Information Booklet 2013-2014 international school of vantaa

international school of vantaa
Information Booklet
A Note to Guardians
Teaching Staff and Classes
Additional Staff
Academic Year 2013-2014 School and Vacation Times
School Timetable
ISV Phone Directory
Yearly Plan 2013-2014
Lunch/School Meals
Parents’ Association VAKKA ry
Cooperation between School and Home
Support Services
School Health Care
School Social Worker
School Psychologist
Special Education
Tutoring Lessons
School Trips
Students’ Personal Belongings
Address and Phone Number Changes
Smoking on School Grounds
Student Council
Peer Students
School Clubs
Point Station
ACADEMIC YEAR 2013 - 2014
International School of Vantaa,
Hagelstamintie 1, 01520, Vantaa
A Note to Guardians
This information booklet contains general information about the International School of
Vantaa and the activities for the academic year 2013-2014. Included in this booklet is a
monthly calendar of important events that are known at this stage. Please peruse this
booklet thoroughly and retain it for future reference. Additional information about matters
arising will be issued to students during the course of the academic year.
Teaching Staff and Classes
Te a c h e r s c a n b e c o n t a c t e d t h r o u g h t h e i r V a n t a a e m a i l a c c o u n t s
[email protected]
Teacher Filppula, Heli-Hanna "
Other Subjects Taught
Principal [email protected]
Manner, Sanna Assistant Principal [email protected]
Other Subjects Taught
1A Pope,Tarita""
English 1B, Craft 4A, Art 3A
1B Hyvönen, Iida"
Elective Music 1A, 2AB
2A Evans, Rhys"
Woodwork 3B, 5B
2B Halonen, Virpi"
Finnish 2AB, 3B
3A Korhonen, Jenny""
PE Girls 7-9, Religion 3AB
3B Banda, Mary"
Ethics 1-3, Craft 3B
4A Froehlingsdorf, Peter"
Ethics 7-9, Elective Drama 7-9, WW, 3A, 4A, 6B
4B Järvanpää, Juha" "
Woodwork 7ABC, 6A, Religion 4AB
5A Cavernelis, Noel" "
Elective Art 5-9
5B Korpela, Laura"
Religion 5AB, Elective Drama 5-9, Art 4B
6A Similä, Maria"
Textile Work 6-9, Religion 6AB
6B Hankilanoja, Anumaija ""
Elective Drama 5AB, 6AB, Ethics 4-6
7A Honkavaara, Jani""
Finnish 6B, 7ABC, 9BC
7B Asikainen, Anni Swedish 8ABC, 9BC, French 5A, 6B, 8ABC, 9A
7C Aulio, Johanna"
Chemistry / Physics 7-9, Math 9B
8A Nurmi-Tuominen, Sonja"
Finnish 4A, 8ABC, 9A
8B Laroma, Sophia" "
Home Economics 7-9
8C Holm, Amanda"
English 5B, 6A, 8ABC, 9C
9A Salo i Nevado, Laia " Student Counselor, Health Education 7ABC, 8ABC
9B Hakkarainen, Terhi"
Biology / Geography 7-9, Health Education 9
9C Coppejans, Michael"
History 7-9, Religion 7-9, Civics
Brown-Haapasaari, Marian" "
English 4B, 7ABC, 9AB
Dorairaju, Ganeas"
Math 7ABC, 8ABC, 9AC
Jyrkinen, Mia ""
Swedish 7ABC, 9A, French 4AB, 5B, 6A, 7ABC, 9BC
Kuiikka, Michaela"
Finnish as a Second Language Monkiewicz, Slawomir" "
Norman, David" "
Music 3-9, Elective IT
Rantatalo, Stiina""
Finnish as a Second Language
Rybicki, Gwen"
Special Education
Hindle, Janica"
Special Education
Fritze, Rasmus" "
School Assistant
Shari, Tajzan"
School Assistant
School Secretary""
Kadri Tsimalonskis
Caretaker" "
Kai Salminen School Nurse"
Katriina Baptista
Kaisa Kokkonen
School Social Worker" "
Paula Seppänen [email protected]
School Psychologist"
Blue Service Partners
Service Manager Kirsi Pietikäinen ACADEMIC YEAR 2013-2014: SCHOOL AND VACATION TIMES
Autumn Term 2013
Tuesday 13.8.2013 – Friday 20.12.2013
Home and School Cooperation Day - Saturday 05.10.2013
Autumn Break: Thursday 17.10.2013 - Friday 18.10.2013
Christmas Holiday: Friday 21.12.2013 – Sunday 6.1.2014
Spring Term 2014
Monday 7.1.2014 – Saturday 31.5.2014
Winter Break Monday 17.2.2014 – Sunday 23.2.2014 (week 8)
School Timetable
1) 8.30 - 9.15
2) 9.20 - 10.05
3) 10.20 - 11.05 LUNCH
4) 11.10 - 11.55 LUNCH
5) 12.00 - 12.45 LUNCH
6) 12.50 - 13.35
7) 13.40 - 14.25
8) 14.35 - 15.20
9) 15.20 - 16.05
ISV Staff Phone Directory
Heli-Hanna Filppula
839 24820, Privatel 040 744 2432
Assistant Principal
Sanna Manner 839 24808, Privatel 050 312 4531
School Secretary
Kadri Tsimalonskis
839 24810
School Fax
839 24821
Daytime- Kai Salminen
839 26112, Privatel 040 701 1730
