www.pwc.dk Solvency II Clarification of current regulations SIX Financial Information 24th of April 2014 Jette Lunding Sandqvist, Actuary, Director PwC Revision. Skat. Rådgivning. Agenda What’s in focus? A view from an actuary • What’s happening regarding Solvency II (SII) • What’s happening in Denmark Solvency II PwC April 2014 2 What’s happening regarding SII Solvency II PwC April 2014 3 SII - setup Solvency II PwC April 2014 4 SII will be implemented the 1th of January 2016 Solvency II PwC April 2014 5 SII - 3 Pillar approach Solvency II PwC April 2014 6 Solvency II PwC April 2014 7 EIOPA Guidelines The EIOPA guidelines from the 27th of September 2013* with interim measures in the following areas: 1. System of governance 2. Forward looking assessment of the insurer’s own risks (based on ORSA principles) 3. Reporting to regulators 4. Pre-application for internal models guidelines for the preparation of Solvency II *) Den 31. oktober blev de offentliggjort på dansk Solvency II PwC April 2014 8 What’s happening in Denmark Solvency II PwC April 2014 9 In Denmark we focus on ‘Ensartet kundebeskyttelse’ Solvency II PwC April 2014 10 Bekendtgørelse om solvens og driftsplaner On 101 pages including 5 appendix 1. Calculation of the solvency demand using the standardmodel 2. Calculation of the solvency demand using the standardmodel with UserSpecificParameters 3. Calculation of the solvency demand using partiel or full internal model 4. The Risk assesment, policy and documentation 5. Transitional rules Solvency II PwC April 2014 11 In Denmark we focus on ‘Ensartet kundebeskyttelse’ Bekendtgørelse om solvens og driftsplaner In force by 1st of January 2014 Solvency II PwC April 2014 12 Life Insurance: Calculation of life provisions A Markov model: 7 stage model (”7 tilstandsmodellen”) Genkøb Aktiv Invalid Død Aktiv (fripolice) Invalid (fripolice) Død (fripolice) Full stochastic model dependent on the Financial situation Solvency II PwC April 2014 13 Life Insurance: 7 stage model Challenge with the 7 stage model Will surrender and paid up policies depend on the financial situation? • Will more people get unemployed? • Will people need money and try to surrender ? Modeling of management actions Solvency II PwC April 2014 14 In Denmark we focus on ‘Ensartet kundebeskyttelse’ Bekendtgørelse om solvens og driftsplaner Reporting by Q1 2014 Solvency II PwC April 2014 15 Reporting templates Bekendtgørelse om solvens og driftsplaner In Denmark the first reporting is in Q1 2014 (part of EIOPA Quarterly Reporting Templates). The EIOPA Guidelines for reporting is in fact Q1 2015. Solvency II PwC April 2014 16 Take note of… Solvency II PwC April 2014 17 Take note of… • A lot of things is going on: Both in Europe and in Denmark • Stay in touch with the actuaries and the CRO • Look at EIOPA’s homepage - but often that is too late • Know your colleagues taking part in the work in ‘Forsikring & Pension’. They get the information’s beforehand, where changes are possible • Be aware of how you calculate the interaction between the financial situation and policyholder behavior in your company Solvency II PwC April 2014 18 Any questions? Jette Lunding Sandqvist Director, aktuar, FS T 3945 3817 M 6155 1134 E [email protected] Denne publikation er udarbejdet alene som en generel orientering om forhold, som måtte være af interesse, og gør det ikke ud for professionel rådgivning. Du bør ikke disponere på baggrund af de oplysninger, der er indeholdt i denne publikation, uden at indhente specifik professionel rådgivning. Vi afgiver ingen erklæringer eller garantier (udtrykkeligt eller underforstået) hvad angår nøjagtigheden og fuldstændigheden af de oplysninger, der findes i publikationen, og, i det omfang loven tillader, accepterer eller påtager PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab, dets aktionærer, medarbejdere og repræsentanter sig ikke nogen forpligtelse, ansvar eller agtpågivenhedspligt for eventuelle konsekvenser, som følger af, at du eller andre handler eller undlader at handle i tillid til de oplysninger, der findes i publikationen, eller for eventuelle beslutninger truffet på baggrund af publikationen. © 2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. I dette dokument refererer “PwC” til PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab, som er et medlemsfirma af PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, hvor hver enkelt virksomhed er en særskilt juridisk enhed. Something to look at…. Solvency II PwC April 2014 20 Solvency II – Open EIOPA Consultations JC/CP/2014/03 – EBA, ESMA AND EIOPA’s JOINT CONSULTATION PAPER RELATED TO THE DRAFT TECHNICAL STANDARDS ON RISK-MITIGATION TECHNIQUES FOR OTC-DERIVATIVES (end on 14 July 2014) CP-14/010 CONSULTATION PAPER ON THE GUIDELINES ON THE OPERATIONAL FUNCTIONING OF COLLEGES OF SUPERVISORS (end on 30 June 2014) Public consultation on the Set 1 of the Solvency II Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) CP-14/004 Consultation Paper on the proposal for ITS with regard to the procedures to be used for granting supervisory approval for the use of ancillary own-fund items (end on 30 June 2014) CP-14/005 Consultation Paper on the proposal for ITS on Internal Models approval processes (end on 30 June 2014) CP-14/006 Consultation Paper on the proposal for ITS on the process to reach a joint decision for group internal models (end on 30 June 2014) CP-14/007 Consultation Paper on the proposal for ITS on the procedures to be followed for the approval of the application of a matching adjustment (end on 30 June 2014) CP-14/008 Consultation Paper on the proposal for ITS on special purpose vehicles(end on 30 June 2014) CP-14/009 Consultation Paper on the proposal for ITS with regard to the supervisory approval procedure to use undertaking-specific parameters (end on 30 June 2014) JC/CP/2014/02 – EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s joint consultation paper related to the draft Guidelines on the convergence of supervisory practices for financial conglomerates (end on 12 June 2014) JC/CP/2014/01 – EBA, EIOPA and ESMA’s Joint Consultation Paper related to the Draft Implementing Technical Standards on the mapping of ECAIs’ credit assessments (end on 5 May 2014) Solvency II PwC April 2014 21
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