This Week at Holy Spirit SUNDAY, 1/25/2015 MONDAY, 1/26/2015 TUESDAY, 1/27/2015 SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30, 8:45, 10:45 AM 9:45 AM Faith Formation for Children , Youth, Sr. Hi 9:45 AM Faith Formation for Adults: CFL-MPR 9:45 AM Fellowship & Hospitality (117/119) 12:00 PM Rejoicing Spirits Team Meeting (117/119) 4:00 PM THE STORY Bible Study (ASR) 9:30 AM Stitch ‘n Chat (Choir Room) 10:00 AM Senior Group A&E Meeting (ASR) 7:00 PM FLY to ABE (117/119) 7:00 PM THE STORY Bible Study (ASR) 11:00 AM Staff Meeting (117/119) 7:00 PM Church Growth Mission Team (ASR) 7:30 PM Staff Relations Mission Team (117/119) WEDNESDAY, 9:00 AM Senior Group Breakfast (MPR / Kitchen) 1/28/2015 4:15 PM Rejoicing Ringers 6:15 PM Alleluia Choir 7:15 PM Spirit Ringers THURSDAY, 1/29/2015 7:00 PM Stewardship Mission Team (117/119) 9:00 AM Praise Ensemble Rehearsal 10:00 AM Coffeehouse Rehearsal SUNDAY, 2/1/2015 SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30, 8:45, 10:45 AM 9:45 AM Faith Form. for Adults: Council Forum (MPR) 9:45 AM Faith Formation for Children, Youth, Sr. Hi 9:45 AM Fellowship & Hospitality (117/119) 12:30 PM ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING 4:00 PM THE STORY Bible Study (ASR) ASR=All Saints Room L=Lobby MR=Music Room Center, MPR = Multi-Purpose Room Stephen Ministries January 25, 2015 610-967-2220 We welcome all who worship with us today. Visitors are invited to sign the guest register in the Lobby. People at the Information Desk would like a chance to welcome guests. If you are interested in joining our family of faith, please talk with one of our Pastors or Jane Elliott, AIM. Today’s flowers are given to the Glory of God by Dave and Pat Horwat in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary. 7:15 PM Adult choir SATURDAY, 1/31/2015 HOLY HAPPENINGS WC=Worship INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY Please check the church’s website for updated news on worship schedules. Current info will be posted on Facebook. If weather conditions are severe, check WFMZ. The church’s phone message will be updated to reflect any change in the worship schedule. If there is a heavy snowstorm and roads are passable, there will be one service at 10:45 a.m. The church office will follow the same schedule as the East Penn School District. Children aren't just welcome, they are embraced. We know kids are in worship and make noise. The psalmist David said, “make a joyful noise to the Lord!” It’s great to hear all people respond during worship. If your child should need a break, there is child care available in room 110. Parents are always welcome to stay with their children there. Parents must sign children in and out of nursery care. Clipboards and Bible bags are available for children’s use during worship and can be found at the main entrance to the worship area. Members and guests are invited to sign the Friendship Register, pass it down the row for other worshippers to sign, and introduce yourself to those worshipping around you. Let your friends know about Holy Spirit by tweeting, checking in, Instagraming, etc. that you are here. Our congregation's hashtag is #LCHolySpirit. While you are on your phone or tablet, please make sure it is on silent so you do not disrupt our worship time together. Prayer cards are available at the Information Desk should you need to request special prayer. Completed prayer cards may be given to a pastor for inclusion in the morning prayers. During the week, please notify the church office if you or a member of your family is hospitalized. SUNDAY MORNING FAITH FORMATION, 9:45am This Week: Congregation Council Forum: Jeff Hartman, Council President will lead discussions around our annual report in preparation for our Annual Meeting on February 1st. FELLOWSHIP & Room 117/119. Meet and greet sisters and brothers in Christ. Take time to relax and connect with your church family. All are welcome. Next Week: Sports Ethics Panel Discussion: Why was he given a yellow card? Why was that flag thrown? Did he walk into that pitch? Why are they booing my daughter? He’s always been a nasty player? The referee doesn’t have a clue! Sound familiar!? While watching or participating in sporting events, it is not uncommon to witness unprincipled behavior. Join our panel of sports