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October 19, 2014
Rev. Eamon Tobin ...................... Ext. 3070
Pastor, email: [email protected]
Rev. BK Tran ................................ 254-1595
Associate Pastor
Email: [email protected]
2950 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935
Tel. 321-254-1595 Fax 321-255-3490
Deacon Sergio A. Colon............. Ext. 3082
Bereavement Ministry, Hispanic Community
[email protected]
Deacon Tom Stauffacher
[email protected], 321-242-4504
Deacon Bill Terneus
[email protected]
Sr. Joseph Barden ........................ Ext. 3003
Development Director
[email protected]
Sr. Immaculata............................. Ext. 3039
Pastoral Care
[email protected]
Doug Workman........................... Ext. 3001
School Principal
[email protected]
Betsy Glasenapp .......................... Ext. 3080
Religious Education Director
[email protected]
Mary Birmingham ....................... Ext. 3068
Music/Liturgy Director, Catechumenate
[email protected]
Mark Kniepmann......................... Ext. 3501
High School Youth Minister
[email protected]
Mary Blucker ............................... Ext. 3069
Middle School Youth Minister
[email protected]
Ashley Breaux .............................. Ext. 3077
Contemporary Music
[email protected]
Monica Sutton ............................. Ext. 3076
Volunteer Coordinator
[email protected]
Monday-Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Teresa Romano............................ Ext. 3050
[email protected]
Maria Sittig .................................. Ext. 3072
[email protected]
Mary Russo................................... Ext. 3078
Business Manager/Bookkeeper
[email protected]
Anne Dorros ................................. Ext. 3074
Bookkeeper Assistant
[email protected]
Brian Carley
Facilities Manager
[email protected]
Susan Esposito
Fingerprinting office ...................... Ext. 3079
U.S. Department of Education
School of Excellence
Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade
Religious Education (Pre-K - 6)
Tuesdays, 4:00 - 5:15 p.m.
Religious Education (Grades 1-8)
Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m.
Youth Ministry
Sundays after 5:30 p.m. Mass
Ascension Thrift Store: 259-7291
Ascension Social Concerns: 259-5685
Mondays & Thursdays
6:00 p.m., Parish Hall
Saturday Vigil Mass
4:30 p.m.
Sunday Masses
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (free childcare)
11:30 a.m. (free childcare)
5:30 p.m.
Weekday Masses
Monday-Friday: 7:25 a.m.
Sat. 9:00 a.m
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3:15 - 4:25 p.m.
Wednesday: 6:00 p.m.
(or by appointment)
As a good steward of the Lord’s blessings, please remember to consider
your Parish Family or School Endowment in your Last Will and Testament.
Page 2
October 19, 2014
It notes the varied cultural and religious context of families
around the world, where polygamy, “marriage in stages,”
arranged marriages, interreligious marriages, cohabitation,
divorce, children born outside of marriage, family violence, as
well as war can occur.
The pastoral challenge then, is “to accept people in their
concrete being, to know how to support their search, to encourage the wish for God and the will to feel fully part of the Church,
also on the part of those who have experienced failure or find
themselves in the most diverse situations.”
The bishops want to follow the example of Jesus who
“looked upon the women and the men he met with love and
tenderness, accompanying their steps with patience and mercy,
in proclaiming the demands of the Kingdom of God.”
Currently, a group of bishops, clergy and married couples is
In thinking about “wounded” families, the bishops found a
meeting in Rome to discuss challenges facing families in
key” in the teachings of Vatican II on other Christoday’s world.
tian churches. Here the Catholic Church affirmed that “many
elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its
Earlier this past week, the Synod released a preliminary docuvisible structure,” and “these elements, as gifts belonging to the
ment which gives us a good sense of the challenges facing
Church of Christ, are forces impelling toward Catholic unity.”
families and a new kind of response that some Church leaders,
The bishops conclude, just as Protestant churches have
including Pope Francis, are considering. You can read the
many elements of sanctification and truth, so too, can nonsaceleven-page document on the internet (see “Relatio post disramental unions. “Realizing the need, therefore, for spiritual
ceptationem”). The following are some excerpts from an article
on the Synod by Jesuit priest, Fr. Tom Reese.
