Church of the Sacred Heart 531 Washington Ave. South Amboy • New Jersey 08879 732-721-0040 Rev. Stanley Gromadzki Pastor Rev. Marian Drozd Parochial Vicar Deacon Serge Bernatchez 732-679-2088 Ms. Robin Weaver (English) Mr. Bogdan Osewski (Polish) Directors of Music Parish Office Address: Mass Schedule: Saturday evening: 4:30 pm (English), 6:00 pm (Polish) Sunday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am (Polish), 10:30 am, 12 noon Weekdays: 8:00 am (Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat.) 7:00 pm Fri (Polish) Devotions Sacred Heart of Jesus Confessions: Following morning Mass except First Friday; Friday at 6:30 pm (Polish). Saturdays: 3:30pm (English); 5:30 pm (Polish) Novenas / Devotions: After all daily 8:00am Mass The Chaplet of Divine Mercy Wed (following 8 am Mass) Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help; Friday morning (following Mass) Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and 7pm (following Mass) Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Polish) Rosary: Following the 8 am morning Mass & 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. Baptisms: Baptisms will be held on the 2nd & 4th Sunday at 1PM with the exception of Holy Days. Pre-Baptism class mandatory for the Parents and godparents will be the 4th Saturday of every month at 1PM in Memorial Hall. Please call Parish Office to make arrangements prior to making social plans. Marriages: Arrangements are to be made through the Parish Office at least one year in advance, before any social plans are made. Inquiry for Adult Catechumen: The RCIA is the process the Church uses to form and inform those who want to “inquire” about the Catholic faith. This process is for those who have never been baptized, baptized adults needing Confirmation and Holy Eucharist, and those of other faiths who feel called to become Catholic. Is God calling you? If so, please call Deacon Serge Bernatchez at 732-721-0040. Pastoral Care of the Sick: Call 732-721-0040 Arrangements for communion calls to the sick at home can be made by calling the Parish Office. Please notify the Parish Office when a parishioner is in the hospital. Emergency calls are made at any time. Welcome to Our Visitors! It is our hope that you enjoyed your time with the Lord here at Sacred Heart Church. We would like to have you with us every week. We extend to you a sincere invitation to join us as we celebrate the Lord’s Day. Should you like to become part of our family as we serve the Lord and His people, please complete this tear-off and place it in the collection basket. A registration form will be mailed to you. Thank you and God bless! Name: _________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 531 Washington Ave. South Amboy, NJ 08879 Parish Phone: Parish Fax: E-mail: 732-721-0040 732-721-4448 [email protected] Office Hours: Monday– Thursday Fridays Evenings/Saturdays 9 am to 2 pm 9 am to 12 noon By appointment Sacred Heart School Address: School Office Phone School Fax School email 301 2nd St. South Amboy, NJ 732-721-0834 732-316-0326 Prayer Chain request line has changed! We will no longer be taking prayer requests on the phone! If you have a prayer request please write your request in the binder located at the St. Jude statue in the back of the Church. SH Prayer Team is ready to pray for your special needs. To become a member of Sacred Heart’s Prayer Team please call. 732-721-0040 Pregnant—Need Help? 1-800-848-LOVE Life Choices Resource Ctr. 732-499-8876 In case of emergency, when you need a Priest at any time, day or night please call 732-721-0040, answering service will pick up leave a message. A Priest will call back as soon as possible. October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE... Twenty-eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time Saturday, October 11 4:30pm Living & Deceased Members of Sacred Heart Holy Name Society 6:00pm +Olga, Fryderyk Krupinski Req. by: Wojciech Zeromski Sunday, October 12, 28th Sunday Ordinary Time 7:00am +John Crosby Req. by: Paul & Diane Bula 9:00am Pro Populo/ For the People of the Parish 10:30am +Katherine & Joseph Zera Req. by: Emma Sumski 12:00pm +Joseph Seyglinski Req. by: Wife, Children & Grandchildren Monday, October 13 Weekday 8:00am +Stan C. Kowaleski Req. by: Family Tuesday, October 14 St. Callistus I, Pope & Martyr 8:00am +Louise Ryniec Req. by: Joan & John Ryniec Wednesday, October 15 St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Dr. of Church 8:00am +Mary Denarski Req. by: Barbara Zielinski Thursday, October 16 Sts. Hedwig, & St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 8:00am +Wanda Saunders Req. by: Joan & Fred Fulham Friday, October 17 St. Ignatitus of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr 8:00am +Jack Curtis Req. by: Bob & Mary Lou Curtis 7:00pm +Jozef Samul II Req. by: Jadwiga & John Moslowski Saturday, October 18 St. Luke, Evangelist 8:00am +Kenneth Sloan, Jr. Req. by: Donna Sloan 4:30pm +Michael Tabaszewski Req. by: Jacqueline & Allen Bagwell 6:00pm +Peter W. Kuc Req. by: Cecilia Lacko Sunday, October 19, 29th Sunday Ordinary Time 7:00am Pro Populo/ For the People of the Parish 9:00am +Walter Rusczyk (Anniv.) Req. by: Doris, Cheryl, Steve 10:30am +Stephen (Anniv.) & Mary Znaiden Req. by: Mary Ann & Frank Sullivan 12:00pm +Jack McCabe Req. by: Joan McCabe & Family If any family member of those mentioned in the Mass Intentions are present please tell the ushers so that you may bring the gifts to the altar during that Mass! Sunday, October 12 ♦ Rosary at 10:10am Monday, October 13 ♦ Praise & Worship—Roger’s Children’s Band practice at 6PM in Memorial Hall new members welcomed! ♦ NO CCD—COLUMBUS DAY ♦ Sacred Heart Office is closed for Columbus Day ♦ Dedication of Mary Statue at Knights of Columbus # 426, 308 4th Street at 7:30PM, Mass following celebrated by Fr. Stanley Gromadzki. Pot luck supper at Hall after Mass. Thursday, October 16 ♦ Thrift Store Open 9am-12noon Saturday, October 18—CCW COAT DRIVE! ♦ Thrift Store Open 9am-12noon Sunday, October 19—CCW COAT DRIVE! ♦ Rosary at 10:10am 2nd collection the weekend of October 18 & 19th for Mission Sunday. This benefits the Society of Propagation of the Faith, American Board for Catholic Missions & Catholic New East Welfare Association. WEEK OF October 12, 2014 Altar Hosts & Wine (Available $20 each) CANDLE INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK (GLASS CANDLES) Sanctuary /Tabernacle Candle ~ Church (Lit for 7 days) +Michael Tabaszewski Blessed Mother’s Altar Candles (2 candles Lit for 5 days) +Joan Karaffa—Family—Ed, Linda, & Carol +Muriel Kopko—The Howarth Family St. John Paul II Altar Candles (2 candles Lit for 5 days) +Arthur Golembiewski—Golembeski Family God’s Blessings on Fr. Marian– Karen Howarth Candle for The Sacred Heart of Jesus (Lit 5 days) God’s Blessings on Fr. Stanley—Karen Howarth Candle for The St. Joseph Statue (Lit for 5 days) (Available $10 per week) Candle for Jesus Crucified (Lit for 5 days) The Malpeta Family—Myrna DeFoe Candle for Our Lady of Fatima (Lit for 5 days) In honor of Our Lady of Fatima— Fernandes Family Contact the Parish Office 732-721-0040 to reserve a candle in honor of a loved one. 2-587 Sacred Heart Seniors GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING…. 