the Catholic Community of Manistee, are committed to knowing and proclaiming Christ, living as He calls us to live, and reaching out in love to all. Mission Statement: We, Catholic Community of Manistee December 21, 2014 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 2 231.723.2619 A Community of Believers of One Heart and Mind. ~Acts 4:32 him, and with him, and in him, O God almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, forever and ever.” And the church replies, “Amen!” The countdown has begun. Four more days and we celebrate Christ’s birthday, the day we have been preparing for during Advent. It will probably be a hectic time for some of us because of all that needs to be done. We might even say, or hear others say concerning all that needs to be done, “It’s impossible!” Yet the impossible becomes possible. David showed how the impossible became possible by slaying the Philistine giant, Goliath. God assured David through the prophet Nathan that his kingdom would never end. But David suddenly becomes aware that the progress that he and his people have made both socially and politically have not had much of an effect on their religious lives. The Ark of the Covenant still has not changed even though he brought it to Jerusalem, so he wants to build a temple. Nathan tells him to proceed, but God says no to his plan. God points out to David that any success he enjoys is not to his own credit but to God’s, which is also true in our lives. What have we received that is not gift from God? God does not have to live in a royal palace to make David famous or give him peace. God gave David something more wonderful than building a temple for God: a dynasty that would never end despite all the difficulties that occurred during his reign of forty years. Perhaps we have prayed for some favor that seemed impossible, and received an even greater gift or response from God. The psalm response highlights God’s faithfulness to the promise made to David. God’s fidelity will never end because God’s love for us is unconditional, just like David’s dynasty will never end despite the infidelity of the people. The dynasty will be an everlasting covenant, a unique relationship between God and David, just like the relationship between mother and child, or father and son. The king could claim that he was like a son of God, which we might find impossible to grasp. Paul sums up what many Jews did not think was possible: Christ being preached to the Gentiles. Paul took on this impossible task, which gave him a new direction in his ministry. He concludes the passage with a doxology praising God, which is comparable to the one we have in the Mass when the priest sings, “Through Paul states that all of this is a mystery well-kept and hidden, but has now been revealed. He also insists that God had this plan in mind from the very beginning, just as God sent Jesus to us as a precious gift. Since it is a mystery how God has planned the salvation of all, many find it impossible to grasp or comprehend, but the fullness of that message is revealed through Jesus. When Mary was asked to be the Mother of God by the angel Gabriel, she had to struggle with this invitation. But she did not respond, “It’s impossible; it cannot be done.” She was willing to enter into the mystery, even though she could not grasp how it was possible to be a virgin and mother at the same time. Pope Francis was told by a friend that March 25 is a most resplendent day, because that is the day God began his journey with us. Sister Helen Prejean believes that Mary’s incredulity was because she lived in a society where a woman without a man as husband or advocate was considered a nobody. So we might ask, does God prefer to use or work with nobodies? Mary was not afraid, however, to ask Gabriel how this would be accomplished. Notice that she did not consult with the high priests, any rabbi, or even Joseph about how she should respond. Once she was told how this impossibility was to be accomplished, she responded, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word? (Lk 1:35). The word “handmaid” is actually a feminine word for slave. She could have said, “No.” Every woman has the choice of being Eve or Mary. Her assent was a crucial turning point in salvation history. Her deep faith made it possible for a God-man to enter into history. Her faith, as some believe, was greater than Abraham’s faith because the whole world depended on her response. All her glories can be traced to her willingness to be the mother of God. St. Augustine wrote that she conceived the Word in her mind before giving the Word a body in her womb. