the Catholic Community of Manistee, are committed to knowing and proclaiming Christ, living as He calls us to live, and reaching out in love to all. Mission Statement: We, Catholic Community of Manistee Twenty - Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 19, 2014 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 2 231.723.2619 A Community of Believers of One Heart and Mind. ~Acts 4:32 Regrettably, an increasing number of voices are calling for Catholics and other people of faith to confine their faith only to Sunday mass. Discrimination against faith-based humanitarian and charity organizations has sprung up across the country because they will not violate their religious beliefs in their service to others. We should never have to choose between being either a Catholic or an American; they are complimentary. Elections 2014: Religious Liberty and the Public Realm This is the second of four bulletin inserts from Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) to offer guidance and reflection regarding the upcoming November 4th election. The first insert was an introduction to the importance of being active in political life. For further information on the election or to access these bulletin inserts, visit “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports.” The U.S. bishops have created an Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty to address the recent threats against religious freedom, which place our other freedoms at greater risk. In their document Our First Most Cherished Liberty, the U.S. bishops wrote, “Can we do the good works our faith calls us to do, without having to compromise that very same faith?...What is at stake is whether America will continue to have a free, creative, and robust civil society-or whether the state alone will determine who gets to contribute to the common good and how they get to do it.” In November, Catholics of voting age will have the opportunity to cast their ballot and help to elect our new leaders for the state. As we consider the candidates on the ballot and engage society in the public sphere, we must speak strongly about the need to protect our right to be there. Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in Michigan. – George Washington, Farewell Address of 1796 Faith-based agencies and groups, including those that are Catholic, play a prominent role in many areas of society, including education, health care, poverty assistance, foster care and adoption, job training, and refugee resettlement, among others. As individuals and institutions of faith have answered the Gospel call to serve others, they have done so while retaining a strong dedication to their moral beliefs. These institutions are able to play such an important public role in society because, at the time of the nation’s founding, American leaders promised its citizens more than just the freedom to worship. These leaders also promised the freedom for all Americans to exercise their religion, allowing members of all faiths and backgrounds to extend their worship into practice in the public realm. Religious freedom in America has fostered a diverse environment, filled with rich traditions and varied responses to societal problems. This diversity should be celebrated. We invite you to a SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE Sunday, November 2, 2014 7:00 pm St. Joseph Church While we pray for all our faithful departed, we will remember with a time of prayer, song and reflection, those who have died since we last celebrated The Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (this is not a Mass). The names of all those being remembered will be read aloud during the service and a special candle will be lit for each of these people. Family members and/or friends of the deceased persons are invited to receive, and take home, the candle of their loved one. TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 3 OCTOBER 19, 2014 Mass Schedule this Week Saturday, October 18 St. Luke 4:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Helen Kolanowski 6:00 pm Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee October 19 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Grace Kerry 9:30 am Mass (SJ) - † John and Gladys Grzeszak 11:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Ralph and Sally Schubert Monday, October 20 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Anthony Dans (1st An.) (Wife Joan and Family) 5:15 pm Mass (SJ Chapel) - † Betty Abramowski (Robert, Mary Ann and Family) Tuesday, October 21 10:00 am Mass (MCC Chapel) - † Buz Racine (Mary Lou) No Mass (Medical Care) Wednesday, October 22 St. John Paul II 7:55 am Mass (MCC Chapel) - † Deceased members of Company B 5 BN 2nd Infantry Div 5:15 pm Mass (SJ) - † Frances Kolanowski (Sons Stanley, Jr., James, Ronald and Steven) Thursday, October 23 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Emilie Washnieski (1st An.) (John and Pat Bradley) Friday, October 24 9:00 am Mass (SJ) - † Veronica Schramski (1st An. 10/21) (Elizabeth Bartosiewicz and Family) 5:15 pm Mass (SJ Chapel) - † Cindy Rybicki (1st An.) (Janet Steinberg and Donna Clark) Saturday, October 25 4:00 pm Mass (SJ) - In Honor of Tom and Sharon Budnik on their 50th Wedding Anniversary (Family) 6:00 pm Mass (SJ) - † Ken Turk (An 10/28) (Rosie and Family) Sunday, October 26 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Exodus 22:20-26; 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Matthew 22:33-40 7:30 am Mass (SJ) - † MaryAnn Kaczmarek (Husband Chester and Family) 8:00 am TV Mass for the Homebound from Gaylord Cable Channel 3 (Fox 32) 9:30 am Mass (SJ) - † Wayne Krusniak (1st An.) (MHS class of 1963) 11:30 am Mass (SJ) - For the living and deceased of the Catholic Community of Manistee This Week in Our Community Monday, October 20 7:00 pm St. Joseph Men’s Club (SJPC lower level) Tuesday, October 21 1:00-3:00 pm ‘Joy of the Gospel’ (SJPC Lounge) 3:15-5:15 pm Paper Recycle / Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC - Paper Truck) 5:30-7:00 pm Community Table (SJPC) 6:15 pm Pinochle (SJPC lower level lounge) 6:30 pm Perpetual Help Novena (SJ) 7:00-9:00 pm Grief Recovery Series (CCM Office Prayer) Wednesday, October 22 6:00 pm Folk Choir Practice (SJ) 6:15-7:30 pm Faith Formation (Pre-9th Grade) (SJPC) 6:30 pm Finance Council (CCM Office Prayer Room) 7:00 pm Choir Practice (SJ Choir Loft) Thursday, October 23 1:00-3:00 pm Eucharistic Minister Re-Certification (SJ) 3:00-4:30 pm Exploring the Scriptures (CCM Office) 3:15-5:15 pm Paper Recycle / Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC - Paper Truck) 7:00 pm Children of Light Prayer Group (SJ) Friday, October 24 Noon-1:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (SJ) 6:00-7:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (SJ) Saturday, October 25 10:00-1:00 Make A Difference (Mt. Carmel Cemetery) 10:00-1:00 Paper Recycle / Bottle & Can Drop Off (MCC - Paper Truck) 5:30 pm Pinochle (SJPC lower level lounge) Key Code: MCC - Manistee Catholic Central; SJ - St. Joseph Church; SJ CLOW - Room in St. Joseph Church basement; SJPC - St. Joseph Parish Center CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 4 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY “Thank You” to all of you who supported World Mission Sunday today with your interest, prayers and generous financial help. If you missed the collection you can always put your Mission Sunday envelope or any envelope marked “Missions” in the collection or send it to the parish office. With Deepest Sympathy In your kindness and prayers, please remember the soul of Marilyn Schrader, who passed away October 10. May she now enjoy the great blessings of eternal life. May her family and friends experience