The Bells of St. Mary’s Cathedral Weekly Bulletin 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, October 19, 2014 The image is symbolic of our CIRCLE OF LOVE program. By definition, a circle is a curved line with every point equal distance from the point of the center and bound together by the common interest. The seven point program of the CIRCLE OF LOVE is bound together by the common interest- LOVE. The small heart in the center is taken from the logo of the HEART SPEAKS TO HEART program. By utilizing this portion of the logo and part of the Heart Speaks to Heart program that is compatible with the Circle of Love, a smooth transition occurs. The Cross and Crown in the center of the heart is the national symbol of the Order- the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. The seven points selected indicate the needs of the Church and community best served by the Catholic Daughters. The program itemizes these needs in how Catholic Daughters can effectively serve. St. Mary’s Cathedral • 112 S . Cedar • P.O. Box 936 • Grand Island, NE •(308) 384-2523 • • Facebook: St. Mary’s Cathedral Grand Island Ne Mass & Calendar October 19, 2014 Mass Schedule & Intentions Day/Date Page 2 Upcoming Events Time Name of Intention Monday, October 20 Mo. 10/20 7:00 am Lucille Daly Tu. 10/21 7:00 am Margaret Dubas † 7 am Mass (English) 1 pm Quilters 12:15 pm and 5:15 pm Rosary for Peace 7 pm KC 7 pm Youth Group leaders (Sp) We. 10/22 7:00 am Louise Borowski † We. 10/22Sp) 5:15 pm Patricia Proctor † Th. 10/23 7:00 am Tami Demers † Th. 10/23 5:15 pm Patricia Proctor † Fr. 10/24 7:00 am Carol Ann Smith † Fr. 10/24 5:15 pm Agnes Lempke † Sa. 10/25 7:00 am The Intention of the Priest Sa. 10/25 5:00 pm - Fr. TP The Intention of the Priest Su. 10/26 7:00 am - Fr. RP The Intention of the Priest Su. 10/26Sp) 8:15 am -Fr. JC Su. 10/26 10:00 am - Fr. RP Su. 10/26(Sp) Noon - Fr. JC Su. 10/26 5:00 pm - Fr. TP Pro Populo Evelyn Anderson Dolan † The Intention of the Priest John Zebert † Please note only on Sunday Masses you will notice initials of the priest that will be saying Mass by that time . The initials for Fr. Richard—Fr. RP, Fr. Thomas—Fr. TP, Fr. Jose- Fr. JC Subject to change. October 12th Collection Regular Collection $10,340.20 Parish Debt Collection $2,125.00 2014 Appeal (October 12th) $447.00 Bulletin Deadlines All articles must be e-mailed to: [email protected] Deadline Friday, October 24th for Sunday, November 2nd Bulletin For more information call Barbara at 384-2523 ext 233 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.” — Matthew 22:21 Tuesday, October 21 7 am Mass (English) 10 am EP Bible Study CS Basement Wednesday, October 22 7 am Mass (English) 4:45 –5:10 pm Confession 5:15 pm Mass (Español) 6:30 pm Rel Ed Class 7 pm Confirmation Class Thursday, October 23 7 am Mass (English) 9-10 am Confession 4:45 –5:10 pm Confession 5:15 pm Mass (English) 6 pm EP Bible Study CS Basement 10 am EP Rosary 1 pm Quilters 2pm Tai Chi 6:30 pm RCIA 7 pm DivorceCare Friday, October 24 7 am Mass (English) 4:45 –5:10 pm Confession 5:15 pm Mass (English) 6:30pm Quinceañera 7pm Sp Young Adults Group Saturday, October 25 7 am Mass (English) 11am—Noon Confession 5 pm Mass (English) 10 am Citizenship Class 6pm YG (Sp) Sunday, October 26 7 am Mass (English) 8:15 am Mass (Español) 10:00 am Mass (English) Noon Mass (Español) 5 pm Mass (English) Priesthood Sunday 7:30 am Priests’ Breakfast Appreciation 8:45 am Sunday Rel Ed 10 am RICA (Sp) 2 pm Pre Baptism Class (Sp) 4 pm EP Eucharistic Adoration 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month New to the Parish "We give a sincere welcome to all new families moving into our Parish. Please register in the Parish Office as soon as possible. Families who plan to move from our parish community are requested to inform us." Ramblings/Ministry Schedule Page 3 The ramblings may have jumped the shark (lost its former glory), as they say. It’s a rule of thumb in writing that when your boss, in this case His Excellency, starts sending you material to spice up your column, it’s time to throw in the towel, ok maybe not yet. The Bishop sent me some signs that have been seen recently; for instance, “TOILET OUT OF ORDER, PLEASE USE FLOOR BELOW.” How about this one: “NEW STUDY OF OBESITY LOOKS FOR LARGER TEST GROUP.” There is the newspaper headline: “KIDS MAKE NUTRITIOUS SNACKS.” Another: “COLD WAVE LINKED TO TEMPERATURES.” My personal favorite: “WAR DIMS HOPE FOR PEACE.” I have often wondered if people ever read what they write; at least some of it can make us smile. This past week at the Veteran’s Administration hospital, while visiting some patients, I observed the little store of items they sell to veterans and military members. It really is small with normal items but there are also some higher dollar goods as laptops and global positioning systems (GPSs). The most surprising of which is a shelf dedicated to colognes and perfumes; none of which cost under $40. Most of the fragrances run between 60 and 80 smackaroos. Since when is the VA engaged in selling top dollar smell water? None of the clients of this hospital looked like they came there to shop in the first place, let alone for those items. You know there has to be “a certain highly placed VA official” in Washington D.C. in charge of perfume and cologne purchases for VA hospitals. Whoever he or she is, they’re doing a bang up job of keeping the Grand Island facility stocked with high brow essences. Person who has never worked for the government: “Father, you made that up!” Person who has worked for the government: “There’s a VA government office with twenty people that work in either the perfume or cologne divisions.” Cynicism? You be the judge. So what do we do about