Ste. Genevieve du Bois Parish 1575 N. Woodlawn Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63122 Masses for the Lord’s Day Saturday: 5:00 pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses for Weekdays Mon–Fri: 6:30 am & 8:00 am Saturday: 8:00 am Masses for Holy Days 6:00 pm (vigil) 6:30 am and 8:00 am (Holy Day) Sacrament of Baptism Parents of infants to be baptized should call the Parish Office for arrangements of date of baptism and instruction. Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 pm and any time upon request. Bulletin Deadline Please submit articles before noon on Monday. Sacrament of Marriage Notify parish priest at least six months prior to anticipated date. Blessed Sacrament Adoration 1st Wed. 8:30 am – 11:00 pm; Other Wednesdays 8:30 am -7:00 pm Marian Devotions Tuesdays after the 6:30 and 8:00am Masses. Rosary on the first Saturday of the month. Sound Enhancement Receivers are available for those with hearing impairment. Ask an usher for assistance. Prayer Line Pat Lang 966-4033 Dozens of fellow parishioners praying for your SPECIAL INTENTIONS! OR you may also use the Petition Book in the back of church to solicit prayers for your intentions. October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, October 19 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. People of the Parish 9:30 a.m Elizabeth Galle & Lucy O’Brien 11:00 a.m Louis & Mary Riethmann MONDAY, October 20 St. Paul of the Cross, Priest 6:30 a.m. Betsy Jordan 8:00 a.m. Jim Carlton MINISTER’S SCHEDULES SERVERS SCHEDULE FOR WEEK DAYS MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th, through WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd 8:00 a.m. Jameson Fitzgerald, Joni Halliday THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, through SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th 8:00 a.m. Ellie Byrd, Patrick Carr TUESDAY, October 21 Weekday 6:30 a.m. Stroble-O’Neill Family 8:00 a.m. Sr. Anne McNieve WEDNESDAY, October 22 Bl. John Paul II, Pope 6:30 a.m. Ann Rehme 8:00 a.m. Hannah Hagan THURSDAY, October 23 St. John of Capistrano, Priest 6:30 a.m. Sal Sansone 8:00 a.m. Maurine Kruger FRIDAY, October 24 St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop 6:30 a.m. Special Intention 8:00 a.m. Communion Service SATURDAY, October 25 Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 a.m. Elizabeth Galle & Lucy O’Brien 5:00 p.m. Jeannie Heck SUNDAY, October 26 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. Paul Vogt 9:30 a.m. People of the Parish 11:00 a.m. Francis Paul Cusumano READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 LOOK WHO’S TALKING When money speaks the truth is silent. —Russian proverb WORDS AND ACTIONS When people hear us speak God’s word, they marvel at its beauty and power; when they see what little impact it has on our daily lives, they laugh and poke fun at what we say. —Anonymous second-century Christian Sunday Worship October 25-26, 2014 SATURDAY: 5:00PM Readers: Philip Karst, John Sullivan Eucharistic Ministers: Patrick Glauber *, Monica Mach +, John Placht, Mary Beth Placht, Nancy Schlueter Servers: Paul Henry Goessling, Ryan Lottes SUNDAY: 7:30AM Readers: Gay Noonan, Tom Noonan Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Ann Bryan, Rodney Bryan, David Pentland +, Larry White * Servers: Elliot Gill, Anna Retzlaff SUNDAY: 9:30AM Readers: John Schneider, Joe Parmelee Eucharistic Ministers: Dan McAuliffe, Janet McAuliffe, Bill O’Neil, Leigh Ann O’Neil Servers: Sean Huss, Chris Kuse SUNDAY: 11:00 AM Readers: Paul Gund, Matt Geekie Eucharistic Ministers: Pat Bick, Pat Flood, Mary Pat Glauber, Ann Wilkerson Servers: Caitlin Hansen, Gracie Niemann PARISH INFORMATION TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE Parish Staff Your Offerings Rev. Msgr. Daniel E. Mosley, Pastor Collection — October 12, 2014 Sign up for Electronic Giving Needed Current Week each week Weekly Envelope $ 6,868 $16,500 Electronic Giving $ 2,030 Christmas $ End-of-Year $ Total $ 8,898 Rev. Msgr. John M. Unger, Part-Time