ENVIRONMENTAL FOCUS 2014 Sponsored by: A MULTI-MEDIA FORUM OCTOBER 28-29, 2014 BATON ROUGE MARRIOTT 5500 HILTON AVENUE BATON ROUGE, LA 70808 225-924-5000 In Cooperation With: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2014 PROGRAM SESSION 1 SESSION 2 OPENING SESSION PLENARY SESSION JENNIFER TULLIER, CK ASSOCIATES SESSION CHAIR BILL PALERMO, RTP ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. SESSION CHAIR MORNING 7:30 Registration 8:30 Welcome & Opening Remarks Karen Brignac, PPM Consultants, Inc. Louisiana Section Chair 8:45 Keynote Address Ron Curry, USEPA, Administrator, Region VI 9:15 LDEQ Peggy Hatch, LDEQ Secretary Tegan Treadaway, Assistant Secretary, LDEQ OES 10:00 BREAK 10:30 The Impacts on Louisiana from the EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Plan David Dismukes, Ph.D., Professor, Executive Director & Director of Policy Analysis, Center for Energy Studies, LSU 11:30 LUNCH—Provided AFTERNOON 1:00 CAA/NSR/NAAQS/Climate Update USEPA Speaker—To Be Determined Ken Weiss, ERM Lynn Hutchinson, RTP Environmental Associates, Inc. Bill Wehrum, Hunton & Williams, Washington, D.C. 3:00 BREAK 3:30 CAA/NSR/NAAQS/Climate Update (cont’d) John Walke, Natural Resources Defense Council 4:00 Q&A 4:30 ADJOURN Luncheon Presentation: Chris John, President Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association (LMOGA) Louisiana Oil & Gas Update LOUISIANA SECTION OCTOBER DINNER MEETING SOCIAL AT 4:30 PM DINNER AT 5:30 PM Speakers: Dallas Baker, A&WMA President-Elect Joseph R. Mason, Ph.D., LSU College of Business, Finance Department Potential Economic Impacts of a Lower Ozone Standard Q u e s t i o n Te x t i n g F r o m T h e F l o o r This year’s conference will once again offer the audience the popular option of texting questions to a moderator who will collect and organize them for the speaker during the Q&A section of the presentation. Questions from the floor will be taken first and then texted questions. If there are too many questions to be answered in the time allowed, the moderator will first choose those questions which would appeal to the entire group. Y P C o n f e r e n c e U n w i n d a t T h e Pe l i c a n H o u s e YPs are planning to gather at The Pelican House on Citiplace Court for a Conference Unwind after Day 2 of the Conference. This is a great chance to catch up with other YPs and to find out more about the YP Group. Not a YP? Join us anyway for appetizers and unwind in a relaxed, fun atmosphere after a day of presentations. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014 PROGRAM SESSION 3 HOTAIRTOPICS SESSION 4 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS KAREN BRIGNAC, PPM CONSULTANTS, INC. SESSION CHAIR JESSICA MILLER, PPM CONSULTANTS, INC. SESSION CHAIR MORNING 7:30 Registration 8:30 Air Permits Update Bryan Johnston, LDEQ 9:00 Conformity & Changes to the LDEQ Banking Program Mike McDaniel, Ph.D., Executive Director, Baton Rouge Clean Air Coalition 10:00 BREAK 10:30 Modeling/Monitoring Panel James Red, Providence Oris Tim Desselles, ERM Yvette Olmos, LDEQ 11:00 Coming to a MACT Near You?* Kerry Brouillette, CK Associates Bruce Raff, CK Associates 11:30 LUNCH—Provided MORNING 7:30 Registration 8:30 What is a Waste...solid, hazardous, universal? Mike Hahn, LDEQ 9:00 Overview of the RCRA Corrective Action Process* Charles Munch, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Will Steele, LDEQ 9:30 What is a Landfill? To Be Determined 10:00 BREAK 10:30 Waste Management: A Tool for Being Environmentally Responsible* Stephen Smith, Terracon Consultants 11:00 Emergency Notifications 101 To Be Determined 11:30 LUNCH—Provided Luncheon Presentation LSU Student Chapter Experiences at 2014 ECi in Long Beach SESSION 5 MULTI-MEDIA,WASTE & REMEDIATION SESSION 6 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS KEVIN CALHOUN, PROVIDENCE ENGINEERING SESSION CHAIR AMANDA POLITO, LDEQ SESSION CHAIR AFTERNOON 1:00 Odor Control—Tracking the Source of Odors Lee Lemond, LDEQ, Southeast Regional Office 1:30 The Evolution of Environmental Justice in Region VI Steve Gilrein, Acting Director, Office of Environmental Justice and Tribal Affairs (EPA Region VI) 2:00 Phytoremediation of Landfill Leachate Dutch Donlon, Administrator, LDEQ Waste Permits Division 2:30 What Are Brownfields? Duane Wilson, LDEQ 3:00 To Be Determined 3:30 ADJOURN AFTERNOON 1:00 Building a Sustainable Data Management Program in The Upstream Oil and Gas Industry* Ramesh Narasimhan, ERM Jessica Quinn, ERM Nicole Sullivan, ERM 1:30 Basic NSR/GHG Diane Leche 2:30 The Clean Air Act and the Basis for Regulation of Greenhouse Gases* John King, Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P. 3:00 What’s That Thing? - Natural Gas Processing Plant* Kelly Atchetee, Providence Engineering 3:30 ADJOURN * Indicates presentation is from abstract selection process OCTOBER 28-29 2014 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION BATON ROUGE MARRIOTT ENVIRONMENTAL FOCUS 2014 A MULTI-MEDIA FORUM 5500 HILTON AVENUE BATON ROUGE, LA REGISTRATION CONTACT INFORMATION Member Corporate Sponsor Employee Non-Member LDEQ Full Time Student First Name Last Name Name for Badge Title Speaker Session Chair Affiliation/Company Address City State Telephone ( FAX ( ) Zip Email ) PAYMENT INFORMATION Full Registration Tuesday Only I will attend Dinner Meeting