Diocese of Pensacola—Tallahassee Office of the Bishop Mass Schedule Sat 9/27 Sun Apalachicola, FL 9/28 8:30 am SGI Mark Hartman By Larry Harkness Celebrant Fr. Roger 10 am 850-653 9453 Celebrant Fr. Joe Pinchock October 2014 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: It gives me great pleasure to call your attention to the splendid work and mission of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, (DCCW). The DCCW has been an important witness faith and charity in our diocese since its inception. We will celebrate their wonderful achievements by recognizing them in a special way as we observe the month of October 2014 as Council of Catholic Women Month. St. Patrick Catholic Church At the request of bishops of the United States, the NCCW was founded in 1920 for the purpose of uniting the efforts of Catholic women’s groups. NCCW is an organization representing millions of women, which act through its affiliates to support, empower and educate Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. I invite and encourage all women of our diocese to consider membership in this distinguished organization. By joining your Parish Affiliation of Catholic Women, you are automatically a member of the Diocesan, State and National Council of Catholic Women. Your voice then becomes one of many to be heard not only in the diocese but in the state and on the national level as well. 27 Sixth St. PO Box 550 May the women of our diocese be united in purpose, direction and action in religious, educational, legislative, social and economic fields to meet the needs of the times. Retired Priest Orlando Diocese 859-653-4528 (fax) Apalachicola, FL 32329 Fr. Roger Latosynski—Pastor 5 pm Warren Family By Sandy Warren Celebrant Fr. Roger No Weekday Masses Wed 10/1 6:30 pm Religious Education Classes Sat 10/4 5 pm Warren Family By Sandy Warren Celebrant Fr. Roger Sun 10/5 8:30 am SGI Karen Harkness + By Larry Harkness Celebrant Fr. Roger 10 am Sr. Jeanne Drea OP Pastoral & Outreach Ministry Ramon Valenzuela Religious Educ. & Maintenance With every best wish, I am, Attention all Women in the Parish Please note the letter from Bishop Parks on the back cover. Fr. Roger is looking for volunteers to help him get an Council of Catholic Women organized at St. Patrick. Please call Fr. Roger if you would like to join. Celebrant Fr. Joe Pinchock Retired Priest Orlando Diocese We continue to remember those in need of healing prayer: Bob Connors Donald & Nancy Venz Daniel Piar Janey Disher Bob Grace Alan Smith Laura Marks Linda Dickey Brasfield Anthony Taranto Mildred (mimi) de la Rua Brian Grenard Marques Bovre Matthew English Kim O’Neill Rick Hanby Carl Carlson Beverly Connors Douglas May Vonnie Hendels Veronica Livingston Deloris Whitehurst Sr. Lynn Welsh Andrew Hunter Army Lt. Blair Martin Lucia Mele Elizabeth Cook Wayne & Gracie O’Neal Bill McCarthy Mary Hill David Driscoll Ronnie & Ladie Knight Harry Buzzett Brandi Hanly Darrell McKinley Collie Watkins Teresa Davis Ben Jefferson Butch Hemphill Jackson Meyers Adam Porch Dennis Neylon Hilary Neylon Shirley Byrd Laura Balog Angela Lewis Kay Comapagna Dan Sangaree Leola Livingston Cook Harry Fr. Ron Aubry Louise Martinez Walker Campbell Kay Wheeler Theresa Davis Delena Bowen Annie Maxwell Willie Clark Ken Barnett Becky Rita O”Connell Prayer for the Sick Father in heaven, grant comfort to those for whom we pray. Give them courage when afraid, patience when afflicted, hope when dejected, and when alone assure them of the prayerful support of your holy people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops addressing The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization (October 5-19). Prayer for the Synod of Bishops on the Family Pope Francis provided the following prayer for the Synod during an Angelus address on the Feast of the Holy Family last year: Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God's plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Faith Book Catholic Sharing Appeal Goal for St. Patrick Parish Received Due to Diocese $17,833 15,890 1,943 Food Pantry 192—14th Street Volunteers Needed! MT 21:28-32 From today’s Gospel reading: [Jesus said to the chief priests and elders of the people] When John came to you in the way of righteousness, you did not believe in him, yet tax collectors and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of God before you. On Monday from 9:30 until noon to pack food. On Tuesday from 9 am until noon to help get Reflection: food to the cars. The next dates are: October Mon—Tues 13—14 Mon—Tues 27—28 Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus Council 1648 will have an organizational meeting on October 10 at 6 pm in St. Patrick Parish Hall. Present and future Knights are invited to attend this important planning meeting. A spaghetti dinner will be provided. Please call Bob Davis at 850-927-2148 if you plan to attend. A RSVP by Oct. 6th would be appreciated. Can you Sing? Soprano, alto, tenor of base? The Bay Area Coral Society is practicing every Tues. night at 7 pm. If interested please call Diane Brewer at 954-258-5834. The religious leaders were hypocrites. Is there any more serious sin in Jesus’ eye than religious hypocrisy? On the other hand, Jesus’ disciples have to do more than "accept him as Lord." After that, we must go into his vineyard to follow through on our initial "yes." So we ask ourselves: Conversion is a lifetime process, so where are you in the process of conversion? Have you ever had to change your poor opinion of someone by discovering something about them you hadn’t known before?
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