the Catholic Community of Manistee, are committed to knowing and proclaiming Christ, living as He calls us to live, and reaching out in love to all. Mission Statement: We, Catholic Community of Manistee Twenty - Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 5, 2014 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 2 231.723.2619 A Community of Believers of One Heart and Mind. ~Acts 4:32 who are marginalized, uprooted and oppressed. What can be done to prevent this? We must draw close to Jesus in prayer and in the sacraments. We must ask the Lord for the grace to see ourselves and others as he sees us - as masterpieces of his creation. When God created each of us, he did so with precision and purpose, and he looks on each of us with love that cannot be outdone in intensity or tenderness. We must look at ourselves and at others in light of this truth and treat all people with the reverence and respect which is due. My dear friends in Christ: Pope Francis has captivated the world with his humility, warmth and compassion for each person. Vivid accounts of his tenderness for “the least of these” - the elderly, the imprisoned, those with disfiguring disabilities, the unborn, and many more - seize our attention. Why? At the heart of each of these interactions is a truth which resonates in our hearts, revealing to us something essential to understanding ourselves and our purpose. We are loved. In his 2013 Day for Life Greeting, Pope Francis conveyed that “even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” We see Pope Francis living out the truth of these words in his actions. We want to be part of a society that makes affirmation and protection of human rights its primary objective and its boast. Yet to women faced with an unexpected pregnancy, abortion is often presented as their only “choice.” A large percentage of children pre-diagnosed as having Down syndrome are never given the chance to live outside their mothers’ wombs. Elderly members of our families fear they will become burdensome and seek physician assisted suicide. We see these and many more of our brothers and sisters pushed to the periphery. These tragedies go directly against respect for life, and they represent a direct threat to the entire culture of human rights. Rather than societies of “people living together,” our cities risk becoming societies of people The Church’s antidote to an individualism which threatens the respect for human dignity is community and solidarity. Are we moved by the suffering of those without shelter? Do we seek to alleviate the fear, confusion and panic that women facing unexpected pregnancies may be experiencing? Do our hearts ache for elderly patients in nursing homes who feel abandoned and unwanted, having no one to visit them? Our mission is to show each person the love of Christ. As uniquely created individuals, we each have unique gifts which we are called to use to share Christ’s love. We are continually given opportunities to do so in our interactions with the cashier at the grocery store, our spouses, children, friends and even the people we encounter in traffic. Each of these moments is valuable beyond our realization. We may never know how much a simple gesture of compassion may affect someone’s life. As the 2014 Respect Life Program begins, let us take a moment to reflect on the theme, “Each of Us is a Masterpiece of God’s Creation,” and how this truth affects both our understanding of ourselves and others and the way we live. Pastoral and educational resources of the program can be found at Although we set aside October to particularly pray for respect for all human life, let us never cease this urgent work. I’m grateful to the many parishes and schools nationwide which participate in the program during October, Respect Life Month, and throughout the year. Love and justice must motivate each of us to work for a transformation of our own hearts so that we can transform the world around us. This is the message of Pope Francis. May the Risen Lord put the Gospel of joy in our hearts so that we may bear witness to the greatest love story ever told. Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley, O.F.M. Cap. Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 3 Mass Schedule this Week First Saturday, October 4 Saint Francis of Assisi 4:00 pm Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee 6:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Christy Cabot Wood October 5 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Frank St. Martin (An.) 9:30 am Mass (SJ) - Bulletin Memorial 11:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Gertrude & Hershey Bracieszewski Monday, October 6 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Esther (An.) & Roy Cabot (Family) 7:00 pm Mass [Columbus Day] (SJ) - † Fred Eroh (Knights of Columbus Council 853) Tuesday, October 7 Our Lady of the Rosary 1:30 pm Mass (Homecoming/MCC gym) - In Honor of Fr. Rich Bartoszek on his 25th An. of Ordination (David and Mary Lou Rozmarek) 2:00 pm Mass (Medical Care) - † Alex and Eleanore Wresinski & Melissa (Mel and Linda Kruse) Wednesday, October 8 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Leona Grabowski (1st An. 10/7) (Helen Merkey & Family) 5:15 pm Mass (SJ Chapel) - † William & Isabelle Malenowski (Eroh Family) Thursday, October 9 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Conrad Adamski (Dean & Marlene Kruse) Friday, October 10 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Buzzy Racine (Keith & Carole Appicelli) Saturday, October 11 4:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Ruth Niesen (Ken & Jane Olen) 6:00 pm Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee October 12 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Barbara Bajtka (David Bajtka, Edward & Joyce Bajtka) 8:00 am TV Mass for the Homebound from Gaylord Cable Channel 3 (Fox 32) 9:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Pat Miehlke (Don & Bev Swidorski) 11:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Bill Markham (1st An. 10/9) (Jim, Merri, Pam, Dan, Patrick & Holly) OCTOBER 5, 2014 This Week in Our Community Sunday, October 5 8:30-11:30 am SJ Men’s Club Breakfast Buffet (SJPC) 10:00-2:00 pm Fire Prevention Day (MCC) Monday, October 6 2:00 pm Catholic War Veterans (SJPC Library) 6:30 pm MCCAA meeting (Saber Café) Tuesday, October 7 3:15-5:15 pm MCC Paper Recycle/Bottle & Can Drop Off 4:00-7:00 pm Spaghetti Dinner (MCC Saber Café) 5:30-7:00 pm Community Table (SJPC) 5:45 pm St. Mary Men’s Club (SJPC Lounge A) 6:00 pm MCC Alumni Band Practice (MCC) 6:15 pm Pinochle (SJPC lower level lounge) 6:30 pm Perpetual Help Novena (SJ) 7:00-9:00 pm Grief Recovery Series (CCM Office Prayer) 8:00 pm MCC Homecoming Bonfire Wednesday, October 8 6:00 pm Folk Choir Practice (SJ) 6:15-7:30 pm Faith Formation (Pre-9th Grade) (SJPC) 7:00 pm Choir Practice (SJ Choir Loft) Thursday, October 9 8:30 am Matthew 25:35 Food Pantry Set Up (SJPC Lower Level) 3:00-4:30 pm Exploring the Scriptures (CCM Office) 3:15-5:15 pm Paper Recycle / Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC - Paper Truck) 7:00 pm Children of Light Prayer Group (SJ) Friday, October 10 MAPS - 1/2 day of school (dismiss 11:30) 10:00-Noon Matthew 25:35 Food Pantry Distribution (SJPC Lower Level) Noon-1:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (SJ) 4:30 pm MCC Homecoming Parade (Downtown) Pep Assembly & Tailgate Picnic (Following parade - MCC) 7:00 pm MCC Homecoming Football Game (Saber Stadium) Saturday, October 11 10:00-1:00 Paper Recycle / Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC - Paper Truck) 5:30 pm Pinochle (SJPC lower level lounge) Sunday, October 12 7:00-8:00 pm Parish Mission (SJ) Fellowship following (SJPC) Key Code: MCC - Manistee Catholic Central; SJ - St. Joseph Church; SJ CLOW - Room in St. Joseph Church basement; SJPC - St. Joseph Parish Center CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 4 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY World Mission Sunday, October 18-19, is all about asking for your generous support of our Catholic Church’s endeavors to spread the message of Jesus Christ throughout the world. It is about reminding us to pray with and for, take an interest in, and financially support our church’s missionaries and their communities especially in the poorest regions of the world. Envelopes can be found in your box of contribution envelopes or at the entrances of the church. With Deepest Sympathy In your kindness and prayers, please remember the souls of Anthony Sprader, who passed away September 25; Sally Schubert, who passed away September 26; and Genevieve Wisneski, who passed away September 27. May they now enjoy the great blessings of eternal life. May their family and friends experience God’s consoling presence during this time