St. Kieran Parish Notes from Fr. John This week we celebrate the Twenty -Eighth Sunday of the Year. In the Gospel Jesus tells a parable about a wealthy king who gives a wedding banquet for his son. The invited guests decide not to go. Right away we judge the invited guests and question their sanity. If a king is inviting, why wouldn’t you go? But that is the story. So then the king invites anyone from the streets and they do show up. A few of the second group were not ready for the banquet, but on the whole the second group accepted the kings generosity and sat at his table. Each and everyday Jesus invites us to come to the feast. How have we responded? Do we make time for the king, or are we just too busy. Nothing like a good story to make us think! Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 I can do all things in him who strengthens me. — Philippians 4:13 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — On this mountain the LORD will make for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines (Isaiah 25:6-10a). Psalm — I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life (Psalm 23). Second Reading — God will supply whatever you need (Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20). Gospel — I have prepared my banquet, and everything is ready. Come to the feast! (Matthew 22:1-14 [1-10]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Today St. Kieran will be celebrating the Sacrament of the Sick at all of the weekend masses. This sacrament offers healing of body, mind, and spirit. We encourage anyone who may be facing health issues, age issues, or have heavy issues on their mind to take advantage of the sacrament and feel God’s healing touch. It use to be that people waited to receive the sacrament just before they died, but after the Second Vatican Council the Church again established it as a sacrament of peace and healing that could be received more often. Today we hope you feel that healing presence. Finally, congratulations to Sr. Santina DeLuca who is celebrating her 50th jubilee next weekend at St. Kieran. Sr. Santina is one of our Springfield Dominicans and has been a big part of St. Kieran School for years. Presently Sister continues to work with children at St. Agnes Catholic School. Please join me as we joyfully wish her the best on this important occasion. Congrats Sister! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Page 2 October 12, 2014 Dear Friends, Since the ailing members of our parish are being anointed at all masses this weekend, this is a good time to remind you that one of our duties as Catholics is to pray for the sick. When we pray for the sick, we pray not only for those who are physically ill, but also for those who are mentally or spiritually ill. Let’s all make an effort to include the sick in our prayers, not only those we know personally, but all those who suffer from the same ailments as those we love. At the same time, we can hope that our prayer will help us to see beyond the physical or obvious, and keep us from making harsh judgments of those who may be suffering silently. God bless you, Teri Klopp Like “St. Kieran Religious Education” on Facebook! Thank You, Mary Bailey! Our Episcopal Vicar, Bishop Joseph Perry, has approved the St. Kieran Pastoral Staff’s recommendation to present the Christifideles Award to our own sacristan, Mrs. Mary Bailey. This award was established by Cardinal Francis George and the Archdiocese of Chicago to recognize those in each parish who have demonstrated faithfulness and dedication in ministry. This award was presented last year to Joe Sopron. The award will be presented to Mary and to all of the recipients across the Archdiocese at a special ceremony to be held on Sunday, October 26, at 2:30 p.m. at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. Please give your personal congratulations to Mary as she prepares to be formally recognized for all of her good works! Thank you again, Mary, for your dedication! ATTENTION PARISHIONERS!!! WE ARE UPDATING OUR PRAYER LISTS FOR THE SICK AND THE TROOPS!!! We are in the process of updating our prayer lists for both the sick and the troops that appear in our bulletin every week. If you have a name