The Massabielle The Weekly Newsletter of St Bernadette’s Parish Community, Castle Hill, NSW October 18 & 19, 2014 - TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Year A Issue Number 609 UPDATE ON THE SYNOD ON THE FAMILY Below is an extract of the preliminary 5,500 word report released last Monday by the Vatican press office on the Synod on the Family being held in Rome. The first part of the Synod concludes next Sunday. The Synod continues until October next year. D uring the prayer vigil held in St Peter’s Square on 4 October 2014 in preparation for the Synod on the family, Pope Francis evoked the centrality of the experience of family in all lives, in a simple and concrete manner: “Evening falls on our assembly. It is the hour at which one willingly returns home to meet at the same table, in the depth of affection, of the good that has been done and received, of the encounters which warm the heart and make it grow, good wine which hastens the unending feast in the days of man. It is also the weightiest hour for one who finds himself face to face with his own loneliness, in the bitter twilight of shattered dreams and broken plans; how many people trudge through the day in the blind alley of resignation, of abandonment, even resentment: in how many homes the wine of joy has been less plentiful, and therefore, also the zest — the very wisdom — for life. Let us make our prayer heard for one another this evening, a prayer for all”. In the light of the same discourse we have gathered together the results of our reflections and our dialogues in the following three parts: listening, to look at the situation of the family today, in the complexity of its light and shade; looking, our gaze fixed on Christ, to reevaluate with renewed freshness and enthusiasm what the revelation transmitted in the faith of the Church tells us about the beauty and dignity of the family; and discussion in the light of the Lord Jesus to discern the ways in which the Church and society can renew their commitment to the family. The most difficult test for families in our time is often solitude, which destroys and gives rise to a general sensation of impotence in relation to the socio-economic situation that often ends up crushing them. This is due to growing precariousness in the workplace that is often experienced as a nightmare, or due to heavy taxation that certainly does not encourage young people to marriage. In many contexts, and not only in the West, the practice of cohabitation before marriage, or indeed cohabitation not orientated towards assuming the form of an institutional bond, is increasingly widespread. Many children are born outside marriage, especially in certain countries, and there are many who subsequently grow up with just one of their parents or in an enlarged or reconstituted family context. The number of divorces is growing and it is not rare to encounter cases in which decisions are taken solely on the basis of economic factors. The condition of women still needs to be defended and promoted, as situations of violence within the family are not rare. Children are frequently the object of contention between parents, and are the true victims of family breakdown. Societies riven by violence due to war, terrorism or the presence of organized crime experience deteriorating family situations. Furthermore, migration is another sign of the times, to be faced and understood in terms of the burden of consequences for family life. Realizing the need, therefore, for spiritual discernment with regard to cohabitation, civil marriages and divorced and remarried persons, it is the task of the Church to recognize those seeds of the Word that have spread beyond its visible and sacramental boundaries. Following the expansive gaze of Christ, whose light illuminates every man, the Church turns respectfully to those who participate in her life in an incomplete and imperfect way, appreciating the positive values they contain rather than their limitations and shortcomings. Imitating Jesus’ merciful gaze, the Church must accompany her most fragile sons and daughters, marked by wounded and lost love, with attention and care, restoring trust and hope to them like the light of a beacon in a port, or a torch carried among the people to light the way for those who are lost or find themselves in the midst of the storm. For this reason, what is required is a missionary conversion: it is necessary not to stop at an announcement that is merely theoretical and has nothing to do with people’s real problems. It must not be forgotten that the crisis of