Dear Readers. Here is what you can expect in this edition:
We started a discussion to include all of Austral-
First off, as you can see, the layout of our Swiss Review has
iasia in the Regional Edition starting with the Decem-
undergone a facelift. In line with a more modern design with
ber issue. This has been endorsed by the two Consu-
lots of white space, it should also improve readability on tablets
lates/Embassies of AU&NZ and we like your opinion.
with more suitable fonts than before. I hope you like it.
Please join in the discussion on SwissCommunity
Another ASO "Auslandschweizerkongress" has been held
On our side, Meredith and I are slowly adapting to
from August 16-18 2014 in Baden/Aarau. High on the agenda
the Swiss Life. I hope I can stay connected with
have been again, the Law for the Swiss Abroad and the Banks.
many of you and wish you all the best for 2015.
Consulate: Mobile Passport
Station coming to SA and WA
Swiss travel documents. Please note
that biometric data cannot be stored
The Consulate General of Switzerland
for future reference; a passport and/or
in Sydney is pleased to inform that it
ID-card will be issued after the data
will operate a mobile passport station
collection. Hence priority will be given
as follows:
to citizens whose passport has expired
Adelaide on Tue 25 Nov 2014:
or will expire within the next 12 to 18
Club of the Austrian Association
Should you wish to apply for a
of SA Inc.
11-17 Torrens Road
Swiss travel document in Adelaide or
Perth, please complete an online ap-
Perth from Thu-Fri 27-28 Nov 2014:
plication before Friday, 31 October
Honorary Consul’s office in Perth
2014, on the following website
Detailed information will be sent
Prof. Jürg Weber or
85 Tyrell Street
out upon receipt of your online appli-
In the last field, under remark,
This procedure allows the collection
please write where you wish to have
of biometric data (photo, fingerprints
your biometric data taken, either in
and signature) necessary for new
Adelaide or in Perth.
Deadline to apply: Fri, 31 Oct 2014
Alphorn Duo Irma &
Chrigel Thalmann,
Swiss National Day
Celebrations, Melb.
(Photo: Roland Isler)
ASO/CSA: Auslandschweizerkongress Baden/Aarau 2014
The Council of the Swiss Abroad met in Aarau on Fri, 15th Aug
2014, in a full day session. Main topics were:
moving around the world
• Personal service and individual advice
• Door to door service for removal goods and motor cars
• Consolidation container services to all major places in the USA,
Canada, Australia, Far East, New Zealand, Latin America and Africa
In der Luberzen 19
CH-8902 Urdorf Zurich
Swiss Review / October 2014
phone +41 44 466 9000
fax +41 44 461 9010
[email protected]
The Council’s President, J-S Eggli, mentions that 155,000
Swiss Abroad have now registered to vote in Federal matters
and the number is increasing. It goes without saying that the
vote of the Swiss Abroad has an impact and Switzerland takes
note of how the Swiss Abroad vote.
On the matter of Swiss bank accounts for the Swiss Abroad,
there is finally some movement: most delegates have reported
in the past that they have been contacted by their fellow Swiss
Abroad regarding cancellation of accounts by Swiss banks and
about their difficulties regarding payments of Swiss pensions,
mortgage loans and credit cards. The Swiss press have taken
Regional Edition Australia
up the plea of the Swiss Abroad and
As to the new law of the Swiss
have commented positively on the res-
Abroad, currently being debated in
olution taken by the Council on that
both Chambers of Swiss Federal Gov-
day, i.e. a resolution by the CSA to be
ernment, there is still the impasse of
submitted to the Federal Authorities.
the duty to matriculate as Swiss
In summary, the Council urges the
Abroad with the Consulate / Embassy
Federal Authorities to instruct the
in their country of residence. The
Swiss Government-owned PostFi-
Council of the Swiss Abroad supports
nance to enable the Swiss Abroad to
the obligation of the Swiss Abroad to
open and to keep accounts in Switzer-
register with the Swiss Representa-
land, especially for old age pensions,
tives in their home country, a condi-
education purposes, accounts to deal
tion for receiving aid or support in
effectively with inheritance and to en-
case of need. The resolution in this re-
able Swiss Abroad to negotiate mort-
spect was passed. In order to keep a
ready for electronic voting in October
gage loans. It goes without saying that
strong relationship between the Swiss
2015 on the occasion of the Federal
the holders of such accounts in Swit-
Abroad and the Swiss Authorities, the
Parliamentary Elections (about 70% of
zerland must have declared their
Council felt it of utmost importance to
the registered voters will be able to
overseas monetary situation in their
retain the obligation to register.
vote electronically including the can-
country of residence. This resolution
was passed unanimously.
