C ATHOLIC P ORTSMOUTH Catholic Parishes and Schools in Partnership in the City of Portsmouth 19 OCTOBER 2014 – TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME YEAR A “Don’t just walk the walk…but talk the talk”. Are you sometimes picked out in a group because you are Christian, at work or at a social gathering? “How can you be a Catholic when… ?“ or “How can you believe that…?” I want people I’m with to know I am Catholic, but do not welcome a provocative question in a group setting. Why? Because I struggle to offer an answer that would satisfy the enquirer and I think that such a group is not usually open to listening to a careful answer. (Although, under the surface, I believe they really do want an answer.) Jesus doesn’t struggle as I seem to. He listens to the insincere compliments of the Pharisees and is easily able to discern that they want to trick him for their own purpose. Jesus answers by declaring the truth of the matter in an absolute way. Jesus was clear that the Pharisees should follow the rules both of the Empire and of God. Actually we too have to consider the literal instruction he gave the Pharisees. To ‘walk the walk’ we too should pay our taxes, should conduct our business affairs honestly and, if we receive too much change from the supermarket cashier, should give the money back. This is one way of being like the Thessalonians who “have shown their faith in action” (Th 1 v1-5). We need to witness quietly that we are trustworthy because this is one way to lead others to know Jesus, by being above suspicion, by being a person for others to rely on. We should also give back to God what is His. Isaiah 45 reminds us that we are chosen by God, that He gives us a name. He has opened doors for us and removed obstacles. He provides for us and gives us our mission. Without Him all is nothing. Giving back to God surely means our whole self, and so with thanks we offer ourselves to Him and acknowledge that who we are, and that the good we achieve, is all through Him. With grateful hearts we are led to give him our ‘first fruits’, which might be in the form of a tithe or financial offering, or a commitment of time or skill according to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. When I am offered a question I need to take my lead from Jesus not to get into a fruitless discussion but to offer an absolute truth; in the knowledge that part of my mission is to be called for moments like these. Scripture is the absolute truth I can offer, and quoting or paraphrasing Scripture in an answer to any question is a sure way to divert an insincere approach or to follow up a sincere one. My words are often a waste, but the Word of God always achieves what it sets out to do. This I believe is how we can “talk the talk”. Lucy Sayer Our Lady of Lourdes & St Swithun Fr Kazimierz Stefek - tel. 023 9282 8305 – [email protected] Our Lady of Lourdes Bransbury Road, Eastney, PO4 9JY - St Swithun 105 Waverley Road, Southsea, PO5 2PL Pastoral Assistant: Sr Marie Elise Tel. 07747 728734 Parish Secretary: Mrs Clare Shore – Office Hours: Mon 9-11and Tues to Friday 9- 3 Safeguarding Representative: Val Croughan 023 9234 1682 St John’s Cathedral: Bishop’s House, Bishop Crispian Way, PO1 3HG – Tel. 02392 826170 Cathedral Dean: Canon Dominic Golding VG – [email protected] Assistant Priest: Fr James McAuley – [email protected] Parish Secretary: Mrs Lily Peach – [email protected] – Office Hours: 0900-1600 Monday – Friday Parish Pastoral Assistant: Sister Maura Chin - Safeguarding Representative: Sue Smy 023 9273 0855 Corpus Christi & St Joseph Fr Steven Restori tel 023 9266 0927 – [email protected] Corpus Christi Gladys Avenue, North End PO2 9AZ – St Joseph Tangier Road, Copnor PO3 6JH Parish Sister: Sr Mary Gleavey FMDM 07586 801868 – St Joseph Hall Bookings: Mrs Mary Vale 07897 488254 Safeguarding Representative: Elaine Lindsay 07749 200592 St Colman with St Paul Fr Joe McNerney(Hospital Chaplain) – Assistan Priest: Fr John Humphreys [email protected] - 023 9228 6408 St Colman St Colman’s Avenue, Cosham, PO6 2JJ – St Paul Allaway Avenue, PO6 4DG– tel. 023 9237 6151 Parish Assistant: Mrs Tess Pritchard Office Hours: 0900-1500 Mo-Wed & Fri Safeguarding Representative: Irene Taylor 023 9264 0754 or 07914 722708 Pastoral Youth Worker: Dom DeBoo tel 023 9283 6524 mob 