A Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Stewardship Parish 49 Crosswinds Drive, Charles Town, WV 25414 www.stjameswv.org 304-725-5558 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 “On this mountain the Lord of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines, juicy rich food and pure, choice wines. On this mountain he will destroy the veil that veils all peoples, the web that is woven over all nations; he will destroy death forever.” Isaiah 25:6-7 Staff Contact Info Around the Parish The Roman Catholic Parish of St. James the Greater 49 Crosswinds Drive Charles Town, WV 25414 Office: 304-725-5558 Website: www.stjameswv.or g Pastor……......…………….Ver y Rev. J ohn S. Ledfor d, V.F. [email protected] Pager number: 304-229-1563 Rectory number: 304-725-6801 Associate Pastor……...…….Rev. Fr . J osé Manuel Escalante [email protected] Permanent Deacon……….…........Rev. Mr . David E. Galvin [email protected] Director of Liturgy & Music…...…….… Mr . Gar y Penkala [email protected] Faith Formation…………………..……........ Mr s. Allie Enos [email protected] Hispanic Office………………………..Mr s. Mar gar ita Cr uz [email protected] Offertory……………………….….….Mr s. Mar y Ellen Ross [email protected] Secretary……………………….…...…….... Mr s. Chr is Pifer [email protected] Stewardship Office…………..……..…….Mr s. J ackie Moler [email protected] St. Zita’s Cupboard………………….…… Mr s. Laur a Bar r [email protected] Virtual Pilgrimage to Lourdes On the evening of Sunday, September 28, St. James the Greater in Charles Town, WV hosted a Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage. The virtual pilgrimage was presented by Fran Salaun, a trained North American Lourdes volunteer and guide, who conducted the interactive journey with projections, narration, prayer, a Eucharistic blessing, and processions. Projections are displayed on a large screen Pilgrims touched a grotto rock that has been blessed by a pope and dipped their hands in water from Lourdes. As part of the program, Fran explained the importance of the Sign of the Cross as a prayer Carol Runge touches a grotto rock from on its own. Lourdes held by Mike Azar The guide encouraged everyone to make one additional sign of the Cross each day. She also demonstrated how Bernadette would make the Sign in a slow and deliberate manner, and she encouraged the congregation to do just People stand in line to dip their hands in such a sign. water from Lourdes At St. James, we don’t just talk about our faith… We put our faith into action! At the conclusion of the Pilgrimage each family was given a small bottle of Lourdes water. To learn more about Lourdes Pilgrimages and Participants learn to make a slow and how to schedule one, visit the web site at: deliberate Sign of the Cross www.LourdesVolunteers.org October 12, 2014 Page 2 Pastor’s Page Pastor: Very Rev. John S. Ledford, V.F., [email protected] or 304-725-5558 Pager number: 304-229-1563 Rectory number: 304-725-6801 Associate Pastor: Rev. Fr. José Manuel Escalante, [email protected] or 304-725-5558 Parish Secretary: Chris Pifer, [email protected] or 304-725-5558 Dear Friends, Birthdays this week: This weekend we come together to celebrate the TwentyEighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. As the Liturgical Year continues wind down to the Celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, we will begin to reflect more and more on the end times. Oct 13: Michelle Cody, Eduar do DelaTorre, Michael Fino, Kyle Flint, Eva Gavert, Rose Hopp-Capriotti, Cythia Jansure, Teresa Marva, Linwood Mayes, Miguel Romero, Leticia Vasquez; Oct 14: Claudia Barbot, Brian Bloodworth, Gail Bretton, David Hall, Catherine Keeney, Anthony Ortiz, Michaela Reno, Matthew Taylor; Oct 15: Kathr yn Alquist, Donovan Bakin, Frank Cavallaro, Jo Grodzicki, Jonathan Kline, Leo McGee, Thelma McGrady, Barbara Psillas, Daniel Thompson, Frank Turk; Oct 16: Bob Aitcheson, Chad Anders, Kurt Colson, Camden Connell, Paul Goliwas, Abigail Stone, Bryce Timberlake, Midge Yost; Oct 17: Apr il Bar tel, Angela Car ter , Matthew Cline, Michael Colina, Alex Costantino, Courtlyn Guy, RJ James, Manuel Joya, Sok McLeod, Claudia Perla, Judith Stevens, Reagyn Stoner; Oct 18: Zachar y Bozicevich, Agr ipina Gonzalez, Austin Gregoryk, Olivia Mack, Natalia Montagliani, Aden Perry, Charles Troost, David Wagoner, Kevin Warco; Oct 19: Laura Barr, Lars Bollner, Lucy Cummings, Lucille DeSimone, Michael Fernandes, Maria Grady, Zoe Henderson, Marie Hough, and Christopher Hunter. Looking