OCTOBER 2014 WWW .Je Friday, Octobe sus r 24 th in the D upont B 6-9 PM Food, fellows uilding h BRANCHES Monthly Publication of Lutheran Church of the Master Brooklyn Center, Minnesota YOUR PLACE TO GROW Saturday, October 11th at 7 PM Musical Fundraiser for Brookyn Homeless Shelter Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Featuring Gospel Singer Robert Robinson, a mass choir from Brooklyn area churches directed by Diane Ristrom a big band and other performances. Prayer for the Brooklyns meets Monday evenings, 7 PM at the home of Ruth Dalman (on Girard in Brooklyn Center). If you feel led to join the prayer against the evil plaguing the youth and young adults in our community, please join Ruth the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. Call for address and directions, 763-566-3799. Sunday, October 26th in the Worship & Music Craft & Bake Sale Fellowship Center starting at 8:15 AM (breaking for Bible study at 10—10:45 AM) until 12:30 PM. Come, shop, support Worship & Music Ministry at LCM! . . . . Lutheran Church of the Master 1200 69th Avenue North Brooklyn Center MN 55430-1594 Return Service Requested ip a most im portant nd “Wome ly, nW to Wor ithdrawing s Join us and brin hip Jesus!” g a friend dinner t . 6-7 PM spend t ime and then is ime tog 7- 9 PM ether w we ith our Savior. ISSUE 25 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER Member of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) 763-561-5852 (dial 1 for the directory) After Hours Emergency: 612-817-7223 Email: [email protected] www.LCMonline.net / FAX 763-561-7996 Pastor’s Pen FUNERAL HOMES Thomas J. Weber Tina E. Schutz Directors OFFICE HOURS Mon. 8:30 am –3 pm Tues—Thurs.: 8:30 am – 4 pm Fri: 8:30 am –12 pm 34 Second St.. NE Osseo SUNDAY WORSHIP: 8:30 AM Traditional Celebration Worship 9:45 AM Education Hour (Adult Class, Sunday School, Youth) 11 AM Celebration Praise & Worship, Nursery Available CHURCH STAFF Senior Pastor, Mark Marxhausen .............. ext. 207 Executive Pastor, John Rickenbach ......... ext. 224 Visitation Pastor, Dan Haukos .................. ext. 203 Christian Education (Adult & Children’s Ministry) Director, Julie Marxhausen ................... ext. 209 Minister of Youth & Young Adults, Julie Samuelson .................................... ext. 219 Music Ministry Director Director of Chancel, Chapel & Kingdom Kids Choirs & Organist, Diane Ristrom ....... ext. 214 Praise & Worship Director, Stacy Larson ext. 225 Office Manager, Bonnie Grill ..................... ext. 202 Receptionist Secretary, Robin Brisse....... ext. 200 Membership Secretary, Janet Kalisch ...... ext. 201 Custodians: Kim Barry, Jeff Foss, Tommashia King Security, David Martinson Nursery Manager, Jenny Stover GRACE DINNERS: Paulette Houglum...................................... ext. 213 NEWSLETTER STAFF Editor, Bonnie Grill Production Managers: Charlotte Chermak & Pat Opsahl Branches deadline is the 10th of each month I’ve always enjoyed the fall season. Every year I say it’s my favorite, but then when the snows start flying, I say winter is my favorite season. Then of course, when the snow melts and the buds start popping, I say I love spring and it’s my favorite. And then summer arrives bright and sunny and I proclaim, summer is my favorite. I guess their all my favorites. However the one memory of my childhood during the fall season was not Halloween. As a matter of fact, I was never allowed to go Trick or Treating. Instead, we went to a worship service – a Reformation Worship Service that was held at Mayer Lutheran High School, because it was the only place big enough to house all those Lutheran’s (German Lutherans at that) from the surrounding area who cared to worship. In my mind there were over a 1,000 people who came, though I can’t verify that number. All I know was the bleachers in the gymnasium were packed, all the seats were taken; many times there was standing room only. And there was nothing more glorious Page 2 Lutheran Church of the Master • Brooklyn Center, MN 763-424-4000 6000 Brooklyn Blvd Brooklyn Center 763-533-3000 www.evansnordby.com Our goal is to ensure confidence and trust while addressing our patients' concerns and dental needs. 5831 Brooklyn Blvd. (next to CVS Pharmacy) 763-533-8669 www.brooklynblvddental.com Dr. Bill Kotonias Wholesale Auto Repair American & Most Imports10 763-424-4864 Family Owned Since 1981 8420 Xerxes Ave N, Brooklyn Park On the corner of 85th & Xerxes20 Maria Swan Wedding Photographer Reasonable prices! Chinese & Vietnamese Cuisine Dine In / Take Out Platters as low at $7.95 / $5.45 Lunch Specials 3023 85th Ave N., Brooklyn Park 763-424-9259 612-229-0903 Call me – let’s talk wedding! Healing Center Int’l Ministry of Prayer and Healing Dupont building, upper level 763-503-4693 / www.healingcenterintl.org Hours: Wed., 11 AM – 4 PM, Thur. 1-5 PM 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10 AM – 1 PM 10a Adult Class 11:20a Kingdom Kids 12p Chapel Choir 12p Faith Leg.Dads’ Or. 3p Prayer Shawl Min. 5 8:30 & 11AM Worship 9:45a Baptism Class 9:45a LIFE Class 9:45a Sunday School 9:45a Youth