19th - 25th October, 2014 18th Sunday after Trinity Welcome to St. Margaret’s If you are new please ask for a Welcome Booklet and if you would like, fill in the welcome card. Welcomers & Sidespeople (those with badges who greet you) are here to help - if you have any questions please ask them. St. Margaret’s Church UXBRIDGE PARISH Healing Ministry: Our prayer team would be delighted to listen and pray with you during communion or after the service at: 9am—1st & 3rd Sundays 10.45am—Every Sunday 7pm—Every Sunday 12.40pm—Last Friday of the month Holy Communion: There will be a non alcoholic wine available if you prefer, simply ask the chalice administrator. Pastoral Team: All our congregations have pastoral teams available to offer help and support. Please fill in a card or speak to any of the clergy. If you are here on Sunday Children of All Ages are welcome here at both our morning services. Today at our 9am and during our 10.45am service the children (from 3-11 years) will go upstairs for Sunday School. There is a crèche area for the under 3’s upstairs...and a crèche area for the younger children in the foyer—please help yourself. Young People (Pathfinders) Years 7-11 (11-16’s years) meet in the service at 10.45am and then go over to Christ Church when the other groups go upstairs. As we come together for worship, please ensure that your mobile phone is on silent or switched off Services: Sunday: “He will come again in glory” (Nicene Creed) Readings: Romans 8:18-28 (page 1135), Matthew 24:36-44 (page 994). 9.00am Holy Communion with Prayer for Healing and Children’s Group 10.45am Holy Communion with Prayer for Healing and Children’s Groups 7.00pm Evening Service with Prayer for Healing Theme: Healings & Cleansing Reading: Mark 1:29-34, 40-43 (page 1003) Tuesday: 1.00pm Songs of Praise Theme: Be Holy Reading: 1 Peter 1:13—2:2 (page 1215) Thursday: 10.30am Holy Communion Friday: 12.40pm Holy Communion Our Parish Vision: “To see peoples lives transformed in Uxbridge through knowing God’s love and living Christ’s way” For all the very latest news, visit: www.stmargaretsuxbridge.org St. Andrew’s Please Pray for: Janet Kime, Dave Skelton, Aidan Hewitson & family, Clair & Mark Fisher, Glenys Seymour, Nicola Harrison, Joan Smith, Melanie Deeks, Ali Herman-Hunt, Margaret Coleshill, Russell Brayford, Audrey Bird, Enid Bowd and David Badhams. St. Margaret’s: June Regan, Mary Wastell, Angela & Ronnie Speed, Fliss Davenport, We remember in faith and love John & Elizabeth Chamberlain, All those who have died David Aram (Hamish’s dad), David especially Janet Pascoe Skelton, Neil Sebastion, Skyler & and all anniversaries that occur Thomas Bates, Beryl Harper, at this time including Becky & Cyril Haggar, Violet Mont- Julie Vass, Revd Eric Chappel, gomery, Roy Montgomery, Jaydon Evelyn Ashford, Harry Barnard, Please pray for: & family, Frances Moore, Paula Amos Trust Helen Mealing, Arthur White, and Stephen Fairbairn, Phoebe Muriel Simpson, John McGivern The Amos Trust promotes Simpkins, Joy Shiner, Margery Pigand Elizabeth Colbert. justice and hope for forgotten gott, Sheila Coole, Kim Martin and communities. Please pray for: Eileen Goslett. St. M’s especially supports Naimah, Nathaniel and Linda who Umthombo, working street chilare being baptised next Sunday dren in Durban, South Africa. at 10.45am Parish Staff The Revd Andrew Sheard (Team Rector/St. M’s Vicar—day off Fri eve/Sat daytime) 01895 237853 The Revd Cliff Bowman (St. A’s Vicar) On Study leave The Revd June Hughman (Town Centre Minister/Ass. Vicar St. M’s—day off Thursday) 01895 254121 The Revd Tim Atkins 01895 231801 The Revd John Jenkins (Days Off: Tues & Sat) 07850553929 Pete TELFer (Parish Youth Worker—Part time) [email protected] 07969929225 Paul Singleton (Student Youth Worker) (Day Off Friday) 07803 838088 Carrie Moore (Weekday Coffee Shop Manager) 01895 812193 Tina Rapson (Outreach Pastoral Worker) Monday-Wednesday 01895 812193 Rachel Drake (Outreach Pastoral Worker) Wednesday-Friday 01895 812193 Jane Hills (Parish Office) 01895 258766 Patrick Colbert (Saturday Pastoral Worker & Coffee Shop Manager) 07534649283 Jonny Rapson (Voluntary Worker—day off Saturday) 07557808527 Parish Office: 01895 258766 [email protected] Office Hours this week: Mon—Weds 9.30am - 1.30pm, Thurs & Fri 9.30am - 3.30pm ST. MARGARET’S WEBSITE: www.stmargaretsuxbridge.org Oasis Website: oasisuxbridge.org Email: [email protected] Parish YOUTH Website: www.stmargaretsuxbridge.org/youth/ Oasis Coffee Shop Opening Hours: Monday - Friday: 10.00am—2.00pm: Saturday 10.00am-3.00pm Weekday services Tue 1.00pm Wed 9.30am Thur 10.30am Fri 12.40pm Songs of Praise Eucharist for Mum & Toddlers Holy Communion Holy Communion St. Margaret’s St. Andrew’s St. Margaret’s St. Margaret’s Morning Prayer St. Andrew’s Chapel at 9am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. Midday Prayers are at St. Margaret’s at 12 noon Monday to Saturday On Wednesday all the Staff gather for midday prayers from 12-12.30pm. Everyone welcome 19th— 25th October, 2014 Sunday 19th October 18th Sunday after Trinity Ex 33:12-end; Ps 99; 1 Thess 1:1-10; Mt 22:15-22 7.00pm Evening Service with Prayer for Healing at St. M’s Monday 20th October Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100; Lk 12:13-21 9.30-11.30am