at Isaiah this weekend, we see the metaphor of a wonderful banquet. In fact, many will recognize this Isaiah section as one that is used many times during our funeral liturgies. Why? Isaiah and many other sacred writers use a common image to tell us, in different ways, what heaven will be like. The Israelites were dealing with issues of the exile, e.g., hunger, destruction, etc. Isaiah paints the picture of a wonderful, safe, peaceful, sumptuous meal to illustrate the presence of God. Likewise, as Matthew shares this parable in Jesus’ ministry, he also uses the image of a feast. Matthew, speaking to an early Jewish Christian Community, challenged them to look beyond themselves. Note that the “king” invited all the important people to his son’s wedding banquet. Sound familiar? But what did they do? Some ignored the invitation, some had all kinds of excuses, etc. So the “king” sent his servants into the streets to invite everyone they could find, the alcoholics, the lepers, etc. That’s the challenge even today, isn’t it? Note the one “without a wedding garment”. Could it be that this individual came thinking, “I’ve done everything right”, but really it was simply an illusion? Respectfully yours, Fr. John PASTORAL CALENDAR: Monday, October 13, 10:00 am until 3:00 pm: Pr iests Continuing Education Day will be held at Saint Francis de Sales in Morgantown in which both Fr Escalante and I will participate. Sunday, October 26: Sister Mar ia J oseph Cor bett, CSJ will be celebr ating her 70th Jubilee as a Sister of Saint Joseph at Mount Saint Joseph in Wheeling. I will be celebrating the Liturgy. Tuesday, October 28, 6:00 pm: Monthly Community Potluck Dinner will be held at Asbury United Methodist Church in Charles Town. It’s another opportunity to witness to your Faith in the Community. Happy birthday to all! May God bless you abundantly on your special day, and every day of the coming year! You asked, and we are happy to comply with your requests! Parishioners, members of our local community, plus family and friends of the Blanc Family attended Fr. Justin Blanc’s First Mass at St. James on Sunday, June 29, 2014. The homilist on that very special occasion was Fr. Aaron Qureshi (pictured at right) who is a good friend of Fr. Justin. Some of our parishioners had asked if it would be possible to have a copy of the homily given by Fr. Aaron on June 29, and he has very kindly provided the text to us. It appears on pages 6 and 7 of this bulletin. Page 3 October 12, 2014 Pastoral Associate for Liturgy & Music: Gary Penkala, [email protected] Sacristan: John Sherwood, [email protected] Altar Guild Coordinator: Laura Bakin Choir Directors: Kathleen Feeney / Laura Galvin / Claire Galvin / Nancy Guiney / Grace Guiney Brigid Bakin Aides: Carol Hayes / Meridith Marshall Wednesday Liturgist: Jonathan Mann 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sunday Readings Year A, Weekday Readings Year 2, Psalter Week 4) LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS & MASS READINGS PRIESTS’ MASS INTENTIONS FOR OCTOBER 13 - 19 Tue 12:05 pm Dolores Vaccaro (D) by St. James Rosary Group M Oct 13 Monday of 28th Week in Ord Time Readings: Gal 4:22 - 5:1 / Ps 113:1-7 / Lk 11:29-32 Wed 7:00 pm Bob Simpson (D) by Bobbie & Charlie May T Mon 9:00 am Carmen Troche Rosario (D) by Frank Rosario Thu 12:05 pm Bryce Timberlake for his birthday (L) by the Timberlake Family Oct 14 St Callistus I pope & martyr (opt mem) Readings: Gal 5: 1-6 / Ps 119:41-48 / Lk 11:37-41 Fri 7:00 am Norman Usiak (L) by Helen Shumaker W Oct 15 St Teresa of Avila virgin & doctor (mem) Readings: Gal 5:18-25 / Ps 1:1-6 / Lk 11:42-46 Sat 5:00 pm Allen Donnelly (D) by Chris & Richard Pifer Th Oct 16 St Hedwig religious (optional memorial) St Margaret Mary Alacoque virgin (opt) Readings: Eph 1:1-10 / Ps 98:1-6 / Lk 11:47-54 Sun 8:00 am Special Intention by Kate & Bill Berry 11:00 am Agnes Donovan (D) by the Cleveland Family [St P] 11:00 am William S. Dorman, Sr. (D) and Stan Gamrell (D) by Chip & Bonnie Dorman 1:10 pm For the St. James Hispanic Community 6:00 pm For the People of St. James Parish Change in Mass Time on October 13 On Monday, October 13, Columbus Day is observed, which is a federal holiday. For the convenience of our parishioners who would like to attend Mass that day, please note the time of our daily Mass is changed to 9:00 am. Please join us! __________________________________________________ World Mission Sunday Appeal Next weekend on October 