MPN, myeloproliferativ neoplasi WHO classification of tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues • MPN, myeloproliferativ neoplasi anno 2008 – – – – – – – – Kronisk myeloid leukæmi m. BCR-ABL1 (CML) Kronisk neutrofil leukæmi (CNL) Polycytæmia vera (PV) Primær myelofibrose (PMF, tidl. CIMF) Essentiel trombocytose (ET) Kronisk eosinofil leukæmi, NOS (CEL NOS) Mastocytose Myeloproliferativ neoplasi, uklassificerbar (MPN,U) WHO classification of tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues Myeloproliferativ neoplasi – større ændringer: • Nyt navn; chronic myeloproliferative disease ændret til myeloproliferative neoplasia • Mastocytose inkluderet i MPN • Ændret klassifikation af sgd. med eosinofili • Ændrede diagnostiske kriterier for PV, ET og PMF; inkl. af JAK2, større vægt på morfologiske kriterier Generelle træk • • • • • • Initielt hypercellulær KM Trombo-, leuko- og erythrocytose varierende Bevaret opmodning af poieserne Hepato- og splenomegali varierende Progression til myelofibrose varierende Transformation – accelereret fase 10-19% blaster blastfase >20% blaster Case 13a 53-årig tidligere rask mand indl. grundet svær leukocytose. Igennem ca. 6 mdr. åndenød og tyngdefornemmelse under ve. kurvatur. Vekslende nattesved. Vægttab på få kg. Ingen feber. På mistanke om iskæmisk hjertesygdom henvises e.l. til arbejdstest, og i forbindelse hermed tages i dag forblodprøver, der viser svær leukocytose 370. Differentialtælling viser neutrofile 218, metamyelocytter 28,7, myelocytter 24,6, promyelocytter 20,5, blastceller 16,4. Desuden svær basofili, eosinofili og monocytose. Hb 6,2, trombocytter 200, nyre-, væsketal upåfaldende. Objektivt Fremtræder upåvirket. Klar, relevant og orienteret. Ikke forpint. Varm og tør. Ej dyspnøisk. Ingen cyanose eller icterus. Lidt blege conjunctivae. RES: ingen palp. glandler på hals, periklavikulært, aksillært eller ingv. Abd.: blødt og indolent. Splenomegali ca. 1 håndsbredde under kurvaturen. Der er diskret ømhed ved palp. Ingen hepatomegali. Hud: intet at bemærke. IHC MPO IHC CD61 IHC CD117 Sea blue histiocytes Kronisk myeloid leukæmi m. BCR-ABL1 (CML) Philadelphia kromosom Translokation • Kronisk fase: <10% blaster i PB/KM basofili, evt. eosinofili, fortykket myeloid cuff, mange små megakar., fibrose, sea-blue histiocytes • Accelereret fase: mellem komosom 9 og 22 Fusionsgen abl;bcr 10-19% blaster i PB/KM svær at definere efter RTKI beh. (>20% basofile) • Blast fase: >20% blaster i PB/KM (70% myeloide 30% lymfoide NB!) Hematologic Responses in Six Patients Receiving 500 mg of STI571 per day Bone marrow changes: Reduced granulocytic cellularity Normalized megakaryocytes Regression of fibrosis Increased apoptosis Reactive lymphocytic infiltrates Druker, B. J. et al. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1031-1037 Myeloproliferativ neoplasi - MPD Essentiel trombocytose Polycytæmia vera Primær myelofibrose Philadelphia negative PCV 90 % ET 50 % PMF 50 % Kronisk myeloid leukæmi Involvement of Janus Kinases in Cytokine Signal Transduction (Panel A) and Structural Map of Janus Kinase 2 (Panel B) Original Article Mutation in TET2 in Myeloid Cancers François Delhommeau, Pharm.D., Ph.D., Sabrina Dupont, Ph.D., Véronique Della Valle, Ph.D., Chloé James, M.D., Ph.D., Severine Trannoy, B.S., Aline Massé, Ph.D., Olivier Kosmider, Pharm.D., Ph.D., Jean-Pierre Le Couedic, B.S., Fabienne Robert, Ph.D., Antonio Alberdi, Ph.D., Yann Lécluse, B.S., Isabelle Plo, Ph.D., François J. Dreyfus, M.D., Christophe Marzac, M.D., Nicole Casadevall, M.D., Catherine Lacombe, M.D., Ph.D., Serge P. Romana, M.D., Ph.D., Philippe Dessen, M.D., Ph.D., Jean Soulier, M.D., Ph.D., Franck Viguié, M.D., Michaela Fontenay, M.D., Ph.D., William Vainchenker, M.D., Ph.D., and Olivier A. Bernard, Ph.D. N Engl J Med Volume 360(22):2289-2301 May 28, 2009 Goldman, J. M. N Engl J Med 2005;352:1744-1746 WHO classification of tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues Study Overview This article describes mutations or deletions in TET2 in patients with a spectrum of myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative disorders The defect was independent of the JAK2 V617F mutation in such patients It occurs in primitive hematopoietic stem cells and is an early event in the course of the disease Since TET2 has features of a tumor-suppressor gene, it may have an initiating role in some cases of myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative disorders Myeloproliferativ neoplasi – større ændringer: Men der er stadig en del patienter hvor den • Nyt navn; chronic myeloproliferative disease ændret