustration is to be found in J. E. LANGE, Fl. Agar. Dan. pI.
130 G and KthINER (1935) gives a fully description with drawings
of the microscopical features.
The species is not reported from Sweden before.
22. Pholiota Agardhii (LUND ex FR.) MOSER. Syn Flammula
Agardhii (LUND) FR., Inocybe Agardhii (N. LUND) P. D. ORTON
(1960) - Goteborg: between Sodra Guldheden and Mossens idrottsplats under Salix caprea and S. triandra on moist ground, 25.IX.1958
(n. 6797) . - Fig. 3.
C a p 3-6 cm across, bell-shaped or convex at first, in young specimens the edge of the cap is connected with the stem by a parti al,
yellow-white, fibrillose ve i l, cap then expanded and sometimes
slightly depressed or with an obtuse umbo, rather fleshy, fibrillose,
yellowish-buff at first, then more or less snuff-brown, margin incurved at first and often paIe yellowish with rather persistent remnants of the veil ; g i Il s at first paler than the cap, then dull
yellowish-brown with a tinge of olive, rather crowded, adnate with a
decurrent denticle, edge paler and indistinct notehed ; s t e m 5-6 cm
X 5-9 mm, equal or somewhat attenuated downwards, yellow at the
apex, yellow-brownish below, fibrillose-striate , near apex the ve i l
forming a fibrillose-floccose ring-zone, which, however, soon disappers, finally somewhat hollow, base white tomentose ; f l e s h paIe
yellowish; s m e Il none. S P o r e s 8-10(11) X4.5-5.5p, oval-
Fig. 3. Pholiota Agardhii (LUND ex FR.) MOSER.
Goteborg: between S. Guldheden och Mossens idrottsplats, 25.IX.1958.
2/ 3 X .
phaseoliform; basidia 4-spored; cheilocystidia inflated obovate or
broadly c1ub-shaped, 35-40 X (15)20-24p; pleurocystidia absent.
The species is well illustrated as Flammula Agardhii by J. E.
LANGE, Fl. Agar. Dan. pI. 122 D. According to him the species is
"only mentioned by Scandinavian authors". It has, however, according
to ORTON (1960) long been known to him from England, 1951 and
1954, and was recorded and described by REm 1955 from the same
The species is apparently rather rare in this country and is
growing under Salix on moist ground, but FRIEs says in Hym. Eur.
it grows "in pratis inter gramina".
23. Psathyrella pennaia (FR.) PEARSON & DENNIS. Syn. Psathyrella carbonicola A. H. SMITH. -Goteborg: Botan. Tradg. Naturpark on ashy soil on a foot-path in mixed deciduous wood, especiaIly
under Alnus) 10.X.1951.
Rather fasciculate. C a p 2-5 cm broad, convex at first, then flattene d, somewhat reddish-brown when moist and fleshy in the centre,
23 -
margin rather thin, surfaee at first covered by white fibrillose
scales, margin with white fibrillose patches, hygrophanous, glabrescent, paIe dingy yellowish brown when dry; g i Il s rather crowded,
narrow, adnate, paIe brownish at first, grey-brownish in age, with
whitish edge; s t e m 4-6 cm X 4-5 mm, equal, white, somewhat
shining, cartilagineous, fragile, surfaee fibrillose up to the evanescent
ring-like zone, tubular. - S p o r e s 7-8 X 4( 4.5),li, dark fuscous
under the microscope, basidia 4-spored, cystidia 25-50 X 10-15(19),li,
inflated ab ove with short pedicels, tapered necks and with subacute,
hyaline apices; hyphae of cap cuticle cellular.
The fungus is described and figured by L. and H. DøsSING in
Friesia (1961) as PsathyreZla carbonicola A. H. SMITH.
The species is apparently uncommon in Sweden.
24. Coprinus hemerobius FR. - Goteborg: Botan. Tradgården amongst grass on a lawn, 22.VII.1940 (n. 1997).
The species resembles the rather common C. plicatilis (CURT. ex
FR.) FR. which, however, has a greyish cap, gills separated from
the stem by a distinct collarium and spores more or les s heart-shaped
or triangular in face view, 10-11 X 6-7,li. C. hemerobius FR. has a
dingy alutaceous c a p, gills are not separated from the stem by a
collarium and spores more or less oval, 11-13 X 7-8,li.
Illustrated by J. E. LANGE in FI. Agar. Dan. pI. 160 C and by
BRES., leon. Mycologia pI. 886.
It seems to be rare in Sweden.
25. Lactarius cireelIatus FR. - Goteborg: overås, gregarious
under Fagus on a lawn, 21.lX.1957 (n. 6541). - Fig. 4.
C a p 6-9 cm across, at first somewhat convex, then flattened, but
soon depressed to almost funnel-shaped, somewhat viscid when moist,
surfaee uneven when seen under a lens, paIe yellow-grey to brownish
with a tinge of violet or olive and whith 1-3(4) concentric, dark
brownish zones, margin ± incurved and paler; young specimens often
brown or brownish-red at the centre when moist; g i Il s narrow,
whitish at first, then more or less ochre-coloured, adnate, often with
a small, decurrent tooth, crowded; s t e m 3-5 X 1-2.5 cm, equal or
Fig. 4. Lactarius circelZatus FR.
Goteborg: over ås, 21.IX.1957. - l /z X
somewhat tapering below, pallid, veined seen under a lens, becoming
hollow; f l e s h firm, whitish; s p o r e - d e p o s i t paIe ochraceous.
- S p o r e s 6.5-8 X 5.5-6.5 f.1, broadly ellipsoid or almost spherical,
ornamented with low warts connected with rather thin ridges ; cystidia 50-70 X 6-8(9) f.1, fusiform or cylindric, ob tus e and often with a
thin, projecting part on the apex.
Recognizable by the habitat (under Carpinus or Fagus)) the
distinetly zoned, somewhat viscid cap and the first whitish, crowded
gills. This collection agre es with J. E. LANGE'S account of L. circeZlatus remarkably well in all characters ; illustrations are given by him
in FI. Agar. Dan. pI. 172 D and by NEUHOFF in Die Milchlinge, pI.
VIII, 31.
It seems to be rare in Sweden.
26. Lactarius lacunarum ROMAGN. ex HORA. - Goteborg:
Anggården, Axlamossen, about 400 m SSV. Finnsmossen in Sphagnum among Myrica gale) close to a SaZix-copse) 30.VIII.1965 (n. 7107).
C a p 2-4.5 cm broad, thin-fleshed, at first convex with incurved
margin, then flattened or depressed, finally almost funnel-shaped,
dry, rugulose, bright fulvous or rufous-orange, expallent, margin
not striate when moist; g i Il s pallid, narrow, rather crowded and
25 -
somewhat decurrent; s t e m 2-5 cm X 3-8 mm, equal, at first pallid,
then concolorous with the cap but darker towards the base; m i l k
at first white, tardily yellow, mild, with a slightly bitterish af tert a s t e; s m e Il faint; s p o r e - p r i n t cream-coloured to paIe
ochraceous. - S p o r e s 7-9 X 5.5-6.5p, almost spherical, with coarse
warts, reticulated by crests or fine lines; cystidia fusiform, 50-60 X
6-7 p, often pointed at the apex; cap cuticle filamentous, cells 2-4p
Illustrated in Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. (1939), Tome LV, Atlas pI. 82.
It has not been previously reported from Sweden.
27. Leptoglossum Rickenii SING. ex HORA. Syn. OmphaZia
muralis (Sow. ex FR.) QuEL. sensu RICKEN (1915), non FR.; O. rustica
(FR.) QuEL. sensu KUHN. & ROMAGN. (1935); CanthareZZus helvelloides (BuLL.) QUEL; Leptotus rickenii SINGER (1951); Omphalina
rickenii HORA (1960). - BohusHin: Skredsvik parish about 200 m SV.
of Gullmarsberg on sandy soil amongst moss and short grass,
8.X.1957 (n. 6618).
C a p 1-2.5(3) cm across, thin, membranaceous, tough, brownish
grey with a tint of alutaceous, at first convex-umbilicate with the
margin incurved, then somewhat funnel-shaped, slightly wrinkledstriate, finally margin waved, hygrophanous, grey when dry; g i Il s
represented only by narrow, irregularly branched and often interveined ribs or veins, paIe brownish cIay-coloured; s t e m 8-15 X
1-1.5 mm, concolorous with the cap, equal, often somewhat curved
uppwards from the base, more or les s smooth above, on the Iower
part sometimes with a more or less thick felt y, white covering,
stuffed; s m e Il and t a s t e none; spores in mass white. - S p o r e s
6.5-9.5 X 3-5 p, smooth, cylindric-ellipsoid, non amyloid; cystidia and
clamp connections none.
SINGER (1951) proposed for this interesting fungus the name
Leptotus rickenii and Iater (1962) he pIaced it in the genus Leptoglossum because the gills are represented only by blunt, irregularly
branched ribs or veins.
The species is certainIy rare in Sweden and is reported for the
first time from this country.
26 -
Bresadola, J. (1927-33): Ieonographia Myeologiea. I-XXVI. -
Bresinsky, A. (1958): Phaeocollybia laterarius (sic!) neu fUr Europa. Berieht Naturf. Ges. Augsburg.
Dennis, R. W. E., Orton, P. D. & Hora, F. B. (1960): New Check List of
British Agarics and Boleti. - Trans. Brit. Myeol. Soe., Supplement.
Doguet, G. (1956): Reeherehes sur le Rhodotus palmatus (FR. ex BULL.)
R. MAIRE. - Bull. Soe. Mye. Fr. T. LXXII, fase. 1. Paris.
Døssing, Leif (1961): Nogle for Danmark nye eller sjældne Bladhatte
(Summary: Notes on some little-known Danish Agarics). Friesia. Bd. VI, Hefte 5. København.
Favre, J. (1948): Les associations fongique des hauts-marais jurassiens
et de quelques regions voisines. - Materiaux pour la Flore
Cryptogamique suisse. Vol. X, fase. 3. Berne.
Fries, Elias (1821): Systema Myeologieum. I. - Lundae.
(1857-63): Monographia Hymenomycetum Sueciae. I-II. Upsaliae.
(1867-84): leones seleetae nondum delineatorum. I-II. Holmiae.
(1874): Hymenomycetes Europaei. - Upsaliae.
Hora, F. B. (1960): New Cheek List of British Agarics and Boleti. -Trans. Brit. Myeol. Soe. Vol. 43, part IV.
Karsten, P. A. (1879-82): Rysslands, Finlands oeh den Skandinaviska
halfons hattsvampar. - Helsingfors.
(1889-1894): Kritisk ofversigt af Finlands Basidsvampar. -
Konrad, P. & Maublanc, A. (1934-37): leones seleetae Fungorum. I-VI. Paris.
Kiihner, R. (1935): Le genre Galera. - Eneyclopedie myeologique. Vol.
VII. Paris.
(1938): Le genre Mycena. - Ibid. Vol. X. Paris.
Kiihner, R. & Romagnesi, H. (1953): Flore analytique des champignons
superieurs. - Paris.
(1953): Complements a la Flore analytique. II. Especes nouvelles ou eritiques de Lactarius. - Bull. Soe. Mye. Fr. T. LXIX,
fase. 4. Pans.
Lange. J. E., (1935-40): Flora Agaricina Danica. I-V. -
Lundell, S. & Nannfeldt, J. A. (1941-1956): Fungi exsieeati suecici, praesertim upsalienses. XXI-XLVIII. - Uppsala.
Moser, M. (1955): BHitter- und Bauehpilze. In: GA;'\1S, H.: Kleine Kryptogamenflora von Mitteleuropa. 2. Aufl. - Stuttgart.
Møller, F. H. (1945-58): Fungi of the Færoes. I-II. -
Nathorst-Windahl, T. (1958): Some interesting Agarics from South-Western
Sweden. - Medd. fr. Goteborgs Botan. Tradgård. Vol. XXII:3.
(1961): Some unusual Agarics from Sweden. - Friesia, Nordisk Mycologisk Tidsskrift. Bd. VI, Hefte 5. - København.
Neuhoff, W. (1956): Die Milchlinge (Laetarii). Bd. II b. - Bad Heilbrunn Obb.
Die Pilze MiUeleuropas.
Orton, P. D. (1960): New Check List of British Agarics and Boleti) part
III. Notes on genera and species in the List. - Trans. Brit.
Mycol. Soc. Vol. 43.
QueIet, L. (1888): Flore Mycologique de la France et des pays limitrophes.
- Paris.
Ricken, A. (1915): Die Blatterpilze (Agaricaceae). -
Romagnesi, H. (1937): Essai d'un sectionnement du genre Rhodophyllus.
- BuH. Soc. Myc. Fr. T. LIlI, fasc. 3-4. Paris.
(1938): A la recherche de Lactarius subdulcis. - BuH. Soc.
Myc. Fr. T. LIV, fasc. 3-4. Paris.
(1944): Observations sur quelques especes de Rhodophyllus. BuH. Soc. Myc. Fr. T. LX. Paris.
(1956): A propos de la monographie des Laetaires de W. NEUHOFF. BuH. Soc. Myc. Fr. T. LXXII, fasc. 4. Paris.
Singer, R. (1962): The Agaricales in modern Taxonomy. -
Smith, A. H. (1947): North American Species of Mycena. - University of
Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
(1957): A contribution toward a monograph of Phaeocollybia.
- University of Michigan. Herbarium and the Departm. of
Botany. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Velenovsky, J. (1920-22): Ceske Houby. Praha.
Goteborg, february 1966.
FRIESIA . Bind VIII . Hefte 1 . 1966
Statens plantepatologiske Forsøg, Lyngby.
In the extremely hot and dry summer of 1959, Erysiphe betae
(VANHA) WELTZIEN, the powdery mildew of beet, was found for the
first time in Danish beet fields. The attacks were surprisingly widespread and rather severe in the southern parts of the country, especially on the Islands. Even perithecia were found. Since 1959 only
very few and weak attacks have been observed. In the autumn of 1966,
however, numerous perithecia were found which made new investigations possible.
Erysiphe betae (VANHA) WELTZIEN, the powdery mildew of beet,
is normally of importance only in countries with a more continental
climate, e. g. South Russia. Before 1959 the fungus was found in
Denmark only in a glasshouse at the State Plant Pathology Institute
in 1941 and in a single record at Risø in 1958.
In the extremely hot and dry summer of 1959, however, powdery
mildew was found for the first time in Danish beet fields. The attacks
were surprisingly widespread and rather severe in the southern parts
of the country, especially on the Islands. The strong attacks of Beet
yellow virus in 1959 have perhaps favoured the infections of powdery
mildewas mentioned by WIESNER (1960).
S o u r c e s o f i n f e c t i o n for the severe and widespread
attacks of the powdery mildew in beets in 1959 are considered to be
found on the Continent, mainly in the German Democratic Republic.
Here, widespread attacks of beet mildew were found in the middle of
July (WIESNER 1960), a month earlier than in Denmark. Southerly
winds had been domina ting for periods of 2-3 days in the beginning
and the end of J une, and in the middle of J uly.
Long distance spread of powdery mildew is formerly suggested
and proved by HERMANSEN (1964), concerning the early infection
with Erysiphe graminis on cereals in Denmark.
Another example of long distance spread, with southerly winds
from the Continent, is given by BUCHWALD (1961) concerning unusual
and widespread attacks of Puccinia graminis on wheat in 1951.
T h e f u n g u s. Beet mildew was first observed in 1902 in Czechoslovakia by VANHA (1903). Unfortunately he named the fungus
Microsphaera betae because of some branching of the appendages.
Later findings of mildew on beets mostly concerned the Oidium form
of the fungus, but JACZEWSKI (1927), MURAVJEV (1928) (both according to BLUMER 1933) and WENZL (1957) have found the perfect
stage and refer it correctly to the genus Erysiphe.
Until1963 the beet mildew usually had been referred to as Erysiphe
communis (WALLR.) LINK':- ) or E. polygoni (DC.) St.-Am. WENZL
(1957) discusses in detail the questions of nomenclature. After a
correspondance with Dr. S. BLUMER, WENZL concluded that the beet
mildew in spite of the branching of the appendages provisionally
must be referred to E. communis.
Based on extensive occurrence of beet mildew in Lebanon in 1962,
WEL'TZIEN (1963) investigated a great number of perithecia. He gives
the combination ETysiphe betae (VANHA) comb. nov., because he finds
the fungus to be different from E. communis} in having branched
appendages and fewer spores per ascus, and different from E. polygoni} in the smaller size of the perithecia and nearly equal numbers
of 2 and 3 spored asci (E. polygoni generally has 3 ascospores in
each ascus).
D a n i s h i n ves t i g a t i o n s. In Denmark, perithecia of the
beet mildew fungus have been found only to a small extent in the
fieId, even in 1959. Perithecia found by CHR. STAPEL, at the end of
September 1959, were investigated by the present author as herbarium specimens embedded in glycerol (JENSEN 1966).
In past years beet mildew has been observed a few times on beet
in the glasshouses at the State Plant Pathology Institute, Lyngby.
E. knautiae Duby (1830).
Powder y mildew of beet
E. p olygoni
E . commu nis
1966* )
Append ages:
size compar ed with
diamete r of perithec ia
branchi ng . .... ... . . . . . . . . . .
som e branchi ng
82 pct.
1-(2 )
many at the tip
(se fig. 3)
I r reg ula r
branchi ng usual
Diamet er of perithec ia:
variatio n .. . ...... . . .. .... . .
average . . . ... . .. . .. . .. .. . . . .
70-136 fl
100-107 Il
70-130 fl
100 fl
85-126 ;l
100 l l
100-121 Il
112 fl
75-130 fl
Asci per perithec ium:
variatio n .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .....
average . . . . ... .... . . . . .. . . ..
variatio n ' .. . . . . . ... . ... . ...
average . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . ..
50-64 fl
54-58 Il
62-72 X 31-46 fl
65 X 37 fl
50-85 X 32-52 Il
70 X 42 fl
55-70 X 30-40 Il
50-70 X 30-50 fl
Spores per asci:
variatio n .... . . . . ... ... . . . . .
average .... . ......... . ......
24 X 15fl
18-30 X 12-19 fl
21-31 X 14-21 fl
26 X 16fl
24-28 X 11-13 Il
18-25 X 10-15 fl
Length of ascospo res:
variatio n .. ... ... ..... . . . ...
average . . .. . ... . .. .. . .. . . . ..
21-25 fl
* ) 40 measur ements .
FRIESIA VIII, 1. 1966 (1967)
Fig. 1. Beet leaf heavily covered with powdery mildew (ETysiph e betae
(VAt\mA) WELTZIEN). Perithecia can be seen near the centre. - Phot. A. J.
ca. X 0.5.
FRIESIA VIII, 1. 1966 (1967)
Flg. 2. P erithecia of Erysiphe betae. -
Phot. A. J. X 40.
Fig. 3. Perithecium of Erysiphe betae. Note the irregular and dichotomous
branched appendages. - Phot. A. J. X 250.
FRIESIA VIII, 1. 1966 (1967)
Fig. 4. ETysiphe betae. Perithecium with more asci than normal. Phot. A. J. X 260 .
Fig. 6. ETysiphe betae. Asci with 3-4-6 spores. -
Phot. A. J. X 260.
In the autumn of 1966 numerous perithecia were found and made it
possibie to renew the investigations and take photographs (figs. 1-5).
The investigations by the present author support that the beet
mildew must be called Erysiphe betae (VAN"HA) WELTZIEN, but there
is a divergence in the number of spores per ascus. WELTZIEN uses the
small number (mostly 2 or 3) of spores as a separating factor. The
findings by the present author show clearly that the number is greater.
Perhaps the number of spores is a question of maturity of the perithecia. WENZL (1957) reports the finding of 2-3 spored asci in October,
but la ter in the year, mostly 3-4 spore d asci could be found.
Blurner, S. (1933): Die Erysiphaceen Mitteleuropas. 483 pp. Zlirich.
Buchwald, N. Fabritius (1961): Sortrustepidemien i Danmark i 1951.
Ugeskrift f. Landmænd (København) 106: 283-288.
Hermansen, J. E. (1964): Notes on the appearance of rust and mildew on
barley in Denmark during the years 1961-1963. - Acta Agric.
Scandinavica 14: 33-51.
Jensen, A. (1966): Meldug (Erysiphe betae (V ANHA) WELTZIEN) på bederoer i Danmark. - Ugeskrift f. Landmænd (København) 111:
Junell, Lena: Erysiphaceae of Sweden. - Symb. Botan. Upsalienses 19:
1: 1-117, 1967.
Van ha, J. (1903): Eine neue Blattkrankheit der Rube, der echte Mehltau
der Rube (Microsphaera betae nova species). Zeitschr.
Zuckerindustrie, Bohmen 27: 180.
Weltzien, H. C. (1963): Erysiphe betae (VANHA) comb. nov., the powdery
mildew of beets. - Phytopath. Zeitschr. 47: 123-128.
Wenzl, H. (1957): Studien liber den Erreger des echten Mehltaus auf
Beta-Rube. - Sydowia, Ann. Myc., Ser. II. Beiheft I: 342-352.
Wiesner, K. (1960): Spinnmilben (Tetranychus urticae) KOCH und Echter
Mehltau (Erysiphe communis (WALLR.) an Beta-Ruben im
Jahre 1959. - Nachrichtenbl. Dtsch. Pflanzenschutzd. (Berlin)
N. F. 14: 130-133.
Lyngby, December 1966.
FRIESIA . Bind VIII . Hefte 1 . 1966
Institutionen for Systematisk Botanik, UpsaIa
The Swedish host species of Fomes fomentarius (L. ex FR.)
The polypore Fomes fomentarius is a widespread and well-known
fungus, which has been dealt with in detail by many authors, for instance BUCHWALD (1930) and JAHN (1966). F. fomentarius appears
abundantly on old beech-trunks on the Continent of Europe and even
in the southernmost parts of Sweden. But in the rest of Sweden (and
outside the area with wild beech) the species is as frequent on birch
as it is on beech. That is to say, the Fagus-limit does not constitute
a boundary for Fomes fomentarius in Sweden. For many fungi which
are closely connected with beech on the Continent of Europe, the
northern limit of this tree in Sweden is a more or less definite boundary
(Trametes gibbosa and OudemansielZa mucida); other fungi show a
marked decrease in frequency (Trametes versicolor and Schizophyllurn commune).
It is a well-known faet, that where Fomes fomentarius occurs, the
fungus sometimes also appears on other substrata than the two mentioned above. In this paper the author lists 12 host-genera with 1"4
species for F. fomentarius in Sweden. Acer platanoides with 18 localities is the only one of these occasional hosts that is fairly common
(see photos!). Corylus and Sorbus are reported as new host-genera.
At the end of the lists of localities there are, after every host,
observations made by the author of other polypores on the same
substratum in Central Sweden (Uppland, Vastmanland and Narke).
Corylus avellana has pro ved a rich substratum at least within the
32 -
area just mentioned ; all polypores so far known on this host are
listed in the paper.
An asterisk indicates, that the substratum is determined by an
expert, Mr. ERIC ÅBERG, after microscopical investigation.
The author is of the opinion that the occurrence of Fomes fomentarius on different substrata is of no taxonomical value. See als o the
table of measured fruit bodies!
Det ar ej for mycket sagt, att fnosktickan ar en av de allra bast
kanda svamparna i Skandinavien, liksom inom artens hela utbredningsområde. Hartill bidrager sakert svampens ofta allmanna forekomst, fruktkropparnas storlek, deras intressanta utveckling, formoch fargvariationen samt anvandningen i aldre tid i fnoskindustrin.
Det finns en rik litteratur om svampen. Jag vill har referera till
några intressanta artiklar, dels professor BUCHWALD'S arbeten, och
framst det om Fomes fomentarius) naturhistoria, his to ria och anvandning i "Meddelelser" (BUCHWALD 1930), dels till dr. JAHN'S fornamligt illustrerade artikel i "Westfalische Pilzbriefe" (JAHN 1965).