10/4/14 & 10/5/14 Regular Collection: $10,237.96 Parish Repairs: $ 3,881.00 Thank you. God bless you! May Jesus reward you for your generosity and sacrifice. Fr. Stanley Raritan Bay Catholic Preparatory School/Sacred Heart School Fall clothing drive on 10/25 & 10/26/14. Drop off your bags of clothes, shoes, linens, stuffed animals by the garage in Sacred Heart Church Parking lot. If interested in registering your child please contact the school directly at 732-721-0834. For Sacred Heart School News visit: Catholic War Veterans Next meeting 11/4/14 at 1PM, lower level Memorial Hall. Boy Scouts Troop 95 Tues. evening at 7:30PM. All you can eat filet mignon dinner! On Friday, October 17th 6PM to 10PM, at Sacred Heart Memorial Hall “To support the Parish Repairs Fund.” The event will be catered by the Brownstone & menu will include cold antipasto, sliced beef tenderloin on fresh French bread, penne in sauce, fries, Soda, coffee, tea, & dessert. DJ—Dancing & BYOB. Tickets are $40.00 per person and the tickets will be available at the Parish Office & after weekend Masses. CHILDREN’S MASS WITH MUSIC LED BY “ROGER’S PRAISE & WORSHIP CHILDREN’S GROUP” Next Mass November 10:30AM! The next Children’s Masses will be on: November 2nd, and then every first Sunday of every month. All families invited to join in celebrating the Holy Sacrament of the Mass! If your child is interested in joining the Children’s Band, come to practice on Mondays at 6PM lower level of Mem. Hall call 732-721-0040 & leave your information. Knights of Columbus #426 Meetings are the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 8PM. 308 Fourth Street, S. Amboy. New members always welcomed! Dedication of Mary Statue at 308 4th Street, Oct. 13 at 7:30, with Mass celebrated by Fr. Stanley. Potluck dinner following. Open Mic Nite on October 31 at 8:00PM, 308 4th Street, South Amboy. All are welcome. SH Senior Club is up and running!! If you weren’t able to attend the last meeting, please come to the next meeting which will be on Mon. 10/27 at 12PM Memorial Hall, Exc. Board recty. 10/20 at 12PM . Trip to Atlantic City, to the Golden Nugget 10/16/14. Bus leaves 9:30am S.H. parking lot. Call 732-721-6843, Lorraine. Day Trip 10/28/14, to Lake Wallenpaupack, PA, German Festival. Cost is $80/person call Myrna 732-727-6134. St. Vincent De Paul The St. Vincent DePaul Society assists the needy by providing food & assistance with household necessities. Non-perishable food donations can be left in the foyer of the church on the first Weekend of each month. Next collection 11/1 & 11/2. Food, detergents, paper products donations before & after all Masses. Next meeting Monday 10/13/14, 1PM Conf. room, Rectory. New members invited. Sacred Heart Altar Rosary News Meeting canceled for October. Living Rosary , 10/15—St. Stan. Sayreville; 10/22 St. Mary’s Perth Amboy; 10/23—Holy Trinity in Helemetta Sponsor a Hymnal for a Loved One! *Please note that we are offering for purchase the sponsoring of the new Hymnals for the parish. You will find the forms at the entrances to the Church or pick one up at the Office. $15 per Hymnal. Praise and Worship Come join our Parish Praise & Worship group every Monday night at 7PM in Memorial Hall. Sacred Heart Council of Catholic Women Sacred Heart Council of Catholic Women’s next Corporate Communion Mass is at the 12 Noon Mass on December 14th at 10:30am. Next meeting is on Oct. 14th at 7:30pm. The Council of Catholic Women is sponsoring a coat drive OCTOBER 18 & 19 after all Masses. The coats will be donated to the Rescue Mission in Trenton. Love Life Group Every Saturday morning come Pray the Rosary at American Wellness Ctr., 228 Main St., Woodbridge, where abortions are performed, between 9am—11am. Remember to use those vendors who support our Parish listed on the back of the bulletin!...Support those who support our Parish. Special thanks this week to Saldutti 732-758-0369 for construction needs. 