Associate Deacon H. Matthew Witte, Permanent Deacon, CRE Mrs. Kathy Fleming, Coordinator of Religious Education at Music Ministry Mr. Larry Bommarito Mr. Walter Kempf Office Staff Mrs. Paulette Kohlmeier, Parish Secretary Mrs. Barbara Heimburger, Parish Bookkeeper Contact Information Parish Phone: 314-966-3780 Parish Fax: 314-966-4687 Website: Email: [email protected] School Staff Mr. Anthony Van Gessel, Principal Mrs. Mary Saranita, School Secretary Contact Information School Phone: 314-821-4245 School Fax: 314-822-4881 Website: Email: [email protected] Welcome to Ste. Genevieve du Bois Parish Please complete and place in collection Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_____________ State________ Zip_________ Phone________________________________________ Email________________________________________ New Parishioner Please check appropriate box: Change of Address New Phone Number St. Liborius Social Ministries is developing a proposal and shortly may be looking for volunteers to make it a reality. If you are interested in learning more about what volunteer opportunities there may be, call the parish office and someone will call you with more information. Thank you for your wonderful support these past 28 years. In the Gospel today Jesus says: “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” When God is the center of our lives there is no problem with giving others their due. Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you are helping your neighbor who is hungry, hopeless and frightened to know that they belong to God. PRAY FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN If you have a name of a soldier or any person who is currently serving and you would like them to be remembered in prayer, please call the parish office at 966-3780: Sgt. Kevin Rempert; David Budlong, US Army; Lt. JG Kevin L. St. Cin, USCG; Spc. Jonathan Lennon, US Army; Ahron Arendes, Chief Petty Officer US Navy; Sgt 1st Class Michael Adkins, U.S Army; Warrant Officer Alicia G. Mejia Adkins, U.S. Army; Sgt. Christopher J. Hoemann, U.S. Army; Sgt. Daniel D. Hoemann, U.S. Marines; Capt. Patrick M. Cronin, USMC; 1st Lt Joseph B. Rieser, USMC; Jack Burnside, U. S. Army; Staff Sgt. John Weber, USMC; Maj. Dr. Larry Petz, U.S. Army; SSgt. Carlo M. Altadonna, US Air Force; Lt. JG Katelyn McCormick, Navy; Blake Rothschild, 2nd Lt., Air Force. STE. GENEVIEVE DU BOIS PARISH NEWS Nicholas Marsella Angelo R. Lodes George Rudloff James J. Carlton Henri E. Renard William T. Weidle Jr. Sebastiano Pennise Maureen P. Leahy Francis P. Cusumano Anne K. Dorn Joseph Fiorani Mary Ann Eckert Joseph O. Flynn Thomas J. Hyams II October 19, 1972 October 19, 1982 October 20, 1988 October 20, 2005 October 20, 2008 October 21, 2002 October 22, 1960 October 22, 1987 October 22, 2009 October 24, 1982 October 24, 1984 October 24, 1998 October 24, 2000 October 25, 1982 There is a promise of marriage between Danielle Dell’Orco, daughter of Michael and Tina (Coleman) Dell’Orco—AND—Kyle Whitcher, son of Merle and Kris (Lehman) Whitcher. Serve St. Louis Thank you to all who came to help Serve St. Louis this past weekend. We completed 14 projects with nearly 200 volunteers, donated about 20 bags and boxes of clothing and shoes and had the only day in the week without rain! God is good! We will have a celebration and re-cap meeting on Tuesday, October 21st in the basement of the parish house. Come one, come all and we will brainstorm for next year too! With questions, please contact [email protected] or 314-249-0676 St. Vincent de Paul Society will meet on Monday, October 20 at 4:00pm in the parish center conference room. These meetings are open to all parishioners and St. Vincent de Paul is always looking for new members. We would love to have your help. Please join us! Mon., Oct. 20—PSR 7th Gr. Class meet Mon., Oct. 20—PSR 8th Gr. Confirmation Wed., Oct. 22—Eucharistic Adoration 8:30am–7:00pm Wed., Oct. 22—”Extreme Mercy II” 10-11am(PHMR) Wed., Oct. 22—Ste. Gen School & PSR 2nd Grade Parent meet for Sacraments 7:00pm (cafeteria) Thurs., Oct. 23—”Ready the Way of the Lord” 9:15—10:45am (PHMR) Thurs., Oct. 23—Ste. Gen Night at Mathew’s Kitchen Mon., Oct. 27—PSR 7th Gr. Class meet We welcome into the parish family through Baptism Charlotte Grace Kiske, daughter of Jerry and Sarah Kiske. The fourth Thursday of each month during the 2014-2015 school year will be Ste. Genevieve du Bois Night at Mathew’s Kitchen. 