Fomes fomentarius har en vid utbredning i nastan hela Europa,
forekommer (dock mindre rikligt) aven i Nordamerika och ar uppgiven från Asien. Den europeiska sydgransen sammanfaller ungefar
med sydgransen for vildvaxande bok, nordgransen for bjorkens nordgrans. De namnda två lovtraden, Fagus och Betula, ar de huvudsakliga vardarna i Europa; bok inom det nordligt tempererade lovskogsområdet, bjork inom det nordligt tempererade barrskogsområdet.
I Sverige ar boken vild endast i de sydligaste landskapen (men
odlad och forvildad annu i Mellansverige) , medan bjorkar forekommer genom hela landet. Fnosktickan ar allman i alla delar a v Sverige
(i Sydsverige kallas svampen stundom "bokticka"); den overskrider
alltså bo kens nordgrans och upptrader norr darom med oforandrad
frekvens. Detta ar ett intressant fenomen. Ser man på några andra
polyporeer, exempelvis Trametes gibbosa och T. versicolor) vilka liksom Fomes fomentarius ar allmant forekommande på bok i Mellaneuropa, upphor dessa, respektive minskar starkt i frekvens vid bokens
nordgrans. Trametes versicolor) som i stora delar av landet ersatts
av T. zonata) har jag iakttagit på några få lokaler iMellansverige
norr om Malaren, bland annat på odlad Fagus (Uppland, Lot, Fåno;
coll. GUNNAR ERIKSSON). Trametes gibbosa foreligger i Upsala-herbariet från foljande utpostlokaler: Bohuslan, Rodbo, Bjorkåsen, på
Betula) 1943 (NATHORST-WINDAHL 3768-*) samt bland, GardslOsa,
prastgården, 1950 (DAHLGREN) .
I Sverige - liksom overallt inom det område dar Fomes jomentarius forekommer - kan svampen av och till upptrada aven på
andra an de ovannamnda substraten. Avsikten med foreliggande avhandling ar att offentliggora ett ganska omfattande materialover
fnosktickans vardvaxtval. Det mesta harror från mina egna insamlingar under senare år iMellansverige (Uppland, Vastmanland, Narke
etc.). Jag har ave n fortecknat de fynd som ar belagda i våra stora
herbarier, ytterligare material har erhållits från mykologer som tillskrivits angående F. jomentarius) substratval.
I sitt ovannamnda arbete behandlar BUCHWALD in gående fnosktickans vardvaxtval. For Danmark anges sju vardslakten (sammanlagt 9 arter). I en senare notits (BUCHWALD 1934) har tillkommit
annu en art Populus) namligen P. virginiana. BJ0RNEKÆR (1938)
anger Acer pseudoplatanus och Alnus glutinosa som nya vardvaxter
for Danmark. Svampen ar sedan konstaterad har 4 a 5 gånger på
Acer pseudoplatanus) ett par gånger på Alnus glutinosa samt 1 a 2
gånger på Ulmus glabra (BUCHWALD in litt.). De namnda avhandlingarna har gjort mig intresserad for Fomes i Sverige, och enligt
vår nuvarande kannedom ar har motsvarande antal 12 slakten med
tillsammans 14 arter (Carpinus betulus ej medraknad), vilket skall
jamforas med den aktuella danska siffran 9 vardslakten (sammanlagt
12 arter).
Såvitt jag kunnat finn:;t, ar två av dessa sIakten ej alls tidigare
uppgivna som hysande Fomes jomentarius) namligen Corylus och
Sorbus. Som framgår av nedanstående lokallista, hor de fortecknade
vardarna till våra svamprikaste lignoser - med undantag a v Fraxinus. Fnosktickan ar en svår rotsvamp på bok och bjork, på ovriga
trad och buskar saknar den på grund av sin sallsynthet betydelse.
Endast i fråga om Acer platanoides bland de tillfalliga substraten ar
F. jomentarius någotsånar viktig; 18 lokaler ar kanda, och det ar
fråga om alle- och landsvagstrad som infekterats. Nastan samtliga
av dessa observationer har jag gjort under bilfarder, och det har
varit de helt eller delvis doda stammarna som dragit uppmarksamheten till sig - och vid många tillfallen har då fnosktickan avslOjats.
Underhand har for Alnus incana och Populus tremula tillkommit så
många nya lokaler, att F. jomentarius lokalt kan betraktas som en
tamligen viktig rotsvamp, åtminstone på gråal.
Fomes jomentarius) upptradande på de avvikande, sallsynta sub-
straten ar olikt det på Fagus och Betula) · vanlige n komme r
någon eller några få fruktkr oppar till utveckl ing, och - med
undantag av Acer platano ides - når de sallan ens den på bjork
normai a
storlek en (se tabell och fig.).
Två område n framst år enligt vår nuvara nde kanned om som sarskil
intress anta vad det galler fnoskti ckan och dess forekom st,
bel agna i sydkan ten av Bergsl agsterr angen med dess marker ade
topografi samt omvaxl ande och rika vegetat ion. På tre lokaler
bel agna
intill varand ra i Norber gs socken (Vastm anland ), har fnoskti
iakttag its på Alnus incana) Betula) Corylu s avellan a) Salix
och Sorbus aucupa ria)· på gråal till och med ganska rikligt inom
begran sat område .
Från Kilsber gen på granse n mellan Narke och Varmla nd
ERIK SUNDSTRaM, Karlsk oga, meddel at flera fynd av Fomes
fomentarius. I maj 1967 har jag haft tillfiHle att gora omfatt
ande komple tteringa r inom samma område , framst på Villing sbergs skjutfa
(Hiding e och Tysslin ge sockna r, Narke) samt inom och strax
utanfo r
Garphy ttans nationa lpark (Hiding e socken ). Inom ett begran
sat område från Karlsk oga till Lanna i Hiding e ar F. foment arius
på ej mindre an sju olika vardtra d, på Acer platano ides) Alnus
och Populu s tremula lokalt tamiige n rikligt.
Samtli ga mina lokaler , med undant ag av de for Fomes foment arius
på Acer platano ides) ar naturli g skogsm ark, ofta av blandsk
ogskarakt ar, tat och frodig och mer eller mindre forsum pad, i
fall tamlige n orord. Inom Villing sbergs skjutfa lt har de olika
rotsvampa rna kraftig t gynnat s av militar aktivit et i olika former
Från kontine nten, sarskil t Frankr ike, finns uppgif ter om ytterliga re var da r, bland vilka flera kan tankas komma i fråga
aven i
Sverige . I juli 1965 iakttog jag F. foment arius på Acer platano
ides i
Warsza wa (Ogrod Saski) och i oktobe r 1966 på Aescul us hippoca
stanum i en park i Prag. Under en exkurs ion i Bohme rwald
tillsam rnans
med dr. ALBERT PILAT hade jag tillfald e att studera Fomes
fomentarius på ej mindre an fyra olika substra t, namlig en
spars amt på
Acer platano ides och Aescul us hippoca stanum i alle vid
Diana (distr.
Tachov ) samt mycket rikligt på Acer pseudo platanu s och
silvatic a i urs kogen intill Diana. Angåen de ovriga
lignose r som
infekte ras av F. foment arius se BOURDOT et GALZIN (1928),
(1936-4 2), KREISEL (1961) och JAHN (1965). En jamfor eise
vardva xtlistor na for Europa och Nordam erika visar en god overens
stamme ise vad slakten a betraff ar (BUCHWALD 1930).
Av speciel lt intress e ar det fynd av Fomes foment arius på Picea
enda, lilla
abies som forelig ger från Detmol d i Vasttys kland. Den
fruktkr oppen vaxer fortfar ande på en sedan lange dod gran
in litt.). Från Nordam erika
OVERHOLTS (1953) Tsuga som vardtra
typiska lovtrad sarter kan upptra da på barrved )
ar ett intress ant och valkan t forhåll ande. For Fomito psis
exempe lvis, komme r BetuZa som den vanliga ste varden efter
(trots artepit etet ar svampe n
mycket ovanta de fynd - som exempe lvis
(Upp(JAHN, op. cit. p. 131) eller av HapaZopiZus niduZans på gran
land) - ar emeller tid också kan da (se lokallis tan under
PopuZus och Sorbus !).
uppFruktk roppar av Fomes foment arius bryter fram på såval
iaktrattståe nde som liggand e stamm ar och grenar, på de av mig
tagna och nedan forteck nade lokaler na dessuto m vanlige
(0.1-4 m o. m.). De fruktkr oppsba rande stamm arna ar oftast
alltjam t
men det hander att delar av kronan eller andra stamm ar
gro ns kar något. I samtlig a fall
svampe n upptra tt på stamm ar med barken
partier na utbilda s en typisk vitrota (se fig. 10 och 11!).
vid pridet faktum att tickan endast ar forenad med substra tet
mordia lkarnan (Primo rdialke rn, se JAHN, op. cit. p. 120), ar
anledni ngen till att Fomes foment
veden (till skillna d från PheZZinus igniariu s
på ek).
Något taxono miskt varde har knappa st svampe ns upptrad ande
bjorskilda substra t. Många mykolo ger anser visserli gen bo kens och
kens fnoskti ckor for- skil da former . For
nteras med
tarius på bjork, blir det en stor uppleve lse att konfro
kontine ntens gamla boksko gar med massor av stora och
an de
krop par på stamm arna, såval till antal som form något annat
de ar
på bjork i exempe lvis Mellan sverige . Andock tror jag inte att
genetis kt skilda former , kanske kan
eldtick an taIa om skil da substra traser. Jag anslute
en att
som framfo rts av bland annat JAHN (op. cit. p. 131), namlig
det inte forelig ger någon vasentl ig skillna d mellan F. foment
hos olika vardar. Jag tror
måga att ge naring ; på grov Fagus
samt stora och breda. Ju tunnar e stam desto mindre och hogre
(under forutsa ttning att stamm en ar uppratt , på lågor
lang re och ej så haga). BUCHWALD har harfor anvant uttrycket matrikalmodifika tion. Se tabell och fig!
I svampsuccessionen på såval upprattstående som liggande stammar av flera olika vardvaxter upptrader Fomes jomentarius och
Fomitopsis pinicoZa samtidigt. Valutvecklade fruktkroppar av de
namnda arterna har iakttagits tillsamrnans på BetuZa (fig. 7), Acer
pZatanoides} AZnus incana} PopuZus tremuZa och Sorbus aucuparia. I
ett nyutkommet arbete, JAHN (1966), behandlas svampsamhallen på
PopuZus tremuZa i Fiby urskog (Uppland, Vange socken). Av intressanta polyporeer som i mindre antal antecknats på liggande, doda
aspstamrnar av måttlig formultningsgrad marks Fomes jomentarius}
dessutom Antrodia moZZis} Fomitopsis pinicoZa} Ganoderma appZanatum och Trametes betuZina.
Eldtickan (PheZZinus igniarius) har ofta kommit att betraktas som
en dubbelgångare till fnosktickan; svårigheterna att skilja de två
åt ar dock betydligt overdrivna. Ph. igniarius (s. lat.) har ett jamfort
med Fomes jomentarius betydligt vidare vardvaxtregister ave n i Sverige; endast i något fall ar fnosktickan den vanligare a v de två.
Det kan var a betydligt svårare att makroskopiskt skilja platttickan (Ganoderma appZanatum) från Fomes jomentarius} sarskilt då
den forstnamnda vaxer på upprattstående stammar av till exempel
Acer pZatanoides (se lokallistan), Quercus etc. Från G. appZanatum
skiljs dock F. jomentarius på forekomst av primordialkarna samt på
sammanhangande ror, hos plattickan ar rorskikten åtskilda av brun
trama. G. appZanatum kan i Sverige upptrada på nastan vilket substrat som helst, från Spiraea till Abies och Pinus. På Brittiska oarna
(exklusive Skottland) har Fomes jomentarius forvaxlats med Ganoderma appZanatum; fnosktickan har visat sig vara en mycket sallsynt
svamp har med endast en saker lokal i Kent (REID & AUSTWICK 1963,
p. 304).
Angående fnosktickans utbredning meddel ar KARSTEN (1882):
"Loftrad, helst bok och bjork, a.". I upplaga 4 av KROK & ALMQUIST"S
kryptogam del (1917) lamnar ROMELL foljande upplysning: "Stamm.
och stubb. av bjork och bok, någon gång aven på ek och lonn, a.".
Som framgår av nedanstående lokallista finns ROMELL'S egna insamlingar på ek och lonn bevarade i Riksmuseets samlingar (S). I senaste upplagan av kryptogarnfloran (1962) har passusen om ek och
16nn fått utgå.
Belaggexemplar av Fomes jomentarius forvaras i forfattarens privata herbarium i Upsaia (L N.), på Institutionen for Systematisk
Botanik, Upsaia (UPS) och på Riksmuseet, Stockholm (S). Foljande
kollekter kommer att utdelas i S. LUNDELL et J. A. NANNFELDT "Fungi
Exsiccati Suecici": 2271 och 2310.a (Acer platanoides) ) 4152 (Alnus
incana) samt 2381 (Sorbus aucuparia). Kollekter dar substratet har
bestamts efter mikroskopisk undersokning av ingenjor ERIC ÅBERG
ar markerade med *.
1. Acer platanoides.
1. Upl, Alunda, O. om Sydinge. 1966 (l. N.).
2. " Bondkyrka, Håga. 1961-65 (l. N. 2724, 3217). 2 olika
trad. Tillsammans med Phlebia radiata) Trametes unicolor och T. zonata. - Fig. 1.
Dannemora, W. om Andersby. 1967 (l. N. 4323-*). På
upprattstående, meterhog stamrest och låga.
Film, Osterbybruk. 1964 (l. N.).
Knutby, vid kyrkan. 1965 (L N. 3463).
Skafthammar, Gimo, slottsalh~n. 1965 (L N. 3186).
Svinnegarn, Haga, allen. 1966 (l. N. 4147) .
Tegelsmora, Orbyhus slottspark. 1963 (l. N. 2058).
Taby, Nasby gård. 1903. (L. ROMMEL) S.
Vidbo, Norrby. 1963 (L N. 2271). - Fig. 2 och 3.
11. Vsm, Hallstahammar. 1966 (L N. 4160). Tillsammans med
Ganoderma applanatum) Phlebia radiata och Pleurotus serotinus.
12. Nrk, Hidinge, Sågaregården. 1967 (L N. 4288). Tamligen
rikligt tillsammans med Fomitopsis pinicola och Ganoderma applanatum.
13. Gstr, Osterfarnebo, Gysinge, allen vid vardshuset. 1964
(l. N. 2310.a-Y.-). Låga tillsammans med Antrodia mollis.
- Fig. 4.
14. Dlr, Leksand, Haradsbygden. 1965 (l. N.). En stor fruktkropp lågt samt en mindre.
Nastan samtliga av dessa trad ar alletrad eller enstaka landvagstrad. Endast lokal 3 och 12 ar naturlig vegetation; forstnamnda ar
de rika lundmarkerna vid Dannemorasjon 1 km W. om bebyggelsen.
I några fall har stammarna varit spars amt gronskande trots angreppen. På etiketten till ROMELL'S kollekt anfors: "an lebendem
Acer-Stamme" .
PheZlinus igniarius har jag funnit endast sju gånger på Acer
platanoides. De allmannaste polyporeerna på detta substrat ar Ganoderma applanatum} Oxyporus populinus} Polyporus squamosus} Spongipellis spumeus och Trametes unicolor.
2. Alnus glulinosa.
15. Vg,
Goteborg, Botaniska tradgården, Naturparken. 1966
(F. KARLVALL in litt.). Låga.
16. Srm, Nacka (Saltsjobaden), Solsidan. 1948 (S. RUNDQUIST)
17. Upl, AIsike, Rickebasta trask. 1966 (L N. 3634). En liten
fruktkropp på en tunn, dod, upprattstående stam.
Bondkyrka, Vårdsatra naturpark. 1931 (S. LUNDELL
948) UPS; 1937, 1938 (S. LUNDELL et J. A. NANNFELDT "Fungi Exsiccati Suecici" 734).
Tensta, N. om Gropdalen. 1967 (L N. 4315*). Två små
exempIar på Iåga (bottentra i vedtrave) tillsammans
med Polyporus brumalis och Tramet es hirsuta.
20. Nrk, Tysslinge, Tolshyttan (Villingsbergs skjutfalt). 1967
(L N. 4294*). En fruktkropp 2 dm o. m. på 4 m hog
avskjuten stubbe (stamdiameter på 2 dm hojd: 25 cm)
tillsammans med Bjerkandera adusta - dessutom fem
små fruktkroppar. - Fig. 13.
LUNDELL (1932) anger f61jande om Fomes fom entarius} upptradande i sitt arbete om Vårdsatra naturpark: "På doda, liggande stammar av bjork och al". Hartill kan nu fogas Corylus - se nedan!
Den enda allmanna polyporen på Alnus glutinosa ar Inonotus
radiatus. Nio gånger har jag funnit PheZlinus igniarius} två gånger
Fomitopsis pinicola.
3. Alnus incana.
21. Vsm, Grythytte, Flosjohyttan. 1967 (E. SUNDSTROM) UPS.
22. " Norberg, Silvtjarn. 1966 (L N. 4152). Tamligen rikligt
på lågor och en upprattstående, knackt stam tillsammans med Fomitopsis pinicola} Inonotus radiatus}
Phlebia radiata och Tremella foliacea. - Fig. 8.
23. Nrk, Hidinge, Sågaregården. 1967 (I. N.). Tillsamrnans med
Fomitopsis pinicola.
Hidinge, Garphyttans nationalpark. 1967 (I. N. 4290).
Tamligen rikligt tillsamrnans med Bjerkandera adusta
och Fomitopsis pinicola.
Hidinge, Lovbråten vid sjon Karmen (Villingsbergs
skjutfalt). 1967 (I. N.). Ett tiotal små fruktkroppar
på tre trad tilsamrnans med Fomitopsis pinicola.
Hidinge, Lanna. 1967 (E. SUNDSTROM in litt.). Ett
exemplar tillsamrnans med Fomitopsis pinicola på do d,
upprattstående stam.
Tysslinge, Tolshyttan (Villingsbergs skjutfalt). 1967
(I. N. 4292). En storre och en mindre fruktkropp på
låga i dike tillsamrnans med Polyporus brumalis) Trametes betulina och T. hirsuta.
Vrm, Karlskoga, Valåsen. 1964 (E. SUNDSTROM in litt.) .
F i n l a n d: Lappland, Pisavaara naturpark, Sorvannulikka (O.
om Rovaniemi). 1962 (J. ERIKSSON & Å. STRID). Har forekommer
Fomes fomentarius aven på Populus tremula och Salix caprea (J.
ERIKSSON in li tt.) .
Inonotus radiatus ar den allmannaste arten aven på Alnus incana.
Phellinus igniarius har jag funnit sex gånger och Fomitopsis pinicola
på fem lokaler.
4. Betula pubescens (inkl. tortuosa) och 5. B. verrucosa.
Fomes fomentarius ar en av de allmannaste polyporeerna på Betula) andra arter ar Fomitopsis pinicola (45 lokaler. -
Fig. 7), Inono-
tus obliquus) Phellinus igniarius) Ph. laevigatus) Ph. trivialis) Piptoporus betulinus) Pycnoporus cinnabarinus) Trametes betulina) T. unicolor
och T. zonata. En lång rad andra polyporeer forekommer aven, Inonotus radiatus (7 lokaler) och Gloeoporus dichrous (8) fortjanar sarskilt namnas; den sistnamnda upptrader nastan alltid tillsamrnans
med gammal Inonotus obliquus (på hymeniet).
? Carpinus betulus.
SYLvEN (1953): "Allvarliga skador fororsakas av ett flertal olika
parasitsvampar, av vilka framst bor namnas fnosketickan (Polyporus
fomentarius) ". Forvaxling med Phellinus igniarius ar ej alls utesluten
41 -
- på odlad avenbok i Ups aIa och stadens narhet har jag fyra gånger
noterat Ph. igniarius. Enligt BUCHWALD (1930) ar F. fomentarius ej
sedd på Carpinus i Danmark.
6. Corylus avelIana.
29. Upl, Bondkyrka, Vårdsatra naturpark. 1964 (l. N. 2588*).
Låga med fem fruktkroppar som utvecklats sedan den
grova stammen fallit.
Vaksaia, W. om Jalla lantmannaskola. 1967 (l. N.
4188). En storre och en mindre fruktkropp på två
olika buskar tillsammans med CorioZellus campestris)
EncoeZia furfuracea) Fomitopsis pinicoZa (en liten dod
fruktkropp), Hymenochaete tabacina) Inonotus radiatus) Nectria cinnabarina) PheZZinus punctatus) Trametes hoehneZii och Vuilleminia comedens. - Fig. 10,
11 och 12.
31. Vsm, Munktorp, Sylta hagar. 1964 (I. N. 2812). En fruktkropp.
Norberg, Klaeken, W. om Klackbergsgården. 1965
(l. N. 3293*). Två stOrre och flera små exemplar.
CoryZus avellana ar forbisett som ett intressant och rikt substrat.
I ostra Mellansverige har jag gjort noggranna anteckningar, och
kanner nu 25 arter polyporeer på denna yard, det vill saga en av de
rikaste. Stickprov under resor i andra delar av landet har ej alls
givit samma positiva resultat. Arterna ar har ordnade efter fallande
frekvens: Inonotus radiatus) CorioZellus campestris (= Dichomitus
campestris. 100 lokaler), Phellinus punctatus) Ph. igniarius (26),
Poria versipora) HapaZopiZus niduZans (18), Trametes hoehneZii (17.
Nastan alltid tillsammans med gammal Inonotus radiatus)' det ar en
markant fargskillnad mellan det gamla brunsvarta hymeniet av I.
radiatus och de darpå sittande små, farska, samskfargade fruktkropparna av Trametes hoehneZii) , PoZyporus brumaZis (6), Trametes hirsuta (9), T. unicoZor (8), T. zonata) Fomes fomentarius (4 - se
ovan!), Antrodia moZZis (= PoZyporus cervinus) Datronia mollis. 4
fynd), Bjerkandera adusta (3), PoZyporus meZanopus (2), P. varius
(2), Poria eupora (= Chaetoporus euporus. 2), Trametes betuZina
(2), Tyromyces cfr. caesius samt CorioZellus heteromorphus (1 = de
foljande) , Fomitopsis pinicola) Hirschioporus abietinus) Phellinus ferruginosus (2), Ph. robustus (1) och Trametes versicoZor (1).
Bland de uppdiknade ar huvudparten polyfaga arter, endast Coriolellus campestris har Corylus som huvudsaklig vardvaxt (dessutom
Quercus på 14 lokaler). Coriolellus heteromorphus} Fomitopsis pinicola och Hirschioporus abietinus ar barrtradsarter (framforallt på
gran), som en gång vardera insamlats på Corylus avellana i Uppland
(den sistnamnda darjamte på Populus tremula i Vastmanland och
7. Fagus silvatica.
33. Bh,
Skredsvik, Gullmarsberg. (T. NATHORST-WINDAHL in
litt. 1966).
34. Stockholm. 1892 (R. RESSELMAN) S.
Forstnamnda lokal har uppgivits vara landets nordligaste skog
av vild bok. Materialet från lokal 34 - en liten fruktkropp - avser
odlad Fagus.
En ståtlig bokstam från Småland med talrika fruktkroppar av
Fomes jomentarius ar återgiven hos NANNFELDT (1952).
8. Fraxinus excelsior.
35. Srm, Brannkyrka, Lovholmen. 1894 (R. KUGELBERG) S-x-.
36. Upl, Fasterna, Rånas, alle. 1963. (N. SUBER in litt.). Tradstammen gronskade.
Fraxinus excelsior ar ett fattigt substrat. Några arter som kan
upptrada ar sallsynta och specieIlt intressanta, till exempel Trametes
extenuata (3 lokaler i Vastmanland) och Inonotus hispidus på Gotland och Oland (coll. NANNFELDT och NORDIN). For Phellinus igniarius på ask har jag endast tre lokaler antecknade (i Uppland, Vastmanland och Varmland ) .
9. Populus tremu]a.
37. Sk,
38. Srm,
40. Upl,
Orkened, Lonsboda. 1938 (O. ANDERSSON in litt.).
Allhelgona, Bullersta. 1892 (G. SCHOTTE) S.