3-587 Sacred Heart is offering candles to dedicate in the name of your loved ones. Sanctuary (Tabernacle) 1 Candle @ $20, (lit for 7 days). Blessed Virgin Mary Altar, 2 candles @ $10 each (lit for 5 days). St. John Paul II Relic, 2 (red) candles @ $10 each (lit for 5 days). St. Joseph Statue 1 candles @ $10 (lit for 5 days) Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue 1 (red) candle @ $10 (lit for 5 days). JESUS CRUCIFIED/large Crucifix 1 (red) candle @ $10 (lit for 5 days). Our Lady of Fatima Statue 1 candle @ $10 (lit for 5 days) *St. Anne Statue, *Will be coming soon. Forms at entrances of Church & Parish office. Journey Through Grief– support group for persons who are in the early stages of bereavement. The group will be at St. Thomas Center, in Old Bridge. Registration is required, Deacon Pat Hearty call 732-251-4000X8218. Monday evenings 7:30pm for 8 weeks starting October 20 -December 8th. Bible Classes for Maturing Adults 55+, Wednesdays at St. John Neumann Pastoral Center, 10:30am— 12:30pm, $5per session, 8 sessions, register call 732562-1990X1624. CCD/PREP 2014-2015 CCD Religious Ed. Session have started! Classes are on Mondays 5PM to 6:30PM (at 301 2nd St) With the exception of 1st & 2nd Grade classes end 6:15pm. PLEASE NOTE NO CCD/REGLIOUS EDUCATION SESSION 10/13/14 DUE TO COLUMBUS DAY! ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— “And my God will supply every need of yours…” - Philippians 4:19 God really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month – be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs. Altar Server Schedule Friday, October 17, 2014 7:00 pm E. Rachwal, P. Zalewski, K. Filipczak, A. Sliwowski, N. Milewski Saturday, October 18, 2014 4:30 pm R. Suchcicki, S. Sagliocco, K.DeSimon, *C. Murray, *M. Freudenberg 6:00 pm K. Gurdak, N. Milewski, M. Milewski, K. Hadlow, K. Filipczak Sunday, October 19, 2014 7:00 am P. Deegan, A. Kubsiak 9:00am M. Milewski, K. Dzioba, P. Krawczyk, J. Jodelka, V. Rydzewski 10:30 am Z. O’Connor, G. Velez 12 noon M. Radgowski, J. Kaprowski Dear Parishioners, We continue to have a Parish Repairs collection the first weekend every month. This to address the many other repairs the parish needs. Last week we collected $3,881.00. I will keep you up to date on what work is being done and the cost. I thank you and pray for you daily. Sincerely, Fr. Stanley G. 2015 Mass Intentions We will start taking requests for Mass intentions for 2015 starting October 7, 2014. Visit the Parish Office on Tuesday or Thursday between 10:00AM to 2:00PM, or you can fill out one of the forms for this purpose located at the entrances of Church. Please include your, name, address, and telephone number. Regular Mass requests are limited to 4 per parishioner. (1 Sunday & 3 weekday Masses.) If you currently have Masses on record for a deceased loved one which exceeded the limit for this past year, and are waiting to be scheduled, contact Carolyn at the parish office before submitting new requests for the same intention. The stipend for regular Masses is $10 per intention. Thank you. October 11-12 – Vocation Awareness Sunday 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Life-Changing Faith The Office of Vocations provides two basic services to the Diocese of Metuchen. First, it takes care of the education and formation of her seminarians, this includes pastoral visits to each of those young men studying for the Diocese of Metuchen every semester. Second, the Office assists young men and women who may be hearing the call to serve within the Diocese and empowers parishes to find candidates that will make good and holy priests, sisters and brothers. Your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal helps to support this essential ministry. Please give generously. ~Please remember your Church in Your Last Will & Testament~ -Sacred Heart Church is an important aspect in forming you and shaping your life. It has made you the kind and generous person that you are. But, most importantly, Sacred Heart Church has been a home for over a hundred years and it is your home. -Please ensure the life of this most beautiful Church for future generations by remembering Sacred Heart Church in your Last Will and Testament. May God Reward your Great Sacrifice! Sincerely, Fr. Stanley G. 4-587 October 12, 2014 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I would like to first and foremost thank all of you for your continued support of your parish! When I tell you I am humbled by your generosity I most sincerely mean it! As I have told you, my dear brothers and sisters, I said that I would keep you informed regarding the next items that need to be taken care of at our beautiful parish. Most of these items you have already heard mentioned but I would like to put these items down in a “to do” list and keep you informed as to what issues need to be addressed. 