19, our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit www.IAmAMissionary.org. October 12, 2014 F Oct 17 St Ignatius of Antioch bshp/martyr (mem) Readings: Eph 1:11-14 / Ps 33:1-13 / Lk 12:1-7 Sa Oct 18 St Luke evangelist (feast) Readings: II Timothy 4:10-17b Psalm 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18 Saint Luke 10:1-9 Su Oct 19 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Psalm 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10 I Thessalonians 1:1-5b Saint Matthew 22:15-21 Please remember in prayer our sick & homebound: Eva Elkins, Paula Markstrom, Roger Nagy, Linda Goverman, Tom Hower, Geno Carinci, Victoria Ukeje, Jeff Sobczak, Lucy Janiczek, Frank Cavallaro, Richard Pifer, Steven Marrone, Bonnie Dorman, Paul Ashbaugh, Eddie Gageby, James Burdick, Greg Mazer, Mary Baker, Father Larry Gesy, Sarah Rhoa, Yajaira Bird, Pam Hostler, Dot Anderson, Madison Bishop, Judy Ashbaugh, Frances Ernandez, Mary Koch, Gabriel Ward, Alaina Csensich, Gina Newcome, Chris Hinish, Rosalia Hernandez, Mary Pioli, Irene Skomra, and Bernard Skomra, as well as for the Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for the month of October, that the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. TO SUBMIT PRAYER REQUESTS: There are three separate ways to request prayer at St. James Parish. (1) To have a name placed in this Remember in Prayer section of the bulletin, feel free to contact the Parish Office at 304-725-5558 or send an email to: [email protected]. (2) You may write a prayer request in the Book of Intentions located at the back of church behind the last pew on the left. (3) For requests to our Prayer Chain, contact David White at [email protected] or call 304-728-0631. All requests are kept strictly confidential by parishioners whose ministry is to pray for the needs of others. Page 4 Calendar of Events at St. James Parish SUNDAY 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Main Church Faith Formation Lower Level RCIC Class Conference Room Alcoholics Anonymous St. Michael Clase de Bautizo Parish Office Faith Formation (in Spanish) Lower Level Mass Main Church Mass St. Peter’s—Harpers Ferry Mass (in Spanish) Main Church Grupo de Jovenes St. Michael Mass Main Church OCT 12 8:00 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 1:10 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm MONDAY Daily Mass Alcoholics Anonymous Red Cross Blood Drive Boy Scouts Cub Scouts RCIA Columbus Day Main Church St. Michael Social Hall St. Michael Lower Level Library TUESDAY Don Bosco Montessori Daily Mass Jefferson County Comm Choir Women’s Club Meeting Lower Level Main Church Social Hall Library WEDNESDAY Don Bosco Montessori Morning Prayer Eucharistic Adoration Alcoholics Anonymous Sacred Heart Choir St. Cecilia, St. Gregory Choirs St. Dominic Savio Choir Confessions Faith Formation Archangelus Chorale Holy Hour Evening Prayer (chanted) Mass 9th Grade/Confirmation Youth Group OCT 15 Lower Level 8:00 am Main Church 10:00 am Main Church 10:00 am to 7:00 pm St. Michael 12:00 pm Social Hall 4:15 pm St. Cecilia 4:15 pm Choir Loft 4:15 pm Main Church 5:00 pm Lower Level 5:30 pm St. Cecilia 5:45 pm Main Church 6:00 pm Main Church 6:30 pm Main Church 7:00 pm Mass, then Lower Level 7:00 pm St. Michael 8:00 pm THURSDAY Don Bosco Montessori St. Thomas Aquinas Academy Rosary Group Daily Mass Holy Trinity Ensemble OCT 16 8:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:05 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:15 pm 8:45 pm Lower Level Lower Level Main Church Main Church St. Cecilia Adult Faith Formation (in Spanish) Library Gamblers Anonymous St. Francis Cappella Musica St. Cecilia Schola Cantorum St. Cecilia FRIDAY Daily Mass Don Bosco Montessori Alcoholics Anonymous Al-Anon Meeting Alcoholics Anonymous Grupo Oracion Page 5 Main Church Lower Level St. Michael St. Lucy St. Michael Library OCT 13 9:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 to 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm OCT 14 8:00 am 12:05 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm OCT 17 7:00 am 8:00 am 12:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm SATURDAY Women’s Club Retreat Cursillo School of Leaders Confessions Rosary Vigil Mass Clase Para Matrimonio OCT 18 8:00 am 9:00 am 3:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm Thomas Hall Library Main Church Main Church Main Church Parish Office SUNDAY 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Main Church