The Massabielle The Weekly Newsletter of St Bernadette’s Parish Community, Castle Hill, NSW October 11 & 12, 2014 - TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Year A Issue Number 608 HOW IMPORTANT IS FAMILY? E lizabeth Dias, writing in Time Magazine, has an interesting introduction to her article on the Synod in Rome. She writes “It can be easy to fixate on the idea that the Extraordinary Synod on the Family beginning in Rome this week is purely about Catholic Church politics. “The world clamours for the latest Catholic hubbub about divorce and remarriage policies, annulment reform, and which Cardinal holds which position on what agenda or controversial marital issue. But something more is happening as bishops gather for the first major doctrinal and pastoral summit of the Francis papacy; something quieter, deeper, and less immediately obvious: a spiritual renewal that Pope Francis hopes to foster between church leaders and their people.” During the week Mavis and Ron Pirola from Sydney addressed the bishops at the Synod. Following is an abridged text of the talk they gave. ifty-seven years ago, I looked across a room and saw a beautiful young woman. We came to know each other over time and eventually took the huge step of committing ourselves to each other in marriage. We soon found that living our new life together was extraordinarily complex. Like all marriages, we have had wonderful times together and also times of anger, frustration and tears and the nagging fear of a failed marriage. Yet here we are, 55 years married and still in love. It certainly is a mystery. That attraction that we first felt and the continued bonding force between us was basically sexual. The little things we did for each other, the telephone calls and love notes, the way we planned our day around each other and the things we shared were outward expressions of our longing to be intimate with each other. As each of our four children arrived, it was an exhilarating joy for which we still thank the Lord daily. Of course, the complexities of parenting had great rewards and challenges. There were nights when we would lie awake wondering where we had gone wrong. F Our faith in Jesus was important to us. We went to Mass together and looked to the Church for guidance. Occasionally we looked at Church documents but they seemed to be from another planet with difficult language and not terribly relevant to our own experiences. In our life’s journey together, we were primarily influenced through involvement with other married couples and some priests, mainly in lay spirituality movements, particularly Équipes Notre Dame and Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Gradually we came to see that the only feature that distinguishes our sacramental relationship from that of any other good Christ-centred relationship is sexual intimacy and that marriage is a sexual sacrament with its fullest expression in sexual intercourse. We believe that until married couples come to reverence sexual union as an essential part of their spirituality it is extremely hard to appreciate the beauty of teachings such as those of Humanae Vitae. We need new ways and relatable language to touch peoples’ hearts. Take homosexuality as an example. Friends of ours were planning their Christmas family gathering when their gay son said he wanted to bring his partner home too. They fully believed in the Church’s teachings and they knew their grandchildren would see them welcome the son and his partner into the family. Their response could be summed up in these words, ‘He is our son’. What a model of evangelization for parishes as they respond to similar situations in their neighbourhood! It is a practical example of what the Instrumentum laboris says concerning the Church’s teaching role and its main mission to let the world know of God’s love. A divorced friend of ours says that sometimes she doesn’t feel fully accepted in her parish. However, she turns up to Mass regularly and uncomplainingly with her children. For the rest of her parish she should be a model of courage and commitment in the face of adversity. From people like her we learn to recognize that we all carry an element of brokenness in our lives. Appreciating our own brokenness helps enormously to reduce our tendency to be judgemental of others which is such a block for evangelisation. We know an elderly widow who lives with her only son. He is in his forties and has Down syndrome and schizophrenia. She cares for him inspiringly and her only expressed fear is who will care for him when she is no longer able. Our lives are touched by many such families. These families have a basic understanding of what the Church teaches. They could always benefit from better