1. Bathroom for Parishioners needs to be installed or repaired (we are working on this). 2. The frames around the stained glass windows are rotted and need to be replaced or repaired (if we are able to do so). 3. The plaster is falling off portions of the Church interior walls either from age or water damage needs to be repaired. 4. The ceiling and ceiling fans in the Church need to be cleaned, or painted, and repaired. 5. The pipe organ needs to be repaired and refurbished. 6. Handicapped access for Memorial Hall and the Parish Office needs to be installed. 7. The front and side granite steps need to be repointed in order to keep the stairs from collapsing on themselves. While this list of items needing to be addressed may seem daunting, know that with Jesus and with your support and all of us pulling together all is possible. Just look at what you, my dear brothers and sisters, have done this year alone! Together as a team there is nothing we cannot accomplish. As always I want to assure you that I will be a good steward of our parish and will work tirelessly to address all of these issues and any other problems that may come up. May the gentle Lord be with you and with your families always, Yours in Christ Jesus, Fr. Stanley G. 28 Niedziela zwykła 12 Październik, 2014 Przypowieść o zaproszonych na ucztę może początkowo dziwić, a nawet irytować. Jest w niej mowa o królu, który zaprasza na ucztę ludzi wziętych prosto z ulicy, gdyż ci, których najpierw zaprosił, zlekceważyli go i nie chcieli przyjść. Do tego miejsca wszystko jest zrozumiałe: teraz wszyscy są zaproszeni - niezależnie od pochodzenia i godności. Trudno jednak pojąć, dlaczego król kazał wyrzucić "na zewnątrz w ciemności" człowieka nie ubranego w strój weselny? Czyż nie powinien był liczyć się z tym, że ludzie napotkani na rozstajnych drogach raczej nie będą odświętnie ubrani, przygotowani do wprowadzenia na salony? Czasami zdarza się coś podobnego w naszym codziennym życiu: Człowiek zadaje sobie tyle trudu, by znaleźć dla kogoś odpowiedni prezent. Zwykle chcemy przez to przynajmniej w jakiejś części wyrazić, czego temu komuś z serca życzymy i jak wiele dla nas znaczy. A potem ten człowiek przyjmuje nasz dar z obojętnością; nie cieszy się nim, nie traktuje go poważnie, nawet jeśli zewnętrznie go przyjmuje; nie odczytuje przesłania, jakie jest w nim zawarte; nieraz nawet nie podziękuje. Nasz dar wyraźnie nic dla niego nie znaczy. Oczywiście, nie każdy prezent odpowiada naszym gustom i nie każdy może spotkać się z takim uznaniem, jakiego oczekiwał człowiek, który nas obdarował. Są jednak takie dary, które możemy rzeczywiście przyjąć jedynie wtedy, gdy całkowicie się na nie otworzymy. Dar wspólnoty z Bogiem do nich należy. Nie da się go przyjąć, a potem "odstawić na półkę". Przyjąć zaproszenie to nie wszystko; nie wystarczy przyjść i zwyczajnie "odstać swoje" nawet w "niedzielnym" ubraniu. Ten dar chce całkowicie ogarnąć obdarowanego, chce go przemienić, natchnąć duchem, jakim on sam został natchniony. Cóż to za dar, który stanowi dla mnie aż takie wyzwanie? Jakiż to dar, poprzez który Bóg - Obdarowujący - aż tyle ode mnie wymaga? Do czego zaprasza mnie Bóg? Czym chce mnie obdarować? Niech te pytania towarzyszą nam na naszych drogach, podczas niedzielnej Mszy św. i w tych wszystkich chwilach wytchnienia, które podaruje nam dziś Bóg. Szczęść Wam Boże Ks. Marian 5-587 KURZAWA FUNERAL HOME Serving Sacred Heart Parish Over 70 Years 338 Main Street, South Amboy 