the government? Jesus’ response is still valid; give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, but to God what is God’s. This simple statement should cause more concern for us than any government in the world; why? We are God’s people; we need to give each of ourselves totally to God. That is a higher and more difficult task than paying taxes. Father Rector Next Sunday’s Ministry Schedule (October 25th and 26th) Mass Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am Sunday 8:15 am (Español) Sunday 10:00 am Sunday Noon (Español) Sunday 5:00 pm Servers/ Monaguillos * Beginner Open Open E. Leon G. Leon JJ Hernandez J. Spotanski J. Spotanski C. Molina D. Romero V. Castellanos L. R. R. Mariela D. Nordhues J. Rohweder Eucharistic Ministers G. Stittsworth R. Sekora K. Douglas Deacon P. Donner J. Shafer R. Stoltenberg M. Stoltenberg Deacon S. Shafer E. Ramos C.M. Pascual N. Erives I. Tomas G. Torres O. Torres M. Mosqueda Open Open P. Hranac Deacon C. Janda M. Molina C. Molina A. Mendoza N. Mendoza J. Mejia J. Mejia J. J. Escalante J. Romero B. Nordhues J. Nordhues Open Deacon Open Lectors A. Stittsworth G. Meyers I. Marcos J. Calmo H. Bravo C. Ponec L. Fierro E. Fierro M. Aguayo J. Zahm Ushers/ Ujieres P. Mulligan M. Carreon M. Pena L. Cornelius B. Marquez H. Castorena P. McPhillips A. Ramirez M. Ceja C. Egnoske I. Ramirez G. Morales L. Bradley J. Mateo N. T. Francisco J. Ramirez F. Sebastain C. Pedro If you cannot serve your scheduled time, please find a substitute, thank you. Open Parish News Page 4 Prayer Requests Please remember the following in your prayers: * Dean Shafer, Jerome Kosmicki, Susan Puhalla, Carol Schuster, Guillermo Garcia, Dick Dowd, Kaylee Lukasiewicz, Gretchen Eakes, Dawn Pirkey, Lynne Peterson. New additions to the prayer list. Names remain on the prayer list for two months. Names may be resubmitted upon request. To request daily prayers, call the Parish Prayer Chain: Phyllis at 382-0306 or Joy at 379-4741. To add or remove a name from this list, please call the Parish office 384-2523. Military Names Director of Religious Education As in today's Gospel reading we are reminded to "Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God." This means pray all the time because all things are given from God and God is in all things! Last week all the classes learned and prayed the Rosary they also learned/reviewed their prayers. Prayers sheets were also sent home. It is important to continue to work with our children/ grandchildren at home not only saying their prayers but teaching them to pray their prayers. We learn that the basic forms of prayer are praise, petition, intercession, and thanksgiving. We need to remind our children that not only do we seek Jesus in a time of need and sorrow but we also include him in our times of joy and happiness. These prayers can be incorporated into meal times, bed time and times through out the day when we give thanks to the glory of God and his goodness! We pray for the following parishioners family and friends who are currently serving in the military: New names in blue USMC LCpl John G. Frankenberg 2nd Lt. Jordan Hughes SPC Kevin Donovan STG2/ E5 Cesar Soria SPC. Jessica Paup SP Force Gunner SSgt. Ron Cameron II WO TJ Cameron HM2 Andrew Dodendorf God Bless, Mary LTC Chad Sekutera Major Sam Schneider Director of Religious ED Office Hours Sgt. Christopher Donner Specialist Chad Holmes Sgt. Noel Jones Commander Douglas E. Kennedy Mary Rose office hours are: Tuesday 9 am– 2 pm, Wednesday 1 pm -9 pm, Thursday 9 am -2pm, and Sunday 8 am-11a Sgt. Jeffrey D. Michalski Lt. Col. Brian Jovag You can email Mary at [email protected] Msgt. Timothy Mahoney USMC Sgt. Brandon T. Russell Hours subject to change. If you know someone who is in the military and would like to have Pancakes and More!! their name included in this space please email the information to [email protected] with name and rank. Thank you. The Knights of Columbus are having a Pancakes and more breakfast this Sunday, October 19 from 9am until We have extended the rosary to November 24th. The 12:00. Pancakes of course but we will Catholic Daughters is inviting everyone to either attend a also have ham, coffee and juice; and the rosary at 12:15 pm or 5:15 pm on Monday in the ever popular biscuits and gravy at Resurrection Church. Cathedral for peace in the world. If you cannot attend please Come and enjoy…..but come hungry! say a rosary at your home or work sometime that day. In Memory Mary’s Closet Weekly Special Please remember in your prayers all the departed: John Zebert son of Dale Zebert , husband of Kena Zebert Thrift Store October 20th—Oct 25th (parish nurse) of our parish. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday May he rest in Peace. Kitchen Items and Halloween Deco—50% off Today is World Mission Sunday Adults who are divorced, windowed or legally separated Extended —Rosary for Peace Mary’s Closet A Beginning Experience (BE) Weekend retreat for the widowed, separated and divorced is planned for November 14-16 at the Archdioceses Retreat Center, St. Joseph’s Hall, 3330 North 60 Street, Omaha. The weekend begins Friday evening at 7 pm and ends Sunday at 4 pm. The loss of a loved one through separation, divorce or death is one of life’s most traumatic experiences. This weekend retreat is designed to be a time to heal and a time to turn the pain of loss into an adventure of grace. The weekend is open to individuals of all faiths. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $100 semi-private or $125 private sleeping room. For more information and an application, visit or call/email Kay Buhrman at the Family Life Office at 402-551-9003 Ext. 1304, [email protected]. Today the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Mission, his official charity for overseas mission. Your prayers and donations today will support the work of missionaries and young churches as they share faith, build churches and provide healthcare and education, often in difficult and dangerous circumstances overseas. The World Mission Sunday collection will go in its entirety to support mission projects worldwide that bring God’s love and message of dignity for all. Please give what you can, and if possible, please use the Gift Aid envelopes if you are a taxpayer. Every gift makes a real difference to people living in poverty who are yearning to hear the Good News of God’s love for them. Parish Information Don’t forget: Priests’ Appreciation Breakfast In honor of the priests who serve us here at the Cathedral, we are having a parish breakfast on Sunday, October 26th, from 7:30 am until noon. We will serve pancakes & sausage and breakfast casserole. Please make plans to attend and show your gratitude to Frs. Richard, Jose and Thomas. Would like to help at the breakfast, please contact De Tenski at 381-8348 or Glenda Stittsworth at 379-9325 or Esther at 383-7798 Altar Server Training Altar Servers: Children who are in 3rd grade and received their first communion and would like to be an Altar Server and do not want to wait January to be train. Please contact Barbara Bosak at 384-2523 ext 233. Grow Closer to Christ with a CEC Weekend Catholics Encounter Christ is offering a weekend experience for men and women to help them grow in their faith and revitalize their spiritual life. The CEC experience is a structured three-day weekend beginning on Friday evenings and concluding on Sunday evenings at Camp Comeca south of Cozad. A men's weekend is planned for Nov. 14-16. The women's weekend is Feb. 27-March 1 followed by another men's weekend March 2022. For more information please contact: Greg Viergutz, 308-930 -0109 or [email protected]; Kathy Boroff, 308-227-6295 or [email protected]; Fr. Antony Thekkekara, 308-660-4171 or [email protected]; or Fr. Lou Nollette, 308-750-1205 or [email protected]. For a brochure & registration form go to Who Are The Catholic Daughters? The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas are united by their faith in Jesus Christ, in their devotion to the church and the Holy See. They donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” The CDA motto is “Unity and Charity.”The CDA was formed over 100 years ago and today numbers 75,000 dues -paying members in 1,250 courts (local chapters) in 45 states across the country, and in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. Catholic Daughter women enjoy each other’s company at meetings and work hard for their parishes and communities. The program includes concerns of today’s church and society as well as issues that affect the well-being of women and children. The Legislative Program encourages interested members to learn about laws that may influence their faith and to contact their state representatives to make their personal positions. More Information on Catholic Daughters please contact Barbara Bosak 379-2175 Page 5 St. Mary’s Cathedral—Diocese Appeal As of September 30, 2014: $37,866.26 pledged and $36,946.26 has been received. Bishop Dendinger has set a goal of $50,000 for the 2014 Appeal. We want to thank those who have pledge and those who giving to the Appeal with no names. Please consider pledging now if you have not. You can do a 1 time donation/pledge or make 8 payments through the year. Appeal is from March—October Acosta, Javier & Maria Aguilar, Macario & Maria Francisca Ajqui De La Cruz, Pablo & Tiburcia Lopez Alarcon, Jorge & Maria Pineda Alder, Sheila Araujo, Teresa Arends, Todd & Leonida Baasch, Dennis & Kathy Bahensky, Nathan & Brenda Bauer, Don & Sandra Bigley, Tom & Jackie Black, Lynn & Joan Brock, Patrick & Nancy Brym, Don & Alberta Buelt, Donald Burke, Maxine Calderon, Angelica Calvillo, Mario & Imelda Hurtado Campos, Arthur & Jeanene Cannella, John & Rose Ann Castellanos, Hugo & Lilia Cayax, Manuel Ceja, Jose Luis & Maria Champion, Eddie & Melie Chavez, Santiago & Reyna Gonzalez Chmelka, J.J. Cifuentes, Walter & Flor Citalan, Armando & Nancy Andrade Connelly, Eugene & Mary Ann Corkle, Thomas Cornelius, Larry & Ellie Cortes, Rafael & Silvia Avila Costello, Edward Countryman, Brian & Dianne Cueva, Juan Carlos & Silvia Curran, Randy & Patricia Czaplewski, Loreen Dendinger, Most Rev. William Detlefsen, Darrell & Lisa Diaz, Jose & Angelita Dodendorf, Robert & Chawna Doehling, Donna Dolton, Sam Dominguez, Alejandro Dominguez, Antonio & Maria Donner, Charles & Patricia Douglas, Katherine Douglas, Stephen & Linda Dryer, Robert Engelhaupt, Dean & Yvette Erives, Hector & Manuela Erives, Jesus & Josefa Erives, Lucy Farlee, Deacon John & Beverly Feehan, Helene Ference, Sister Ann Fila, Rick & Sheila Fitzgerald, Stephen & Colleen Flores, Jose Luis & Mary Foster, Wayne & Judy Fowles, Kathleen Francisco, Tomas & Maria Pedro de Francisco Fruchtl, Lewis & Nancy Garcia, Enrique & Joba Garcia, Juan Antonio & Zoila Yucute Garcia, Miguel Angel & Silvia Garcia, Sergio & Adela Goc, Caroline Goering, Fred & Joan Gomez, Jose Wilber & Esther Guerrero, Gerardo & Maria Gutierrez, Alejandro & Margarita Gutierrez, Daniel Hernan & Rosa Hamik, Mike & Jean Harms, Roger & Kathy Haussler, Dan & Alicia Hernandez, Jose & Irma Rodriguez Hernandez, Miguel & Candelaria Hiller, Lila Parish News Hoffman, Joyce Holmes, Donald & Shirley Hurtado, Gustavo & Veronica Nunez Irvine, Alvera Ixtabalan, Angel & Dalila Jacinto, Sebastian & Francisca Raymundo Janda, Carol & David Jansen, Kenneth & Darlene Jarzynka, Tom & Donna Jimenez, Cesario & Teresa Jolkowski, Betty Jones, Barb Juarez, Ervin & Sofia Escobar