A Williamsburg Community October 2014 Volume XV • Number 10 Green Briar Village Club, Inc. Briar Patch News MESSAGE FROM THE GBVC PRESIDENT SOCIAL COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES W CALLING ALL GHOSTS AND GHOULS! Richard Pinilla ith the coming of October, Fall is in full swing. Shorter days and longer nights and, of course, ghosts and ghouls will be out and about at the end of the year as well. Let's see who can evoke the sprits and decorate our homes. Remember our Halloween party and join us. If you have an idea for events/games pass them along; let's make this a party to remember. As always, we are always looking for volunteers to help us with our events. Inform the office manager of your willing to join us. Like us on Facebook. GB HOUSEKEEPING, GROUNDS & LANDSCAPING RULES G arbage can / recycle bins and miscellaneous items MUST be stored out of view either in the garage or backyard. Carports are not to be used as a storage unit unless the items can be covered from view. Please be considerate of your neighbors and maintain the appearance of your home. The exterior of your house must be maintained. Please take time to clean the green and /or black off of your mailboxes and home exteriors. Maintain your flower beds, shrubs, hedges and garden free of weeds and overgrowth. Continued on page 2 W I L L I A M S B U R G T I M E S Activities: For all around Williamsburg Join us for Trick or Treats October 26 from 12-2pm. Facepainting, food, costume contest, fun and games. No charge for Green Briar members. Non members and guests $5.00 for adults. No charge for children. Please call the Green Briar Clubhouse by October 24th. We are always looking for volunteers to help out at our functions. If any parents out there would like to pitch in we would welcome your assistance. Please give us a call at the clubhouse to sign up to help. We will be holding an organizational meeting the week before the event. A big shout of thanks to our amazing volunteers who we could not do our functions without! Donna Finklestein (my secret kitchen ace), Les and Milvia Oxer, Evi Zirnheld, Ingrid Vesperman, Chantale Grep. You guys are incredible. GB SAVE THE DATE Upcoming Green Briar Village signature event SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 Holiday party 1 RULES CONTINUED How we keep our homes, ground and landscaping can increase the value of our homes, our neighbor’s homes and our neighborhood. Be conscious and proactive — little things like a new paint retouch, a few new plants, garbage can and recycle bins put away, no rubbish or overgrowth in the surroundings, no parking on grass(prohibited); look around, these little things go a long way. Thank you for taking pride in your home and your community. GB LANDSCAPING S outhwood, our landscaping company, has been here for a long time. President, Mr. John Moncrief, takes pride in his work; he is professional, courteous and always ready to give that extra mile for our community. We need cooperation from our homeowners to be conscious of the mowing days. Move your cars so that the crew can mow, edge, weed eat the areas that need to be done and blow debris off. If there is any problem with the landscaping, let us know in writing. Mr. Moncrief is ready to have his crew take care of it. With this said the crew is not responsible for damage to items left on the lawn, nor are they required to move the items to perform their job. Keep your lawns and backyard free of rubbish, dogs chains, chairs, etc., on your scheduled mowing day. Thank you. GB FRIENDLY REMINDER TO PET OWNERS I n Green Briar and all other villages many of the homeowners, whether owners or tenants, have dogs and cats. Many of us are animal lovers, but not everyone is. It is not only that we love animals, but we must have a conscious responsibility to protect them and obey the rules of being a pet owner. This includes that you must obey the municipality ordinance to pick up after your dogs. You do not take your dogs for a walk on your neighbor's lawn or backyard and not pickup. Animal waste is one of the most common forms of disease transmitted between dogs through fecal matter and it contaminates Florida's Aquifer. Also, you must walk your dogs with a leash at all times. Dogs are not allowed to be tied on a chain outside between the hours of 9:00am to 5:00pm as per Orange County Municipality Ordinance "No Chain". Be a responsible and courteous "Pet Owner". Your pet will love and appreciate this, and your neighbors as well. GB October Birthdays Les Oxer ..................................... 08 Claire Mitchell ........................... 16 Monroe Wiener ......................... 27 GOOD WISHES & SPEEDY RECOVERY To our Homeowners who have been sick or suffering of any illness, gone through surgeries and hospitalization, our best wishes for a speedy recovery. GB Peaceful Corner For the upliftment and empowering of the self MESSAGE FOR THE DAY! If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. - Maya Angelou Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead ORDINANCE #95-32 FINE $500 To report any animal violation, call: 407-836-3111 2 PEOPLE OF GREEN BRIAR Check out page 7 of the Williamsburg Times for Green Briar’s calendar. W I L L I A M S B U R G T I M E S ACTIVITIES FAMILIES CAN DO TOGETHER Green Briar Village Club 10151 Gifford Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32821 407-352-1231 phone 407-345-1168 fax [email protected] www.greenbriarvillageclub.com Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/ pages/Green-BriarVillage-Club Office Manager: Awilda Camacho Office Hours: Mon.