Group 9:45a Youth Group 10a Adult Class 11:20a Kingdom Kids 12p Chapel Choir 3p Prayer Shawl Min. 12 8:30 & 11AM Worship 9:30a Col. Ltr. Liaison 9:45a Baptism Class 9:45a Faith Leg (3rd grd) 9:45a LIFE Class 9:45a Sunday School 19 8:30 & 11AM Worship 10a Adult Class 11:20a Kingdom Kids 12p Chapel Choir 3p Prayer Shawl Min. 9:45a Sunday School 9:45a Youth Group 9:45a Faith Leg (3rd grd) 9:45a LIFE Class 8:15a Craft & Bake Sale 9:45a Baptism Class 1:30p TEC Training 3p Prayer Shawl Min. 11:20a Kingdom Kids 12p Chapel Choir 10a Adult Class 11a Confirmation 7:30a Men’s Disc. 5p Grace Dinner 7p Bible Studies 7p Financial Peace 7p Via de Cristo Mt. 7:30a Men’s Disc. 13 7:30a Men’s Disc. 9:30a Quilters 5p Grace Dinner 7p Bible Studies 7p Financial Peace 7p Renewal Group 20 9a-1p Driver’s Impr. 5p Grace Dinner 6p Finance Team 7p Bible Studies 7p Financial Peace 7 6a Women’s Grp 1p Chris. Ed. Mtg. 5p Grace Dinner 6p Social Min. Mtg. 6:30p GAD Women 7p Missions Team 14 6a Women’s Grp. 6a Women’s Grp 1p Prayer Min. Mtg. 5p Grace Dinner 6:30p Audio/Visual Mtg. 7p W & M Mtg. 21 1p LILLIEs 4:30p Exec. Bd. 5p Grace Dinner 5:30p EMT Mtg. 6:30p Council Prayer/Mtg 6:30p GAD Women 28 6a Women’s Grp. 5p Grace Dinner Working in our Master’s Vineyard, Pr. Mark 12p Midday Prayer 1p Adult Bible Study 5p Grace Dinner 6:30p Bible Study 6:30p FF/Wings . 7:30a PK Krause 8 7:30a PK Krause 12p Midday Prayer 1p Adult Bible Study 5p Grace Dinner 6:30p FF/Wings 6:30p Bible Study 15 12p Midday Prayer 1p Adult Bible Study 5p Grace Dinner 6:15p Alto Sect. 6:30p Bible Study 8:15p Chancel Choir 7:30a PK Krause 22 7:30a PK Krause 12p Midday Prayer 1p Adult Bible Study 5p Grace Dinner 6:15p Bass Sect. 6:30p Bible Study 27 12p Midday Prayer 1p Adult Bible Study 5p Grace Dinner 6:15p Tenor Sect. 6:30p Bible Study 9a BulletinStuffing 6-9p Faith Leg. 5/6 boys 10 9a Bulletin Stuffing 6-9p Faith Leg. 5/6 girls 18 8a Men’s PK Study 9a--3p Faith Leg. 5/6 boys 6p Banquet (not LCM Event) 11 4 8a Men’s PK 9a Sunday school Teacher Mtg. 9a--3p Faith Leg. 5/6 girls 10:30a Choir Reh. Saturday 17 8a Men’s PK Study 11a—4p Youth Corn Maze Friday 9a Bulletin Stuffing 25 Thursday 9 24 8a Men’s PK Study 10a Outreach Team Mtg. 3 6:30p Centershot 9a Bulletin Stuffing 6-9p www.Jesus 6:30p Centershot 16 2 23 31 6:30 Faith Leg. Mom’s Or. 6:30p Centershot 9a Bulletin Stuffing =Nursery Available 30 6:30p Centershot 7p Fishers of Men 6:30p LIFE Class 6:30p Youth Group 7p Basketball 7p Canttaa Choir 8:15p Chancel Choir 6:30p LIFE Class 6:30p Youth Group 7 p Basketball 7p Cantata Choir 7p Coast Guard Aux. 6:30p FF/Wings 6:30p FF/Wings 6:30p LIFE Class 6:30p Youth Group 7p Basketball 7p Cantata Choir 8:15p Chancel Choir 6:30p FF/Wings 6:30p LIFE Class 6:30p Youth Group 7p Basketball 7p Cantata Choir 8:15p Chancel Choir October 2014 • Issue 25 Page 3 Your Place to Grow 9a Agape Prep. 4a Agape Food Dist. 6:30p Centershot 6:30p LIFE Class 6:30p Youth Group 7p Basketball 7p Cantata Choir 8:15p Chancel Choir Wednesday 2014 Festival of Friendship 1 7:30a PK Krause This fall, be re-formed with the beauty of God’s creation – physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Tuesday “I was born to fight devils and factions. It is my business to remove obstructions, to cut down thorns, to fill up quagmires, and to open and make straight paths. But if I must have some failing let me rather speak the truth with too great severity than once to act the hypocrite and conceal the truth.” Monday My favorite quote from Dr. Martin Luther hangs on my office wall (you should come in some time and see it). It reads as follows… 7:30a Men’s Disc. 9:30a Quilters 5p Grace Dinner 7p Bible Studies 7p Financial Peace 7p Renewal Group 26 Reformation / Confirmation Sunday 27 9:45a Baptism Class 9:45a Faith Leg (3rd grd) 9:45a LIFE Class 9:45a Sunday School 9:45a Youth Group 6 We are who we are here at Lutheran Church of the Master because of that Reformation. We still stand on the Word of God as the inerrant, infallible Word. We still proclaim proudly and boldly that we are saved by grace and grace alone. October Sunday than hearing all those voices rise and sing, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” When I think of it I can still fell the tingle run up my spine as all those men tried to out sing each other and there was a swell of power come down from heaven. SUNDAY SCHOOL Children 3-year-olds – 4th grade 9:45 AM in the Education Building Children gather in the Great Room (first room on the left in the Education Building) for worship, offering, and announcements, and then will dismiss to their classrooms for a lesson about Jesus, crafts, activities and snacks. Come grow with us! Operation Christmas Child (OCC) We have already begun collecting for Operation Christmas Child. A collection box will be in the Narthex October and November. National Collection Week is November 17-24. Look for items that will fit in a shoe box: small toys (no guns), hard candy, toothbrushes and toothpaste, etc. We are also accepting plastic shoe box sized boxes. Share the love of Christ all over the world! OCC Packing Party We will