07769 185603 – [email protected] PARISHES: Corpus Christi & St Joseph • Our Lady of Lourdes with St Swithun • St Colman & St Paul • St John’s Cathedral SCHOOLS: Primary: Corpus Christi • St John’s Cathedral • St Paul’s • St Swithun’s • Secondary: St Edmund’s Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk SUNDAY NIGHT EXTRA (11–16) After a good first Sunday Night Extra session of the new term, our next session will take place today, from 1900–2045 in the Cathedral hall following the 1800 mass. We will be Feel free to get in touch: having chicken nuggets and chips facebook: ‘Dom DeBoo Portsmouth’ followed by a CAFOD Workshop K;k;k;l twitter @Dom_DeBoo_Youth looking at how we can be more www.catholicportsmouth.org.uk/youth engaged with justice issues. With [email protected] Mario Kart, Fifa, Pool, Table Football, tel: 07769185603 UNO, Giant Connect 4 and lots more, come have fun, chill out and KIDS CLUBS (8–11) spend some time reflecting on your During half term, we will be running two faith. There will be a £2 donation Kids Clubs for anyone in school years 4– towards the cost of food. 6, including pool, table football, Mario Kart, Fifa 15 and lots more games and CONTACT YOUTH (11–16) activities. The first will be on Tuesday 28 Our next CONTACT Youth Club October from 1400–1600 in St Swithun’s session for young people aged 11– Hall, whilst the second will be on 16 will be this Wednesday 22 Thursday 30 October from 1400–1600 at October at St Colman’s Church St Colman’s Hall. The afternoons are from 1900–2100. The club is a lot of offered completely free although we will fun and a great opportunity to meet be running a tuck shop so if you want other young people. If you are sweets bring money along for these. interested in coming along, please contact me. LASER QUEST TRIP (11–18) TIME OUT WITH GOD (11–18) We have booked another Laser Quest On Thursday 30 October, we will be Trip open to all 11–18s on Tuesday 28 running a youth liturgy open to October, meeting in the Cathedral Car anyone aged 11–18 in Our Lady of Park at 1830 and then walking down to Lourdes Catholic Church from 1900– Action Stations Laser Quest in the Historic 2000. The time of prayer will be an Dockyard. The trip costs £10 for 3 games opportunity for you to take some of Laser Quest and we will need to time out with God during half term. receive your consent forms and Please let me know if you are payment by Friday 24 October. To book interested in coming along. contact me. RECONCILIATION St John's Cathedral St Swithun Our Lady of Lourdes Corpus Christi St Joseph St Colman Saturday 1100-1145 1700 – 1745 Friday 1930 – 2000 Saturday 1030 – 1100 Saturday 1730 – 1755 Saturday 0930 Saturday (Before 1800 Mass) Saturday 1700 – 1730 Please pray for those who are ill, especially: Pat Needham, Tony Denny, Fr Norman, Margaret Badger, Rosemary Ashton, Ann Jarman, Anne Sullivan, Catherine Morgan, Eileen Huddleston, Barbara Mulligan, Harry Murray, Arthur Tobin and Jo Wheeler. For those whose anniversaries occur at this time: James Ward, Marie Jamison, Clive Mitchem, Anne Ellis, Mary Kelleher, Helen Pafford, Monica Amos, Michael Corcoran, Cyril Frederick Murray, Paul Kendrick, Alfred Albert Arthur Rogers, Sally O'Brien, Christine Higgins, Anne Inkpen, Alfred Walters, Wanda Anderson, Margaret Laura Perren, Bernard Reilly, Madeleine Phillips, Mary Vahey, Grace Viola Oida, Elizabeth Holt, Margaret Armitage, Kim Maria Blake, William O'Shea, Julia Madigan, Angela Mary Woodfield, Erica Munton, Marion Barcock, Beatrice Boorah, Bishop William Timothy Cotter, Borus Kesi, Mary Casey, Lily Fuller, Mary Spary, Mary Prior, Reginald Edward George Gilbert, Joseph Andrews, Jane Jones, Germain Naie Scadden, Mary Margaret Holt, Canon Patrick McSwiney (PP), Henry McAllister, Minnie Griffin, Margaret Downing, Anthony Micallef, Dorothy Ginn, John Williams, Joan Brown, Shaun McAuliffe, Thomas Stockbridge, Patrick Davison, Winifred "Una" Hughes, Ena Egerton, Percy Tiller ("Peter”) and John Gerrard Sexton. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen YOUNG ADULTS RETREAT (18–30) On the weekend of Friday 31 October – Sunday 2 November we will be joining the diocesan Youth 2000 young adults retreat at St Peter’s School, Bournemouth. The weekend works on a donations basis with a suggested donation of £60 for waged and £45 for unwaged attendees. If you would like to join us or for more information, contact me. YEAR 6 YOUTH CLUB - ZONED IN After half term, we will be launching ZONED IN, our new year 6 youth club at Corpus Christi Catholic School Hall on Thursday nights starting with a Registration evening and Parents Information evening from 1830–1930 on Thursday 6 Nov. If you are interested in your ch ild being part of the youth club, please attend and get your child signed up. We are still looking for parent helpers to join our team so if you feel able to volunteer please let me know. DISCOVERY (14–18) After half term, we will also be launching a five-week programme for young people aged 14–18 to come and learn more about their faith, using the excellent Nooma DVD series. The sessions will take place in the Cathedral Discovery Centre café from 1900–2030 on Tuesday nights starting on Tuesday 11 November and will include tasty desserts, some DVD input, small group time and a time of prayer. If you are interested in coming along, contact me. DIARY MONDAY 20 OCTOBER - Our Lady of Peace (Medjugorje) Prayer Group: 1100-1200 Jubilee Room, St John’s Cathedral - CWL (Catholic Women’s League) Monthly Meeting: 1330-1530 St John’s Cathedral New members and visitors always welcome. - A Journey Through the Bible Study Session: 1900-2100 St John’s Cathedral Discovery Centre Hall TUESDAY 21 OCTOBER - Parent and Toddlers and Baby Group: 0915 to 1115, St Swithun’s Hall FRIDAY 24 OCTOBER - Mothers Prayer Group – 1115 Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Room - Guides and Brownies Meet 1700 – 2000 Our Lady of Lourdes Community Room THURSDAY 23 OCTOBER - The Search (RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): 1900 2000 St John’s Cathedral Discovery Centre SUNDAY 26 OCTOBER - Latin High Mass in the Extraordinary Form: 1500 St John’s Cathedral MONDAY 27 OCTOBER - Ascent Group – 1415 St Swithun’s Hall WE ACKNOWLEDGE LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTIONS WITH THANKS - Corpus Christi with St Joseph: £757.54 inc SO - Our Lady of Lourdes & St Swithun: £1,172.53 (55% GA) inc SO - St Colman with St Paul: £1,007.84 (70% GA) inc SO - St John’s Cathedral: £1,893.32 (52% GA) inc SO Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Pastoral Area News RETIRING COLLECTION: WORLD MISSION SUNDAY (APF) AREA There NEWS will be a retiring collection after all Masses today for World Mission Sunday, when our family in faith joins together to pray and give for the good of poorer parishes overseas. Please give generously. OCTOBER IS THE MONTH OF OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY The Rosary continues to be prayed at various times in all the Churches of our Pastoral Area. Please see the section on ‘Confessions and Devotions’ of this newsletter. Let us unite throughout the Pastoral Area through the Rosary in this special month of Our Lady. LATIN HIGH MASS IN EXTRAORDINARY FORM SUNDAY 26 OCTOBER High Mass in the Extraordinary Form will be celebrated at 1500 at St John's Cathedral with the assistance of the Latin Mass Society. It is rare for the splendour of High Mass to be celebrated outside London these days and all are welcome to attend. Last year's High Mass in the presence of Bishop Philip was a great success and, as last year, a Gregorian choir will attend. The principal celebrant will be Fr Phillip Harris who looks forward to returning to his previous parish. Light refreshments will be available for purchase after the Mass and parking is available behind the Cathedral. BUPA GREAT SOUTH RUN 2014 Road closures and NO PARKING restrictions enforced around Portsmouth and Southsea on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 October (starts at 1015). This might cause delays whilst travelling to Mass. DIOCESAN YOUTH RETREAT BELIEVE @ BOURNEMOUTH Young people aged 16 to 30 are warmly invited to this year’s diocesan youth retreat which takes place from 1700 on Friday 31 October, 1400 to Sunday 2 November, at St Peter’s School, Bournemouth. Young people themselves lead this retreat. As Pope Francis has said: “The best instrument to evangelise young people is other young people.” The retreat is ideal for post-Confirmation teenagers and will include engaging talks on the essentials of Catholic faith, Mass and opportunities for Confession, workshops