of loss. Thank You!! The Family of Roy “Stretch” Bukowski would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming support and prayers. We feel truly blessed to have been comforted by the Catholic Community of Manistee. The genuine compassion and consolation shown to us by Father McCracken was far greater than anyone could have imagined and we will be forever grateful. We especially want to thank Ryan McCauslin, Pam Janowiak and the CCM choir for their angelic music. Special thanks to altar server Richard Swidorski, lector Sandy Cabot and Eucharistic Ministers Rosemary Swidorski and Hugh O’Hagan for participating in the beautiful funeral Mass. Thank you to the United Veterans Council Ritual Team for their impressive patriotic service. Also, thank you to those who donated desserts, and the luncheon committee who volunteered their time to prepare and serve a delicious luncheon for our family and friends. A special thank you to Paul Kubacki and the Herbert Funeral Home for their professional guidance. A sincere thank you to all whose kindness and support helped us during this difficult time. The Family of Thomas Lijewski would like to thank the Catholic Community of Manistee, especially Fr. John, Fr. Chet, Fr. Rubén Muñoz and Fr. Peter Wigton, for the Funeral Mass. Father Chet’s homily touched on Tom’s life in so many ways. Organist Ryan McCauslin and the choir provided beautiful music; the luncheon staff served a delicious meal. Your caring helped during this difficult time and gave Tom a glorious farewell. The staff of the Oak Grove Funeral Home helped make this entire experience so comforting. Thank you to all. 231.723.2619 Sanctuary Lamp October 5 - 11 at St. Joseph Church In Loving Memory of Bernard Wilson Requested by his Wife and Family October 5 - 11 at Manistee Catholic Central In Loving Memory of Noble Holmes Requested by Dave and Darlene Petersen Celebrating Our Parishioners Happy Anniversary!! 10/5 - David & Mary Lou Rozmarek (40th), Tom & Carol Shively (31st), Michael & Connie Marzinski (29th), and Brian & Kathy Harrigan (18th) 10/6 - Hugh & Patricia O’Hagan (52nd), Steve & Mary Dontz (35th), and Scott & Rebecca Skiera (13th) 10/7 - Jim & Sharon Edmondson (53rd), Charles & Dorothy Schindler (53rd), Dennis & Evelyn Boyle (47th), David & Cynthia Russell (36th), Kevin & Dursa Marshall (14th), and Chris & Karen Beldo (8th) 10/8 - James & Donna Beaudrie (37th), Mike & Karen Feliczak (20th), Anthony & Janelle Blossingham (9th), and Jacob & Jamie Charette (3rd) 10/9 - Mark & Lori Sniegowski (21st) 10/10 - Wayne & Betty Janicki (50th), Scott & Samantha Van Aelst (16th), and Ken & Jonda Schwass (16th) 10/11 - Dan & Donna Korzeniewski (34th), Roy & Nicole Anciso (5th), and Cyril & Ellen Kosmowski (1st) Happy Birthday!! 10/5 - Tudie Rulison, Kathy Skiera, Estefana Edgington, Sharon Muszynski, Vince Modjeski, Madison Miller (16), & Allie Zimmerman (16) 10/6 - Arlene Edens, Roger Schrader, Robert Baker, Kim Engstrom, Erv Kowalski Jr., & Tamara Jackoviak 10/7 - Mary Tarczon, Barbara Lynn, Alice Bottrell, Paula Gentz, Tom Jans, Rosemarie Veine, Philip Guzikowski, & Chase Swidorski (16) 10/8 - Clifford Kaminski, Florence Clement, Ken Olen, Mary Skocelas, Arlene Adamski, Roy Swiatlowski, Mary Ann Nickleson, Pam Smuda, Amber Worch, Nathan Jordan, & Kaytlin Heck (17) 10/9 - Minnie Zatarga, Patricia Schmidt, Marie Cabot, Barbara Snay, Mark Anderson, John Lipa, Nicole Shively, & Robert Sewell 10/10 - Paula Sarzynski, Marilyn Kliber, Terry Miller, Mark Krusniak, Jason Janowiak, Betsy Neph, Taryn Kempf (11), Tyler Whitman (8), & Sophie Witkowski (3) 10/11 - Mary Alice Hansen, Dan Ursum, Jane Fett, Jane Tabaczka, Richard Kovar Jr., Joshua Brown, Troy Skiera, & Christopher Buswinka TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 5 Prayer Requests Stewardship Report Please remember in your prayers all the homebound, those who are in the Medical Care, adult foster care homes, and those who are ill. We have been asked to pray for: S.A., Betty Adamski, Andy Anderson, Maren Balcer, Ronald Bauman, B.A.B., M.C., Landon Cameron, Betty Carboneau, Judy & Bernie Chapple, Denise Dursum, Lorraine Feliczak, Rose Fortier, Jewelee Franklin, Frances Granger, Alice Gregorski, John Helminiak, Dave Kaminski, Donald Karas, Ervin & Ilene Kowalski, Mitch Lane, Lydia Loredo, Selena Loredo, Stephen Loredo Jr., Alvin Madsen, Kay Majchrzak, Brian McLaughlin, Marty Nelson Sr., Ed