til molekylære patogenese er ukendt: myeloproliferative neoplasia • Conclusion • Somatic mutations in TET2 occur in about 15% of patients with various myeloid cancers • - Eninkluderet del ET og PMF Mastocytose i MPN ptt. - CNL ptt. Ændret -klassifikation sgd. med eosinofili eosinofili afptt. Ændrede diagnostiske kriterier for PV, ET og PMF; inkl. af JAK2, større vægt på morfologiske kriterier Dynamics of the disease process in PV Evolution Manifestation Transformation Post-polycythemic myeloid metaplasia (spent phase) ~10%-15% mimicking “ET” ~ 30 % osis Fibr 10 - 15 yrs. Splenom egaly JAK2 +/JAK2 +/+ definite increase in red cell mass (t) ~ 10 - 15 % Blastic crisis EPO ↓↓ Initial stage Polycythemic stage Terminal stage Issues to perform a bone marrow biopsy in MPN 1. 2. Confirmation of diagnosis in the absence or failing data concerning mutation status Identification and quantification of blast population (accelerated phase) 3. Discrimination between PV and secondary polycythemia as well as ET 4. Recognition of early myelofibrosis (stage of disease) Checkliste til diagnosticering af MPN (WHO) Discrimination between PV and SP SP KM biopsi fra ubehandlet pt. Incidence of BM features (%) Cellularitet ift. alder Erythropoiesis Kvantitet, venstreforskydning Granulopoiesis Kvantitet, venstreforskydning Megakaryopoiesis Fibre Antal, størrelse, lejring: peritrabekulært, klynger Kerne lobulering , atypi, nøgne kerner Mængde (score 0,1,2,3) reticulin/collagen PV SP • pleomorphous aspect (differences in size) 97 0 • increased nuclear lobulation 87 11 • loose clusters 63 15 2 0 • perivascular plasmocytosis 4 91 • iron-laden macrophages 12 87 • cellular debris 0 94 Megakaryocytes • naked nuclei Stroma Discrimination between initial PV and ET Staghorn PV Incidence of BM features (%) Increase in PV • cellularity 100 20 • erythropoiesis 98 9 • granulopoiesis 78 21 ET Cloudlike Megakaryocytes • giant forms 25 98 • pleomorphous aspect (differences in size) 97 5 Staghorn vs. hypercellulær Megakaryocyt morfologi Loose Megakaryocyt klynger Tight Staghorn + cloudlike Staghorn vs. tight cluster Semiquantitative grading of myelofibrosis Impact of BM morphology on the differential diagnosis of true ET and early stages of PMF ET Morphological features of distinctive impact in ET and prodromal PMF (PMF-0/1) ET PMF-0/1 cellularity normal increased granulopoiesis normal increased erythropoiesis normal reduced fibers (reticulin) no increase no significant increase Megakaryocyte features of ET and PMF-0/1 PMF-0 ET PMF-0/1 Frequency (vs. cellularity) markedly increased increased histotopography loose clusters or randomly loose to distributed dense clusters size large to giant median to giant staghorn-like, bulbous lobulation, deep lobulation cloud-like features no +++ nuclear features maturation defects ET PMF-0 ET ET PMF-0 Quiz 44 år kvinde trombocytose, Mb Bechterew, MTX beh. 3683 Quiz Quiz CD61 Find tre fejl! Quiz Find tre fejl! Quiz ny pt. CD138 PMF PMF Quiz CD138 PMF - CD61 PMF - CD61 paratrabekulært PMF - AVG Myeloproliferative neoplasm, unclassifiable Cases that - have definite clinical, laboratory and morphologic features of MPD, but fail to meet the criteria for any of the specific MPD entities. - present with features that overlap two or more of the categories. MPN differential diagnostics – secondary polycythemia - reactive Myeloproliferative neoplasm, unclassifiable Cases that - have definite clinical, laboratory and morphologic features of MPD, but fail to meet the criteria for any of the specific MPD entities. - present with features that overlap two or more of the categories. Two categories - initial stages of PV, CIMF or ET in which the characteristic features are not yet fully developed at the time of first presentation, e.g. pre-fibrotic CIMF, polycythaemic PV and ET. - Late stage, advanced chronic CMPDs, in which pronounced myelofibrosis, osteosclerosis, or transformation to a more aggressive stage obscures the underlying disorder, e.g. PPMM and CIMF reakt MPN differential diagnostics – MPN differential diagnostics – MPD differential diagnostics – neupogen secondary polycythemia iatrogen secondary polycythemia iatrogen neupog MPN differential diagnostics – iatrogen – CD61 MPN differential diagnostics – iatrogen - MPO MPN differential diagnostics – reticulin MPN differential diagnostics – AVG c.mam. MPN differential diagnostics - MPN differential diagnostics – carcinoma – CK7 MPN differential diagnostics – carcinoma - ER ny pt. CML med trombocytose ny pt. CML med trombocytose ny pt. CML med trombocytose
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