Staffroom 839 24819
School Psychologist
Kaisa Kokkonen 040 8268012
050 3124517
Special Education Teacher
Gwen Rybicki Janica Hindle 0503040809
Service Manager
Kirsi Pietikainen 0447109629
School Nurse
Katriina Baptista
School Social Worker
Paula Seppänen
Student Counsellor Laia Salo i Nevado
Class Common Room Phones
1A, 1B, 2A, 2B
3A, 3B
4A, 4B
5A, 5B
6A, 6B
839 28064
839 21091
839 24812
839 24813
839 24811
839 24814
Lunch is served in accordance to pupils’ schedules. All lunch times are stated in
students’ personal schedules.
The lunch time is allocated for consuming the lunch provided by school. Pupils can
bring their own snacks but those are to be eaten during the afternoon break 14h25 –
14h35 in the lunchroom. Lunch is provided by Blue Service Partners and the menu
follows the Vantaa city school menu. Blue Service Partners also offers a healthy
snack during the afternoon brakes. Snacks cost 0,50 or 1,50 euros.
Parents´ association Vakka ry of the International School of Vantaa
The parents’ association of International School of Vantaa VAKKA ry (founded in
1996) is a voluntary association for all parents. The purpose of the parents'
association is to
• promote acceptance and sense of community
• increase the cooperation between homes and the school
• promoting international thinking and cultural richness
• support safe school surroundings
• encourage the students by supporting the activities of the classes in different
• offer a versatile selection of hobbies to all the ISV students
We organize activities for all grades according as much as possible. We are
members of Finnish Parents' Association (
VAKKA ry board is chosen each year in the annual meeting.
Activities for all grades:
• Scholarships for all grades in the spring
• Contributions for school trips and camps (6th graders as priority)
• Christmas concert in cooperation with ISV
• Disco in the spring
• Zebra crossing campaigns in cooperation with the Mannerheim League for
Child Welfare (MLL Aviapolis) and the parents association of Kartanonkoski’s
• Other activities:
o school books and supplies for ISV
o materials and volunteers for school parties and performances
o flea markets and happenings
• We act as the guardian of the Scholastic Book Club
Activities for 3. - 9. graders
• Piano club (club fee)
• Guitar club (club fee)
Afternoon club organized by VAKKA ry
• High quality morning and afternoon club primarily for 1st and 2nd graders of
ISV. Club fees are as per the instructions of the City of Vantaa.
• The Afternoon club also offers versatile activities for the children
• VAKKA ry employs 4 persons in the afternoon club, two full-time, two part-time
• For more information please contact Tuula Mollel
[email protected]
Our activities are financed by membership fees. We depend on the support of all
families in order to guarantee our activities also in the future. The membership fee is
20 €/family/year. By paying the membership fee you support the work for the children
of ISV.
We welcome all ideas how to improve the parents' association and welcome all
parents to join VAKKA ry activities!
More information on our web site or [email protected]. You can
also find us on Facebook. Please also follow our newsletters that are sent home with
the students on a regular basis.
Tanja Forcythe-Reid
Chair person
The methods of cooperation between home and school vary according to the wishes
of guardians and teachers. Guardians have a primary responsibility of bringing up the
child. The duty of the school is to take responsibility for their child’s upbringing and
instruction as a member of the school community. Our common task of upbringing
will be accomplished in cooperation between home and school. The aim of this
cooperation is to promote learning, as well as the safety and well-being of the
The aim of the Support Services is to support and guide students’ growth and
development in addition to helping the student focus on studying and positive
development. The Support Services work in cooperation with guardians, teachers
and professionals.