Faith Formation Classes Lower Level RCIC Class Conference Room Alcoholics Anonymous St. Michael Clase de Bautizo Parish Office Faith Formation (in Spanish) Lower Level Mass Main Church Mass St. Peter’s—Harpers Ferry Mass (in Spanish) Main Church Grupo de Jovenes St. Michael Mass Main Church OCT 19 8:00 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:00 am 1:10 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm Opportunities to get connected this week Red Cross Blood Drive Monday, October 13 fr om 1:00 to 7:00 pm in the parish social hall in honor of Fr. Larry Gesy. Give the gift of life!! Women’s Club Mee ng Tuesday, October 14 at 7:00 pm in the Libr ar y. Come and meet other women from the parish, enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship, and learn about what they do! Knights of Columbus Fundraiser Tuesday, October 14. The Knights of Columbus and Bob Evans are working together to raise funds to support Knights’ initiatives. Bob Evans will contribute 15% of each customer's receipt to the Knights in support of this fundraising effort. The offer will be good ALL DAY. Tuesday evening is Kids Night, with dinner free from the kid's menu for all children 12 and under. Gift cards may be used for all purchases. Stop by St. Zita’s Cupboard St. Zita’s has new pin pads for your credit and debit transactions. You can actually swipe your card yourself. The few additional prompts on the pin pad are quick and easy. And stop by any day this week to see our new inventory! October 12, 2014 -on insight into human character, yes! Fr. Justin, you could have been a fine poet, an elite man of drama and letters Priest of God: Celebrate this Mass as and literature, perhaps one of the finest of our generation. But this was if it were your first Mass, your last Mass, your only Mass. Father Justin not to be: for God was calling. (that sounds really good!), perhaps The second P (and this will come as you have noticed this sign in the sacristy of many churches where you no surprise): playboy, a man with a have served Mass. It is an admonition stiff scotch in one hand and a beautiful woman on the other. Yes, I am for every priest to enter with attensure you would have caught the tion, devotion and piety into the attention of more than one female highest sacrament, the source and admirer over the years. And your first summit of our faith. So it is worth dwelling for a moment on its import. job was down the road at the casino, where you were no doubt exposed to a few prodigal characters, more intent Priest of God! You know, as I look on living a lifestyle of decadence than back on my priesthood, over the of duty to God and neighbor. Were whole of my priestly ministry you ever tempted, Fr. Justin, by a life spanning these past seven … days, I of hedonism, self-centeredness and find what I think a lot of new priests discover. Somehow all our lives have self-indulgence? But this was not to be: for God was calling. been pointing to this moment. For years, while we were unaware, God’s The third P: provocateur – a secret loving and divine Providence gently agent, a spy. With his talent for pointed out to us the path to priestlanguages and an uncanny knack hood. for blending into the local culture, Of course, God does not force us into Fr. Justin could easily have found employment with the CIA, infiltrating anything; he merely invites, he foreign lands, undertaking espionage knocks, but he leaves it to us to say, in the baths of Budapest or the “I do!”, as you did yesterday in markets of Morocco. His rebellious Wheeling six times over: I do. You side – he was raised, after all, in West didn’t have to! You with your many gifts could easily have pursued other Virginia – would have suited him well as he provoked rebellion among paths, and a quick review of your the local populace. Oh yes, you would other potential futures might help us see your priesthood in a clearer light. have been a fine provocateur, a shadowy government agent bent on Of the various directions your life could have taken, Father, three stand the overthrow of hostile governments, staying unseen and unknown. But out in clear relief – three P’s. this was not to be: for God was still calling. The first P: poet. In case you do not know, Fr. Justin is a man of letters Yes, God was still calling! And Fr. and literature. Books are spilling off his bookshelf in his room, and I’m not Justin, your discernment over the past talking about Dan Brown or Danielle six years has