participants: George Kirchner (referee), Becky George (athletic director), Eric Kahler (coach), Eric Ervin (coach), Sarah Schuster (student athlete), and Faith Hammerbeck (student athlete), as we discuss the ethical considerations of sportsmanship. Faith Formation for Children Three Year Olds: Jonah and the Whale Four Year Olds: John Baptizes Jesus Kindergarten: Jesus Calls His Disciples First Grade: Miracles on the Sea Second Grade: Jonah and the Big Fish Third & Fourth Grade: Jonah in Nineveh Fifth Grade: Jonah THE STORY Bible Study continues today at 4pm and tomorrow at 7pm. The class so far has covered the first five books of the Bible, Genesis through Deuteronomy, and will continue from there. Those wishing to join may secure the needed materials (THE STORY, $5.00, and Reference Companion, $10.00) by contacting Jane Elliott, AIM., at [email protected] or 610-967-2220, ext. 108. FLY to ABE will be meeting on Monday, January 26 at 7pm to discuss Book of Forgiving by Desmond Tutu. Please sign up at the Event Sign-up Center in the Lobby. We will meet in Room 117/119. COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISER: The ELCA National Youth Gathering group will be selling cookie dough as a fundraiser. Pre-orders for sugar ($8), chocolate chip ($10) and peanut butter ($8) dough will be taken this week and next, Feb 1. Orders for pick up and additional sales will be available on Feb 8, at the coffee house on Feb 13 and if need be on Feb 15. You can pay via cash, check or credit card. PRAYER CONCERNS Remember these members and friends of Holy Spirit in your prayers. Shut In/Homebound—prayers for God’s presence... Andy Beible, Dottie Blomster, Doris Boehmer, Irene Davies, Phyllis Fenstermacher, Ray Karoly, Margaret Legenhausen, Christopher Limpar, Betty Meckley, Mae Rhode, Joy Robinson, Geno Ruggiero, Rose Salter, Glenn and Norine Shafer, Betty and Russ Sterner. In Times of Illness for God’s healing….Bob Arobone, Stephanie Ashford, Joan and Richard Beiler, Lea Bertha, Bob Bisbing, Nathan Black, Rodger Black, Paul Brndjar, Jonathan Burmeister, Don Cook, Reddy Dejesus, Family of Anne Douglas-Minnich, Jan Emling, Ernst family, Carol Eroh, Glenn Fretz, David Gearhart, Larry Gilbert, Dick Giles, Doris Giles, Lorraine Haas, Jack Harshey, Michael Hartman, Vicki Hines, Heather James, Wilbur Kemp, Chris Kline, Carolyn Long, Eleanor Long, Joe McGara, Chris McGrath, Mary Ellen Oberdorf, Sheila Oetting, Jarmila Petrulova, Olivia and Logan Pile, Courtney Quinn, Kate Reynolds, Jane Richmond-Lauffer, Geno Ruggerio, Andrew Schaeffer, Heidi Slansky, Andrew Smith, Earl Smith, Ruth Speary, Wilma Stewart, Charlene Vavrina, Teresa Venter & Family, Karen Wilhelm, Pat Ziegler. In Times of support and comfort...for the Minnich Family on the death of Anne Douglas-Minnich, wife of Keith, daughter-in-law of Lee and Brenda. Anne died this past week. For support of our Lehigh Mission partners—St. Paul Lutheran Church, Allentown, and the Rev. Richard G. Gardner. The Prayer Chain is for the use and support of ALL people at Holy Spirit. If you have a prayer concern or you would like others to join you in prayer, please email the church office at [email protected] and your concern will be shared with members of the prayer chain. If you would like to join the prayer chain to pray for others, please contact the church office. In the Event of a Pastoral Emergency If, at any time, you find you are in emergency need of having a pastor contact you, please follow these steps: Call the office at 610-967-2220 and press #3 after the general announcement. If you, or a member of your family, are ever hospitalized, please let the pastors know by contacting the church office at 610-967-2220. The hospitals no longer notify the church due to HIPAA laws. Weekend On-Call Schedule: January 24/25—Pastor Jim Bowers-610-248-3949 January 31/February 1—Pastor Ric Elliott-610-304-7924 February 7/8—Pastor Ric Elliott –610-304-7924 TODAY’S WORSHIP LEADERS 8:45 10:45 Worship Coordinator Doreen Micheletti Crucifer Becky Neitz Acolytes Asha Mathew, Jada Witkowski Assisting Minister Diane Evans Yvonne Gilbert Reader Louise Davis Deborah German Communion Assistants Dave Evans, Chris Carter Mike and Kitti Berkheimer Rick and Nancy Slimmer Ushers Bill and Fran Derhammer Betty and Fred Schlerf Greeters Deb Walsh Renee