and discussion groups, and time for participants to meet and socialise with other young Catholics. Last year, over 100 young people from around the diocese participated in this retreat. Bishop Philip will celebrate Mass during the weekend. To book your place, email [email protected] or visit www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk/youth. The suggested donation is £60 for those who are working, and £45 for those who are students. More details are available from Will Hince, retreat coordinator, on 07780221686. FAITH AND LIFE GATHERINGS FOR UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH STUDENTS You are invited to share faith and friendship with discussion, tea and cake every 2nd Sunday at 1300, and 3rd Thursday at 1830 in Flat 24 Lion House Lion Terrace, Portsmouth PO1 3AB. The discussions will be led by Angela O’Donoghue. Sun 9 November ‘We remember in prayer those we love who have died’, and Thu 20 Nov ‘Exploring different pathways of prayer’. TRAINING FOR CATECHISTS AND LEADERS The training day will equip leaders and catechists to run the Anchor resource in their parish, and to equip especially the parents of children preparing for First Holy Communion, First Confession and Baptism. The Day will be led by the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph from Lymington who are members of the Diocesan Formation for Mission Team. The Training Day will be on held on Saturday 22 Nov from 1000-1300 in St Edward the Confessor Church Hall, Chandlers Ford SO53 2DU, with an optional workshop in the afternoon. Bring a packed lunch. The day is free of charge. VOICE IN THE DESERT Saturday 15 November, 1030–1600. If you are aged between year 8 and young adult, we warmly invite you to join us for our preparation event for National Youth Sunday 2014. The day will kick-start with a performance from award-winning theatre group, TenTen theatre, and will involve workshops on everything from drama to music to spiritual survival. The day will build towards our final Mass, which will be celebrated by Bishop Philip. Cost: £10. Venue: Saint George Catholic College, Leaside Way, Swaythling, Southampton. SO16 3DQ. Bookings and more info: Will Hince 07780221686 [email protected] ASCENT GROUP 1415 St Swithun’s Hall on Monday 27 October. Bookings and payment for the Ascent Christmas Lunch will be taken at this meeting. This will take place on Tuesday 16 December in the Cathedral Discovery Centre and will cost £15.00. ONE WORLD WEEK – 19 to 26 October – Please see the Notice Board for events in the Portsmouth area. OCTOBER - THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY. October has long been especially devoted to the Rosary. The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (7th October) was established as a thanksgiving for the great naval victory over the invading Turks at Lepanto, off the coast of Italy, in 1571. (The feast of the Holy Name of Mary which we celebrated earlier in September, was established as thanksgiving for the great victory over the Turks at Vienna). The Rosary is a simple, profound prayer, suitable for individuals, groups and communities, for people from every kind of cultural background. It is a prayer to Our Lady and Our Lord because it is based on meditations on Christ’s life. Daily recitation of the Rosary in the family was once widespread. How worthwhile would such a practice be today! At St. Swithun we will pray the Rosary every day (except Sundays) after morning Mass. Mary leads us to Jesus! Parish News PARISH MEMORIAL MASS – November is the month when we traditionally pray for the FaithfulNEWS Departed. A special Mass for the AREA Dead will be offered on Tuesday 4 November at 7pm at St Swithun’s Church. During this Mass the names of those whose funerals have been held in the Parish in the last 18 months will be read out. If you would like a loved one’s name mentioned during the Mass please contact Clare at the Parish Office. READERS AT ST SWITHUN’S CHURCH – Please can you fill in your availability for November to January on the form in the Sacristy. Many thanks. Clare ASCENT GROUP – 2.15pm in St Swithun’s Hall on Monday 27 October. The guest speaker is to be confirmed. Bookings and payment for the Ascent Christmas Lunch will be taken at this meeting. This will take place on Tuesday 16 December in the