discernment with regard to cohabitation, civil marriages and
divorced and remarried persons,” explains the relatio, “it is the
Listening, accompanying, respecting, valuing, discerning,
task of the Church to recognize those seeds of the Word that
welcoming, dialogue are words repeated throughout the new
have spread beyond its visible and sacramental boundaries.”
document being discussed by the synod of bishops in Rome
Rather seeing these situations as pure evil, “the Church
this week. Words of condemnation and marginalization were
turns respectfully to those who participate in her life in an
incomplete and imperfect way, appreciating the positive values
The document, called a “relatio post disceptathey contain rather than their limitations and short
tionem,” sums up what Cardinal Peter Erdo and Each damaged family comings.”
the nine-member drafting committee see as the
first of all should be
Article 41 of the Synod says: In a particular way
current synodal consensus as they move from a
listened to with
words of Pope Francis apply in these situations:
week of speeches into a week of small group
respect and love,
Church will have to initiate everyone—priest,
discussions. The relatio will help focus the dis- becoming companions
and laity—into this “art of accompaniment,”
cussions in language groups and lead to a final
on the journey as
us to remove our sandals before the
document that will be the fruit of the synod and
Christ did with the
the other. The pace of this accomprovide fodder for conversation throughout the disciples of the road
paniment must be steady and reassuring, reflecting
Church as it prepares for the next synod in Octoto Emmaus.
our closeness and our compassionate gaze which
ber 2015.
also heals, liberates and encourages growth in the
Christian life (Evangelii Gaudium, 169).
The first part of the document is titled: “Listening: The context
and challenges to the family.”
What did the bishops hear as they listened to the voices of
“The most difficult test for families in our time is often solitude, which destroys and gives rise to a general sensation of
impotence in relation to the socio-economic situation that often
ends up crushing them,” according to the relatio. “This is due to
growing precariousness in the workplace that is often experienced as a nightmare.”
Civil marriages and cohabitation
This calls for a new pastoral practice that accepts “the reality of civil marriage and also cohabitation, taking into account
the due differences,” reads the document. “Indeed, when a
union reaches a notable level of stability through a public bond,
is characterized by deep affection, responsibility with regard to
offspring, and capacity to withstand tests, it may be seen as a
germ to be accompanied in development towards the sacrament of marriage.” This would not be true of cohabitations that
rule out any possibility of future marriage.
Page 3
The synod wants to carry out its pastoral practice “with the
tenderness of a mother and the clarity of a teacher (cf.Epg 4,
15),” in imitation of the mercy of Christ. “The truth is incarnated
in human fragility not to condemn it, but to cure it.”
Important to this pastoral practice will be “the joyous testimony of spouses and families,” who will be key evangelizers
for couples before and after their marriages.
“It is necessary not to stop at an announcement that is
merely theoretical and has nothing to do with people’s real
problems. Pastoral practice is not merely about presenting a
set of regulations but about putting forward values, responding
to the need of those who find themselves today even in the
most secularized countries.”
The synod recognized the need for new pastoral paths in
dealing with divorced families. “Each damaged family first of all
should be listened to with respect and love, becoming companions on the journey as Christ did with the disciples of the road
to Emmaus.” The bishops realize that priests and laity need to
be trained to do this.
The relatio reports that the annulment process was discussed and that “Various Fathers underlined the necessity to
make the recognition of cases of nullity more accessible and
flexible. Among the propositions were the abandonment of the
need for the double conforming sentence; the possibility of
establishing an administrative means under the responsibility
of the diocesan bishop; a summary process to be used in
cases of clear nullity.” Speeding-up the process “was requested by many.”
On the question of the readmission to Communion of
divorced and remarried Catholics, the document acknowledges
disagreements. “Some argued in favor of the present regulations because of their theological foundation, others were in
favor of a greater opening on very precise conditions when
dealing with situations that cannot be resolved without creating
new injustices and suffering.”
One suggestion was allowing readmission to Communion
following a “penitential path,” under the supervision of the local
bishop. Readmission “would not be a general possibility, but
the fruit of a discernment applied on a case-by-case basis,
according to a law of gradualness, that takes into consideration
the distinction between state of sin, state of grace and the
attenuating circumstances.”
Greater theological study is needed on these issues, admits
the bishops, “starting with the links between the sacrament of
marriage and the Eucharist in relation to the churchsacrament.”
“Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community: are we capable of welcoming these people,
guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our communities?
Often they wish to encounter a church that offers them a welcoming home. Are our communities capable of providing that,
accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?
The question of homosexuality leads to a serious reflection
on how to elaborate realistic paths of affective growth and
human and evangelical maturity integrating the sexual dimension: it appears therefore as an important educative challenge.
The Church furthermore affirms that unions between people of
the same sex cannot be considered on the same footing as
matrimony between man and woman. Nor is it acceptable that
pressure be brought to bear on pastors or that international
bodies make financial aid dependent on the introduction of
regulations inspired by gender ideology.
Without denying the moral problems connected to homosexual unions, it has to be noted that there are cases in which
mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious
support in the life of the partners. Furthermore, the Church
pays special attention to the children who live with couples of
the same sex, emphasizing that the needs and rights of the
little ones must always be given priority.”
The last sentence would seem to rule out denying Baptism or a
Christian education to same-sex couples.
On birth control, the bishops did not change teaching but
said, “Probably here as well what is required is a realistic
language that is able to start from listening to people and
acknowledging the beauty and truth of an unconditional
opening to life.”
Concluding remarks
The relatio concludes by noting that the document represents neither decisions nor simply points of view. Rather their
reflections “are intended to raise questions and indicate
perspectives that will have to be matured and made clearer by
the reflection of the local churches in the year that separates
us from the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of bishops planned for October 2015.”
However these discussions develop, it is clear that the
Church is embarking on them with a new pastoral style that is
more compassionate and affirming.
Have a blessed week,
Welcoming homosexual persons
This is the part of the document that received the most headlines. The following is the full version of the piece addressing
this sensitive issue.
October 19, 2014
[email protected]
Page 4
Next Sunday’s Readings - October 26, 2014 A
Thirtieth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Exodus 22:20-26, Psalm 18:2-4, 47, 51
1Thessalonians 1:5-10, Matthew 22:34-40
What or who helps you stay centered
on what really counts in life?
Action Nights after the 5:30pm Mass
Bible Study: Monday evenings, youth room,
7:00-8:30pm. All high school teens are welcome to come, socialize with friends, learn and
talk about our faith.
For info regarding Youth Ministry, contact Mark Kniepmann
at [email protected].
Middle School
For all 6th, 7th, & 8th graders,
no matter where you attend school
Wednesday after school, Oct. 22: 3-6pm, Ministry Center,
Rm 313. Come for an hour or two or three—it’s up to you!
Religious Ed youth, come early and hang out until class
begins at 6:30 pm!
No Wednesday After School on Wednesday, Oct. 29
For more info, check website
or contact Mary Blucker at 254-1595 ext. 3069 or
[email protected]
October 19, 2014
Sponsored by the 8th Grade
Class of Ascension School
Scariest Haunted House Ever!!
(Not So Scary Haunted House
for the little ones)
Games, Food, Raffles
Baked Goods, Cake Walk
Costume Contest …. Prizes
Tickets on sale after Mass
at the school office as well
as at the door the evening of
the party.
The whole family is invited for a
safe night of Halloween fun !!!!
Wednesday evenings from 6:00 pm
Saturday afternoons from 3:15 pm
Patrick, a single 33-year old male who attends
Mass in our parish, is looking for a single
Christian male roommate.
For more information,
please email Patrick at:
[email protected]
Can You Hear Me Now?
Building Relationships Through Better Communication
Our “Building Relationships through Better Communication” sessions have gone so well that we’re going to continue
the sessions and broaden their scope. So come join us and
learn how to build positive relationship with the people in your
life right now: your parents, your children, your friends, and
Wednesday evenings, 6:30-7:45pm
(during Religious Ed time) Ministry Building (E) Rm 305
Facilitated by Ascension parishioner, parent, and Eastern
Florida State College professor, Michele Morris
Page 5
Ascension Council of
Catholic Women
Save the Date
Advent Tea
Saturday, November 22
1:00-4:00 pm, Buescher Center
October 19, 2014
The Parables of Jesus
Jesus’ parables are not simply engaging stories ~
they are a part of God’s revelation of His forgiveness, mercy and love for us. The parables were
Jesus’ characteristic manner of teaching and were
filled with meaning for his ancient followers ~ and
for us as well! Join us, Women Of the Word, as
we explore Treasures Uncovered ~ the Parables of Jesus.