faith has led to a crisis in matrimony and the family and, as a result, the transmission of faith from parents to children has often been interrupted. Confronted by a strong faith, the imposition of certain cultural perspectives that weaken the family is of no importance. Each damaged family first of all should be listened to with respect and love, becoming companions on the journey as Christ did with the disciples on the road to Emmaus. In a particular way the words of Pope Francis apply in these situations: The Church will have to initiate everyone – priests, religious and laity – into this “art of accompaniment”, which teaches us to remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other. The pace of this accompaniment must be steady and reassuring, reflecting our closeness and our compassionate gaze which also heals, liberates and encourages growth in the Christian life. Such discernment is indispensable for the separated and divorced. What needs to be respected above all is the suffering of those who have endured separation and divorce unjustly. The forgiveness for the injustice endured is not easy, but it is a journey that grace makes possible. In the same way it needs to be always underlined that it is indispensable to assume in a faithful and constructive way the consequences of separation or divorce on the children: they must not become an “object” to be fought over and the most suitable means need to be sought so that they can get over the trauma of the family break-up and grow up in the most serene way possible. In the same way the situation of the divorced who have remarried demands a careful discernment and an accompaniment full of respect, avoiding any language or behaviour that might make them feel discriminated against. For the Christian community looking after them is not a weakening of its faith and its testimony to the indissolubility of marriage, but rather it expresses precisely its charity in its caring. Synod’s Midterm Report [Abridged]. LITURGY CORNER At first reading of the gospel (Matt 22:15-21), we may be tempted to think that Jesus is separating religious behaviour from political or economic behaviour. While Jesus gives due weight to civic and political duties, his instruction to “Give to God what is God’s” reminds us that there is no aspect of human life or activity that can be considered apart from God. To seek and honour God, the believer must work within the world. The Summit Today’s Readings First Reading: Isaiah 45:1,4-6. The allpowerful Lord uses the pagan king Cyrus as an instrument to bring about his purposes. Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5. Paul greets the Church in Thessalonika and recalls how they recognised the power of the Gospel. Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21. Jesus tells us that we recognise God’s rule over our lives by giving back to God all that belongs to God. Next Week: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A Exodus 22:20-26; 1Thess1:5-10; Matthew 22:34-40 HOLY HOUR this Thursday from 8.00 to 9.00pm including Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, prayers, hymns and scripture reading. All welcome. REPARATION PRAYER GROUP meets Tuesdays in the Parish Office Basement from 8.00 to 9.00pm including Rosary and a cuppa. All welcome. CASTLE HILL CEMETERY MASS: An All Souls’ Day Mass will be celebrated at Castle Hill Cemetery on Saturday, 1st November at 10.00am. There will be plenty of parking in the grounds. RETIREMENT VILLAGES SCHEDULE THIS WEEK Warrina - Mass & Anointing of the Sick on Tuesday 17 July at 4pm in the chapel. A LIFE-CHANGING OPPORTUNITY What: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Where: The Marian Centre When: 29 October then on the following Wednesdays from 7.30 - 9pm. For Whom: Anyone who is considering what it means to be a Catholic Christian and may want to join the Catholic faith community. Please contact Sr Judy - Parish Office on 9634 2622. DIOCESAN WORKS FUND APPEAL NEXT WEEKEND BLENDED FAMILIES SEMINAR: Wesley Uniting Church Castle Hill invites you to a free seminar this Wednesday, 22 October from 7.30pm to 9.15pm in the Friendship Room, 32 Showground Road, Castle Hill. This is an opportunity to learn more and understand the issues for Blended Families. Guest presenters Sharon Chapman (family counselling service), Karen Haga (family law specialist) and Denise Lockrey (Castle Hill Public School). Supper provided. More information: 9894 8999. A MESSAGE FROM THE FINANCE COMMITTEE Following the substantial repairs to the church ceiling and roof, an Extraordinary