! ! ! Divine Mercy Parish MASS INTENTIONS – HOLY FAMILY MASS INTENTIONS - SACRED HEART SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 (SAINT LUKE, EVANGELIST) 8:00 +Victoria Toth - Divine Mercy Parish Seniors 5:00 +Mark Adams - Family (Fr. Ed) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 (TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME) 8:30 +Genowefa, Stefan & Members of the Wlodarczyk Family - Barbara (Fr. Ed) 10:45 +Jerome Wojciehowski - Florence Wojciehowski (Fr. Ed) MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 (SAINT PAUL OF THE CROSS) 8:00 +Stanley Sosnowski - Richie & Gail Sturt & Family TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 (WEEKDAY) 8:00 +Doris Resko - Lou, Karen & Bob WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 (BL. JOHN PAUL II, POPE) 8:00 +Victoria Toth - Madeline Toth & Family THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 (ST. JOHN OF CAPISTRANO, PRIEST) 8:00 +Emil Mihalek - Veronica Mihalek FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 (ST. ANTHONY MARY CLARET, BISHOP) 8:00 +Jessie & Robert Hudak - Family SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 (BLESSED VIRGIN MARY) 8:00 +Victoria Toth - Tony & Emily DeKarski 5:00 +Robert & Helen Bell & All Deceased Members of the Bell Family - Joel & Bernice Reuter (Fr. Ed) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 (THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME) 8:30 +Piotr Eugeniusz Krzanowski - Corka i Rodzina (Fr. Ed) 10:45 +Edmund L. Sul - Wife, Helene & Family (Fr. Ed) ******************************************** PRAY FOR …those who have died, especially Theresa Delurski and Marion Froh …the sick and those who have asked for our prayers especially: Al Sohayda, Bernice Erdely, Pauline & Charles Malinowski, Dorothy Mangieri, Daniel Gmiterek, Dominic Tarczynski, Betty Vasvary, Marie Endress, Gabriel Hemming, Celeste Penkul, Christine Piassek, Yvonne Vargo, Betty Snow, Aldona Hojecki, Helen Varga, Carolyn Misiewicz, Iris Crespo, Ann Bucino, Dorothy Keleman, Brody Kasnowski, Barbara Broehl, Betty Litus, Janet Ciszak, Mark Virag, Louis Resko, Adam Rozanski ******************************************* Assistance needed! Local transportation to Doctors and Shopping - 2 to 4 hrs. week. $12.50 per hour. Call Dottie at 732-969-0716. ! !! !! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 (TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME) 7:30 +Fr. Gerald Browne - Christine Galdieri (Fr. Sean) 12:00 +Joseph Poll - Wife & Children (Fr. Dolan) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 (THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME) 7:30 +Mary Makuh Gala - Her Grandchildren (Fr. Sean) 12:00 +Ronald Hamorski - Friends (Fr. Dolan) MASS INTENTIONS - ST. ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 (TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME) 9:30 +Michael Seman - The Orosz Family (Fr. Sean) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 (THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME) 9:30 +Deceased Priests, Religious & Parishioners of the former St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish Founded Oct. 27, 2014 (Fr. Sean) COLLECTIONS OCTOBER 12 Weekly $2452.00 Monthly 197.00 Maintenance 1149.00 Utilities 65.00 Major Repairs 1380.00 ****************************************** FOOD CERTIFICATES During the week of October 12 we sold $2360 worth of ShopRite gift cards which means our parish received $118.00. Thanks to all who support this program! If have any questions about this program please call the rectory! ********************************************** We will be having our Fall Flea Market on Nov. 8. Tables are still available. Contact Debbie at 732-541-5768 if interested. We will be accepting donations for our Parish Tables on Nov. 6 & 7, 9:30 am - 4 pm.We are grateful the Altar/Rosary has joined us in this endeavor! New or gently used items would be appreciated on the designated dates and times. Kitchenware (especially Corningware and Pyrexware), Perfume, Costume Jewelry, and Toys sell especially well. We also need help to sort and price these items! ************************************************** Congratulations to the new Officers of the Altar/Rosary Society: Pres. Theresa Marciniak, Vice Pres. Helene Sul, Secretary Dorothy Staubach, Treasurer Florence Wawrzynski. We wish them well in their new duties! We thank the outgoing officers for their service to the organization and parish: Pres. Helen Orosz, Vice Pres. Ida Poll, Secretary Ellen Busch and Treasurer Florence Wawrzynski! 