Kennedy, Dennis & Bonita Kennedy, Hazel Kikic, Amer Koehn-Fairbanks, Matt Koelzer, David Kosmicki, Jerome & Norma Kroeger, Kenneth & Erma Jean Krolikowski, Francis & Janice Kube, Michael & Linda Kuntz, Gilbert & Mary Kusek, Carol Kusek, Raymond Larson, Janet Layher, Kenny Lazalde,Hugo & Diana Leifeld, Lawrence Lewandowski, Deacon Randall Lewandowski, Ron & Agnes Liban,William & Sandi Lopez,Jose & Maria Guadalupe Marcos Antonio, Domingo Pedro Marcos, Ilario Marrufo, Eleazar & Maria Isabel Martinez, James & Rita Martinez, Luis Alfonso & Aracely Masat, James & Carolyn Mateo Pedro, Miguel Matias, Domingo & Paulina Matias, Ricardo & Magbis Maul, Douglas & Karmin McDermott, Gene & Beverly McFarland, Bob & Kathy McGowan, Wauneta McHugh, Tom & Patricia McMahan, Steven & Gwen Page 6 Medina, Donato Mejia, Jarit & Jasely Melgoza, Robert & Sally Mendez, Hugo & Melisa Mendez, Ismael & Maria Mendoza, Adrian & Nicolasa Mendoza, Angelica Mendoza, David & Emilia Mendoza, Efraen & Rosa Erives Mercado, Saul & Remedios Merithew, Dena Michalski, Ray & Sharon Miller, Eugene & Helen Mohr, George & Cynthia Molczyk, Ted & Jean Ann Montañez, Sofia Morales, Ramon & Gloria Irma Mosqueda, Maria Mueller Fossberg, Jeannee Muhs, Delores Muhvic, Joan Mulligan, Patrick Mulligan, Robert & Michelle Munoz, Robert & Darla Nabity, Stanley & Helen Neville, David & Debra Ngoum, Bortol Nordhues,Robert & Jeanette Obermeier, Steven O'Connell, Michael & Barb O'Connor , Ray & Jennifer O'Hare, Betty Olsufka, John Oltean, Bill & Joanne O'Malley, Patricia O'Neill, Timothy & Jeanette Otto, Kathryn Owen, Vivian Padilla, Jose Adrian & Silvia Holguin Palma, Jose & Patricia Pape, Robert & Dorothy Ann Pascual, Domingo & Katy Diego Pascual, Ricardo & Catarina Martin Perez Reynoso, Roberto & Candelaria Perez, Rose Perrelet,Georgia Piccolo, Gerard Piontkowski, Jr., Rev. Richard Ponec, Charles & Glenda Puhalla, Deacon Robert & Susan Ramirez , Julian & Lucia Ramirez, German & Martina Mendoza Ramirez-Ramirez, Nazario Randolph, Magdaline Rathman, Tom & Yolanda Rerucha, Adrian & Charlotte Reutter, Verna Revoir, Connie Reyes, Eustorgio & Maria Rief, Clarence & Martha Ripp, Robert Ripp, Robert & Linda Rivas, Jose Ernesto Rivera, Neftali & Maria Elva Rivera-Erives, Eloy & Oralia Rodriguez, Alfredo & Leticia Rodriguez, Horacio & Simara Rodriguez, Serafin & Adriana Martinez Rohweder, Norman & Suzanne Romero, Jesus & Maricela Alarcon Romick-Imig, Stacey Ruiz, Laura Russell, Robert Ryan, Don & Donna Sanchez, Mauro & Angela Schlater, Jo Schmidt, Betty Schneider, Mike & Dianne Schulte, Eric & Angi Schuster, Dennis & Marie Scott, Joseph & Linda Sebastian, Francisco Sekora, Rick & Cathy Sekutera, Claudette Sekutera, Marlin & Joyce Shafer, Dean & Jan Shepherd, Dennis & Esther Sigler, Lyman & Margaret Sorensen, Rev. Jonathan Spanel, Robert & Phyllis Speck, David & Barbara Spotanski, John & Delores Stander, Raymond & Janet Starkey, Adelina Starkey, Jerry & Sharon Steffes, Frank & Linda Stittsworth, Joseph Stobbe, Paul & Karen Stoltenberg, Roy & Mary Sullivan, Dennis Sullivan, Eugene & Ardis Sweley, Michael & Roseanne Tenski, Ronald & Delores Toczek, Lorraine Torres, Irma Torres, Ofelio & Gloria Torres, Sandra Vargas, Jose & Maria Consuelo Mendoza Vargas, Sabino & Juana Venhaus, Rita Vieth, Allan & Karen Vieth, David & Maxine Villegas, Jose & Dolores Webb, James Wheeler, Byron & Patty Wiese, Susan Wilson, Hal & Marianne Wray, Viola Yenny, Dan & Diane Zahm, Jim & Wilma Zastrow, Richard & Marilyn We are at 73.89% of our goal!!!! $50.000 $37,500 $25,000 $12,500 Youth/Parish News Page 7 Central Catholic Parenting in a Digital Age Central Catholic is proud to host attorney and renowned speaker Karen Haase to our school Tues, Oct. 21st to speak about digital citizenship. She will be speaking to the students in the afternoon about social media and its consequences. She will then give a parent presentation from 6 to 7pm at the school entitled, Parenting in a Digital Age. Anyone interested is welcome to attend the evening session! Its Party Time! Come and help celebrate one of the most successful girls’ volleyball coaches in the state of Nebraska! This season, Coach Zavala put her 900th win in the books and we would like to formally recognize her for all of her efforts on Thurs., Oct. 30th at the GICC home game against Heartland Lutheran. Please join us to cheer on the Crusaders that night; the game starts at 7pm. and then plan to stay after the game for a reception in Coach Zavala’s honor. This is a great opportunity to truly honor Coach, given her 40 plus years of service to our kids, how remarkable to achieve 900 wins in a lifetime! GICC Fundraisers •Soup Sale The FAMOUS GICC CRUSADER Chili and Chicken Noodle soup is once again available for you to enjoy at home. The order deadline is November 2nd. Please contact GICC to place your order. •A Knight at Tiffany: Invitations for the 2014 Knight, “A Knight at Tiffany’s” should have arrived in your mailboxes last week! If you did not receive one but would like to, please call the GICC Foundation office (382-5499) today so we can be sure to get you one! You won’t want to miss it! The 2014 Knight will be Fri, Nov.21 and it’s always a huge project that greatly benefits our students and the school. We could not have such a successful event without the help of all the parents, students and friends of GICC that volunteer each year. Many opportunities are available to help again this year. Please visit Volunteer Spot at to sign up to help for the 2014 Knight and help make this year’s Knight the most successful yet! If you are unable to access Volunteer Spot online, please feel free to call the Foundation Office at 382-5499 to let us know you’re able to help. Employment Opportunity at GICC Foundation is seeking an Executive Assistant to organize, support and account for fund raising and office administration efforts. This is a full time position with excellent wage and competitive benefits. Candidate must have office management support experience, good oral and written skills, and strong computer skills, including experience with word, excel and accounting software (QuickBooks specifically). Visit and click on the “About the Foundation” tab for full job description. Submit your cover letter and resume by email no later than Oct 31, 2014 to: [email protected], Attention: Executive Director. 