God’s consoling presence during this time of loss. Sanctuary Lamp October 19 - 25 at St. Joseph Church In Loving Memory of our sister MaryAnn Kaczmarek for her birthday (10/26) Requested by Jean Anderson and Jack and Leona Swanson October 19 - 25 at Manistee Catholic Central For the health of Carl Rutske Requested by Marge and Ed Grabowski Thank You! The Family of Gen Wisneski would like to thank Fr. Chet for celebrating the Funeral Mass and for his homily for mom; organist Ryan McCauslin and the choir for the beautiful music; altar servers, Eucharistic Ministers; the luncheon staff who prepared and served a delicious meal; and Rose Marie Showalter and her decorating crew for the tables that looked beautiful as usual. The Herbert Funeral Home for all their guidance - Paul and Jenny, once again good job. A LITTLE BIT OF HUMOR. . . A priest was invited to attend a house party. Naturally, he was properly dressed and wearing his priest’s collar. A little boy kept staring at him the entire evening. Finally, the priest asked the little boy what he was staring at. The boy pointed to the priest’s neck. When the priest finally realized what the boy was pointing at, he asked the boy, “Do you know why I am wearing that?” The boy nodded his head yes, and replied, “It kills fleas and ticks for up to three months.” 231.723.2619 Celebrating Our Parishioners Happy Anniversary!! 10/19 - Thomas & Kay Adamczak (51st), and Bob & Jean Robke (23rd) 10/20 - Kenneth & Kathleen Taylor (63rd), Larry & Lois Bahr (58th), Gregory & Valerie Robinson (41st), Roger & Amy Schrader (35th), Harlan & Debra Krusniak (30th), and Jason & Brandi Verheek (13th) 10/21 - Wayne & Helen Linke (75th), Robert & Jacqueline Ryan (53rd), Roy & Lynette Swiatlowski (48th), and Walter & Ethel Plouhar (26th) 10/22 - Dale & Rita Edmondson (37th), and Randy & Sherry Ronning (20th) 10/23 - Joseph & Elaine Bladzik (63rd), Richard & Louise Najdowski (60th), and Clifford & Fran Kaminski (60th) 10/24 - Thomas & Sharon Budnik (50th), George & Sandy Saylor (22nd), and Jeff & Cheryl Smith (16th) 10/25 - Richard & Julie Polcyn (39th) Happy Birthday!! 10/19 - Phyllis Hansen, Bill McMullen, Nancy Fortier, Mark Moskalski, Kathy Rakczynski, Bernie Pieczynski (SM), Aubrey Anderson (9), & Ayden Edmondson (7) 10/20 - Kathy Yoder, Greg Miller, Nancy Fortin, Briana Noble (9), & Kailee Somsel (5) 10/21 - Elizabeth Skory, Shirley Geoghan, Walter Plouhar, Roland Kott, Jackie Mantych, Carol Shively, Sonja Ganger, Brent Borucki, Ray Stefanski, Casey Kamaloski, Erica Lloyd, Robert Russo (17), Hayleigh Codden (16), & Josephine Pienta’Ziehm (11) 10/22 - Dave Schuessler, Myrna Schuelke, James Robke, June Krus, Mary Jo McIsaac, & Chase Dahlke (5) 10/23 - Leonard Krusniak, Leanne Gorch, Nicole Smith, & Blair Rhodea (5) 10/24 - Leslie Nemeth, Kristine Malone, Connie Ott, Jean Picardat, Susan Wrzesinski, & Bay Anderson (11) 10/25 - Jean Ward, Jerome Popkowski, Tim Hanna, Daniel Picardat, Kevin Stoykovich, Allyson Owens, Breanna Fortin, & Jordan Barnett If we have omitted your birthday or anniversary, or if the information is incorrect, please call the CCM Office. Also, if a family member is listed who has moved from the area and is no longer a member of the CCM, please let us know. Have you moved, dropped your landline or changed phone numbers? Please let us know!! We might not need to call, but circumstances sometimes make it necessary. Thank you! TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 5 ATTENTION: EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Stewardship Report October 11th & 12th: Number of Envelopes Used 533 Weekly Goal $13,688.00 Weekly Contributions $13,604.00 Amount Over (Short) (84.00) Year-to-Date Over (Short) OCTOBER 19, 2014 ($1,851.22) The three-year indult to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at the Masses in the Catholic Community of Manistee, at Manistee Catholic