have a packing party November 21st, 6:30 - 8:30 PM in the former Preschool Room (mark your calendar). This event is not limited to children! We hope to have families and individuals participate. It’s a lot of fun! Last year we packed 100 shoe boxes. Come pack boxes at the OCC warehouse Tuesday, December 2nd from 3 to 7 PM (14 spots reserved) and Friday, December 12th, 3 to 7 PM (15 spots reserved). We will take the church vans. Please sign up on the Education bulletin board in the Education Building hallway. FireFlies/WINGS Starting October 1st children 3-years-old – 6th grade can have their memory verses listened to and get their FireFly packets turned in on Sunday mornings between 9:30-10:45 in the FireFly/WINGS room in the Education Building. This is your time to receive credit and rewards for time spent investing in your faith through Bible memory and work. Wednesdays - 6:30-7:30 PM! The Education Building is open for FireFly/WINGS. Everyone meet in the Great Room and then we will move out from there. 3-year-olds – 1st graders: There will be puppetry, story actions, and more fun things to help our young children understand and remember Bible passages and come to know Jesus better. 2nd – 6th Graders: If you need help with memorization or with Bible learning packets – this is the place to be. We will help you so you can earn rewards and grow in your faith in Jesus. Page 4 Lutheran Church of the Master • Brooklyn Center, MN This & That & the Other Thing Military Bible Sticks FAITH COME BY HEARING Veteran’s Day November 11th Veteran’s Day Sunday November 9th Once again LCM will be supporting a Christian outreach to military personnel through the use of military Bible-sticks. Bible-sticks use an electronic “MP3” earpiece to share the whole New Testament with a military member by listening 28 minutes a day for 40 days. They can be used by military even when on patrol. One chaplain said, “I have seen these in Afghanistan and they are, bar none, the best way to share the new testament with the military community. With the help of churches across America, Faith comes By Hearing has been able to provide more than 400,000 Bible-sticks to chaplains who then share them with men and women in every branch of the military. Franklin Graham asks each member of a congregation to sponsor one service person with an audio New Testament for just $25. Each military Bible-stick includes a card for a free MP3 audio Bible for spouses and children, so each gift of $25 can bless an entire military family. Your Place to Grow October Birthdays Beatrice Appleton Jeff Basche Pati Baumann Scott Bechtel Bob Biorn Judy Cook Mark Dodge Dan Engel Barb Erickson Buster Fallah Gloria Fox Patricia Grigsby Bonnie Grill Tony Hanf Troy Heeren Vince Heimark Steve Huttner Wayne Jacobson Delane Johnson Julie Johnson Connie Kaliszewski T.K. King Theil Kunitz Penny Laing Harriet Lazaroff Erma Long Richard Lotz Arlene Lyman Jim Manders Lisa Miller David Moltzen Don Nelson Sandra Nezworski Debbie Nordling Riggs Opland Major Parker Larry Pietrzak Larry Rehbine John Rickenbach Dave Risland Dave Skindelien Children: JoQuyse Fields Azariah Green Spencer Lodahl Randi Rogers Baptism Class Sunday mornings 9:45– 10:45 in Luther Hall Four consecutive Sunday classes October 5, 12, 19 & 26 This class prepares you or your child for baptism. Learn all about baptism and how to tell your faith story. This class is required before scheduling a baptism at LCM. Please contact Pr. Julie Samuelson to register at 763-561-5852, #219. October 2014 • Issue 25 Page 17 L.I.F.E. Classes This & That All 5th & 6th graders plus 7th graders and older who have not been confirmed, this is the place for YOU! It is our confirmation curriculum where we intentionally cultivate a life of faith in Jesus – This year we are Foundation Building as we study the Ten Commandments, The Lord’s Prayer, and the Apostle’s Creed. Join us Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM or Wednesday nights at 6:30 in the “Blue Room” of the Dupont Building. Featured Servants of the Lord Julie & Jeff Basche The Basche’s have been LCM members since 1994. in 20 years they have served in various ways at LCM from usher and greeter to Sunday school teacher. Currently they are both occupied with Centershot Ministries. They enjoy the hands-on involvement with the variety of ages taking the class. The courses run eight weeks which makes for friendships. They are also involved in Children’s Ministry and Outreach. In the past Julie has shared her artistic talents when asked; she is very clever in her artistry. AAA Driver’s Improvement Program 4-Hour Refresher Course For Drivers 55 and Over—Save 10% on your auto insurance! Monday, October 20th, 9 AM—1 PM in Luther Hall Register at www.mnsafetycenter.org or call 1-888-234-1294. PrayerMeeting Every Wednesday at noon until 1 PM. Meet in the Prayer Room. If we outgrow that, we will meet in Luther Hall. GAD Godly—Active Women of God Farewell Pastor Bud! Pr. Bud came to LCM 15 years ago as the Interim Senior Pastor while we were searching to call a Senior Pastor. After that search ended, Pr. Bud stayed with us in the position of Visitation Pastor. Not interested in Confirmation? This is still your place to grow in Jesus! Youth Group for 7th—12th grade gathers on Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the Dupont building (lower level). Come for a bite of breakfast, some Bible study (Youth Alpha) and fellowship! Students seeking confirmation this year are Hannah Green, Garret Reichenbach and Cassie Tolle. Youth Group for 5th—12th grades also meets on Wednesdays 6:30— 8 PM (following Grace Dinners) for The Gamer’s Bible Study. Corn Maze Basketball! 