This 6-week study begins on Tuesday, Oct. 21,
7-8:30pm in Buescher Center, Rm 410.
To reserve your book, contact Teresa at:
[email protected]
or 254-1595. Cost of the book is $10.
GoodNews People Program
Starting October 30, 7:00–8:30pm, Ascension will begin a 14-session small group faith-sharing experience
(7 sessions in the Fall, 7 starting Jan. 8) designed to
broaden our awareness of our Catholic faith and the
call to be disciples in the world today. Each session
includes prayer, reflection on sacred Scripture, teachings from the Catechism, stories of “GoodNews” people, discussion and sharing, as well as a specific focus
on a virtue for the week. This program is a journey to
deepen our faith, strengthen the bonds of community,
and live out the Gospel call to be good news people.
Sign up now, and invite a friend to join you!
Children's Liturgy of the Word
The Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) will
begin November 9, if we have enough volunteers! Teens and Adults: please contact Rebecca (321-223-6701) or Cindy (321-576-3882)
to let us know that you can help chaperone or be
a Prayer or Music Leader at the 9:30 Mass.
PARENTS: please contact us to let us know you
are willing to accompany your child to CLOW
once in a while, to help act as chaperone.
To register, contact Richard & Gayle Njus at
[email protected] or 321-392-3150.
Rosary Ministry meets on Sundays, 1 - 3 pm
in Buescher Center, Room 413.
Next Meeting: Oct. 26
If interested in joining,
call Michi Davis at 242-8092.
Monday, October 13, 1:00 - 2:30 pm,
Church Library
For more information, contact Carol Gessler
at 779-7850.
The Martin B Power Council #14573
has accepted the challenge to raise
funds to purchase an ultrasound
machine that will be placed in our
local area to aid women in need.
Our share is $15,000 and we plan to raise that
amount through fund-raising and donations from our
generous community. Once we meet our goal, the
Supreme Office of the Knights of Columbus will
match it and assist in ordering this equipment. For
additional details, please contact Grand Knight Doug
Blair at 321-412-2191 or [email protected].
Checks may be sent to the Knights at P.O. Box
362164, Melbourne, Florida 32935. Please state
'Ultrasound Machine' in the notes section.
Page 6
October 22, 5- 6pm
School Cafetorium
Serving: Bratwurst, sauerkraut, roasted potatoes,
red cabbage with/apples, Brotchen and German
style desserts, and hot & cold drinks.
$7 adults; $3 kids under 12 years old
Sign up in the Parish Hall or call the Church Office
no later than noon of October 21, 2014.
“Your faith will help you realize that it is Jesus Himself Who is present in the
Blessed Sacrament, waiting for you and calling you to spend one special,
specific hour with Him each week.” -St Pope John Paul II
Vacations, illness, absent snowbirds and just life take a toll on the
availability of adorers. If you can find an hour to commit to Jesus,
consider the Adoration Chapel. Jesus wants you there and
through the Holy Spirit is calling you! For information, please
con tac t Sam Ro drí qu ez at 32 1-7 95- 98 13 or
[email protected].
1am, 2am, 3am, 5pm, 10pm, 11pm
1am, 3am, 4am, 12pm, 10pm
1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 1pm, 8pm
1am, 2am, 3am, 4am
12am,1am, 3am, 3pm, 6pm
1am, 2am, 3am
2am, 3am, 5am, 4pm, 7pm, 8pm
The Vocation Cup for October will go out at the 5:30
pm Mass. Charles & Sharon Hunton will take the Cup
home this Sunday.
The purpose of the Vocation Cup ministry is to seek parishioner prayers for vocations to the Priesthood, the Deaconate,
and the Religious life. The Vocation Cup is the name given to
the Chalice, for the family selected to take it home. If you’d
like to sign up, please call Marc Worchel at 757-3451 or email
[email protected].
Knights of Columbus Council #14573
We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month In
Ministry Center Room 312. We pray the Rosary in Our
Lady's Chapel at 6:30pm on the 3rd Thursday of the month. For
more information, call Grand Knight Doug Blair at 412-2191 or
Membership Director Jim Voltaire at 610-3538.