Nykoping. 1892. (G. SCHOTTE) S.
Funbo, W. om Korsbacken. 1966 (L N. 3640). Ett
exemplar på låga.
43 -
41. UpI. Havero, Prastangen. 1964 (1. N. 2393). En fruktkropp
på en gren i kronan på ett relativt nyfallet trad.
Vange, Fiby urskog. 1966 och 1967 (1. N.). Lågor. På
en stam vid Fibybacken tillsamrnans med Bjerkandera
adusta och Phellinus tremulae.
43. Nrk, Tysslinge, Tolshyttan (Villingsbergs skjutfalt). 1967
(1. N. 4291). Dels en fruktkropp på en avskjuten stam
tillsammans med Trametes unicolor) dels fem små
exemplar på ett smalt, dott trad.
44. Vrm, Karlskoga. (E. SUNDSTROM in litt. 1966: "tamligen ofta
på Populus tremula") .
F i n l a n d: "Common throughout the research area (on Betula)
& KANKAINEN 1964, p. 189).
Populus and Salix)" (KALLIO
Populus tremula ar ett rikt substrat med bland annat Phellinus
tremulae (den allmannaste polyporen) samt Antrodia mollis (17
lokaler), Fomitopsis pinicola (4), Inonotus vulpinus) Phellinus igniarius) Poria corticola) Trametes betulina (5) och T. zonata (allman) ;
dessutom många andra bland vilka kan namnas Gloeophyllum sepiarium (3 lokaler iOstergotland, Uppland och Vastmanland) och
Gloeoporus dichrous (ett fynd på gammalt hymenium av Inonotus
vulpinus i Uppland). Gloeophyllum sepiarium (se ovan!) och Hirschioporus abietinus (2 lokaler i Vastmanland och Narke) ar barrtradsarter (huvudsakligen på gran) som sallsynt iakttagits aven på Populus tremula.
Inonotus vulpinus och Phellinus tremulae ar exklusiva aspsvampar; jag har dock funnit dem tillsammans på Populus x canescens
(cult.) i Uppland (= lokal 7 i listan), Ph. tremulae aven på en lokal
i Ostergotland på Populus x canescens.
Fomes jomentarius ar markligt nog kand endast från denna
Populus-art i Sverige.
10. Quercus robur.
45. Vg, Hemsjo, SIavik. 1881 (J. H. HAGELIN) S.
46. Srm, Nacka, Jarla kyrkogård. 1900 (L. RO:MELL) S+:·.
De intressantaste storsvamparna på Quercus robur ar naturligtvis
de for tradet i fråga specifika arterna. I ostra Mellansverige, nara
ekens nordgrans, har jag funnit fOljande: Daedalea quercina) Fistulina hepatica (12 lokaler), Inonotus dryophilus (= Polyporus corruseans. Ett fynd i Uppland), Pachykytospora tuberculosa (= Trametes colliculosa) Polyporus albo-carneo-gilvidus. 4 lokaler), Phellinus
robustus (22) samt Hymenochaete rubiginosa och Xylobolus jrustulatus (= Stereum jrustulatum. 7 fynd). Se aven Coriolellus campestris under Corylus avellanal
11. Salix caprea.
47. Upl, Knutby, Gavelns gård. 1965 (N. SUBER in litt.).
Knutby 3 km S. om Knutby. 1964. (H. JAHN in litt.).
49. Vsm, Norberg, Malmkarragruvan. 1966 (l. N. 4165). En stor
fruktkropp tillsammans med Phellinus conchatus. Fig. 9.
50. Nrk, Hidinge, W. om Kulbacksdammens sydanda (Villingsbergs skjutfalt). 1967 (l. N. 4284*). Tre små fruktkroppar på låga under bergbrant tillsammans med
Phellinus conchatus.
51. Nb,
Overtorneå, Sarkijarvi, 18 km NW. om kyrkbyn. 1957
De allmannast forekommande polyporeerna på Salix caprea ar
Phellinus conchatus ("salgticka"), Ph. igniarius (s. lat.), Ph. punctatus) Trametes hirsuta och T. unicolor samt tillfalligt andra, såsom
Antrodia mollis (5 lokaler) och Laetiporus sulphureus (2).
12. Sorbus aucuparia.
52. Upl, Bladåker, Norr-Giningen. 1964 (l. N. 2762). Ett exemplar på nerhangande, dod topp.
Osterlovsta, Leufstabruk, Engelska parken vid slottet.
1964-1967 (l. N. 2736"*, 3162). Två olika lågor på
skilda platser ; forsta insamlingstillfallet: två fruktkroppar varav en dod (utvecklad medan stammen
stod uppratt). Kollekt 3162 var en max. niomånader
gammal fruktkropp på samma låga (se tabell!). Fyndet från 1967: två exemplar på upprattstående stamdel och två på den knackta, nerhangande delen. - Fig.
14 och 15.
54. Vsm, Kila, Lerbacken. 1964 (L N. 2381). Fem fruktkroppar
på upprattstående, dod stam tillsamrnans med Fomitopsis pinicola och H apalopilus nidulans (bagge på
stammens knackta, nerhangande del). - Fig. 5 och 6.
Norberg, Silvtjarn. 1966 (L N. 4151-*). Ett litet exemplar tillsamrnans med Pleurotus serotinus på en upprattstående, smal, dod stam.
56. Vrm, Karlskoga, Utterbacken. 1964 (E. SUNDSTROM in litt.).
De allmannaste polyporeerna på Sorbus aucuparia: Phellinus
igniarius) Ph. punctatus) Trametes hirsuta) Pycnoporus cinnabarinus
(19 lokaler), Polyporus brumalis och Hapalopilus nidulans (8). Mer
sallsynt forekommer bland annat Antrodia mollis (4), Fomitopsis
pinicola (2), Gloeophyllum sepiarium (ett fynd i Vastmanland),
Inonotus obliquus (en lokal i Narke), Trametes betulina och T. unicolor.
13. Ulmus glabra.
57. Bl,
Nattraby, Skarva. 1967 (O. ANDERSSON in litt.).
LAGERBERG (1962 p. 168): "Den forekommer endast på ·lovtrad.
Hos oss ar den emellertid i så overvagande grad hanvisad till bjork
och bok, att den på andra tradslag, t. ex. al, alm och lonn, kan betecknas som en sallsynthet". Varken i Skogshogskolans eller Riksmuseets samlingar finns någon kollekt som skulle kunna verifiera
uppgiften om F. fomentarius på alm. Ulmus ar ett av vardtraden i
Danmark. Phellinus igniarius ar sedd en gång på alm (i Uppland).
De kompletteringar till ovanstående artikel - huvudsakligen i
form av nya lokalfynd - som gjorts under sommaren och hosten
1967 har endast delvis kunnat arbetas in i artikeln.
Acer platanoides.
58. Upl, Soderfors, Soderfors bruk. 1967 (L N.). Tre fruktkrop par i dod topp av gronskande trad.
59. Upl, 6sterlOvsta, Spjutbo. 1967 (L N.) Många exemplar på
låg stubbe i gdismattan på brukskyrkogården. Några
fruktkroppar på stam vid bondgården intill.
60. Vrm, Gunnarskog, Allstakan, Bortan. 1967 (H. CARLSTEDT
303). UPS. Två fruktkroppar på 4 dm hog stubbe i
hack intill landsvag tillsammans med Ganoderma
applanatum och Polyporus brumalis.
61. Dlr, Husby, Stjernsund, Grabbudden. 1967 (L N. 4373).
Aesculus hippocastanum.
62. Bl,
Sillhovda, Holmsjo. 1967
in litt.).
Hastkastanjen brukar normalt vara fri från rotsvampar. Phellinus
igniarius ar dock antecknad på Aesculus hippocastanum från 6
lokaler, och i ovrigt marks Polyporus squamosus} Oxyporus populinus}
Polyporus varius och Spongipellis spumeus samt Bjerkandera adusta}
B. fumosa och Ganoderma applanatum} de flesta endast vid något enda
Alnus glutinosa_
63. Upl, Forsmark, Klockarhagen. 1967 (L N. 4361 *). Låga.
Salix caprea.
64. Dlr, Husby, Borgarhyttan (Stjernsunds skogsforvaltning).
1967 (L N. 4374).
Sorbus aucuparia.
65. Upl, Vaksaia, Jalla, N. om Tomten. 1967 (L N. 4369). Tillsammans med Trametes hirsuta. Lokalen belagen
400 m SW. om lokal nr. 30.
Genom OLOF ANDERSSON'S fynd av Fomes fomentarius på Aesculus
och Ulmus i Blekinge ar nu antalet sakert konstaterade vardvaxter
14 (12 slakten). I sydligaste Sverige kan forvantas att fnosktickan
skall bli funnen ave n på Acer pseudoplatanus. Thesleff (i "Studier
ofver basidsvampfloran i sydostra Finland". - Bidrag till kannedom
af Finlands natur och folk. Helsingfors 1919) anger fOljande om
Fomes jomentarius: "Bjork, lind, asp, al, hagg; hela året. a". Bland
dessa ar lind och hagg ej kanda som vardtrad i Sverige.
De flesta kompletteringarna, bland annat samtliga nya lokaler på
skogslOnn, harror från Bergslagsterrangen, dar Acer platanoides ar
allmant odlad som vård- och alletrad. Listan over forekomster av
Fomes jomentarius på A. platanoides från denna trakt kommer att
kunna kompletteras ytterligare.
Hosten 1967 har jag haft tillfalle att besoka ett område vid Flinesjon iDalarna, tillhorigt Stjernsunds skogsforvaltning, dar lovskogen
dodats genom fickning. De doende traden hade infekterats av Fomes
jomentarius) vars fruktkroppar nu i mycket stort antal brot fra m på
de kaIa bjorkstammarna inom stora områden. Salix caprea antecknades aven som vardvaxt, och det ar mycket troligt att aven andra
lovtrad var infekterade av fnosktickan. Metoden med fickning anvands inom storskogsbruket på många håll. Resultatet kan bli som
på den namnda lokalen en kolossal uppblomstring av vissa rotsvamp ar, och framst då Fomes jomentarius. På bjorkstammar som
blivit svedda av eld upptradde darjamte Fomitopsis pinicola) Pycnoporus cinnabarinus etc.
Bland de polyporeer som - forutom Fomes jomentarius - antraffats på Corylus avellana marks den nyfunna Phetlinus robustus
(en lokal iOstergotland) . I och med f yndet foreligger nu två for
Quercus och Corylus gemensamma och exklusiva tickor, namligen
Coriolellus campestris och Phellinus robustus. Ektickans huvudform
ar i Sverige endast kan d från ek, men upptrader på kontinenten aven
på Castanea och Robinia. Dr. HERMANN JAHN, som verifierat min
bestamning, har dock funnit en stor fruktkropp av Ph. robustus aven
på Corylus i Westfalen (JAHN in litt.). Den av mig funna kollekten
utgors av f. resupinatus BOURD. & GALZIN, helt resupinat på upprattstående, doda hasselstammar. I brottet hade fruktkropparna en for
arten karaktaristisk gulbrun farg och sidenglans. Se JAHN 1966-67,
Ingenjor ERIC ABERG, Upsala, har nedlagt ett stort arbete på att bestamma vedprover åt mig, ej endast de i artikeln markerade kollekterna,
utan aven alIa de som aldrig togs med, emedan substratet ej visade sig
vara av specielIt intresse. Professor JOHN AXEL NANNFELDT och doktor
HERMANN JAHN har last artikeln i manuskript. Professor N. FABRITIUS
BUCHWALD har aven haft vanligheten att Iamna uppgifter och anvisningar
om fnosktickan. Många mykologer har på begaran lamnat vardefulla
lokaluppgifter. Jag ber att få framfora ett hjartligt tack for all denna hjalp.
Storleken i mm hos fruktkroppar av F. jomentarius på olika vardtrad.
Measurements in mm of fruit-bodies of F.fomentarius on different substrata.
I Hojd I Langd I Bredd I
(height) (length) (breath)
Acer pZatanoides
L N.
fig. 9
AZnus gZutinosa
L N.
AZnus in cana
L N.
CoryZus av eZZana
L N.
PopuZus t remuZa
L N.
SaZi x caprea
L N.
Sorbus aucupari a
L N.
fig. 2 och 3
fig. 13
" 8 till vanster
fig. 10,11 och 12
Bjørnekær, K. (1938): Undersøgelser over nogle danske Poresvampes
Biologi. Med særligt Hensyn til deres Sporefældning. - Friesia
II:1. København.
BOUl'dot, H. & Galzin, A. (1928): Hymenomycetes de France. - Sceaux.
Buchwald, N. F. (1930): Tønder- eller Fyrsvampen (Polyporus fomentarius
(L.) FR.). Dens Naturhistorie, Historie og Anvendelse. - Meddelelser fra Foreningen til Svampekundskabens Fremme. 4:
49-92. København.
(1934): En sjælden Værtplante for Tøndersvamp. Polyporus
fomentarius paa Populus virginiana. - Flora og Fauna, Hefte 2.
Jahn, H. (1965): Entwicklung und Formen der Fruehtkorper beim Zunderschwamm, Fomes fomentarius. - WestfaJisehe Pilzbriefe V: 7/8.
(1966): Pilzgesellschaften an Populus tremula. Zeitschr.
Pilzkunde 32: 1/2.
(1966-67): Die resupinaten Phellinus-Arten in Mitteleuropa. Westfiilische Pilzbriefe VI: 3/6.
Kallio, P. & Kankainen, E. (1964): Notes on the Macromycetes of Finnish
Lappland and adjaeent Finnmark. - Ann. Univ. Turku. A, II:
32. Turku.
Karsten, P. A. (1882): Rysslands, Finlands och Den Skandinaviska Halfons Hattsvampar. Senare delen: Pip-, Tagg-, Hud-, Klubb- oeh
Gelesvampar. - Bidrag till Kannedom af Finlands Natur øch
Folk. Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten. Hafte 37. Helsingfors.
Kreisel, H. (1961): Die phytopathogenen Grosspilze Deutschlands. - Jena.
Krok, Th. O. B. N. & Alrnquist, S. (1917): Svensk Flora for skolol'. II.
Kryptogamer. Ed. 4. (Polyporaceae av L. ROMELL). - Stockholm.
(1962): Samma arbete. Ed. 7. (Polyporaceae av J. A. NANNFELDT). - Stockholm.
Lagerberg, T. (1962): Skoglig mykologi. Ed. 3. - Utgiven av Skogshogskolans kompendiekommite. Stockholm.
LundelI, S. (1932): Bidrag till Uppsalatraktens Hymenomycetflora. 1. Vårdsatra naturpark. - K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. Skrifter
i Naturskyddsarenden N:r 22. Uppsala.
Nannfeldt, J. A. & Du Rietz, G. E. (1952): Vilda vaxter i Norden. V. Mossol',
lavar, svampar, alger. Ed. 2. - Stockholm.
Overholts, L. O. (1953): The Polyporaceae of the United States, Alaska and
Canada. - University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor.
Pilåt, A. (1936-42): Polyporaceae. Atlas des champignons de l'Europe. Praha.
Reid, D. A. & Austwick, K. C. (1963): An annotated list of the less common Scottish Basidiomycetes (exclusive of rusts and smuts). The Glasgow Naturalist. Journ. Andersonian Naturalists of
Glasgow, XVIII: 6. Glasgow.
Shaw, Ch. G. (1958): Host fungus for the Pacific Northwest II. Fungi. Washington Agr. Exp. Sta. Stations Cire. 336.
UpsaIa, maj 1967.
F'omes fomentarius (L. ex FR.) KICKX
1. Upl, Bondkyrka, Håga, på Acer platanoides 1.5 m over marken.
10.X.1964 (L N. 2724).
Vidbo, Norrby, på Acer platanoides. 5.IV.1964 (L N. 2271).
- samma tradstam ; den ovre fruktkroppen
den i mitten till
vanster på fig. 2. Den nedre fruktkroppen 1.8 m over marken.
4. Gstr, ost erfarne bo, Gysinge, på Iåga av Acer platanoides. 3.V.1964
(I. N. 2310.a).
5. Vsm, Kila, Lerbacken, på Sorbus aucuparia 0.8 m over marken. 26.V.1964
(L N. 2381).
- samma tradstam; den ovre fruktkroppen
den på fig. 5.
Forutom de tre fruktkroppar som syns på bilden vaxte ytterligare
två hogre upp.
Kila, Satra Brunn, på Iåga av Betula. Till vanster Fomes fomentarius) till hoger Fomitopsis pinicola. 31.VII.1962 (L N.).
Norberg, Silvtjarn, på Iåga av Alnus incana. Tradstamrnen ar
uppIyftad 4 dm från marken for att mojliggora fotografering.
6.X1.1966 (I. N. 4152).
Norberg, MaImkarragruvan, på Salix capTea 1.5 m over marken.
6.X1.1966 (L N. 4165).
10. Upl, Vaks aIa, Jalla, på Corylus avellana 1 m over marken. Fruktkroppen sedd uppifrån. Stamdiameter 65 mm. Mark vitrotans utbredning i stammen! 19.II1.1967 (L N. 4188).
fruktkroppen sedd underifrån.
fruktkroppen sedd från sidan.
13. Nrk, Tysslinge, Tolshyttan, på Alnus glutinosa 2 dm over marken.
6.V.1967 (L N. 4294).
14. Upl, osterlOvsta, Leufstabruk, Engelska parken, på Sorbus aucupar-ia.
20.V.1967 (L N.).
- samma tradstam, fruktkropparna syns aven på fig. 14 till
FRIESIA VIII, 1. 1966 (1967 )
FRIESIA VIII, 1. 1966 (1967)
FRIESIA VIII, 1. 1966 (1967)
FRIESIA VIII, 1. 1966 (1967)
FRIESIA . Bind VIII . Hefte 1 . 1966
Contribution No. 79 from the Department of Plant Pathology,
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College, Copenhagen.
Physoderma gerhardtii SCHROET. is reported to have been found
on Glyceria maxima in Denmark. The germination of the resting
sporangia is described in detail. Preliminary infection experiments
with Alopecurus pratensis) Baldingera arundinacea) Dactylis glomerata) Glyceria fluitans and Glyceria maxima resulted in infections on
the latter species only.
During an excursion on 11th June 1966 to Utterslev Bog in the
northern environs of Copenhagen, the author noted that the lowest
leaves of a population of Glyceria maxima bore from few to many
rustlike spots which, af ter microscopic examination, were found to be
infections of Physoderma gerhardtii SCHROET. Since no Physoderma
species have previously been recorded on grasses in Denmark and
many species within this interesting genus are in general rare, and
therefore not very intensively investigated, some observations concerning this discovery are reported here.
The population of Glyceria maxima was growing in a flat depression, the bottom of which was so wet and spongy that is was not
possibie to venture there in shoes. The population was dense and
51 -
Fig. 1. Physoderma gerhardtii on leaves of Glyceria maxima.
Phot. 13.6.1966.
covered an area of 40 X 20 m. In the lowest-lying parts 90 % of the
plants were infected, while slightly high er up only 20 % showed signs
of infection. With a further rise of approximately 5 cm the infection
died out completely. Normally only the lowest leaf was infected,
although occasional plants were found with two infected leaves.
The infection spots consisted of a brown-violet centre surrounded
by a yellowish zone. They occurred singly, in larger aggregates, or
in shorter to longer single-rowed stripes, and were 1,5-4 mm in lenght
and 1-2 mm in breadth. Three weeks la ter the single infection spots
were found to meas ure up to 9 mm in length. The spots were, in
general, larger when they occurred singly, and small where numerous
infections were sited on a small area of leaf (fig. 1). This is, without
Fig. 2. Gerrninating resting sporangium of Physoderma gerhardtii in a
suspended water droplet.
a) 12 57 . The protuding endospore apieally bearing the episporia l lid; b) 16 26 . Halo of baeteria
as presage of the final germination phase; e) 1636. The eytoplasm flows out of t he endospore and
forms a vesicle w h ieh rapidly breaks up into free zoospores. - In the lower left eorner ean be
seen an evaeuated resting sporangium. The eireular opening with frayed edges is the apieal part of
the endospore, the lid having slipped to the side
Phot. 15.7.1966. X 230.
doubt, the same observation which led KRIEGER (MINDEN 1911), on
the same host plant, to differentiate between a major and a minor
form. The difference in size of the infection spots in the Danish material is considered, however, to be determined by the relative absence
or abundance of nutrients for the individual mycelia, and not to be
due to a difference in genotype.
In each cell 1-3 resting sporangia were observed. These frequentley had taken the shape of the cell and measured 19.5-41.1 X 15.6-31.2p,
with an average of 26.6 X 21.5 p (50 spores). The walls of the resting
sporangia were violet in colour, approximately 1 p thick, and smooth.
Rhizomycelium and haustoria from resting sporangia and turbinate
cells were found.
Since the germination process was not known (KARLING 1950),
attempts were made to germinate resting sporangia in suspended
drops of glass-distilled water. This method proved practicable so
far as spores germinated after two days at room temperature and
released zoospores. Upon germination an endosporangium was produced which pushed up a circular cup-shaped lid from the broader
side of the epispore. A part of the endospore, as a rule still carrying
the lid, was then extruded, taking the shape of a truncate d cone (fig.
54 -
Fig. 3. Resting sporangium of Physoderma gerhardtii immediately after
release of zoospores. The epispore contains a residual drop let.
Phot. 11.7.1966. X 460.
2a). At the same time the cytoplasm was observed to become increasingly differentiated. Highly refractive droplets appeared, and the
faint outlines of few zoospores could be vagueley distinguished. As
a presage of the final germination phase, bacteria in the neighbourhood of the resting sporangium suddenly became activated, and
accumulated around the sporangium (fig. 2b), their swimming speed
being greatly increased. The sporangium was finally observed to lie
in a halo of higly-activated bacteria. After 5-10 seconds the bacterial
activity returned to normal again. No visible change was observed
in the germinating spore, but aseeretion was undoubtly emitted,
either through apical fission of the endospore or by diffusion. After
this presage 5-15 minutes passed before the final phase of germination commeneed. The cytoplasm began to flow slowly out of the apex
of the endospore, the speed gradually increasing. Outside in the
water the cytoplasm contraeted to form a segmented vesicle which
appeared well defined for approximately 1 second (fig. 2c). This
vesicle disrupted abruptly due to the independent movements of the
individual zoospores, which af ter a few seconds swam away. At the
apex of the empty endospores a circular opening with frayed edges
could often be seen. The opening was of approximately the same size
freas the remo ved epispor ial lid (fig. 2). A yellow droplei.: could
quently be found in the epispor e
diverof germin ation was observe d in numero us cases and no marked
gence was found.
The zoospo res measur ed 4.4-6.3 X 3.4-4.7 /1 and possess ed
eccentr ically-p osition ed highly refract ive droplet and a flagellu
26.7-29.8 /1 in length. The zoospo res
roers and reacted positiv ely phototr opic. On 50 evacua ted
the diis
sporan gia measur ements were made on the height, that
stance from the bottom of the spore to the edge of the germ opening
on the length of the spore, and on the diamet er of the germ opening
Height 11.7-23.4 /1 (averag e 16.8/1
26.3 /1) diamet er of germ openin g 11.7-31.2 /1 (averag e 19.4
) also
erma gerhar dtii has, in additio n to Glycer ia
been reporte d on Alopec urus pratens is) Balding era arundin
Dactyli s glomer ata) and
excised leaves of these hosts were inocula ted with resting sporan
which were placed on the leaf in a drop of glass-d
crossleaves from each host were inocula ted and after 12-19 days
section s, stained in cotton- blue, throug h the points of inocula
were examin ed. Infecti on of
was found to ha ve occurre d, in tha t
sporan gia, rhizom ycelium and turbina te cells were observe d. Howev
it was not possibI e to demon strate infectio n in the leaves of
Physohost species include d in the experim ent, which indicat es that
derma gerhar dtii is biologi
Such a special ization in Physod erma
by LINGAPPA (1958) for Physod erma pulposu m)
erma on Agropy
GRIF FIN (1964), using zoospo res from a Physod
and one Potengrasses
repens) obtaine d infectio
d in order
species . Furthe r thorou
to solve the problem s concern ing special ization in Physod erma.
