October 12, 2014 “You have exalted above all things Your name and Your word.” Psalm 138:2 MEMBERS SERVING THIS WEEK (SECOND SUNDAY), OCTOBER 12 1st Service Sunday School 2nd Service Infant Nursery Rhoda Folmar Zoe Fowler Esther Hulvey Amy Chico Larry Chico Jane Marsh Siclalia Bernardo Walker Nursery Diane Fraits Steve Fraits Anna Goehner Rachel Goehner Alyssa Brady Karen Miller Naomi Shank Joelle Valentine Les Valentine Linda Valentine Toddler Nursery Chris Goehner Christy Goehner Emma Goehner Dawn Frederick Jenn Frederick Mindy Miller Nancy Frutuozo Kathie Long Ellie Long Johnny Allen Shanna Allen Cale Allen Children’s Tabitha Lookabill Church Beth Matthew Todd Matthew Deb Sweigart Worship Team Marc Sweigart Cat Sweigart Luke Sweigart Karie Wilburn Michael Wilburn Bennett Wilburn Lauren Wilburn Jaye Brumfield Jonathan Brumfield Jessie Brumfield Josie Brumfield Lisa Oates Maddie Oates Josh Lookabill David Peters Christina Peters Donna Richardson Kelly Richardson Rachel Richardson Jaye Brumfield, Amy Chico, Bill Long, Kara Martin, Adam Pearson, Andrew Webster Ron Stimers (sound), Angela Leffel (A/V) MEMBERS SERVING NEXT WEEK (THIRD SUNDAY), OCTOBER 19 1st Service Sunday School 2nd Service Infant Nursery TK Keesling Elizabeth Martens Colleen Ernst Phil Ernst Susan Miller Jessica Miller Walker Nursery Lori Blosser Faith Blosser Kellie Grathwol Megan Harris Debby Walsh Greg Montgomery Hannah Peters Karen Montgomery Anna Updike Toddler Nursery Beth Clatterbuck Jared Clatterbuck Maria Shickel Mark Shickel Seth Stapel Joanna Valentine Nicole West Tim Frost Karen Standford Children’s Church Heather Dowdy Matthew Dowdy Gabriel Dowdy Janelle Garman Tyler Garman Peyton Miller Anthony Tongen Micah Tongen Paul Tongen Craig West Tracy West Ruth Oates Worship Team Hal Baker, Gene Bradshaw, Brian Davis, Rick Frutuozo, Kendra Shickel, Mike Tipton, Joanna Valentine Paul Hamner (sound), Jeff Tyson (A/V) Patty Borden Lydia Borden Larry Chico Aaron Lorson Lorna Nichols Becky Scheel Rachel Shumway Jeannine Misantone Ken Rogers Meneika Rogers Michael Rogers Grace Rogers Chris Rogers Jennifer Schanely Jane Shumway *This is the schedule as posted on the website. Substitutions arranged among volunteers are not reflected. DEACONS OF THE MONTH: OCTOBER Reid Linn and Greg Montgomery WELCOME TO COVENANT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH! We are so glad you’re here this morning! Please be sure to fill out the Attendance Register when it is passed so we can get to know you. Also, please stop by the Welcome Table in the lobby to pick up some information about our church and our many ministries. Covenant Presbyterian is a large church, and it might seem overwhelming at first, but it is a church filled with wonderful people who are anxious to meet you, minister to you, and help you get connected. If you have any questions about anything at all, feel free to contact the church office at 433-3051 or [email protected]. A NOTE ABOUT TODAY’S SERVICE The Greek word for “martyr” did not originally refer to those who were killed for their faith. It meant “witness.” A martyr was one who bore witness in a court of law. This was the very word with which the risen Lord Jesus commissioned His disciples: “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Jesus made no false promises to those who would follow Him. Those who would come after Jesus discovered that they would have to deny themselves and take up their cross. It is not difficult to understand why the word for witness came to mean one who lays down his life. The account of Stephen’s death is one filled with the darkness of sin. The rage and violence poured out upon him by the mob is a graphic portrait of the darkness which resides in the human heart. On the other hand, Stephen’s vision of the exalted Christ and his gracious response to his murderers is a sweet light cutting through the dark depravity. Along the way we are reminded that for the Christian, sin, rage, and even death do not have the final say. ~Todd Pruitt, Pastor WORSHIP SERVICE October12, 2014 GATHERING SONG Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery Psalm 46:8-11 CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Come, behold the works of the LORD, how He has brought desolations on the earth. He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; He burns the chariots with fire. Congregation: “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. SONG OF TRIUMPH AND SUFFERING Lion of Judah FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD AND HIS PEOPLE GLOBAL PRAYER FOCUS EAST ASIA COMMISSIONING SONG OF BIDDING TO FOLLOW CHRIST The Wonderful Cross* CONFESSION OF SIN O