October 19, 2014
The Orlando Diocese is offering training for new EMHC at
Ascension on Saturday, 15 November 2014, from 9:00am until
Prerequisites are that you must have been confirmed; be a
practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church; if married, must be married in the Church; and that you be a registered member of the Parish.
The Diocese has also issued new procedures for applying for
the training. A written application must be submitted two
weeks prior to the training date and be signed by the Pastor.
No walk-ins will be allowed.
To accomplish this, on the weekend of Oct. 25/26, Frank
Conley will have an application table outside of church at
all weekend Masses. He will have the applications, provide
information on other requirements, and be available to
answer any questions you might have. Failure to submit
the application on that weekend will prevent you from
attending the training session.
If you are unable to fill out the application on that weekend,
contact Frank Conley at (321) 255-2392 or email
[email protected] to make other arrangements.
Those existing EMHCs who failed to attend the required
refresher training last year must attend a new EMHC training
class to be allowed to continue to serve. A list of those who
must attend the New EMHC training is posted in the Bride’s
Room. Failure to attend the training class will result in your
mandate being withdrawn and removal from the Ministry.
SENIOR SOCIAL MINISTRY (For everyone 50 and over)
Ascension Catholic Church Small Hall
with the Incredible and Wonderfully Talented Humorist,
Sister Immaculata!
The Senior Social Ministry is honored to present the incredible
and wonderfully talented Sister Immaculata, as our humorist for
the evening! Mark your calendar! You won’t want to miss this
get-together! Bring your friends and join us
for the best event of the year!
All young at heart seniors are welcome!
The theme is ITALIAN!
Please bring an Italian covered dish to share.
Bring your own beverage (wine, beer, soda, iced-tea, etc.)
Coffee will be served.
Enjoy great humor, good food, and meet new friends!
A $2 donation will be taken at the door.
For more info, please contact Claire at:
[email protected]
Page 7
Attention: All Veterans of
Ascension Parish
The Military Ministry's program this year is to focus
on YOU - our veterans. We would like to express our
appreciation to all of you. Our priority is to help with arranging for
our World War II and Korean vets to take part in the Honor
Flights. Some of you could possibly help us attain this goal.
Please register with us by calling Peggie at 751-0408 or sending
an email at [email protected] with your information.
Our next meeting is Monday, Nov 3, 7:00pm
Ministry Center Rm 313. Join us!
Community of Hope
Thank you to the youth, parents and grandparents who
volunteered to paint and clean at Hope Village, the Community of Hope apartments this past Saturday: Lauren
Tierney, Taylor Davis and his mom, Maria, Gavin
Delgado and his grandmom and project leader, Terry
Quinlivan, Stephen Walsh and his mom Johnnie. We
finished the kitchen and living room of apartment 1805
C but still have the 3 bedrooms and bathroom to go!
Even though tired and paint-spattered, one young person
asked, "Are we doing this next Saturday?"
October 19, 2014
Social Concerns & Food Pantry
October 25th is National Make a Difference Day.
What can you do to make a difference in
someone’s life? The simplest ideas made a
huge impact. Think about it.
Celebrating Clergy Appreciation Month...
Pray for the pastors of our nation as they serve parishioners with faithfulness and dedication, asking God to
encourage and bless them. Social Concerns is here
because of the support and encouragement of our
Clergy, ministry, staff and volunteers. We are available
to help and serve our community in need because of the
unending support of our Parish.
Our parish is blessed to have one of the best Clergy
and Ministries teams there is. Thank you for your
dedication, continued encouragement and endless
support. Thank you so much, Fr. Tobin and Fr. BK,
Deacons Sergio, Tom and Bill. God Bless You
Pantry food items needed: Canned meats (ham, chicken),
Pork & Beans, Canned Fruit, Tuna, Tuna Helper, Soup,
Diapers, Wipes and Toiletries.
About 250 homeless and needy folks eat each day at Daily
Bread, Melbourne's free downtown soup kitchen. Be a friend
to them and serve at the Kitchen located at 815 Fee Avenue,
just a block off U.S. 1. Let us know if you would like to help
on any of the following days from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Sign up early to reserve your place on a serving team:
Tues, Oct 28: Contact Betsy or Bill Hampton at
Fri, Oct 31:
Contact Rachel Benevente at
[email protected] or (813) 735-0352
Last chance to sign up for the Diocese of
Orlando Youth for Life Rally, Sat., Nov. 1
Over 900 youth are expected at Bishop Moore
High School along with musician Steve Angrisano,
25+ vendors, door prizes, pizza dinner, and, best
of all, activities and speakers celebrating our call
to respect life—all life. There is no fee for this
event but we are asking a $10 donation to help
cover the cost of the MCC bus.