The permanent members of our school’s Support Services include the principal, the
assistant principal, two special education teachers, FSL teacher, the school
psychologist, the school nurse and the school social worker. In addition to the
permanent members, the support services can include social services and health
care experts, teachers, as well as students and their guardians who can be called to
the meetings when needed. Support Services meet every Tuesday.
Public-health nurse Katriina Baptista
phone: 09 839 22928
[email protected]
The school nurse can be contacted through the Wilma-system, by e-mail or
telephone. Consultation days at ISV: Mon-Fri 8.15-14.15(exceptions may occur!)
School Health Care is preventive care, where the Public-Health Nurse follows up the
child´s growth and development from various aspects. Every year the students have
a physical examination conducted by the school nurse. Information on all
examinations, treatments and rehabilitation measures related to the student´s health
is needed. Also copies of immunisation records are needed, in case the child has
been vaccinated elsewhere but in Finland.
The Public-Health Nurse is also a member of of the school´s Support Services
The school nurse will treat injuries caused by accidents during the school day, but
guardians are kindly asked to notice that they should take the child to a public or
private health centre in case of illness, or accidents that have occurred outside
A School social worker "koulukuraattori" is part of the international school’s social
and welfare services. The school social worker’s task is to support the child or
youngster in her/his psychosocial growth and development, together with the
parents and other members of school staff.
The school social worker’s work consists of many things, such as meeting pupils and
teachers, parental meetings and discussions, organizing support structures for the
pupil and the family, giving consultation services for the pupil, family and
stakeholders in terms of cooperation, providing special education and establishing
statements and agreements.
The school social worker is a member of the school’s support service group, sharing
her knowledge of social services with everyone in this multi-professional group.
You can contact the school social worker when having a small or substantial
concern, dealing with the welfare of a child or a youngster. The school social worker
Paula Seppänen is present at school every Tuesday and Friday. As agreed, the
appointments can be held at other times too. You can call 0400478904 or send email correspondence to [email protected]
The school psychologist helps and supports students in matters related to their
psychological well-being. The school psychologist can meet students and attend
meetings with parents. In some cases psychological assessment is required in order
to identify learning problems that interfere with the student’s success at school. The
goal of the assessment is to determine the best strategies to improve learning.
Parents may contact the school psychologist directly when help is needed. Teachers
may also invite the school psychologist to attend meetings with parents. The school
psychologist is a member of the school’s support service group.
The school psychologist, Kaisa Kokkonen, is at our school on Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Fridays.
During other times she can be reached via telephone on 040 826 8012 or Wilma or email [email protected].
If a student is having difficulty with learning and/or requires extra support in any area
of school life, the special education teachers are here to provide assistance. The
special education teachers work with the students, parents, classroom or subject
area teachers, and the Support Services Committee to help the student to succeed.
The special education teachers can provide in-class assistance, individual and small
group tutoring, learning plan development, and referrals for formal testing.
ISV has two special education teachers, Gwen Rybicki and Janica Hindle.
If the student is temporarily behind in his/her studies because of sickness or
otherwise needs special support, he/she has the possibility to receive tutoring.
Decisions about tutoring will be made in consultation with student’s guardians. The
tutoring lessons take place before or after regular school hours. Any teacher at the
school is entitled to provide tutoring lessons.
Assessment During the Course of Studies
The task of assessment during the course of studies is to guide and encourage
studying and to depict how well the pupil has met the objectives established for
growth and learning. It is the task of assessment to help the pupil form a realistic
image of his or her learning and development, and thus to support the pupil's
personality growth, too.
Assessment must be truthful and based on a diversity of evidence. The assessment
is to address the pupil's learning and progress in the different areas of learning. Pupil
assessment forms a whole, in which ongoing feedback from the teacher plays an
important part. With the help of assessment, the teacher guides the pupils in
becoming aware of their thinking and actions and helps them understand what they
are learning. The pupil's progress, work skills, and behaviour are assessed in relation
to the curriculum's objectives and descriptions of good performance.
Final Assessment
The task of the final assessment is to define how well, at the conclusion of his or her
studies; the pupil has achieved the objectives of the basic education syllabus in the
different subjects.
In each core subject, the final grade is to be based on the pupil's performance in the
final phase of basic education - that is, the eighth and ninth grades. Criteria for final
assessment in basic education have been prepared for all core subjects. The pupil's
performance is assessed with those criteria, on the basis of diverse evidence.