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that God was asking her motherhood in the name of all humanity. What becomes evident is that mission precedes understanding. Mary’s response made her the primary figure of our witness of our faith and humility. St. Bernard believed that her humility was the reason God chose her to be continued on page 3 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT PAGE 3 continued from page 2 DECEMBER 21, 2014 Opłatki the mother of God. Humble people have their feet on the ground, and are honest in all their dealings, and they do not have an undeservedly high opinion of themselves. Groucho Marx tells the story of a nurse who was so taken up with her beauty that when she took a man’s pulse, she would subtract ten points, because she believed that her beauty increased the heartbeat. Oplatki, the Blessed Christmas Wafers, are available in the back of church. They come in sealed packages containing three white wafers. There will be a basket for your donation to help cover the cost. Thank You!! In Dancing Standing Still, Richard Rohr states that Mary’s “yes” is not easy for us to imitate, because it means that someone else is in charge and we often resist that. How many of us would lessen our problems or struggles by saying “yes” to God instead of “no’? If we put our complete trust in God as Mary did, the impossible will become possible. Then we can look forward to more fully celebrating the birth of Jesus, who humbled himself by becoming a small baby. Reflection by: Rev. Richard Hart ofm Cap, in CONNECT! Uniting Word & World, December 21, 2014, Liturgical Publications, Inc. CURSILLO Do you feel the urge to develop a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit? In the Cursillo Movement we approach evangelization as a very natural act of being Christ-like within each of our daily activities. We realize that while most people would like to live their lives in a Christ-like manner, the pressures of the world often make this difficult. The Cursillo Movement in the Diocese of Gaylordis growing and touching lives through Christ. Discover the tools available to you in the Cursillo Movement. The Cursillo hopes to make a natural Christian life possible for anyone. Cursillo is not a retreat. It is a once in a lifetime weekend experience to “Let go Let God”. The weekend is for all a welcome respite from a society that has largely forgotten the Lord’s simple request to “love one another as I have loved you.” In the words of Matthew Kelly, “God wants each one of us to become the best version of ourselves” For more information regarding your participation in a Cursillo Weekend, please call: Dale or Barb Kowalkowski at 231.723.7391 or the Diocesan Pre-Cursillo Rep. Sandi Bauman at 231.775.9287. Gaylord Cursillo Website: National Cursillo Website: Gaylord Diocesan TEC: Eight middle-school and six high school members of the cheerleading team from MAPS baked 800 cookies as a Christmas gift for pantry shoppers. They also assisted shoppers with loading their groceries in their cars. Their coaches are Stacey Andrews Ramsey and Justine McGuire. ********** COMMUNITY T ABLE Community Table is a meal assistance program hosted by local area churches and organizations. All are welcome to attend this meal! Community Table is held every Tuesday evening, with the exception this year of Dec. 23rd, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center. If the Manistee area schools are closed because of bad weather, there will be no Community Table. We are looking for groups to give their time and talents to host on the following dates in 2015: Jan. 20; March 