teaching and programs. However, more than anything they need to be accompanied on their journey, welcomed, have their stories listened to and, above all, affirmed. The Instrumentum laboris notes that the beauty of human love mirrors the divine love as recorded in biblical tradition in the prophets. But their family lives were chaotic and full of messy dramas. Yes, family life is ‘messy’. But so is parish, which is the ‘family of families’. A high respect for authority, parental, religious or secular has long gone. So their parents learn to enter into the lives of their children, to share their values and hopes for them and also to learn from them in turn. This process of entering into the lives of our other persons and learning from them as well as sharing with them is at the heart of evangelization. As Pope Paul VI wrote in Evangelii Nuntiandi, ‘The parents not only communicate the Gospel to their children, but from their children they can themselves receive the same Gospel as deeply lived by them.’ That has certainly been our experience. In fact, we resonate with the suggestion of one of our daughters regarding the development of what she calls a nuptial paradigm for Christian spirituality, one that applies to all people, whether single, celibate or married but which would make matrimony the starting point for understanding mission. It would have a solid biblical and anthropological basis and would highlight the vocational instinct for generativity and intimacy experienced by each person. It would remind us that each of us is created for relationship and that baptism in Christ means belonging to his Body, leading us towards an eternity with God who is a Trinitarian communion of love.” English Cardinal Vincent Nichols told the press that the synod gave the Pirolas a round of applause after their address. He described the Australian couple as "quite explicit." The couple's liberal discussion of the role of sexuality and sexual intercourse within marriage took the bishops by surprise. However, the couple helps the synod to recognise that sex often takes centre stage and that it is important to the wellbeing of marriage. Father John. LITURGY CORNER There are two parables in today’s Gospel and, in both cases, the reaction of the king seems somewhat extreme. But the parables make an important point about the invitation being offered by God: those who do not bother to respond will lose their invitation; those who accept but fail to change their way of life (their clothes) will also lose out. This text warns that Christian life is a web made up of God’s gracious invitation and our free response. The Summit, adapted. Today’s Readings First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-10. Isaiah gives us a dazzling and reassuring image of the warm heart of our God. Second Reading: Philippians 4:1214,19-20. St Paul thanks some of his converts for their generosity. Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14. Jesus shows how sad it will be if we turn down God’s invitation to the heavenly banquet. Next Week: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A Isaiah 45:1,4-6; 1Thessalonians 1:1-5; Matthew 22:15-21 Feast Days this Week Wednesday 15 October - St Teresa of Jesus Friday 17 October - St Ignatius of Antioch Saturday 18 October - St Luke HOLY HOUR this Thursday from 8.00 to 9.00pm including Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, prayers, hymns and scripture reading. All welcome. REPARATION PRAYER GROUP meets Tuesdays in the Parish Office Basement from 8.00 to 9.00pm including Rosary and a cuppa. All welcome. A LIFE-CHANGING OPPORTUNITY What: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Where: The Marian Centre When: 29 October then on the following Wednesdays from 7.30 - 9pm. For Whom: Anyone who is considering what it means to be a Catholic Christian and may want to join the Catholic faith community. Interested: Please contact Sr Judy - Parish Office on 9634 2622. CASTLE HILL CEMETERY MASS: An All Souls’ Day Mass will be celebrated at Castle Hill Cemetery on Saturday, 1st November at 10.00am. There will be plenty of parking in the grounds. RETIREMENT VILLAGES SCHEDULE THIS WEEK Nuffield & Hopetoun - Mass & Anointing of the Sick on Wednesday 15 October at 4pm in the chapel at Farrer Brown Court. Nordby - Mass & Anointing of the Sick on Thursday 16 October at 4pm. Wirreanda - Communion Service & Anointing of the Sick on Thursday 16 October at 11am. Brian King Gardens - Mass & Anointing of the Sick on Friday 17 October at 2pm. Flinders - Communion Service & Anointing of the Sick on Saturday 18 October at 10am in Donnington Court. OPEN DISCUSSION ON THE CHURCH AND CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: When Bishop Fisher