or names that you wish to remain on the list, or if you have a name or names to add to the list, please send us written notification of (1) the name or names, and (2) to which list the name or names should be added. We are asking for written notification so we have accurate spelling of the names. This written notification should be put it in the weekly collection basket or sent/dropped at the Rectory Office by Sunday, November 2. Please remember that names may be added to either list at any time during the year by notifying the Rectory Office either in writing or by telephone. Page 4 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 3, 2014 Page 3 Parish News & Events MARKET DAY© NEWS COOKIE DOUGH SALE!!! Our next Market Day© sale will be held on Tuesday, October 21, and will feature the preportioned cookie dough. Stock up now for those last minute invitations, or a sweet tooth at half-time of the Bears game. Flyers are available in the church vestibule, Religious Education office, and rectory. Paper orders are due by Wednesday, October 15, and internet orders are due on Friday, October 17. The St. Kieran Religious Education appreciates your support of this fundraiser. office CALLING ALL BAKERS. . . The St. Kieran Women’s Club will hold their annual Fall Bake Sale after all Masses on the weekend of October 25 & 26. Please drop off your baked goods in the church vestibule before masses that weekend. Not a member of the Women’s Club? Not a woman? Feel free to help us out anyway. Our volunteers will be happy to accept your home-baked goods, wrapped for individual sale. WOMEN’S CLUB BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP ST. KIERAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION will continue to collect Box Tops, Campbell’s Soup Labels, and Aurelio’s Logos. You can drop off your labels in the back of Church or drop them off in the Religious Education office. Thank you for your ongoing support of this fundraiser! If you have been attending Mass here at St. Kieran, but have not registered . . . The St. Kieran Women’s Club invites readers to join the book discussion of “Driftless” by David Rhodes Tuesday, October 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Library. NOW IS THE TIME! Come and join our parish family. Fill out this form and give it to an usher or call the rectory at 708-755-0074. We will happily send you a registration form. You can also download a form online. Instructions can be found at our website: Name:__________________________________ Address:________________________________ Phone:_________________________________ SIGN UP NOW... for GiveCentral, the convenient way to make donations payments to St. Kieran Catholic Church. Please visit and take a couple of minutes to set up your donations. Questions? Call Sandy Vasek at the Rectory Office Mon.- Fri. from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (708) 755-0074 Page 4 October 12, 2014 Parish News & Events THE 2015 BOOK TO ORDER FLOWERS FOR MARY’S SHRINE IS OPEN The Marian Shrine Book for flower orders is open for 2015. Flowers may be ordered in memory of a deceased loved one or for any special occasion (anniversary, special birthday, special intention, etc.). All flower arrangements are ordered by the Rectory Office, delivered on the Friday of the weekend that you have chosen, displayed for the weekend and the following week, then placed in the church vestibule for your pick-up (should you wish to do so). If you would like to order a flower arrangement for one of the weekends next year, please complete the order form below. You can mail or drop off the form with payment at the Rectory Office OR place in the weekly collection basket in an enveloped marked “Rectory Office—Flower Order.” You will receive a confirmation of your order indicating which date your flowers will be in the shrine. Your check or cash in the amount of $25 must accompany your order. Thanks for decorating Our Lady’s shrine with flowers! Have a Safe Halloween at St. Kieran St. Kieran Church would like to invite its members to a Trunk or Treat Party, where adults, children, and families can enjoy a safe Halloween amongst those you know. The event will be on Friday, October 31 from 