3 & 24; May 5 & 26; July 7 & 28; August 18; Sept. 8 & 29; Oct. 20; Nov. 10; & Dec. 8. The groups can be made up of family, friends, co-workers or organizations. Everything is supplied. If you would like more information or can commit to one of the dates, please contact the CCM Office at 723.2619. PAGE 4 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI 231.723.2619 Mass Schedule this Week Saturday, December 20 4:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Emilie Wasnieski, Julia Doleys and Helen Kolanowski 6:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Harvey Showalter 7:30 am Sunday, December 21 Fourth Sunday of Advent 7:30 am Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee 9:30 am Mass (SJ) - † John and Genevieve Wisneski 11:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Hershey and Gertrude Braciszewski 9:30 am Monday, December 22 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Chuck (1st An. 12/24) and Shirley Herbert (Family) Tuesday, December 23 No Masses Wednesday, December 24 4:00 pm Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of 6:30 pm the Catholic Community of Manistee Midnight Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee Thursday, December 25 The Nativity of the Lord 7:30 am Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee 9:30 am Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee 11:30 am Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee 8:00 am 11:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Alex and Eleanore Wresinski, Ed and Bridget Kruse, and Melissa (Mel and Linda Kruse & Family) TV Mass for the Homebound from Gaylord Cable Channel 3 (Fox 32) Mass (SJ) - † Margaret Krolczyk (Terry Luney) Mass (SJ) - † Stephen T. Duchon (Wife Marian and Family) This Week in Our Community MAPS & MCC Christmas Break - 12/22/2014 - 1/2/2015 MCC Office Closed During Break Sunday, December 21 5:30-7:30 pm Youth Ministry (8th & 9th Grade) (CYC) Monday, December 22 6:30 pm Knights of Columbus #493 (SJPC) 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus #853(SJPC) Tuesday, December 23 9:00-5:00 Sausage Sale Pick-Up (MCC Kitchen) 3:15-5:15 pm Paper Recycle/Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC) No Community Table (SJPC) 6:30 pm Perpetual Help Novena (SJ) Wednesday, December 24 CCM Office Closed 9:00-Noon Sausage Sale Pick-Up (MCC Kitchen) Thursday, December 25 CCM Office Closed Friday, December 26 St. Stephen No Masses Friday, December 26 CCM Office Closed Saturday, December 27 St. John 4:00 pm Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee 6:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Frank (An.), Margaret and Ronald Gielczyk (Jim and Carol Anderson) Saturday, December 27 10:00-1:00 Paper Recycle/Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC) Sunday, December 28 The Holy Family Readings: Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-3; Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Luke 2:22-40 SOLEMNITY OF MARY SCHEDULE HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION Wednesday, December 31st: 6:00 pm Thursday, January 1st: 9:30 am & 11:30 am Key Code: MCC - Manistee Catholic Central; SJ - St. Joseph Church; SJ CLOW - Room in St. Joseph Church basement; SJPC - St. Joseph Parish Center PAGE 5 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21, 2014 With Deepest Sympathy Thank You! In your kindness and prayers, please remember the souls of David Bladzik, who passed away December 11; David Adamski, brother of Barbara Picardat and Lorraine Bachinski, who passed away December 13; Victoria Gorney, who passed away December 14; and Alice Gregorski, who passed away December 14. May they now enjoy the great blessings of eternal life. May their family and friends experience God’s consoling presence during this time of loss. The Family of Katelyn Burkhart would like to thank the Catholic Community of Manistee for all that you did during our time of sorrow. Special thanks to Father John for celebrating the Funeral Mass and giving a very touching sermon. Thank you to the altar server, lector and Eucharistic Ministers for participating, as well as, the choir for the music and singing. Also, thank you to the people who took the time to prepare and serve the delicious luncheon for our family and friends. A sincere thank you to all whose kindness helped during this difficult time. Sanctuary Lamp December 21 - 27 at St. Joseph Church In Honor of Jeanette Smock on her 80th Birthday Requested by Ed & Marge Grabowski December 21 - 27 at Manistee Catholic Central In Loving Memory of Clarence Jerumbo Requested by his wife Bernadine and Children Celebrating Our Parishioners Happy Anniversary!! 