View this month's Bulletin. - the Congregation Beth Sholom

Volume LXI
January 2015 ● Tevet~Shevat 5775
No. 3
RSVP by January 23rd online at or at
[email protected] or 585-473-1625
1/24 - Sisterhood Lunch & Learn
1/31 – Maccabeats Shabbos/Concert at Congregation Beth Sholom
2/7 – Sisterhood Game Night
2/8 - Men’s Club “Men’s Health” Lecture
1161 Monroe Avenue Rochester, New York 14620
Office: 473-1625 Fax: 473-0614
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Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York
I never cease to be amazed by the commitment and enthusiasm of our Beth Sholom
members and their families. Our shul has always been a paradigm in the Orthodox
synagogue world, for having been able to create a Torah community which prides
itself on being non-judgmental and inclusive. We have always maintained a diversified
membership, composed of different political views and religious observance. We have
always attracted a sincere segment of our community in Rochester, who seek to be
involved in a shul whose members ‘do get involved’. Beth Sholom is a congregation of ‘no- nonsense’
Tefillah and Torah Learning, and Practice where the Halacha and Hashkafah are not compromised.
Above all, our commitments to every Jew and to Eretz Yisroel are reinforced and strengthened, as we
celebrate our responsibility towards one another.
Over the past months of November and December, we were extremely successful in our assignment
to live up to the above description of our shuls’ responsibilities. Beginning with the Ambassadors of
Humanity Dinner, which once again was so successful, we were able to express Kavod, Honor to those
members in our midst, who have done so much to make our lives ever more significant and rewarding.
The dinner was attended by 200 people, who came to celebrate the presence of these special
people with whom we share our lives.
On December 6th, we hosted the NCSY Har Sinai Region of Upstate New York. There were 100
participants and advisors, who joined to make Shabbos Parshat Vayishlach a most memorable
Shabbos weekend and inspiring event. Our own Beth Sholom NCSYers did a remarkable job of hosting
and making all the arrangements, and our parents and other senior members of our shul were most
giving and helpful, maximizing the success of the weekend. Our children left knowing that
Congregation Beth Sholom is certainly a Kehillah, which knows how to fulfill the responsibilities we have
for our Jewish Youth.
On the fifth night of Chanukah, over 120 people attended our annual Chanukah Melavah Malka. The
joy we all had as we observed our little children dancing, the cheering to win the winning ‘letter’ for
the Chanukah Dreidel Spin Off, and the long line to receive the Chanukah games and toys distributed
by our Gabboim, Yosef and Steve, was indeed amazing. It was a Chanukah to remember, and our
children will certainly look back upon this event as they sculpt their Jewish identities. All the above
could not have happened were it not for the many dedicated members of our Shul, who not only
come to pray and learn, but who also know how important it is to work together and allow our
privileged Jewish life to emerge.
I thank the many who prepared meals, and organized and decorated for these events. We are
blessed to have such a wonderful membership, who love their shul and all that we do.
Nechie and I will be joining with our children in Israel from January through March. I leave you in good
hands with Rabbi Avi and our shul staff. I know that Bob David will also be away for the winter months,
however our new Administrative Assistant, Gerri Robbins, will be here to help you and to contact me if
necessary. (We welcome Gerri and wish her all the success in her new position).
~Rabbi Kilimnick
The Simcha Tree in our congregation is a most appropriate opportunity to permanently
extend the joyous milestones of life… and allow your simcha to branch out into the future.
‘Life has hope’ - birthdays, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, weddings and anniversaries—are
occasions that deserve to be inscribed into our people’s destiny… to reflect upon… to
remember our joy… For more information please call Shul office 473-1625.
Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York
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Early in December, our Shul had the honor of hosting the NCSY Fall regional convention. Like
always it was a wonderful experience of prayer, food, learning and especially song. One song
which always strikes a chord is that of Kol HaOlam Kulo, the song which acknowledges that the
world is a very narrow bridge and the main thing is to have no fear. Whenever I think of this
song, I realize that there is not just a narrow bridge, but there is the sturdy wide ground which is
before and after the bridge. The question is that when on this bridge, how do we make sure
we feel secure until we get to the other side?