was appointed to Sydney, the media commented on his compassion for the victims of child sexual abuse. “There can be no more excuses, no more cover-ups and the victims have to be put first”, he said. “The Catholic Church in Australia is going through a period of public scrutiny and self-examination. I hope it will emerge from this purified, humbler, more compassionate and spiritually regenerated”. Priests and school staff and others have had an opportunity to discuss, at professional meetings, the issue of child molestation, how it happened, the role of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, what the Church response is and what the future may bring. Ordinary parishioners have not had any opportunity for an open discussion on this matter and there may be some interest in parishioners getting together to discuss such matters, ask questions and be educated. If you feel you would like to be involved in a night to explore this topic, please ring Frances and make a booking. For it to be a night of frank and open discussion, the ability to express concerns and ask questions, numbers need to be limited. I have set aside Wednesday October 29 at 7.30pm for parishioners to meet regarding this matter. Bookings are essential. Please phone the parish office on 96342622 to make a reservation. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION PROGRAMME 2014-2015: Parish families who would like their child to commence preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist need to attend one of our information evenings held this Monday 13 or Tuesday 14 October. Both evenings will commence at 7.30pm and will be held in the church. These evenings are for parents only and should last approximately one hour. Children who are in at least Year 3 are eligible to commence Sacramental preparation. For more information, please contact Alice Bradshaw on 9634 2622 (Mon & Tue) or [email protected]. EXHIBITION AND SALE OF INDIGENOUS ART: All are welcome to an exhibition and sale of works by some of Australia’s prominent Indigenous artists. The Hon Anthony Roberts MP will open the exhibition on Friday 24 October. The artist-in-residence during the exhibition will be Barbara Weir from the Utopia Community in the Central Desert, NT. All artworks are on sale with proceeds to benefit St Patrick’s Cathedral project and Ars Musica. Open Friday 24 Oct, 7.30-9.30pm; Saturday 25 Oct, 10am-4pm; Sunday 26 Oct, 10am-4pm at St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta. BLENDED FAMILIES SEMINAR: Wesley Uniting Church Castle Hill invites you to a free seminar on Wednesday, 22 October from 7.30pm to 9.15pm in the Friendship Room, 32 Showground Road, Castle Hill. This is an opportunity to learn more and understand the issues for Blended Families. Guest presenters Sharon Chapman (family counselling service), Karen Haga (family law specialist) and Denise Lockrey (Castle Hill Public School). Supper provided. More information: 9894 8999. Have you considered leaving a gift to the parish in your will? If you would like further information please phone 9634 2622 for a confidential discussion. Leading Teens Closer To Christ Youth & Young Adults Ministry We're back in action. Into LIFE Friday for years 7-8: This term we’re going to learn through stories. Ready to be inspired? Don't forget your $2 donation! Life NIGHT tonight is the HSC BBQ. Let’s band together with those about to start their HSC. More information? Please contact James Hay on 0403 933 732, Twitter: @StBernadettesYM, Instagram: StBernadetteYouth or [email protected]. MAMRE FESTIVAL: Mamre is a work in the Parramatta Diocese that offers programmes to support refugees, the disabled and youth at risk. You are invited to their Good Living Festival next Sunday 19th October from 9.30am to 3.30pm at 181 Mamre Road, Orchard Hills. Easy parking available. Enjoy craft and gift stalls, rock climbing for children, plant sales, gourmet food, fresh fruit and vegetables, Devonshire teas, and much, much more! DIOCESAN SHOPPING TRIP: This year’s Shopping Trip is raising funds for CatholicCare’s family support programme with Holy Family Services at Marayong. Over 15 factory outlets are visited on a shopping extravaganza, which includes a bistro lunch. Departs from 2 points: 7.00am – Burns T-Way Station (off Old Windsor Rd), Kellyville (on-site parking); 7.00am - Information Kiosk, Panthers Leagues Club, Penrith on Saturday 15 November. Cost is $55 adults, $45 concession, $20 kids. Bookings close 17 October: Virginia 0413 607 571, [email protected]. SCHOENSTATT JUBILEE: The Schoenstatt Movement celebrates 100 years of foundation next Sunday 19th October at Mt Schoenstatt, 230 Fairlight Road, Mulgoa beginning at 10.30am with Solemn Pontifical Mass. Lunch