shown you ever more Steele. No, while the rest of us semi- clearly that it is another P to which narians have been watching the movie God has invited you – priesthood, priesthood in the image of the Son of Dumb and Dumber (again), Justin God. No, you will not be a full-time has been busy: perusing plays from Peruvian playwrights, ingesting ideas poet; but instead of a life of letters and rhythm and rhyme, you will from Italian intelligentsia, jotting down gems from Japanese journalists. discern the rhythm and rhyme of the With a flair for the creative and a spot hearts of God’s people, and you will Text of homily given at Fr. Justin Blanc’s First Mass on June 29: October 12, 2014 craft their souls and one day say of your people, you are a letter of Christ, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God. (2Cor 3:3) No, you will not be a playboy; for instead of pouring out libations of pleasure and prodigality, instead you yourself, like Paul, will be poured out like a libation (2Tim 4:6), your daily life an offering of prayer and struggle and sacrifice for your people. No, you will not be a professional provocateur; but you will like St. Peter, not fomenting rebellion against this earthly empire or that, but instead an agent for the Kingdom of God – and you will upturn the dominion of Satan over this world and loose people’s sins and bring them back to God! Yes, Father Justin, not poet or playboy or provocateur, but priest, a priest forever, a priest of God. So then, priest of God, you are today at the priest’s highest duty and privilege, at the sacrifice of the Mass, in union with all God’s people. Priest of God, celebrate this Mass as if it were your first Mass, as if it were your last Mass, as if it were your only Mass. In case these sound like hypothetical cases to you, Fr. Justin, let me tell you about the lives of two remarkable men. Father Karl Leisner: Ordained to the priesthood at the age of 29 in his native Germany. And unlike most new priests who are obsessing over their First Mass, how many servers are going to be there, or what flavor of incense they’re going to use …. Fr. Karl was just trying to stay alive. You see, it’s a little hard to get worked up about all these details when your body is wracked with tuberculosis, you are running a perpetual fever and constantly coughing up blood. And it gets worse when you’ve recently been beaten black and blue and left unconscious on the ground by the guards, and you are imprisoned inside the concentration camp, Dachau, and it is winter in the bitterest year of the Second World War. Page 6 Karl had already been ordained a deacon, but had spoken out against the Third Reich and was promptly arrested and sent to Dachau. His hopes for priesthood dimmed. But by the design of Providence, Fr. Karl’s cellmate was a bishop from France – a bishop who could ordain. Fr. Karl’s own bishop had ordination papers and oils smuggled into the camp; fellow prisoners made vestments from what they had; and on December 17, 1944, Fr. Karl was ordained a priest of God. He would have hoped to celebrate his First Mass the following day, but he was too drained, and the bishop told him to wait. A second day passed, and a third – and finally after seven days Fr. Karl said, “I have the strength. I can do it.” And there amidst the death and doom and despair of Dachau, there surrounded by fellow believers, Fr. Karl celebrated life and love and the only true freedom the world has ever known in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Fr. Karl would of course have desired to celebrate Mass in the days following, but he was simply too weak and the camp conditions did not permit it. Finally the camp was liberated by the Allies five months later, they saw Fr. Karl’s wretched condition and they evacuated him to a medical ward immediately… and there he died, having never again celebrated the sacrifice of the Mass. You see, his first Mass, was his last Mass, was his only Mass. Msgr. Bill Lyons: Your spiritual director at the seminary in Rome where you and I, Father Justin, have spent these last four grace-filled years. Msgr. Lyons died in our second year there, but it is the manner of his death that was so remarkable – the perfect kind of death for a priest. There, on his deathbed, surrounded by brother priests and a cardinal and even a deacon – there, Msgr. Lyons celebrated Mass, consecrated the Eucharist, received the precious Body and Blood of the Lord, and slipped into eternity. It