732-721-0475 Frank T. Kurzawa Owner & Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 2878 rk Ma “Where Friends Meet” GALLAGHER CONCRETE 126 N. Broadway South Amboy DRIVEWAYS•SIDEWALKS•PATIOS •STEPS•PORCHES CONCRETE PAVERS WE MAKE & TRANSPORT 727-7852 732-753-9449 OUR OWN CONCRETESAVING YOU MONEY! BRING THIS BULLETIN FOR FREE COFFEE W/MEAL PURCHASE SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1919 THE GUNDRUM SERVICE “HOME FOR FUNERALS” 732-727-0666 Penyak Roofing Co. Quality Roofing Since 1960 908-753-4222 Cardinal “Educating for the 21 Century” Fully Insured Hugh G. Rone • Manager 237 Bordentown Ave. NJ Lic. #3328 South Amboy PLUMBING, HEATING McCarrick/St. Mary’s HS & COOLING st NJ License No. 13VH04261000 (732) 721-1290 ESTABLISHED IN 1911 CARMEN F. SPEZZI FUNERAL HOME YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY • Kitchens • Additions • Add-A-Level • Bathrooms • & Much More • Basement (732) 254-1428 1-732-417-4444 121-123 MAIN ST., SAYREVILLE $25 Off Any Service MALISZEWSKI MEMORIAL HOME 15 CHERRY LANE, PARLIN Christine O’Brien Spezzi, MGR MGR., N.J. Lic. No. 3674 Carmen F. Spezzi, DIR DIR., N.J. Lic. No. 3139 Outdoor Deck SHEVCHENKO HAND CRAFTED BEER & FINE FOODS Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 BigE’s BURGER RIGHT WAY WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 908-282-0220 JOINT HOME OF THE STUFFED BURGER 115 South Broadway, So. Amboy Fresh Home Cooking! 732-753-9933 Free WiFi www.facebook/pages/BIG-ES-BURGER-JOINT Joseph J. Madura, D.M.D. 360 Main Street South Amboy, NJ 08879 732-721-1166 The GRANITE • BRONZE • CEMETERY LETTERING 732-442-1286 WWW.SHEVCO.COM FACTORY DIRECT In Home or Cemetery Appointments Available Licensed & Insured Check out our reviews on: “2012 NJ Monthly Best Dentist” Family Owned and Operated 4th Generation Craftsmen Since 1919 FREE INSPECTION Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Play Area’s 634-2929 NTN Best Trivia Happy 33 Main St., Woodbridge FR EE Hour! MONUMENTAL WORKS NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 N.J. Plbg. Lic. #8411 All New Menu “The Area’s Premiere Brew Pub” Enjoy Great Food in a Unique Atmosphere, Right in the Heart of Woodbridge. • Brewery Tours Available • Serving Lunch Monday-Saturday 11:30-3:00 Dinner Monday-Thursday 5:00-10:00 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis Friday-Saturday 5:00-11:00 • Sunday 3:00-9:00 to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your LATE NIGHT MENU EVERY NITE TILL 1:00AM commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can HAPPY HOUR 3:00-7:00 WEEKDAYS close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. CATER PARTIES OF ANY SIZE Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 FREE ESTIMATES Carmen F. Spezzi, MGR MGR., N.J. Lic. No. 3139 Stephen P. Zambito, DIR DIR., N.J. Lic. No. 3688 Fully Lic. & Ins. #13VH01503900 732-758-0369 Since 1983 BRIARWOOD Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards CARE & REHABILITATION CENTER 901 Ernston Road, South Amboy, NJ 08879 732-721-8200 Skilled Nursing Facility & Rehabilitation Center “Care from the Heart” Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! DOM POLSKI Under New Mgt. PARCELS TO EUROPE AIRLINE TICKETS 111 N. Broadway So. Amboy (732) 727-7711 South Amboy Jewelry Store Sizing Rings • Setting Stones • Batteries • Watch Repair • All Jewelry Repair Wanted: Gold • Silver • Diamonds (Any Condition) • Bronzes •Coin Collections & All Types of Antiques & Collectables 132 N. Broadway • South Amboy, NJ 08879• 732-313-7555 Whiteley Funeral Home Polish Operated • ZAKLAD POGRZEBOWY, USLUGI POGRZEBOWE, KREMACJE Steven Stankovits, Director, Lic. #4797 587 Sacred Heart, South Amboy, NJ (B) Rt. UPS 241 Bordentown Ave. South Amboy, NJ 08879 732-721-0036 Frederick Whiteley Manager Lic.# 4116 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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