Update No. 2 on Tropical Storm Ana: Issued Wednesday October 15, 2014 – 5:15 p.m. As stated in Update No. 1, during the course of the next several days, Young Brothers, Limited will be issuing updates on its operations at each port of call throughout Hawaii as they may be affected by Tropical Storm Ana. Young Brothers encourages its customers to visit its website, www.youngbrothershawaii.com, for updates for the duration of this event. Since Update No. 1, the projected speed of the storm’s approach has increased and has required us to update operations at certain ports. All other information in this notice remains unchanged from Update No. 1. All sailings returning to Honolulu will be subject to the U.S. Coast Guard closure of the Port of Honolulu, which we expect to occur early Saturday morning, October 18, 2014. Honolulu to Hilo and return voyage: Tuesday sailing – Honolulu to Hilo (October 14, 2014): No Change. This barge departed as scheduled on Tuesday and will be discharged upon its arrival in Hilo tonight. All cargo will be available on Thursday. Thursday sailing – Hilo to Honolulu (October 15, 2014): No Change. This barge will depart Hilo on Thursday morning, with an arrival and cargo availability on Friday afternoon until 3:30 p.m. in Honolulu. All types of cargo, except hazardous cargo, will be accepted for this voyage. Saturday sailing – Honolulu to Hilo (October 18, 2014): Update. This sailing has been postponed. Only dry straightload containers (but no refrigerated or hazardous cargo) will be accepted in Honolulu. Based on present projections, we expect the U.S. Coast Guard to close the Port of Hilo on Friday (October 17, 2014). Honolulu to Kaumalapau and Kaunakakai and return voyage Tuesday sailing – Honolulu to Kaumalapau and Kaunakakai (October 14, 2014): No Change. This barge has departed for the Ports of Kaumalapau and Kaunakakai as scheduled. Cargo will be available on Wednesday as scheduled at Kaumalapau and on Thursday as scheduled at Kaunakakai. It is recommended that all cargo be retrieved from these ports prior to noon on Thursday. Wednesday sailing – return of Kaumalapau and Kaunakakai barge to Honolulu (October 15, 2014): No Change. All types of cargo will be accepted for this voyage back to Honolulu. This barge will depart Kaunakakai on Wednesday as scheduled, with an arrival on Thursday in Honolulu. Sunday sailing – Honolulu to Kaunakakai (October 19, 2014): No Change. Young Brothers’ Sunday sailing from Honolulu to Kaunakakai has been postponed. Update on Tropical Storm Ana: Issued Wednesday October 15, 2014 – 5:00 p.m. Page 2 Based on present projections, we expect the U.S. Coast Guard to close the Ports of Kaumalapau and Kaunakakai on Friday (October 17, 2014). Honolulu to Kahului and return voyage: Wednesday sailing – Honolulu to Kahului (October 15, 2014): No Change. Maui’s Wednesday barge will sail as scheduled. All types of cargo will be accepted for this voyage. Thursday sailing – Kahului to Honolulu (October 16, 2014): No Change. This barge will sail as scheduled. All types of cargo will be accepted for this voyage. Cargo will be available in Honolulu on Friday until 3:30 p.m. Thursday sailing – Honolulu to Kahului (October 16, 2014) Update. Young Brothers is presently planning to sail to Kahului on Thursday with an early departure at 1:00 p.m., with a scheduled arrival in Kahului on Friday before 4:00 a.m. Young Brothers will accept only straightload containers (but no hazardous cargo) for this voyage. The cut-off time for straightload containers will be 11:00 a.m. No exceptions will be made. Friday sailing – Kahului to Honolulu (October 17, 2014): Update. Young Brothers will accept only straightload containers (but no refrigerated or hazardous cargo). Young Brothers will depart Kahului early Friday afternoon. Based on present projections, we expect the U.S. Coast Guard to close the Port of Kahului on Friday (October 17, 2014). Honolulu to Nawiliwili and return voyage: Thursday sailing – Honolulu to Nawiliwili (October 16, 2014): No Change. Young Brothers is presently planning to sail from Honolulu to Nawiliwili on Thursday, with a scheduled arrival in Nawiliwili on Friday. Young Brothers will accept all types of cargo for the voyage from Honolulu to Nawiliwili. Friday sailing - Nawiliwili to Honolulu (October 17, 2014): Update. Young Brothers is presently planning to sail from Nawiliwili to Honolulu on Friday, with a scheduled arrival in Honolulu on Saturday. Young Brothers will accept only straightload containers (but no refrigerated or hazardous cargo) for the voyage from Nawiliwili to Honolulu. Based on present projections, we expect the U.S. Coast Guard to close the Port of Nawiliwili on Sunday (October 19, 2014). Honolulu to Kawaihae and return voyage: Thursday sailing – Honolulu to Kawaihae (October 16, 2014): Update. This sailing has been postponed. Beginning today, only straightload containers will be accepted. No refrigerated or hazardous cargo will be accepted. Update on Tropical Storm Ana: Issued Wednesday October 15, 2014 – 5:00 p.m. Page 3 Based on present projections, we expect the U.S. Coast Guard to close the Port of Kawaihae on Friday (October 17, 2014). Each of these plans for Young Brothers’ port operations is subject to change based upon weather conditions and directions given to us by the United States Coast Guard and the State of Hawaii Department of Transportation. We will update you when information becomes available, including information on the dates and times of closing and reopening of specific ports. Updated information will be sent via e-mail and Young Brothers encourages its customers to visit our website www.youngbrothershawaii.com for updates throughout the day. Please minimize your calls into the ports.
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