2014 Governors Wellness Award Our Central Catholic nurse, Betty Seim offers a big yahoo saying, “W have won!! Congratulations to Norma for all she has done with our cafeteria. Thank you to all of our staff who filled out the PHA Personal Health Assessment last spring. Thank you to administration that have supported positive change. These things have allowed us to be recognized in a public way for our commitment to staff and student wellness in our building.” Steve Osborn, Superintendent/Principal, Norma Peters, Cafeteria Cook and Betty Seim, Nurse went to Kearney and accepted the award on behalf of our Crusader family. News/Spiritual Today Readings First Reading — The LORD said to Cyrus, his anointed, “I am the LORD, there is no other” (Isaiah 45:1, 4-6). Second Reading — Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians: We thank God always for all of you (1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b). Gospel — Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s (Matthew 22:15-21). Thoughts: EVERYTHING BELONGS TO GOD The first reading from the prophet Isaiah concerns the Persian King Cyrus, called the Lord’s “anointed.” Cyrus deserves this title because he ended the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. However, Isaiah reminds us that it was God who gave Cyrus his power. He may be a great king, but “I am the LORD and there is no other,” says God (Isaiah 45:5). Today’s Gospel is also concerned with worldly power. In the passage from Matthew, the Pharisees try to trick Jesus into speaking against the emperor. His famous answer is the perfect reply. Like the kings of old, Caesar can be given the respect due his position, but everything belongs to God. In the second reading, Paul gives thanks for all who are faithful to Jesus Christ and his gospel. He, too, reminds us that our call and the power to be faithful come from God. Saints and Special Observances Sunday: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Mission Sunday Monday: St. Paul of the Cross Wednesday: Blessed John Paul II Thursday: St. John of Capistrano Friday: St. Anthony Mary Claret Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary Word of Life “God’s infinite love for each one of us helps us to grasp our identity and our worth. The recognition of this dignity leads us to respect and protect each person’s life…” 2014 Respect Life Program pamphlet, Advance Medical Directives: Planning for Your Future, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities “When God created each of us, He did so with precision and purpose, and He looks on each of us with love that cannot be outdone in intensity or tenderness.” 2014 Respect Life Program flyer, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities WORDS AND ACTIONS When people hear us speak God’s word, they marvel at its beauty and power; when they see what little impact it has on our daily lives, they laugh and poke fun at what we say. —Anonymous second-century Christian Page 8 St. Mary’s Cathedral Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Intentions Vocations. That many people may hear the call of Christ and follow Him in the priesthood and religious life. Pro Life. That all people will come to value human life as God’s precious gift to be accepted and loved rather than a burden to be destroyed. Holy Father’s Prayer October 2014 Peace: That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. World Mission Day: That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION When the fathers of the Second Vatican Council met to discuss the sacrament of penance, they were required to draw up a new rite, including several forms. The hot button for debate was so-called “general absolution,” by which a penitent could be absolved of sin without confessing to a priest. This was a difficult debate, compounded by widely varying traditions in both East and West. Some were surprised to learn that the Holy See had already given permission, during the First and Second World Wars, for this form. In 1944 the Vatican issued a decree saying this form was valid under extreme conditions, which bishops in mission lands and Latin America took as a kind of “blanket permission.” Thus, the fathers of the Council were alarmed to find this practice fairly widespread, not only in war, but in peaceful places with huge numbers of faithful and few priests. Although they eventually produced a ritual with three different forms, the forms are not considered equal, and the enriched and revised individual form is preferred. The enrichments include a welcome of the penitent, a sign of the cross with an encouragement to trust in God’s compassion, new texts rich in the Word of God, praise for God’s mercy, and a dismissal. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Anuncios en Español Page 9 Platica Pre-bautismal para el mes de Octubre: El domingo 26 de Octubre es la siguiente platica prebautismal a las 2pm en el Centro Parroquial. Solamente se permitirá que tomen esta plática las familias que se han registrado para tomarla. Los interesados por favor llamen a la oficina para que se les pueda decir los requisitos necesarios. 