Lord, we want to enter Your presence, worshipping You face to face, awed by Your majesty, greatness, and glory, yet encouraged by Your love. Yet there is coldness in our hearts, hardness toward You, and unwillingness to admit our sin and need for You. Forgive us for Jesus’ sake. Come near and strengthen us until Christ reigns supreme within us, in every thought, word, and deed. Give us a faith that purifies the heart, overcomes the world, works by love, fastens us to You, and always clings to the cross. PRAYER OF INTERCESSION ASSURANCE OF PARDON SONG OF PREPARATION Hosanna SERMON Todd Pruitt Acts Part 20 - “The Death of Stephen” Acts 7:54-8:1 (Pew Bible page number 916) GOD’S TITHES AND OUR OFFERINGS SONG OF RESPONSE Be Thou My Vision (Hymn #382) BENEDICTION *Children are dismissed for Children’s Church A Soundproof Room is available within the kitchen if you or someone you love needs a place to be free to make some noise while still being able to participate in the worship service. Lyric Sheets are available at the sound booth for those who cannot see the overhead. Headsets are available at the sound booth for the hearing impaired. CHILDREN AND YOUTH INFORMATION Children’s Church—8:30 and 11:15 a.m. Sunday School—10:00 a.m. NURSERIES Infants Room W-7 (newborns to 12 mos.) Walkers Room W-8 (10-20 mos.) Toddlers Room W-4 (18-36 mos.) Nursing Mothers Room W-5 EARLY CHILDHOOD CHILDREN’S CHURCH & SUNDAY SCHOOL Preschool C-106 (born 10/1/10 – 9/30/11) Pre-kindergarten C-104 (born 10/1/09 – 9/30/10) Kindergarten C-109 (born 10/1/08 – 9/30/09) ELEMENTARY SUNDAY SCHOOL YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL First Grade Room C-200 6th - 8th grade boys Mobile 3 Second Grade-A Room C-202 6th - 8th grade girls Mobile 4 Second Grade-B Room C-204 9th - 10th grades Mobile 1 Third Grade Room C-206 11th - 12th grades Mobile 2 Fourth Grade Room C-205 Fifth Grade Room C-207 CHILDREN’S WING MOBILE UNITS SANCTUARY ANNEX SOUNDPROOF ROOM KITCHEN ACTIVITY ROOM LIBRARY NURSERY LOBBY MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM STUDY FELLOWSHIP HOUR 10:00 a.m. ARABIC/ENGLISH BIBLE CLASS Meets in Annex 3, led by member Jack Tapping COLLEGE AND CAREER FELLOWSHIP (CCF) Meets in Mezzanine 2, taught by Todd Pruitt on God’s Alternative to Sin and Legalism SALÓN DE ESCUELA DOMINICAL DE ALIANZA Sala de Cunas, Salón W10, líder: Pastor Jacinto Hernández THE GLORY OF CHRIST IN HEBREWS Meets in Multi-Purpose Room West, led by members Jeff Borden and Jeff Jordan WELCOME TO COVENANT CLASS Meets in Annex 6, led by Pastor Burress McCombe CHURCH MISSION, SOCIAL JUSTICE, AND REGULAR LIFE—WHAT’S A GIRL TO DO? (For Women) Meets in Annex 5, led by members Rita Dunaway and Teri Jacobsen YOUR WALK WITH GOD IS A COMMUNITY PROJECT Meets in Multi-Purpose Room East, taught by Pastor Tim Frost RECOMMENDED READING We have a new addition to the book nook: Unpacking Forgiveness by Chris Brauns. This excellent book avoids the sentimentality of cheap grace and forges a biblical path toward genuine forgiveness that is consistent with grace and justice. "Forgiveness of one another is one of the most important subjects in the Bible, and yet one so often misunderstood. Now Christopher Brauns has done a magnificent job in helping us understand the true nature of biblical forgiveness. Every Christian will profit from reading and applying this book." - Jerry Bridges, author of The Pursuit of Holiness COVENANT FAMILY NEWS We celebrate with John and Kristi Grogg the birth of their son, Garrett Matthew, on Monday, September 29. Garrett weighed 4.4 ounces and was 16 inches long. He is welcomed by his brother, Hudson. We celebrate with Mark and Christine Say the birth of their son, Eric Charles, on Saturday, October 4. Eric weighed 7 lb. 5.8 oz. and was 18 1/2 inches long. He is welcomed by his sister, Aurora. COVENANT FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Early Childhood Lesson Plan: God saved the Israelites at the Red Sea, and they praised God for who He is and what He did for them. (Exodus 13-15) Covenant Playgroup is a time for mothers and their children to engage with each other and other families through play. All children are welcome, although activities will be geared towards toddler and preschoolaged children. Join us Tuesdays from 9:00-10:45 (unless otherwise noted). Pumpkin Painting (bring a small pumpkin and painting supplies will be provided) Be part of God’s provision for Covenant’s neighborhood children! Sign-up to volunteer one day per week at the After School Program (Mondays or Tuesdays, from 3:15 to 5:30 p.m.). For more information, contact Sandy Hernández at [email protected]. Or, sign-up to donate the snack