6 to 7 pm, where children of all ages can trick or treat from the car trunks of parishioners. Those interested should fill out the sheet below and indicate that they would like to reserve a spot in the parking lot to pass out treats. Parishioners can come prepared with their own candy or they can send the sheet below with an order of candy for $10 a bag. Orders and reservations are due by Friday, October 24. Following the Trunk or Treat, activities for the kids will be held in the gym from 7 to 9 pm. The best costumes and decorated trunks/cars will also be awarded prizes. Come and enjoy amongst your closest friends and family members while having a safe and worry-free Halloween. --------------------------------- I would like to purchase a $25 flower arrangement for Our Lady’s shrine in honor of the following person or event: Family Name ___________________________ ________________________________________ My choice of weekend dates are as follows: First Choice: Reserve parking space ________________________________________ Second Choice: ________________________________________ Requested by: ________________________________________ Daytime Phone Number:________________________________ Phone Number ___________________________ _____YES _____NO Total Number of Candy Bags _______________ × $10.00 Total Amount Enclosed ___________________ Feel free to bring snacks and beverages. A sweets table and coffee will be provided in the gym. Lawn chairs and blankets are highly recommended. Twenty-third Twenty-eighthSunday SundayininOrdinary OrdinaryTime Time Page 5 Page 5 Other News & Events ADULT FORMATION THE SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF POMPEII Come and join us for our first Adult Formation Session of this academic year as HE IS BACK! Rev. Richard Fragomeni, Rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii and well-renowned speaker, will talk about “Sacraments of Initiation: God’s Invitation—Our Response” at Infant Jesus of Prague Catholic Church on Thursday, October 30, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Father Fragomeni will give us an insight into the “I Do” promises that are recited at the Sacrament of Baptism. These statements have major implications on our lives as followers of Jesus and members of the Body of Christ. Invites you to 14th Annual Lost Child Pilgrimage S ,O 18 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Check-In, Coffee Are you grieving the death of a child? Speaker: Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni, Ph.D. These Adult Formation Sessions are held in cooperation with all of the Catholic Churches in the South Suburban area and are periodically held at different locations, including St. Kieran. We hope to see you at this initial offering in the series, which should prove to be a meditation on how we live our lives of grace. The Shrine invites men and women to explore the sacred journey of loss, healing and hope. POLKA MASS Facilitated Breakout Sessions: TH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 10:30 AM MASS SPONSORED BY: ST. JOSEPH ROSARY LADIES OF ST. LIBORIUS CHURCH 35TH AND HALSTED BLVD, STEGER, ILLINOIS MUSIC BY: DENNIS MOTYKA "GOOD TIMES" LUNCHEON IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE MASS IN PARISH HALL. (ADVANCE LUNCHEON TICKETS ONLY $15.00) TICKET SALE DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22ND NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. CONTACT PERSON: LEE BRAVO, 708/755-2398 FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION. Program: Liturgy of Lamentation Facilitated Breakout Sessions Liturgy of Hope ONE: Precious Babies, Regaining Life and Hope - Pat Prentice, M.B.A., R.N. TWO: Milestones Celebrated and Mourned: The Death of a Child or Adolescent - Julie Raino, M.Div., M.Ed., GC-C THREE: When Your Adult Child Predeceases You - Julie Berggren, M.A., Spirituality $25.00 Paid Registration due Wed., October 15 Lunch included. 