6th—12th Graders are welcomed to join the group on Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 PM in the Fellowship Center. Last summer we helped Pr. Bud celebrate his 50th anniversary of ordination. It was a grand time with a service, dinner and program. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays At 6:30 PM Fellowship Center The Healing Center International headed by Elaine Bonn operates at the east end of the campus in the Dupont building. HCI will continue its ministry of prayer and healing.. Page 16 Lutheran Church of the Master • Brooklyn Center, MN Saturday, October 18th 11 AM — 4 PM Cost is $12; sign up on the youth bulletin board (permission slip required). This event is for 5th—12th graders. Bring friends! We will leave from the north lot at LCM for Shakopee to enjoy the corn pit, hay bale mazes and more. Bring extra money for food, pumpkin launchers and other fun activities. Pr. Bud’s warmth and grace has touched each member of LCM over the years. He has visited countless hospital beds, and members who are homebound or recuperating in care facilities. He always carries a pocket full of small crosses to hand out to anyone he meets. Pr. Bud is quick to pray with anyone at anytime. He has never wanted the spotlight or the credit for anything; he made sure the glory was the Lord’s. Exercise / Devotions Healthy Lifestyle TipsFellowship / Fun Confirmation Sunday October 26th at the 11 AM Service Looking forward to November … Teens Encounter Christ TEC weekend #119 at LCM! For 9th graders through first year of college students. Friday, November 14th through Sunday, November 16th Cost is $40. Talk to Pr. Julie Samuelson to register. Your Place to Grow October 2014 • Issue 25 Page 5 Adult Christian Education Sunday Morning Bible Study in Fellowship Hall: Enjoy a treat and coffee from 9:30 to10 AM and then “The Promises and Blessings of God” until 10:45 AM. This month Pastors Mark and Julie will talk to us about God’s promise and blessing of love, grace, peace, and His strength. Wednesday Afternoons: Everyone can come join us in Luther Hall for a hymn sing from 1 - 1:15 PM and then Pastors Mark and Julie will lead us in an in depth study of the commandments of God and the commands of Jesus, the safety and privilege of obedience, and how we can apply them in 2014. The class ends at 2:15 PM. Women’s Studies: Tuesday’s 6 AM in LCM Lounge Tuesdays 2nd and 4th of month 7 PM for “12 Extraordinary Women” at Sue Myslicki’s, 6436 Major Ave. N., Brooklyn Center. Everyone welcome! Thursdays, October 9th and 23rd 6:30-8 PM for “Stitched Together in the Word” at Paulette Houglum’s 7216 Bryant Ave N, Brooklyn Center. Bring a portable project like knitting, crocheting, cross stitch, etc. If you want to learn how to do a project we also help ladies get started. Everyone and anyone is welcome! Call or email with questions. 763-367-0867 [email protected] Men’s Studies: Saturday Morning – 8 AM Promise Keepers in Luther Hall Monday Morning – 7:30 AM in LCM Lounge Wednesday Morning – 8 AM in LCM Luther Hall Adult Bible Studies: Monday nights, 7 PM “On Solid Ground” (New Member Class) in Luther Hall Monday nights, 7 PM One Year Bible Study – Music Room Wednesday nights - 6:30—7:45 PM in Luther Hall, “Jesus’ Methods of Ministering Questions about Bible studies? Contact Dr. Julie at 763-561-5852, Ext. 209. Harvest Field News Our Calling First Begins To Someone This article starts out mentioning Eric and Liza Debelak, missionaries LCM has supported in Russia, but doesn’t end with them. There are some meaningful insights in between. First, it is important to know how they met. Eric grew up in Minneapolis, Liza in Russia. They met up in northern Minnesota, both attending the same Christian summer camp, not even thinking about someday of being married and going as missionaries to Russia. They were there to learn about Someone. Jesus said in Matthew 4:19 “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Note, the following precedes the making. We are not called precisely, to fishing. We cannot will ourselves to Christian goodness or missionary effectiveness. We build our lives and ministries always in relationship to Him. Eric and Liza, as well as all of us, are simply called to know Jesus; then we are called to make him known. After years as directors of the Christian Center, located in one of the public schools, Eric and Liza turned over this role to Marina Zinkova. Marina had spent many years learning about Jesus and was ready to now lead children to also know God is