for one day of the program. Please go to takethemameal.com (username: ASP; password: snack). YOUTH EVENTS Today, October 12, 6:00-8:00 p.m.: Youth Group – Both Youth Groups meet in the activity room at the church. Next Sunday, October 19, 6:00-8:00 p.m.: Youth Group – Both Youth Groups meet in the activity room at the church. TEACHING TOPIC: Relationships and How They Shape Us (NOT romantic relationships). Just for Parents: Join Brian Hunt in the activity room at 7:00 p.m. for teaching on technology. Saturday, October 25, 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.: Service Saturday! WOMEN’S MINISTRY Attention Ladies: We will head to Williamsburg again this year for our Overnight Shopping Trip, Friday morning, November 7-Saturday, November 8. We will stay at the Holiday Inn Express 2 miles from the outlets. If you have any further questions, contact Bobby Jo Miller. We have an opportunity to serve in our own community by providing a meal to those temporarily living at the Salvation Army shelter on Thursday, October 30. We will take the ingredients and recipes and prepare the dinner there. Please consider helping by providing ingredients (see below) or money to purchase food or by helping residents prepare and serve the meal that day (3:00-6:00 p.m.). Ingredients needed: raw hamburger, eggs, oatmeal, tomato juice (for meatloaf), bananas, etc. (for fruit salad), celery and mayonnaise (for potato salad). Pray that the love of Christ would shine through and the door be opened for the Gospel. May we be the arms of God to those in our community who are in a needy situation. Contact Barbara Broome if you can help. MEN’S MINISTRY All Covenant men and those in the community are invited to Men's Fraternity which begins this Tuesday, October 14. More than just a Bible study, more than a small accountability group, Men's Fraternity is a masculinity course. We will study the 24-chapter "The Quest for Authentic Manhood." A 45-minute DVD by Robert Lewis begins each session, followed by small group application. Join us from 6:00-7:30 a.m. each Tuesday in Annex 6. Please contact Jim Blair to register. SCOUTING FOR FOOD Cubs Scouts are Scouting For Food to support the Blue Ridge Food Bank! Scouts will distribute collection bags in the lobby on Sunday, October 19. Please fill your bag(s) with non-perishable food items and return them to the lobby the following Sunday, October 26. This is a need in our community, so please support the Blue Ridge Food Bank and Scouting in this way. SERVICE SATURDAY Come join us Saturday, October 25, for our fall Service Saturday. We will be doing a variety of service projects in the church and around the community including helping at the Marsh farm in preparation for our Family Fall Festival. We will meet at the church at 8:00 a.m. and return at noon for lunch together. Check the church website to sign up for projects, or pick up a project list at the Welcome Table and drop it in the box. For more information contact Tim Frost ([email protected]) SERMONS ON PODCAST For those interested in accessing our sermons online, we now have a podcast option available. Go to the iTunes store and search for Covenant Presbyterian Church/Alianza Iglesia Cristiana Hispana. There is also a link to this from our website homepage and the sermon page. OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES OPENINGS We have just a few holes left to fill. If eight more people will volunteer, we will have all of our Sunday morning positions filled! Please contact Lisa Updike ([email protected]). SHANKFEST 2014 SHANKFEST is coming and the only thing missing is YOU! Please help raise money for the Shank family by attending a day of shopping, great food, and music! Meander through a variety of vendors in the Blue Ridge Christian School Gym from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. All the vendors, including the ones outside with delicious food, are donating a portion of their sales directly to the Shanks. After you've shopped till you're about to drop, grab your blanket from the car and head to the soccer field for an afternoon and evening of family fun and Christian music from some several folks you'll recognize. Food will be available on site. Shankfest T-shirts that Dave and Heather helped design will be available for purchase, too. There will be things for the kids to do, so you parents can sit back and relax. Donations will be taken several times during the evening for the Shanks, also. Need more info? Call Amy Shoop at 540-746-3344. MEALS NEEDED We have several families in our church body going through difficult situations. Please consider providing them a meal and showing