10% of the sales at Mathew’s Kitchen on the fourth Thursdays will be donated to Ste. Genevieve du Bois school. Mathew’s Kitchen is located at 5625 Hampton Ave. We hope to see you at Mathew’s Kitchen on the fourth Thursday of each month beginning in September and thank you for your support of Ste. Genevieve du Bois School. Our first Ste. Gen Night at Mathew’s Kitchen was held on September 25th. Thanks to those who attended; Ste. Genevieve du Bois School earned $105.00 that night. Please join us this Thursday, October 23rd at Mathew’s Kitchen for delicious food and good company. We now have gift certificates for Mathew’s Kitchen available in the Ste. Gen parish office. Mathew’s Kitchen has initiated a program of gift card sales where Ste. Genevieve du Bois School will receive 10% of the sales. They are available in the parish office at $25 each. The parish office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS AND READERS FOR WEEKDAY & WEEKEND MASSES If you know of any dates you will not be available during the months of November and/or December please let us know by Friday, October 24. You can either call 9663780 or email [email protected] Thank you. Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained is a state-of-theart video series, led by Dr. Edward Sri and a team of dynamic teachers who provide a clear and comprehensive explanation of the Catholic faith. Filmed on location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta and in the Augustine Institute studios in Denver, Symbolon journeys through the core teachings of the Catholic faith to open up the “big picture” in a way that will help you know, live and articulate the faith to others. Part I of this series will be offered at Ste. Genevieve du Bois parish, 1575 N. Woodlawn, Warson Woods, from 7:00-8:30pm on Wednesday evenings from September 24 to October 22. The meeting room is in the lower level of the rectory at the corner of Woodlawn and Medina. Topics this week: “Mary and the Saints” and “The Last Things” STE. GENEVIEVE DU BOIS PARISH NEWS Welcome to Tom Hadfield & Jennifer Strub, and their daughter, Aspen; Michael & Susan Von Gontard, and their son, Michael Jr.; and Ryan & Meghan Hollran, and their son, Will, who joined our parish family during the month of September. Mark Your Calendar Now!! Advent will be here soon so mark your calendar now for Ste. Genevieve du Bois School’s Advent musical play, “Who Is Coming to Bethlehem?” presented by Pre-K through 8th Grades from 6:30 to 7:30pm in the church. Everyone in the parish is invited. Hope we will see you! PSR Mon., Oct. 20—PSR 7th Gr. Class meet Mon., Oct. 20—PSR 8th Gr. Confirmation class meet Wed., Oct. 22—PSR 2nd Grade Parents meet for Sacraments 7:00pm (cafeteria) Mon., Oct. 27—PSR 7th Gr. Class meet RESPECT LIFE APOSTOLATE Nudge – n. a gentle push “Praying the Rosary honors the mysteries of our lives, for each of us knows moments of annunciation, visitation, crowning with thorns and with glory; and limitless opportunities to cry out of a sense of abandonment by God. We carry these experiences and stories with us like rosary beads in our pockets; they are comforting, they are challenging, they are a call to prayer. Each of our stories brings us to a place of knowing more intimately the divine mysteries repeated and revealed in the experience of human life.” From: Ordinary Mysteries: Rediscovering the Rosary by Teresa Rhodes McGee CHURCH MICE We teach children ages 3—6 about Jesus. We read stories, do crafts, sing songs and play games. We meet in the school kindergarten room during the 9:30am Mass. No registration necessary. COMMUNITY NEWS The men of Ste. Genevieve