Appeal was made to assist the Parish in reducing the loan that had ballooned to almost $1.2m from the costs incurred. The Finance Committee hoped the campaign would collect $100,000. Once again our parishioners have not disappointed with $56,435 collected to date. The Finance Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank our congregation for its kind assistance and overwhelming generosity, and has allowed St Bernadette's to reduce its loan to $1,058,617 from this collection and other cost saving measures implemented. If you were away over the last two weeks for the school holidays, and would still like to make a contribution to the Extraordinary Appeal, forms are available at the doors of the Church, or from the Parish Office. LAST WEEKEND’S ADDRESS FROM FR JOHN WATKINS Good morning/evening, I am with you today to inform you that I will be taking time out of the priestly ministry to further discern where God is leading me in my life. This decision, journeyed with the Archbishop-elect Anthony Fisher and Vicars-General Peter Williams and Chris de Souza, my spiritual director and my family over a period of time, to take time out from priestly ministry has not been made lightly. At times the struggle of this decision has manifested itself in my ill health. Therefore, this is my last weekend here at St Bernadette’s. I thank Frs John and Eugene, Sr Judy, Frances, Monica, Alice, James and Darren, as well as Leanne and the school community, for their support and friendship in my time here over the past two years. I also thank you for your care, companionship and prayers throughout my priestly ministry. I have enjoyed my time here in this wonderful parish and will have fond memories that I will cherish for a life time. I humbly ask that you keep me in your prayers during this time as I will keep you in mine. Thank you, farewell and God bless. OPEN DISCUSSION ON THE CHURCH AND CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: Priests and school staff and others have had an opportunity to discuss, at professional meetings, the issue of child molestation, how it happened, the role of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, what the Church response is and what the future may bring. Ordinary parishioners have not had any opportunity for an open discussion on this matter and there may be some interest in parishioners getting together to discuss such matters, ask questions and be educated. If you feel you would like to be involved in a night to explore this topic, please ring Frances and make a booking. For it to be a night of frank and open discussion, the ability to express concerns and ask questions, numbers need to be limited. I have set aside Wednesday October 29 at 7.30pm for parishioners to meet regarding this matter. Bookings are essential. Please phone the parish office on 9634 2622 to make a reservation. BEYOND 60: Cards/Mahjong this Friday, 24th October at 7.30pm in the Marian Centre. Leading Teens Closer To Christ Youth & Young Adults Ministry Into LIFE Friday for years 6-8: The Stories continue and so does the fun and games. Into LIFE is the place to be. In the parish hall 7-8.30pm. Don't forget your $2 donation! Life NIGHT tonight: Say what? Join with us and special guest Adam Chioatto on a thrilling night of intrigue and mystery. Don't forget your $2 donation! Have ideas for new works and ministries? Please contact James Hay. More information? Please contact James Hay on 0403 933 732, Twitter: @StBernadettesYM, Instagram: StBernadetteYouth or [email protected]. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION PROGRAMME 2014-2015: A Reminder to parish families who would like their child to commence preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, that you need to contact the parish office to book an appointment to meet with Fr John Boyle. MAMRE FESTIVAL TODAY: Mamre is a work in the Parramatta Diocese that offers programmes to support refugees, the disabled and youth at risk. You are invited to their Good Living Festival today (Sunday) 19th October from 9.30am to 3.30pm at 181 Mamre Road, Orchard Hills. Easy parking available. Enjoy craft and gift stalls, rock climbing for children, plant sales, gourmet food, fresh fruit and vegetables, Devonshire teas, and much, much more! COLUMBAN CALENDARS ARE NOW ON SALE FROM THE BOOKSHOP FOR $10 EACH. THE JEWELER’S SHOP PLAY by Karol Wojtyla. The Diocesan Family and Life Office in partnership with Artes Christi is sponsoring a performance of The Jeweler’s Shop: A meditation on the Sacrament of Matrimony by St John Paul II on Sunday 