Niemiec, A.P., Marilyn Perski, Sharon Peterson, Paul Pietrasik, Alice Plucinski, Michael Romanik, Tudie Rulison, Carl Rutske, Marilyn Schrader, Stephanie Sielski, D.H.S., Gary Sullivan, Roy Swiatlowski, Deb Swidorski, Lois Symanski, Jo Etta Teevin, J.W., Michael Weber, Duane Wagberg, T. Wood Family September 27th & 28th: Number of Envelopes Used OCTOBER 5, 2014 531 Weekly Goal $13,688.00 Weekly Contributions $12,615.00 Amount Over (Short) ($1,073.00) Year-to-Date Over (Short) ($1,854.72) Names will remain on the list for one month. Please call with an update. Thank you to all who have “Let your light shine" through giving to the 2014 Catholic Services Appeal. To date, we have received $143,230.25 in gifts/pledges, from 493 households, toward this year’s appeal efforts. This amount equals 78% of our goal. To help us achieve 100% participation, if you have not yet made a gift to the CSA, please prayerfully consider doing so. Please pray for all service men and women who are currently serving in the military, especially: SSgt Heather Albright, PFC Mitchell Anderson, Zane A. Balcer, SSgt Joshua Baranek, SRA Tyler Bell USAF, LCpl Ben Blakeslee, Travis Bulerski, Special Agent Kimberly Caban, LCDR Steven Chmielewski, AO Rachel Colby USN, EMFN Brandi Coyle, SrA Dan Digna, CAPT Joseph A. Duchon, 1st Lt. Adam C. Fix, Jamie Golembiewski USN, LTC Albert T. Gorman, SSgt Dan Gutowski, MSGT Andrew Hallead, FC2 Nathan R. Harju USN, Lt. Joseph Kedrowski, SSgt Tom Korzeniewski, Lt. Nick Kroll, LTC Gary Kuczynski, Patrick Madden, A1C Michael Miehlke, Sgt. Jaron Oleniczak, MSgt Jacob Olson, Sgt 1st Class Jarod Perkioniemi, A1C Alan Potts, CPL Nathan Rybicki, MSG Adam Schuessler, Lt. Luke Steinberg, Sgt. Tyler Swidorski, SSgt Jeff Thorpe, MM2 Duane Ray Tiefenthal, MA-3 Jonathan Walter, CAPT Donald Worm USN Liturgical Ministers for October 11th & 12th Presider Lector Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers 10/11 4:00 pm Fr. Chet P. Potes Volunteers (H) G. Sielski, K. & G. Peters (C) M. Campbell, A. Link, R. Wojciechowski 10/11 6:00 pm Fr. John S. Cabot Volunteers (H) J. Gamache (C) K. Oleniczak, M. Bolach, P. Hanna, Volunteer 10/12 7:30 am Fr. John M. Krusniak C. Wittlieff, A. & L. Herberger (H) R. Hogan, S. Linke (C) D. Pieczynski, M. Herberger, R. Zwiefka, J. Treml 10/12 9:30 am Fr. John C. Smogoleski N. & B. Falk (H) D. Kowalski, J. Maloney, E. Jud (C) E. Kowalski, M. Jorgensen, M. Sorenson, C. Steinberg 10/12 11:30 am Fr. Chet R. A. Wilkosz (H) A. Crow, V. & D. Kuk (C) P. Kamaloski, F. Patulski, N. Fortier, K. Skiera N. & G. Antal, C. Ronning CLOW: L Fortier, J. Robke CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 6 Director of Advancement & Stewardship Samantha McLinden 723.2619, ext. 25 [email protected] The second reading that we hear this weekend (Phil 4:6-9) is a reading that helps me to refocus my thoughts to God's unending love for me. This reading has very simple instructions. . . but, are the instructions really that simple to follow? Paul reminds us to ignore the negativity that surrounds us all and instead focus on the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon us. Yes, it is not an easy thing to do, especially when our world seems to be exuding evil more and more rapidly every day. I get a sense of calm and peace every time I read Paul's message which then motivates me to get my mind focused on how God wants me to live. I pray you experience these same feelings when you read those words. Also, I encourage you to take part in our Parish Mission that begins next Sunday evening. We could all benefit from hearing Fr. Bill's message and spending more quality time together in fellowship. See you there! Mission Prayer Heavenly Father. We ask you to bless us during our Parish Mission. Open our hearts to your grace, that we may better follow your way. Bless all families in our Parish. Help them in times of struggle to overcome difficulty and distress. 