3 Easy Ways to Register 1. O : 2. C : 312.421.3757 3. M Check or V/MC information : The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii Attn: Lost Child 1224 W. Lexington Street Chicago, IL 60607 Page 6 October 12, 2014 Other News & Events WIDOWED MEN & WOMEN YOU ARE INVITED! COME AND SEE DISCERNMENT WEEKEND Are you between the ages of 18-42? Is God calling you to bring love, mercy, and justice to the world? Would you like to be a member of a community of like-minded women who strive to make a difference? Maybe life as a Sister of Providence of St. Mary-of-the-Woods is for you. Come and See for yourself on Friday, October 31st to Sunday, November 2nd. The weekend is focused on “Rooted in Providence: Rooted for Tomorrow”. Presenters will share their life experiences with you. There are no charge for the weekend. Housing and meals are provided. In October, the Sisters of Providence will begin our yearlong celebration of 175 years of ministry in the United States. The new shrine dedicated to recently canonized, St. Mother Theodore Guerin, founders of the Sisters of Providence, will be blessed and opened for the fist time. Come and experience life with the Sisters of Providence at the beautiful St. Mary-of-the-Woods, IN., a 3 hour trip down highway 41. Meet other women like you who are wondering if this is a good choice for them. Pamphlets with more information are available at the entrances of the church or contact: Sister Edith Ben 812/535-2895 [email protected] Sister Nancy Nolan 812/870-9884 [email protected] Recovering from your loss takes time. Probably longer than you imagined. Hope and joy do return eventually. Attend the retreat/workshop designed to help you deal with your loss while still treasuring your memories. 2-day program will be held at: O L A H P (Located in Lemont on Alvernia Manor’s campus). November 15 & 16, 2014 Includes overnight and meals. Space limited—register early. To register or get more info call Joyful Again Widowed Ministry Program 708-354-7211. Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7 Sick/Injured Our Troops Army FLOWERS FOR MARIAN SHRINE There are dates available throughout 2014 to purchase flowers dedicated to a loved one for the Marian Shrine in the Church. E5 Patrick Atwater Sgt. James R. Hibbs PFC Lee James Roché Sgt. Thomas J. Seehausen Marine Corps SSgt. John Henry LCpl. Joseph Johnson LCpl. David Rainford LCpl. Patrick Russell SSgt. Nathan Taylor National Guard SSgt. Paul LaBelle Navy Troy DaVault Helen Ziegler OS2 TJ Purcell Kim Alexander Frank Cuti Richard Czarnecki Barbara DiGiovanni Bernadette Eagan Pat Galderio Tony Galderio Matthew Heinberg Amanda LaBelle Reed LaPorte Marguerite Lawson Maria Maeta Maricella Espinoza Jorge Espinoza George Tamez Mark & Megean Ambriz Juan Esparza Michael Johnson Natalie Yruegas Nathan Ayala Rose Pagliero Helen Amore Rosemarie Baillies Ron Rush Ken Connor Francisco Montalvo Dolores Lotter Vicki Marino Jenna Mayes Gertrude Mize Herb Neal Gerardo Portillo, Jr. Audrey Pranger Carol Schultz Audrey Strasser Dana Wittman Marjorie Woltman Donna Leniski Theresa Wright Pat Frigo Bellla Rodrigues Michelle Murphy Hilery Farley Mary Houston Marge Ringwald Sr. Mary Ann Mary Houston Kim Dougherty Jolene Cieniawski Michael Murphy, Sr. Fred Sickman . . and all who are ill or injured, in a hospital or a nursing home, as well as their relatives and caregivers. Ministry Schedule for October 18 & 19, 2014 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Dave Dutko Gene LaBelle Emil Vasek Joan Cliff Debbie Fleisher Candyce Jupiter Teri Klopp Gordon Moberg Joe Sopron Connie Bultema Kevin Deenihan John Jaworski Carla Lofrano Charles Lofrano Betty Staniszewski Susan Alessandrini Keith Betton Mary LaBelle Carlos Porrata Juan Zambrano Elia Zambrano Anthony Cellini Tommy Cellini Philip Mata Joseph Chambers Dylan Klinger Noah Klinger Ernesto Ayala Carina Medina Karla Porrata Ray Brower Barb Dutko Judy Flanigan Francisco Montalvo, Jr. Joan Knoll Tom Willett Debbie Wlodarski Mary Ellen Schmal Terry Shelly Page 8 October 12, 2014 Monday, October 13 - Columbus Day; Canadian Thanksgiving Day 8:00 a.m. • Communion Service Tuesday, October 14 - St. Callistus I 8:00 a.m. • Elmer Narcisi, req. by Joe Bova Wednesday, October 15 - St. Teresa of Jesus 8:00 a.m. • Luke, Catherine & Bobby Niep, req. by the Niep Family • Norman Mangano, req. by his sister, Lucie Thursday, October 16 - St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque; 8:00 a.m. National Boss