2! (612) ! ! ! ! FROM THE PASTOR: ! Announcements ! ! ! ! SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY Second Collection -Mission Sunday & Major Repairs MONDAY Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at Holy Family beginning at 12:00 noon until closing following the October Devotions at 7 pm. Schedule a visit with Our Lord !!! Senior meeting at 7 pm in the community room. TUESDAY DVD: Science Tests Faith in the School meeting room at 7 pm! Display of International Eucharistic Miracles. Ending with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Family Church. Doors of Parish Center open at 6:30 pm All welcome!!! THURSDAY Parish Council meeting in the school meeting room at 7:30 pm SUNDAY Second Collection -Utilities ********************************************* We have all heard the expression: “Pontius Pilate and Herod got together” – it means that two opposing camps are willing to set aside their differences when they are intent on attacking one particular third individual. What we have in today’s gospel is a reflection of this approach although it took place before Pilate and Herod got together! The Pharisees and the Herodians HATED each other! The Pharisees were strict observers of the Law, they hated the Roman presence and rule and considered the King Herod (who was a descendant of people from Edom and not purely Jewish and definitely not of the Davidic line of kings) to be a false king, a usurper of the Davidic throne and a puppet (which he was) of the Roman Emperor. The Herodians were those who supported King Herod, the Roman presence and whose religious fervor left much to be desired. Yet, for a brief time, they put aside their differences and hatred in order to attack and try to trap Jesus. Our Lord, with His Divine knowledge, sees through their machinations and knows what they are trying to do here. His answer is beyond what either group could have imagined: “Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God!” Our Lord recognized the civil rights of the Roman ruler but made it clear that GOD HAD SUPERIOR RIGHTS and that should be their focus and attention! We recognize the authority of our civil governments – local, state and national. Their responsibility is to maintain order and allow society to function and thrive in peace. But their rights ARE NOT SUPERIOR TO GOD’S RIGHTS AND LAWS! When government on any level, Executive, Legislative or Judicial, propose, enact or defend laws that are in opposition to God’s Laws, Revealed and Natural and when their actions cause harm or danger to the dignity of human persons, we need to use the means we have by law (peaceful assembly, voting) to express our opposition to these actions. The killing of the unborn or the frail elderly, the attempt to change the Divinely established reality of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, the funding of contraceptive programs and methods in educational and health care settings – these actions violate God’s Laws and should and must be opposed. Render what is lawful and within the rights of a government to expect from its people but RENDER TO GOD THE WITNESS IN WORD AND ACTION OF WHAT ARE HIS RIGHTS – OBEDIENCE TO HIS REVEALED AND NATURAL LAWS and THE DIGNITY 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Life-Changing Faith “Lay people are not merely the clergy’s collaborators, but rather share in the responsibility of the Church’s ministry,” said Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Through the building of awareness and collaborative relationships, the Office of Parish Leadership Formation exists to recognize, support and resource the gifts of committed lay persons as well as to educate, form and empower them to respond to various needs in the contemporary Church. ! Your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal helps build strong parishes by supporting this vital ministry. ********************************************************** Please join St. Joseph School on Friday, Nov. 7 at 10:00 am, for their annual Veterans’ Day Memorial Service. All are invited to participate in a dedication service honoring the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces. This free assembly program will be held at the School Gym, 965 Roosevelt Ave., Carteret. **************************************************** All church ministers and parishioners are invited to attend the Diocesan Faith Formation Convocation at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center in Piscatiaway on Saturday, Nov. 15. The Convocation will be especially helpful to all those in parish leadership, especially catechists and Catholic School Teachers, RCIA and Evangelization teams. The day will include prayer with Bishop Bootkoski, Bishop Gerald Kicanas (keynote speaker), workshops, lunch and exhibitors. For info please call 732-562-2448 ex, 1310. OF EACH HUMAN PERSON, CREATED IN HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS. ********************************************** The Altar/Rosary will again conduct the Holiday Nut Roll Sale! Watch for the order form!!! Support the sale please! ! 3! (612)
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