We can suggest that the months of January and February are the narrow bridge that must be
walked, and the dry secure land on both sides of that bridge are the holidays of Chanukah
and Purim. Both Holidays represent the security of our people and our faith. The question now is
how should we walk that bridge? What should we focus on to allow the narrow bridge to not
feel so narrow?
It just so happens that there is a very significant Shabbat which finds itself right in the middle of
the time between Chanukah and Purim. The middle point of this period, the middle of the
bridge which in essence may be the most vulnerable point in the journey is met with a
beautiful Shabbat called Shabbat Shira- the Shabbat of song. Shabbat shira is given the name
because it is the Shabbat when we read the Az Yashir, the song we sang after crossing the
Red sea, another example of crossing a bridge. Our year is planned in such a way that we
find song to fill in the gaps and illuminate the journey.
Song is that which connects the praise of Chanukah to the joy of Purim. For that reason
Shabbat shira plays an integral role in allowing the two to meet in spite of walking the narrow
bridge. This year on Shabbat Shira, January 30th and 31st, we will be honored to welcome into
our Shul, BiEzrat Hashem, the Maccabeats. The Maccabeats are an extremely popular
accapella group, who through their music and videos has brought pride, joy and beauty to
every holiday on our Jewish calendar.
The Maccabeats will be leading our services throughout the Shabbat and will be performing
during our Friday night dinner and Kiddush. Please join in the celebration, let your Shabbat
shira be filled with song and the sweet voice of the Maccabeats. Partake in a wonderful
Shabbat experience so that the narrow bridge is widened with joy and celebration.
Our community will also have the opportunity to continue the celebration as we will be having
a Motzie Shabbat Concert at the
JCC, through the generous giving
of our Federation and Farash
foundation. Hope to see you at
every stage of Shabbat Shira.
~Rabbi Avi Kilimnick
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Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York
Since its beginning in 1928, Congregation Beth
Sholom has provided religious, social, and educational opportunities, for a large and energetic family of members. The spiritual home that
the founders created lives on, because of devoted members, Rabbi Kilimnick, Rabbi Avi, and the staff. This
achievement is the result of imagination and dedication.
The success of the Beth Sholom community now demands
changes in the building’s structure. We are excited to begin a
new facilities improvement project. It’s time to update the most
frequently used room in our building, our lobby area, which is
adjacent to the daily chapel, main kitchen, and bathrooms.
With efficient use of existing space in mind, our goal is to create a contemporary, flexible multi-function room. This highimpact renovation will allow for increased use of the lobby area. It will be ideal for daily events, Shabbos and Yom Tov
events, family simchas, as well as a range of social and educational activities for all age groups. We will create an adaptable
space to ensure that the facility will be utilized to its fullest.
In general, the lobby project consists of the transformation of
the walls with decorative and durable wood paneling, drywall
and moldings, the installation of a digital projection system and
large screen, the total renovation of the Men’s Room, the construction of a new maintenance closet, and the creation of a
new two-person ritual washing station. The area will be attractive, welcoming, comfortable and functional.
The project budget is $40,000. We are fortunate to have an
anonymous matching funds donation of $20,000, which is in escrow. This matching funds offer is valid for 120 days, beginning
November 25, 2014. Consequently, we need to raise an additional $20,000 by February 25, 2015. If this goal is not met, each
donation, including the anonymous donor’s gift, will be returned in full.Please contribute your tax deductible gift as soon
as possible. It would be wonderful if you could donate $100 or
more. All donations are welcomed and valued. Donations can
be made to honor family members, friends, memories of loved
ones, or as permanent reminders of simchas. All donations will
be appropriately recognized.
We know that you are committed to Congregation Beth Sholom. We hope that you will imagine with us and make the
“lobby” renovation a reality. If you have any questions, please
do not hesitate to contact me.