Day • Lena LoBue, her daughter, Dorothy, and family Friday, October 17 - St. Ignatius of Antioch 8:00 a.m. • Deceased of the Jerz/Mangano Families, req. by Howard & Lucy Saturday, October 18 - St. Luke 9:00 a.m. • Communion Service 5:00 p.m. • Laura Segala, req. by her children • Pat Grady, req. by the Grady Family • Walter Tama, his wife, Gayle, and family Sunday, October 19 - Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time; 8:00 a.m. World Mission Sunday • Deceased of the Falica/Lagone Families, req. by Jack Falica and Joyce Lagone • Sebastian Siragusa, req. by Mom & Dad Monday, October 13 8:00 a.m. Communion Service (C) 5:00 p.m. St. Agnes Football Practice (F), until 9 p.m. 5:00 p.m. St. Agnes Athletics Practice (H), until 9 p.m. Tuesday, October 14 8:00 a.m. Daily Mass (C) 5:00 p.m. Chicago Heights Bengals Practice (F) until 9 p.m. 5:00 p.m. St. Joseph Athletics (H) until 9 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Women’s Club Book Club Meeting (LMR) Wednesday, October 15 8:00 a.m. Daily Mass (C) 5:00 p.m. St. Agnes Football Practice (F), until 9 p.m. 6:00 p.m. St. Joseph Athletics Practice (H) until 7:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m Religious Education Program Classes (S) until 8 p.m. 6:45 p.m. RE Prayer Liturgy Practice (C) Thursday, October 16 8:00 a.m. Daily Mass (C) 12:30 p.m. Bible Study, until 2 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Home/School Association Gym Class (H), until 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. St. Agnes Football Practice (F), until 9 p.m. 5:00 p.m. St. Agnes Athletics Practice (H), until 9 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice (C) Friday, October 17 8:00 a.m. Daily Mass (C) 5:00 p.m. Chicago Heights Bengals Practice (F) until 9 p.m. 5:00 p.m. St. Joseph Athletics Practice (H), until 9 p.m. Saturday, October 18 9:00 a.m. Communion Service (C) 9:00 a.m. St. Agnes Football Practice (F), until 12 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Confession (C) 5:00 p.m. Anticipated Mass for Sunday (C) Set up for Sister Santina Family Event (H) all day Sunday, October 19 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass (C) 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass (C) 11:15 a.m. RCIA Information Meeting (LMR) Contact individual groups for changes or more information. St. Kieran Parish Information 724 W. 195th Street, Chicago Heights, IL 60411 RECTORY OFFICE: (708) 755-0074 [email protected] RELIGIOUS ED.: (708) 754-0484 [email protected] PARISH STAFF: Rev. John Siemianowski, Pastor Rev. Tom Kasputis, Associate Pastor Rev. William O’Mara, Resident Associate Teri Klopp, Coordinator of Religious Education Joanne Rossbach, Director of Music MASSES: Saturday: 5:00 PM Deacon David (Barbara) Dutko Deacon Eugene (Mary) LaBelle Deacon Emil (Sandy) Vasek RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Sunday: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Weekdays: 8:00 AM Tuesday through Friday Holy Days: 8:00 AM & 7:00 PM COMMUNION SERVICE: Monday: 8:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Monday — Friday (Closed on Fridays in the month of July.) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS: 9:OO AM - 3:00 PM Tuesday - Thursday 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Wednesday during scheduled R.E. Classes BAPTISMS: Are celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of most months. Parents MUST attend a mandatory preparation session before Baptism takes place. These are held on the 2nd Thursday of most months at 7:00 PM in the Library. Please call the rectory for more information. MARRIAGE: Please make arrangements with Fr. John Siemianowski at least 9 months before your wedding date. All couples must attend a marriage preparation program to be scheduled during your first meeting with Fr. John. HOW DO I BECOME CATHOLIC? Please contact the rectory or the Religious Education Office for information. NEW PARISHIONERS: Registration forms are available in the back of church or on our website; or you may call or e-mail the rectory office, and we will gladly send you a registration form and answer any questions. COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: To arrange for a visit by a Minister of Care, please contact Deacon Gene LaBelle at the rectory. REMEMBER TO NOTIFY THE RECTORY IF A LOVED ONE IS ADMITTED TO THE HOSPITAL. Because of changes in privacy laws, hospitals no longer notify the rectory of any admissions. BULLETIN DEADLINES: Please submit all articles at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the Bulletin in which you would like it to appear. Contact Sheila Porrata at [email protected] or call 708-755-0074 during rectory office hours for more information. Please be sure to include a daytime phone number with your submission. PARISH CALENDAR: Contact the Rectory to schedule or modify events on our current parish calendar. Parish Mission Statement: St. Kieran Parish is a Catholic community within the Archdiocese of Chicago. Empowered by the Holy Spirit — nourished by scripture and sacrament, we are called by Christ to become disciples and stewards. Through worship, fellowship, catechesis, and service to all God’s children, we embrace our Lord’s challenge to live as family and be his witnesses, beginning here in Chicago Heights. KERR-PARZYGNOT START BANKING CATERING AVAILABLE 195 E. Joe Orr Rd., Chicago Heights 571 West 14th Street 28 area locations! 1-877-866-0202 Chicago Heights (708) 503-0380 Member FDIC Len & Debbie Wlodarski 530 W. 14th St. (Rte.30), Chicago Heights 708-481-9230 Larry Jagmin, D.D.S. 14785 W. 101st Ave. Dyer, Indiana 708-755-6700 219-365-3600 DR. FRANK NARCISI GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work JAGMIN DENTAL CLINIC, LTD. “WE CATER TO COWARDS” 754-0016 ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Since 1926 1020 Chicago Road Chicago Heights Established 1891 Parishioners PANOZZO BROS. FUNERAL HOME Gary Jagmin, D.D.S. FUNERAL HOME 540 Dixie Hwy. (Joe Orr Rd.) Chicago Hts. 755-7775 450 Dixie Hwy. Chicago Heights Homewood Lic# 055-026066 708-798-8050 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 708-652-1444 Marks & Company PODIATRY • FOOT SURGERY 754-8161 311 S. Halsted St., Chicago Heights 708 275 W. 201st St., Chgo. Hts. Evening & Saturday Hours John J. Marks, CIC Ryan Funeral Home 755 5270 email: [email protected] President Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount 18230 Dixie Highway Homewood 18022 Dixie Highway Homewood 708-798-0331 FUNERAL HOME, INC. 708-798-5300 All Forms of Insurance PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE BLUEBERRY HILL CAFE PUSH • Breakfast • Lunch • Catering/Parties 2155 W. 183rd St. Homewood 708.922.0800 TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... From coffee to cocktails, and everything in between $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 3501 Union Avenue ~ Steger ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB (708) 755-WINE Thomas E. Brabec Attorney at Law • Litigation • Real Estate • Wills • Trusts • Estates A DIVISION OF ANTHONISEN FINANCIAL CORPORATION 18708 DIXIE HIGHWAY, FLOSSMOOR, IL 60422 708-960-0580 708/957-2121 Email: [email protected] Website: Securities offered through Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months RICHARD CERAGIOLI, MD Pediatric Care Prenatal Visits Welcome Franciscan Physician Network Lois Anthonisen, CFP® - President 18154 Harwood Avenue, Suite 204, Homewood, IL 60430-2154 Nick Markionni, CFP®, CFS, MBA - VP 3700 W 203rd Street, Suite 201 Olympia Fields, IL 60461 708-679-2886 • • • • Se Habla Español Invisalign No Shot Anesthesia Cosmetic Care Gum Treatment $50.00 OFF RICHARD MANTOAN, Parishioner 708-794-4252 19815 Governors Highway #7 Jack Waters Plumbing, Inc. 446 W. 194th St., Glenwood Advertising here helps your parish & your business. 708-756-1300 of any out-of-pocket expenses NEW PATIENT ONLY. ONE PER FAMILY Dairy Queen Homewood 1700 Ridge Rd. $.50 off a small sundae (one topping only) The Welsh Family (One Coupon Per Customer Per Day. Expires 10/1/14) Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner “One of Chicagoland’s Top 24 Plumbers” IL Lic. #O55-007579 Call Frank Tucker 800.566.6170 with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 000226 St Kieran Church an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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