will follow and then an international festival concluding with Benediction at 3pm. All welcome. For more information email [email protected] or phone 4773 8338. THE JEWELER’S SHOP PLAY by Karol Wojtyla. The Diocesan Family and Life Office in partnership with Artes Christi is sponsoring a performance of The Jeweler’s Shop: A meditation on the Sacrament of Matrimony by St John Paul II on Sunday 26 October at 3pm, Riverside Theatre, Parramatta. Tickets: $30 adults, $25 concession and $20 for groups of 10. For information on how to book contact Ben Smith on 8838 3440 or [email protected]. VOLUNTEER HELP NEEDED: Communion Ministers, Acolytes or people trained for home visitation of the sick are needed to take Communion to the sick in Westmead Hospital on Sunday mornings between 9 and 11am on a roster basis, once every eight weeks. For information contact Deacon Tan on 0407 270 782 or [email protected]. COLUMBAN CALENDARS ARE NOW ON SALE FROM THE BOOKSHOP FOR $10 EACH. St Bernadette’s Parish Community Parish House, 367 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill, NSW 2154 Telephone 9634 2622 Fax 9899 3511 Email: [email protected] Web page: Parish Staff Mass Times for this Week Fr John Boyle, Parish Priest Sunday Sat 6.00pm Fr Eugene Szondi, Assistant Priest Sun 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.30am & Fr John Watkins, Assistant Priest 6.00pm Parish LIFE TEEN Youth Mass Sr Judy McLeod, rsm, Pastoral Associate Weekdays Mon 6.45am Mrs Alice Bradshaw, Sacramental Co-ordinator Tue 6.45am Mr James Hay, Youth Minister Wed 6.45am, 9.15am Mrs Frances Gallagher, Office Manager Thurs 6.45am, 9.15am Mrs Monica Rubic, Parish Secretary (Finance: Mon-Thu) Fri 6.45am, 9.15 am Mr Darren Edwards, Maintenance Sat 8.00 am Reconciliation Sat 8.30am - 9.00am, 4.30pm - 5.30pm Mass on Public Holidays at 8.00am Baptisms and Marriages: By appointment only. Contact the Parish Office. Please note the Church law: Parents are obliged to take care that infants are baptised in the first few weeks. As soon as possible after the birth or even before it, they are to go to the pastor to request the sacrament for their child and to be prepared properly for it. [Can. 867 §1] St Bernadette’s Parish School: Mrs Leanne Nettleton (Principal) 9634 2898 Acting Parish Council Administrator: Peter Grace 9659 5350 Sacramental Programme 2015 Information Nights - 13th & 14th October, 2014 Please pray for Joseph Finucane, Jamille Laban and Mary Armstrong (Memorial Mass at 9am on Sunday 19 Oct) who have died recently and for the anniversaries of John Boitano, Joseph Rayeroux, Achille & Margherita Foresteiri and in remembrance of Deceased Relatives & Friends of the Ingold Family. Prayers for the Sick: Patrick Bowie, John Mulholland, Robert Ison, Elaine Rowe, Sr Bridie O’Connell, Rhonda Baker, Sandra Watson, Greta Meier, Robert Teoh, Dick Smith, Peter Yao, Archer Kemmis, Joe Rego, Sophie Maher, Dorothy Barbour, Jocelyn Nice & Jan Heyworth. ROSTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND - 18 & 19 October, 2014 ACOLYTES/ SERVERS VIGIL Melvyn Myers, James Tchang S2 LECTORS MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Kristine Murgatroyd Les Blanch Rod Burridge Felicity Carvalho, Susan Concon, John Leach, Phyllis Lopez, Laura Burridge, Susan Cejka, Lynne Myers, Joan Quinn, Mary McMahon Anne Parker Mary Ward Matthew Troy Barbara Ortlepp, Alfred & Gladys Tsang, Colleen & Eric Woodhead, Jo Wickens David Green Greg Piggott Shane Robinson Brian & Jenny Blacklock, Neil Bone, Angela Crowe, Brian D’Arcy, Jeff Davis, Jocelyn Donovan, Jack Garcia, Rosalie Sampath Bill Gleeson Elizabeth Fogolin Michael Puckeridge Anita Christy, Pauline Camilleri, Dorothy Finucane, Narelle Cartwright, Philip Golamco, Elizabeth Fogolin, Margaret Hawkes, Winnie & Henry Li 7.30AM Terry O’Mara, David Tye S3 9.00AM Stephen MacMahon, Michael Lopez S4 10.30AM Philip Myers, Reg Sinha S5 6.00PM PARISH LIFE TEEN YOUTH MASS MINISTRY ROSTER - 19 October Adult Server Cassie Holden Lectors Janina Cejka Mystique Nelis Patricia Wibisono Dominic Jones Guitar Martin Abeleda Altar Servers S6 Singers Musos Piano Projectionist Josh Becker Horns Bass Erich Gracias Flor Drums Justin Abeleda Cassie Knezevic Jacqui Holden Natalie Jones Nicholas Holden Jamison Bonifacio Kristen Mathias Lauren Fernandez CHILDREN’S LITURGY Anne Hishion Lilia Singleton-Turner Margaret Griffin, Faye Goldsworthy, Joan McCallich CHURCH HOUSEKEEPING COUNTING (2nd Collection) Adrian Franks, David Tye, Cosimo Miccoli, Chris Clancy FLOWER ROSTER COUNTING (1st Collection) BOOKSHOP Paula Boyd / Carmel Moriarty / Christine & Hubert Jenneke / Prasana Gunawardena / Ingrid Vergano Sandra Fernando Alfred & Gladys Tsang
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