Rolla Church of Christ Leadership & Staff THE CHRISTIAN PLEDGE I will do more than belong; I will participate I will do more than care; I will help I will do more than believe; I will practice I will do more than be fair; I will be kind I will do more than forgive; I will forget I will do more than earn; I will enrich I will do more than teach; I will inspire I will do more than give; I will serve I will do more than live; I will grow I will do more than be friendly; I will be a Ron Bramlett Mike Kemnitzer Author Unknown Church of Christ Day School Clothing Room Ministry Director: Cathy Cassidy 2000 Farrar Dr. 573-368-0938 MISSIONS Ministers Wade Bower [email protected] Joshua Adams [email protected] Staff Thursday & Saturday 8:30 a.m. ~ 11:00 a.m. Worship Coordinator......Todd Hartman Song Leader.....….……...….Paul Simon Opening Prayer.…..…..Jason Alexander Communion Speaker....Mike Kemnitzer Communion…………....……....Adult I Scripture Reading….......Walter Williams AM Speaker…………...…Wade Bower Shepherd’s Prayer……..........Jim Turner AV ……….……..…………Hopgoods Communion Prep.....….....Linda Turner PM Speaker…….....Family Life Groups Andy Cassidy Jim Turner A/V & Finance: Joe Graber Building: Jason Alexander Campus: Lewis Wiles Education & Special Needs: Walter Williams Grounds & Transportation: John Wright Missions: Terry Hopgood New Construction: Curtis Baxter Outreach: Paul Simon Prime Timers/Widows: Derric Fane Teens: Kenny Light Visitors/New Members: Dub Erisman Coordinator: Linda Collet Sunday ~ October 26, 2014 Charlie Bruno Jeff McKune Loyd Waite Deacons friend Tuesday & Thursday September ~ May 9:00 a.m. ~ 11:30 a.m. Elders Tanna Roberts Secretary [email protected] SERVING Greeters ~ Oct. 26th Harold Brown Custodian Wednesday ~ October 22nd Announcements & Devotional Paul Simon Kim Bower Don Riley Jim & Linda Turner Dan Vincent Pam Williams Wednesday ~ October 29th October Hostesses Wed., Oct. 22nd..….....Tom McDonald Mary Anna Melton Caren Spradling AMEN Malcolm Parsley in S. Korea Kim Voraritskul in Thailand Mike Knappier Manos de Amor Orphanage Quito School of Biblical Studies (Ecuador) Steve Ashcraft, West Africa Announcements & Devotional Jim Evans The Messenger ~ October 19, 2014 P.O. Box 291 1303 Nagogami Rd. Rolla, MO 65402 573-364-3488 Fax-573-341-5200 Church of Christ on the Web WORSHIP SCHEDULES Sunday Bible Class.……….....9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.………..…10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship…...5:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study..……6:30 p.m. GREETERS Curtis Baxter Sarah Bramlett The Kemnitzers Tanna Roberts Dan & Connie Uetrecht SERVING TODAY Worship Coordinator….....Derric Fane Song Leader...……….Mike Kemnitzer Scripture Reading…...….....Wes Parker Opening Prayer..……......Billy Godfrey Communion Speaker…..Jeff Cawlfield Communion Table..……....…Deacons Communion Prep……............Jim King AM Speaker………..…....Wade Bower Shepherd’s Prayer…….....Jeff McKune AV Technician…..................Jim Turner PM Speaker…….…….......Lewis Wiles Bus Drivers Sun., Oct. 26th.…..........Steve Campbell Family Life Missions Ken Kendall Ball in S. Africa Fishers of Men, Tim Wilkes Ruel Eroma in the Philippines The Trotters, Cambodia Matt & Sarah Glawe: SIBI SOMETIMES WE FAIL Rolla Church of Christ Attendance Sunday, October 12, 2014 Bible Class...…………...………..123 AM Worship……….….…….…..230 PM Worship…...………………....95 Wednesday Night…..……...….....154 Contribution Sunday, October 12, 2014 Contribution...……..........….$5214.76 Budget.…..……………..….$6781.00 Monthly Contribution Actual (Jan-Sep)…..….....$258,268.14 Budget (Jan-Sep)….……$264,459.00 My biggest fear is failure. The possibility of failing as a dad or husband absolutely terrifies me. I love this church, and I often worry that I will fail you all. Sometimes I wander if you all will wake up and suddenly realize that sometimes I hurt, grow tired, get frustrated, or even struggle with sin? Sometimes I fail…miserably. Thinking back to the university, I was taught by a great professor in a practical ministry class over and over that, as a minister, you should not divulge too much information about your personal life. Definitely do not tell them of your sin. I took that to mean, “If you want to succeed as a preacher, hide your sin.” You see, here is the newsflash, I, your preacher, am a sinner in need of God’s grace. I reject the idea that because I am a staff member that I must pretend to be perfect. I am not Christ, nor am I always Christ like. I am simply a normal guy, trying to be like Christ, and often I fail. Paul tells young Timothy in 1:15-16 – The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came in to the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. But received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life. We need to realize that our fear of failure often causes us to drive our sin way beneath the surface. This behavior isn’t just a product of church, it is a product of culture. In our society sin is something to not only be buried and ignored, its very existence is to be denied. The thing is: 1 Jn 1:8–10 8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. Everybody has sinned. It makes no difference whether your sin is something taboo like adultery or more accepted like pride. It makes no difference whether or not you do something socially unacceptable like drugs or more common like tell a lie…none of us are perfect. None of us are without it. If you were perfect, there would be no need for Jesus. So why is it that we are so harsh, impatient, and judgmental