12/21 - Alan & Nancy Zatarga (18th) Jim & Cindy Rozmarek (14th) 12/22 - Chuck & Jeanne Oleniczak (41st) John & Janice White (35th) Happy Birthday!! 12/21 - Sarah Logan, Heather Bielski, Sara Wehrmeister, Emily Bergel (18), & Haley and Tawny Kott (18) 12/22 - Carol Hull, Jennifer Dontz, Marty Nelson, Staci Johnson, & Kylie Bauman 12/23 - Jeanette Smock, Mary Wehrmeister, Joshua Bidelman, Noell Jankowski, Barry Seymour (15), & Jazmin McCarthy (9) 12/24 - Carol Teresinski, Tom Maternowski, Pat Gorch, Kathy Gutowski, Nick Fedder, & Jessica Czarnecki 12/25 - Jerome Kolanowski, Ron Campbell, Joseph Wrzesinski & Craig Guzikowski 12/26 - Stephanie Davis, Christie Wissner, & Karen Schaab 12/27 - Frances Miehlke, David Jans, Jim Witkowski, Dylan Mikula, Samantha Tiefenthal, Benjamin Chandler (17), Devin Loper (14), & Jorren Edmondson (7) ********** The family of Sally Schubert would like to express our appreciation to everyone who has offered their overwhelming support and compassion to our family in the loss of our mother. Your kind words and actions have truly touched our lives. We would especially like to thank the Catholic Community of Manistee, Fr. John, Fr. Chet and Father Ruben for their participation in the Prayer Service and Funeral Mass. Your presence was a comfort at this very difficult time. Our sincere appreciation is extended to Kelly Niles and the members of the CCM choir for helping to make the music so special for us. Our special thanks, also, to those who served as altar servers and Eucharistic Ministers for the service. We appreciate the thoughtfulness and kindness you contributed in making our mother's farewell so memorable. Thank you to Paul and Jenny Kubacki and the staff of Herbert Funeral Home for your help and guidance, and to Mr. Jerry Zupin and his staff, and members of the CCM Community for providing the wonderful luncheon. Thank you, also, to all who contributed to the memorials established in our mother's name, and all those who have remembered her with mass offerings. Our hearts are overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness and kindness. May the peace and love of the Christ Child be with you and yours. ********** A Special Thank You to our young adults at the 9:30 Mass for helping to usher, and also to the young children for passing out bulletins. It’s greatly appreciated! From the 9:30 Crew A BIG Thank You to Our Bulletin SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: Ron Showalter - Divine Mercy PAGE 6 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI 231.723.2619 Stewardship Report December 13th & 14th Number of Envelopes Used 542 Weekly Goal $13,688.00 Weekly Contributions $13,427.00 Amount Over (Short) ($261.00) Year-to-Date Over (Short) $2,541.78 Thank you to all who have “Let your light shine" through giving to the 2014 Catholic Services Appeal. To date, we have received $148,908.25 in gifts/pledges, from 528 households, toward this year’s appeal efforts. This amount equals 81% of our goal. To help us achieve 100% participation, if you have not yet made a gift to the CSA, please prayerfully consider doing so. Thank you to everyone who picked up their 2015 box of contribution envelopes. Didn’t locate your envelopes in church?? Please call the CCM Office and we’ll make sure to have them in church the next weekend. Liturgical Ministers for Christmas and December 27th & 28th Presider Lector Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers 12/24 4:00 pm Fr. John H. Hybza, (H) S. & J. Schmeling, C. Steinberg (C) E. Chalko, 1: S. Skiera M. Barnett, G. & T. Golembiewski, K. Bauman 