The Warby Whisper Wednesday 15th October 2014 Oct Mon 20th Wed 23rd Volume 11, Issue 32 Resilience Building evening at 7pm—Milawa PS Questacon science visit $5.00 per student NEXT WEEK! Fri 24th Mon 27th Wed 29th—Fri 31st Nov Mon 3rd Tues 4th Book Club orders due in CFA mobile unit— Grades 3-6 F/1/2 camp to 15 Mile Creek Don’t miss Monday 20th October Thus 6th Thurs 20th School Concert at Glenrowan Rec Hall Kinder Transition morning Fri 21st Responsible Pet Ownership Pupil Free Day—Report Writing Melbourne Cup Holiday RESILIENCE EVENING at Milawa Primary School 7pm Dear Parents and Friends, My final opportunity to promote the parent information evening, “Supporting the Development of a Resilient Child” with Hugh van Cuylenburg this MONDAY 20th OCTOBER (7pm start) Over the last few newsletters I have been providing information on this special evening, made mention at school assemblies and displayed posters around the school. I believe it will be a very powerful and helpful presentation and would like to see many Glenrowan/Winton parents in attendance. Our cluster is aiming at providing our parents with one combined information evening around social development/parenting per year. Last year we held an evening on Cyberbullying here at Glenrowan. This year the venue is Milawa Primary School as we are sharing around the location. Please complete the RSVP slip sent home yesterday and return it to school by Friday 17th October. Hoping to see you there. Next week is our Review Week across both schools. The reviewer, Carolyn Woodhouse, will be at Glenrowan on Monday and Tuesday and then at Winton for Wednesday and Thursday morning. The purpose of the review is to ensure we are improving our practice and continuing to move forward. Add to this the Questacon-Science shows on the Wednesday (23rd) and we have a busy, action packed week ahead. Regards Colin PUPIL FREE DAY Monday 3rd November (day before Melbourne Cup Day) is a Pupil Free Day. Teachers will be using this day to continue assessment analysis and report writing. STUDENT OF THE WEEK AWARD Grade 5/6 C: Logan W—being a terrific editor by using the 6 Traits of Writing to improve the quality of his writing. Grade 5/6 B: Jessica S—for using good revising and editing strategies in her writing. Grade 3/4 A: Cody S—for showing persistence when typing your work! Grade 2/3 A:. Zali M—for speaking confidently in front of class. Grade F/1 B: Emilia C. (absent)—for the amazing improvement in her handwriting. Grade F/1A: Ebony-Aura M—for her sensational effort during reading groups. PRIVATE PIANO LESSONS Ms Andrea Kennedy is offering private piano lessons at the school on Wednesday afternoons. If your child is interested in beginning piano lessons in Term 4 please contact Andrea on 0448 196 419 SWIMMING PROGRAM IN TERM 4 Our term 4 swimming program will be held in December for all grades. Cost of the program to parents is $70 per child. ($60 for Grade 5/6 students due their missing a session on the Transition Day) We strongly encourage ALL children to be involved in the swimming program both as part of our physical education program and as a lead into the swimming activities throughout the summer season. The Program will be held on the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 15th and 16th of December—ie. It is spread over two weeks. Session times will vary with the pool’s timetable. RESILIENCE EVENING FOR PARENTS Monday 20th October at 7pm Resilience is one of the best life skills that we can have in life and depending on what is happening at any particular point in time can depend on our resilient threshold. If you are resilient you are able to cope reasonably well with difficult situations and things that go wrong and then ‘bounce back’. Throughout life children will need skills and attitudes to help them to bounce back. They will encounter everyday challenges such as making mistakes, falling out with a friend, moving house or school and losing a sports competition. Many will also face challenges such as adapting to family break ups, a stepfamily, the illness or death of a family member, or being bullied. After talking to some colleagues in Melbourne and Geelong they have all recommended a presenter that they have recently had at their schools and said that their students, staff and parents gained a lot from hearing him talk. We have been lucky enough to secure Hugh Van Cuylenburg on the 20th October for both a staff professional development and also a parent professional development session. This event is a cluster event and will be held at Milawa Primary School as it is central to all cluster schools. The presentation will start at 7pm sharp and go for approx. 1 hour & 40 minutes. Parents are asked to bring a plate of supper to share. WANGRATTA ZONE ATHLETICS On Thursday 9th October several of our students participated in the Zone Athletics Carnival in Wangaratta at the Appin Street Reserve. Our students performed very well: James P gained a 2nd in shotput and 3rd in 100m sprint. Tyler gained a 1st in long jump and a 2nd place in triple jump. Rishelle achieved 2nd place in long jump and reached the finals of the hurdles. Tessa gained a 3rd place in both hurdles and the 800metres. Hunter placed 4th in hurdles and 1st in Triple jump. These student will go on to the Regional s at Epping next Friday. Also Sophia placed 5th in triple jump. Fraser gained a midfield position in the 1500m and place 5th in the 800m Lana (Winton PS) participate in the 800m. Well down to all these students for participating so well and representing our schools so well in these sports. Our special