Central School, or to bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound is due to expire in November of this year. The Diocese of Gaylord has put together a re-certification training session that is to be used by all parishes throughout the diocese. If you feel that you are being called to continue in this ministry to your fellow parishioners within the Catholic Community of Manistee, you must attend one of the following sessions: Thursday, October 23rd – 1:00 - 3:00 pm Saturday, November 1st – 10:00 am - 12:00 noon Tuesday, November 11th – 7:00 - 9:00 pm Thank you to all who have “Let your light shine" through giving to the 2014 Catholic Services Appeal. To date, we have received $144,105.25 in gifts/pledges, from 497 households, toward this year’s appeal efforts. This amount equals 79% of our goal. To help us achieve 100% participation, if you have not yet made a gift to the CSA, please prayerfully consider doing so. All re-certification sessions will take place in St. Joseph Church. Once you complete the re-certification session, your name will be forwarded to the diocese, and a certificate will be issued to you serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for another three years. Please call Ann at the Parish Office (723-2619) to let her know which session you will be attending. Liturgical Ministers for October 25th & 26th Presider Lector Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers 10/25 4:00 pm Fr. John G. Peters McLinden Family (H) M. Campbell, L. & T. Gagliardo (C) K. Peters, S. McLinden, R. Wojciechowski, P. Potes 10/25 6:00 pm Fr. John J. Gamache Slivka Family (H) J. Bigalke (C) S. Cabot, M. Bolach, K. Oleniczak, C. Slivka 10/26 7:30 am Fr. John F. Joseph A. Shively, L. & A. Herberger (H) R. Zwiefka, S. Linke (C) J. Treml, R. Hogan, M. Herberger, Volunteer 10/26 9:30 am Fr. John D. Schwandt H. Mortensen (H) H. Helminiak, S. Kolanowski, M. Jorgensen (C) D. Lerg, S. McDonald, E. & D. Kowalski 10/26 11:30 am Fr. John S. Miller A. Pontiac, L. & E. Golembiewski (H) F. Patulski, T. & G. Golembiewski (C) P. Kamaloski, N. Fortier, K. Skiera, J. Miller CLOW: E. Ozdych, R. Oleniczak A BIG Thank You to Our Bulletin SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: RICHARD A BOBIAN DDS PAGE 6 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI 231.723.2619 September 2014 Financial Report CCM Income Sunday Envelopes: Loose Collection: Children’s Offerings: Other Envelopes:* Bequests & Donations: Food Pantry: CSA Shortfall: Stipends/Stole Fees: Oil & Gas Royalty: Miscellaneous Income:** $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 67,492.28 5,890.91 129.50 8,065.33 55.00 1,338.78 20.00 1,585.00 446.41 13,218.65 CCM Income Total: $ 98,241.86 Tuition: Grants & Bequests: Fundraising: HARVEST Income: Hot Lunch Program: Miscellaneous Income: Athletic Income: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 19,741.35 5,523.39 2,891.54 10,020.00 3,650.25 97.50 2,556.75 MCC Income Total: $ 44,480.78 Total CCM/MCC Income: $ 142,722.64 MCC Income MCC Expenses MCC Salaries MCC Health Insurance Other Benefits: Office Supplies: Teaching Supplies: Development Expense: Heat: Maintenance Supplies: Janitorial Supplies: Electricity: PL Insurance: Telephone/Computers: # Water & Sewer: Contracted Services: Athletic Expenses: Student Services: Hot Lunch Program HARVEST Expenses: Miscellaneous Expenses: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 41,896.67 10,947.20 7,549.43 1,395.50 5,087.06 581.65 4,896.83 681.73 876.76 4,598.86 5,346.28 -931.26 1,050.34 2,226.49 3,070.71 391.88 2,903.94 4,258.66 1,123.82 MCC Expense Total: $ 97,952.55 Total CCM/MCC Expenses: $ 162,087.36 Please note: * Other Envelopes would include Improvement, Utilities, etc. CCM Expenses Salaries: Health Insurance: Other Benefits: Office Supplies: Ministry Supplies: Maintenance Expenses: PL Insurance/Banking Heat: Electricity: Telephone: Water & Sewer: CSA Shortfall: Contracted Services: *** Janitorial Supplies: Payment on Diocesan Loan Food Pantry: Liturgy Expenses: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 19,574.03 6,157.80 3,997.88 944.14 4,957.38 525.51 5,425.42 3,155.65 3,841.35 607.42 1,537.83 2,322.40 -156.27 74.69 8,287.42 1,780.31 1,101.85 CCM Expense Total: $ 64,134.81 ** CCM Miscellaneous Income would include votive candles, rental income, transfer from Mt. Carmel for cemetery maintenance expenses, etc. *** Contracted Services Donated # E = RATE Grant check arrived. Annual grant helps cover telephone/computer expenses AGED PAYABLES Bills Due, Current $ 29,554.62 Bills Due, Over 30 Days $ 4,205.81 Bills Due, Over 60 Days $ 0 Bills Due, Over 90 Days $ 0 Total Bills Due, September 30th $ 33,760.43 The Over 30 days were paid on October 1st. PAGE 7 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 19, 2014 The 1st Public Rosary Rally took place on the front lawn of Manistee Catholic Central School on October 11th, and was sponsored by America Needs Fatima. Rosary Captain Randy Wood offers a special thank you to all those who attended and offers an invite to all next October, 2015. October 13th marked the 97th anniversary of the Blessed Mother appearing to the three children in Fatima, (Miracle of the Sun). MCC School 723.2529 ~ MCC SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday ~ 7:30 am - 3:30 pm For up-to-date info on school & sporting events, be sure to check out the calendar at UPCOMING DATES: No Afternoon Public School Busing - Monday, October 27th. End of First Marking Period - Friday, October 31st. HARVEST RAFFLE T ICKETS AVAILABLE The HARVEST Grand Raffle Prizes will be drawn on Saturday, Nov. 8th at ‘The Fabulous 50’s’ event. The Grand Prize is $5,000 and 2nd Prize is $3,000. Grand Raffle Tickets are available for $25 each. SABER Bucks Raffle tickets are also available for $10 each. SABER Bucks will be a 50/50 raffle with one winner being drawn, unless the total ticket sales exceed $10,000. The raffle will then become a 50/25/25 raffle with two winners drawn. Tickets for either raffle may be purchased at the MCC or CCM offices during business hours. (License No. C26664) GET YOUR 50TH ANNIVERSARY . . . MCC medallions are available for purchase at the MCC and CCM offices. T-shirts are available at MCC. The t-shirts & medallions are $15 each and may be purchased during regular business hours. The 50th Anniversary slideshow that was shown during the reunion is available for a donation at the CCM office also. These items would make wonderful gifts for the upcoming holidays! CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 8 231.723.2619 Faith Formation Pre - 9th Grade Susan Noble, Director of Faith Formation, [email protected] 723.2619, ext. 30; During Faith Formation, ext 27 Faith Formation classes are held from 6:15 to 7:30 pm on Wednesday evenings at the St. Joseph Parish Center. Introducing. . . the Catholic Community of Manistee Faith Formation Pre-school Class: Jacob, Kennedy, Bryson, Andrew, Sienna, Mariah, and Pre-school teacher Mrs. Stephanie Cabot. Absent from the photo were Joselyn and Lorenzo. JOIN THE CHOIR! Choir practice is on Wednesday nights. Folk Group practice from 6:00 - 7:00 pm and sings at the 7:30 am Mass. The Community Choir practices at 7:00 pm in the Choir Loft, and rotates the different Masses on the weekend. If you like to sing and would like to join a fun group, join us! We are currently practicing music for upcoming Christmas season! The students created their Guardian Angels. Nice Job!! I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. ~Psalm 23:6 Blessings on Your Week Saturday, October 25th ~ 10:00 am till 1:00 pm All families from the Catholic Community are invited to help make a difference in the community by helping with fall cleanup at Mount Carmel Cemetery. Bring