not indifferent to our cares and worries. During one retreat, one boy said he didn’t see that he had any future and that he saw eternity as absolute loneliness. At the end of the retreat, when Marina asked him what he thought, he answered that he wants to experience more of God’s love and that God would reveal himself more and more. It’s important to get our callings right. We don’t start with fishing; we start with following. We will find a place to cast our line and join in the harvest effort, somewhere in the world. As Eric and Liza now leave the work of the Christian Center to Marina, they thank us for our faithful partnership and praise the Lord for His family and His people who open their hearts for mission work. We wish to now continue to help the Christian Center with our financial and prayer support. World Mission Ministry Team Financial Peace University Learn financial skills with worldrenown financial radio host and personal finance expert, Dave Ramsey. You will learn how to get out of debt, build an emergency fund, invest in the future, and how to budget and build wealth. This 9week class began Monday September 29that 7PM. You can still join in. The cost is $120.00 per family. Page 6 Lutheran Church of the Master • Brooklyn Center, MN Christian Center in Russia Your Place to Grow October 2014 • Issue 25 Page 15 Welcome to Staff Who is Pastor Dan? That is a question I ask of myself every morning, but some things always remain the same, I am a sinner who has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus, a forgiven child of God, desiring to serve God to the best of my abilities. I am a second career Pastor that just didn’t listen as carefully to the call earlier in life as I should have. But God’s timing is always the best, and He doesn’t ever stop pursuing us. God had his hand guiding me through my years of Business, Management and Customer Service, at all times still staying focused in service to God and His people, and I truly believe He has brought me here to LCM for just a time as this. I have been active in different aspects of ministry throughout my life, from music ministry, to leading worship, prayer ministry, counseling, youth ministry, visitation, and now most recently serving as Pastor at the Crossings here in Brooklyn Center, a wonderful 55+ living community. I have pursued licensure and additional education to be prepared to serve God’s people, to be able to bring my very best to Him and to you. I’ve been blessed to be married to a wonderful woman, Kate for almost 30 years. We were high school sweethearts from midwest Minnesota. Together we have raised four boys: Joe (27), Library Mike(25), Brian (23) and Jon (21). God blessed our family this past July with a daughter when Joe was united to his bride Kelsey. I’m very excited to join the staff here at LCM. I have truly enjoyed getting to know many of you over the past year of ministry, and look forward to getting to know all of you and sharing life and ministry together. My philosophy is simple – we are the family of God, and because we are family, we need to love, serve, and grow together in our relationship with Christ and each other. I’m here to share in your journey, to work hand -in-hand with you to grow God’s Kingdom. I’m not afraid to do life together and face the joy’s and challenges of today as well as the uncertainties of tomorrow. My prayer is that we will continue to build strong relationships as members of LCM and to understand that we each carry a responsibility to be active in the building of the Church both here and for eternity. The LCM Library is open 8-8:30 AM and 9:30 AM-12:15 PM on Sunday mornings and 2-3 PM on Wednesdays after Bible study. Stop in to browse, meet, relax and grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ by visiting the library. Check out the “New” shelf for the latest book and DVD additions. Now that summer is past, please check your book shelves and other “nooks and crannies" for items that need to be returned to the library. All items should be returned by the due date promptly so that others may also enjoy them. If you would like to renew an item, please let one of the librarians know. For your convenience, there is a book-drop located to the right of the library door. Social Ministry Harvest Campaign: LCM participated in this first year program of Minnesota Food Share. Thank you to all the gardeners who contributed and those who delivered the produce to CEAP. Next year we may consider having a community garden right here on campus. The area behind the Dupont building that once was a small parking lot could be a prime location for a garden. If you would like to be a part of this venture, please call the office at 763-561-5852 and let them know. We will need planters and tenders and harvesters. By Grace we are saved through Faith, it is not of works lest anyone should boast. But because we are saved, we serve. Not to pay back what Christ has done, because Grace is Free, but because of Christ; what he has done for us, and our Love for him we have the Joy of Giving and the responsibility to serve him and