Mums with Children Group meets at 75 Belmont Road 12.05pm Soup Kitchen in St. A’s Hall 2.30pm Funeral - Pamela Moore in St. M’s 7.30pm Alpha Course in St. M’s 7.30pm Refresh in St. M’s Upper Room 7.30pm YWMT meeting in St. A’s Hall 9.30am Hermitage Harvest Celebration Friday 24th October at St. M’s Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-6; Lk 12:1-7 10.30am Footprints in St. M’s Upper Rm 7.45pm Bellringing at St. M’s. 4.00pm Preparation Group for Admission of Children to Communion Saturday 25th October meet in St. M’s (refreshments from Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122; Lk 13:1-9 3.30pm) 7.00pm The Vibe in St. A’s Hall 7.30pm Nurture Group in St. M’s Chapel 7.30-9pm Prayer Group meet in St. M’s Upper Room Tuesday 21st October Eph 2:12-end; Ps 85:7-end; Lk 12:35-38 11.00am-12noon Songs of Praise Bible, Coffee & Friendship Group in St. M’s 2.00pm Messy Church Team meeting in St. M’s Upper Room 7.00pm Cells in St. M’s Upper Room 7.00pm 7pm Service Leaders meeting Wednesday 22nd October Eph 3:2-12; Ps 98; Lk 12:39-48 10am Praymates (Chapel & Upper Rm) 7.45pm St. M’s Standing Committee meets at 72 Harefield Road Thursday 23rd October Eph 3:14-end; Ps 33:1-6; Lk 12:49-53 Parish Service for All Souls Day Monday 3rd November St Andrew’s Church at 8pm If you are planning to attend the Parish All Souls Day Service at 8pm on Monday 3rd November, there is the opportunity to have names read out in memory of relatives during the service. A sheet for you to list names (block capitals please) will be available in both churches. Next Sunday Services (26th October, 2014) St. Margaret’s: 9.00am Holy Communion with Children’s Group 10.45am Holy Communion with Baptisms and Children’s Groups 7.00pm Café Church St. Andrew’s 8.00am Said Eucharist 10.00am Sung Eucharist Notices: THE HUB Please join Rachel Drake and others in praying for the Young People of our Parish on 29th October at 7.30pm at 2 Victoria Road, Uxbridge, UB8 2TW. Foodbank Open Evening - Tues 28th Oct, 7-8pm Bell Farm Christian Centre, South Rd, West Drayton If you would be interested in helping in this ministry please do come along and listen to our plans. “Pick a Treat” Friday 31st October in St. M’s Foodbank AGM - 4th November, 7.30pm Children under 11 with Parents or Carers Christ Church, Redford Way. ALL WELCOME…. Action packed alternative to Halloween Drop-In anytime between 4pm and 6pm Messy Church – Help!! Ladies Breakfast at St. A’s - Sat 8th November The first Messy Church was amazing with about 90 Seasons of the Soul - how the Psalms give voice people coming along! As we plan for the future, we are currently looking for 3-4 people to help us with to every season of life. looking after refreshments on a rota basis once Tickets: £6.50 now available every 3-4 months. Could you help us? Further Sunday 9th November - Remembrance Sunday details from June, Fliss Davenport of Frankie Allen Please note service times: Town Centre Minister needs help!! 8.30am Said Communion With the many different demands on her time, June 9.30am Civic All Age Parade Service 10.50am Act of Remembrance at Peace Memorial needs some admin help. Computer literate. Confident to liaise, in an admin capacity, with a Parish Memorial Service wide variety of people across the town and parish Sunday 9th November at 4.00pm in St. Margaret’s (and beyond!. Able to offer 2-3 hours per week A service to remember those who have died, to light regularly and reliably. If you think you may be able candles and pray. If you would like to remember to help, please speak to our Church Warden Eve someone let the Parish Office know. Birch in the first instance. With many thanks Men’s Big Breakfast - 15th November, 8.30am First Aiders At The Good Yarn Pub, Uxbridge We want to compile a list of those who are Speaker: Rob Santer from Christian Vision for Men medically trained or qualified First Aiders in case of Cost: £6 Tickets on sale TODAY an accident whilst we are together. If you are For Rabiah's YWAM Mission fund raising a willing please put your name on the list in the foyer. LADIES ONLY PAMPER Evening has been Thank you. Andrew arranged on Friday 14th November 2014 from Little Peoples’ Oasis Needs Help 6:30pm to 9pm . An evening of relaxation, Tuesday mornings (term time only) after Christmas beautification and fun girly activities for all the If you could help with this Parent & Toddler Group, ladies. You will have the opportunity to get a alongside 3 others please speak to June or Jane massage, manicure, pedicure and/or Henna Hills tattoos. For tickets and more information, please contact Sadiah 07870 396094, Carmel Hillier 07799 Spare Baby Equipment Required 885919, Maha 07703 550726 or Rabiah 07979 Tala, a member of our church has recently had twin 646829. Tickets will be available after the services. baby girls (Brianna and Arianna). Equipping and clothing two baby girls is quite a challenge! If you Refreshing for Workers have any spare baby equipment or clothes, we 12.30-1.30pm, Mondays at St. M’s would love to hear from you - please contact Drop in to join with others in seeking the Andrew if you could help (07967 588520) refreshment only God can give. Come when you can, leave when you need to. ALL WELCOME
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