The author wishes to express his gratitud e to profess or N.
WALD for his help in the prepara tion
56 -
Karling J. S.: The genus Physoderma (Chytridiales). - Lloydia 13: 29-71,
Lingappa, Y.: Physoderma pulposum. - Mycologia 50: 80-84,1958.
Minden, M. von: Chytridiineae. - Krytogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg 5: 209-422, 1911.
Schroeter, J.: Die Pilze Schlesiens. - Kryptogamen-Flora von Schlesien.
3. Bd., Erste Hlilfte, p . 194, 1886.
Sparrow, F. K. & Griffin, J. E.: Observations on Chytridiaceous parasit es
of Phanerogams. XV. Host range and species concept studies in
Physoderma. - Arch. Mikrobiol. 49: 103-111, 1964.
Copenhagen, November 1966.
FRIESIA . Bind VIII . Hefte 1 . 1966
Agricultural Research Department, Danish Atomic Energy Commission
Research Establishment Risa, Roskilde, Denmark
CochZiobolus sativus (ITO et KURIE.) DRECHSLER*) stat. conid. has
been in Denmark for a long time. The fungus is common on grains of
cereals, while it is very sparsely reported from gro wing plants. The
author has occasionally isolated the fungus from the roots and stem
base of cereals during his work to isolate other pathogens (Ophiobolus
graminis and Cercosporella herpotrichoides) .
Investigations show that the Danish isolates have the same properties as isolates from other regions and therefore are at least
potential pathogens, able to cause diseases when and where the inoculum potential is great enough. But as the symptoms (root rot, eye
spots) caused by C. sativus on the plants are rather unspecific, they
may be disguised under symptoms of the severe cereal pathogens
O. graminis and C. herpotrichoides. In addition the fungus may cause
leaf spots. An intense dark brown colour is characteristic of all the
symptoms, no matter on what part of the plants they occur.
It was found tha t both the toxin and the fungus diminished the
Weibulls Starke wheat and Weibulls Ingrid barley were affected
by both the toxin and the fungus, Petkus II rye nearly exc1usively
and SvalOf Stål oats insignificantly by the toxin only, and Carlsberg
*) sensu DASTUR (1942).
58 -
II barley mainly but not exclusively by the fungus. An effect on the
germination of wheat and rye was observed.
Ingrid barley was found significantly more susceptible to C. sativus than Carlsberg II as measured by symptoms and dry-matter yield
in seedling tests.
The difference between the isolates manifests itself mainly in the
amount of toxin produced. The attacks were increased by adding meal
of wheat grains to the inoculum medium.
Cochliobolus sativus (ITo et KURIE.) DRECHSLER->:- ) stat. conid. (syn.
Helmisporium ** ) sativum PAMM., KING et BAKKE; Bipolaris sorokiniana
(SACC. in SOROK.) SHOEMAKER) is a common, variable and polyphagous pathogen on cereals and grasses in the main part of the graingrowing areas of the world. The attacks seem to be most severe in
the U.S.A. and Canada, where the fungus occasionally caus~s great
losses in barley and wheat.
Occurrence of C. sativus is frequently reported from different
parts of Europe; however, the fungus seems les s significant in this
region, though perhaps more than hitherto assumed (KOLK 1966,
LANGE-DE LA CAMP 1958, MULLER 1956, DE TEMPE 1964). The reports
from the northern part of Europe, including Denmark (see below)
refer nearly exclusively to occurrence on and in the grains of cereals
(FRITZ 1965, 1966, KOLK 1966, DE TEMPE 1964), on which the fungus
may be considered common. In spite of this there are very few reports
about attacks on the plants (LANGE-DE LA CAMP 1958). These apparently conflicting facts are surprising: as the inoculum must come
from a source and as it is an accepted faet that C. sativus has little
or no competitive saprophytic ability in soil (GARRETT 1963, and
others), the fungus must, at least rather frequently, occur and propagate on susceptible plants.
One may then ask whether attacks by Cochliobolus sativus in this
region is a disease disguised under symptoms of other diseases,
whether it is a potential pathogen able to cause attacks on cereals
when and where the inoculum potential becomes great enough (GARRETT 1960), or whether its significance is less than its occurrence on
* ) sensu D ASTUR (1942).
According to HUGHES (1958) and SHOEMAKER (1959) H elminthosporium LINK ex PERS. (1822) is an illeg itimate orthographic variant of
Helmisporium LINK (1809), validated by S. F. GRAY (1821).
* *)
59 -
Fig. 1. Conidia of Co chliobolus sativus.
(a) Conidia from a steri lized barley ear in the her barium of C. A . Jørge nsen, 1930 . T he eells are
somewhat dried up; (b) eulture No . 500 on w heat straw extraet agar; (e) eulture No. 500 on m alt
extraet agar. N ote the variation in size. - X 180.
the grains appears to show, because of a lower pathogenicity or more
saprophytic strains than in areas where severe attacks on all parts
of the plants are known to occur.
The reason for asking these questions is that C. sativus sometimes
came out when the author tried to isolate Ophiobolus graminis SACC.
from roots of cereals and CercosporeZZa herpotrichoides FRON from
their stem base.
n is worth knowing the answers as well from the plant pathology
point of view as for experiments concerned with breeding for resistance to diseases producing interchangeable symptoms.
Results of experiments for the elucidation of some of the questions
are reported below.
2. C O C H L I O B O L U S S A T I V U S A N D I T S O C C U R E N C E
The dark brown to black colonies of C. sativus stat. conid. with
the brown phaeophragmic conidia are placed in the form family Dematiaceae. The size, and the number of cells in the conidia are very
variable (cf. e. g. ANDERSEN 1954, DICKSON 1956, DRECHSLER 1923).
As aiready shown by DRECHSLER (1923) , this is due, at least in part,
to the hosts or substra tes (Fig. 1). Therefore the size of the conidia
given in the literature is of limited value if it is not supplemented
with a specification of host or substrate, and even then the conidia
are not uniform from isolate to isolate.
A more reliable characteristic is the strictly bipolar (or polar)
germination of the conidia (DRECHSLER 1934, RAPILLY 1964, SHOEMAKER 1969), compare Fig. 2.
In 1963 (ANDERSEN 1963 a, b) Cochliobolus sativus was mentioned
for the first time in the Danish literature on plant pathology. A few
years later a severe attack was observed in an experiment with
sowing seeds of Lolium perenne L. infected by H elmisporium catenarium DRECHSLER (ANDERSEN 1969). With barley as cover crop the
attack by H. catenarium was strongly restrieted, while an attack by
C. sativus increased from 40 to 76 % of the plants. ANDERSEN considered it prom o te d by the barley.
Recently an examination of 100 seed samples of barley showed
62 samples to be infected by C. sativus with a variation from 1 to
6 % infected grains (JØRGENSEN 1966).
All these observa tions were made primarily on grains or seeds
and only sparcely on the gro wing plants (L. perenne) see above).
The first discovery in Denmark, however, was made on roots and
stem base of diseased barley plants by C. A. JØRGENSEN as early as
1930. H. H. HOLME HANSEN, agricultural adviser, took the plants
from a diseased spot in a barley field at Sæbyholm, Lolland, and
forwarded them to the Government Plant Pathology Institute,
Lyngby, with the remark that the cause was possibly drought. This
isolate of C. sativus together with drawings of the conidiophores
and of the conidia with or without the bipolar germination (see
above and Fig. 2) and an isolate of the fungus received from Professor
J. J. CHRISTENSEN, Univers ity of Minnesota, in 1930, still exist (in
dry condition) in the herbarium of C. A. JØRGENSEN. The isolates
made by the present author are found identical with those of this
As noted in the introduetion, the author has now and then isolated
C. sativus from both roots and straw.
On the basis of the above it may be stated that the fungus has
been in Denmark for a long time and that it is, perhaps, as common
here as in our adjacent countries, and further that it is sparsely
reported on growing plants (cf. ANDERsEN 1969, LANGE-DE LA CAMP
. . . 0/:.7
Fig. 2. Conidia of Cochliobolus sativus.
The bipolar germination of conidia as seen 24 hours af ter plating. Reproduction of drawings made
by C. A. J ørgensen, 1930. X 0.45 of the original draw ing.
a. Material and Methods.
Two isolates of Cochliobolus sativus were used in the experiments.
Both were isolated as mycelium from black-coloured roots of barley
in 1964 by the method of DAVIES (1936) ; No. 600 from an apparently
healthy corp at Riso, Zealand and No. 617 from a crop with severe
root rot at Engbjerggård, Snoldelev, Zealand. From its general
appearance the attack was thought to be caused by Ophiobolus graminis} the take-all fungus.
The isolates were grown on malt extract agar or on a medium
containing wheat straw extract and glycine. All transfers were made
with a rather large amount of mycelium and conidia in an attempt to
keep possible special characteristics.
As host plants Weibulls Starke wheat, Petkus II (2n) rye, Carlsberg II barley, Weibulls Ingrid barley, and SvalOf Stål oats were
used. The grains were surface sterilized with 1 % NaClO and soaked
overnight on moistened filter paper before sowing.
The following medium was used for preparing the inoculum: K-soil
(standardized commercial peat-rich soil inriched by clay and fertilizer) mixed with wheat-straw meal (or meal of wheat straw + grains)
in the ratio of 30: 5. Af ter autoclaving at 1 kg per cm2 (15 Ib per
square inch) for four hours in portions of ca. 50 g in 250-300 ml glass
jars, 20 ml of a solution of 4 % glucose and 0.25 % glycine was added
to each jar. The mixture, having a water holding capacity of 300-320 g
water per 100 g, was moistened to ca. 70 % saturation.
From a dens e growth of C. sativus) ca. 2 cm2 agar with mycelium
and conidia was split up and spread on the surface of the medium.
After incubation at ro om temperature for a month the K-soil medium
was completely interwoven with the mycelium and ready for use.
The experiments (seedling tests) were performed in the greenhouse at 15-25° C. Plastic pots (diam. 15 cm) were filled three
quarters with untreated Perlite, upon which the inoculum was placed,
one glass for each pot. An autoclaved, uninoculated medium served
as control (see further the third series of experiments). Then 25
grains were sown, and the whole was covered with ca. 1.5 cm steamboiled rough sand. During the growth the plants were fertilized with
a standard nutrient solution (HEWITT 1952).
Three-four weeks after sowing - depending on the temperature the experiments were stoppe d ; the roots were washed free of soil
and Perlite and examined for symptoms in accordance with the following scale:
o = roots without symptoms;
1 = 0-10 %;
2 = 10-25 %;
3 = 25-50 %;
4 = 50-75 % and
5 = 75-100 % discoloured root-mass.
The dry-matter production was determined in root and top separately; compensation for lack of plants was made so that the results
given are for 25 plants where not otherwise stated.
The coefficient of variation was always greater for roots than
for tops. In the tables, roots and tops are added up. Significant effect
always means significance at the 5 % confidence limit or better.
For the induction of symptoms on the upper parts of the plants,
Starke wheat, Carlsberg II and Ingrid barley were sprayed with a
suspension of conidia at the three-four-Ieaf stage and then placed in
a humid atmosphere at ca. 20 ° C for three weeks.
Finally the isolates of the fungus were examined for toxin production and for toxin-induced symptoms by the method of GAYED
(1961) .
b. Results of infectio n experim ents.
1. Experim ents with direct compar ison of sympto ms
caused by
Cochlio bolus sativus and Ophiobo lus gTamini s.
The aim of the first series of infectio n experim ents was to
whethe r the isolate s of C. sativus were able to cause root sympto
interch angeab le with those of O. graminis) and whethe r they
able to diminis h the dry-ma tter yield.
In table 1 the effects of the two C. sativus isolate s are compar
directly with the averag e effect of some O. gramin is isolates
with the most aggress ive isolate of o. gramin is (No. 504) separat
No. 504 is se en to cause a severe loss in yield. On an averag
e of all
the O. gramin is isolates , the yield is diminis hed signific antly.
the random isolate s of C. sativus cause a signific ant loss
of drymatter. They clearly differ in effect. No. 500 has a signific ant
only on Starke wheat, while No. 517 causes a signific ant loss
in both
Starke wheat, Carlsbe rg II barley and Petkus II rye. The points
discolo ured roots are in agreem ent with the loss in yield. It is
noting that No. 517 diminis hes the yield in rye withou t appreci
discolo ura tion of the roots.
A compar ison of the root sympto ms caused by Ophiobolus
graminis and by Cochliobolus sativus showed that it would be difficu
lt or
imposs ible to disting uish betwee n the two disease s on the
basis of
the root sympto ms alone. The most appare nt differe nce to the
eye is that roots attacke d by O. gramin is appear more or less
blackis h
while those attacke d by C. sativus are dark browni sh. Less
conspicuous is the fact that roots attacke d by C. sativus have a
tendenc y to collaps e in belts and then may become somew hat
stubby .
2. Infectio n experim ents with all cereal species grown in Denmar
In a second series (table 2) the two isolates were inocula ted
the four cereal species grown in Denma rk, inc1uding two varietie
s of
As in the first series, a substan tial differe nce is seen betwee
the two isolates , No. 517 being the most aggress ive. Barley and
are most strongl y affecte d. Isolate No. 517 diminis hes the dry-ma
yield of Ingrid barley signific antly more than that of Carlsbe
rg II
barley (Fig. 3). LOISELLE (1962) came to the same result by a
method (HAMIL TON et al. 1960).
olus gramin is
Infecti on experim ents with Cochlio bolus sativus and Ophiob
ents where O. sativus and O. gramin is isolates are directly
Root sympto ms and dry-ma tter produet ion in infectio n experim
from above. Temper ature 15-25 ° C. Harves ted 3-4 weeks
compar able. 4 replicat es of 25 plants each.
the rye.
af ter sowing. Compen sation for number of plants only in
3 experim ents with
Weilbul ls Starke wheat
1 experim ent with
Carlsbe rg II barley
for disco lou red
dr ymatter
1 experim ent with
Petkus II (2n) rye
for discoloure d
for discoloure d
Control .......... .......... .......
Averag e of 62-66 isolates
of O. gramini s*) ... .........
O. gramini s) No. 504 . . .......
No. 500 .........
O. sativus)
No. 517 . ........
O. sativus)
* ) Details will be publish ed elsewhe re.
Infection experiment with Cochliobolus sativus
Average of two infection experiments with C. sativus. 6 replicates of 25 plants each. Nutrient solution added from below.
Temperature 15-25 ° C. Harvested 3-4 weeks after sowing.
relative value
dry-matter, g
Starke wheat
C. sativus
No. 500
I No. 517
points for
discoloured roots
C. sativus
No. 500
I No. 517
C. sativus
No. 500
....... ...... .....
109.0 * )
Carlsberg II barley
.. . ......
.............. . .........
Ingrid barley
- - - - - - - - - -- - - -
For unknown reasons significant increase in one experiment and no effect in the other.
I No. 517
Petkus II (2n) rye ............
Stål oats
contro l
Fig. 3. Infection experiments with CochZiobolus sativus.
Seedling roots of barley from the second series of experiments.
(a) 10 roots of Carlsberg II, control; (b) 10 roots of Carlsberg II, and (c) 10 roots of Ingrid
barley, both inoculated with culture No. 517. Note the difference in severity of attacks , Ingrid
barley being most affected.
67 -
The points score for discoloured roots follows the decrease in
dry-naatter yield.
The oats are only insignificantly affected by both isolates and,
like the rye (by No. 517), without discolouration on the roots.
3. The effect of autoclaved inoculum compared
with that of living inoculum.
In a third series (table 3) the effect of autoclaved (20 nain. at
1 kg per cna 2 ) inoculuna was conapared with that of living inoculuna in
order to see whether the isolates produced a thernaostable toxin-X- ) as
pointed out by LUDWIG et al. (1956). In this series, too, the effect
of a larger anaount of easily deconaposable organic naatter in the
inoculuna naediuna (naediuna 2) was tried, but in wheat only.
No difference was denaonstrated between uninoculated autoclaved
control (naediuna 1) and untreated raw K-soil.
The autoclaved inocula proved toxic, which naust be ascribed to
the previous growth of the isolates of C. sativus. No. 500, autocl.,
thus significantly dinainished the dry-naatter production of Ingrid
barley, but not that of Carlsberg II barley and Starke wheat. No. 517,
autocl., on the other hand, showed a strong effect on Starke wheat
(both naedia) and on Petkus II rye as well as on Ingrid barley, but
not on Carlsberg II barley and Stål oats. Autoclaved inocula gave no
or practically no synaptonas on the roots.
The living inocula of both isolates had a stronger effect than the
autoclaved inocula, due to the fungus and to the toxic substance produced before and during the experinaent. In wheat and rye both
isolates caused a significant decrease in the nunaber of plants per pot.
On conapensation for this, the loss caused by No. 500 disappeared on
naediuna 1, in both wheat and rye, but not on naediuna 2 (wheat).
The conapensation could not elinainate the effect of No. 517. In
barley and oats there was no effect on the nunaber of plants. These
results are in agreenaent with those of HORRICKS (1963), who found
wheat generally naore susceptible to toxic substances in soil than
The significance of the toxin produced by Oochliobolus sativus was
first demonstrated by LUDWIG (1957). In 1961 DE MAYO et al. isolated
and characterized the toxin as an unsaturated aliphatic dialdehyde of
terpenoid structure with the formula C15H220 2. In 1963 COREY & NOZOE
made the total synthesis and were able to provide the absolute stereochemistry of the toxin. It is named helminthosporal.
Infection experiment with Cochliobolus sativus
An infection experiment with living and autoclaved inoeulum of O. sativus.
6 replicates, with and without eompensation to 25 plants per pot. Nutrient
solution added from below. Temperature 20 ° C. Harvested 3 weeks after
sowing. Medium 1
K-soil : wheat straw meal in 30:5; medium 2
K-soil :
meal of wheat straw
grains in 30:5.
Without eompensation
for number of plants
medium 1
With eompensation
for nu mb er of plants
Control .... .... ..........
No. 500, autoclav.. ... ..
... ...
" 500, living
" ..... ....
" 517,
... .... ..
Untreated "raw K-soil
Starke wheat, medium 1:
Control .... ......... .. ...
No. 517, autoclav . .... ..
500, living .. . .... . .
" 517,
..... ....
Starke wheat, medium 2:
Control ................ ..
No. 500, autoclav .. .. . ..
" 500, living
" . .... . ...
" 517,
....... ..
Carlsberg II barley, medium 1:
Control ...... ......... ...
No. 500, auto elav .... ...
..... .
" 500, living
... ....
" 517,
.. .......
Ingrid barley, medium 1:
Control .... ...... ........
No. 517, autoelav .. .....
500, living ....... ..
" 517,
Petkus II (2n) rye, medium
Control ... ....... ... .. ...
No. 517, autoelav . .. . . . .
500, living ...... ...
... ......
Stål oats,
1 .37
medium 1:
medium 1
for diseolouration
of roots
Fig. 4. Toxic action of culture filtrates of Oochliobolus sativus
on young barely leaves.
Left, Carlsberg II , control in water or pure medium; middle Carlsberg II , and right, Ingrid
culture filtrate for 48 hours .
O ll
barley and oats; confer further GREANEY & MACHACEK (1946). Apart
from this, the effect of the living inoculum agreed with that observed
in the two previous series.
On medium 2 there was a substantially greater effect on both
dry-matter yield and symptoms than on medium 1. This is probably
due to a heavier growth of the fungi on medium 2 together with an
increased production of the toxin. The significantly smaller drymatter yield of the controIon medium 2 as compared with the control
on medium 1 is not due to a toxic effect of the medium, but rather
to a very rapid growth of random microorganisms on the more easily
decomposable medium 2 immediately after sowing (author unpubl.;
cf. further LUDWIG et al. 1956, HORRICKS 1963).
4. Demonstration of toxin production on liquid media.
Supplementary investigations showed that the toxin production
on liquid media (method of GAYED 1961) is easily demonstrable (Fig.
4). Af ter the fungus has been grown on the medium for about one
month, whole leaves or pieces of leaves are placed in the filtered
Fig. 5. Barely leaves four days af ter inoculation with conidia of
Cochliobolus sativus.
Incubation in a humid atmosphere at ca. 20 0 C. Left leaf, contro l.
medium for 48 hours. By this time necrotic spots of varying size
develop. The small spots are dark brown while the greater ones have
a paIe dea d centre surrounded by an intensely brown halo.
H was thus possible, both by inoculation of seedlings and by growing the fungi on an artificial medium, to demonstrate the production
and effect of the crude toxin.
5. Spraying of young plants of barley and wheat with canidia af
Cochliobolus sativus.
Finally barley and wheat plants at the three-four-Ieaf stage were
spraye d with a suspension of conidia in order to see if they could
produce symptoms on the upper part of the plants. AIready four
days after inoculation severe symptoms occurred on barley leaves at
20 ° C in a humid atmosphere (Fig. 5). At this time only faint symptoms were seen on wheat where attacks develop more slowly than on
barley, but may become severe.
71 -
The more or less necrotic spots are dark brown and oval to fusiform, on the lea f edge greater and less uniform, and surrounded by
a yellowish green halo which may spread to greater areas of the
leaves so tha t they a ttain asenescent colour (Fig. 5). The coleoptile
seems especially susceptible. These findings agre e with LANGE-DE LA
CAMP (1958), LUDWIG (1960), and MULLER (1956). In three-four
weeks the attacked leaves may wilt so that the plants become somewhat defoliated - the defoliation beginning at the lower part. Secondary infections occurred on la ter developing leaves. On the lower
leaf sheats near the stem base, oblong brown spots developed, which,
although atypical, may be interchangeable with symptoms of Cercosporella herpotrichoides under ' field conditions. According to
LANGE-DE LA CAMP (1958) these symptoms may become real eyespots.
4. D I S C U S S ION
The fact that Cochliobolus sativus in Denmark is nearly exclusi vely known from grains and seeds of cereals and grasses may ha ve
several causes. First of all the climatic and edaphic factors may play
a part as it is known that severe attacks on all parts of the plants
occur primarily in countries with warm and dry summers and that
the fungus prefers soils of low fertility (BUTLER 1959, GARRETT
1966). For these reasons the propagation may be so slow and the
attacks so late in this country that symptoms on the upper parts of
the plants may be hidden under senescent or ripenning colours, which
can be promote d by the fungus (cf. e.g. GARRETT 1963).
However, as shown in infection experiments, the symptoms of
C. sativus may als o occur disguised under symptoms of Ophiobolus
graminis and CercosporelZa herpotrichoides. It might be from plants
thus attacked that the grains are infected (LANGE-DE LA CAMP 1958,
MULLER 1956, DE TAMPE 1964).
The most essential difference between the two isolates used in
the experiments seems to be in the amount of toxin produced. Greater
differences are thought to occur in the field (cf. e.g. WOOD 1962).
The difference in susceptibility found between the species and
varieties of cereals tried seems determined by one or both of two
agents, namely the toxin and the fungus. Starke wheat and Ingrid
barley are susceptible to both the fungus and the toxin. In these
72 -
Fig. 6. A severe attack of Cochli obolus sativus in a barley field
at Hanehøj, Zealand.
Great spots wi t h sparse growth of small, poorly deve loped p lants, often wi th rudimen tary, steri le
side-shoots. Photo 9 August, 1967_
experiments at least, Petkus II rye nearly exclusively and Stål oats
exclusively but insignificantly are affected by the toxin. Carlsberg II
barley is mainly attacked by the fungus. Thus, in agreement with
LUDWIG (1957), the toxin may affect all the four species.
The results of the experiments and the fact that nobody knows
the distribution and severity of attacks by CochZioboZus sativus in
Danish agriculture point to the expediency of searching for an elucidation of its importance. This is especially imperative for an exact
diagnose in field experiments with breeding for resistance to root
rot of cereals where even a small attack can make troubles.
In the summer of 1967, two months after the manuscript was forwarded, a rather severe spontaneous attack of CochZioboZus sativus
was observed and identified as the primary cause of a diseased crop
for the first time in Denmark.
The attack covere d about 5,000 m 2 in a barley field at Hanehøj,
Tjæreby (near Roskilde), Zealand (Fig. 6).