231.723.2619 CATHOLIC UPDATE: The October edition of Catholic Update is now available at all four entrance doors at St. Joseph Church. The title for this month is, “Saintly Sinners: Flawed but Faithful, Models of Holiness” by Kathy Coffey. Ms. Coffey is an author and also gives retreats and workshops nationally and internationally. Please take advantage of this opportunity to explore this short, informative resource. Next month’s edition will focus on being Advent pilgrims. COMMUNITY T ABLE STEWARDS NEEDED!! The CCM is in need of stewards who can commit to hosting the Community Table on Nov. 25th & Dec. 16th. The meal ingredients and paper table service is provided. Groups of at least six to eight people can consist of families and/or friends, a team or committee. Please contact Heather if you can commit to a date or for more information on what is involved. Thanks to all the groups who have signed up to serve this year!! Groups & Organizations HOLY FAMILY SOCIETY OCTOBER FUNERAL WORKERS Helen Helminiak, Marian Johnson, Joann Treml, Nancy LaPorte, Joan Lijewski, Margie Moser, Theresa Cabot ST. JOSEPH ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY: We will not have an October meeting. Our next meeting is Monday, November 3 at 7:00 pm in the Lounge of St. Joseph Parish Center. CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS: The next Catholic War Veterans meeting is Monday, October 6 at 2:00 pm in the St. Joseph Parish Center Library. Join us for Mass that evening at 7:00 pm. Bless everybody in our Parish in their joys and sorrows. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Columbus Day Mass will be celebrated on Monday, October 6 at 7:00 pm at St. Joseph Church. The Knights meeting will follow Mass. Bless the old, the young, the lonely, the poor, the sick, those without work, those in grief, those in despair, those who have lost their way. ST. MARY MEN’S CLUB: Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 7 at 5:45 pm in Lounge A of St. Joseph Parish Center. This meeting is a week earlier than our usual schedule because of our Parish Mission. May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in you. May our Faith be energizing, enthusiastic, and expressed in our lives! Amen. A BIG Thank You to Our Bulletin SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: Dan Gilman Residential Builder & Contractor TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 7 FAMILY PERSPECTIVE Every family is visited by difficult times which can unite or divide. These hardships, which we would quickly reject, hold the potential to be the unifying “cornerstone” where we drop our pettiness and defenses and pull together, linked by a common bond and love for one another. Faith Formation Pre - 9th Grade Susan Noble, Director of Faith Formation 723.2619, ext. 30; [email protected] During Faith Formation, ext 27 Faith Formation classes are held from 6:15 to 7:30 pm on Wednesday evenings at the St. Joseph Parish Center. OCTOBER 5, 2014 MCC School 723.2529 ~ MCC SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday ~ 7:30 am - 3:30 pm For up-to-date info on school & sporting events, be sure to check out the calendar at MCC ALUMNI BAND MEMBERS WANTED MCC is looking for Alumni Band members willing to join our Homecoming festivities and play in the band at our Homecoming Parade, Pep Assembly and Homecoming Game on October 10th . There will be an alumni band practice at 6:00 pm on Oct.7th in the MCC band room. Contact Phil Kroll at 299.1329 for more info. HOMECOMING WEEK - October 6th - 11th Introducing. . . the Catholic Community of Manistee Faith Formation Kindergarten Class: Jaxson, Avery, William, Andy, Campbell, Brock, Noah and Deacon, Catechist Mrs. Karen Kubanek and Aide Mrs. Monica Blank. Tuesday, Oct. 7: Homecoming Mass - 1:30 pm in the gym Spaghetti Dinner - 4:00-7:00 pm in Saber Café Homecoming Bonfire - 8:00 pm Friday, October 10: Homecoming Parade - 4:30 pm on River Street Pep Assembly & Tailgate Picnic following the parade at MCC Homecoming Football Game - 7:00 pm 1/2 Day of School - Friday, Oct. 17th, dismiss 11:55 am HARVEST RAFFLE T ICKETS AVAILABLE The HARVEST Grand Raffle Prizes will be drawn on Saturday, Nov. 8th at ‘The Fabulous 50’s’ event. The Grand Prize is $5,000 and 2nd Prize is $3,000. Grand Raffle Tickets are available for $25 each. SABER Bucks Raffle tickets are also available for $10 each. SABER Bucks will be a 50/50 raffle with one winner being drawn, unless the total ticket sales exceed $10,000. The raffle will then become a 50/25/25 raffle with two winners drawn. Tickets for either raffle may be purchased at the MCC or CCM offices during (License No. C26664) business hours. GET YOUR 50TH ANNIVERSARY . . . Lord, may the Little Flower move me to follow You in good times and on difficult days. ~Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus Blessings on Your Week MCC medallions