For more information and to register,
please contact Mary Blucker at
[email protected]
or 321-254-1595 ext 3069.
Page 8
October 19, 2014
Wedding Anniversaries
Salvatore & Anne Cioffi
Frank & Marcella Johnson
Sal & Mary Arrigo
George & Margaret Osgood
Tim & Lynn Minner
60 years
56 years
56 years
52 years
35 years
Michael Stitzel, David Humes, Ava Sophia,
CVS, Larry Barone, Natalie Carle, Flo
McCaffrey, Daniel Walsh, Greg Grasso, Gerald
Cardile, Harry Wright, Fred Barlow, Betty Elko,
Chuck Hegland, Madeline Maiello, Magda &
Claire Grasso, Lydia Vazquez, Barbara Morris,
Ed & Peggy Aubrey, Mia Moore, Grace Carlin, John & Nancy
Walsh, Julianne Amicucci, Julio Amicucci, Gemma Stiehle,
Brian Robinson, Catherine Reid, Darlene Liptak, Larry Kawa,
Kenneth Pearsall, Walker Alldredge, Cathi Hurd, Karen Kessler,
Judith Dourney, Christopher Linder, John Doyle, Phyllis Owens,
Kenneth Pearsall, Paul Burke, Jr., Caridad Mederos, Bettina
Mondo, Margaret Donah, Karen Kessler, Claire Crotty, Lachlan
McElwee, Theresa Bryant, Angela Barber, Mary Robinson,
Danilee Chin, Angela Thompson, Dolly Casko, Kathy Jagadmann, Denise Antoneli, Maybelle McGee, Leo Schumaker, Flo
Downey, Adam Keehnie, Rose Blankenship, Peggy McKelvey,
Mike Bobitka, Sarah Noah, Patricia Schemp, Luke Gallagher,
Maria Castro, Carol Randolph, Richard Whitehead, Cecile Hayden, Debbie Yannotti, Juan Arboleda, Cardello Family, Anne
McKelvey, Barbara Moran, Gene Parsons, Suzane Dwyer, Walburga Wasil, Frank Shipman, Anthony Mikulas
Week beginning Monday, October 20, 2014
and ending Sunday, October 26, 2014
Mon. 7:30 am
Tues. 7:30 am
Wed. 7:30 am
8:30 am
Thurs. 7:30 am
7:30 am
9:00 am
4:30 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
5:30 pm
Special Intention – Mikel Lopez
Special Intention - Patricia Crim
† Dot Leighty
† Dawn Agustinelli
† Eleanor Gordon
† Danny McCarthy
† Dotty Powell
† Donna Jendroch
† Larry Eugene Thornhill
† Sydney Ramirez
† Joe & Evelyn Greenough
† Clark Carey
† Rick Madden
† Louise Meehan
† Mark Carney
† Cindy Aucoin
† Lorenzo R. Suller
† Eduardo Santos, Jr.
† Cindy Aucoin
† Kathleen Culliton
† Carmello & Filomena Pirolo
† William Pietruszewicz
People of the Parish
Please pray for those in the nursing homes.