-Jonathan S. Weissman
Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York
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We hope everyone had a Happy Chanukah and we wish you a happy and healthy “non-Jewish” New Year! In
November, Sisterhood held a very successful book presentation featuring our own B.J. Yudelson. B.J.
discussed her hot-off-the-press book, With an Outstretched Arm: A Memoir of Love and Loss, Family and
Faith. Over 100 people enjoyed a bagel brunch while listening to B.J. read passages from her book and
answer questions. Many attendees purchased her book and the reviews have been outstanding. You may
purchase the book online at or at We would like to thank our wonderful
committee members for their hard work on this event: Sheryl Tatelman and Arie Meler, Anne Cherney, Ronit
Maimon, Helen Gordon and Kim Holtzman.
We would also like to thank all of our Shul members who generously sponsored this event in honor of B.J. This
program would not have been possible without the support of: Sorina Goldstein, Kim Holtzman, Lois Kluger,
Debby Kornfeld, Deanne Levy, Rebecca Malek, Marjorie Montag, David Movsky, Sonia and Keith Newman,
Alice Palokoff, Nina Schor, Lisa and Steven Schwartz, Kathye Simon, Sheri Simon, June Slavny, Barbara
Sobel, Sheryl Tatelman and Arie Meler, Mort Isaacs, Camelia Marzouk, Sherry Schrager, and Sharon Gray.
In addition, the Sisterhood Book Club is continuing to get together for stimulating book discussions. At the last
meeting on November 17th, participants engaged in an interesting discussion about the book The Sisters Weiss
by Naomi Ragen. The next book club meeting will be on January 26th, when participants will be talking about
Me Before You by JoJo Moyes. Anyone interested in getting involved in the Book Club should contact Tamar
Fix at [email protected].
Sisterhood is continuing to plan exciting events for the coming year. Back by popular demand is the Beth
Sholom Game Night scheduled for Saturday night, February 7thand sponsored by Sisterhood and Men’s Club.
Please watch for more details. There will also be an education program on Identity Theft, chaired by Helen
Arditi, to take place on Sunday, April 26th.
There are many opportunities to become involved with Sisterhood, so
please let us know if you would like more information or if you have an idea
for a Sisterhood event. We would love to hear from you!
1. Chesed: Please contact Debby Kornfeld ([email protected] or 585442-4090) or Ruth Silver ([email protected] or 585-442-5376).
2. Brighton Food Cupboard: Please bring food and clothing donations to
the bin located near the parking lot coatroom at Shul.
3. Sisterhood Notecards: Purchase either blank notecards or lined cards, 5
for $20. Contact Kathye Simon at [email protected] or 585-2449306.
4. Sisterhood Donation cards: Have Sisterhood cards sent for you and
noted in the monthly Shul Bulletin @ $5.50 each. Please send
information to [email protected] or call Kim at 585- 244-2199.
5. Kiddush Sponsorship: This is a great way to celebrate special
occasions. Contact Sheri Simon at 585-244-0479 or Madeline Schreiber
at 585442-9264. At least two weeks notice required.
6. Team Kiddushim: If you are interested in helping with any Team
Kiddushim please contact Marjorie Montag at 461-9597.
Kathye Simon & Marjorie Montag
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Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York
Our Rova has had a wonderful first half of the year. In Chumash we have studied and discussed the beginning of the book of Shemot. We have learnt different ideas shared by the commentary of Nechama
Lebowitz, and many novel ideas have come about through our class conversations. We are currently
learning of Moshe’s appointment as leader. Through an in depth analysis of the text we are learning so
much of Moshe’s humility and G-d’s divine plan to save the Jews.
In Navi, we are learning the book of Kings 1. We have studied of the wisdom and leadership of King Solomon, and we are entering into the period after Solomon’s reign when the kingdom if Israel split.
With the help of Michal Weiss and Michal Spivak, we have enhanced our Hebrew language learning
this year. Our mission is to bring the Hebrew language to our students through practical scenarios that
one will encounter if they were to visit Israel. We study key words which will help us in different settings,
and then we role play in that setting as if we were there. We go to the park, order food from the restaurant, and go on a trip with the family making sure that Hebrew is the dominant language of communication. So far it has been a wonderful experience and we are looking forward to continue on this fun
and educational track.
Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York
Mazel Tov To grandparents
Ronald & Raina Berger and to
parents Uri & Yael Cohen on the
birth of Aron.
Mazel Tov to Barry & Susan Stein
on the forthcoming marriage of
their son Noah to Arielle
Mazel Tov to Marcia & Eric
Birken on the birth of a
granddaughter, Abigail Noa
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Barbara Sobel - Happy Birthday - Sisterhood
Sheri Simon - Happy Birthday – Sisterhood
Kathye Simon & Aharon Baruch - celebrating their
30th anniversary – Sisterhood
Rabbi Shaya & Nechie Kilimnick - celebrating their
anniversary – Sisterhood
Morrie Isaacson - Happy 96th Birthday –
Jessica Nussbaum – Happy Birthday - Sisterhood
Barbara & Marvin Gray – Happy Birthdays and
Happy 57th Anniversary – Sisterhood
Dr. Mort Isaacs-on receiving the Ambassadors of
Humanity Award from Congregation Beth Sholom –
Dr Nina Schor – on receiving the Ambassadors of
Humanity Award from Congregation Beth Sholom
Karen & Sy Zivan- on their children Bruce and
Karen receiving the Ambassadors of Humanity
Award from Congregation Beth Sholom
Alice Palokoff- birth of grandson – Sisterhood,
Barbara and Marvin Gray
Phil Eissenstat – Haapy 85th Birthday – Sisterhood
Debby & George Kornfeld – on their son Moshe’s
completion of his PH.D. – Sisterhood
Leah Malek – on her granddaughter Sarah’s Bat
Mitzvah – Sisterhood
Roni & Rebecca Malek –on their daughter Sarah’s
Bat Mitzvah – Sisterhood
Joyce Berkowitz – Special Birthday – Lois and Jacob
Rita Wartell in memory of her stepmother Beatrice
Lempel z”l – Sisterhood, June and Harold Slavny
Cecil Wolson in memory of her sister Bess Kopen
z’’l – Sisterhood, June and Harold Slavny
Soralee Cook in memory of her sister Bess Kopen
z”l – June and Harold Slavny
Bess Lewinson z’l – Barbara and Marvin Gray
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Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York
Lyn Adams - Sisterhood
Cooper LaMere – Sisterhood, Kim and Neal Holtzman
Inez Baranes – Sisterhood
Miriam Weidenfeld – Thrift Shop Buddies, Sisterhood
Helen Cohen – Sisterhood
Sandra Miller – Sisterhood
Debby Kornfeld – Sisterhood
Esta Miran – Lois and Jacob Kluger
Debby Kornfeld - Sisterhood
Art Friedman – Helen Gordon
B.J. Yudelson - Sisterhood
Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York
With the leadership of Liana Beer and Lilly Rosenbaum, our Jr. NCSYers have had wonderful
programing leading to the 2015 year. We started the year, going apple picking, building candy Sukkot, and Sukkah hopping. After the holidays we have had wonderful activates such as a
game night of Minute to win it, Building candy Chanukiot and a movie night.
We have also begun a new program called TNL, Thursday Night Learning. This program is
geared to bring both parents and their children to learn together through a guiding learning
packet. Our first TNL was a huge success and we hope to continue on that path.
We have also had a very wonderful Jr. Congregation of learning, Tefilot and games. Liana has
created a wonderful system of jobs for each participant to have so that everyone feels welcome and part of the service. I recommend going and listening to our children daven on
Shabbat morning, it is a beautiful thing to see and hear.