are available for purchase at the MCC and CCM offices. T-shirts are available at MCC. The t-shirts & medallions are $15 each and may be purchased during regular business hours. The 50th Anniversary slideshow that was shown during the reunion is available for a donation at the CCM office also. These items would make wonderful gifts for the upcoming holidays! CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 8 231.723.2619 ST. JOSEPH MEN’S CLUB BREAKFAST BUFFET St. Joseph Parish Center Sunday, October 5, 2014 8:30 to 11:30 am $6.00 Adults; $3.00 Ages 6 - 12; Under 6 Eat for Free Pancakes, french toast, sausage, ham, scrambled eggs, western scrambled eggs, hash browns, toast, bread pudding, applesauce, juice, milk or coffee. Proceeds towards CCM Improvements MCC WASHINGTON GROUP SPAGHETTI DINNER You are invited to the MCC cafeteria on Tuesday, Oct. 7th from 4:00-7:00 pm for our annual Homecoming spaghetti dinner. Proceeds from this event will help send the MCC ninth grade students to Washington DC in March, 2015. Your meal includes our world famous spaghetti, garlic toast, salad, dessert, coffee and pop for an $8 donation. Tickets are available at the door or from any Washington Group member. Thank you for supporting this wonderful MCC tradition! PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY Saturday, October 11, 2014 Manistee Catholic Central School Front Lawn of School Adjacent to US 31 I want to invite all to join in this Public Rosary on Saturday, October 11 at 12 noon, sponsored by AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA, with over 12,000 Public Rosary Rallies across the United States. Please join us offering reparation for the sins and offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and fervently pray for the conversion of the United States. Please join me and other Catholics on this very important day. This event is also the 97th Anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s appearance in Fatima to the three children Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. Sincerely, Randy Wood, Rosary Captain (723.1470) CIVIC CLUB F ALL DINNER Sunday, October 12 St. Joseph Civic Club, 183 9th St. 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Public Welcome! Take Outs Available. Adults $10; Children 5-12 $5, Under 5 Eat for Free Featuring: baked chicken, homemade cabbage rolls, fresh Polish sausage, sweet & sour cabbage, real mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, buttered squash, buttered corn, rolls, dessert, coffee and lemonade. Meal prepared by Jerry Zupin & Crew Return your paid reservation by October 8, 2014 for a chance to win a CASH prize drawing on Saturday, November 8th at the H.A.R.V.E.S.T. event. All reservations must be paid in advance. Tickets available at the MCC and CCM Offices. All winners are subject to state and federal taxes. CENTER FOR CATHOLIC STUDIES The Center for Catholic Studies was founded in June 2003 under the guidance of Bishop Patrick Cooney. The Center offers seven areas of certification tracks – Parish Catechist, Christian Discipleship, Liturgical Studies, Youth Ministry I, II, and III, Catechetical Leader/DRE, and the Academic Program for the Diaconate. Through a partnership with the Virtual Learning Community of the University of Dayton Online, students can also earn certificates in Adult Formation Leadership, Foundations for Leadership in Ministry, Social Justice, Youth Ministry, Marianist Studies, Catechesis and Spanish Catechesis. These classes are offered to those who are pursuing certification tracks or those who just want to take a class for fun. For more information, visit or contact Tammy Boylan at 989.732.5147 or via email at [email protected]. TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 9 OCTOBER 5, 2014 REFLECTING ON STEWARDSHIP “The stone the builders rejected has become the corner stone=” - Matthew 21:42 Jesus was the corner stone and He was rejected by the religious and political leaders of his day, as well as ordinary citizens. Living a stewardship lifestyle may cause you to be “rejected” by others in today’s society. For example, saying grace before a meal in a restaurant may attract some strange looks from some. But to others it is sign that God is alive and well! MASS FOR HEALTHCARE WORKERS Physicians, Nurses, EMTs and every type of Healthcare Professional: Please join us on the Feast of Saint Luke the