73 -
Fig. 7. CochZioboZu s sativus at the base of ba r ley plants.
From left to right increasing degree of attack, the firs t pl an t to the left being h ea lthy. The attacked
roots an d straw base vary in co lour from paie greyis h ( diffuse necro tic areas - sometimes with
brown h alos like the eyespots, see plants 2 and 4 fro m the left) to uniform dark brown .
The conditions for an attack were excellent: The summer was
warm and dry and the soil light and sandy. The barley was secondcrop spring barley. In the time between the two crops there were
pits of narcissus bulbs covered with barley straw on the area. After
the pits had been removed most of the straw was burned, but some
was ploughed down and may have brought about some nitrogen deficiency here and there (compare e.g. BUTLER 1959, GARRETT 1966).
Of course the damage was aggravated by the drought, but neither
this nor a possibIe deficiency in nitrogen could be primarily responsibIe for it.
The attack was found on straw, roots (Fig. 7) and kerneIs, from
which the fungus could be isolated very eas ily after a surface sterilization. AIso the characteristic brown spots on leaves (compare Fig. 5)
were observed - mainly on young leaves of a regrowth brought forth
after the rain.
The author is indebted to the Government Plant Pathology Institute
and to Professor C. A. JØRGENSE N for lending me the herbarium used in
the investigations; furthermore to H. DOLL, lic. agro., for valuable advic'e
concerning the analysis of variance.
74 -
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Roskilde, June 1967.
Bind VIII . Hefte 1 . 1966
Roger Heim: Les champignons toxiques et hallucinogenes. - 327 s .
N. Boubee & Cie, Paris 1963. - Pris : 42 F + tillæg.
Den første del af ROGER HEIlVI'S bog er en interessant sammenfatning
af, delvis også supplering af vor hidtidige viden om giftsvampe, hvorom
der er udgivet mange bøger. Af størst værdi er bogens anden del: de hallucinogene svampe.
Forf. giver i indledningen et historisk tilbageblik over svampeforgiftninger. Talrige steninskriptioner og rester af de schweiziske pælebygninger viser, at svampe i årtusinder har været kendt og anvendt som
menneskeføde. Det er let at genkende Velsmagende Mælkehat (Lactarius
deliciosus) på kalkmalerierne i Herculanum. De romerske aristokrater ansatte tidligere plebejer til at samle svampe. SENECA sagde herom: "Du
store Gud! Hvor folk dog arbejder bare for mavens skyld!" Hvor der er
svampeforbrug, forekommer også forgiftninger. Ud over rene forgiftningsulykker kendes også flere overlagte kriminelle tilfælde; blandt disse
er det mest berygtede: kejser CLA UDlUS' død. AGRIPPIN A, den foregående
kejser CALIGULA'S søster, var utålmodig efter, at hendes søn, NERO, skulle
bestige tronen. Hun sørgede for ved hjælp af sine hoffolk, at en ret af
den fine Kejserfluesvamp (Amanita caesarea) J som kejseren skulle spise,
blev gennemvædet med saft udpresset af Løgknoldet Fluesvamp (Amanita
phalloides) .
Efter det underholdende historiske kapitel følger en datarig redegørelse over svampeforgiftninger i tropiske og subtropiske egne. Beskrivelsen af de forskellige sygdomsbilleder (syndromer) kan især regne med
speciallægers og toxikologers opmærksomhed. En gennemgang af de talrige arter og ikke mindst af de arter, der betragtes som farlige - indbefattet nogle mikroskopiske svampe, f. eks. Monilia sitophila - er også
fra et rent mykologisk synspunkt interessant. Det lille kapitel om de "rehabiliterede" arter byder sandsynligvis for manges vedkommende på overraskelser. Volvaria gloiocephala og dens var. speciosa er spiselige lige som
alle de andre arter inden for slægten. Den pågældende art sælges i øvrigt
på Nord-Portugals frugtmarkeder. Amanita citrina (A. mappa) betragtedes længe som værende lige så farlig, ja dødsensfarlig som A. phalloides.
Bønderne i Cevennerne spiser A. citrinaJ og CHAUVIN påviste eksperimentelt dens uskadelighed (sml. BUCHWALD i "Friesia" 2: 243-263, 1943).
Blandt de hallucinogene svampe spiller Rød Fluesvamp (A mani ta
muscaria) en vigtig rolle. En gastro-intestinal forgiftning fremkalder ved
dens toxin, muscarin, frem for alt en tilstand af vildelse, beruselse, eventuelt sansepirring eller hallucinationer. Forf. fortæller - idet han nævner
R. G. & V. P. WASSON (1957) som kilde - , at svenske soldater fra Varmland-regimentet i begyndelsen af det 19. århundrede var helt ophidsede,
ja bogstavelig talt rasende som følge af indtagelse af A. muscaria J før de
gik i kampen. Det gjorde de herefter med skummende mund, og deres
dumdristighed kendte ingen grænser (sml. POUL THORSEN i "Friesia" 3:
333-351, 1949).
77 -
Amerikanske stenstatuetter af svamp e.
Fra venstre til højre: Statuette med en skrubtudse fra sidste del af den
præklassiske periode 500 f. Kr.-200 e. Kr., Mexico, Guatemala; med en
jaguar fra epoken Miraflores 1000-500 f. Kr., Kaminaljuya, Guatemala;
med en menneskelig figur, sidste del af den præklassiske periode, Guatemala.
Indianerne lige fra Mexico til Peru spiste ofte hallucinogene svampe
ved deres religiøse-kultiske fester. Stenstatuetter af skrubtudser, jaguarer
og mandsskikkelser - fra hvis hoveder fremvokser en hatsvamp - vidner
om de gamles kendskab til denne dæmoniske narkomani. New-Guineas's
urbefolkning så vel som Sibiriens samojeder anvender den dag i dag giftige svampe som aphrodisiaca. Ved en mængde eksempler gennemgås de
enkelte hallucinogene svampeslægters psykiske virkning, først og fremmest Psilocybe) som rummer mange hallucinogene arter, dernæst S trop haria) Panaeoltts) Amanita m. fl.
Et særligt kapitel beskæftiger sig med ergotismens (meldrøjer-forgiftning) historie og med kemien af de alkaloider, der fremkalder denne frygtede forgiftning, så som ergotamin, ergosin, ergokryptin, ergocornin og
det i vore dage så ofte omtalte LSD 25.
Forf., den fremragende mykolog, behandler med elegant sikkerhed
de til emnet hørende arkæologiske, kulturhistoriske, etnografiske, biokemiske, toxikologiske og psykopatologiske enkeltheder. - Det er en bog langt
ud over det sædvanlige.
Reid, Derek A.: Coloured leones of Rare and Interesting Fungi. Part L
32 s., 8 farvetavler, 14 tekstfigurer. Suppl. til Nova Hedwigia XI. Verlag
von J. Cramer. Lehre 1966. - Pris: DM 25.-.
Som tillæg til N ova Hedwigia XI er kommet det første hefte af en
række med titlen "Coloured Illustrations of Rare or Interesting Fungi",
af DEREK A. REID, Kew. Det er forf. s tanke at publicere fuldstændige beskrivelser af sjældne eller interessante svampe ledsaget af stregtegninger
af mikroskopiske karakterer og farvetavler med akvareller udført af forfatteren selv efter frisk materiale. Hovedvægten tænkes lagt på Agaricales
(hatsvampordenen), men også nogle svampe fra Aphyllophorales (poresvampordenen) skulle medtages. I foreliggende hefte er beskrevet 4 Boletus-arter, 1 Laccaria-art, 4 Lepiota-arter, 1 A manita-art og 1 Stropharia-
78 -
art med tilhørende farvetavler. Heftet er smukt, og rækken som helhed
skulle med sine omhyggelige beskrivelser af svampe, hvorom det ellers kan
være vanskeligt at finde publikationer, kunne blive en værdifuld støtte
ikke blot for fagmykologer, men også for særligt interesserede amatørmykologer. Det er ikke nødvendigt at abonnere på "Nova Hedwigia" for
at erhverve tillæggene.
Helmut Garns: Flechten (Lichenes) . Kleine Kryptogamenflora III, udgivet af HELMUT GAMS. - 244 s., 84 fig. Gustav Fisehers Verlag. Stuttgart
1967. - Pris DM 28.-.
I den nyttige serie af mellemeuropæiske kryptogamfloraer i lommeformat er der nu også kommet et bind om laver, udarbejdet af seriens
redaktør. En sådan bog har længe været imødeset med forventning, for vi
mangler i høj grad sammenfattende lavfloraer.
De færreste lichenologer har haft mod til at gå i gang hermed måske afskrækkes de af, at der stadig mangler special-monografier over
mange store og artsrige slægter af laver, samt af det forhold, at laverne
er dobbelt-organismer, hvad der yderligere gør det vanskeligt at opstille
en fornuftig lav-systematik.
Det er derfor meget fortjentsfuldt, at HELMUT GAMS, som ikke selv er
lavforsker af faget, har påtaget sig at skrive en lavflora for Europa,
og det skal siges med det samme, at det er lykkedes ham at løse opgaven
fortrinligt, når der tages hensyn til den begrænsede plads, der har stået til
hans rådighed.
Det siger sig selv, at det har været umuligt at få alle de fra Mellemeuropa angivne arter af laver med, især af skorpelaverne; men det er der
nu heller ikke sket nogen større skade ved, for en stor del af disse arter
er ret tvivlsomme og skal maske snarere betegnes som modifikationer end
som arter. Ligeledes har forf. i almindelighed ikke medtaget arter, som
kun adskiller sig fra andre lignende arter ved sporernes dimensioner eller
ved kemiske reaktioner, og der er heller ikke medtaget arter, som kun er
angivet fra en enkelt lokalitet. Til brug for dem, som ønsker at gå mere i
dybden med deres lavstudier, er der givet oplysning om den forhåndenværende (men desværre ikke altid tilstrækkeligt fyldestgørende) speciallitteratur.
Oplysningerne om arternes udbredelse er ret detaillerede med rimelig
hensyntagen til de nordiske lande. Det kan således nævnes, at det er om
den i Nordamerika hyppige, men i Europa sjældne art Caloplaca microphyllina (TUCK.) HASSE angives, at den forekommer i 0stalperne, i Danmark og i Sydsver~ge. Ligeledes noteres, at det om den i Troperne og i
Subtroperne vidt udbredte art Graphis elegans (SM.) ACH. angives, at den
forekommer i Vesteuropa indtil Skotland, i Danmark og i Tyskland til
Weser og Schwarzwald.
Det kan yderligere nævnes, at der også er blevet plads til en omtale af
de hovedsageligt subarktiske og alpine basidiolichener. Af særlig interesse
for danske forhold er de dobbelt-organismer, som dannes ved symbiose
mellem grønalger af slægten Coccomyxa og bladhatte af slægten Omphalina) dels Botrydina vulgaris med homoeomert, grynet thallus og dels Coriscium vulgare med heteromert thallus af form som små runde skæl.
De anførte eksempler turde være tilstrækkelige til at dokumentere, at
bogen er særdeles brugbar, også for et dansk publikum. Den være hermed
anbefalet på det bedste.
FRIESIA . Bind VIII . Hefte 1 . 1966
Torsdag d. 21. februar 1963, kl. 20,00, afholdtes den ordinære generalforsamling i Botanisk Laboratoriums auditorium, Gothersgade 140.
Fabrikant Sv. TROYER valgtes til dirigent og erklærede generalforsamlingen for lovligt indvarslet.
a. Formanden, professor N. F ABRITIUS BucHwALD, aflagde derpå
beretning for året 1962. Sommerens triste vejr, der var koldt og fugtigt, er der gjort nærmere rede for i indledningen til ekskursionsberetningerne for 1962 ("Friesia " 7: 134-135, 1963).
N år artsantallet på svampeudstillingen trods de dårlige vejrforhold kom op på 256, skyldes det en stor ihærdighed hos de mange,
der deltog i indsamlingen. Om udstillingen, se "Friesia" 7: 147-149,
Blandt ekskursionerne var der særlig grund til at nævne den vellykkede weekend-tur den 8.-9. september til Andrarum i Skåne, hvor
der blev fundet bemærkelsesværdigt mange eksemplarer af Pisolithus
tinetorius (ærtetrøffel ). *)
Efter ekskursionsberetningen vistes farvelysbilleder fra årets
ekskursioner optaget af redaktør BØRGE RØNNE.
Angående "Friesia" nævnte formanden, at heftet, der skulle gælde
for 1962, var på trapperne. En glædelig ting var det, at overlærer
K. BJØRNEKÆR havde modtaget 13.000,00 kr. af Carlsberg-Fondet til
trykning af sin store monografi over de danske slimsvampe.*":- ) Fra
undervisningsministeriet var modtaget 1.750,00 kr. for finansåret
* ) Se i øvrigt "Friesia" 6: 356-358, 1961.
** ) Se " Friesia" 7 : 149A-296, 1963.
79 -
80 -
Medlemstallet viste en tilbagegang på 4 medlemmer. I beretningsåret var 5 medlemmer afgået ved døden, nemlig: Sproglærer VALDEMAR CHRISTENSEN, overretssagfører W. KARNOV, fhv. retspræsident
K. MUNDT, overlærer F. H. MØLLER og fil. dr. E. G. RENNERFELT.
Formanden udtalte særlige mindeord over retspræsident K. MUNDT,
fil. dr. E. G. RENNERFELDT og overlærer F. H. MØLLER. Over K. MUNDT
og E. G. RENNERFELDT er der optaget nekrologer i "Friesia", henholdsvis i bd. 7: 105-106 (1963) og 7: 372-374 (1964). Om sidstnævnte
udtalte formanden: "Ved overlærer F. H. MØLLER'S død har dansk,
ja nordisk mykologi lidt et meget stort tab. Der vil utvivlsomt gå
mange år, inden Danmark atter fostrer en så dygtig amatørmykolog.
MØLLER begyndte allerede få år efter sin indtræden i foreningen i
1912 - han havde altså ved sin død netop været medlem i 50 år at publicere om svampe. Et par af hans første betydelige bidrag til
dansk mykologi var fundene af den overordentlig giftige Teglstensrød Trævlehat (Inocybe patouillardii) syn. I. lateraria) og den ligeledes meget giftige Satans-Rørhat (Boletus satanas) ) begge arter
påvist første gang i Danmark af MØLLER. Siden har han, som vi alle
ved, skrevet meget. Jeg skal nøjes med blot at nævne hans to hovedværker: "Fungi of the Færoes", I-II (1945,1958) og den store Champignon-monografi: "Danish Psalliota species" (1950-52). Det sidstnævnte arbejde må vel betegnes som hans betydeligste og har vundet
almindelig anerkendelse overalt i den mykologiske verden. Den fremragende svenske agaricaceforsker, fil. dr. SETH LUNDELL skrev, da
han hørte om overlærer MØLLER'S død, bl. a.: "Han var den store
svampentusiasten ...... Fremforallt genom sin overdådiga Psalliotamonografi kommer hans namn alltid att leva, - et sannskyldigt
monumentum aere perennius!(( Personligt vil jeg mindes MØLLER som
min bedste mykologiske ven gennem 40 år. I næsten 20 år var han
min medredaktør af "Friesia". En mere nidkær, samvittighedsfuld og
pligtopfyldende medredaktør kan ingen ønske sig". - En nekrolog
over overlærer MØLLER vil senere fremkomme i "Friesia".
Vi vil ære disses minde.
b. Kassereren fremlagde derefter regnskabet, som blev godkendt.
c. De fire bestyrelsesmedlemmer, Fru ELISABETH ANDERSEN, professor N. F. BUCHWALD, amanuensis J. KOCH og redaktør BØRGE
RØNNE og suppleanten, afdelingsbestyrer PAUL NEERGAARD, der afgik
efter tur, blev alle genvalgt.
d. Som revisor genvalgtes ekspeditionssekretær K. RANKOV.
81 -
e. Formanden forelagde et forslag om at udnævne fil. dr. h. c.
SETH LUNDELL til æresmedlem af foreningen. Særligt fremhævede
formanden SETH LUNDELL'S udforskning af den svenske hymenomycetflora og hans medvirken ved udgivelsen af exsikkatværket "Fungi
exsiccati suecici". Forslaget blev vedtaget med akklamation (se
"Friesia" 7:107, 1963).
f. Følgende ekskursioner blev foreslået: Boserup Skov og Skovvænge samt Hvalsø-skovene, Romele Klint, Tisvilde Hegn, Aastrup
Skov og Kongsøre Skov.
g. Eventuelt. Intet at bemærke. Generalforsamlingen hævet. Formanden takkede dirigenten.
sign. Sv. TROYER
Efter generalforsamlingen holdt forsøgsleder, havebrugskandidat
C. RIBER RASMUSSEN et interessant foredrag med titlen: "Nyere
fremskridt inden for champignondyrkningen".
Efter mødet samledes man til tvangfrit samvær på Universitetets
Spisestuer, Nørregade 10.
Søndag den 19. maj 1963. Ekskursion til B o s e r u p S k o v og
S k o v h u s V æ n g e. Ca. 45 deltagere, hvoraf 31 med bus. Efter
en usædvanlig lang vinter med is og sne blev det endelig forår. Bøgeskoven havde kun været fuldt udsprunget et par dage, da ekskursionen fandt sted. Bøgebladene var endnu smukt lysegrønne, violerne
netop kommet i blomst, slåenbuskene var lige ved at springe ud, og
skovbundsfloraen, som er så rig både i Boserup og Skovhus Vænge,
stod på sit højeste. Det måtte være Morkeltid ! Men nej! De var endnu
ikke rigtigt kommet frem, så der fandtes kun få eksemplarer (Morchella esculenta) i Boserup og slet ingen i Skovhus Vænge. Jordtemperaturen var åbenbart endnu for lav.
Skønt det øsregnede klo 6-7, var skovbunden allerede blevet tør
ved ankomsten til Boserup Skov, og det blev tørvejr resten af dagen.
På Hotel Postgaarden, Køge, hvor frokosten skulle være indtaget,
var der ikke plads, og vi kørte derfor videre til Vallø Strandhotel, syd
for Køge, efter at vi ved en opringning havde forvisset os om, at
hotellet havde plads til et halvt hundrede frokostgæster. Efter frokosten kørte vi kl. 13112 til Skovhus Vænge, og kl. 16 forlod vi parkeringspladsen ved Yderholm Kro og var i København ved 17-tiden.
Storsvampefloraen, især Bladhatfloraen, var yderst ringe på begge
lokaliteter, øjensynligt af samme årsag som angivet for Morklernes
vedkommende. Opmærksomheden koncentreredes derfor for en del
til de parasitiske Mikromyceter. Der er grund til at nævne, at ny for
den danske flora er vist H eterosporium vegetum) der fandtes i Skovhus Vænge på en nedfalden Bøgepind sammen med Hypoxylon fragiforme) samt at Fusidium eburneum fandtes på en for landet ny vært,
Ficaria verna. laIt iagttoges 56 arter. Bestemmelsen af de resupinate
arter skyldes tandlægerne K. HAUERSLEV og J. E. BREGNHØJ LARSEN.
B = Boserup Skov; S = Skovhus Vænge.
Lycogala epidendron B
(Anemone nemorosa) B, S
Uromyces jicariae (Ficaria verna)
B, S
Peronospora corydallis (Oorydallis
cava) S, jicariae (Ficaria
verna) B
Plasmopara nivea ( Aegopodium
podagraria) B, pygmaea (Anemone nemorosa) B, (Anemone
ranttnculoides) S
Synchytrium anemones (Anemone
nemorosa) B, mercurialis (M ercurialis perennis) B
Helotium jructigenum (på skåle
af Fagus) S
Hypoxylon jragijorme (Fagus) S
Morehella esculenta B
Propolis versicolor (Quercus) B
Ustulina maxima (Fagus) S
Ochropsora sorbi (Anemone nemorosa) S
Dacryomyces deliquescens B
Eichleriella spinulosa (Fagus) B
Exidia glandulosa (Robinia pseudacacia*) B
Tulasnella pruinosa (Picea) B
Antrodia mollis B
Oorticium conjluens (Querct~s) B,
(Fagus) S, sambuci (Sambucus nigra) B, tuberculatum
(Larix) B, (Blad af Fagus) S
Oristella jarinacea (Picea) B, (Fagus) S
Hyphoderma roseocremeum B, setigerum S, tenue (Picea) B, S
Merulius corium B, (Fagus) S
Mycoacia uda S
Odontia bicolor (Picea) B, hydnoides (Fagus) S
*) Robinia pseudacacia er ikke nævnt som vært i K. BJØRNEKÆR'S monografi over Tremellaceae (Friesia 3: 8, 1944).
83 Peniophora cremea S, incarnata
(Betula) Robinia pseudacacia)
B, (Betula) Fagus) S, limitata
(Fraxinus) B, longispora B, S,
lycii S, velutina B, (Fagus) S
Phlebia radiata (Betula) B
Polyporus adustus B, fomentaritts
(Fagus) S, squamosus (Fraxinus) B
Poria ferruginosa B, versipora B, S
Sistotrema brinkmannii B, commune S
Stereu'm hirsutum (Fagus) B
Trametes mollis B
Tubulicrinis subulatus S
Xenasma tulasnelloideum S
Entoloma clypeatum B
Flammulina (Collybia) velutipes B
Psathyrella disseminata B
Fungi imperfecti
Fusidium eburneum (Ficaria verna)
ny vært) B
Heterosporium vegetum
S (ny art)
Ramularia primulae (Primula elatior) B
Trlchoderma viride S
Søndag den 25. august 1963. Ekskursion til L i Il e D y r e h a v e,
I n d e l u k k e t og J æ g e r b a k k e n. Deltagerantal 27 med tog til
Slotspavillonens st., hvortil ankomst kl. 9,16; en halv snes deltagere
kom i egen befordring. - August måned var usædvanlig regnfuld,
med en samlet nedbør på 154 mm (normalt 83 mm) og således endnu
fugtigere end nogen måned i de ellers regnrige somre 1960-62 (jfr.
Friesia 7: 134-135).*) Da temperaturen tilmed for hele måneden lå
lidt over normalen, var der således skabt betingelser for en god
svampesæson. Svampeudbyttet på denne og de følgende efterårsekskursioner skuffede da heller ikke, tværtimod. Der fandtes på
denne ekskursion 159 arter, hvoraf alene 99 Agaricalesj som sædvanligt på denne årstid dominerede rør- og skørhattene, med henholdsvis 10 og 19 arter.
Fra Slotspavillonens st. gik man gennem anlægget omkring
S l o t s p a v i Il o n e n, der viste sig at være en god lokalitet for Boleter(Boletus miniatoporus og B. edulis) og Kantareller; her fandtes
også 4 smukke eksemplarer af Tue-Poresvamp (Polyporus jrondosus)
ved foden af gamle Ege. Derefter gik turen ind i L i Il e D y r eh a v e, hvor bl. a. et enkelt mindre Egetræ tiltrak sig opmærksomheden ved dets mange hvide blade, som lyste langt bort. Bladene viste
sig at være tæt dækket med peritecier af Egemeldug ; endvidere note*) Man skal helt tilbage til 1891 for at træffe en tilsvarende stor nedbør
i august.
84 -
redes her de sjældnere rørhatte: Boletus castaneus og B. pulverulentus samt Russula sororia under Eg. Ved 12-tiden indtoges frokosten i
restaurant "Rosenhaven" ved Frederiksborg Slotssø. I kronen af et
stort Gråpæretræ (Pyrus communis) i restaurationshaven sad taglagt
stillede frugtlegemer af Polyporus sulphureus. Efter en demonstration af formiddagens svampefund sejlede vi over Slotssøen til I n d el u k k e t, hvor vi straks overraskedes af en regnbyge, der dog kun
blev kortvarig. I Indelukket fandtes ikke nær så mange svampe som i
Dyrehaven. På et gammelt Bøgestød voksede en rig flora: Crepidotus
moZlis) Polyporus giganteus) P. varius og Stereum rugosum. Peritecier af Egemeldug fandtes også her på en gammel Eg's lavt siddende
blade*). Fra Indelukket gik vi ind i Frederiksborg Slotsh a v e, hvor det interessantes te fund var den sjældne Thelephora
spiculosa) der voksede op ad græsstængler, og ekskursionen sluttede
på "J æ g e r b a k k e n", hvor der fandtes talrige i græs voksende
eksemplarer af Hummer-Skørhat (Russula xerampelina) i mange
udviklingsstadier .