With the leadership of our president Jake Schaffer and our chapter board, we have had a
wonderful display of events and programs. Our chapter has been Apple picking, Sukkah building, Sukkah hopping, Motzieh Shabbat S’more making, sky zone and much more. We have
had wonderful learning events, with different members of our community. The most recent
learning we have begun is a monthly get together at Sabra grill to learn about the Parsha and
I am extremely proud of our Chapter for hosting the NCSY Fall Shabbaton. Our NCSYers did a
fabulous job preparing our Shul for the Shabbat. They brought a beautiful Ruach into our Shul
and led the services. I was witness to the most beautiful learning I have ever seen at a Friday
night session where all participants were deeply invested in the topic at hand. The theme was
Jewish identity and the NCSYers were discussing the difference between the Greeks and Jews
at the time when Chanukah took place.
I would like to thank all the parents and families who helped throughout the weekend and
who hosted NCSYers. A special thank you to Camelia Marzouk for once again feeding all of
our NCSYers and families that joined during the meals. Thank you for all that you do for the Shul
and our youth.
Our Shul is blessed with a wonderful chapter, and they should only
continue in all their endeavors to
go Mechayil el chayil.
We would like to wish a Mazel Tov
to our Rochester advisor CM,
Chaya Miriam Nimchinsky on her
engagement to Chayim Gerson.
They should have all the Bracha
and Mazel. Mazal Tov!
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Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York
January 2014
Abraham Jacob Bergman
18 Tevet
Florence J. Rosenbluth
19 Tevet
Celia Cross
20 Tevet
Sam Schifrin
Harry Freeman
21 Tevet
Moussa Marzouk
Garson Merimsky
Elizabeth Snyder
22 Tevet
Ben Speiser
Barry Stolnitz
Annette Gebell
23 Tevet
Mordechai Plotnick
Mrs. B. Polakoff
Charles Ross
Ellis N. Rubenstein
Harry Strom
Yale Goldfarb
24 Tevet
Archie Hoffman
Benjamin Jacobson
Gertrude Prager
Esther Sanzel
Sol Silver
Sidney Tillim
Mary Brody
25 Tevet
Meyer Fink
Hilda Fromm Auerbach
26 Tevet
Chaim Ben-Ami David
Edythe Berzansky
Libbie Goldstein
Libbie Pies
Samuel Spectner
Marcia Eissenstat
27 Tevet
Rose Goldstein
Hinda Gordon
Julius Pekarsky
Abraham Stoler
Dov Karchefsky
28 Tevet
Harry Palokoff
Mary Gottlieb
29 Tevet
Louis Shaftel
Sadie Seldowitz
Nathan Goodman 1 Shevat
Carie Hollander
Hyman Kosoff
Anna Moskowitz
Louis Jermome Pies
I. Posner
Mike Amdorsky
2 Shevat
Dorette Arditi
Dr. Catherine Bamberger
Sam Gindin
Isadore Hershkowitz
Julia Pies Shulman
Harry Album
3 Shevat
Sarah Amdorsky
Simone Dayan
Philip Gutterman
Sadie Gutterman
Yuda Kinel
Woulf Relin
William Zivan
Etta Levinson
4 Shevat
Benjamin Becker
5 Shevat
Mr. Arnold Eckerling
Mrs. Dorothy Goldstein
Irving Heller
Herman Samuel Pies
Sam Schwartz
Leizer Cytryn
6 Shevat
Frank Gans
Sarah Mindel Gossin
Arlene Perlman Rubin
Leah Baron
7 Shevat
Mollie Goldenhar
Joseph H. Kaplan
Irving Krieger
Marvin Lang
Marcia Meadow
Ruth Kolko Newman
Max Prasker
Leo Rudin
Hyman A. Nusbaum 8 Shevat
Max Wolfe
Ruthe Subar
9 Shevat
Rose Cohen
10 Shevat
Dr. Gordon Eckerling
Wolfe Gordon
Albert Spectner
Lillie Isaacson Zipkin
In addition to the benefits
of membership you will also
receive the following
depending on your level of
Sets of Lulav and Etrog
Shmurah Matzah (2 - 4 lbs.)
