Eckernforde Tanga University Institute of Health Sciences Office of the Registrar P.o. Box 5079 TANGA, Cell: (+255) 714-130862, Fax: 27-2645941 Website: Ref No: ETU/IHS/JIF/03/014 Names (in full) First name……………………………………..Middle name………………………………………………...... Surname………………………………….Address………………………………………Phone No…………………………… REF: JOINING INSTRUCTIONS FOR 1ST YEAR CERTIFICATE AND DIPLOMA STUDENTS (2014/2015). We are pleased to have you selected to join the Eckernforde Tanga University Institute of Health Sciences as a candidate for the programme of: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. NB 1: No candidate shall be allowed to register into a programme that he/she was not admitted for. Please note that switching between programmes after registration shall not be entertained. NB 2: No candidate will be registered before payment of full First Semester fees (no installments). NB 3: Special payments will be paid during the registration process NB 3: The names entered in this form must be exactly the same as those appearing on your C.S.E.E. academic certificates). Please report at the University Institute of Health Sciences on Thursday, 16 October, 2014. A candidate reporting two weeks after this date shall not be eligible for registration. 1. General Information Eckernforde Tanga University is a private owned Higher Education Institution. It is situated at KANGE area about 5 km from the centre of Tanga City, along the main road to Korogwe. The University Campus is amid shadowy trees and flowers, in a quiet and peaceful environment conducive for learning. Eckernforde is your chosen road to success! 2. How to get to Eckernforde Tanga University Institute of Health Sciences. If you are from outside Tanga, If via Segera or Muheza take a bus that goes to Tanga City and alight at KANGE KITUONI. If from north of the city take a mini bus at the central bus station, likewise alight at KANGE KITUONI. The bus conductor will assist you. The University buildings are near- by the road. Upon arrival, report to the Dean of Students who will give you all the necessary details with regard to your accommodation and registration procedures****. 3. Accommodation Some female students will be accommodated at the hostel located within campus. Male students and female students not accommodated at the institute will be accommodated off campus. A list of hostels with fee structures is attached. Before or on arrival, contact the Dean’s office at 0754222851/0712029292 or Hostel operators in the attached, list where you will have to settle the hostel charge individually. 4. Meals Tea, lunch and dinner are served at the University Cafeteria. Students are to meet their meals cost. 5. Transport Transport to and from the University is readily available 6. Financial Requirements. In order to be registered as ETU’s bonafide student, you are supposed to fulfill financial requirements of the relevant programme as shown below. i. Fees must be paid through CRDB ECKERNFORDE TANGA UNIVERSITY (INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES) Ac No: 0150385030402 and the Bank pay-in-slip (original copy) presented to the Bursar of the Institute during registration (fee structure attached). ii. Once paid, fees shall not be refunded or transferred to the next academic year or to a third party. iii. No candidate shall be registered without full payment of all the first semester course requirements or proof for sponsorship. iv. National Health Insurance Fund annual fee will be paid to NHIF bank account as per instruction upon arrival. If you are already a member, you simply show your Membership Card. v. Semester accommodation costs will have to be paid to the owner of the chosen hostel. 7. Institute of Health Sciences candidate regulations and examination policy. Each candidate shall be issued with copies of the Institute Regulations upon registration (student guide). The candidate is required to read these documents very carefully because they provide a useful guide for his/her stay at the Institute of Health Sciences. 