1st February, 2015 Bulletin - Catholic Diocese of Kitale

Build Our Family and Nation with Dignity
By Koros Sylvester
Lent is a forty day period of fasting, prayer and
penitence before Easter. In the Christian tradition, this
is the period of the liturgical year from Ash Wednesday
to Palm Sunday. This annual commemoration prepares the faithful through prayer, repentance, giving
alms and self denial, for the events linked to the passion of Christ and the celebration of his resurrection.
Liturgical Catechumens are baptised on Easter.
In the spiritual mood of Lent, the Catholic
Church in Kenya thought it important to inform the
public of the problems affecting society and advocate
for change. Through the Lenten campaign, the Catholic Bishops call all Christians and people of goodwill to
join them in dressing these problems and advocate
for change. By joining the Bishops in advocacy, individual efforts, our small voices become much louder
and each individuals action is multiplied.
This year’s Lenten Campaign theme is “Build
our Family and Nation in Dignity... Today’s Seeds, Tomorrow’s Harvest”. This theme was arrived at due to
the unique importance of the family to the church and
the nation. It is the family that sends out its sons and
daughters to build up human society. Therefore, the
quality of life in society and in the church is determined by the kind of character formation that goes on
in the home. The family is truly the” school of humanity”
The teachings in this season of lent are spread
out with each week specialising on a focus. For example week 1 focuses on Tribalism, Clannism and Politics. Security on week two, the Family and morality
shall be discussed in week three, rights of the minority
and marginalised groups in week four. Devolved governments and Management of resources shall climax
the five week fasting period. This season begins on
February 18th, Ash Wednesday. During this season,
the Bishop through all priests, sisters and Lay Faithful
of the Diocese,
asks all Christians and workers to attend
Daily Mass during Lent and
pray for peace
Pokot and Turkana
A ‘daughters of charity‘ plea for intervention
Kesot is an interior remote village deep in
the heart of Chepnyal village. Livestock particularly goats is the source of livelihood in this semi arid
climate where donkeys remain the only mode of
transport to the family of Lorengei, his kinsmen
and the entire community living here. Water a
basic necessity is gold here, the nearest water
bank is a ten kilometre walking stretch.
Seven year- old Kakoryo was born to this
young family with cleft lip and palate. It is their cry
that this little girl undergoes surgery to improve
her appearance and feeding. The family is in a
position to cater for transport to the relevant facility.
In Lalat village, a similar story is told of twoyear-old Pamela, daughter of Lonyarenyang and
Julia Korinyang. The last born in a family of three
was born with cleft lip and palate. This response
has been made possible by the Daughters of charity working in Chepnyal Parish.
More Dialogue to end the blame game in the
Education Ministry
The hardline stances that has marred the Education sector for a while has led to serious breakdown in communication.
The commission for education has warned that the
mistrust and confrontations from both sides is to
blame for the unending rows.
This stale mate the Bishop says is unhealthy for the
Kenyan child. Form one selection had its fare share
of dispute with the government riding on the assumption that children studying in private schools
come from rich families.
This Month February of is the month of vocations. The month set aside to promote the Holy
calling to serve God in His vineyard.
The Season of lent begins this month as well. A
season of fasting and prayer for forty days.
Elsewhere in this bulletin leaf, captures the
fundraiser in aid of St. Marys of Mercy, Pserum
Girls secondary school. The Bishop and the
Governor West Pokot, with other guests, ParUpdates...
-Priest's retreat begins on the second week of lent
i.e. 1st. March to 6th March at St. Mary’s Pastoral
centre, Nakuru. The charges are 14,500 per person.
The new Arch Bishop of Mombasa, Bishop Martin
Kivuva shall be installed on Saturday 21st February 2015 at Tononoka Grounds.
Wishing you a blessed week ahead!
Steps towards a peaceful corridor that has been Other Christ's Among us—Glory To God
By Rev. Fr. PY Kiprop, Mbaaga
restless for decades
By Koros Sylvester
The perennial conflict along the eastern corridor of Pokot-Turkana border has been a thorn in the
flesh for decades now. Many efforts were carries out
along this border across the year 2014 by the Bishops.