was his last Mass. But it was also his first Mass – and his only Mass. Don’t misunderstand me: Msgr. Lyons was not a new priest; he was 81 years old and had spent Page 7 servants of the Old and New Covenants, martyrs and saints. I see here Fr. Karl and Msgr. Lyons and the Blessed Virgin, rejoicing in her Immaculate Heart at your configuration to her Son. I see St. Peter and St. Paul and St. Justin Martyr. For you see, at the end of the day, it was More, I see spirits of the righteous who not Mass after Mass that he celebrated – are being made perfect. Yes, Fr. Justin, I no. His last Mass was his first Mass was see here at the foot of the altar today his only Mass because Fr. Justin, there is your brother John, who so recently and suddenly departed from this life, and if only one Mass! And it was not Msgr. he could not be here to witness this Mass Lyons’ Mass and it was not Fr. Karl’s Mass, and it is during his life, he witnesses it now in eternity. I know, I know he will be not yours…. It is His!!! And present at every Mass you celebrate and it was celebrat- his soul will be purified and cleansed and healed by the offering that Christ makes ed by him on Holy Thursday to the Father through you. and Good FriToday, Fr. Justin, by your new configuday and Holy ration to Christ, you lead your people Saturday and Easter Sunday into that eternal Mystery. Or better, it is Christ who leads his people, but he leads … the one event in all of them in you. Yes, in you, Fr. Justin, human history Christ walks again among his people! which took Here at Mass, and throughout your years place in time of ministry to come, Christ will walk this but passed into land of West Virginia, walk down its eternity, and so country roads, knocking at the rusty finds its redoors of people’s hearts, and he will do it echo in every through you. Only you can go where he age and in every land and among every needs you to be – you, his provocateur – people. Yes, here today in Charles Town, only you can pry open doors long closed West Virginia, Christ’s sacrifice is to him and draw people into his life. And entered into once again, and Christ’s you will preach his word not in Paraguay faithful people, here in such great numor Thailand or Sierra Leone, to distant bers, are again sanctified by his saving peoples in poverty stricken places – no, blood. So Fr. Justin, you don’t have to you will preach it here, to people distant worry about getting everything perfect from faith, to people who live as if there today (trust me, you won’t), because the were no God…. the poorest kind of perfect Mass has already been celebrated poverty of all. And through you, Christ – the Mass of Jesus Christ, our Eternal will lead his people down these country High Priest! And that first Mass, that last roads, to take them home to the place Mass, that only Mass, was perfect: in the where they belong – to their heavenly Upper Room, perfect in preparation; in homeland and eternity spent in His Gethsemane, perfect in oblation; on presence. Calvary, perfect in consummation; and on Easter Sunday, perfect in salvation. So then, priest of God, celebrate this Mass as if it were your first Mass, as if it As the Mass is an eternal event, the good were your last Mass, as if it were your people that you see before you today are only Mass. Here, today, may all peoples not the only ones present. No, Scripture find blessing in you (Gen 12:3), and may tells us at the Mass that we have come to you find in them, priest of God, your Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, fulfillment and joy in this life, and in the the heavenly Jerusalem (Heb 12:22) and next your eternal salvation. I see many others gathered here with us. Yes, I see myriads of angels in festal - Fr. Aaron Qureshi gathering, surrounding us here today at this altar! I see heavenly powers, 55 years in faithful service to the Lord, celebrated thousands and thousands of Masses during that time. But I would claim that Msgr. Lyons’ last Mass was his first Mass, and was his only Mass. October 12, 2014 Ministry Spotlight: Gabriel Project What is Gabriel Project? The Gabriel Project is an ecumenical network of churches commi ed to protec ng the unborn and honoring life by offering immediate and prac cal support to those in need so that human life is safeguarded and God’s love proclaimed. What do we do? We provide realis c op ons that nurture and support the decision to bring a child to life; network with caregivers; use resources