Abroad: a total of 13 cantons will be
Electronic voting for the Swiss
tons of ZH, BE and VD).
The Gala evening at
this year's ASO
Congress at the castle
of Lenzburg.Delegates
and friends enjoyed
the apero outside in
the magnificent
grounds and gardens.
SwissCham: Events
Swiss Yodel Choir Matterhorn
South Australia: Events
5/11 Cruise with the EUs, Sydney
On the Swiss National Day Picnic on
10/10 Meet&Greet/Okt.fest, Ger.Club
25/11 CH Delegation Dinner, Sydney
Aug 3 in the grounds of the Austrian
17/10 AGM, Austrian Club, Ovingham
5/12 Swiss CEO dinner, Melbourne
Club in Heidelberg West was again a
26/10 Wuerstli broetle, Kuitpo Forest
10/12 EuroMix Eat, Meet & Gr. Sydney
great success. The formal celebrations
9/11 Bee Talk, Bridgewater
were followed by folkloristic enter-
7/12 Samichlaus, Glover Park, Adel.
Victoria: Events
12/11 Mistery trip (Trachtengruppe)
15/11 Swiss Italian Festa, Hepburn Sp.
SwissCham EuroMix
Eat, Meet & Greet in
Sydney and Melbourne
10 & 17 Sept 2014
tainment, with the inaugural performance by the newly formed Alphorn
Swiss Club of South Australia
Duo Irma and Chrigel Thalmann be-
The National Day Celebration was held
ing a special highlight.
at Claudia and Walter Preisig's place.
Our Choir will again take part in
(more >
the Swiss Italian Festa.
Swiss Club of Victoria
A very big thank you to our hosts.
Watching the native animals and listening to the Alphorn players was just
proudly hosted the launch of the book
Trachtengruppe Schwyzergruess /
Australian Swiss Cultural Society
‘Swiss Alps to Antarctic Glaciers’.
Ladies in Swiss National Costumes
The kids enjoyed the big fire. The
Swiss Club member Anna Lucas set
and tables decorated with beautiful
“Swiss Radio Corner” team were serv-
spring flowers welcomed the Seniors
ing us at the Bar. Our AGM is booked
to the Kaffeeklatsch. To all our sup-
for Oct 17 at the Austrian Club.
On Sep 11, the Swiss Club of Victoria
herself the challenge of producing a
revised German transcript and an
English translation of Mertz’ expedition journals. Through this work, we
are able to gain an insight into pio-
Book Cover ‘Swiss
Alps to Antarctic
Glaciers’, launched at
the Swiss Club of
Victoria on Sep 11.
porters, thank you for your generosity.
Nov 12 is the date for the annual
out of this world. The delicious food
and Gluehwein kept everybody happy.
Western Australia: Events
mystery trip. I wish you all a happy
Oct Annual Picnic
and healthy festive Season.
7/12 Samichlaus / Santa Claus
Basel and the first Swiss to set foot on
Swiss Folk Dance Group Alpenrose
Australian Capital Territory: Events
this fascinating continent. To pur-
The group will perform at nursing
19/10 Jass Tournament
chase a copy of the book please contact
homes in Nov and we will enhance the
Oct Film evening (tba)
Anna Lucas on
program for the Seniors Christmas af-
7/12 AGM / Samichlaus
neering exploration and of the man,
Dr Xavier Mertz, the 29-year-old
mountaineer and ski champion from
[email protected].
ternoon with a bit of folklore.
Swiss Review / October 2014
Regional Edition Australia
Canberra Swiss Club
time here in Canberra. Many choirs
Spring in Canberra is an exciting time
from across the country congregate
for soul and mind. It marks the end of
and make Canberra come alive with
winter and gives way to a season full
the sound of music. If you have at-
of colours in ‘Floriade’, the flower fes-
tended any of the events you probably
tival bringing new life into the city.
still have music in your ears. Thanks
This is a fabulous time of the year. But
to our enthusiastic conductor Geoff
that’s not all, we have more reason to
Roberts, for getting our ‘Crèmeschnitte
celebrate. The German Choral Festi-
Chörli’ ready and giving us a chance to
val ‘Sängerfest 2014’ is held for the first
experience being part of this festival.