du Bois parish are cordially invited to join the men of MQP for an ACTS retreat, November 20-23 at the LaSalle retreat house in Eureka. MQP began presenting ACTS retreats in 2006. The retreat is a lay-lead retreat with clergy involvement and sacramental support. It takes place beginning Thursday evening and returning Sunday at 11am Mass and has been a positive experience for hundreds of people in and out of our parish. If a group of parishioners is interested in seeing if ACTS might be a fit for Ste. Gen, the first step would be to attend a retreat. A single person or a group of parishioners—as many as 12—are welcome. Questions? Please contact Tom Albus, the director of the retreat at 775 Greenview Dr., 63122; 314-882-4311 (cell) ; [email protected]; McMurphy’s Café at St . Patrick Center is open for business. Join us for breakfast or lunch from 7am to 2pm, Monday through Friday at 800 N. Tucker Blvd. in downtown St. Louis. McMurphy’s Café at St. Patrick Center offers delicious house-made dishes featuring fresh, seasonal produce and locally sourced items. McMurphy’s Café is unique because it serves as an employment training program, helping to prepare St. Patrick Center clients who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless for careers in the food service industry. Carving Your Vocation, October 23 from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Cost: Donation. Maria Center, 336 East Ripa Street, St. Louis, 63125. We invite women over the age of 18 to join us for prayer, reflection and conversation. Pumpkin carving is a fun fall activity, but it can also be a way to learn more about yourself and how God may be calling you. Join us for this unique opportunity! Pumpkins and simple refreshments will be provided. RSVP by October 20 to Catherine Burkart at 618-303-9322 or [email protected] The Ursuline Academy Alumnae Association hosts its Annual Trivia Night to benefit Ursuline student scholarships on Saturday, November 15. The event is held in Ursuline’s gymnasium at 341 S. Sappington Rd., 63122. Doors open at 6pm and trivia begins at 7pm. Tables of 8 are $160 before October 31 and increase to $180 after November 1. Prizes, raffles, games and more are included, as well as beer, wine and soda. Feel free to bring your own snacks and beverages. Prizes will be awarded to best decorated table. For reservations or information, contact Katie Balek Kempf ‘01 at 314-984-2800 or [email protected] To register online visit Thank you for helping to continue our 167-year history of Catholic education for young women in St. Louis. STE. GENEVIEVE DU BOIS SCHOOL NEWS Mon., Oct. 20—Rosary recited in church at 10:20am Mon., Oct. 20—HOT: LUNCH: Cheese pizza, Veggies, Dessert Tues., Oct. 21—All-School Mass at 8:00am Tues., Oct. 21-24—6th Grade Camp Wed., Oct. 22—HOT LUNCH: French Toast sticks, Bacon, Fruit, Dessert Wed., Oct. 22—2nd Grade Parent meeting for Sacraments 7:00pm (cafeteria) Book Fair Family Barbeque! Tuesday, October 28th from 4-8pm Dine In or Carry Out $8/per plate Each Plate Includes: Pulled Pork or Pulled Chicken Sandwich, Corn, Green Beans & Dessert Tickets can be purchased from any Ste. Gen Student or from Paulette in the Parish Center. Sponsored by Ste. Gen PTO/ Catered by Winfield Smokehouse Catering SCHOOL NEWS: Kid’s Eye View Third Grade Rocks! So far in 3rd grade we are off to an awesome start! We have written our first book report and have our second one due soon! Can you believe we are about to start learning our multiplication facts? The third graders are looking forward to Halloween and are anxious to sing at St. Agnes. Miss Rupp is keeping us all busy and we love her! Grace Hanson 3rd Grade SPORTS NEWS Hear ye, Hear ye! The time schedule for Ste. Genevieve du Bois’s 2014 Scholastic Book Fair Family Fun Night is announced! Tuesday, October 28 4:00pm to 8:00pm The royal festivities include crafts, games, photo bookmarks and wizardry (don’t miss the magic show performed by Abra-Kid-Abra 5:30pm to 6:00pm). Feast on pulled chicken and pulled pork sandwiches, provided