and talents provided by our community; enter into a rela onship with those in need; be mutually respec ul, loving and never judgmental or prosely ze. We may also assist with transporta on for doctor’s appointments, shopping, job interviews, etc. We help provide tangible items like maternity and baby clothes, safe car seats, cribs, strollers, etc. We help in any way we can before and a er the baby arrives. We are here for the family. Why do we exist? To stop abor on and offer alterna ves; honor, protect, encourage and support life; improve the quality of children’s lives even a er birth. What are our func ons? Interven on; service and support; a source of nurturing and presence; relieve isola on and provide hope! How are we different from other organiza ons? We have no criteria nor eligibility requirements. We help people who fall through the cracks. We are a network of people helping people. St. James Gabriel Project values include: adhering to Catholic teaching in all its endeavors that include abor on is wrong, while s ll maintaining a loving and non-judgmental rela onship; suppor ng adop on as an op on for women experiencing an un mely pregnancy; honoring, suppor ng, improving and encouraging life; hands-on nurturing and support; recognizing the goodness in all people we meet. We would love to have more volunteers. There are many ways you can help. Please contact us by phone at 304-671-6106 or send an email to us at [email protected]. It’s a great way to meet like-minded Catholic women and live your faith! October 12, 2014 Page 8 Faith Formation Adult Formation: Rev. Mr. Dave Galvin, [email protected] or 725-5558 Children/Youth Faith Formation: Allie Enos, [email protected] or 725-5558 All Saints Day Celebra on Announcing the St. James Sixth Annual Sta ons of the Cross Art Compe on St. James Religious Educa on is proud to announce the Sixth Annual Sta ons of the Cross Art Compe on! Each religious educa on grade will be assigned a sta on along with all religious educa on volunteers. Once again we will open up a sta on for CCD parents and the en re parish. One picture will be chosen for each sta on, and this picture will be printed in our very own St. James Children’s Sta on of the Cross book that will be used during Lent! Entry forms will be handed out to the religious educa on students this month. Other parishioners who want to par cipate may pick up an official entry form in the parish office at the end of the month. All entries must be turned in by December 14. The winners will be announced in the bulle n. You are invited to dress up as your favorite saint and come to the annual St. James All Saints’ Day Celebration Sunday, November 2 from 2:00-5:00 pm in the Social Hall! Join us for traditional delights such as apple bobbing and other fun games. Awards will be given for the most original costume, most obscure saint, and to the person most knowledgeable about their saint. Admission: We ask only that each family bring a covered dish and a bag of candy. Remember, this is a Catholic celebration, so come dressed as a saint for a “holy” good time! ________________________________ Box Tops for Educa on Parents, please mark your calendars! Please help our our children’s playground project by saving your Box Tops for Education! We ar e holding a competition from September through December among all the Religious Education classes to see which class can bring in the most Box Tops for Education. The winning class will be rewarded with a pizza party! ________________________________ Parents with students in First Communion Prep 2 and Sacramental Prep and all other parents with children going through their 2nd year of First Communion preparation, must attend the FCP2 Parent/Student Class listed below with their children. These classes will be held in the Social Hall. Sunday students/par ents: The next mandator y Par ent/Student class will be held from 9:30 to 10:45 am on October 19. Wednesday students/par ents: The next mandator y Par ent/ Student class will be held from 5:30 to 6:45 pm on October 22. Page 9 Electric Pencil Sharpeners Needed The religious education department is in need of four electronic pencil sharpeners for the classrooms. If you have a sharpener you would be able to donate, please drop it off at the parish office marked: “A ttention: A llie Enos— Religious Education”. October 12, 2014 Important Information About Our Parish Family Contact information: 49 Crosswinds Drive Charles Town, WV 25414 (304) 725-5558 