8. Registration On arrival the candidate shall report to the Registrar’s Office for Registration between 7:30 am and 6:00pm. For registration purposes, ALL of the following shall be required: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 A letter of acceptance from NACTE Central Admission Office (CAS). RELEVANT ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES and TRANSCRIPTS at all sittings RESULT SLIPS shall be accepted for Form six leavers of 2014 and form Four levers of 2014 ONLY FOUR recently taken Passport size photographs. Proof that the candidate has paid the Institute tuition fees by showing original bank pay-in-slip. Original Joining Instruction forms duly filled. Non-citizens to produce passports Original Birth Certificates. No Substitutes. Duly filled MEDICAL EXAMINATION FORM 9. Other Provisions i. Please report any personal medical requirement to the Dean of Students on arrival. ii. You will be required to abide by the laws of the country and any other national, regional and University legal provisions or Students by-Laws which facilitate the community’s well-being and prosperity. iii. Stethoscope for Clinical Medicine Students (available at the Institute) iv. UNIFORM a. Two pairs of Khaki trousers b. Two white shirts c. Two Clinical white coats (available at the Institute ) d. Two pairs of black shoes v. UNIFORM (FEMALE) a. Two white dresses b. Two Clinical white coats c. Two pairs of black shoes Welcome aboard Eckernforde Tanga University Institute of Health Sciences! ………………………………………………. DIRECTOR, INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES. Attachments: A. Candidates Medical Examination Form B. Fee Structure C. Hostel List and Contacts _____________________________________________________________________________________________ DECLARATION “In consideration of my admission to Eckernforde Tanga University Institute of Health Sciences and of the privileges of a student in this institution, I hereby promise and pledge to abide by and comply with all the rules and regulations laid down by competent authority in the Institute in which I am enrolled” ………………………………….. Student Name …………………..……………… Signature of Student ………………………………… Date Eckernforde Tanga University Institute of Health Sciences Office of the Registrar P.o. Box 5079 TANGA, Cell: (+255) 714-130862, Fax: 27-2645941 Website: STUDENT’S MEDICAL EXAMINATION FORM Sur name ………………………………………………… Other names ………………………………………. Adm. No.…….……… Faculty / Department …………………………………………………………………… Nationality……………………………… Age ………...…… Gender……..…… Marital Status…..…………………… PERSONAL HISTORY Has the examinee ever suffered from any of the following? If yes indicate date and diagnosis. If not please write “NO” in Appropriate space. YES NO NO SUFFERED FROM Tuberculosis A Other respiratory diseases B Cardiac Disease C Gastro – Intestinal disease D E Renal or Genitor Urinary disease Syphilis or Gonorrhea F G Emotional disease or psychosis Serious Injuries H I J Allergies Any fits Leprosy K For more information visit our site: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 1. Height …………………………………… 2. Weight……………………… 3. Chest – Lungs - Heart …………………………………………………………….…….. - BP ……………………………………………………………………… 4. Abdomen - Organs ………………………………………………………………………………… - Other Mass …………………………………………………………………………… - Pregnancy ……………………………………………………………………………. 5. Skin disease ……………………………………………………………………………… 6. Eyes: Conjunctivae ………………………………. Pupils ……………………………… Sight: Without glasses ……………………….. Right …………………………………… Left ………………………….….……… Sight: With glasses Right …………………………………… Left ………………………………….… 7. ENT…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8. LAB INVESTIGATIONS a) ESR ………….. WBC ……………. B/S ………….. Stool ………….. Urine …………. b) S.T.I. …………………………………………………………………………. 9. Any Physical abnormalities of the Prospective student plus the Doctors recommendations ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. CONCLUSION I have examined Mr./Mrs./Miss ……………………….…………….………………..and considered that he/she is fit/not fit to be enrolled as a student at IHS. Name …………………………………………………..… Signature………………………… Title ……………………………………. Qualifications ………………………………. (Official Stamp) Date:- ………………………………………… Page 6 For more information visit our site: LIST OF HOSTELS 3 In Campus Girls Hostel Tarimo for Diploma and Certificate Eckernforde Girls Hostel Tarimo for Diploma and Certificate Kilagwa Boys Hostel Kange 4 Kilagwa Girls Hostel 5 Nkurunzinza Boys kange Hostel Purlin Boys Hostel City Center Mama Msangi Boys Kange Hostel for Diploma and Certificate 2 6 7 Kange Space for Price per Phone No. of month Hostel owners Rooms 1 Distance To –From ETU Capacity Name of Hostel Place s/ n 50meters 58 29 2 students@ 30,000Tsh 0713-372480 100 meters 10 5 2 students@ 30,000Tsh 0713-372480 210 meters 200 meters 250meter s 8km 100 25 students 25,000Tsh 0712-860886 48 12 students 25,000Tsh 0712-860886 50 12 students 30,000Tsh 0717-234403 40 10 students 25,000Tsh 0713-475740 300meter s 40 10 4 @ 4 @ 4 @ 4 @ 4 @ students 30,000Tsh 0715-097748 You are advised to contact the responsible person in the hostel you would like to stay in and finalize your booking before coming. Payment should be made straight to hostel administration concerned. Page 7 For more information visit our site:
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