2: S. McDonald E. Golembiewski 12/24 6:30 pm Fr. Chet 1: Cathy Nelson B. & N. Falk 2: Volunteer 12/25 Midnight Fr. John 1: S. Miller 2: B. Chandler 12/25 7:30 am Fr. Chet 1: J. Niedzielski C. Wittlieff, L. & 2: S. Cabot A. Herberger (H) R. Hogan, R. Zwiefka (C) S. Linke, R. Wittlieff, D. Pieczynski, M. Herberger 12/25 9:30 am Fr. Chet 1: B. Alfred H. Mortensen 2: D. Schwandt (H) J. Maloney, S. Kolanowski, M. Jorgensen (C) H. Helminiak, Three Volunteers 12/25 11:30 am Fr. John 1: J. Linahan 2: P. Potes A. Pontiac (H) Three Volunteers (C) Four Volunteers 12/27 4:00 pm Fr. John G. Sielski L. & E. Golembiewski (H) S. Franklin, T. & G. Golembiewski (C) S. Skiera, K. & G. Peters, J. Kuczynski 12/27 6:00 pm Fr. Chet S. Cabot E. Bauman, Volunteer (H) J. Bigalke (C) C. Nelson, P. Hanna Two Volunteer 12/28 7:30 am Fr. Chet M. Krusniak C. Wittlieff (H) M. Herberger, S. Linke (C) R. Zwiefka, D. Pieczynski, R. Wittlieff, J. Janowiak 12/28 9:30 am Fr. Chet B. Chandler O. Chandler (H) M. Sorenson, H. Helminiak, C. Steinberg (C) S. & Julie Schmeling, K. Bauman, D. Schwandt S. McDonald N. Kaminski, A. Carter R. Feliczak 12/28 11:30 am Fr. John (H) H. O’Hagan (C) Four Volunteers N. Fortier, K. & N. (H) K. Skiera, S. Franklin, L. Fortier (C) N. Fortier, S. McLinden, J. Miller, Volunteer McLinden (H) P. Kamaloski, F. Patulski, K. Skiera (C) T. Bowen, V. & D. Kuk, A. Crow CLOW: J. Oleniczak, C. Swidorski We have a few volunteer spots that hadn’t been filled prior to the earlier bulletin deadline. If you haven’t been contacted and can fill any of the open spots, please call Ann at 723.2619 or email [email protected]. PAGE 7 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21, 2014 November 2014 FINANCIAL REPORT CCM Income Sunday Envelopes: Loose Collection: Children’s Offerings: Other Envelopes:* Bequests & Donations: Food Pantry: CSA Shortfall: Rebates: Stipends/Stole Fees: Oil & Gas Royalty: Miscellaneous Income:** CCM Income Total: $ 55,248.00 $ 3,373.88 $ 107.25 $ 6,266.00 $ 2,024.40 $ 2,777.72 $ 15.00 $ 0.00 $ 4,675.00 $ 421.92 $ 5,575.88 $ 80,485.05 MCC Income Tuition: Bequests & Donations: Fundraising: HARVEST Income: Hot Lunch Program: Miscellaneous Income: Athletic Income: MCC Income Total: Total CCM/MCC November Income: CCM Expenses Salaries: Health Insurance: Other Benefits: Office Supplies: Ministry Supplies: Maintenance Expenses: PL Insurance Expenses: # Banking Expenses: Heat: Electricity: Telephone: Water & Sewer: CSA Shortfall: Contracted Services: Janitorial Supplies: Payment on Diocesan Loan Food Pantry: Liturgy Expenses: CCM Expense Total: $ 18,821.96 $ 3,335.00 $ 901.50 $ 63,802.79 $ 3,262.41 $ 240.00 $ 1,697.26 $ 92,060.92 $172,545.97 $ 20,356.64 $ 6,315.80 $ 3,842.96 $ 50.89 $ 3,565.06 $ 134.47 $ 6,914.02 $ 128.68 $ 3,625.84 $ 1,951.53 $ 346.42 $ 676.77 $ 2,322.40 $ 1,211.98 $ 0.00 $ 8,287.42 $ 1,166.70 $ 0.00 $ 60,897.58 MCC Expenses MCC Salaries MCC Health Insurance Other Benefits: Office Supplies: Teaching Supplies: Development Expense: Heat: Maintenance Supplies: Janitorial Supplies: Electricity: Water/Sewer: PL Insurance: # Telephone/Computers: Contracted Services: Athletic Expenses: Student Services: Hot Lunch Program HARVEST Expenses: Miscellaneous Expenses: MCC Expense Total: $ 44,290.33 $ 11,402.24 $ 7,524.18 $ 795.00 $ 7,943.31 $ 1,467.04 $ 9,796.15 $ 852.32 $ 876.76 $ 2,331.46 $ 553.46 $ 0.00 $ 798.26 $ 2,483.83 $ 3,082.91 $ 3,794.65 $ 3,114.34 $ 7,746.45 $ 457.18 $ 109,309.87 Total CCM/MCC Expenses: $ 170,647.60 Please note: * Other Envelopes would include Improvement, Utilities, etc. ** CCM Miscellaneous Income would include votive candles, rental income, etc. # Insurance invoices presented from the Michigan Catholic Conference for both Property Loss Insurance have been found to be incorrect. We are working with them to correct the invoices. AGED PAYABLES Bills Due, Current $ 25,497.10 Bills Due, Over 30 Days $ 0.00 Bills Due, Over 60 Days $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Bills Due, Over 90 Days Total Bills Due, November 30 th $ 25,497.10 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 8 