—Wed., 10am-2pm, Thur. & Fri., 8:30am-2pm Green Briar Board of Directors President: Richard Pinilla [email protected] Vice-Pres.: Scott Murphy Secretary: Sandy Pacevich Treasurer: Chris Cavender Directors: Chris Congdon Sally Mulvihill Les Oxer Evi Zirnheld FREE WIFI Network = 2WIRE162 Password = 0001604935 New Clubhouse Hours: Open 6:00am — 11:00pm Your family has decided to set aside some time each week to have a family night, but now you aren't sure what to do. Playing games is a good start, but you can do so many other things to keep family night interesting. Here are ideas for family night. 1. Crafts — Make a craft project. 2. Family Mailboxes — Paint and decorate the family mailbox. 3. Vacation Jar — Decorate a Family Vacation Jar in which you save change. 4. Newsletter — Create a family newsletter to send out to family and friends. This can be a monthly project. 5. Movie Night — Have family movie night and watch old family videos together. 6. Star Watching — Family starwatching night. Lay outside on a blanket in the yard and look up at the stars together. Try to map out constellations together. Afterward, look up the stories behind each constellation on the Internet. 7. Cookout and camping — Enjoy a cookout and campout. Pitch a tent in your yard and cook food over an open fire (or on the barbecue). Sit in a circle and tell ghost stories. 8. Volunteering — Volunteer as a family. Help out at a school fundraiser or serve meals at the local soup kitchen. 9. Baking — Bake together. Take turns picking favorite recipes out of a cookbook and let the kids and dad join in on the fun. 10. Playground — Go to the local playground and swing together or climb the monkey bars. Kids love it when parents play like they do. W I L L I A M S B U R G T I M E S POOL RULES • No Diving • No Food Or Drinks In The Pool • No Glass Containers In The Pool Area • No Running / Horse Playing • Swimming Diapers (For Those In Diapers) • Please Shower Before Entering The Pool • No Rafts BILLIARD ROOM RULES • No One Under 16 Without A Guardian TENNIS RULES • No One Under 14 Without A Guardian 11 CLUBHOUSE GUESTS A WELCOME NEWCOMERS! A big “Hi” and “Glad to Have You” to all those new settlers – owners and renters. You have chosen the greatest location for a new home. Green Briar is within reach of EVERYTHING – shops, roads, the airport, schools, houses of worship, entertainment, theme parks, both coasts of the Florida peninsula; you name it and we got it and, if we don’t got it yet, we will get it – just for you. Right here, in the community, we have our own large pool and clubhouse with activities for everyone. You are welcome — along with your guests. We ask only that you support the rules and regulations set up for your health, safety and welfare and the same of your guests. Information on all questions about the clubhouse, the pool, the use of both is available to you at the Green Briar office. Call Mrs. Awilda at your convenience. Please use the facilities. That is what they are here for. The clubhouse and the pool belong to all the residents of Green Briar. In turn, we ask the residents to treat the activity areas with respect and care and to treat other users as they themselves would like to be treated. GB 12 s you may know, members may bring up to five guests to the Clubhouse to use our facilities. Please remember the following: • Guests should be accompanied by a member. - or • If the member is not going to accompany the guest, the member must complete and sign a guest pass and get it approved by the office prior to the visit. Signature on the guest pass indicates that the member will be responsible for any activity and/or damage to the clubhouse. They may then lend their key to their guest. Guest must bring a copy of the guest pass with them if not accompanied by a member. • If a proposed guest lives in Williamsburg and is not a member of Green Briar Club or is not a member in good standing in another Williamsburg club, they will not be approved as a guest in our Clubhouse. We hope you and your guests enjoy our Clubhouse.GB C & R'S & ARC W e rely on all our neighbors to be our eyes and ears, so if you see something going on in the neighborhood that may be a violation of our C&R's, please contact the office. Your identity will not be revealed and discretion is assured. Remember that any change that affects the exterior of your home must be described and submitted to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for review; this includes paint colors and changes in roofing. The ARC will meet to review any forms that are submitted. Forms are available at the clubhouse. GB STREET LIGHT OUTAGES A re street lights not working on your street? Please report this by calling Duke Energy at 1-800-700-8744 or by going to www.duke-energy.com. Click on the "Report an Outage" link. The online will ask for the street address closest to the light and the pole number. The pole number is a silver tag attached to the pole itself. GB PANERA BREAD IS here with their abundant leftovers. Stop by the clubhouse on THURSDAYS from 10:00AM to 11:00AM, or while supplies last. Please be prepared to take a number as you arrive so everyone can be helped in turn. We welcome your feedback on these new changes. W I L L I A M S B U R G T I M E S
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