Udbyttet af spisesvampe var ret stort. Der indsamledes mange
Kantareller, "Karl Johan", Punktstokket Rørhat og enkelte eksemplarer af Mandel-Champignon og Pigsvamp.
Ved udarbejdelsen af den følgende artsliste er foruden egne notater
benyttet lister modtaget fra fru ELISABETH ANDERSEN, overlærer M.
D = Lille Dyrehave; F = Frederiksborg Slotshave ; I = Indelukket; J = Jægerbakken; S = Slotspavillonens Anlæg.
Coryne sarcoides (Fagus) D
Helvella crispa F, lacunosa F
Hypocrea rufa (Fagus)
Hypoxylon coccineum (Fagus)
Lachnea scutellata D
Microsphaera alphitoides (Quercus
robur) D, I (peritecier!)
Peziza badia D, cupularis J vesiculosa D
Ustulina maxima (Tilia) F
*) Fundet af peritecier hos Egemeldug (Microsphaera alphitoides) i stor
mængde må betegnes som ekskursionens mest interessante oplevelse.
Det skulle senere vise sig, at Egemelduggen også havde udviklet peritecier på andre lokaliteter i landet; bl. a. fandtes talrige peritecier på
egetræer i Landbohøjskolens have, Rolighedsvej. Der er tidligere mange
gange søgt efter peritecier, men indtil 1963 var de kun iagttaget 2-3
gange i Danmark (jfr. FERDINANDSEN & JØRGENSEN: Skovtræernes Sygdomme, 1938-39).
Coleosporium petasitis (Petasites
Puccinia asperulae-odoratae ( Asperula odorata) circaeae (Circae a lutetiana) ) taraxaci (Taraxacum sp.)
85 phureus
"Rosenhaven", varius (Fagus)
I, (Fraxinus) S
Sistotrema brinkmannii (Acer) D,
oblongisporum D
Stereum rugosum (Alnus)
(Fagus) I
Thelephora spiculosa (Græsstæng-
ler) F
Calocera cornea (Fagus)
Dacryomyces deliquescens (Quercus)
Exidia glandulosa (Fagus) ) (Tilia)
J, albida (Fagus) D
Sebacina subhyalina D
Botryobasidium pruinatum var.
laeve D
Cantharellus cibarius
Clavaria cristata
Corticium confluens D, evolvens
(Fagus) I, sambuci (Sambucus racemosa) S
Cristella confinis (Quercus) S, farinacea (Fagus) I
Daedalea gibbosa (Fagus) D
Fistulina hepatica (Quercus) S
Grandinia mutabilis (granulosa)
(Fagus) D
H ydnum repandum
Hyphoderma setigerum (Betula) I
Hypochnicium punctulatum D
Odontia bicolor D
Peniophora cinerea (Fagus) J,
quercina (gren af Fagus) rufomarginata (Tilia) F, velutina (Fagus) Quercus) D
Phlebia livida D, pubera J, radiata
(Fagus) D
Polyporus applanatus (Fagus) D,
frondosus S, giganteus (Fagus) I, hirsutus (Fagus) I,
perennis D, radiatus (Alnus)
Fagus) D, squamosus I, sul-
Agaricus (Psalliota) abruptibulbus
(silvicola) D, bisporus (hortensis) ) silvaticus (sanguinaria) D
Amanita citrina (mappa) S, excelsa) pantherina) phalloides
D (eet eksemplar), rubescens
D, spissa) vaginata var. plumbea I, vaginata var. fulva
Boletus badius) castaneus D, chrysenteron S, edulis S, grevillei
(elegans) (Larix) miniatoporus (erythropus FR. ?) *) F, S,
luteus) piperatus S, pulverulentus D, subtomentosus D
Clitocybe aggregata F, connata D,
infundibuliformis I, odora
Clitopilus prunulus S
Collybia asema) dryophila
Coprinus atramentarius (Ulmus)
J, comatus D, fimetarius) micaceus F, plicatilis D
Cortinarius elatior) glandicolor D
Crepidotus mollis (Fagus) I
Cystoderma (Lepiota) amianthinum
Entoloma clypeatum) sericeum D,
Inocybe flocculosa J, lanuginella
D, maculata D
Kuehneromyces (Pholiota) mutabilis
Laccaria amethystina
Lacrymaria lacrymabunda D
Lactarius blennius (Fagus) ) mitissi mus I, pallidus D, subdulcis
Lentinus cochleatus D
*) H. & L LUTHER (Mern. Soe. Fauna et Fl. Fenniea 41: 33-36, 1965) har
givet stærke grunde for, at det rette artsnavn er Boletus miniatoporus
SEeR. (1833) og ikke B. erythropus FR.
Lepiota cristata F, I, rhacodes
Leptonia lampropus D, placida
Marasmius alliaceus (Fagus) ) bulliardii) oreades F, peronatus
D, I, rotula D
Mycena corticola form a apud
(M. pseudocorticola
KOHN.) D, galopus) polygramma
N olanea cetrata D, minuta D
Omphalia fibula D, swartzii D
Oudemansiella (Collybia) plat yphylla D, (Collybia) radicata
Panus conchatus (Fagus) ) stipticus
Paxillus involutus D
Pleurotus nidulans) rhacodium BK.
& CURT. (på stub) (det. M. P.
Pluteus cervinus
Psilocybe atrorufa J
Russula atropurpurea (Fagus) cyanoxantha) delica D, fellea)
foetens) graveolens) lepida)
mairei D, nigricans D, S,
ochrolet~ca F, parazurea S,
solaris (Fagus)
I, sororia
(Qttercus) D, velenovskyi D,
ves ca) vete1' nosa I, violeipes
D, virescens) xerampelina J
Stropharia coronilla
Tricholoma brevipes) melaleucum)
strictipes KARST. (?) (det. M.
P. CHR.)
Cyathus crucibulum S
Lycoperdon perlatum D, pyriforme
Scleroderma aurantium S, verrucusom D
Søndag den 8. september 1963. Ekskursion til G a n l ø s e E g e d,
K r o g e n l u n d og U g g e l ø s e S k o v. Ca. 55 deltagere mødte
op ved togets ankomst til Farum st. kl. 9,49, hvorfra de i taxa og
private vogne transporteredes videre til vestkanten af Bastrup Sø;
her tog ekskursionen sin begyndelse med en gennemsøgning af Ganløse Eged. Af mere bemærkelsesværdige fund kan nævnes Boletus
appendiculatus og B. porphyrosporus) som begge fandtes flere steder,
Clitocybe injundibulijormis med et frugtlegeme i superposition i
normal stilling, Lactarius volemus) flere eksemplarer, og en snes individer af Amanita phalloides) hvoraf et enkelt med en stærk afvigende
farve, nærmest glinsende grå og kun med en ganske svag grønlig
tone i hatranden, men med tydeligt vatret stok.
Frokosten indtoges på traktørstedet ved Bure Sø, som desværre
viste sig at være alt for lille til det store rykind; adskillige måtte
betjene sig selv, og mange nåede endda ikke at få en kop kaffe. Om
nogen svampedemonstration kunne der under disse forhold ikke blive
Efter frokosten gik turen op gennem den vestlige del af Krogenlund, som væsentligt består af gammel Bøgeskov. Her var det interessanteste fund Hydnotrya tulasnei. Sammen med redaktør B. RØNHE,
87 -
der fandt det første eksemplar, lykkedes det os på morbund under en
gammel Bøg at finde 15-20 eksemplarer. De ti største frugtlegemer,
der tilsammen havde en friskvægt på 86 g -X- ), havde følgende mål:
4.75X3.75X2.25 cm
4.25 X 4.25 X 2.50 4.25 X 3.00 X 2.00 4.00 X 3.50 X 1.50 4.00 X 3.25 X 1.75 -
3.50 X 3.00 X 2.00 cm
3.50 X 2.50 X 1.50 3.25 X 2.75 X 1.75 3.00 X 2.25 X 1.00 2.00 X 1.50 X 1.00 -
Et andet interessant fund var Hypholoma cotoneum) ved hvis gule
stokbasis der fandtes sklerotier:>:--X- ) På den kendte store hængebøg i
den nordlige udkant af Krogenlund voksede Armillaria mucida. Ekskursionen afsluttedes med et på grund af den stærkt fremrykkede
tid kortvarigt besøg i Uggeløse Skov. Her voksede Schizophyllum
commune og Polyporus hirsutus i stor mængde på tørre, barksprukne,
gamle Bøgekævler, der havde ligget for længe i skoven.
Der noteredes lige som på den forrige ekskursion et ret betydeligt
artsantal, nemlig 139, hvoraf 90 var Agaricales; der noteredes ingen
resupinate arter. Udbyttet af spisesvampe var godt og bestod især
af Kantarel, Trompetsvamp, Pigsvamp, Punktstokket Rørhat, PerleFluesvamp og Rabarber-Parasolhat.
Ganløse Eged, K
Krogenlund, U
Bulgaria inquinans (Fagus ) Quercus) U
Coryne sarcoides (Fagus) G
H elvella atra K
Hydnotrya tulasnei (Fagus) K
Hypo x ylon cocci n eum (Fagus) U
Nectria cinn ~ barina (Fagus) U
Pezi za
( Aleuria)
(Lachnea) h emisphaerica G
Xylaria polymorpha
Uggeløse Skov.
Calocera viscosa K
Cantharellus cibarius) tubaeformis
Clavaria cristata K, rugosa G,
stricta G
Craterellus cornucopioides G
Daedalea gibbosa
quercina (Quercus) U
* ) Efter opbevaring en månedstid ved stuetemperatur vejede de ti eksem-
plarer 67 g og havde altså tabt 19 g i vægt.
** ) Sml. M. P. CHRISTIANSEN i "Medd. Foren. Svampek. Fremme" 4: 34-35,
1929. J. E. LANGE omtaler ikke sklerotier i F. A. D., IV: 76, men nævner, at frugtlegemerne udspringer fra et svovlgult mycelium.
H ydnum repandum K
Irpex obliquus (Fagus)
Lenzites sepiaria (Picea) G
Merulius corium (Fagus)
Polyporus annosus (Picea abies)
G, applanatus(Fagus) G, U,
caesius (Fagus) G, giganteus
U, hirsutus (Fagus) U, varius
(Fagus) K, versicolor
Poria vitrea G
Stereum fuscum (Fagus) G
Agaricus (Psalliota) haemorrhoidarius) silvaticus) silvicola G
Amanita citrina) citrina var. alba
G, muscaria G, phalloides G,
porphyria U, rubescens) spissa)
vaginata var. plumbea G
Armillaria mellea (Fagus) G, K
Bolbitius titubans
Boletus appendiculatus (Fagus) G,
badius G, chrysenteron G,
edulis G, grevillei (elegans) )
miniatoporus (erythropus FR.
?) *) G, porphyrosporus (Fagus) G, scaber) strobilaceus G,
Olitocybe aggregata U, clavipes)
connata U, infundibuliformis
G, suaveolens
Oollybia asema) confluens) dryophila U
Ooprinus comatus) micaceus) picaceus
Oortinarius anomalus G, elatior U
Orepidotus mollis
Entoloma rhodopolium K
Galera tenera
H ebeloma crustuliniforme G, U
Hygrocybe obrussea K
Hypholoma cotoneum K, fasciculare G, K, sublateritium G
Inocybe fastigiata
Kuehneromyces (Pholiota) mutabilis
Laccaria amethystina G, laccata G
Lactarius blennius G , camphoratus)
deliciosus G, fuliginosus) lilacinus) obscuratus (Alnus) G,
piperatus) quietus) subdulcis
G, volemus G
Lentinus cochleatus G
Lepiota amianthina) clypeolaria)
Mycena crocata G, inclinata (Quercus) K, pura (lyserød), zephirus
Omphalia fibula
Oudemansiella ( Armillaria) mucida G, (Fagus) K, (Oollybia)
platyphylla G, U, (Oollybia)
radicata G
Panus conchatus (torulosus) U
Paxillus atrotomentosus G, involutus G
Pholiota caperata U, flammans
Pluteus cervinus G, U
Psathyrella conopilea U, gracilis G
Russula aeruginea (Betula)) alutacea) atropurpurea) cyanoxantha) delica) fellea) integra G,
lepida G, mairei G, nigricans
K, ochroleuca K, solaris G,
vesca G, veternosa G, violeipes
Schizophyllum commune (Fagus)
Stropharia aeruginosa G, squamosa
G, thrausta K
Tricholoma nu dum) rutilans) saponaceum K
Tubaria furfuracea G
Oyathus striatus (Fagus) U
Lycoperdon perlatum G
Phallus impudicus
S cleroderma aurantium G
Fungi imperfecti
Sepedonium chrysospermum (Boletus subtomentosus) U
* ) Se fodnote s. 85.
89 -
Søndag den 22. september 1963. Ekskursion til G r e v i n g e S k o v
og K o n g s ø r e S k o v. Ekskursionen udgik fra Studenterforeningen, H. C. Andersens Boulevard, hvor 27 deltagere samledes kl. 8.
Under køreturen fortalte redaktør B. RØNNE i korte træk om inddæmningen af Lammefjord og Sidingefjord. Samtidig gjorde han
opmærksom på, at da Gundestrup Kro kun kunne huse 30 personer
med "medbragte madkurve", var frokosten blevet forlagt til Vig Kro,
hvor vi senere blev vel modtaget, og hvor arrangementet klappede
fuldkomment. Ingenør HERTZ gennemgik her efter frokosten i korte
træk formiddagens fund.
Efter ankomsten til Grevinge Skov ved 9,15-tiden spredtes man i
terrænet. Af særlige fund i denne skov kan nævnes: Xylaria longipes
på bøg; M erulius serpens også på bøg; Trametes mollis på asp;
Hypholoma cotoneum med sklerotier*); Lactarius acer (eet eksemplar) ; Hebeloma (Pholiota) radicosum i adskillige eksemplarer.
Fra eftermiddagens tur i Kongsøre Skover der anledning til at
notere følgende fund: Microsphaera alphitoides med peritecier på
talrige blade af stødskud ; **) Gomphidius viscidus)· Russula sororia
under eg; Geaster jimbriatus)· N aucoria myosotis f. macrospora.
Dagens samlede høst udgjorde 161 arter. En fuldstændig liste følger nedenfor.
G = Grevinge Skov; K = Kongsøre Skov.
Pezi za cupularis (cati mts) onotica
Fuligo septica G
Leocarpus fragilis (på nedfalden
gren af Picea) K
Stemonitis fusca G
Xylaria hypoxylon) longipes (Fagus) G
(store frugtlegemer) G
Cordyceps parasitica G
Elaphomyces cervinus G
Helvella crispa G, K, lacunosa K
Hypoxylon coccineu'm (Fagus) G,
rubiginosum (Fagus) G
Microsphaera alphitoides (Perite-
cier på talrige blade af stødskud!) K
*) Sml. fodnote s. 87.
* *) Sml. fodnote s. 84.
Calocera viseosa
AlettTOdiscus acerinus G
Cantharellus cibarius (ret alm.)
Clavaria abietina G
Corticium atrovirens G
CrateTellus cornucopioides K
Daedalea gibbosa (Fagus)
Fistulina hepatica G, K
Grandinia mutabilis G
H ydnum repandum
Merulius serpens (Fagus) G
Mycoacia uda (Fagus) G
Peniophora laeta (Carpinus) G )
Polyporus adustus (Fagus) G, K,
annosus (Picea abies) G, applanatus (Fagus) G, elegans
(Fagus) G, fumosus (Fagus)
G, giganteus
schweinitzii (sistotremoides)
(Larix) G, versicolor (Fagus)
Poria versipora (Fagus) G, xantha
(Amyloporia xantha f. pachymeres (syn. Trametes cinereosulphureus FERD. & WINGE))
(Larix) G
Stereum hirsutum
Thelephora terrestris
Trametes mollis (Populus tremula)
Agaricus silvaticus (Psalliota sanguinaria)
Amanita excelsa (under Acer) G,
citrina (mappa) G, K, mus caria K, phalloides (ret alm.)
G, K, rubescens G, K, vaginata var. fulva G, K
Armillaria mellea G
Boletus badius) chrysenteron) edulis) felleus K, grevillei (elegans) K, scaber G, K, strobilaceus K
Clitocybe clavipes K, infundibuliformis G, inversa G, K, nebularis G, K, suaveolens
Collybia asema) confluens G, fusipes G, maculata K
Coprinus comatus G, K, plicatilis
Cortinarius alboviolaceus G, K,
cinnabarinus G, hinnuleus G,
multiformis K, torvus K
Crepidotus variabilis K
Entoloma rhodopolium G
Flammula carbonaria K, lenta G
Gomphidius rutilus (viscidus) K
Hebeloma crustuliniforme) (Pholiota) radicosum G
Hygrocybe coccinea G
Hygrophorus (Limacium) eburneus G
Hypholoma cotoneum (med sklerotier ) G, fasciculare G, K, sublateritium
Inocybe geophylla G, lanuginosa
G, macttlata G, petiginosa G
Kuehneromyces (Pholiota) mutabilis
Laccaria amethystina K, laccata
(ros ella)
Lactarius acer (eet eks.) G, aurantiacus G, blennius G, K, deliciosus) fuliginosus G, K, necator K, pallidus G, quietus K,
rufus K, subdttlcis G, torminosus K) vietus (alm. under
Betula) K
Lentinus cochleatus ( cornucopioides) G
Lepiota acutesquamosa G) clypeolaria G, K, rhacodes G
M arasmi'l-ts oreades K, peronatus
G, rotula) scorodonius K
Mycena crocata G) inclinata K, pelianthina G, pttra G
N aucoria myosotis f. macrospora
(to eks.) K
OudemansielZa (Armillaria) mucida) (Collybia) platyphylla K,
(Collybia) radicata G, K
Panus stipticus
Paxillus atrotomentosus K, involutus (Betula) G
Pholiota adiposa G, (på nedfalden
gren og højt til vejrs, Fagus)
K, squarrosa G, spectabilis G
Pluteus cervinus) salicinus K
Russula aeruginea G, K, alutacea)
G, atropurpurea G, cyanoxantha G, K, delica G, K, fellea
K, foetens G, heterophylla G,
mairei G, nigricans G, K,
ochroleuca G, K, sororia (under Quercus) K, xerampelina
(under Pi nus ) K
Stropharia aeruginosa G, K, squamosa
Tricholoma album G, brevipes K,
flavobrunneum (Betula) K,
lascivum, melaleucum G, nudum G, panaeolum (det. M. P.
CHRIST.) K, sulphureum G,
ustale K, virgatum G, K
Lycoperdon perlatum G, K
Phallus caninus G, K, impudicus
Scleroderma aurantium K, bovista
K, cepa K, verrucosum K
Fungi imperfecti
Oyathus crucibulum
Geastrum fimbriatum K
Ramularia stachydis (Stachys silvatica) G
Søndag den 6. oktober 1963. Ekskursion til V r a n g e s k o v og
S k j o l d n æ s h o l m. 56 deltagere. I gråvejr startede man med bus
lidt over kl. 8 fra Studenderforeningen og nåede frem til Vrangeskov
Kro til planlagt tid, ca. kl. 9,30. Efter at professor N. F. BUCHWALD
havde givet en lille oversigt over de historiske begivenheder omkring
mordet på Knud Lavard i 1131, gennemsøgte man "skoven med de
vrange bøge". Noget rigt svampeflor var her ikke; der er dog noteret
140 arter herfra. På et bøgetræ bag kroen fandtes mange frugtlegemer af Polyporus pjeifferi) og på et dødt, kroget bøgetræ foran kroen
fandtes følgende 7 arter: Coprinus micaceus) Dictydiaetalium plumbeum) Hypoxylon coccineum) Libertella jaginea) Polyporus jomentarius) Psathyrella disseminata og Ustulina maxima. Efter frokosten og
fru ELISABETH ANDERSEN'S demonstration af de indsamlede svampe
fortsattes turen til Skjoldnæsholm. På vejen dertil gjorde man et
øjeblik holdt for at betragte mindekorset for KNUD LAVARD. I skoven
ved Skjoldnæsholm fandtes straks en interessant lokalitet i en beplantning med Cypres, hvor der før havde stået Rødgran; det bløde
mostæppe var rigt på svampe, især Cortinarius cinnamomeus, Lepiota
amianthina) Lepiota carcharias og Limacium pustulatum. Efter et
besøg på Gyldenløveshøj, hvor det blæste koldt, tiltrådtes hjemturen;
dog måtte man først beundre to flotte eksemplarer af Pholiota aurea)
som fru ASTA PETERSEN havde fundet ved vejen. Dagen var forløbet
godt, til dels i solskin og med kun en enkelt regnbyge ved frokosttid.
Ved hjælp af lister fra professor N. F. BUCHWALD, kaptajn M. P.
CHRISTIANSEN og ingeniør S. HERTZ kommer den fuldstændige liste
på 202 arter og varieteter til a t se således ud:
V = Vrange skov, S = Skjoldnæsholm.
Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa s
Dictydiaethalium plumbeum (Fagus) V
Lycogala epidendron V, S
Trichia varia V
Ascotremella faginea (Fagus) V
Coryne sarcoides V
Helvella crispa V, lacunosa V
Hypoxylon coccineum (Fagus) V
Nectria cinnabarina (Fagus) V,
(Fagus) S
Peziza aurantia V) catinus (cupularis) V
Phaeobulgaria polymorpha (Quercus) S
Quaternaria persoonii (Libertella
faginea) (Fagus) V
Ustulina maxima (Fagus) V
Xylaria hypoxylon V
Calocera cornea (Fagus) V, viscosa S
Dacryomyces deliquescens (Picea)
V, S
Helicobasidium purpureum
gren af Fagus) V
Tremella foliacea (Betula) S, mesenterica (Fagus) V, (Fagus)
Daedalia gibbosa (Fagus) V
Grandinia mutabilis (Fagus) V
Hydnum repandum V, S
Lenzites betulina (Fagus) V
Merulius corium (papyrinus) V
Odontia bicolor (Picea) S
Peniophora cinerea V, incarnata
(Fagus) V, (Picea) S, longispora (Fagus) V, velutina
(Fagus) V
Polyporus adustus (Fagus) V, annosus (Picea abies) alm. S,
caesius (Fagus) V, (Picea) S,
elegans (Fagus) V, fomentarius (Fagus) V, giganteus (Fagus) V, hirsutus (Fagus) S,
frugtlegemer) V, radiatus (Fagus) V, versicolor (Fagus) V
Poria sanguinolenta S
Radulomyces (Corticium) confluens V, (Fagus) S
Sistotrema brinkmannii (Fagus)
Steccherinum fimbriatum D, ochraceum (Fagus) V, (Picea) S
Stereum hirsutum (Fagus) V, S,
purpureum (Fagus) V, sanguinolentum (Larix) Picea) S
Tomentella fuseella (på Polyporus
pfeifferi) V, pilosa (Fagus) V
Tylosperma asterophorum (Picea)
Xenasma tulasnelloideum V
A mphinema byssoides V, S
Athelia epiphylla (Picea) S
Botryohypochnus isabellinus S
Clavaria cristata V, fragilis (under
Picea) S, pistillaris V, rugosa
S, stricta V
Coniophora arida (Picea) S
Corticium evolvens (Fagus) V,
(Betula) S
Cristella sphaerospora (Picea) S,
sulphurea S
Amanita citrina (mappa) V, citrina var. alba V excelsa V,
phalloides V, rubescens V, vaginata V, virosa V
Armillaria mellea (alm.) V, S
Bolbitius vitellinus
Boletus c7~rysenteron V, duriusculus (rødbrun hat, grønlig stokbasis) S, strobilaceus V, subtomentosus S
Clitocybe angustissima S, cerussata V, infundibuliformis V,
inversa S, nebularis (alm.) V,
S, odora V, suaveolens S,
Collybia asema V, butyracea (Picea) S, dryophila V, erythropus V, fusipes V, tuberosa V
Coprinus atramentarius V, comatus V, micaceus (Fagus) V,
picaceus V
Cortinarius anomaZus V, cinnabarinus V, cinnamomeus S, rigidus V, sanguineus S J torvus V
Cystoderma (Lepiota) amianthinum V, (alm.) S, carcharias
OudemansieZZa ( ArmiZZaria) mucida (Fagt~s) V, (CoZZybia)
pZatyphyZZa V, radicata V, S
PaxiZZus acheruntius S, invoZutus
(aurea) S
PhoZiota fZammans S, (GaZerina)
marginata S, squarrosa V
PZeurotus dryinus (corticatus) V,
mitis (Picea) S, subpZicatus S
PZuteus cervinus V
Psathyrella conopiZea V, disseminata V, graciZis S
RussuZa aZutacea V, chamaeZeontina S, cyano x antha V, felZea
V, Ztttea V, mairei V, nigricans
V, ochroZeuca V, queZetii S
Stropharia aeruginosa V, S, squamos a V, squamosa var. thrausta V
Tricholoma Zascivum V, nu dum V,
rutiZans S, saponaceum V, suZphureum V
(alm.) S
FZammuZa Zenta S
HebeZoma crustuZiniforme V, mesophaeum V
Hygrophorus (Camarophyllus) pratensis ( ?) S, (Limacium) ag athosmus S, eburneus V, Zeucophaeus V, penarius V, pustuZatus S
HyphoZoma capnoides S, cotoneum
V, fascicuZare V, hydrophilum
V, subZateritium V
Inocybe asterospora V, geophylla
var. ZiZacea S
Kuehneromyces (PhoZiota) mutabilis S
Laccaria amethystina V, S, Zaccata
(roseZZa) V, S
Lactarius bZennius V, deZiciosus S,
subduZcis V, voZemus S
Lepiota procera V, rhacodes V
Leptonia euchroa (AZnus) V
Limacella guttata (Lepiota ZenticuZaris) V
Macrocystidia (Naucoria) cucumis
Cyathus striatus V, S
Geastrum fimbriatum S, tripZex V
Lycoperdon ec7'/'inatum V, perZatum V, pyriforme V, saccatum
S, umbrinum S
Phallus caninus V, S, impudicus
V, S
V, S
Marasmius alliaceus V, S, buZZiardii (Fagus) V, foetidus V, S,
oreades V, perforans S, peronatus V, wynnei (gZobuZaris)
Scleroderma aurantium V, verrucosum S
Mycena citrinomarginata S, crocata V, epiphZoea S, epipterygia V, S, fiZopes S, gaZericuZata S, gaZopus V, S, poZygramma V, pura V, S, tintinnabuZum V, sanguinoZenta V,
vitiZis S, zephirus S
N oZanea cetrata
Fungi imperfecti
Fusidium aeruginosum (blade af
Quercus) V
Libertella faginea (Quaternaria
persoonii) (Fagus) V
Trichoderma viride V
94 -
Søndag den 20. oktober 1963. Ekskursion til J æ g e r s b o r g D Y r eh a v e. Ca. 50 mødtes ved Klampenborg St. Vejret var mildt efter
årstiden, og solen skinnede. Om formiddagen afsøgtes den sydøstlige
del af Dyrehaven, og af fund kan nævnes Hydnum coralloides på en
i hvert fald for Danmark ny vært, Ulmus glabra.*) Desuden kan nævnes
Tremella joliacea på Eg og Phaeolepiota (Pholiota) vahlii. Frokosten
spiste s på "Kildeøen", for manges vedkommende i det fri, lokket af
solen. Om eftermiddagen gik man ad Indelukket til, men da der
ekskursioneredes under vejs, nåede kun et fåtal frem. Indelukket bør
stryges, da det ikke er første gang, man ikke er nået frem, og man
må om eftermiddagen i stedet for koncentrere sig om den sydlige del
af Dyrehaven, i hvert fald hvis udgangspunktet er "Kildeøen".
Efterfølgende 133 arter noteredes.
Arcyria denudata
Fuligo septica
Trichia varia
Coryne sarcoides
Daldinia concentrica (Alnus)
Lachnea scutellata
Nectria cinnabarina (Fagus)
N eotiella rutilans
Peziza aurantia
U stulina maxima
Xylaria hypoxylon
Dacryomyces deliquescens
Exidia glandulosa) truncata
Platygloea vestita
Tremella foliacea (Quercus)
Clavaria geoglossoides
Coniophora puteana (cerebella)
Corticium evolvens
Cristella confinis
Daedalea gibbosa
Fibuloporia reticulata
Fistulina hepatica
Hydnum coralloides*) (Ulmus glabra!)) repandum
Hyphoderma roseocremeum) setigerum) tenue
Hypochnicium (Corticium) geogenium) punctulatum
Lenzites sepiaria
M erulius tremellosus
Peniophora cinerea) longispora) lycii) quercina) velutina
Phlebia hydnoides) livida) pubera
Polyporus applanatus) betulinus)
brumalis) caesius) fomentarius)
hirsutus) pfeifferi (cupreo-laccatus)) radiatus) rutilans) varius
Poria versipora
Radulomyces (Corticium) confluens
Sistotrema brinkmannii) niveocremeum) sernanderi
Stereum gausapatum) hirsutum)
purpure'Ltm) rubiginosum
Thelephora terrestris
Tomentella microspora) pannosa
Trametes mollis
Vuilleminia (Corticium) comedens
*) Arten bør hedde Hericium (Hydnum) ramosum (BULL. ex MERAT)
LETELLIER, og navnet H. coralloides forkastes som nomen ambiguum
(MAAS GEESTERRANUS i Persoonia 1: 115-147, 1959).
-- 95
Amanita citrina (mappa)) spissa)
Armillaria mellea
Boletus subtomentosus
Camarophyllus niveus) p1'atensis
CZitocybe cyathiformis) nebularis
Coprinus micaceus) picaceus) pZicatilis
Cortinarius candelaris
Crepidotus mollis
Cystoderma (Lepiota) amianthinum
Flammula lenta
Hebeloma crustuZiniforme) mesophaeum) (PhoZiota) radicosum
Hygrocybe psittacina) punicea
Hygrophorus (Limacium) eb'u rneus
Hypholoma fasciculare) hydrophilun
Inocybe geophylla
Kuehneromyces (PhoZiota) mutabiZis
Laccaria laccata (1'osella)
Lacrymaria lacrymabunda
Lactarius blennius) paZZidus
Macrocystidia (Nattcoria) cucumis
Marasmius alliaceus) peronattts
Mycena alcaZina) crocata) galericulata) haematopus) polygrammaj pura
Oudemansiella (ArmiZZaria) mucida) (Collybia) platyphylla
Panus conchatus) stipticus
Panaeolus acuminatus
PaxiZZus acheruntius) involutus
Phaeolepiota (PhoZiota) vahlii
Pholiota adiposa
Pleurotus corticatus) ostreatus)
rhacodium) serotinus) subplicatus
Pluteus ce1'vinus
Psathyrella conopiZea
Psilocybe semilanceata
Russula atropurpurea) fellea) lepi da
Schizophyllum commune (alneum)
Stropharia aeruginosa) semiglobata
Tricholoma personatum) populinum) sulphureus) terreum
Fungi imperfecti
H eZicomyces roseus
Sirobasidium cerasi (Fagus) *)
T1'ichoderma viride
For medlemmer (begyndere) afholdt foreningen på Den kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole et svampekursus mandagene den 23. og
30. september og den 7. og 14. oktober 1963, hver gang kl. 19,30-21,00.
Kurset omfattede dels en gennemgang af storsvampenes systematik
og biologi, dels en vejledning i bestemmelse af storsvampe. I kurset,
der lededes af foreningens formand og sekretær, deltog 22 medlemmer. Prisen pr. deltager var 25 kr.
*) Sml. M. p, CHRISTIANSEN, der henfører Sirobasidium cerasi til Fungi
imperfecti (Friesia 7: 69-74, 1962), og MALENCON, som henfører arten
til en ny imperfekt slægt EndostiZbum MALEN-cON (BULL. Soc. Myc.
France 80: 102-112, 1964).
96 -
Fredag den 28. februar 1964, klo 20,00, afholdtes den ordinære
generalforsamling i Botanisk Laboratoriums auditorium, Gothersgade
Fabrikant Sv. TROYER valgtes til dirigent og konstaterede, at geneneralforsamlingen var lovligt indvarslet.
a. Formanden, professor N. FABRITIUS BUCHWALD, aflagde derefter beretning for året 1963. I tilknytning til omtalen af de enkelte
ekskursioner fremvistes farvelysbilleder, et festligt og godt indslag.
Foruden ekskursionsbillederne vistes der farvelysbilleder af den
sjældne Rørhat, Boletus satanas. Billederne var taget af politiadvokat
BIRGER WILCKE, som havde fundet Satans-Rørhatten i det sydlige Fyn.
I 1963 var der ingen svampeudstilling, men der afholdtes et
svampekursus. Nærmere herom side 95.
I slutningen af 1963 udsendtes et stort hæfte af "Friesia" på
næsten 160 sider, det første hæfte af det nye bind 7. Hovedafhandlingen er en detaljeret redegørelse af fil. dr. LENNART HOLM & professor J. A. NANNFELDT for det berømteste af alle svampeexsiccater,
nemlig det af E . FRIES udgivne exsiccat "Scleromyceti Sueciae", der
udsendtes i 10 fascikler indeholdende 340 svampearter, ganske overvejende Pyrenomycetes) udgivet 1819-1822 (1825). Hæftet indeholder
desuden et billede af foreningens første udenlandske æresmedlem
dr. h. c. SETH LUNDELL og en medlemsfortegnelse. Næste hæfte var
på trapperne og vil indeholde overlærer K. BJ0RNEKÆR'S og grosserer A. B. KLINGE'S store monografi over danske Slimsvampe.
Fra undervisningsministeriet modtoges for 1962/63 kr. 1.750.-;
for nærværende finansår er der, som sidste år, søgt om kr. 2.000.-.
Medlemstallet var desværre gået tilbage fra 482 pr. 1.1.1963 til
463 pr. 1.1.1964. Antallet af udenlandske medlemmer er glædeligvis
i stadig stigen og udgør 140 pr. 1.1.1964.
Også i dette beretningsår har foreningen lidt store tab ved dødsfald: Professor E. GAUMANN, grosserer A. B. KLINGE, frk. R. MUNKVAD og direktør M. P. WILKENS, alle medlemmer, der havde stået i
foreningen i mange år:r.)
På en af de sidste dage døde den betydelige schweiziske mykolog
og plantepatolog E. GAUMANN (1893-1963), kort efter at være fyldt
*) Nekrologer er optaget i "Friesia" (Bd. 7, 1966) over grosserer KLINGE
(s. 375-376) og direktør WILKENS (s. 377-378).
97 -
70 år. Han var vel på sine ældre dage foreningens mest berømte medlem; han havde været abonnent på "Friesia" siden dets start i 1932*).
Deres minde blev æret.
b. Kassereren fremlagde herefter det reviderede regnskab, der
blev godkendt uden bemærkninger. Af regnskabets poster kan nævnes, at udgiften til trykning af det netop udkomne nummer af
"Friesia" beløb sig til kr. 13.606.
c. Bestyrelsesmedlemmerne overlærer K. BJØRNEKÆR, tandlæge K.
HAUERSLEV og ingeniør S. HERTz afgik efter tur og blev genvalgt.
Suppleanten, mag. scient. fru E. LøHR ønskede ikke genvalg, og formanden foreslog som ny 1. suppleant dr. JOHANNES JØRGENSEN, som
d. Som revisor genvalgtes K. RANKov.
e. Som emner til ekskursioner blev foreslået Kongelunden, Mogenstrup As, Bornholm (week-endtur). En sommertur til Tisvilde Hegn
med tog eller til Rådvad. Endvidere week-endtur til Midtjylland eller
Corseli tze-skovene.
f. Under eventuelt oplæste formanden et brev fra ingeniør E.
TRYLL, hvori denne foreslog en ændring af forenings navnet. Formanden redegjorde for forenings navnets tilblivelseshistorie og konkluderede, at han og andre i bestyrelsen fandt det uheldigt at skifte
navn, idet det kun ville skabe uklarhed, men erklærede, at generalforsamlingen hverken kunne forkaste eller godkende forslaget, da
dette ikke var fremsendt til bestyrelsen inden afvigte nytår, som det
skulle have været efter foreningens love.
Generalforsamlingen hævedes, og dirigenten takkedes.
(sign.) Sv. TROYER.
Professor N. F. BUCHWALD holdt efter generalforsamlingen følgende foredrag: "I hundredåret for tre danske mykologers fødsel".
De tre mykologer er: JAKOB E. LANGE (1864-1941), POUL LARSEN
(1864-1938) og OVE RoSTRUP (1864-1933). Foredraget ledsagedes af
lysbilleder. - Efter mødet var der tvangfrit samvær på Universitetets Spisestuer.
*) Nekrologer findes bl. a. i Mitt. Naturforsch. Ges. Bern, N. F. 21: 245-249,
1964; Angew. Bot. 37: 297-298, 1964; Ann. Appl. Biol. 53: 345-347, 1964
og Mycologia 57: 1-5, 1965. Et festskrift udgaves til hans 70 årsdag
6.10.1963 ved L. ZOBRIST et al.: Herrn Professor, Dr. Ernst Gaumann
zum siebenzigsten Geburtstag gewidmet von seinen Schtilern und Mitarbeitern, Kollegen und Freunden. 68 s. Biichler & Co., WabernBern 1963.
Søndag den 24. maj 1964. Ekskursion til B o s e r u p S k o v og
H e r t h a d a l e n. Ca. 30 deltagere, hvoraf 30. med bus. Landet var
usædvanligt grønt og frodigt og præsenterede sig særligt godt i det
smukke solskinsvejr. Boserup Skov gav mange eksemplarer af Spiselig Morkel (Morchella esculenta) og en enkelt Hætte-Morkel (M. rimosipes). Om eftermiddagen gik hovedparten af deltagerne gennem
Herthadalen til Ledreborg Slotspark; de øvrige af selskabet kørte.
Eftermiddagsturen volder vanskeligheder for bilisterne, der må tilbage for at hente deres vogne. Det var nok rimeligt af denne grund
at lægge turen noget om.
Kun ganske få Agaricaceer noteredes. De resupinate arter er samlet og bestemt af tandlægerne K. HAUERSLEV og J. E. BREGNH0J LARSEN, og de parasitiske micromyceter af licentiatstuderende L. A. HoBOLTH. Der fandtes ialt 64 arter.
= Boserup Skov; H = Herthadalen ; L = Ledreborg Slotspark.
Comatricha typhoides (umoden) H
Trichia persimilis H
Tubife?'a ferruginosa H
M o'rchella esculenta B, Timosipes B
Taphridium umbelliferarum (Heradeum sphondylium) B
Taphrina cerasi (Cerasus avium)
B, crataegi (Crataegus monogyna) B
U stulina maxima B, L
Peronospora calotheca (Asperula
odorata) B, viciae (Vicia sepium) H
Plasmopara nivea ( Aegopodium
podagraria) B
Synchytrium anemones (Anemone
(Mercurialis perennis) B
Botrytinia globosa (Allium uTsinum) H
Diatrype discifoTmis B, stigma B
Disciotis venosa B
Hypocrea rufa L
Hypoxylon multiforme (Betula) B,
rubiginosum B, L
U'rocystis anemones (Anemone nemoros a) B
Puccinia aegopodii (Aegopodium
podagraria) J
anemones (fusca) (Anemone
nemorosa) J op?,zn (Lactuca
muralis) J violae (Viola silvatica)
Dacryomyces deliquescens
gus) L
Helicogloea lagerheimi L
Antrodia mollis L
Bjerkandera (Polyporus) adusta B
Corticium evo lvens B, tub erculatum L, (Quercus) B
Chaetoporus (Poria) euporus L
Cristella (Grandinia) farinacea B
Fibuloporia (Po ria) reticulata B, L
Gloeocystidiellum (Corticium) poro sum B
Grandinia helvetica B
Hyphoderma poZonense (UZmus) B,
raduZa (RaduZum orbicuZare)
(Cerasus) B J roseocremeum L
Hyphodontia (Odontia) arguta B,
L, (Corticium) sambuci (Sambucus nigra) B, L
Hypochnicium sphaerosporum L
Laxitextum (Stereum) bicoZor (St.
fuscum) B
MeruZius corium (papyrinus) B,
(Fraxinus) L
Mycoacia uda (UZmus) L
Peniophora cinerea B, cremea B,
incarnata L, (Robinia pseudacacia) B, Zongispora B, Zycii B,
veZutina B
livida L,
(Odontia) hydnoides B, L
Phellinus (Poria) ferruginosus L
Sistotrema commune (Picea J Lenzites sepiaria) L, commune f.
efibulatum (Picea) L, brinkmannii B, L
Steccherinum (Odontia) fimbriatum B
Stereum hirsutum L
Trametes mollis L
XyZodon (Poria) versiporus B
Fungi imperfecti
M astigosporium rubricosum (Dactylis gZomerata)
Trichoderma viride L
Søndag den 23. august 1964. Ekskursion til R u d e S k o v. Der
var 25 deltagere med toget til Birkerød st., hvortil vi ankom kl. 9,54;
en halv snes deltagere kørte i egen befordring. Sommeren 1964 havde
været kølig og juni og juli haft ret mange regnsvejrsdage, men august
var mod sædvane meget fattig på nedbør (sml. årene 1962 og 1963,
"Friesia" 7: 134-135 og 8:83). Ugen forud for ekskursionen var ganske tør, og solen strålede på hele ekskursionsdagen.
Om formiddagen gik turen forbi Ebberødgaard og Skovrøddam.
Frokosten spistes på "Lollikhus", og efterfulgtes af en demonstration af de indsamlede svampe. Om eftermiddagen fortsatte man gennem den østlige del af Rudeskov og gennem Holte Villaby til stationen, hvorfra de fleste deltagere tog hjem med toget 16,48.
Af de fundne svampearter må bl. a. fremhæves følgende: Boletus
pachypus) Helicomyces roseus) der dannede smukke, lillafarvede overtræk på Bøgestød, Helotium monilijerum på Bøgestød, som var angrebet af Bispora monilioides) Hypocrea citrina på og omkring stærkt
frønnet Egestød, Schizophyllum commune på grene af Larix) Rutstroemia petiolorum på fugtigt liggende, visne Egeblade samt Puccinia
100 -
komarovii på Impatiens parviflora) en rustsvamp, som ikke tidligere
synes at være rapporteret fra Danmark.
Skønt der blev noteret ikke færre end 162 arter, deriblandt 87
Agaricales) må svampefloret ikke desto mindre betegnes som meget
pauvert. Der samledes næsten ingen spisesvampe, væsentligt Boletus
edulis og B. appendiculatus. De res up ina te svampearter er bestemt af
tandlæge K. HAUERSLEV.
Cerati omyxa fruticuZosa
FuZigo septica
Physarum nutans (det. K. BJØRNEKÆR)
EZaphomyces cervinus
HeZotium moniZiferum (Fagus)
Hypocrea citrina (Quercus)
HypoxyZon coccineum (Fagus) )
rubiginosum (Fagus)
Nectria cinnabarina (Fagus)
Pezizza aurantia) succosa
PhaeobuZgaria polymorpha
Rutstroemia petioZorum (Quercus)
XyZaria hypoxyZon) polymorpha
Puccinia circaeae (Circaea Zutetiana)) komarovii (Impatiens
CaZocera cornea (Fagus) ) viscosa
Amphinema byssoides
AtheZia epiphyZla (Fagus)
Botryobasidium subcoronatum
(brændt træ)
CanthareZlus cibarius
Corticium evoZvens
CristeZla (Grandinia) farinacea)
sphaerospora) sulphurea (Corticium fumosum)
DaedaZea gibbosa (Fagus) ) quercina (Quercus)
GZoeocystidieZlum (Corticium) citrinum
Hyphoderma argiZZaceum) setigerum (Fagus) ) tenue (Fagus)
Hyphodontia aZutaria) (Corticium)
Irpex obZiquus
(fuscum) (Fagus)
M ycoacia uda
Odontia bicoZor (Picea)
Peniophora affinis) cinerea (Fagus)) incarnata (Fagus) ) veZutina (Fagus)
PhZebia hydnoides
PoZyporus adustus (Fagus) ) aZbidus (Picea)) appZanatus (Fagus)) betuZinus) caesius (Fagus)) fomentarius (Fagus) )
versicoZor (Fagus)
Stereum hirsutum (Quercus) ) sanguinoZentum (Picea)
TheZephora terrestris
TomenteZla bourdotii) fusceZZa) microspora
Tyromyces (PoZyporus) vaporarius
XyZodon (Poria) versiporus
Agaricus (PsaZliota)
bus) eduZis
Amanita citrina) citrina var. alba)
excelsa) mus caria) rubescens)
Boletus appendiculatus) chrysenteron) edulis) felleus) grevillei
(elegans) ) miniatoporus) pachypus) piperatus) scaber) subtomentosus
Cantharellus (Hygrophoropsis) aurantiacus
Clitocybe clavipes) connata) infundibuliformis
Collybia asema) confluens) dryophila
Coprinus comatus) plicatilis
Cortinarius alboviolaceus) anomalus) elatior) rigens) torvus
Galera tenera f. major
Hebeloma crustuliniforme) mesophaeum
Hygrophorus (Limacium) eburneus) penarius
Hypholoma candolleanum) fascicuZare) sublateritium
lnocybe abjecta) asterospora) cincinnata) fastigiata) geophylla)
Kuehneromyces (Pholiota) mutabilis
Laccaria amethystina) laccata (rosella)
Lactarius camphoratus) deliciosus)
helvus) mitissimus) piperatus)
rufus) torminosus
Lepiota cristata
M arasmius
(Quercus)) peronatus
Mycena crocata) galericulata) galopus) pura) sanguinolenta
Oudemansiella (Collybia) plat yphylla) radicata
Paxillus atrotomentosus) involutus
Pluteus cervinus) leoninus
Psathyrella disseminata
Russula aeruginea) cyanoxantha)
fellea) laurocerasi) lepida) mairei) nigricans) ochroleuca) romellii
Schizophyllum commune (Lari x )
Stropharia aeruginosa) coronilla
Tricholoma melaleucum) terreum)
Tubaria furfuracea
Lycoperdon perlatum) pyrif01 me
Phallus impudicus
Scleroderma aurantium) verrucosum
Fungi imperfecti
Aegerita candida
Bisp01'a monilioides (Fagus)
Helicomyces roseus (Fagus)
Libertella faginea
Trichoderma viride (Fagus)
Søndag den 6. september 1964. Ekskursion til G a v n ø. Der var
28 deltagere med bussen, og et dusin kom i egen befordring. Det
tørre vejr, som kendetegnede august, fortsatte ind i september måned,
og følgen blev, at svampefloret også fortsatte med at være fattigt.
Der noteredes ganske vist 120 arter på denne ekskursion, men heraf
hørte kun 40 til AgaricaIes) medens de øvrige overvejende var træboende former, bl. a. 31 resupinate arter.
Ekskursionen indledtes med et besøg i den store Gavnø Slotspark,
som viste sig at være en forholdsvis rig svampelokalitet. Her vokser
mange sjældne træarter, og på flere af de gamle træer fandtes Pore-
102 -
Fig. 1. Fomes robustus på Quercus robur) Lønned Skov, Gavnø.
De talrige frugtlegemer af Fomes robustus sidder i en mægtig, ca. 3 m
høj, barkklædt nekrose, der på siderne er omgivet af tykke, barkklædte
kallusvolde. Egens diameter i brysthøjde ca.1m.
Fot. J. KOCH den 6. september 1964.
svampe, således Polyporus (Ganoderma) applanatus på Sorbus la tifolia) P. squamosus på Magnolia og P. varius på Sorbus intermedia
og S. latifolia; alle de nævnte træarter er nye værter her i landet for
de pågældende svampe. I parken fandtes også Coprinus fuscescens
103 -
Fig. 2. Fomes robustus på Quercus robur.