thanks to Kylie Creed for supervising on the day. Glenrowan Out of School Hours Care 2014 Staff: Annette Bookings: 5766 2221 or write child’s name in the book in the office. Remember this program is flexible and can change at any time. Free choice provided everyday: games & activities from the OSHC cupboard, colouring / individual scrapbooks. Requested by parents: a homework table is set aside for children. PLEASE NOTE: DANCE—ACTIVE After School Care Program will not begin until next week—Friday 24th October Monday 20th October Fruit Platter Raisin Toast Drawing Block Construction Gardening Cubby House Tuesday 21st October Fruit Crumpets DVD Movies AASC Netball Wednesday 22nd October Fruit Platter Dry Crackers & Dip Draughts Yatzee Explore Creek Monkey Bars Thursday 23rd October Fruit Assorted Biscuits DVD Movies Explore Creek Monkey Bars Friday 24 October Fruit Platter Mini Pizza’s Drawing Block Construction AASC Dance—1st week th ACTIVE AFTER SCHOOL CARE—FREE ACTIVITIES! Activities for this term are Netball on a Tuesday night and Dance on Friday afternoons. Enrolment forms for these activities can be obtained from Annette or from the school office. There is no charge unless children are not promptly collected at the end of the session. They are then assumed to be in ASC which then incurs a fee. Your school newsletter can also be found on the school webpage– on Facebook (just “like” Glenrowan Primary School )and on the Glenrowan Gazette webpage along with other Glenrowan news and information. JAZZ FESTIVAL MARKET & BBQ Our BIG fundraiser for the year is fast approaching. Thank you to the families who are donating time to assist on the day. We understand that many families will be busy in other ways that weekend but if you would like to help by donating any of the following towards the BBQ, it would also help the school by saving the school in outlay costs. We would appreciate donations of : Sliced onions Boxes of soft-drink—Coke, Fanta or Solo Slab of bottled water Please bring donations to the school office on Friday 31st October. THE MT BRUNO PICNIC Saturday 25th October 2014 at 1.00pm. A traditional family fun day of novelty races for all ages. Enjoy the beautiful picnic setting in the Warby Ranges and walk to the waterfalls. This wonderful family day has been held for over 100years. B.Y.O—Afternoon tea, picnic rug and chairs. Children’s races include age, running races, 3 legged races, egg and spoon race, sack rces. Ladies’ races—broom throwing, nail driving OHSC COORDINATOR PRESENTATION of SERVICE Our ASC co-ordinator, Annette Monshing was awarded a certificate this week for serving for over 5 years as co-ordinator of the ACTIVE AFTER SCHOOL CARE PROGRAM at Glenrowan Primary School. Annette has run a range of programs from swimming, dance, calisthenics, football, hockey and netball skills amongst many others. Well done Annette. sprint, blindfolded wheelbarrow push. Mens’ races—sprint, ball throwing at wicket, high jump. All winners choose their own prizes and all children receive a prize. Follow the PICNIC DAY signs from the Glenrowan-Boweya Road at Jones Road, along to the picnic area at Mt Bruno in the Warby Ranges, Entry—Donation at the gate. Enquiries— Bryan Gibson 5766 2224 Doug James 0418 518 247 JAZZ FESTIVAL MARKET Below is the supervisors roster for the Market. Please fill in where you are able to assist and re- DESCRIPTION ONE VOLUNTEER PER SET OF ROWS Rows A / B / C / D Rows E / F / G / H TIME TIME TIME Between 6am-9am to monitor each row stated below & tick off stall holders on arrival & removal of vehicles. Between 9am – 3pm Be the checkpoint person for your allocated rows off & on throughout the day by wondering around & overseeing everything is running to plan. 3pm Market finishes No one is to pack up before then & all stalls must be empty & tidy by 5pm VOLUNTEER 6am – 9am VOLUNTEER Please state a time that best suits throughout the day. VOLUNTEER 3pm – 5pm Oversee pack up. J. Koop R. Koop Rows I / J / K / L J. Gottschling Rows M / N / O / P/Q Colin Robson Powered Sites along Pre School Richard Kids Activity Zone Community Stalls Werner Vogels See over page for the other rosters... Wayne & Bev Suter. 200 Shanley Street. Wangaratta .PH 03 57217974 0418573811 Fiona Hepburn 11am -3pm BBQ Stall Roster VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER 6am-9am Start Set up of Stall! Marquee, BBQ, Trestle Tables, Eskies, Food, Drinks 9am – 10am Mario Anania Scott and Jill Clayton Scott and Mel Williamson N/A John Salafia Werner Vogels Dave Miles 10am – 11am Leanne Powell Jill Clayton 11am – 12noon Leanne Powell Jill Clayton Mel Williamson Lis O’Halloran 12pm – 1pm Leanne Powell Jill Clayton Lis O’Halloran 1pm – 2pm Shayne Marshall Shayne Marshall Toni Mc Carthy Cherie Gottschling Cherie Gottschling 2pm – 3pm 3pm – 5pm Toni Mc Carthy Jake and Jordan Miles Katrina White Katrina White Katrina White Lance O’Callaghan Lance O’Callaghan Pack up VOLUNTEER Apex train Driver Roster, 6.30am-9am Take Apex Train off the trailer, fill fuel, & set up pay station, line up ready to drive. DRIVER & HANDLE MONEY 9am – 11am Jo and Steve Clayton Carina Moddermann 11am – 1pm S. Ousley 1pm – 3pm Paul Hepburn 3pm – 5pm Pack up Balloon and Fairy Floss Stall VOLUNTEER Fairy Floss/ Balloons & Gas- Staff 6am-9am Start Set up of Stall! Marquee, Trestle Table. Mel Williamson 9am – 10am VOLUNTEER STAFF STAFF 10am – 11am 11am – 12noon T. Salafia & M. Miles STAFF 12pm – 1pm Susie Briggs STAFF 1pm – 2pm Susie Briggs STAFF 2pm – 3pm Katie Whitehouse STAFF 3pm – 5pm Pack up STAFF
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