‘Crèmeschnitte Chörli’ Canberra Swiss choir
New South Wales: Events
Swiss Folk Dance Group Alpegruess: "World Cup Fever"
31/10 Halloween Craft (Playgroup)
The dance group Alpegruess went all out for the world cup, being filmed on three
28/11 Christmas Craft (Playgroup)
occasions by SBS. Twice the group participated in fan club sessions where we
29/11 Senior's Lunch (Yodelers)
sadly watched the Swiss team being defeated by France and then by Argentina
6/12 Samichlaus, Neutr.Bay (Playgr)
as well.
Swiss Play Group
5 am in the morning, it was a tough ask when losses were high. We were invig-
The Swiss playgroup are meeting at
orated one minute, ringing our cow bells furiously and then made long faces
the North Sydney Community Centre,
when things didn’t go our way.
Floriade in Canberra
While we did our best to cheer the team on, though games were at 3 am and
220 Miller St, on the last Friday of the
month (unless school holidays) from
10 – 12, and on all other Fridays at various venues in Sydney.
Swiss Yodlers of Sydney
This year’s Swiss National Day celebrations were again held at the Castle Hill
Swiss Dance Fan Tube at Bruno's (Source: SBS TV)
showgrounds. Another splendid
sunny winter’s day ensured that we
We also took part in the ‘dance off’ in the SBS studio. We performed a traditional
had a record of about 1000 people en-
Swiss folk dance and the Argentinians showed the tango. Comedian Jimoen was
joying the Swiss food, folklore and
assigned to us, we managed to give him an exclusive Swiss experience.
many attractions on offer.
On 29 November, we will perform
at the Senior’s lunch at the Concordia
Swiss Yodlers
of Sydney
It was much fun, tiring too, but with our traditional outfits we looked the
part at all times.
Club in Tempe.
Swiss Dance off (Source: SBS TV)
We thank the embassy for their support in providing red caps for us all and soccer jerseys to borrow.
Swiss Review / October 2014
Regional Edition Australia
Queensland: Events
Sanmichlaus with
Grittibänzen, Fraser
19/10 Get together, New Farm
Swiss Yodel & Folklore Group
Baerg Roeseli
25/10 AGM, Des Alpes Rest, Mitchelton
We meet every second Thursday at
Confederation could not be played, so
16/11 Helpers & New Members BBQ
7.30pm to practice singing with our
the President of the Club, Hanni
6/12 AGM & Xmas Lunch (SCCS)
teacher, We have several opportuni-
Kaech, gave a short resume of his
6/12 Samichlaus & Grittibänz (Fraser)
ties to perform for the wider Swiss
speech. After the meal a sing-a-long li-
6/12 XMas by Candlelight (Sunshine)
community, multicultural events as
vened up the evening.
7/12 Samichlaus, Brisbane
well as bookings for private functions.
address of the President of the Swiss
The next scheduled function of the
Club is the Christmas by Candlelight
Swiss Society of Queensland Inc.
Swiss Club Sunshine Coast
Our National day at the Samford
Members and non members of the
Yandina RSL Hall. Members and non
Showground was a great success. We
Club celebrated the Swiss National
members are welcome.
have vacated the clubhouse at 36 Aus-
Day on Saturday, 2nd August 2014 and
Events for 2015 are not yet fina-
tin St, New Farm, and currently loo-
the function was attended by 50 adults
lised but it is expected that the popu-
king for new suitable premises.
and 3 children. The evening started off
lar Games Night will again be held
with a cup of soup, followed by the tra-
early in the new year. Dates and details
ditional BBQ (Bratwurst or Cervelat &
of upcoming events will be listed on
Samichlaus will be at Nicole and Ian’s
Bürli). A sumptuous dessert buffet
the Club’s website.
property in Bauple (camping possible).