Cathedral Discovery Centre and will cost £15 per person. ST JOHN’S COLLEGE POLITICS SOCIETY – Speaker Lord Liddle on Europe (former adviser to Tony Blair when he was Prime Minister) 7pm Wednesday 22 October at St John’s College. PARISH SKITTLES EVENING – Thursday 13 November 7pm at Southsea Leisure Park. To sign up and for further details please see Notice Boards or speak to Monica Madigan or Shirley Parker. THE SEARCH (RCIA – RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) - It is not too late to come along if you wish to find out more about the Catholic Faith. Join us every Thursday from 1900-2000 in the Cathedral Discovery Centre for a continuing series of meetings called ‘The Search’. Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Liturgical Calendar and Mass Times S SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER First Mass of 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time 1800 SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 0800 0830 0900 St Colman St John’s Cathedral St Joseph St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Joseph Isaiah 45:1.4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Matthew 22:15-21 0930 St Colman 1000 1015 1100 1100 1200 1600 1800 1800 0915 1000 1215 0915 1000 1215 1900 0730 0915 1000 1200 1215 0930 0930 0930 1000 1200 1215 1930 0730 0930 1000 1215 1830 1900 1930 0900 1000 1215 St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Paul Corpus Christi St John’s Cathedral QA Hospital St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun Corpus Christi St John’s Cathedral St Paul St Joseph Corpus Christi St Swithun Our Lady of Lourdes St John’s Cathedral St John’s Cathedral St John’s Cathedral Corpus Christi St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun St John’s Cathedral Corpus Christi St Swithun St John’s Cathedral Our Lady of Lourdes St Colman St John’s Cathedral St Joseph St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Joseph St Colman St John’s Cathedral St Swithun Corpus Christi St Paul St John’s Cathedral St John’s Cathedral QA Hospital St John’s Cathedral St Swithun MONDAY 20 OCTOBER Feria TUESDAY 21 OCTOBER Feria WEDNESDAY 22 OCTOBER Feria THURSDAY 23 OCTOBER St John of Capistrano, Religious, optional memorial or: Feria FRIDAY 24 OCTOBER St Anthony Claret, Founder, Bishop, optional memorial or: Feria SATURDAY 25 OCTOBER Our Lady on Saturday or: Feria SATURDAY 25 OCTOBER First Mass of Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time SUNDAY 26 OCTOBER THIRTIETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Exodus 22:20-26 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Matthew 22:34-40 Our Lady of Lourdes 1800 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1015 1100 1100 1200 1500 1600 1800 1800 Intentions of Abi and CJ Sumbilla and their parents Mary Kathleen O'Leary RIP (FM) Deceased Members of the Johnson Family RIP Lane Family Deceased P Mary Cecilia Coghlan RIP People of the Parish People of the Parish Safe recovery and total healing of Josephine Flores (SL) Patrick Ellis RIP O'Brien/Owens Families RIP F William Arthur Miller RIP (MM) Andrew Coughlan RIP F People of the Parish John Joseph Cummings RIP (CC) Mass in Polish Maura Schultz RIP Thanksgiving Vareed Family (DV) Maurice Gracias RIP Rev Lawrence Joseph Cosgrove F Dorothy Campbell RIP (FM) Eileen & Ernest Webb RIP F Max and Stephen Bischof RIP Joseph Salerno RIP Marjorie Burton RIP (PM) Maurice Gracias RIP Gerry McAshee F Michael and Samuel Grubb RIP Brian O'Connell RIP (DO'C) Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion School Harvest Mass Maurice Gracias RIP Lucia Maria Louisa Sawyer RIP Vago Family F Peter & Vera Anderson F Maurice Gracias RIP Houghton Family F Ray Smith RIP (PS) George Albert Martin P Christopher McCullouch RIP The Rev Anthony Pateman INT (Golden Jubilee) People of the Parish Kathleen Maguire RIP (JM) Deceased Members of Johnson Family People of the Parish Maurice Gracias RIP Kathleen Cummings RIP Maureen Brickwood RIP (HB) Patrick Ellis RIP Janice Johnson RIP Molly Sweeney RIP Mary Ann White RIP (CC) Epiphania Flores RIP and Christeta Flores RIP Latin High Mass Win & Tom Cummings RIP (CC) People of the Parish Mass in Polish Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk
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