CHURC CH OF THE T IMMAC M CULAT TE HEART E O MARY OF A 1040 ALA AMEDA DE E LAS PULG GAS, BELM MONT, CAL LIFORNIA 94002 9 DAILLY: SUN NDAYS: SUN NDAY: MOR RNING PRAYER R: MASS S TIMES 8:00 AM A (ROSARY FOLLOWING MASS A ) 5:00 PM (SATURDAY Y EVE) 7:30 AM A , 9:30 AM, 11:30 1 AM & 5:0 00 PM 7:40 AM A MON-SAT BULLLETIN DEADLIN NE: 10:00 0 AM TUESDAY Y STORAL STAF FF PAS Rev. Stephen H. Howell………… H ………..…….… ……………...Pa astor Rev. Jerome M. Murphy………… ………..………… …...Parochial Vicar ……….....…….P Permanent Dea acon Rev. Mr. Henry Jaccquemet……… G Hackett……… …….….……...P Permanent Dea acon Rev. Mr. Steven G. K …………………P Permanent Dea acon Rev. Mr. Leon P. Kortenkamp Kanzaki………… ………Director of Faith Forma ation Mrs.. Julie Britton-K & Youth Min nistry Mrs.. Teri Grosey… …...……….……………………… ….School Princcipal Ms. Katrina Reyes………………… …………..Pre-sschool Coordinator Mrs.. Teri Marconi… ………………… ………………….Music Coordin nator Ms. Gail Tesi….…………….……… ……..Parish Operations Mana ager Mrs.. Karen Turner ..……………… ………….Parish h Finance Man nager PAR RISH OFFICE Tele ephone Fax b Site Web e-ma ail Pariish Auction Web W Site IHM SCHOOL Tele ephone Fax b Site Web e-ma ail Pre--School Telephone (650) 593-6157 (650) 593-1665 org www.ihmbelmont.o e@ihmbelmon office auctio on.ihmbelmon (650) 593-4265 (650) 593-4342 w.ihmschoolbe www ihmo office@ihmsch hoolbelmont.o org (650) 593-2344 BAPTISMS: Pare ents wishing to o baptize children should call the Parish Office to sche edule the baptism and to o schedule participation in n our Bapttismal Prepara ation Program. Please call two months before b you wish the Bapttism. The prep paration may be b done before the birth h of the child. ANCE: PENA Satu urdays: 4:15-4:45 pm or at oth her times by ap ppointment. AGE: MARRIA Arrang gements must be b made six months before th he tentative date of the marriage by calling the Parish P Office. ANOINTTING THE SICK: This sacrament s is for f those who are elderly, seriously s ill, orr schedu uled for surge ery. Contact the Parish Officce to schedule e the an nointing in Chu urch or at hom me. If in hospita al, request the e Cathollic Chaplain or o a priest fro om the Parish in which the e hospita al is located, th hrough the nurssing station. UNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND: COMMU Contacct the Parish Office O if you or a family membe er cannot attend Sunday Mass and would like e to receive the e Eucharist at ek. home during the wee OMERS: NEWCO Welcome to our com mmunity. You are invited to register in the e e month in the vestibule afterr parish on each 2nd Sunday of the gular businesss Mass, by coming to the Parish Offfice during reg pleting a “We elcome Card” found in the e hours, or by comp hlet rack at the e entrance of the t Church an nd mailing it to o pamph the Pa arish Office. A. R.C.I.A Rite off Christian Initia ation of Adults is a process by b which adultss preparre to enter fullyy into the Catho olic Church thrrough Baptism,, Confirm mation or Euccharist. Please e call the Parrish Office forr more information. “Preach the Gospel at all times! Use words if necessary!” St. Francis of Assisi October 19, 2014 – 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Desk of Father Stephen Dear Friends: Our Gospel Reading today reminds us in our fast moving secular world that we must make an effort to make time and space for God. Let us take this to heart. God Bless, Fr. Stephen H. Howell, Pastor I.H.M. GOLF TOURNAMENT: Special thanks to Peter Bach and Michael Fadelli who co-chaired this event and to those who assisted them. Also, thanks to those who participated in the tournament and dinner last night. Thank you. Second Collection: This Sunday is World Mission Sunday – This is a call to focus our attention on the great needs of the Church in the developing world through the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. Thank you for your generosity in the second collection for the Propagation of the Faith. All Souls’ Day Masses: This year, All Souls’ Day is Sunday, November 2, 2014. An occasion to remember the dead and to pray that they may completely share in the light of Christ. You are invited to join our parish community at all Masses that day, and especially at the 11:30 a.m. Mass that morning. The 11:30 a.m. Mass will be a special Mass of Remembrance for all of our parishioners and loved ones who have died during this past year. A dessert reception will follow the 11:30 a.m. Mass in St. Michael’s Hall. Archdiocesan Annual Appeal: Our 2014 Assessment is $96,200.00. We are now at the 79% point. We have $75,645.00 in cash and pledge. We ask that you consider making your donation/pledge at this time and joining the 231parishioners who have already done so. If you need another brochure/envelope, some are in the Church vestibule or please call the parish office, (650) 593-6157. CELEBRANTS: October 25 & 26, 2014 Sat. 5:00 pm – Fr. Murphy Sun. 7:30 am – Fr. Murphy 9:30 am – Fr. Howell 11:30 am –Fr. Howell 5:00 pm- Bishop Justice READINGS FOR October 26, 2014 First Reading: Exodus 22:20-26 (148A) Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40 SUNDAY COLLECTION Weekly Collection needed to meet budget: $8,400.00 Collection for the weekend 10/12/14: $6,870.00 Average Collection to date this fiscal year: $7,299.00 PRAY FOR: • • • • Those who have died, the deceased of our Parish, and those who have no one to pray for them. May they rest in peace. Amen. Those who are newly baptized, Austin Quiboloy Lang, Evan Bradley Gene Phillips, Isaac Lee Phillips, and Laeticia Anne Whiteley. May God always be present to them and may they continue to grow in “age, wisdom and grace.” Peace in our world, for those who serve our country, at home and overseas; for all who suffer in any way due to war and civil disturbance, that God will assist all people toward reconciliation and peace. Those who are sick or who suffer in any way, that God will assist them in their need. Especially, Valerie Abbey, Tom Anderson, Joe Andreano, Olga De Arguello, Harry Bach, Gen Barker, Fr. Bernard Brennan, Carl Brust, Margaret Charlton, Grace Delagnes, Gerald de Wit, John Farbstein, August Ferrari, Mary Ferrari, Julie Fletcher, Roy Fong, Manny Galvez, Barbara Gartner, Greta Gipson-Lewis, Queen Gipson, Silva Guerbidjian, Griselda Guevara-MacDonald, Dottie Hall, Gary Harders, Fr. Xavier Harris, O.F.M., Anna Herdtler, Fr. Milton Hipsley, Catherine Hourigan, Nancy Issac, Henry Jacquemet, Leota Jones, Torin Jones, Joan Lee-Andel, Eve Lefcourt, Patrick Lobo, Jacob Loeffler, Vicki Logan, Rosemarie Maffei, Kevin Mapes, Carol Mateus, John McEvoy, Ken McQueen, Claire McVay, Jesse Montalvo, Donna Moynihan, John Nguyen, Don Oswald, Carter Pagan, Frank Parker, Brooke Seim, Bill Selenger, J. Svendsen, Ofelia Vallejo, Paulette Volante, Marc Weiss, Ted Wolfe, Francesca Zuniga, and for those who suffer alone and have no one to pray for them. IHM SCHOOL NEWS: Thank you to everyone who came out to support IHM at our annual Golf Outing and Dinner Fundraiser Event. Golfers enjoyed some great afternoon rounds of golf. Others then joined the golfers for an evening of wine tasting and dinner. The live auction and raffle items brought another round of enthusiasm in support of IHM. This Monday, our students will show their HEART by wearing pink and donating to the Bay Area Cancer Connection. As active Christians and responsible citizens, our IHM students continue to grow in areas of service to others. If you would like to support this cause, the Student Council will be accepting donations through the school office. We are now accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Visit our website at or call the school office 650-593-4265 for more information. School tours are available; call the school office at (650) 593-4265. For information on our preschool, call our director Katrina Reyes at (650) 593-2344. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Oct. 18-Sat. 5pm- Aiden Lobo (living) Oct. 19-Sun. 7:30am-Carol Byrne 9:30am-For the People of the Parish 11:30am-Lucia Won 5:00pm-William Paalua Oct. 20-Mon. St. Paul of the Cross, Priest 8am – Special Intention Oct. 21-Tues. 8am – The Bolger Family Oct. 22-Wed. Bl. John Paul II, Pope 8am – Patti Orten Oct. 23-Thurs. St. John of Capistrano, Priest 8am – Tom Smith Oct. 24-Fri. St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop 8am – Mrs. Asamaro Oct. 25-Sat. 8am – Mickey Collins 5pm – Harry B. Farmer Oct. 26-Sun. 7:30am-Brenda Lobo (living) 9:30am- For the People of the Parish 11:30am-Barbara Loe 5:00pm-For the Confirmandi Foundation in Christ + Excellence in Education+ Strength in Community YOUNG ADULT RETREAT: “BALANCE” Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014 9:30am to 9:00pm. San Damiano Retreat, 710 Highland Dr., Danville, CA, 94526. Retreat Leader: Paula Jenkins, MAR and the Leadership Team. Lunch is included in the price of $50. We welcome anyone between the ages of 18 and 40 to join us at San Damiano. Topic: “Balance” – Balancing a job and a spiritual life with friends and family, events and free time all becomes a juggling act that can become overwhelming. If we add in a life transition or change (changing a job, dating a new person, moving, getting married, having a child), it can cause a cascade of changes that mean that we have to re-address nearly every aspect of our life. No matter what stage you are in life, whether you are graduating from high school or in college, just starting a new career or have been working for a decade, are single, or married and have children, this retreat will offer something for you. For more info, email Paula – [email protected] CATHOLIC CHARITIES FALL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Do you have an artistic flair for face painting? Can you lead a group of children in a rousing game? Do you have a knack for making crafts? Do you love Halloween parties and volunteering with children, seniors, or those in need? If the answer to any of these is yes (or even maybe) then please join Catholic Charities by volunteering with us this season. We have many volunteer opportunities available ranging from Halloween parties to purchasing supplies for our programs to our upcoming event, Hope Uncorked. For more info about these and many of our other opportunities, please check out our website at this link or call Clint Womack at (415) 972-1297 or [email protected]; or Jane Ferguson Flout at (415) 972-1227 or [email protected] SILVER SOIREE COMMUNITY EVENTS UPDATE Marnie Lyman presented an outstanding floral class on Oct. 2. Autumn’s Brilliance and Beauty delighted her class. We thank Marnie for her creative talents. FAMILY GINGERBREAD WORKSHOP – Dec. 7th Reserve online: Reservation fee of $30 per family includes one (1) gingerbread house and refreshments. Don’t miss this holiday treat for the family! CALLING ALL CRAFTERS Immaculate Heart of Mary School Annual Holiday Boutique, November 21-23rd. If you or someone you know is crafty & would like to participate in this year’s Holiday Boutique, please contact Giannina Moriwaki at [email protected] for more information. RETROUVAILLE – Nov. 7-9 Concerned about your marriage? Call Retrouvaille – (415) 893-1005 – Do you feel lost and alone? Are your hurt, frustrated, or angry with each other? Have you thought about separation or divorce? Would you simply like to improve communication skills? Retrouvaille is not just for hurting couples & welcomes all couples wanting to bring new life to their marriage. Couples of all faiths & those with no faith tradition are welcome & encouraged to attend. The ultimate goal of Retrouvaille is solely to help save marriages. Retrouvaille is not a retreat or marriage counseling. There are neither group dynamics nor group discussions on the weekend. It is not a time for hurting; it is a time for healing. Go to to register.
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