Physician, Saturday, October 18, at Saint Mary Cathedral in Gaylord. The 5:00 pm Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Steven J. Raica, who will also join us for a reception following in the parish hall. Learn about the new Guild of the Catholic Medical Association in the Diocese of Gaylord and join us for a brief meeting after the reception. For better planning of the event, please let us know if you plan to attend by emailing [email protected] or calling Jackie Jones at 231.633.2146. If you cannot attend the White Mass, but are interested in the new Guild of the Catholic Medical Association, please also contact Jackie Jones. NATIVE AMERICAN CONFERENCE Boozhoo! Please join us at the Pastoral Center in Gaylord on Saturday, October 18, for a day filled with spirituality and discovery! Through prayer and reflection with our Native American brothers and sisters regularly participating in Sunday Liturgy, the goal of this conference is to identify matters important to Native American Catholics in the Diocese of Gaylord. The morning sessions will begin with spiritual readings followed by reflection and sharing. At noon we will celebrate Mass with our new shepherd, Bishop Steven J. Raica. After a delightful lunch we will again gather for two presentations of great interest: Native American Stations of the Cross and Sacred Cedar Oil. Following these presentations, Talking Circles will be conducted with the topic: “What issues are important to Native American Catholics?” The day will conclude with a final presentation, Commissioning and a Blessing Prayer. Through your generous contributions to the CSA and a grant from the Black and Indian Missions office, there is no cost to attend this conference. A free will offering will be gladly accepted. To register download a form from the diocesan website: or see your parish office. Please contact Sr. Sue Gardner at 231.271.6651 or [email protected] if you have any questions. Miigwech! MINISTRY ENRICHMENT GATHERING All liturgical ministers need a deep understanding of the Mass to help lead the parish community to recognize the Eucharist as the source of nourishment for their lives as Christians. The Diocese of Gaylord's Secretariat for Worship is hosting the Ministry Enrichment Gathering to offer participants the opportunity to reflect on the power of the liturgy for themselves and those they serve. Join the faithful on Saturday, October 25 from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm at the Cooney Conference Center in Gaylord for a faith-filled day featuring presentations by Michael Ruzicki, Victoria M. Tufano, and Fr. Don Geyman. Cost for the day is $25 per person and includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and two resources from Liturgy Training Publications. A discount is offered for three or more people attending from the same parish. For scholarship info or to register, contact Beth Hicks at 989.732.5147 or at [email protected]. Registration forms and more information are available online at Registrations must be received by October 10. Readings for October 12th Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 25:6-10a; Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20; Matthew 22:1-14 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 10 231.723.2619 A Mass remembering those listed below will be celebrated on the first weekend of each month. The names will appear in the bulletin each week. Memorial offering is $60.00. Names and offerings may be turned in at the CCM Office or in the collection. If you have any questions please call the Catholic Community of Manistee Office. Catholic Community of Manistee Memorial Association Nancy Bajtka, Bajtka & Gamache Families, living & deceased Clarence & Martin Jerumbo Betty & Ed Merkey Carboneau, Bartoszek, Dauginis, Soller, DiLaura & Kovack Families Symanski & Wandrych Families, living & deceased Elmer & Anna Stamp; Ed & Julia Karas; Grabowski & Luczyk Families & RW Ruth Niesen Steinberg & Niesen Families; LeRoy Edel; Barbara Skiera; Barbara Wisniski Gordon Sciba; John Sciba; Robert Rogers Families, living & deceased Purgiel, Grabowski, & Clark Families; Class of ‘55; Gage & Minster Families Audrey Rakoski; Carl & Lorraine Steinberg; Andrew & Gertrude Mantych & sons Joseph & Betty Ann Abramowski, Harry & Nettie Muszynski Estelle M. Oleniczak Abramowski: Joseph, Jennie, Leona, Jim, Ray, Don, George, Rita, Bob & Joe Stanley & Isabelle Radke; Joe & Mary Jane Witucki Dale & Stella Cooper Sr.; James Cooper & Christopher Grabowski Bartoszek, Majkszak, Kosiboski, & Kirby Families; Health Paprocki, Glocheski, Tomaszewski & Miller Families, living & deceased The Pietrasik & Edmondson Families Donald Shively; Shively, Chavalia, Balcer & Kniola Families Anna & Steve Korzeniewski & Extended Families The Peters & Bayer Families, living & deceased Marzinski, Garrison, Kaminski, Hansen & Gallagher Families Keson, Polcyn, Bittel, Kowalczyk & Wojciechowski Families, living & deceased Chuck & Shirley Herbert; Herbert & Tacktor Families, living & deceased Phyllis & Bonnie Chmielewski; Chmielewski & Niemierowicz Families Ed, Esther, David & Michael Pomeroy; Ed & Mary Swidorski Paul & Virginia Plouhar & Family, living & deceased Vic Zwiefka; Fr. Bill Zwiefka; Zwiefka, Bialik, Osborn & Badzinski Families Leonard Sielski; Sr. Mary A. Morang; Sielski & Morang Families Ed & Jane Fedder; Fedder & Matchekosky Families Swidorski, Jeruzal & Skiera Families, living & deceased Karl & Irene Herrmann; Gene Greene Bartoszek, Cabot, Dembinski, Racine & Zielinski Families Leo & Germaine, Martin & Stella Gutowski; Harry & Sophia Nowak Roy Niesen; Ralph Schubert; Jack & Joan Petersen; Niesen & Krolczyk Families Daniels, Ragina, Jabrocki, O’Brien & Dobrawalski Families Fausz & Robke Families Francis Bartosiewicz & Vasquez Families, living & deceased Bartosiewicz, Zielinski, Sharnowski & Schramski Families Harry & Lenore Boertman; John, Celia & Raymond Switalski; Jill Anderson Showalter’s, Patterson’s, Zawacki’s & Modreski’s & Relatives, living & deceased Frank, Florence & Donald Graczyk; Ernest, Marie & Jim Chycinski Grabowski, Kuczynski, Rakoniewski & Kukla Families Wayne & Dick Skiera; Elizabeth, Henry & Joseph Wojciechowski Joseph J., Lillian, Joseph C. & Dan Stepniewski Michael Majewski; Majewski & Darbyson Families Joe & Hedwig Wojciechowski; E. Kowalski & S. Wojciechowski Families Chandler, Burkhart & Barker Families, living & deceased A.A. Edel & Gutowski Families; George Bruno; Frank Rutowski & Loved Ones Batterson, Vadeboncoeur, Kadzban, Gorch & Adamczak Families Steve & Caroline Newman Family, living & deceased Bilski, Chrzanowski, Dauginis, Kielpinski & Pindel Families Angie & Edward Novak Casimer, Gertrude, Sr. Liz, Bill & Lee Ozdych; †Ozdych & Smock Families Harry Skiera, William Zawacki & Harold Bauman Sr. Families, living & deceased Stan & Rita Siuda; Siuda & Marquardt Families Al & Josephine Helminski and sons Ron & Dennis Raphael & Shirley Mikula; Edward & Irene Zeimba; Michael & Anna Mikula McIsaac & Flanigan Families, living & deceased Jane Maxey; Harry & Julia Anderson; James & Agnes Maxey Ziabkowski, Bowman & Tabaczka Families, living & deceased Baranek, Weinert, Wagner, Kraus, Gumbus & Gutowski Families; Sue Viol Ralph; Schubert, Maternowski & Krolczyk Families; Roy N.; Eleanore & Vince; LS Harold & Mary Ann Sielski Richard Gage; Mary Fink; Frank Chesney Ken; W & A Bernier; C & A Grabowski & Family Members; Elaine Meyers Pattie Beaudrie; Dori Peters; Cindy Gregory; Centala & Modrzynski Families Floyd & Genevieve Toczynski; Marianne Kubacki Francis Kadzban; Kadzban & Jabrocki Families Leonard, Karen & Emily Kurtz; Karas & Kurtz Families Kuczynski, Mielcarek, Kaminski, Witucki, Steve Duchon & Families Walter & Arliene Linski; Fedder & Linski Families, living & deceased Miles, Anna & Harold Robinson; Jacob & Frances Gutowski John W., Rita A., Rebecca, John & Elizabeth Miller; Michael & Joanna Stypa Roman & Hazel Zupin, Mark Reckow, Carl & Katherine Hull Families Mary C. Pieczynski; Pieczynski & Vida Families Tabaczka and Switalski Families, living & deceased Dr. Tom Day; Day & Fisher Families Niemiec, Schramski & Skory Families, living & deceased Raymond Smuda, Sr.; Smith & Smuda Families, living & deceased John & Gladys Grzeszak; Grzeszak & Orlowski Families Gordon Rozga & Parents; Stanley Zuchowski Parents, Children & Families Lila Callis; John Froncek Family Mary & Ernest Bialik; Sophie, Cassmer, John & Julia Russell; Loyal Ramsey Mary Williams; Petroskey & Schettek Families Frank & Dorothy Witucki; Health of Family Catholic Community of Manistee, 254 Sixth St, Manistee, MI 49660 231.723.2619 ~ TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 11 OCTOBER 5, 2014 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 12 231.723.2619
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