rounded off the evening. This year’s
Our regular monthly Luncheons
event was held again at the commu-
(now ladies and gentlemen combined)
nity hall at Kureelpa and the hall was
on the first Friday of every month con-
decorated in the national colours of
tinues to be popular, meeting at a dif-
Switzerland and with flags, lampions
ferent venue on the Sunshine Coast
and candle lights. A raffle was held as
every month to catch up and have a
a fund raiser for the Club, the many lo-
Fraser Coast Swiss Group
Swiss Raclette,
Fraser Coast
ckets sold quickly. The recording of the
Dinner on 6 December 2014 at the
vely prizes on offer ensured that the ti-
0061 2 8383 4000
0061 2 9369 1334
[email protected]
Swiss Cham Australia, Sydney (02) 9290 1928 [email protected]
SAAN (Swiss Australian Academic Network)
[email protected]
SBS Radio (on air in NSW, VIC, ACT)
VIC: The Swiss Club of Vic, Melb. 1300 893 968 [email protected]
Ladies Luncheon
(03) 9889 9321 Heidy Giger
SwissKids (Esther Blaser)
0424 220 523 [email protected]
The Swiss Companion Singers (03) 9889 9321 Heidy Giger
Swiss Diners Club
Swiss Yodel Choir Matterhorn (03) 9754 7390 [email protected]
Swiss Folk Dance Grp Alpenrose (03) 9531 6575 [email protected]
Trachtengruppe Schwyzergruess / Australian Swiss Cultural Soc. (as above)
Groupe Romand Du Victoria
(03) 9571 2835 [email protected]
Pro Ticino - Pro Down Under
(03) 5967 4542 Claude Rossi
SA: Swiss Club of South Aust. Bruno Zueger [email protected]
(08) 8336 5932 Rosmarie Copeland
Swiss Corner Radio 5EBI FM Adelaide
(08) 8211 7066
WA: Swiss Club of Western Aust. 0466 658 411 [email protected]
The Guggeburras
(08) 9277 7826 [email protected]
Play Group
0404 671 913 [email protected]
Monthly Jass / Swiss Yodellers (08) 9291 8402 [email protected]
The Swiss Club Down South
(08) 9755 5297 [email protected]
Hon.Consul (Dr. Juerg Weber) 0407 452 666 [email protected]
NT: Swiss Social Club Darwin (08) 8927 5794 [email protected]
ACT: Canberra Swiss Club Inc. 0402 858 903 [email protected]
Canberra Swiss Club Choir
[email protected]
Canberra Community Radio
(Gaby and Werner)
NSW: Swiss Australian Cultural Assoc.Inc. (SACA) [email protected]
Swiss Entrepreneurs
[email protected]
ETH Alumni Sydney Chapter
Roland Stocker [email protected]
The Swiss Club of NSW Ltd.
(02) 9680 4299 [email protected]
Swiss Play Group
0416 160 919 [email protected]
Schwyzerdütsch For Kids
(02) 9602 9395 [email protected]
The Swiss Yodelers of Sydney (02) 9419 7277 [email protected]
Cercle Romand Du N.S.W.
(02) 9874 9096
Swiss Community Care Society (02) 9428 5593 [email protected]
(incl. Swiss Seniors of NSW) (02) 9428 5593 Ursula Mooser
Swiss Folk Dance Grp Alpegruess (02) 9560 0666
Swiss Historical Society Inc.
(02) 9363 9131 [email protected]
QLD: Swiss Society of QLD Inc. (07) 3314 8344 [email protected]
(07) 3289 1183 Fredi Vogel
Swiss German Playgroup
0402 655 158 [email protected]
Swiss Yodel & Folklore Group Baerg-Roeseli, (07) 3871 1339, [email protected]
Swiss Community Care Soc (QLD) (07) 3298 5300 Lorly Wihler
Gold Coast Group
0414 97 0666 Franz Huber
Fraser Coast Swiss Group
0409 286 326 [email protected]
Swiss Club Sunshine Coast
(07)5447 7548 [email protected]
Swiss Revue Online
Organisation of the Swiss Abroad
ASO Portal Australia (Local CSA Delegates)
Actual News by swissinfo/SRI
Swiss Clubs on the Net in Australia
OASI/DI and voluntary contributions (AHV)
Internet platform for the Swiss Abroad
Regional Editor
Marc Andre Godat
[email protected]
Next Regional Issue
January 2015
Submission Deadline 30.12.2014
Swiss Review / October 2014