The intervention strategies included inter and
intra ethnic dialogue meetings. Led by Bishop Korir
of Eldoret Diocese with support from Finn Church
Aid, light could be seen albeit from a distance. This
included the ‘Seeds for Peace’ initiative, a strategy
meant to create a paradigm shift from livestock dependency.
However, this year did not begin from a good
note; deaths have been reported along this porous
border. In mid January, a priest from the Catholic
Diocese of Kitale while travelling to Lodwar Diocese
managed to reach his destination safely.
But the driver upon on his way back met the
unexpected on the way. A heavy traffic snarl up had
built up in Kainuk Township due to an alleged road
block at the Turkwell Gorge turn- off. Residents from
Sarmach were protesting the killing one of their own.
In the ensuing battle with the police, the situation
looked contained and vehicles were released. Three
bullets hit the car and luckily the driver escaped unhurt.
From this incident, a high level meeting was
held at Hotel Aturkan that brought together Hon.
Simon Kachapin the Governor of West Pokot County,
Hon. Josphat Nanok, the Governor of Turkana County, Senators and Members of Parliament from the
two counties.
This meeting was led by the three bishops of
Kitale, Eldoret and Lodwar Dioceses to get the political good will from the leaders. In their submissions,
leaders agreed on a number of resolutions. Foremost is the clearing of the thickets along this highway that play host as hideouts to bandits.
The County governments shall also set aside
funds to fight insecurity. In Turkana County for example 18 out of 30 wards are affected by Insecurity and
this is a pre-requisite for underdevelopment. Essentially, nothing much can be done in these units due
to the constant unrest.
The leaders also asked the National Government to establish camps in the worst hit areas to
foster security. There is also need for the two county
governments to carry out joint inter County activities
for example, building of bridges, establishment of
schools among other connector projects.
The three bishops witnessed the signing of
this agreement. More meetings shall be held in
these areas to broker the elusive peace.
In the letter to the Hebrews we read: “Every
high priest is taken from among men and made
their representative before God, to offer gifts and
sacrifices for sins” (Heb 5:1). As the Catholic Diocese of Kitale, as we celebrate the Priestly Ordinations 2015; the Letter speaks to us one-on-one –
The five priests we celebrate today is a sure
testimony. They come from our midst. Our brethren,
sons, nephews, uncles, brothers and cousins,
friends truly they are. The five are more than and
beyond their Home Parishes: Immaculate Conception, Christ the King, Kolongolo and Suwerwa.
Our celebration is an appreciation that God’s
grace is sufficient (cf. 2Cor 12:9a). It has been sufficient for them in their formation. It will still be sufficient for them in their Apostolate/Ministry. It is
equally sufficient for us. For this, we say: “Glory to
God...” (Lk 2:14).
Thus, brethren, let us be daring and pose a
question to ourselves (– the better individually):
How do we participate in nurturing vocations?
We nurture vocations by appreciating some
plain truths. Vocations come from our: Families,
Small Christian Communities, Out Stations, Parishes, institutions of learning – to all these we belong.
We nurture vocations by appreciating some plain
truths. Vocations come from our: Families, Small
Christian Communities, Out Stations, Parishes, institutions of learning – to all these we belong.
Therefore, we need to start Vocation Animation from just right where we are. As individuals, we
become the points of departure. That is, as parents, teachers, catechists, religious men and women, priests and bishops. In a word, as the People of
God (cf. 1Pt 2: 9).
There was a preacher who fell in the ocean and
he couldn't swim. When a boat came by, the
captain yelled. ‘do you need help, sir?’ the
preacher calmly said ‘no, God will save me.’ A
little later, another oat came by and a fisherman asked, ‘Hey do you need help?’ the
preacher replied again, ‘No, God will save me.’
Eventually the preacher drowned and went to
The other two subsequent meetings were called off
heaven. The preacher asked God, ‘why didn’t
because of insecurity of the leaders and the Bishops
you save me?’ God replied, ‘fool, I sent you two
were advised not to go.