Web site: www.stjameswv.org LITURGY SCHEDULE Masses: Saturday - 5:00 pm Sunday - 8:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm (in English) 1:10 pm (in Spanish) Monday & Friday - 7:00 am Tuesday & Thursday - 12:05 pm Wednesday - 7:00 pm Holy Days of Obligation - 7:00 am, 12:00 noon, 7:00 pm On Federal Holidays – 9:00 am Liturgy of the Hours: Wednesday - 10:00 am, 6:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday - 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday - 3:00 pm Wednesday - 5:00 pm, or by appointment OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon; 1:00 - 5:00 pm ST. ZITA CUPBOARD HOURS The Cupboard is open before and after each weekend Mass, and Monday & Wednesday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND If you or a family member are confined to the home or hospital, contact Chris Pifer at 304-725-5558 ext. 225 to arrange for the Eucharist to be brought to you. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Bulletin announcements must be submitted by 12:00 noon on the Wednesday 10 days prior to the desired publication date. You may email your requests to [email protected]. CONTACTING PARISH STAFF You will find staff names and contact information listed for each person listed throughout the bulletin at the top of the ministry page for which that staff member has been entrusted. October 12, 2014 JOINING ST. JAMES Becoming a part of our parish family is easy and rewarding. Registration forms can be found in the Narthex or Parish Office. Once a registration form is submitted, new parishioners will receive a welcome packet and an invitation to learn more about St. James and meet some of your new family members. Get connected, get involved, register today. BECOMING A CATHOLIC St. James offers a religious education process called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Through RCIA, people learn about the Catholic Faith and prepare to become full members of our Catholic family. This process is also available for children and teens. Contact the Parish Office for additional information. CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME Catholics Returning Home is a program that provides a warm welcome to all desiring to return to the Catholic Church. Voice your concerns and get answers to your questions. For more information, email [email protected] or call Gwyn Wathen (304-725-3215). RELIGIOUS EDUCATION As adults, our second most important job is raising our children in our Catholic faith. (Our most important job, of course, is maintaining our own relationship with our Heavenly Father.) Families registered in our parish may enroll their children in religious education as early as the age of three. Contact the Director of Religious Education for more information. Various adult faith formation classes are offered on a regular basis and are listed in the bulletin. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism is the first sacrament by which we receive a new and spiritual life and the dignity of adoption as children of God and heirs of God's kingdom. Registered families can celebrate this sacrament at St. James, but parents must attend a Baptism class which is held at 12:30 pm on the last Sunday of every month. Contact the Parish Office to register for a class before the birth of your baby. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Marriage is a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman. If you are a registered, active member of the parish considering this vocation, you must meet with Deacon Dave at least six months before your desired wedding date. No date will be set prior to that meeting. For further information or to begin this process, contact the parish secretary. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, formerly known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction, is a ritual of healing. It is available after the 10:00 am First Saturday Mass each month. Also, should you or a family member be entering the hospital, preparing for surgery, or nearing death, contact the Parish Office. THE HISTORIC CHAPEL OF ST. PETER A Tourist Mass is celebrated at The Historic Chapel of St. Peter in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia on Sundays at 11:00 am. The Chapel is also open to visitors on Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 noon until to 4:00 pm most weekends from May through October. Page 10 Melvin C. 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