one another. Thanksgiving Matthew 25:34-40 (Check it out and bring the attitude of Christ into our church, and into our world). If you would like to contribute to this program any amount is appreciated. Please indicate “Basket” on the memo line of your check. Envelopes for your donation will be available from the church office or the Information Center in the Narthex. Loving You, and Serving with you, Pastor Dan Page 14 Lutheran Church of the Master • Brooklyn Center, MN We will be taking names for Thanksgiving Baskets mid October. If you are experiencing financial difficulty and a basket would make your holiday brighter, please pick up a form at the Information Center in the Narthex or from the church office. All information is kept confidential. Your Place to Grow October 2014 • Issue 25 Page 7 Parish Nurse Family Ministry Faith Legacy Journey Helping Families Grow Spiritually!: Invite your friends, families, and neighbors to come invest in faith so we might leave a faith legacy! These events, offered once a year, every year to individual age groups, is a simple way of sharing the Gospel message to your children’s friends and parents. October/November Faith Legacy Events: 5th & 6th grade girls and moms or mentors October 3rd and 4th-Mother-Daughter Retreat “God’s Design for His Daughter” in Luther Hall, 6 to 9 PM and 9 AM to 3 PM Saturday. 5th & 6th grade boys and dads or mentors –October 10th and 11th Father-Son Retreat “God’s Plan for a Man” in Luther Hall 6 to 9 PM Friday and 9 AM to 3 PM Saturday. Blessing Event for 1st grade Faith Legacy Participants will be Sunday, October 5th at the 11 AM worship service. Blessing Event for 5th and 6th grade Faith Legacy Participants will be Sunday, October 12th at the 11 AM worship service. Parents of 3rd Graders during education hour 9:45—10:45 AM, Sundays October 12th, 19th and 26th in Luther Hall. “How to Have Devotions with Your 3rd Grader and Opening Your Heart as Christ’s Home.” Blessing Event for 3rd graders and parents/mentors who attend Faith Legacy Journey in October will be Sunday, November 2nd at the 11 AM worship service. 9th graders and parents/mentors Sunday, November 2nd, 4-6:30 PM “A Teenage Home where Sex isn’t a Dirty Word.” Dinner included! Blessing Event for 9th grade Faith Legacy Journey participants will be Sunday, November 9th at the 11AM worship Service. FIVE WAYS TO WINTERIZE YOUR BODY AND MIND Gearing ahead for colder temperatures is a good idea not only for homes and cars but also for bodies and minds. MAINTAIN ENERGY. Stick to your exercise routine even if you need to take your workout indoors. When outside, blood vessels constrict,, making the heart, lungs, and other organs work harder. Warming up slowly helps your body adjust to the elements, as can dressing in layers of sweat-wicking clothing. GET YOUR BODY MOVING. Warm up your extremities by doing aerobic exercise and adding red pepper (capsicum) to meals which has been shown to improve circulation. PROTECT YOUR SKIN. During winter, people living in warm climates may experience low humidity outside, while those in colder places deal with it in heated buildings. Dry skin is the result. Using a daily oilbased moisturizer with Shea butter or face lotions with hyaluronic acid to combat dryness. Don't forget to apply sunscreen with SPF 15 year-round. To prevent chapped lips, first stop licking them. Saliva contains salt, which is drying. Instead, dampen lips with water and use Vaseline or a similar ointment to lock in moisture. CONSIDER NUTRIENTS. Especially in northern latitudes, Andrew Weil, MD, recommends taking at least 1,000 IU a day of Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), a hormone your skin produces when exposed to sunlight. Even if you eat fish a few times a week, boost your omega-3 fatty acids by taking 2 to 3 grams of fish oil to ward off SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). FIGHT COLDS AND FLU. Thwart germs' route into your body: Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and wash hands often or use a hand sanitizer (even if you use a hand sanitizer you still need to wash your hands every once in a while), every third time you use the sanitizer it loses its effectiveness. Dr. Weil recommends getting a flu shot. If you're concerned about the preservative Thimerosal, which contains mercury, there are Thimerosal-free options. Remember to consult your primary healthcare provider before taking any new medications, as there may be conflicts between medications. Have a healthy fall and winter season. Parents of 2-year-olds during the education hour 9:45-10:45 AM Sundays November 9th, 16,and 23rd in Luther hall. “When and How to Pray with your 2-year-old.” Blessing event for 2-year-old’s Faith Legacy parents will be Sunday, November 30th at the 11 AM worship service. If you have any questions about this month’s article, want your blood pressure checked, or just to say HI, stop in the office. I'm there every other Sunday from 8:30 to 9 AM and 10 to 11:30 AM. Lou King, Parish Nurse Sing up cards can be found on the bulletin board in the Education Wing hallway. Page 