N e w s

from the Principal’s Desk
October 16, 2014
No School on Friday
for students. As posted on the School Calendar, our teachers are participating in
Professional Development all day. No before or after school is being offered.
The majority of our HACS families made
the Chippe Shop Fundraiser a great success.
Thank you. This effort helps hold tuition costs
down for our school community!
Our next fundraiser starts next week on
Monday…and then it will be awhile before we
do our last 2 fundraisers. Students will come
with information today and participate in a
special presentation on Monday near the end
of school.
This is a great time of the year to put Be A
SuperHero out there, especially with the
holiday themed items that are offered. Lets
make this fundraiser even more successful
than the last one!!
Good Luck!
If you’re enrolled in Before
and/or After School Care
remember that November fees will
be due before November 1st.
Thank you for making this a much
more successful program this year.
Starting on Monday we will have
a special Urban Gateways Art
Program start; similar to the one we
had last year, for our After School
Care students who are enrolled in
the program.
Big Shoulders Tuition &
Scholarship Assistance Programs
All Big Shoulders Scholarships applications
and any information requested by Tom Molony
from you must be submitted here by next
Wednesday the 24th. Final assistance will be
determined and final contracts vetted then. Late
submissions cannot be submitted.
October Tuition
Spirit Wear
We will begin wearing Spirit Wear for
special occasions starting next week.
This is just an FYI. Children who wear
Spirit wear will wear their regular
uniform from the waist down and their
Spirit Wear from the waist up. Blue
Jeans are not a part of this event.
Remember the 3rd tuition
or October payment is due
on the 24th. Any family who
has not paid tuition will have
their children excluded on
Monday the 27th.
No exceptions.