of those who are in the throes of temptation and sin? How is it that we have become so disgusted by those who are being held captive by temptation and bound by that sin? We must understand that we are all failures. It is only because, in, and through Christ that we are more than conquerors. So let’s be patient with those who struggle differently than we do. **Wade WELCOME TO THE ROLLA CHURCH OF CHRIST! Visitors, we are blessed by your presence with us today and we hope you will give us a chance to visit with you after services this morning. Information about our congregation can be found in the foyer. A communication card will be passed out by our ushers at the beginning of the worship service. Visitors and members are asked to complete the information and then pass it to the inner aisle. There is a place on the back to share any prayer requests with our elders. SERMON NOTES Circle “Yes” or “No” There is an attended nursery in room 9 of the education wing (across the hall from the front kitchen) for children up to 3 years of age. The nursery at the rear of the auditorium (entrance is to the right after you exit the auditorium) is also available as a training room and has a separate room for nursing mothers. Children ages 3 through 1st grade wanting to participate in Children’s Bible Hour will be dismissed during the singing of the song following communion. We ask that a parent be responsible for accompanying the children to and from Bible Hour. Please be considerate of our handicapped members and anyone arriving late by leaving seats available at both ends of the last two regular pews in the back of the auditorium. We respectfully ask that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or put on “Silent” prior to the start of our worship. Ralph & Evalee Young will celebrate 58 years together on Saturday, October 25th. Come explore the transformed life of a child of God and discover the childlike qualities Jesus desires in those who have been forever changed by His love. See Nettie Martin to register. Payment due at registration. Price ranges from $15 to $40 depending on chosen package. More information is on the table in the foyer. Let’s all wish them Happy Anniversary! PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE The October issue of the “Sunrise.” Feature article is on Joyce Pruett. The newest volume of the Voice of Truth. Both can be found on the table in the foyer. WEB CONTENT COORDINATOR We have a team that can originate content for our website and we have a technical resource to perform the updates to the website. But we need someone to act as coordinator between our technical resource and the web content team. This individual will gather content from the web content team, review pages on the website which need to be updated, build PDF files of some information, pass collected information to the technical resource for site publication, and provide suggestions for site improvement. This individual will have a computer and internet connection, familiarity with Microsoft Office and building PDF files, some familiarity with digital photography and basic photo editing, and the ability to commit two to four hours per week. This ministry could be shared by two individuals. Please contact Jeff McKune if you are interested. Peanut Butter 4-pack Toilet Paper SINGERS Everyone is invited to join the singers at Rolla Manor Care tomorrow at 5:30pm. A SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY WISH November 7-8 @ Kabakona Hills “Changing Into Children” Our Food Pantry has experienced a huge increase in the number of requests for food during this past year. Your generosity in supplying the needed items is so greatly appreciated. Beginning today and on each 3rd Sunday, you will be given the opportunity to make a cash donation to be used exclusively to purchase items for the pantry and a short list of needed items will be printed in the bulletin. Please see Barbara Parker to make a cash donation. Food items should be placed in the shopping cart located in the nook outside the church office. This month’s needed items: If you need any assistance during our worship service, please see an usher at the rear of the auditorium. LADIES RETREAT FOOD PANTRY LTC MENTORS NEEDED LADIES DEVOTIONAL All ladies are invited to There is a long list of LTC the home of Liz Wiles (Leadership Training for Christ) events in which our youth are anxious to participate, but mentors are needed. If you are this Friday, October 24th, starting at 6:30pm, interested in this opportunity to share your talents to hear a devotional presented by Lindsy and develop stronger relationships with our youth, Bailey. A time of food and fellowship, please talk to Jean Hartman or Allison Bruno. co-hosted by Kim Graber, will follow. ORPHAN SUNDAY TEENS: NIGHT HIKE On Sunday morning, November 9th, we will take a The annual Teen Night Hike will be second offering to collect money to be sent to the Saturday, October 25th, beginning at two orphanages we support on a monthly basis: 6pm at Lane Spring. All teens are invited to House #24 in Bucerias, Mexico, through Lifeline of a pre-hike gathering starting at 4pm in the Hope International and Por Los Ninos in Catacamas, home of Dub & Connie Erisman. Honduras, through Family Life Missions. These two organizations are committed to serving children, Please speak with Joshua regarding the night but like all of the missions we support, the hike and Dub or Connie regarding the needs far outweigh the financial resources. events scheduled at their home.
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