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - FAMILY PERSPECTIVE Question: What do you call a family that began with a couple who married after a pregnancy was discovered; who had a twelve year old who ran away from home and was eventually executed as a criminal by the state? Answer: Holy. The lesson of today’s gospel is: no matter what is happening in your family, “The Lord is with you”. Let go and let God direct your family. Imitate Mary and “do not be afraid” for “nothing is impossible with God”. Prayer Requests Please remember in your prayers all the homebound, those who are in the Medical Care, adult foster care homes, and those who are ill. We have been asked to pray for: S. A., Betty Adamski, Maren Balcer, Ronald Bauman, Mary Beth Bowerman, M.C., Debra (Swidorski) Cabot, Landon Cameron, Betty Carboneau, Judy & Bernie Chapple, Barbara Chick, Weston Edmondson, Marla Evans, S.F., Lorraine Feliczak, Rose Fortier, Ed Grabowski, Mary Ann & Rudy Gross, Margaret L. Johnson, Dave Kaminski, Donald Karas, Diane (Kavulic) Koch, Ervin & Ilene Kowalski, Mitch Lane, Dr. John Long, Lydia Loredo, Lynn Mack, Ken Madsen, Joseph Maloney, Brian McLaughlin, Marty Nelson Sr., Ken Oleniczak, Martha Oleniczak, A. P., Marilyn Perski, Sharon Peterson, Bernie J. Pieczynski, Paul Pietrasik, Carl Rutske, D.H.S., L. S., Golden Schultz, Stephanie Sielski, Camilla Sonefeld, Heather Schmitt and baby, Jeanette Smock, Raymond Smuda, Roy Swiatlowski, Deb Swidorski, Lois Symanski, J.W., Duane Wagberg, Donna Wallace, Margaret Wilson (SM), Janet Wood, T. Wood Family, Richard Zatarga. Names will remain on the list for one month. Please call with an update. Please pray for all service men and women who are currently serving in the military, especially: SSgt Heather Albright, PFC Mitchell Anderson, Zane A. Balcer, SSgt Joshua Baranek, SRA Tyler Bell USAF, LCpl Ben Blakeslee, Travis Bulerski, Special Agent Kimberly Caban, LCDR Steven Chmielewski, AO Rachel Colby USN, EMFN Brandi Coyle, SrA Dan Digna, CAPT Joseph A. Duchon, 1st Lt. Adam C. Fix, Jamie Golembiewski USN, LTC Albert T. Gorman, SSgt Dan Gutowski, MSGT Andrew Hallead, FC2 Nathan R. Harju USN, Lt. Joseph Kedrowski, SSgt Tom Korzeniewski, Lt. Nick Kroll, LTC Gary Kuczynski, Patrick Madden, A1C Michael Miehlke, Sgt. Jaron Oleniczak, MSgt Jacob Olson, Sgt 1st Class Jarod Perkioniemi, A1C Alan Potts, CPL Nathan Rybicki, MSG Adam Schuessler, Lt. Luke Steinberg, Sgt. Tyler Swidorski, SSgt Jeff Thorpe, MM2 Duane Ray Tiefenthal, MA-3 Jonathan Walter, CAPT Donald Worm USN 231.723.2619 GREAT L AST MINUTE GIFT IDEAS: The 50th Anniversary MCC medallion is available for purchase at the MCC office until December 19th (at the CCM Office after the 19th), as are the t-shirts. The medallion would make a wonderful ornament for your tree. The medallions are $10 each and the t-shirts are $15 each. (Image shown is of the front and back.) A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Day) In the Christmas Mass at dawn we hear from the Gospel reading that God has entered quietly into the world. Not into the great city of Jerusalem, but into a small village about five miles south. Not into a noble family, but to an outcast couple keeping the newborn in a manger. Not announced by royal edicts, but to common shepherds, the first human heralds of Christ’s birth. As Christian stewards we simply allow Christ to live in us no matter what our circumstances happen to be. We allow Christ to share his love with us and reflect that love out to others. We now are the heralds of Christ’s Incarnation. What an unimaginable gift from a generous Lord. Good stewards rejoice in this gift and give glory to God. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT PAGE 9 DECEMBER 21, 2014 VOCATION VIEW Every person who has ever born a child, and every person who has freely vowed away this honor, helps to bring Jesus Christ into this world again. Can you say: “Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.” HELPFUL HINTS FOR YEAR END GIVING During the end of the year, many people make gifts to their parish. Please remember, if you are considering a gift to the parish, make your decision as early in December as possible to ensure your gift is processed by December 31st. ENJOY TAX SAVINGS As you consider your charitable gifts between now and the end of the year, remember that gifts made now can generate income tax deductions that could help reduce your income tax bill. The amount you save depends on tax rates and the portion of your gifts you are allowed to deduct. Only gifts made by December 31st can help reduce the amount of taxes you will owe next April. DECIDING WHAT TO GIVE Merry Christmas from the CCM Staff! REFLECTING ON STEWARDSHIP “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” ~ Luke 1:28 Faith is a gift from God. During this Christmas season take time in silence and pray to God. Thank Him for all the gifts He has given you. Try to set aside any anger or resentment you have and really open your heart to receive the gift of God’s grace. Father John McCracken, Pastor [email protected] Father Chet Collins, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Don Digna, Business Manager [email protected] Phone: 231.723.2619 CCM Office & Mailing Address: 254 Sixth Street Office Hours: Monday - Friday ~ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm CCM Website: The donation of cash is, by far, the most common method of giving. All things considered, however, cash donations are in most circumstances not the most tax-efficient way to give. Contributing stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that have appreciated over time has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. Two key advantages are the following: • Most publicly traded appreciated securities with unrealized long-term gains (meaning they were purchased over a year ago and have a current value greater than their original cost) may be donated to the parish, and the fair market value may be claimed as an itemized deduction on your federal tax return—up to 30% of your AGI. • Because the securities are donated rather than sold and proceeds given to the parish, capital gains taxes are not owed on the appreciation. The more appreciation the securities have, the greater the tax savings will be. One additional consideration: If you have long-term appreciated assets with an unknown original value, donating the assets directly to the parish can save the time and trouble of finding out the original basis and paying the applicable capital gains tax. Diocese of Grand Rapids Office of Stewardship and Development CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 10 231.723.2619 A Mass remembering those listed below will be celebrated on the first weekend of each month. The names will appear in the bulletin each week. Memorial offering is $60.00. Names and offerings may be turned in at the CCM Office or in the collection. If you have any questions please call the Catholic Community of Manistee Office. Catholic Community of Manistee Memorial Association Nancy Bajtka, Bajtka & Gamache Families, living & deceased Clarence & Martin Jerumbo Betty & Ed Merkey Carboneau, Bartoszek, Dauginis, Soller, DiLaura & Kovack Families Symanski & Wandrych Families, living & deceased Elmer & Anna Stamp; Ed & Julia Karas; Grabowski & Luczyk Families & RW Ruth Niesen Steinberg & Niesen Families; LeRoy Edel; Barbara Skiera; Barbara Wisniski Gordon Sciba; John Sciba; Robert Rogers Families, living & deceased Purgiel, Grabowski, & Clark Families; Class of ‘55; Gage & Minster Families Audrey Rakoski; Carl & Lorraine Steinberg; Andrew & Gertrude Mantych & sons Joseph & Betty Ann Abramowski, Harry & Nettie Muszynski Estelle M. Oleniczak Abramowski: Joseph, Jennie, Leona, Jim, Ray, Don, George, Rita, Bob & Joe Stanley & Isabelle Radke; Joe & Mary Jane Witucki Dale & Stella Cooper Sr.; James Cooper & Christopher Grabowski Bartoszek, Majkszak, Kosiboski, & Kirby Families; Health Paprocki, Glocheski, Tomaszewski & Miller Families, living & deceased The Pietrasik & Edmondson Families Donald Shively; Shively, Chavalia, Balcer & Kniola Families Anna & Steve Korzeniewski & Extended Families The Peters & Bayer Families, living & deceased Marzinski, Garrison, Kaminski, Hansen & Gallagher Families Keson, Polcyn, Bittel, Kowalczyk & Wojciechowski Families, living & deceased Chuck & Shirley Herbert; Herbert & Tacktor Families, living & deceased Len, Phyllis & Bonnie Chmielewski; Chmielewski & Niemierowicz Families Ed, Esther, David & Michael Pomeroy; Ed & Mary Swidorski Paul & Virginia Plouhar & Family, living & deceased Vic Zwiefka; Fr. Bill Zwiefka; Zwiefka, Bialik, Osborn & Badzinski Families Leonard Sielski; Sr. Mary A. Morang; Sielski & Morang Families Ed & Jane Fedder; Fedder & Matchekosky Families Swidorski, Jeruzal & Skiera Families, living & deceased Karl & Irene Herrmann; Gene Greene Bartoszek, Cabot, Dembinski, Racine & Zielinski Families Leo & Germaine, Martin & Stella Gutowski; Harry & Sophia Nowak Roy Niesen; Ralph Schubert; Jack & Joan Petersen; Niesen & Krolczyk Families Daniels, Ragina, Jabrocki, O’Brien & Dobrawalski Families Fausz & Robke Families Francis Bartosiewicz & Vasquez Families, living & deceased Bartosiewicz, Zielinski, Sharnowski & Schramski Families Harry & Lenore Boertman; John, Celia & Raymond Switalski; Jill Anderson Showalter’s, Patterson’s, Zawacki’s & Modreski’s & Relatives, living & deceased Frank, Florence & Donald Graczyk; Ernest, Marie & Jim Chycinski Grabowski, Kuczynski, Rakoniewski & Kukla Families Wayne & Dick Skiera; Elizabeth, Henry & Joseph Wojciechowski Joseph J., Lillian, Joseph C. & Dan Stepniewski Michael Majewski; Majewski & Darbyson Families Joe & Hedwig Wojciechowski; E. Kowalski & S. Wojciechowski Families Chandler, Burkhart & Barker Families, living & deceased A.A. Edel & Gutowski Families; George Bruno; Frank Rutowski & Loved Ones Batterson, Vadeboncoeur, Kadzban, Gorch & Adamczak Families Steve & Caroline Newman Family, living & deceased Bilski, Chrzanowski, Dauginis, Kielpinski & Pindel Families Angie & Edward Novak Casimer, Gertrude, Sr. Liz, Bill & Lee Ozdych; †Ozdych & Smock Families Harry Skiera, William Zawacki & Harold Bauman Sr. Families, living & deceased Stan & Rita Siuda; Siuda & Marquardt Families Al & Josephine Helminski and sons Ron & Dennis Raphael & Shirley Mikula; Edward & Irene Zeimba; Michael & Anna Mikula McIsaac & Flanigan Families, living & deceased Jane Maxey; Harry & Julia Anderson; James & Agnes Maxey Ziabkowski, Bowman & Tabaczka Families, living & deceased Baranek, Weinert, Wagner, Kraus, Gumbus & Gutowski Families; Sue Viol Ralph; Schubert, Maternowski & Krolczyk Families; Roy N.; Eleanore & Vince; LS Harold & Mary Ann Sielski Richard Gage; Mary Fink; Frank Chesney Ken; W & A Bernier; C & A Grabowski & Family Members; Elaine Meyers Pattie Beaudrie; Dori Peters; Cindy Gregory; Centala & Modrzynski Families Floyd & Genevieve Toczynski; Marianne Kubacki Francis & Gertrude Kadzban; Kadzban & Jabrocki Families Leonard, Karen & Emily Kurtz; Karas & Kurtz Families Kuczynski, Mielcarek, Kaminski, Witucki, Steve Duchon & Families Walter & Arliene Linski; Fedder & Linski Families, living & deceased Miles, Anna & Harold Robinson; Jacob & Frances Gutowski John W., Rita A., Rebecca, John & Elizabeth Miller; Michael & Joanna Stypa Roman & Hazel Zupin, Mark Reckow, Carl & Katherine Hull Families Mary C. Pieczynski; Pieczynski & Vida Families Tabaczka and Switalski Families, living & deceased Dr. Tom Day; Day & Fisher Families Niemiec, Schramski & Skory Families, living & deceased Raymond Smuda, Sr.; Smith & Smuda Families, living & deceased John & Gladys Grzeszak; Grzeszak & Orlowski Families Gordon Rozga & Parents; Stanley Zuchowski Parents, Children & Families Lila Callis; John Froncek Family Mary & Ernest Bialik; Sophie, Cassmer, John & Julia Russell; Loyal Ramsey Mary Williams; Petroskey & Schettek Families Frank & Dorothy Witucki; Health of Family Harold & Bernadine Strzyzewski & son John Strzyzewski Joseph & Virginia Oleniczak, Oleniczak, Wosniewski & Jerumbo Families John & Emily Helminiak & Family, living & deceased Catholic Community of Manistee, 254 Sixth St, Manistee, MI 49660 231.723.2619 ~ FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT PAGE 11 DECEMBER 21, 2014 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT PAGE 12 DECEMBER 21, 2014
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