Wetherhold Nursery Helen Rapp Maddie Renfroe Information Desk Angie Schaffer Midge Mosser Flower Delivery Debbie Hartman Praise Band: Bob Schuchart, Joe Tobey, Frank Mattes, Chris Kline, Justin Schaffer, Larry Killingsworth Altar Guild: Suzanne Wendt, Mary Anne Keating, Liz Schultz, Pattie Bisbing, Rich and Marlene Feulner, Anne Fayad, Cindy Hastings. George Kirchner, Worship Assistant, 1st Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Judith Brndjar, Worship Assistant, 3rd Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Pastor Ric Elliott [email protected] (ext. 111) Pastor Becca Middeke-Conlin [email protected] (ext. 109) Pastor Jim Bowers [email protected] (ext. 112) Jane Elliott, AIM [email protected] (ext. 108) Dick Giles [email protected] (ext. 105) Edie Gliem [email protected] (ext. 102) Karin Kahler [email protected] (ext. 107) Diane Keister [email protected] (ext. 120) Sharon MacCabe [email protected] (ext. 110) Alice Mudge [email protected] (ext. 101) Michael Roeder [email protected] Bob Schuchart [email protected] (ext. 104) Financial Secretary [email protected] ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, February 1, 2015, 12:30pm in the Worship Center A light lunch will be served following the 10:45 service in the MPR. ARE YOU READY FOR THE SOUPER BOWL? The CAT class will be collecting monetary donations on Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, throughout the morning as part of a national organization Souper Bowl of Caring that gets local churches to collect money for local food pantries. Look for the youth in the chef hats! Donations may be given thru the Giving Kiosk. The goal is to raise $1500. NURSERY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION You are invited to celebrate 40 years of ministry for Holy Spirit Christian Nursery School at the 8:45 service on February 8, 2015. “This is the day that the Lord has made…” GUEST READERS are needed for “Jesus and Jammies.” We are looking for volunteers to serve as guest readers to our preschool and younger elementary students at “Jesus and Jammies” on Sunday, February 8th at 6:30 pm. A faith related book will be provided for you. If you are interested in serving as a guest reader and being part of the fun, please contact Karin Kahler. COME FIND YOUR FAVORITE PAJAMAS and then join us for an evening of story time fun on Sunday, February 8th at 6:30 pm in the MPR. “Jesus and Jammies” is designed for preschool and early elementary age children. Children will be divided into multiple groups based on age. Each group will hear a story presented by our guest readers and complete a related craft. The children are asked to bring a favorite stuffed animal along for the evening. The theme for the evening will be “God Made Me Special.” The evening will conclude with a bedtime snack of cookies and milk. Questions, contact Karin Kahler. Sign up at the Event Sign Up Center. CLASSIC ROCK COFFEE HOUSE—Friday, February 13, 2015, 7:30 p.m. Save the date and join us for an evening of great music, refreshments and fun! Sign the poster in the Lobby; desserts needed! FEBRUARY EVENTS FOR SHARED YOUTH MINISTRY: We will be ice skating on Saturday February 7 from 8-10pm at the Steel Ice Center ($8 admission, $3 skate rental). Sign up at And on Sunday February 22, we will be snow tubing at Bear Creek Mountain Resort from 3:306pm ($30 a person). We have limited space available so sign up ASAP at Both events are open to youth grades 6-12, younger siblings are welcome but only if a parents stays with them. MINISTRY IN DAILY LIFE will be hosting rotating monthly lunches to have conversation about vocation and how you are a minister in your daily life. Our next lunch, Feb. 11th will be in Lehigh Valley Hospital- Cedar Crest cafeteria from 11:30-1:30. Pop in for a few minutes on your lunch hour or stay the entire time. SIMPLICITY IN GOD’S PRESENCE: An informal worship service of healing, wholeness and hope will be offered on the second Sunday of each month at 12:30 pm in the All Saints Room. Our next worship is Sunday, February 8 at 12:30 pm. REJOICING SPIRITS, Special Needs Worship—7th Anniversary Celebration and Worship Service will be held Sunday, February 8th at 2:30 p.m. Come join us for a VALENTINE TEA PARTY on Saturday, February 21st from 12:00 – 1:30 pm. Elementary age