them Christ’s love in this way. Visit www.takethemameal.com to sign-up (contact church office for passwords). Raymond and Hope Hebert Bruce and Alicia Burns MINISTRY CONTACTS After School Program Sandy Hernandez American Heritage Girls Kelli Hertzler Backyard Bible Club Sarah Kalichman Children’s Church: 1st Service Peyton Miller Children’s Church: 2nd Service Kristin McCombe • Clarion Becky Shickel CPC Moms Ashley Hormel Cub Scouts Bunnie Poyser ESL Sue Hodges Library Vanessa Manson Men’s Ministry Jim Blair Mercy Ministry Terry Pennington • Marshall Butler Missions Ministry Bert Richardson Nurseries Kris Zwanzig Prayer Chain Church Office • 433-3051 Senior Ministry Jeanie Diehl Stephen Ministry Greg Becker, Karen Montgomery Confidential Care Line • 433-3051 (Ext. 180) Sunday School: Early Childhood Lisa Updike • 433-3051 Sunday School: Elementary Karie Wilburn Sunday School: Youth Brian Hunt • 433-3051 Study Fellowships: Adults Greg Becker • 433-3051 Visitor Welcome Bread Ministry Rachel Brunk WIC: Women’s Ministry Church Office • 433-3051 COVENANT CARE CONNECTIONS COUNSELING Greg Becker, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), is the first step in receiving individual or family counseling through Covenant. You may make an appointment with him by calling him at the church office, 540-433-3051. At your first appointment, Greg will determine if he can help you or if you should be referred to Journey Counseling Ministry or to another care group within our body. STEPHEN MINISTRY It's okay to be human. We're brought up to be strong, self-sufficient, independent people. We tend to think that asking for help is a sign of weakness. So we keep our struggles hidden, stuffed deep inside. Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." God wants us to care for others—and to allow others to care for us in our time of need. If you're struggling inside, don't suffer alone. Ask for help. We've got a team of Stephen Ministers ready to listen, encourage, and pray for and with you during this tough time. Men are matched with men, and women with women. It's completely confidential, too! To request a Stephen Minister, call our care-line at 433-3051, ext. 180 or talk with Stephen Leader Karen Montgomery or Elder Greg Becker. AFTER HOURS CARE LINE A pastor is on call when the church office is closed. In the case of a family emergency (serious illness or death) on the weekend or after office hours, call 540-820-9712. If the phone is not answered, leave a message. Please note that this phone number is to be used only in the case of family emergencies that occur outside of business hours. This number is not to be used for prayer requests, mercy requests or church business that can be taken care of during normal office hours. If you would like a need placed on the prayer chain, call 433-3051 or e-mail [email protected]. CHURCH CALENDAR OCTOBER 13— Adventures in Mothering (AIM), 7:00 p.m. WIC evening Bible study, 7:00 p.m. 14— Men’s Fraternity, CPC Playgroup, 9:00 a.m. Children’s Choir, 4:00 p.m. 8— WIC morning Bible study, 9:30 a.m. 9— American Heritage Girls, 6:30 p.m. Cub Scouts, 6:30 p.m. 25— Service Saturday 26— Family Fall Festival Pastoral Staff • Teaching Elders Todd Pruitt, Lead Pastor • Tim Frost, Facilitating Pastor Jacinto Hernandez, Pastor for Hispanic Ministries Burress McCombe, Pastor for Worship Ministry Staff Greg Becker, Director of Adult Discipleship and Small Groups Kendal Butler, Director of Administration • Lisa Updike, Director of Children’s Ministries Sandy Hernandez, Associate Director for Hispanic Ministries • Brian Hunt, Director of Youth RUF Campus Minister Joe Slater Ruling Elders Hal Baker Greg Becker Larry Chico Steve Draper* Bruce Gillan Mike Marsh Deacons J.D. Patton Don Perkuchin** David Shank* Gary Shickel Jim Smith Ken Van Sickle* Mark Bentz* Mike Brady Marshall Butler Mike Downey* Angel Garcia Chris Goehner Paul Hamner* Dennis Houff Rodney Landes Reid Linn Greg Montgomery Terry Pennington Mark Shickel Jeff Stapel John Wickenheiser* Michael Wilburn *Sabbatical **Emeritus Sunday Morning First Service (English) 8:30 a.m. Sunday School (English & Spanish) 10:00 a.m. Second Service (English) 11:15 a.m. Alianza Service (Spanish) 11:15 a.m. Contact Information Worship Facility Address: 546 W. Mosby Rd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Phone: 540-433-3051 Fax: 540-433-6361 Offices and Mailing Address: 32 Southgate Ct., Suite 101, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Web: www.cov-pres.org Email: [email protected] Covenant Presbyterian Church A member of the Presbyterian Church in America
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