Wednesday Only Dinner Meeting Only I will not attend Dinner Meeting Vegetarian FULL REGISTRATION ONLY - Non-members may check this box and additionally receive a full year of membership (up to $195 value) in the Association by paying the non-member price. To qualify, a person must have never been a member or may be a prior member whose membership has lapsed by at least 12 months. MasterCard VISA American Express Expiration Date Name as it appears on Card REGISTRATION FEES FULL REGISTRATION A&WMA Member Corporate Sponsor Employee* Non-Member LDEQ Employee Full Time Student Signature Please Circle Appropriate Fee! Early Registration After By 10/17 10/17 $330 $390 $495 $80 $50 $375 $425 $510 $110 $60 $225 $250 $335 $45 $35 $275 $315 $360 $70 $40 SINGLE DAY A&WMA Member Corporate Sponsor Employee* Non-Member LDEQ Employee Full Time Student * up to 3 employees of each Corporate Sponsor may register at this rate. Use one form per person. Reservations: You may now register and pay by credit card online. Click here to register using this preferred method of registration. Registrations may also be made by mailing this form, along with a check payable to LA Section A&WMA, to the following: Louisiana Section A&WMA c/o Carol Murphy RTP Environmental Associates, Inc P. O. Box 640608 Kenner, LA 70064-0608 or by faxing this form with credit card information to (504) 472-9963. If you have any questions, you may call Carol Murphy at (504) 472-9993 or email: [email protected]. The Section cannot accept email messages containing credit card information; any such messages received will be deleted immediately for your protection! CONFERENCE REGISTRATION BATON ROUGE MARRIOTT 5500 HILTON AVENUE, BATON ROUGE, LA REGISTRATION / SUBSTITUTION / REFUND POLICY You may designate a substitute in writing any time before the meeting as long as the registration fee for the designated substitute equals the category/fee of the registrant. Written refund requests must be received in writing by the pre-registration date of October 24, 2014. Refunds will be issued less a $35 processing fee. No refunds will be given after October 24. If the conference is cancelled, the Section is not liable for any expenses by the registrant other than the refund of the registration fee(s) paid by the registrant. Pre-registration will close on Friday, October 24, 2014. After October 24, 2014, all registrations must be made on-site at the Conference. OCTOBER 28-29, 2014 ENVIRONMENTAL FOCUS 2014 A MULTI-MEDIA FORUM FULL REGISTRATION includes all six sessions (Tuesday & Wednesday), breaks, Tuesday social hour, Louisiana Section dinner meeting, Tuesday & Wednesday lunch, and full proceedings. TUESDAY ONLY REGISTRATION includes Sessions 1 and 2, breaks, lunch, proceedings, social hour, and Louisiana Section dinner meeting. WEDNESDAY ONLY REGISTRATION includes Sessions 3, 4, 5, and 6, breaks, lunch, and proceedings. DINNER MEETING If you are registering for the Full Conference or the Tuesday program, registration for the social hour and the dinner meeting is included. To ensure that we have an accurate count for dinner and that food is not wasted, please be sure you have checked the appropriate box with your payment information. If you are registering for the Wednesday program only or if you are not attending the conference but would like to attend the dinner meeting, the following fees apply: $45 Member/Corporate Sponsor, $50 Non-Member, $20 LDEQ/Student, $55 On-Site. Please indicate your dinner meeting attendance and member status on this form. If you would like a vegetarian dish for the dinner meeting, please check the appropriate box. Full name, company, and credit card information must be provided. With the exception of online reservations, if you are registering for the dinner meeting only, your credit card will not be charged until after October 29. You may still pay by company or personal check on-site but your credit card will be charged the dinner meeting fee if you make a reservation and do not attend. PDH Credits Sessions 2 Sessions 1, 3, 4, 5, & 6 Dinner Meeting 3.0 Hours Each 2.5 Hours Each 1.0 Hour Certificates will be provided for Professional Development Hours recognized by the Louisiana State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. CLE Credits Applied For SPONSORSHIP & EXHIBITION OPPORTUNITIES An exhibition area is planned for this year’s Conference. If you are interested in exhibiting, please contact Sharon Duke at (504) 472-9993 or email [email protected]. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities—sponsoring a student, a meal, or a break, please contact Carol Murphy at (504) 472-9993 or email [email protected] HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS A block of rooms is being reserved in the name of “Louisiana Air & Waste Management Association” at the Baton Rouge Marriott at a special conference rate of $119 single/double. Book your reservations online at our special website by Clicking Here. You may also call the hotel directly at 1-225615-3861 or 1-800-627-7468 to make your reservation. Cutoff date for receiving the conference rate is Sunday, October 5, 2014. The Section cannot accept email messages containing credit card information; any such messages received will be deleted immediately for your protection!
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