The student is assessed three times during the academic year. The first intermediate
report for 9th graders is a development discussion (student, teacher, guardians) in
November 2011. The second intermediate report will be issued on 22 December,
2011. The student is to be issued a school year end report, at the end of the school
year, on 2 June, 2012. Grades 1 to 8 will have their second intermediate report in
March 2012, in the form of a development discussion and the remainder of the
assessment period continues as is for the entire school.
School trips are taken according to the curriculum and the yearly plan, as they
pertain to environmental and cultural studies. When possible these trips may be
funded by the school. Public transportation is usually used to commute to and from
these places of interest.
If the student gets ill the guardians must inform the classroom teacher or the
homeroom teacher about it as soon as possible. School laws oblige the teachers to
manage the absences and inform the guardians about unauthorised absences. The
guardians should follow their child’s absences on the internet using the WILMAprogram and they can also clear one day absences on the internet. Guardians can
also send messages to the teachers via the WILMA program. Guardians receive the
passwords for WILMA from the assistant principal via mail.
Guardians must always apply for permission for any absences from the school for
other reasons, such as private vacation. Classroom teachers and homeroom
teachers can permit a maximum of three days of absence. Longer absences have to
be applied for in writing with the ‘Vacation Application Form’ from the Principal. The
form is also available on the school webpage. We hope that longer vacations would
be scheduled within the school holiday times. If a vacation is required during school
time, the student is responsible for collecting and completing the work missed during
these days.
The International School of Vantaa takes care that the pupils’ clothes and other
belongings are safe during the school day. Sometimes things do get lost. In case the
lost property is not found, it is the pupils’ loss. Pupils should not bring valuable or
enticing property to school.
It is important to note that if there are any changes in address or contact information,
they should be given to the school secretary as soon as possible. The school must
always have up-to-date information concerning students.
Selling and providing tobacco or nicotine products and smoking goods for children
under -18 are prohibited by the tobacco law. The prohibition includes all tobacco
products, also chewing tobacco. According to the same law smoking on school
grounds and in the immediate vicinity is also forbidden. The law recognizes no
exceptions. The International School of Vantaa enforces the law by monitoring the
pupils’ behavior during recesses. Breach of this rule will lead to the implementation
of disciplinary measures.
We ask the pupils’, parents and all visitors at the school to remember that SMOKING
The student council at ISV, as of this year consists of students from grades 3 to 9.
The student council allows students the opportunity to voice their opinions in regards
to matters that affect their day to day life at school. Student council is also provided
the opportunity to present issues that affect students in Vantaa to the city officials
and politicians through the annual Vaikuttaja-project, an important platform to have
ones voice heard. The student council also organizes events for students throughout
the school year, and allocates stipends at the end of the academic year.
The peer student activity at ISV consists of students from grade 9. They take an
active roll in helping new 7th graders as well as all new students at ISV.
• David Norman will be responsible for the orchestra and school choir. Further
information will follow at a later stage.
• Sports club will be coordinated and operated by Slawomir Monkiewicz.
• Chinese Language and Culture Clubs for grades 1-3, 4-6 and 7-9
POINT Pakkala’s information and learning centre also hosts the International School
of Vantaa, Y.E.S. –kindergarten and library. The parent association VAKKA’s Afternoon
Club also makes use of ISV premises.
In the evenings Point’s lunch room, class rooms and the kindergarten’s hall are used
for music institute lessons, meetings and a variety of other special events and
occasions. The premises are used for instance by adult education, music institutes,
different organisations and building associations. Evening use of the school’s
premises occurs mainly in the lunch room or in the subject teacher’s class rooms.
The classes utilised by grades 1 to 6 are usually not allocated for evening use. A
building supervisor / caretaker is present during the evening use period. Point’s main
entrance is closed when the library is closed. The evening caretaker is present until
the evening users have left Point.
Sports clubs organise activities for children and adults every day of the week. The
entrance to the PE-hall is situated at the PE-hall at the north entrance of the building.
Reservation of the premises is submitted via the internet, any practical issues related
to these are dealt with by Point’s office worker. Reservations: [email protected]
Contact information:
Executive Director Ritva Nyberg
[email protected] 09 - 839 21079
Point’s library: open Mon - Fri 10-20, Sun 10-15. Sat. closed.
[email protected]
Tel. 839 21084, Fax: 09 - 839 21069;135;137;217;464;477