Detailbillede af den øverste del af venstre side af nekrosen, som er afbildet
i fi g . 1. - Fot. J. KOCH den 6. september 1964.
KONR. & MAUBL., der minder stærkt om C. atramentarius} men er
slankere, mangler hatskæl og har større sporer.
Formiddagen afsluttedes med et besøg kl. 11-12 i slotskapellet,
hvor vi først påhørte en højttalerudsendelse (indtalt ved baron
REEDTZ-THOTT) om Gavnø Slots historie og derefter under kyndig
vejledning vistes rundt i slottets storslåede malerisamling, den største privatsamling i Skandinavien.-x-)
I 1960 overlod den nuværende ejer, baron AXEL REEDTZ-THOTT Gavnø
Slot, parken og den væsentlige del af det historiske indbo (herunder
malerisamlingen) til en selvstændig institution: Gavnø Fonden.
104 -
Frokosten indtoges kl. 12,15-13,30 i "Karetmagerens Hus", en
smuk gammel bindingsværksbygning, nu indrettet til restaurant. Efter
en svampedemonstration kørte vi til Lønned Skov på sydspidsen af
øen Gavnø. Den mest interessante lokalitet her var græssletten omkring baron REEDTZ-THOTT'S sommerhus, "Sofienlyst", hvor der vokser
mange gamle, fritstående ege. På et enkelt træ taltes ikke færre end
34 frugtlegemer af Polyporus (Fomes) robustus (se fig. log 2);
i øvrigt noteredes på Egene: Daedalea quercina) Polyporus dryadeus
ved grunden af en stamme, P. fumosus på et stød og P. sulphureus i
kronen af et træ. I Lønned Skov fandtes bl. a. den af M. P. CHRISTIANSEN beskrevne Phlebia (Peniophora) danica på gren af Fraxinus.
Godt 16,00 forlod vi Gavnø og var hjemme i København ved 18tiden efter en vel tilbragt dag trods det noget pauvre svampeudbytte.
Foreningen havde gennem Gavnø Godskontor indhentet særlig
tilladelse til fri entre til slotsparken og slottet samt til ekskursion i
Lønned Skov.
De resupinate arter i nedenstående fortegnelse er bestemt af tandlægerne K. HAUERSLEV og J. E. BREGNH0J LARSEN.
P = Slotsparken; L = Lønned Skov syd for Gavnø.
Diatrype stigma
Erysiphe depressa
(cichorac earum) (Arctiu'm lappa) L
Hypoxylon coccineum) rubiginosu'm
Microsphaera euonymi (Euonymus
N ectria cinnabarina
Peziza aurantia P
Phaeobulgaria polymorpha (Bulgaria inquinans)
Taphrina betulina) tosquinetii (Alnus glutinosa) L
Xylaria polymorpha P
Platygloea peniophorae (Hyphoderma tenue) (Picea)
Sebacina incrustans (Polygonum
sac halinense)
Puccinia calcitrapae (P. bardanae)
(Arctium lappa) L, phragmitis (Phragmites communis) L
Olavaria stricta
Daedalea quercina (Quercus) L
Polyporus adustus) annosus (Picea) P, L, applanatus (Sorbus
latifolia) P, betulinus) caesius
P, dryadeus (Quercus) L, fumosus (Quercus) L, giganteus
(Fagus) P, L, robustus (Quercus) L, squamosus (Magnolia)
P, sulphureus (Quercus) L,
ungulatus) varius (Sorbus intermedia) P, (S. latifolia) P,
105 Stereum (Lopharia) chailletii (Picea)) hirsutum (Fagus) ) (Hymenochaete) rubiginosum
(Quercus) L
Thelephora terrestris
Agaricus purpurellus (Psalliota
Amanita citrina (mappa)
Armillaria mellea
Boletus grevillei (elegans)
Clitocybe gigantea) inversa
Collybia dryophila) erythropus
Coprinus comatus P, fuscescens
(det. M. P. CHR.) P, micaceus)
Galera (Conocybe) lactea P
H ebeloma sacchariolens P
Hypholoma capnoides) fasciculare)
Inocybe geophylla P
Kuehneromyces (Pholiota) mutabilis P, L
Laccaria amethystina
Lacrymaria velutina
(lacrymabunda) P
Lactarius subdulcis
Lepiota cristata P, rhacodes
Mycena galopoda) pura
Omphalia fibula
Oudemansiella (Collybia) plat yphylla) radicata
Panus stipticus
Pholiota adiposa) togularis
Pluteus cervinus P
Psathyrella disseminata P
Psilocybe foenisecii
Russula alutacea P, L, delica P, L
Stropharia aeruginosa P, L
Tricholoma (Tricholomopsis) rutilans P
Cyathus crucibulum
Lycoperdon perlatum
Phallus impudicus
Sphaerobolus stellatus
Fungi resupinati
Aleurodiscus acerinus (Acer campestre)
A mphinema byssoides
Byssocorticium atrovirens (Abies))
Cristella con/inis (Ulmus) ) sulphurea
Fibuloporia rhodella
Gloeocystidiellum luridum) porosum
Grandinia mutabilis (Sambucus)
Hyphoderma setigerum (Betula))
tenue (Quercus) Tilia) Ulmus)
sambuci (Magnolia) Sambucus
nigra) P
Hypochnicium punctulatum
Merulius corium (Fagus)
Mycoacia uda (incrusterende form;
på stød af Fagus)
Peniophora abietis (Picea)) af/inis)
(Fraxinus)) polygonia
(Populus)) quercina (Quercus)) velutina (Fagus)
Phlebia danica (Fraxinus)) hydnoides) pubera
Podoporia (Poria) sanguinolenta
Radulomyces (Corticium) con/luens
Sistotrema brinkmannii) commune
Steccherinum ochraceum (Quercus)
Thelephora terrestris f. resupinata
Tomentella einerascens) /uscella)
Xylodon (Poria) versiporus (Quercus)
Fungi imperfecti
Gloeosporium nervisequum (Platanus) P
Marssonina juglandis (Juglans regia) P
Trichothecium roseum (Hymeniet
af Polyporus applanatus)
106 -
Søndag den 13. september 1964. Ekskursion til H a r e s k o v. Selv
om svampeudstillingen blev aflyst,+<) løb denne lille halvdagsindsamlingsekskursion alligevel af stabelen. Der mødte 9 deltagere, og
der blev i løbet af formiddagen fundet 44 arter. Der var mange
svampe i Hareskoven, hvilket var forbavsende i betragtning af, hvor
få storsvampe der fandes på ekskursionen til Gavnø. Af fund var det
mest nævneværdige nok nogle smukke eksemplarer af Cortinarius
FuZigo septica
Phaeobulgaria polymorpha
garia inquinans)
Calocera viseosa
A phyllophorales
Cantharellus tubaejormis
Hydnum repdandum
Polyporus adustrus) applanat~ts
Stereum juscum (Laxitextum bicolor)
Boletus badius) edulis) grevillei
(elegans) ) scaber
Clitocybe clavipes
Collybia asema) dryophiZa
Cortina'r ius aZbovioZaceus) anomalus) bolaris) caninus
HyphoZoma jascicuZare) subZateritium
Kuehneromyces (PhoZiota) m~ttabilis
Laccaria Zaccata
Lactarius bZennius) vietus
M arasmius alliaceus
Mycena epipterygia
Oudemansiella (Collybia) plat yphylla
Paxillus involutus
Pholiota caperata
Pluteus cervinus
Russula aZutacea) cyanoxantha)
jragilis )
ochroleuca) rosea) virescens
Tricholoma suZphureum
A manita excelsa) vaginata
ArmilZaria mellea
Scleroderma aurantittm
Søndag den 27. september 1964. Ekskursion til N ø r r e s k o v og
s k o ven e s y d f o r F a r u m S ø. Ca. 30 deltagere mødtes ved
Farum T., hvorefter turen gik syd på gennem Nørreskoven langs de
mordækkede skrænter ned mod Furesøen. Vejret var godt, og selv
om der i ugen forud var kommet nogen regn, bar svampefloret stadig
*) Se s. 112.
107 præg af den forholdsvis tørre eftersommer. Der blev således ikke
fundet mange individer, selvom arts antallet sneg sig op på 105.
Eftermiddagen blev kort, og der nåedes ikke over til Ryget. Bestemmelsen af de resupinate arter skyldes tandlæge K. HAUERSLEV.
Fuligo septica
Lyco gala epidendron
Stemonitis jusca
Trichia persimilis) varia (alle lVlyxomycetes det. K. BJØRNEKÆR )
Cordyceps parasitica
Coryne cylichnium) sarcoides
Diatrype stigma
H elvella cripsa) lacunosa,
Hypoxylon coccineum
Peziza aurantia
U stulina maxima
Xylaria hypoxylon) longipes
Calocera C01'nea
Dacryomyces deliquescens
Sebacina caesio-cinerea)subhyalina
Tulasnella violea
Uthatobasidium jusispoTum
Cantharellus cibarius) tubaejormis
Clavaria stricta
Craterellus cornucopioides
Daedalea quercina
Hydnum repandum
Polyporus adustus) annosus) appZanatus) brumalis) jragilis) giganteus) radiatus) versicoZor
Ptychogaster aZbus
TheZephora terrestris
Agaricus abruptibuZbus (Psalliota
Amanita citrina (A. mappa)) phalloides) rubescens) vaginata
Armillaria mellea
Clitocybe injundibuZijormis
Clitopilus prunulus
Collybia butyracea) conjluens) dryophiZa) maculata) tenacella
Coprinus comatus) micaceus
Cortinarius bolaris) cinna,mome'Us)
jlexipes) sanguineus
Cystoderma (Lepiota) amiantinum
Hygrophorus (Limacium) eburnetts) penarius
Hypholoma hydrophilum) sublateritium
Inocybe geophylla
Kuehneromyces (Pholiota) mutabilis
Laccaria laccata
Lactarius blennius) camphoratus)
deliciosus) quietus
Lepiota rhacodes
lVl arasmius alliacetts) bulliardii)
epip hyllus
lVlycena crocata) epipterygia) galericulata) pelianthina) pura
N aucoria scolecina
Nyctalis (Asterophora) parasitica
Oudemansiella ( Armillaria) mucida) (Collybia) platyphylla)
(Collybia) radicata
Paxillus involutus
Pholiota adiposa) caperata) squarrosa
Pleurot'Us corticatus (P. dryinus)
Pluteus cervinus
Ripartites tricholoma
Russula adusta) atropurpurea, cyanoxantha) j ellea) lepida nigricans) ochroleuca
Schizophyllum commune
Stropharia aeTuginosa
Tricholoma portentosum) rutilans)
sulphureum) terreum) virgatum
Lycoperdon echinatum) perlatum
(gemmatum) pyriforme
Phallus caninus) impudictts
Fungi resupinati
Botryobasidium subcoronatum
Botryohypochnus isabellaninus
confinis) f arinacea
Fibuloporia reticulata) rhodella
Gloeocystidiellum furfuraceum
Grandinia mutabilis
Hymenochaete (Stereum) tabacina
Hyphoderma argillaceum) pallidum) roseocremeum (Salix) )
Peniophora candida (Salix) incarnata (Fagus) ) limitata (Fraxinus)) velutina
Phlebia hydnoides) pubera
Podoporia sanguinolenta
Sistotrema brinkmannii
Stereum hirsutum) purpureum) rugosum) sanguinolentum
Tomentella albomarginata) echinospora) rubiginosa
Xen asma filicinum (Pteridium aquilinum)
Xylodon (Poria) versiporus
Fungi imperfecti
Aegerita candida
Søndag den 4. oktober 1964. Ekskursion til Køge Strandskov,
p r a m s k o v og P u r l u n d. Der var 29 deltagere med bus og en
halv snes i egen befordring. September måneds tørre vejr fortsattes
ind i oktober og satte sit præg på ekskursionens svampe udbytte, men
i øvrigt blev søndagen den 4. oktober en dejlig efterårsdag med strålende sol og vindstille.
Om formiddagen ekskursioneredes i Køge Strandskov, hvis vestlige del - vest for volden - i de senere år er blevet forvandlet fra
Fyrreskov til Bøgeskov. Som sædvanligt bød skoven på interessante
ting som Flammula penetrans i stor mængde på Fyrregrene, Lepiota
clypeolaria og L. seminuda omkring bevoksninger af Brændenælder,
Mycena janthina sensu RICKEN med smuk lilla stok, hat og lamelrande, Omphalia pyxidata) Pluteus salicinus på Quercus og Polyporus
annosus på Pinus silvestris) flere steder. Efter frokost på Vallø
Strandhotel afholdtes svampedemonstration, og derpå gik turen
videre til Pramskov og Purlund. Udbyttet i disse to småskove, der
overvejende består af Bøg, var meget ringe; et af de interessantes te
fund var Polyporus (Fomes) pfeifferi ved grunden af en gammel Bøg.
Der noteredes ikke færre end 184 arter, et ret betydeligt antal i
betragtning af den tørre, svampefattige sæson, men individrigdommen
109 -
var ikke stor. Kun 96 arter hører til Agaricales) og 45 er resupinate
træboende arter.
Foruden på egne optegnelser bygger den nedenstående fortegnelse på lister modtaget af fru ELISABETH ANDERSEN, tandlæge K.
S = Køge Strandskov ; P = Pramskov og Purlund.
Leocarpus fragilis S
Belonidium pruinosum (Diatrype
stigma) S
Coryne sarcoides S
Diatrype stigma S
Elaphomyces cervinus S
Helotium citrinum P
Helvella crispa P, S
Hypoxylon coccineum (Fagus) P,
rubi gino sum P
N ectria cinnabarina S
U stulina maxima P
Calocera cornea P, S, viscosa S
Dacryomyces deliquescens S
Exidia albida (Fagus) P, glandulosa P
Sebacina incrustans (Betula) P,
sublilacina S
Tremella mesenterica P
Tulasnella pruinosa P, violea (Picea) S
Cantharellus cibarius
Clavaria fastigiata S, pistillaris P,
rugosa p
Corticium evolvens (laeve) (Betula) S
Daedalea gibbosa S
Lenzites sepiaria S
Merulius corium (Fagus) P
Polyporus adustus (Fagus) S, anno sus (Pinus) S, betulinus S,
hirsutus (Fagus) S, pfeifteri
(Fagus) P
Stereum rugosum S, sanguinolentum (Pinus) S
Amanita citrina (mappa) S, muscaria S, phalloides S, rubescens) vaginata S
Armillaria mellea
Boletus badius S, chrysenteron S,
edulis P, subtomentosus S
Camarophyllus niveus
Cantharellus (Hygrophoropsis) aurantiacus (Kogle af Picea) S
Clitocybe geotropa S, infundibuliformis P, S, nebularis P
Clitopilus prunulus P
Collybia asema S, conigena) maculata S
Coprinus comatus S) picaceus
Cortina1'i'/,~s anomalus S, castaneus
S, cinnamomeus S, infractus P
Crepidotus variabilis S
Cystoderma (Lepiota) amiantinum
Entoloma rhodopolium P, sericeum
Flammula lenta S, penetrans S
Galera (Conocybe) tenera P
Hebeloma crustuliniforme P, elatum S, testaceum S, (Pholiota)
radicosum P
Hygrocybe psittacina
Hygrophorus (Limacium) eburneus
Hypholoma fasciculare) hydrophilum S, sublateritium
Inocybe geophylla P
Kuehneromyces (Pholiota) mutabUis
Laccaria amethystina P, laccata
Lactarius necator (turpis) S, quietus S, vellereus P, vie tus S,
violascens S
Lepiota clypeolaria S, cristata P,
seminuda S
Marasmius alliaceus P, S, androsaceus S, bulliardii (Quercus)
Mycena adonis S, crocata S, epipterygia) jilopes S, galop oda S,
janthina ss. RICKEN S, pelianthina P, polygramma P, S,
pura S, sanguinolenta P
Omphalia pyxidata S
Oudemansiella (Armillaria) mucida P, (Oollybia) radicata S
Paxillus involutus S
Pholiota adiposa S, erebia S, jlammans
Pleurotus corticatus S, mitis S
cervinus S,
(Quercus) S
Psathyrella gracilis P
Rhodophyllus (Olaudopus) byssisedus S
Russula alutacea S, atropurpurea
P, cyanoxantha S, jellea P, lepida P, ochrolettca S, queletii
S, xerampelina S
Stropharia aeruginosa S, squamosa P, S
Tricholoma lascivum S, melaleucum P, S, myomyces S, nttdttm
S, personatum) rutilans S, virgatum P
Oyathus olla
Lycoperdon caelatum S, pyrijorme
Phallus inpudicus S
Scleroderma verrucosum S
Botryobasidium pruinatum var.
laeve (Oonijerae) S
Botryohypochnus isabellinus (Picea) S
Ooniophora arida (Oonijerae) S,
puteana forma laxa S
Oorticium evolvens (Fagus) S,
sttblaeve (Oonijer) S
Oristella candidissima (Fagus) P,
conjinis P, S, jarinacea S, sulphurea P, S
Fibuloporia reticulata (Fagus) P,
rhodella (Fagus) Quercus) S
Gloeocystidiellum jurjuraceum
(Fagus) S, porosum (Fagus)
P, (Betula) S
Grandinia helvetica (Picea) S
Hyphoderma roseocremeum (Fagus) S, tenue S
Hyphodontia abieticola S, arguta
S, pallidula (Pinus) S, setigerum P
Merulioporia (Poria) purpurea
(Quercus) S
M ycoacia stenodon S, uda S
Odontia bicolor (Oonijerae)
Peniophora affinis (Pi nus) S, cinerea (Fagus) P, S, eichleriana P, incarnata P, (Fagus)
S, nuda (Tilia) P, quercina
(Quercus) P, (Fagus) S, velutina P, S
Phlebia pubera S, (Fagus) P
Radulomyces (Oorticium) conjluens S
Sistotrema brinkmannii (Fagus)
P, (Betula) S
Tomentella crustacea S, echinospora (Pterid'ium aquilinum)
S, puberola S, spinijera S, subjerruginea S
Vuilleminia (Oorticium) comedens
Xenasma tulasnelloides (Fagus) S
Xylodon (Poria) ve1'siporus P
Fungi imperfecti
Fungi resupinati
A mphinema byssoides P
Athelia epiphylla (Tilia) P
Anthina jlammea S
Helicomyces roseus (Fagus) P
111 -
Søndag den 18. oktober 1964. Ekskursion til J æ g e r s b o r g D Y r eh a v e. Ca. 50 deltagere var mødt i det gode vejr. Turen gik ned til
skovridergården og derfra til restaurationen "Kildeøen". Straks ved
turens begyndelse lykkedes det redaktør B. RØNNE at genfinde den
sjældne pigsvamp Hydnum ramosum (coraZloides) på en kævle af en
UZmus sp. (se beretningen for Dyrehaveturen d. 20. oktob. 1963). Af
formiddagens fund kan endvidere nævnes et usædvanligt stort og smukt
eksemplar af TrichoZoma personatum. Eftermiddagsturen gik ned
langs Fuglesangssøen, hvor det var blevet meddelt foreningen, at
der stod en gruppe af PhaeoZepiota vahZii. Gruppen blev genfundet
ved nordsiden af søen på en for denne svamp typisk lokalitet: dyb,
fed muld i kraftig omsætning, bevokset med en rig nældevegetation.
Der taltes 140 store, veludviklede eksemplarer på et område af størrelsen % X 1% m. På hjemvejen gik vi en lille omvej for at syne en
belægning af slimsvampen BrejeZdia maxima i VON LANGEN'S Plantage. Svampen dækkede næsten fladen af et 8tort bøgestød og var
desuden "klatret" op i nogle nærstående nælder, omkring hvis stængler den havde dannet belægninger, der af størrelse og farve mindede
om den valseformede frugtstand hos Dunhammer.
Arcyria incarnata
BrefeZdia maxim a
Physarum Zeucophaeum
Trichia varia (alle Myxomycetes
det. K. BJ0RNEKÆR)
DaedaZea gibbosa
FistuZina hepatica
Hydnum ramosum (coraZZoides)
(UZmus sp.)
Lenzi t es betuZinus
M eruZius treme!.Zosus
PhZebia aurantiaca
PoZyporus adustus) appZanatus)
b1'umaZis) fomentarius) fumosus) hirsutus) pfeifferi) radiatus) versicoZor
Stereum hirsutum, purpureum) rugosum
Trametes moZZis
Ooryne sarcoides
DaZdinia concentrica
H eZveZZa crispa
Hypocrea rufa
Lachnea scuteZZata
PhaeobuZgaria poZymorpha
garia inquinans)
XyZaria hypoxyZon
H eZicogZoea Zagerheimii (Fagus)
PZatygZoea vestita (AZnus)
Sebacina subZiZacina
Amwnita citrina (mappa)
ArmiZlaria meZZea
BoZetu8 badius) miniatoporus) subtomentosus
OamarophyZZus niveus: vratensis
112 Cantha rellus (Hygrop horopsi s) aurantiacu s
Clitocyb e connata , cyathifo rmis,
nebular is
Coprinu s micaceu s, picaceu s
Cortina rius elatior
Entolom a sericeu m
Hygrop horus (Limaci um) eburneus
Hypholo ma fascicul are, hydroph ilum
Inocybe geophy lla
Laccari a laccata
Lactari us blennius
Mycena corticol a (blå form
pseudo corticol a KOHN.) , filopes, haemat opus, leptocep hala,
polygra mma, pura, sanguin o-
Oudema nsiella (Armilla ria) mucida, (Collyb ia) radicata .
Panaeo lus fimicola
Phaeole piota (Pholio ta) vahlii (aurea)
Pholiot a adiposa , margina ta, spectabilis, squarro sa
Pleurot us corticat us, ostreatu s, serotinus
Psathyr ella gracilis
Russula cyanoxa ntha, fragilis
Schizop hyllum commun e (alneum )
Stropha ria aerugin osa
Tricholo ma myomyc es, oriruben s,
persona tum
Gaster omycet ales
Phallus impudic us
Fungi resupin ati
Aleurod iscus acerinu s (Acer) acerinus f. buxi (Acer)
Athelia epiphyl la
Botryob asidium pruinat um var.
Conioph ora ari da, puteana (cerebella)
Corticiu m evolven s
Cristell a confinis , sulphur ea
Fibulop oria reticula ta, rhodella
Hyphod erma tenue
Mycoac ia uda
Penioph ora candida , incarna ta (Fagus), longisp ora (Alnus) , lycii
(Fagus) , nuda, quercin a (Fagus), velutina (Fagus)
Phlebia livida (Fagus) , pubera
Radulom yces confluen s
Sistotre ma brinkm annii (Fagus)
Stecche rinum fimbria tum, ochraceum
Xylodon (Po ria) versipo rus
Fungi imperl ecti
Aegerit a candida
Oidium aureum
Trichod erma viride
Den til dagene den 10.-13. septem ber 1964 beramm ede svampe
af, at
udstilli ng i Havese lskabet s Have måtte aflyses på grund
svampe floret i de tørre august
fattigt. Sml. beretni ngerne for ekskur sionern e i august og septem
Friesia udkommer i Hefter med tvangfrit Mellemrum. Aarskontingent er 25 Kr. Ny tiltrædende Medlemmer af Foreningen til
Svampekundskabens Fremme faar gratis tilstillet, hvad der er udgivet i Indtrædelsesaaret.
Sekretariatets og Redaktionens Adresse er Rolighedsvej 23, København V. Her modtages saavel Ind- og Udmeldelser af Foreningen som
Anmeldelser om Flytning. Al Korrespondance vedrørende Tidsskriftet
rettes til samme adresse.
Af det afsluttede "Meddelelser fra Foreningen til Svampekundskabens Fremme" haves endnu et Restoplag, der kan afgives
til en Pris af 5 Kr. pr. Bd. (Bd. I (1912-15) og II (1916-20), inkomp!.; Bd. III~IV (1921-30), komp!.).
Friesia is published at irregular intervals.
Subscription price: Danish crowns 25.00 per year.
Address: Department of Plant Pathology. The Royal Veterinary
and Agricultural College, Rolighedsvej 23, Copenhagen V, Denmark.
PRICE: Danish Crowns 40.00.