by Winfield Smokehouse Catering. (Tickets available from Ste. Gen students or the parish office). Additional book fair hours will be Wednesday, October 29 and Thursday, October 30 during teacher conferences from 2:30pm to 8:00pm NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS If you are a wonderful and caring person who wants to help the elderly in your community. Call us! 314-631-1989 A. BEHRENS 821-0247 Compliments of John & Ann Ryan BOPP CHAPEL FUNERAL DIRECTORS Family Owned Since 1902 10610 Manchester Rd. 965-7680 314-821-2615 Plumbing Repairs • Bath Remodeling Sewer Cleaning 314-993-8000 HEATING • COOLING Leading Agents - Selling Your Neighborhood Joan Schnoebelen & Megan Schnoebelen Rowe 314-569-1177 ext 430 or 431 Ste. Genevieve du Bois parishioners JAMES W. RHEA, D.D.S. MICHAEL J. DOHERTY, D.D.S. ~ Complete Plumbing Service ~ 314-544-3800 / A Firm Commitment to Each Client Daniel J. McAuliffe Joseph D. McAuliffe Professional and Confidential Services Provided for Accounting, Tax, Financial Forensics, Fraud, Valuations and CFO Services (314) 822-4856 314-726-2090 Assisting Elder Clients to Remain Independent at Home Denise Huber & Eileen Hedrick, Co-Founders Since 1951 Repairs - Remodeling Sewer Service HAPPY PRO HANDYMAN 636-225-0992 Plumbing • Electrical • Drywall • Painting Tile • Flooring • General Handyman Work (314) 965-4350 FAMILY DENTISTRY New Patients Welcome (314) 961-3221 8824 Litzsinger Road Friendly, Fast and Guaranteed! ASK FOR PARISHIONER DISCOUNT 636-529-8200 Now Hiring! Fully Insured • Free Estimates St. Clement Parishioner 966-8206 34 North Gore Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling 9200 Watson Rd., G-101, St. Louis, MO 63126 CPA, CFE, CVA, MAFF, CMAP Andres Roofing 314-961-4800 Licensed - Insured - Bonded Steve Cordia STL Co Lic #5276 314-781-6241 John J. Placht, Diane Martin 314.822.3741 James Carlton Personal Counseling and Psychiatry THE MCAULIFFE LAW FIRM, LLP 314-965-3200 Private Upscale Catering Heating & Cooling Service Since 1904 CORDIA PLUMBING, INC. J.E. REDINGTON CO. SALES & SERVICE Allen and Sally Serfas, Parishioners George A. Behrens, Owner “Your Hometown Plumber Since 1929” Contracting Inc. - ASPHALT PAVING COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL Do You Feel a Calling to Help Seniors in Need? Appliance Service, Inc. LERITZ PRUNING TRIMMING REMOVAL St. Agnes Home Mike Fontana “Home Away From Home” Assisted Living with a Continuum of Care Carmelite Sister, D.C.J. Over 75 years of Service Certified Arborist on Staff Fully Insured 965-4745 314-725-6159 MENTION THIS AD FOR A DISCOUNT 10341 Manchester @ Woodlawn 314-965-7616 Tim Graham Financial Advisor Dierbergs Warson Woods Center 9957 Manchester Rd Warson Woods, MO 63122 314-961-3841 11135 Manchester Road (Manchester at Geyer) Physical Therapy • Hand Therapy • Massage Therapy Ann Kammien, PT, CHT 314-822-4400 Rick’s Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA Hardware Complete Home and Garden Center 11767 Manchester Road 314-966-6611 Baalmann Family Parishioners – FIELDER – ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED 100, 200 & 400 AMP Service Upgrades • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Stand By Generator Systems $20.00 Off Any Electrical Work of $100 or more 314-966-3388 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Save on heating and air conditioning ZIPF-AIR INC. Kirkwood — 314.821.1200 and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers TREE & LAWN CARE EXPERTS SINCE 1880 $20 OFF Tree Pruning/Removal (314) 961-5440 ne Thin Dime Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Accessibility Improvements by Bemes Home Medical Installed by Off-Duty Firefighters Bath Safety • Lifts • Ramps Free Estimates: 636.343.1100 Providing quality and compassionate service to St. Louis families 740 North Mason Road Creve Coeur, Missouri 63141 248000 St Genevieve Du Bois Church 314.434.3933 [email protected] Call or email to schedule a Private Tour. 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