308 -384-2523 lunes a jueves de 8:30am-4:30pm. Desayuno en apreciación a nuestros sacerdotes: El domingo 26 de Octubre, es el domingo de apreciación al Sacerdote. En honor a los sacerdotes que sirven aquí en la Catedral, tendremos un desayuno parroquial. El domingo 26 de octubre de 7:30am hasta las 12 md. Se servirá pancakes, salchichas y delicioso desayuno casero. Por favor hagan planes para asistir a demostrar su gratitud a los padres. Ricardo, José y Thomas. Si a usted le gustaría ayudar con el desayuno, por favor de comunicarse con De Tenski 381-8348 o con Glenda 379-9325 o Esther 383-7798. Entrenamiento de Monaguillos Niños de tercer grado en adelante quienes ya recibieron su Primera Comunión y les gustaría servir como Monaguillos. Hay un entrenamiento programado para Enero, pero si no quieren esperar hasta esa fecha por favor llamen a la oficina parroquial con Barbara 384-2523 ext. 233. Misa Memorial La Misa de las 5pm el domingo 2 de Noviembre será para honrar la Memoria de los finados de Sta. Maria, Hijas Católicas de las Américas #1263, Corte Ave Maria y los Caballeros de Colon. Por favor acompáñenos para honrar estas hermosas almas. Apelación Diocesana: En la pagina 5-6 del boletín de hoy podrá encontrar todos los nombres de las familias que han donado para Apelación Diocesana. Estamos a mitad del camino para lograr nuestra meta. Se nos pide a todos que usemos nuestro sobre con el borde morado para dar nuestra donación para esta Apelación En Memoria Amorosa…. Recordemos en nuestras oraciones a Diocesana. Sabemos que con ayuda de todos lo podremos lolos siguientes finados y a sus familias: John Zebert, hijo de grar. Gracias a todas las familias que ya dieron sus donaciones. Dale Zebert esposo de Kena nuestra enfermera parroquial. Rosario por la Paz El ministerio de señoras Católicas invitan a Quien fallecieron esta semana … Que descanse en Paz. toda la comunidad a rezar el rosario por la paz. Los lunes a las 40 Días por la Vida En la misión de salvar a los no nacidos, no 12:15pm o a las 5:15pm en la Iglesia. Si no pueden venir por fahay que preocuparnos por lo que va a pasar con nosotros sí ac- vor de rezar el rosario en su hogar. Esto continuará hasta Nov. tuamos; vamos a preocuparnos por lo que va a pasar con los 24. niños por nacer si no actuamos para salvarnos. Hay reportes de El Especial de la semana en Mary’s Closet: 199 niños salvados de ser abortados desde el miércoles 24 de Ven a comprar la semana de Oct. 20-25 y obtén un 50% de desseptiembre a la fecha de hoy. Sigamos fielmente con nuestras cuento en la decoración de Halloween. La tienda está abierta los oraciones. Lunes, Miércoles de 1-4pm y los sábados de 10am-3pm. Abrigos Octubre 23 de 10am-5:30pm la parroquia St. Leo’s 2410 S. Blaine estará regalando a las familias necesitas abrigos, guantes y gorros. Reflexiones de Vida “El infinito amor de Dios para cada uno de nosotros nos ayuda a comprender nuestra identidad y nuestro valor. Reconocer esta dignidad nos lleva a respetar y proteger la vida de cada persona…”. “Cuando Dios creó a cada uno de nosotros, lo hizo con precisión y con un propósito, y mira a cada uno de nosotros con un amor que no se puede superar en intensidad ni ternura”. USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities. Del escritorio de la oficina de Educación Religiosa Al igual que en la lectura del Evangelio de hoy nos recuerda que " Luego devolver al César lo que es del César y a Dios lo que es de Dios . " Esto significa orar todo el tiempo porque todas las cosas se dan de Dios y Dios está en todas las cosas ! La semana pasada todas las clases aprendieron y rezaron el Rosario también aprendieron y repasaron sus oraciones. Hojas con las oraciones también fueron enviados a casa . Es importante seguir trabajando con nuestros hijos / nietos en el hogar no sólo diciendo sus oraciones, sino enseñándoles a rezar sus oraciones . Nos enteramos de que las formas básicas de la oración son la alabanza, petición, intercesión , y acción de gracias. Necesitamos recordar a nuestros hijos que no solo buscamos a Jesús en momentos de necesidad y de dolor pero también lo incluimos en nuestros momentos de alegría y felicidad. Estas oraciones se pueden incorporar en las horas de comida, la hora de dormir y los tiempos durante el día cuando le damos gracias a la gloria de Dios y su bondad ! Dios los bendiga, Mary Rose-Directora. Horarios de Oficina de Mary Rose-Directora de Educación Religiosa Mary Rose es la nueva persona encargada del programa de Educación Religiosa para los grados Kínder-al 12. Esto incluye todo relacionado a las Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones. Usted puede encontrar a Mary Rose en su oficina los Martes y Jueves de 9am-2pm, los miércoles de 1-9pm, Domingos 8am-11am. Por teléfono al 384-2523 ext. 213 correo electrónico [email protected] Danza Rosa de Guadalupe Se invita a los jóvenes , jóvenes adultos y todas las personas en general a participar en la danza la Rosa de Guadalupe. Para los horarios y lugares de práctica por favor de comunicarse con Sergio Gutiérrez al 308-850-0708. Anuncios en Español FORO ASUNTOS DE VIDA Page 10 octubre de 2014 Eres una obra de arte Anne McGuire En este país los obispos de EE. UU. destinaron octubre como el Mes Respetemos la Vida, lanzando el Programa Respetemos la Vida, que se celebra con misas especiales, liturgias, horas santas y otras iniciativas y Los obispos llaman a los católicos y a todas las personas de buena voluntad de la nación a reflexionar sobre la santidad de la vida humana y a trabajar por su protección. El lema de esta año es: "Cada uno de nosotros es una obra maestra de la creación de Dios", adaptado del Mensaje del Papa Francisco para la Jornada por la Vida 2013. El