children are welcome to join us for a Valentine Tea Party. We will begin with a light lunch. We will share tea and cookies. We will make a Valentine themed craft and enjoy Valentine bingo. We hope you can join us! Please feel free to bring a friend. Questions, contact Karin Kahler. Sign up at the Event Sign Up Center. For their LENTEN SERVICE PROJECT, the children will be preparing personal care kits for donation to area shelters. We are asking for donations of travel size toothpaste, soap, shampoo, individually wrapped toothbrushes and new men’s tube socks. Donations can be placed in the labeled bin in the lobby. Questions, contact Karin Kahler. HOLY SPIRIT’S ANNUAL REPORT is now available in hard copy at the Information Desk in the Lobby. Are you interested in becoming part of our Holy Spirit family? Save the dates for our upcoming NEW MEMBER JOURNEY OF CONNECTIONS: Sunday, February 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22 at noon. For more info or to register by February 2, contact Jane Elliott, AIM, [email protected]. LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE MISSION TRIP: Holy Spirit’s next LDR mission trip is scheduled for April 12-17, 2015. We don’t have an exact work location selected yet, but it will be in Pennsylvania, New York or New Jersey. Please contact Bob Mueller (610-442-7892) if you have any questions. December 2014 Financial Results and Discussion: This month: December did not finish as strongly as we hoped. Revenue was $84,638 while expenses were $88,067. We expected a $10,967 surplus for the month, and we ended up with a deficit of $3,429, $14,396 less than expected. While we had $1,669 in expense savings it was not nearly enough to overcome the revenue shortfall of $16,065. Results for the Year: Budgeted revenue was $849,192 and actual revenue was $853,970, a difference of $4,778 or 0.6%. Budgeted expense was $854,517 and actual expense was $841,232, a difference of $13,285 or 1.6%. We budgeted a deficit of $5,325 for 2014, but we finished the year with a $12,738 surplus. 2014 Revenue had its ups and downs. We fell short in regular operating giving ($3,937) non-member contributions ($3,937) and Advent/Christmas Tithe ($5,100), but this was offset by a donation for a/c repair ($5,000), a very timely revenue transfer from the nursery school ($5,000), and Thrivent contributions in excess of budget ($3,778). Our ability to control our expenses and stay under budget ($13,285) helped drive the turnaround from budgeted deficit to surplus. The winter of 2014 severely impacted our electric usage and snow plowing expense by over $10,000. General building maintenance was up over $2,000. Fortunately all this was more than offset by savings in payroll, health insurance, and most mission areas. Available Operating Cash: We began the year with a cash balance of $57,200. Our surplus of $12,738 less commitments for 2015 prepaid expenses gave us an available balance of $63,492, an increase of $6,292 for the year. Building fund: The building fund balance is now $35,509, $8,900 of which is committed to finish the installation of the HVAC units in our classrooms. We began the year with a balance of $23,354. Capital Campaign Line of Credit: Thanks in large part to a significant bequeath from the Westley Family Trust, as well as continued receipts from member capital pledge contributions, on December 30 we were able to pay the outstanding balance of $161,800. As a result, our construction bridge loan is fully paid and is off our books at year end! Available Capital Campaign Cash: Our available uncommitted cash balance in the capital campaign fund is $21,809. HOLY SPIRIT’S GIVING KIOSK is in the Lobby. If you would like to do your giving or make a donation via a credit/debit card please feel free to use the kiosk in the Lobby. The kiosk is set up to receive credit/debit card payments e.g. Lord’s Day Layaway, Nursery School. If you register thereafter you will be able to log in using your phone number. Your giving will be recorded and a receipt sent to your e-mail address. You may also make an anonymous donation. Instructions for using the kiosk may be found at the kiosk. For additional information contact Bob Schuchart, Lorie Stout Sherman, or Pam Harshey. Thank you for giving!
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