8 Lutheran Church of the Master • Brooklyn Center, MN Your Place to Grow October 2014 • Issue 25 Page 13 Financial August 2014 Highlights by Bob Borgeson Income $47K was under budget for a 5-week month by $16K. General Fund giving at $42K was under budget for a 5-week month by $17K. If one looks at monthly income rather than weekly we are under budget by $8K. YTD General Fund Income totals $428K vs. Budget at $436K. General fund Giving is under budget by $22K YTD. General Fixed Expenses were $1.5K over budget for the month. Personnel Expense was about $2K under budget. YTD Personnel Expenses is under budget by $16K. Insurance is under budget YTD by $2K. Our premiums vary quarter to quarter. It is anticipated that the budgeted number for the year is accurate and therefore the monthly numbers will be over budget in the months to come. Utilities are budgeted based on $50K for the year divided evenly over the year. The winter of 2014 was significantly colder than 2013. Starting in July the Utility Transfer was increased to $5,167 from $4,167 per month for the remainder of the year to cover the negative $2,352 balance in the Utilities Fund. While there was no principal payment on the Thrivent Loan, there was a $1,875 interest payment which is treated as a fixed expense. Starting in September the regular principal and Interest payment will be $3,796 per month which will be treated as a fixed expense. Ministry Teams receive a % of funds left over after Fixed Expenses are met. The amount available in July was about $9K less than budget. YTD Ministry Teams as a whole have received exactly their budgeted amounts. Ministry Teams have received 67% of their annual budget in the first eight months of 2014. Other than the Property Repairs and Maintenance Fund most Ministry Teams should be limited to the original budgeted amounts for the year. Excess funds should be given to the Property Repairs and Maintenance Fund. The funds to cover the new loan payment will be available because we no longer will be providing as many dollars to Repairs and Maintenance and zero to the Building Repair Fund. Designated Fund Balances are all positive except for the following: Apartment Fund ($9,441) and Utilities Fund($2,352). We have reserve designated funds in areas like Property Fund -$3,757 ($5,684 Property Fund – $9,441 Apartment Fund), Building Repair $28,413, Capital Campaign Fund $0, Thrivent Loan Fund $130,000 Van Fund $1,703, Kitchen Fund $1,553 and the Memorial Fund $2,844. In addition we have the $600,000 proceeds from the Thrivent Loan. These funds, totaling $768,270K, are basically our reserves for building needs and emergencies at this time, though the Capital Campaign Fund is growing nicely each month. Over $5K was received in August 2014. The Congregation agreed that once the Loan was funded that funds from the Capital Campaign would be used to make additional principal payments on the loan. These additional payments will be made on a quarterly basis starting in December 2014. Total Temporarily Restricted Funds total $222,158 at 8/31/2014 compared with $93,711 at 8/31/2013. 12 Lutheran Church of the Master • Brooklyn Center, MN Senior News Seasoned-In-Life (55+) Please note that you do not have to sign a membership agreement to join in the activities—the only requirement is that you are 55 years of age. Check us out! We started off our season with a tour of Fort Snelling. A great time was had by all. Our October activity will be to Red Wing, on Thursday, October 23rd for $60, which includes train tickets and bus transportation. Your meals are on your own. We are taking AmTrak down and a bus will meet us, provide transportation for touring and bring us back late in the day. We leave LCM at 6:30 AM for the Union Depot in St. Paul for an 8 AM departure with arrival at 9 AM We will walk a block to the St. James Hotel for breakfast, some shopping, then it’s off to tour the pottery and shoe factory. A stop at a winery and lunch break is still in the planning. Get signed up and paid by October 12th so that tickets can be purchased. Save the date for our November outing on the 20th when we will head to the Old Log Theater to see “Life Could Be a Dream,” after having lunch at Jake O’Conner’s (on your own) in Wayzata. The cost is $25 which includes show tickets and van ride. More details will follow in the November Branches. LILLIE’s (Senior Ladies) Join the ladies on Tuesday, October 21st for dessert and fellowship. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Julie Marxhausen. The cost is $2/person; feel free to bring a friend. In November the guest speaker: Pastor Dan Haukos. Quilters You are invited to join us on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month for quilting. We meet in Luther Hall from 9:30 AM until 1 PM. Fabrics, notions and sewing machines are provided. Please contact Annie Blood with any questions (763-5616140). We will continue to donate quilts to the Minnesota Visiting Nurse Agency, a non-profit home healthcare provider in the Twin Cities metro area. Their clients have many needs. Our mission is to give comfort to others. We, however, also benefit from the joy of spending time together and sharing our interest in sewing and quilting. Thank You note to the “Ironing Board Angel”: Whoever you are, however you flew in unnoticed, we want to say thank you to you for replacing our old, wobbly ironing board with a much sturdier one. You made us all very happy! Your Place to Grow October 2014 • Issue 25 Page 9 Music Ministry The music ministry at LCMN is in full swing. We always welcome more singers in every choir—Kindergarten up through seniors in life. It’s not only rewarding and praises God, but is also very healthy for your heart, lungs and voice. Come and sing with us.! Wednesday, October 1st at 7 to 8:15 PM we start rehearsals for “What A Glorious Night” our new Christmas musical. This one is created by Bradley Knight and Dale Mathews. Songs of celebration, songs of joy and hope, all combine in this new musical and it delivers great songs of praise blended with intimate moments of worship and reflection. The soaring vocals and great orchestral arrangements will carry us into a Christmas season of worship and praise! Join us for eight rehearsals and bring friends (even from other congregations) to sing this with us. Books, rehearsal trax, and schedules will be handed out on October 1st. We will present this to LCM and the community on Saturday, December 6th at 7 PM and Sunday, December 7th at 2 PM at Park Center High School. Please come and be a part of this exciting message in song. Let God use you to change lives and bring people closer to our promised Redeemer, Savior and King. On Saturday, October 11th singers from LCM and other local churches will be singing with Robert Robinson as a great gospel choir for the Brooklyn Avenues Homeless Shelter for Youth Fundraiser. All are welcome. It will be held at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Brooklyn Park (7217 West Broadway) for a free-will offering. Come prepared to give so others might live. We have been rehearsing at LCM with Robert and it is so exciting. People will be dancing in the aisles praising God! We also want to remind you of our annual Worship & Music Fundraiser on October 26th (Reformation Sunday). The Craft & Bake sale will be in the Gallery Hallway and Fellowship Center beginning at 8:15 AM (breaking for the Bible study) and finishing at 12:30 PM. Please plan on shopping this sale to support the Worship & Music Ministry. We are blessed by you! Rehearsal Brooklyn Avenues Homeless Shelter Fundraiser rehearsal: Saturday, October 11th, 10:30 AM dress rehearsal at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (7217 W. Broadway, Brooklyn Park). See details of the fundraiser on the back cover. Plan to attend, invite someone to join you! Support this local cause. Protestants recall the Reformation on October 31. On that day in 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. Ultimately, the following five statements of belief became central to Protestant Christians. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Thank You October is Clergy Appreciation Month At LCM we like to show appreciation for all ministries. A drop box and note cards will be available all month at the Information Center in the Narthex for you to jot a note to any of the pastors or staff at LCM. Scripture alone is the final authority of Christian doctrine. Christ alone is Lord and Savior. God’s freely given grace is central to salvation. Sinners are justified by faith in Christ alone. God alone is worthy of all the glory. * - The Newsletter Newsletter The Feste Burg “A Mighty Fortress,” the hymn written by Protestant reformer Martin Luther in 1529, is powerful in English but even better in its original German. Historian Michael Streich notes that Luther compares God not only to a fortress but to a completely secure stronghold, or Feste Burg. “A burg was a fortified town,” Streich says. “When invaders approached, the surrounding populace fled to the safety of the walls” — sometimes to layers of walls within walls. Luther’s hymn compares God to the most powerful of all burgs, with eternally unbreakable walls. When we need a place of refuge, God offers his Mighty Fortress, his Feste Burg. Within this refuge, with our value based on our relationship to God rather than on earthly achievements, we’ll never be put to shame. Inside this fortified town, the God who desires an eternal relationship with us delivers, rescues and saves us. Please consider donating crafts and baked goods for this fundraiser which helps us to purchase music, orchestrations and equipment for the worship of LCM. Those bringing crafts can drop them off in the Music Room starting October 20th. Baked goods an be brought in Saturday, October 25th or before the first service on the 26th. Please price your items! We love worshipping our Lord and Savior with music. Come and join us and praise God’s name! Diane Ristrom Director of Music Ministry Page 10 Lutheran Church of the Master • Brooklyn Center, MN Reformation - Homiletics Your Place to Grow October 2014 • Issue 25 Page 11
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