volante del Programa Respetemos la Vida de este año explora la idea de que cada uno de nosotros es una valiosa obra de arte hecha por las manos de Dios. Imagínate deteniéndote ante un diseño de gran belleza. Tu alma se aquieta, se maravilla y asombra. Si el arte, creado por el ser humano, puede evocar tal respuesta en nuestro interior, ¿cuánto más debemos maravillarnos, llenarnos de reverencia y respeto ante cada persona que encontramos, hecha por el mismo Dios que dio existencia al mundo? Ahora piensa en un artista que se aleja de una gran obra de arte y admira su creación. Cuando Dios creó a cada uno de nosotros, lo hizo con precisión y con un propósito, y mira a cada uno de nosotros con un amor que no se puede superar en intensidad ni ternura. Además, el Señor nos invita a contemplarnos a nosotros mismos y a contemplarnos mutuamente con la misma maravilla y asombro. No importa cómo el mundo nos considere o considere a los demás, tratemos a cada persona como la obra maestra que es. "Incluso los más débiles y vulnerables, los enfermos, los ancianos, los no nacidos y los pobres, son obras maestras de la creación de Dios, hechos a su imagen, destinados a vivir para siempre, y merecedores de la máxima reverencia y respeto” (Mensaje para La Jornada por la Vida 2013). Dios nos crea, a sus obras maestras, con increíble cuidado y atención. Nos conoce y nos ama profunda e íntimamente, y mira a cada uno de nosotros con ternura, con los brazos abiertos para sostenernos, no solo en momentos de celebración sino en épocas de sufrimiento. Los artículos del Programa Respetemos la Vida de 2014 y 2015 exploran el tema del amor ilimitado de Dios por nosotros y el valor de cada vida humana. En “Relato de una adopción de amor”, Jenny* escribe sobre el camino que ella y su esposo atravesaron en su lucha contra la infertilidad y la adopción de su hijo, Andrew*. Los desafíos, las preocupaciones y los miedos fueron reales, pero Jenny comparte: “Dios nos recordó [...] que Él siempre está en control y que podíamos confiar en Él”. “La sanación en el matrimonio después de un aborto”, nos recuerda que la gracia transformadora de Dios tiene el poder de sanar las relaciones rotas por el pecado. Y en “Consuelo y fortaleza ante la pena de un aborto espontáneo”, aprendemos algunas maneras prácticas en que nosotros mismos podemos ser las manos y pies de Cristo para quienes sufren esta trágica pérdida Estos y otros artículos, así como materiales como volantes, recursos litúrgicos y mini-pósters están disponibles para ser bajar de Internet o hacer pedidos impresos ya en Dios creó cuidadosamente a cada uno de nosotros con dones, talentos y habilidades específicas para amar a los demás. Algunos ejemplos de cómo el Papa Francisco lo ha hecho se ilustran en un video de un minuto en (Al posarse sobre la imagen en la parte superior de la página digital, se verá el botón “Play” para iniciar la reproducción ¿Cómo podemos seguir el ejemplo del Papa Francisco y dar a los demás el amor de Jesús en nuestra vida cotidiana? *Los nombres fueron cambiados para proteger la privacidad. Anne McGuire es directora adjunta de educación y difusión del Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB. Visite para más información sobre el Programa Respetemos la Vida de este año. Únase a los obispos en su llamado a la oración por la Vida, el Matrimonio y la Libertad Religiosa. Visite o envíe el mensaje de texto FAST al 55000. ¡Únase al movimiento! EL QUETZAL Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 BAKERY • PANADERIA Ceramic Tile • Granite, Wood Cultured Stone • Brick Commercial & Residential 318 North Madison, GI 308-382-0671 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. NEW PATIENTS AND REFERRALS WELCOME 384-N. Walnut 308-382-7144 Pan Centroamerico: Pasteles Cakes • Donas Donuts DENTAL HEALTH CARE — DRS. JANDA & JANDA Dr. David E. Janda – Dr. Leona K. Janda 2009 West Faidley Ave., Grand Island, Nebraska 68803-4644 COME SMILE WITH US!! Phone: 308-382-8677 Castillo’s Cleaning Co. LLC Home/Business Grand Island and Areas 308-380-2572 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Español [email protected] Certified Residential & Kerry Chiropractic Kerry Rodocker-Wiarda, D.C. Laura Sweley, D.C. REAL ESTATE APPRAISER By State of Nebraska SHEILA J. ALDER 308-398-2255 Office: 308-384-5838 United Food and Commercial Workers Terry Mostek Union Representative Business Office: 2410 N. Colorado • Fremont, NE 68025 (402) 721 - 0429 2308 S. Locust • Grand Island, NE (308) 384-3178 Pella Windows & Doors Professionally Installed By Us! Wood, Fiberglass and Vinyl windows. Replacement, Remodel, New Construction Windows and Doors to fit every project and every budget. 2224 North Broadwell Avenue Grand Island, NE 68803-2152 J. J.’S SALON 1405 W. CHARLES ST. (308) 382-5868 • 384-1359 J.J. CHMELKA (308) 384-0800 Livingston-Sondermann Funeral Home Joint Replacement, Carpal Tunnel Surgery, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Knee Arthroscopy & Cremation Services and Work-Related Injuries. (800) 782-6959 FREE 620 North Diers Avenue Suite 200 • Grand Island, NE 68803 West Faidley Medical Center 308-398-2929 Dan Naranjo Grand Island, NE 68801 Funeral Director / Owner MEX JEWELERS • 14k Jewelry • 14k Religious Pendants • Repairs • Design & Manufactures Derek Apfel PHONE: 308-384-0590 Funeral Director/Owner FAX: 308-384-5642 of Jewelry • 14k Rosaries TOLL FREE: 877-479-4478 308-750-1459 308-383-6990 FULLY INSURED W/WORKERS COMP. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING LASTING RESULTS WALLPAPER REMOVAL PAINTING OF CEILINGS/WALLS/TRIM VARNISHING/STAINING VARIOUS CEILING REPAIR RETEXTURING/ETC. Senior Citizen Discounts What We Can Offer You and Your Business: • Many ad size options to meet your budget in color or black and white • One-on-one customer service to help build and design your ad • The ability to change your ad up to 12 times per year J.S. Paluch Company 1.800.945.6629 See Your Ad in Knights of Columbus Council 1159 A Catholic men’s organization meets the 3rd Monday of the month SINCE 1907 “OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY” 1123 WEST SECOND GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 DOUGLAS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INC. STEPHEN J. DOUGLAS, EA, ATP, ECS MEMBER OF THE GOLDEN RULE • YEAR ROUND TAX SERVICE • ELECTRONIC FILING • QUALITY SERVICE • DATA PROCESSING • BUSINESS CONSULTANTS • INDIVIDUAL & BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING Short-Term Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Center Serving Grand Island For Over 20 yrs. 3119 West Faidley Avenue Grand Island, NE 68803 308-384-2333 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH SUPER—SAVER ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Employee Owned GRAND ISLAND • 1602 W. 2nd Street • (308) 382-6822 COLOR Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.945.6629 719 W. 3rd Street - Grand Island, NE 68801 (308) 382-6082 - Fax (308) 382-6832 - - [email protected] On The Web at Serving Grand Island and the Surrounding Area Since 1890 Kevin Wood, Chris McCoy & Jerry Quandt-Funeral Directors VALERIE JENSEN 2929 South Locust 406 W. 3rd Grand Island, NE 68801 Tel. 308-384-7191 308-382-7070 ESTIMATES All Faiths Funeral Home ORO 601 N. Webb Road Grand Island, NE TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-945-6629 154600 St Mary Cathedral For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Parish Information Weekend Masses–English Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 7 am ,10 am & 5pm Daily Masses–English Mon - Sat 7am Thu- Fri 5:15 pm Horario de Misas-Español Domingo 8:15 am & Noon Miércoles 5:15 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Wed - Fri - 4:45 - 5:10 pm & Thursday 9– 10 am Saturday 11:00 - 12:00 pm or by appointment. Adoration, Healing Mass, Chaplet, and Rosary Hora Santa: Primer Sábado de cada mes a las 7pm First Friday Rosary– 4:50 pm before 5:15 pm Mass 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration – 2nd/4th Tuesday Chaplet of Divine Mercy – Second Tuesday-2:50 pm Healing Mass- (English) – Second Thursday- 11 am Rosary for Pro Life– Every Thursday 4:45 pm El Pescador Rosary – Every Tuesday -6 pm El Pescador Rosary –Every Thursday -10 am Daily Rosary—After every 7 am Mass Religious Ed Class Times (September– April) 6:30 pm– 730 pm Wednesday, 8:45 am-9:45 am Sunday Confirmation 7– 8:30 pm Wednesday Marriage: Contact a priest directly at least 4 months in advance of proposed wedding date. Deposited required. Children's Baptism: parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation class. Pre-Registration is required. English class: 2nd Monday of each month. Spanish class: 4th Sunday of each month, 2 pm Deadline for pre-registration is the Thursday before the class. Please bring: proof of address and your child’s Birth Certificate. The Godparent (s) must provide a letter of good standing. Questions? 384-2523. Mary’s Closet Mary’s Closet open 3 days a week: Mondays and Wednesdays 1-4 pm & Saturdays 10 am– 3 pm Donations of clothing, small appliances, toys, home decorations and kitchenware, but furniture and large electronic will be accepted only by Ann Baker. Volunteers are welcome to come and help any time. Questions or to volunteer please contact Ann Baker at 391-1527 or [email protected] Mary’s Closet Page 12 PARISH STAFF/ ADMINISTRACIÓN PARROQUIAL (308) 384-2523/ (308) 384-2527 (fax) [email protected] Facebook: St. Mary’s Cathedral Grand Island Ne Associate Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Richard Piontkowski Jr.,ext 201 Rev. Thomas Pasala, ext 204 [email protected] [email protected] Episcopal Vicar for Hispanic Ministry in the Diocese of Grand Island, in residence: Rev. Jose Chavez, ext 211 [email protected] Director of Religious Education Parish Activities Coordinator: Mrs. Mary Rose ext 213 Bulletin Editor: [email protected] Mrs. Barbara Bosak, ext 233 [email protected] Director of Music: Secretary/Bookkeeper: Mr. Scott Rieker ext 219 Ms. Angelica Calderon ext. 220 [email protected] [email protected] Hispanic Ministry: Bi-Lingual Secretary/Secretaria: Mrs. Esther Gomez, ext 300 Mrs. Patty Zuniga, ext 221 [email protected] [email protected] Parish Nurse: Maintenance Director: Mrs. Kena Zebert RN, ext 235 Deacon John Farlee, ext 226 [email protected] [email protected] Cathedral Daycare: Director: Mrs. Judy Priess, 398-4047 [email protected] or [email protected] Assistant Director Mrs. Misty Uhrich, 398-4047 [email protected] Mary’s Closet Ms. Ann Baker, 391–1527 [email protected] Immigration Office Carmen & Jacinto Corona / Yolanda Chavez Nuncio 308-381-2855 Ext. 301 The Parish Office Hours are Monday—Thursday 8:30 am– 4:30 pm St. Mary’s Immigration Office– 308-381-2855 Monday~ Closed -Tuesday - Friday: 9:00am –Noon and 1-5:30pm Saturday: By Appointment Only Sunday~ Closed Bilingual NFP- - - Planificación Natural Familiar Mr. & Mrs. Chávez (308) 383-1199/ (308)383-1474 Cathedral Daycare NOW ENROLLING Combined Child Care/ Preschool Program No need to worry about how to get your preschooler to daycare. Our year-round preschool program for ages 2 to 5provides the best of both worlds. Stop by for a tour! We have transportation for school age students of Wasmer, Gates and Dodge for afterschool. 5:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday 6 weeks to 12 years ~ Call for availability All Faiths Welcome!
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