Holiday Seats
Bulletin High Holiday
Yizkor booklet inscription
Permanent “leaf
 Shabbat or Holiday Shul
 Annual Seudat Shlishit
 Annual Kiddish Sponsor
It’s not too late to enhance
your level of membership. The
three enhanced levels of
membership are: Chai,
Chazak, and Chaim. Please
call Karen in the Shul office for
more information and to
become a Chai Member
today. (585) 473-1625 or send
an email to
[email protected]
Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York
his sister Deanne Riback, z’l
11/8 – Mort & Shelly Schrager in
conjunction with the yahrzeit of
their father, Jacob Schrager, z’l
11/15 – Esther Miller in conjunction
of the yahrzeit of her father, Aaron
Zelig David, z’l
12/27 – Helen Gordon in
conjunction of the yahrzeit of her
husband, Shep Gordon, z’l
1/10 – Esther Kreiger & Jeanette
Weinschel in conjunction with the
yahrzeit of their father, Sam Schifrin,
1/17 – Gerri Robbins in conjunction
with the yahrzeit of her father, Harry
Strom, z’l
1/31 – Sorina Goldstein in
conjunction with the yahrzeit of her
mother, Gertrude Prager, z’l
11/1 – Rockwood Family on 25th
anniversary of Matt & Hope
11/8 –Seymour & Karen Zivan on
children Bruce and Karen Zivan
being honored at Ambassadors
of Humanity dinner.
11/8 – Marvin & Barbara Gray in
honor of their birthdays and
11/29 – Rebecca & Roni Malek
on the occasions of their
daughter Sarah’s bat Mitzvah
12/6 – Beth Sholom Sisterhood in
honor of NCSY Upstate Region
12/27 – Barry & Susan Stein in
honor of the marriage of their
son Noah to Arielle
11/1 –Rabbi Shaya Kilimnick in
conjunction with the yahrzeit of
his father, Harry Kilimnick, z’l and
Karen & Seymour Zivan on their
children Bruce & Karen receiving
the Ambassador of Humanity
Award – Elaine & Len Simon
Jerry & Sue Segelman on the
occasion of the birthday of Joyce
Dr. Ellis Gruber –Daniel Sragow
Mrs. Lillian Davidoff - Rachel Rosen
& Ron Wexler, Dr. David & Sorina
Goldstein, Bill & Adrienne
Sheldon Silverstein - Lila Hersh
Cecil Wofson on the passing of her
sister, Bessie Kopen, z’l
Mrs. Gert Prager – Ron & Sara
Freeling & Family
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Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York
Mincha 4:55
Mincha 4:45
Mincha 4:40
Mincha 4:35
5 Shevat
27 tevet
20 tevet
13 tevet
Men’s Club Vodka
Weekday Shacharis
at 7:00 a.m. except
as noted.
except as noted
Sunday Shacharis
at 8:00 a.m.
21 tevet
14 tevet
6 Shevat
28 tevet
Martin Luther King Day
7 Shevat
29 tevet
22 tevet
15 tevet
23 tevet
16 tevet
8 Shevat
1 Shevat
Shacharit 6:45 am
Rosh Chodesh
9 Shevat
2 Shevat
24 tevet
17 tevet
Mincha 5:05
C.L. 5:01
Mincha 4:55
C.L. 4:52
10 Shevat
3 Shevat
3:45 Study Group
4:45 Mincha
6:05 Shabbos Ends
11 Shevat
Shabbat Shirah
Maccabeats Shabbat
4 Shevat
3:40 Study Group
4:40 Mincha
5:55 Shabbos Ends
26 tevet
3:30 Study Group
4:30 Mincha
5:45 Shabbos Ends
19 tevet
Mincha 4:45
C.L. 4:43
25 tevet
3:30 Study
4:20 Mincha
5:36 Shabbos Ends
12 tevet
18 tevet
3:30 Study
4:15 Mincha
5:30 Shabbos Ends
Mincha 4:40
C.L. 4:35
11 tevet
Fast Day
New Years Day
Mincha 4:30
Fast begins 5:54
C.L. 4:28
Mincha 4:20
Fast ends 5:22
10 tevet
January 2015 ~ Tevet-Shevat 5775
Congregation Beth Sholom, Rochester, New York