work gloves if you have them. Meet at the green maintenance building. We will have lunch available at noon. Fun for the whole family! Bring Grandma's & Grandpa’s too! There will be contests for the kids. Come enjoy Friendship, Fun and Food and help make a difference! Questions?? Call Susan Noble at 723.2619 ext 30. THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL: HIDDEN T REASURE All are invited to explore the teachings of Pope Francis in his first Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium), in this two-part series offered around the diocese. In his simple and warm preaching style, the Holy Father calls upon the Church and the world to begin a new chapter in evangelization and to stress the Church's central mission of preaching "the beauty of the saving Love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ." There is no cost to attend. Please call Ann at the Parish Office if you plan to attend so that we have enough handouts. Part Two: Tuesday, October 21 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center in the lounge. MT. CARMEL CEMETERY Fall clean-up is underway at Mt. Carmel Cemetery! It’s time to remove summer plantings and decorations. Small items placed around monuments should also be removed, as powerful blowers will be used during cleanup. Wreaths are allowed from Nov. 1st until April 1st. Thank you for helping to keep our cemetery beautiful. TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 9 OCTOBER 19, 2014 CENTER FOR CATHOLIC STUDIES COMMUNITY T ABLE STEWARDS NEEDED!! The Center for Catholic Studies was founded in June 2003 under the guidance of Bishop Patrick Cooney. The Center offers seven areas of certification tracks – Parish Catechist, Christian Discipleship, Liturgical Studies, Youth Ministry I, II, and III, Catechetical Leader/DRE, and the Academic Program for the Diaconate. Through a partnership with the Virtual Learning Community of the University of Dayton Online, students can also earn certificates in Adult Formation Leadership, Foundations for Leadership in Ministry, Social Justice, Youth Ministry, Marianist Studies, Catechesis and Spanish Catechesis. These classes are offered to those who are pursuing certification tracks or those who just want to take a class for fun. For more information, visit or contact Tammy Boylan at 989.732.5147 or via email at [email protected]. The CCM is in need of stewards who can commit to hosting the Community Table on Nov. 25th. The meal ingredients and paper table service is provided. Groups of at least six to eight people can consist of families and/or friends, a team or committee. Please contact Heather at the school office (723.2529, ext. 10) if you can commit to a date or for more information on what is involved. Thank you to the family of Dorothy Wrzesinski for committing to serve on Dec. 16th. Keep an eye open for upcoming classes: • Why We Do What We Do at Mass (L1520) - 9:00 am to 2:30 pm on Saturday, November 1 at the Cooney Conference Center in Gaylord. Cost for the day is $25 per person and includes lunch. Groups & Organizations Knights of Columbus # 853: Looking for members to volunteer some time for our “Annual Chicken Dinner”, tentatively scheduled for Sunday, November 9th. Please contact Tim Kolanowski at 723.2354 if you can help. Next Knights of Columbus meeting is October 27th. ********** The St. Joseph Men’s Club will meet on Monday, October 20th at 7:00 pm in the St. Joseph Parish Center lower level lounge. The 50/25/25 winners from their October 5th breakfast were Dave Schuessler and Floyd Tyczkowski. ********** Elks BPOE Lodge 250 and Catholic War Veterans Stephen T. Duchon Post 1847 2014 ANNUAL VETERANS DAY DINNER Saturday, October 25th Elks Lodge at 432 River St. Social Hour 5:00 pm; Dinner 6:30 pm $15.00 per person Chicken & Swiss Steak Buffet by John Kuenzli & Crew Members, Relatives and Friends Invited. Call 