26 October at 3pm, Riverside Theatre, Parramatta. Tickets: $30 adults, $25 concession and $20 for groups of 10. For information on how to book contact Ben Smith on 8838 3440 or [email protected]. EXHIBITION AND SALE OF INDIGENOUS ART: All are welcome to an exhibition and sale of works by some of Australia’s prominent Indigenous artists. The artist-in-residence during the exhibition will be Barbara Weir from the Utopia Community in the Central Desert, NT. All artworks are on sale with proceeds to benefit St Patrick’s Cathedral project and Ars Musica. Open Friday 24 Oct, 7.30-9.30pm; Saturday 25 Oct, 10am-4pm; Sunday 26 Oct, 10am-4pm at St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta. Have you considered leaving a gift to the parish in your will? If you would like further information please phone 9634 2622 for a confidential discussion. St Bernadette’s Parish Community Parish House, 367 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill, NSW 2154 Telephone 9634 2622 Fax 9899 3511 Email: [email protected] Web page: Parish Staff Mass Times for this Week Fr John Boyle, Parish Priest Sunday Sat 6.00pm Fr Eugene Szondi, Assistant Priest Sun 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.30am & Sr Judy McLeod, rsm, Pastoral Associate 6.00pm Parish LIFE TEEN Youth Mass Mrs Alice Bradshaw, Sacramental Co-ordinator Weekdays Mon 6.45am Mr James Hay, Youth Minister Tue 6.45am Mrs Frances Gallagher, Office Manager Wed 6.45am, 9.15am Mrs Monica Rubic, Parish Secretary (Finance: Mon-Thu) Thurs 6.45am, 9.15am Mr Darren Edwards, Maintenance Fri 6.45am, 9.15 am Sat 8.00 am Reconciliation Sat 8.30am - 9.00am, 4.30pm - 5.30pm Mass on Public Holidays at 8.00am Baptisms and Marriages: By appointment only. Contact the Parish Office. Please note the Church law: Parents are obliged to take care that infants are baptised in the first few weeks. As soon as possible after the birth or even before it, they are to go to the pastor to request the sacrament for their child and to be prepared properly for it. [Can. 867 §1] St Bernadette’s Parish School: Mrs Leanne Nettleton (Principal) 9634 2898 Acting Parish Council Administrator: Peter Grace 9659 5350 Sacramental Programme 2016 Information Nights - 12th & 13th October, 2015 Please pray for Rhonda Baker, Joseph Finucane, Thomas John Casey, Mary McLaughlin, Engracia Corpuz and Mary Armstrong who have died recently and for the anniversaries of Elias & Marie Remaili, Cathy Flynn, Elizabeth Jilek and Joseph Pancras and in remembrance of Dodweil & Matilda Jones and Ebert & Doris Ragel. Prayers for the Sick: Patrick Bowie, John Mulholland, Robert Ison, Elaine Rowe, Sr Bridie O’Connell, Sandra Watson, Greta Meier, Robert Teoh, Dick Smith, Peter Yao, Archer Kemmis, Joe Rego, Sophie Maher, Dorothy Barbour, Jocelyn Nice, Jan Heyworth and Avelina Ecarma. ROSTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND - 25 & 26 October, 2014 ACOLYTES/ SERVERS LECTORS MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Budi Kawiadji, Roque Dias S7 Judith Donoghue Katrina Obeid John Obeid Sue Pinkerton, Carol Cividin, Esther & Frank Coleiro, Lucille Wilson, Maureen Fearnside, Beverley Curtis, Maria Tunchon, Warren Hiser 7.30AM Edy Kesuma, Dennis Frketic S8 Malcolm Clow Joyan Fife Jerard Heffernan Joe Busuttil, Patricia Bright, Hilary Burton, Margaret Elder, Jeff Davis, Peter Grace 9.00AM John Maker, Joseph Frketic S9 Angela Crowe Nanette D’Arcy Neil Bone Karen & David Askey, Christine & Hubert Jenneke, Cathy & Greg Piggott, Trevor & Joanne O’Shea, O’Shea Family 10.30AM Zeno Hong, Vince Connelly S1 Irene Ngu Margaret Griffin Guy Hannan Marion McDonald, Mabel Pereira, Michael Puckeridge, Florina Vanderwaals, Barbara Shannon, Tony & Wendy Smith, Joshua Abrahams, Barry Halpin VIGIL 6.00PM PARISH LIFE TEEN YOUTH MASS MINISTRY ROSTER - 26 October Adult Server Cassie Holden Lectors Paul Fam Natalie Jones Alice Bradshaw Guitar Projectionist Andrew Tchang Bass Anthony Healey Drums Daniel Ang Altar Servers S2 Singers Musos Piano Jason Irawan Horns Jordan Tulinsky Jacqui Holden Jamie Irawan Alyssa Tchang Adam Chioatto Dominic Jones Jolene Chua Rachel Chua Lauren Fernandez CHILDREN’S LITURGY Sara Ghazi Elaine Edmiston Maria Mochnik, Kathy Habek Adelina & Ronald Tabila CHURCH HOUSEKEEPING COUNTING (2nd Collection) Edy Kesuma, Claire & Joe Lagunzad, Elizabeth & Nina De Jesus, Mila Mina FLOWER ROSTER COUNTING (1st Collection) BOOKSHOP Beth & Nina De Jesus / Anne Parker / Jane Beard / Coney Lau / Patricia Smith Margaret Jones Siew Elsdon Remy De Leon
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