Pray for our Armed Forces Personnel overseas
Dan Murray, Steve Cabsky, Joseph Marci, Amanda Outly,
Joshua Outly, Bryan Outly, Jesse Outly, Jason Brown, Andrew
Grazing, Heather Schmitt, Paul Wells, Anthony Torres, Craig
Static, Jason Melbourne, Sherwin Separa, Jesse Catellier, Joseph
McDuffie, Samuel Luke, Michael Walsh, Robert Crowl, Bryan
Calenda, David Barlow, Dylan Traver, Brian Fleming, Wesley
Henry, Marty Martinez, Jonathan Martinez, Bryan Satterwhite,
Capt. Kyle McDermott, John Kinsora, Jason Baker, Nicholas
Owens, Nick Dorros, Josh Grier, Robert Grover, Rory O’Connor,
Shane O’Connor, Alex Ritner, Kyle Mimbs
SERVERS’ SCHEDULE – October 25-26, 2014
Sat 4:30 pm:
Sun 7:30 am:
Sun 9:30 am:
Sun 11:30 am:
Sun 5:30 pm:
Dominik & Emilio Quiroz,
Jillian Fitch
Jack & Liam Hachmeister,
Kensly Jean
Christina Sayut, Elizabeth Tocci
Coleman Anderson
Benjamin & James Armstrong
Victoria Wilkie
Hogan Cardile, Rachel Cox
Pilar DeJesus
Join Daily Bread’s “500 Club”
Win: $5,000—
Plus additional Prizes
Drawing Party: Saturday, October 25, 2014
Food, Music, Fellowship, Silent Auction, Cash Bar
5:305:30-7:30pm, Ascension Catholic Church
Cost per ticket: $100
Call 321321-723723-1060 and speak to John or Allison
or go to website:
More than 1,730,000 meals served since 1987
Please join us as we celebrate Mass
on Sunday, October 19, at 2:00pm
at St. Joseph's Church, Palm Bay
We will be celebrating Octoberfest after Mass. Please bring
a side dish or dessert to share. SUN-UP reaches out to persons with disabilities and their families to integrate them into
the full life of the Church in their own parishes. Any questions, please contact Sister Fran Sampson at 321-253-0630.
Page 9
October 19, 2014
Sunday, October 26
Eighth Annual
Page 10
October 19, 2014
Wanted: Kind, patient, loving adults willing to spend one after-school
Wednesday a month with middle school youth. Responsibilities may include welcoming youth, attendance, snack
preparation, playing/teaching games, teaching a craft or service project, helping facilitate small group discussions
or Bible study, and just hanging out. High tolerance for noise and activity is a plus. We especially welcome and
prize our senior volunteers. Come visit and check us out! Regular, ongoing volunteers will need FBI/Diocese
of Orlando fingerprint and Safe Environment clearance. Contact Mary Blucker at 321-254-1595, ext 3069 or
321-720-6268 (cell), or [email protected].
Wanted: IT person familiar with Microsoft Access who can
help as needed for maintenance. Please contact Jerry or Olga Kelly at 259-5685 anytime Monday-Friday,
9:00-11:00 am.
Wanted: Volunteers to assist in making rosaries for various parish
ministries. Meetings and workshops take place on alternating Sundays with dates listed in the Sunday bulletin.
Meetings begin at 1:00pm and conclude at participant’s discretion anywhere from 1 to 2 hours. Participants will
purchase materials and receive instruction. Please contact Michi Davis at 321-242-8092 [email protected].
Wanted: Volunteers to staff our Spiritual Library, before and after each Mass. If
you can help us, we need only 30 minutes of your time before and after Mass to assist checking books in and out
of the library. Please consider helping even if you can only volunteer for one 30-minute slot. There are also positions available for sorting and cataloging any donated books. Please give me a call and we can set up a time that
is convenient for you. Thank you. Contact Catherine at 321- 259- 1848.
Attention: Moms of children aged infant to 4 years old! Come meet other moms
with children of the same age every Friday from 9 to 11am. Playground Pals is a weekly group for children to play
together either in the church nursery classroom or meet up at pre-established locations such as playgrounds, the
beach, zoo, etc. We will be hosting a "Get to Know You" breakfast on October 10 in the nursery classroom
(Room 310). For more information, please contact Melissa Bryan at [email protected].
DAILY BREAD: Wanted: Several volunteers to serve at Daily Bread, located on 615 E Fee Ave, Melbourne. Food is served by teams of at least eight persons from our parish on the 2nd Saturday and Thursday
and the 4th Tuesday and 5th Friday of each month. If you wish to be assigned to a team that serves regularly, or
if you find that you can only volunteer sporadically, you can be placed on a call list to serve when they are shorthanded. Please call for more details concerning the fluctuating needs of this ministry. Contact Rachel Benevente
at 813-735-0352 or [email protected].
Wanted: 6 greeters and ushers for the Saturday Night Vigil Mass at
4:30p.m. If you are interested, further information will be provided by Barbara Jagrowski at 321-259-5942 or
[email protected].