723.2060 for reservations by October 21st Music by John Marek; 50-50 Drawing & Door Prizes Prayer Requests Please remember in your prayers all the homebound, those who are in the Medical Care, adult foster care homes, and those who are ill. We have been asked to pray for: S.A., Betty Adamski, Andy Anderson, Maren Balcer, Ronald Bauman, B.A.B., M.C., Landon Cameron, Betty Carboneau, Judy & Bernie Chapple, Denise Dursum, S.F., Lorraine Feliczak, Rose Fortier, Jewelee Franklin, Frances Granger, Alice Gregorski, John Helminiak, Dave Kaminski, Donald Karas, Ervin & Ilene Kowalski, Mitch Lane, Lydia Loredo, Selena Loredo, Stephen Loredo Jr., Alvin Madsen, Kay Majchrzak, Brian McLaughlin, Marty Nelson Sr., Ed Niemiec, Martha Oleniczak, A.P., Marilyn Perski, Sharon Peterson, Paul Pietrasik, Alice Plucinski, Michael Romanik, Tudie Rulison, Carl Rutske, Stephanie Sielski, D.H.S., Gary Sullivan, Roy Swiatlowski, Deb Swidorski, Lois Symanski, Jo Etta Teevin, J.W., Michael Weber, Duane Wagberg, Janet Wood, T. Wood Family, and Richard Zatarga Please remember only the person or an immediate family member should call to place a name on the list, as some people would prefer not to be listed. Names will remain on the list for one month. Please call with an update. Please pray for all service men and women who are currently serving in the military, especially: SSgt Heather Albright, PFC Mitchell Anderson, Zane A. Balcer, SSgt Joshua Baranek, SRA Tyler Bell USAF, LCpl Ben Blakeslee, Travis Bulerski, Special Agent Kimberly Caban, LCDR Steven Chmielewski, AO Rachel Colby USN, EMFN Brandi Coyle, SrA Dan Digna, CAPT Joseph A. Duchon, 1st Lt. Adam C. Fix, Jamie Golembiewski USN, LTC Albert T. Gorman, SSgt Dan Gutowski, MSGT Andrew Hallead, FC2 Nathan R. Harju USN, Lt. Joseph Kedrowski, SSgt Tom Korzeniewski, Lt. Nick Kroll, LTC Gary Kuczynski, Patrick Madden, A1C Michael Miehlke, Sgt. Jaron Oleniczak, MSgt Jacob Olson, Sgt 1st Class Jarod Perkioniemi, A1C Alan Potts, CPL Nathan Rybicki, MSG Adam Schuessler, Lt. Luke Steinberg, Sgt. Tyler Swidorski, SSgt Jeff Thorpe, MM2 Duane Ray Tiefenthal, MA-3 Jonathan Walter, CAPT Donald Worm USN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF MANISTEE, MI PAGE 10 231.723.2619 A Mass remembering those listed below will be celebrated on the first weekend of each month. The names will appear in the bulletin each week. Memorial offering is $60.00. Names and offerings may be turned in at the CCM Office or in the collection. If you have any questions please call the Catholic Community of Manistee Office. Catholic Community of Manistee Memorial Association Nancy Bajtka, Bajtka & Gamache Families, living & deceased Clarence & Martin Jerumbo Betty & Ed Merkey Carboneau, Bartoszek, Dauginis, Soller, DiLaura & Kovack Families Symanski & Wandrych Families, living & deceased Elmer & Anna Stamp; Ed & Julia Karas; Grabowski & Luczyk Families & RW Ruth Niesen Steinberg & Niesen Families; LeRoy Edel; Barbara Skiera; Barbara Wisniski Gordon Sciba; John Sciba; Robert Rogers Families, living & deceased Purgiel, Grabowski, & Clark Families; Class of ‘55; Gage & Minster Families Audrey Rakoski; Carl & Lorraine Steinberg; Andrew & Gertrude Mantych & sons Joseph & Betty Ann Abramowski, Harry & Nettie Muszynski Estelle M. Oleniczak Abramowski: Joseph, Jennie, Leona, Jim, Ray, Don, George, Rita, Bob & Joe Stanley & Isabelle Radke; Joe & Mary Jane Witucki Dale & Stella Cooper Sr.; James Cooper & Christopher Grabowski Bartoszek, Majkszak, Kosiboski, & Kirby Families; Health Paprocki, Glocheski, Tomaszewski & Miller Families, living & deceased The Pietrasik & Edmondson Families Donald Shively; Shively, Chavalia, Balcer & Kniola Families Anna & Steve Korzeniewski & Extended Families The Peters & Bayer Families, living & deceased Marzinski, Garrison, Kaminski, Hansen & Gallagher Families Keson, Polcyn, Bittel, Kowalczyk & Wojciechowski Families, living & deceased Chuck & Shirley Herbert; Herbert & Tacktor Families, living & deceased Phyllis & Bonnie Chmielewski; Chmielewski & Niemierowicz Families Ed, Esther, David & Michael Pomeroy; Ed & Mary Swidorski Paul & Virginia Plouhar & Family, living & deceased Vic Zwiefka; Fr. Bill Zwiefka; Zwiefka, Bialik, Osborn & Badzinski Families Leonard Sielski; Sr. Mary A. Morang; Sielski & Morang Families Ed & Jane Fedder; Fedder & Matchekosky Families Swidorski, Jeruzal & Skiera Families, living & deceased Karl & Irene Herrmann; Gene Greene Bartoszek, Cabot, Dembinski, Racine & Zielinski Families Leo & Germaine, Martin & Stella Gutowski; Harry & Sophia Nowak Roy Niesen; Ralph Schubert; Jack & Joan Petersen; Niesen & Krolczyk Families Daniels, Ragina, Jabrocki, O’Brien & Dobrawalski Families Fausz & Robke Families Francis Bartosiewicz & Vasquez Families, living & deceased Bartosiewicz, Zielinski, Sharnowski & Schramski Families Harry & Lenore Boertman; John, Celia & Raymond Switalski; Jill Anderson Showalter’s, Patterson’s, Zawacki’s & Modreski’s & Relatives, living & deceased Frank, Florence & Donald Graczyk; Ernest, Marie & Jim Chycinski Grabowski, Kuczynski, Rakoniewski & Kukla Families Wayne & Dick Skiera; Elizabeth, Henry & Joseph Wojciechowski Joseph J., Lillian, Joseph C. & Dan Stepniewski Michael Majewski; Majewski & Darbyson Families Joe & Hedwig Wojciechowski; E. Kowalski & S. Wojciechowski Families Chandler, Burkhart & Barker Families, living & deceased A.A. Edel & Gutowski Families; George Bruno; Frank Rutowski & Loved Ones Batterson, Vadeboncoeur, Kadzban, Gorch & Adamczak Families Steve & Caroline Newman Family, living & deceased Bilski, Chrzanowski, Dauginis, Kielpinski & Pindel Families Angie & Edward Novak Casimer, Gertrude, Sr. Liz, Bill & Lee Ozdych; †Ozdych & Smock Families Harry Skiera, William Zawacki & Harold Bauman Sr. Families, living & deceased Stan & Rita Siuda; Siuda & Marquardt Families Al & Josephine Helminski and sons Ron & Dennis Raphael & Shirley Mikula; Edward & Irene Zeimba; Michael & Anna Mikula McIsaac & Flanigan Families, living & deceased Jane Maxey; Harry & Julia Anderson; James & Agnes Maxey Ziabkowski, Bowman & Tabaczka Families, living & deceased Baranek, Weinert, Wagner, Kraus, Gumbus & Gutowski Families; Sue Viol Ralph; Schubert, Maternowski & Krolczyk Families; Roy N.; Eleanore & Vince; LS Harold & Mary Ann Sielski Richard Gage; Mary Fink; Frank Chesney Ken; W & A Bernier; C & A Grabowski & Family Members; Elaine Meyers Pattie Beaudrie; Dori Peters; Cindy Gregory; Centala & Modrzynski Families Floyd & Genevieve Toczynski; Marianne Kubacki Francis Kadzban; Kadzban & Jabrocki Families Leonard, Karen & Emily Kurtz; Karas & Kurtz Families Kuczynski, Mielcarek, Kaminski, Witucki, Steve Duchon & Families Walter & Arliene Linski; Fedder & Linski Families, living & deceased Miles, Anna & Harold Robinson; Jacob & Frances Gutowski John W., Rita A., Rebecca, John & Elizabeth Miller; Michael & Joanna Stypa Roman & Hazel Zupin, Mark Reckow, Carl & Katherine Hull Families Mary C. Pieczynski; Pieczynski & Vida Families Tabaczka and Switalski Families, living & deceased Dr. Tom Day; Day & Fisher Families Niemiec, Schramski & Skory Families, living & deceased Raymond Smuda, Sr.; Smith & Smuda Families, living & deceased John & Gladys Grzeszak; Grzeszak & Orlowski Families Gordon Rozga & Parents; Stanley Zuchowski Parents, Children & Families Lila Callis; John Froncek Family Mary & Ernest Bialik; Sophie, Cassmer, John & Julia Russell; Loyal Ramsey Mary Williams; Petroskey & Schettek Families Frank & Dorothy Witucki; Health of Family Catholic Community of Manistee, 254 Sixth St, Manistee, MI 49660 231.723.2619 ~ TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 11 OCTOBER 19, 2014 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 12 OCTOBER 19, 2014
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