9:00am Breakfast 9:30 Sunday School 11:00am Worship October 19, 2014 Sunday Worship Weekly Lectionary This Sunday, October 19, is the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Amanda Pooser will present the sermon “Keeping it Real: Arrogant Anonymous”. The scripture reading is James 4:13-17. The Offertory is "The Majesty and Glory of Your Name” by Tom Fettke. Sunday, October 19 Micah 1:1-9 1 Cor. 10:1-13 Matt. 16:13-20 Monday, October 20 Micah 2:1-13 Rev. 7:1-8 Luke 9:51-62 Tuesday, October 21 Micah 3:1-8 Rev. 7:9-17 Luke 10:1-16 Wednesday, October 22 Micah 3:9-4:5 Rev. 8:1-13 Luke 10:17-24 Thursday, October 23 Micah 5:1-4, 10-15 Rev. 9:1-12 Luke 10:25-37 Friday, October 24 Micah 6:1-8 Rev. 9:13-21 Luke 10:38-42 Saturday, October 25 Micah 7:1-7 Rev. 10:1-11 Luke 11:1-13 Prayers For those who are ill or recovering: Marthe Wolff Stephen Williams Dick Mohler Sandra Thorington Ann York Audrey Wilson Randy Bridges Wayonda Sirockman Lisa Henley Jack Camp Mike Ross Joe Delaney Martha Randolph Mark A. Cearley Paula Smith Betzi Allsop Barbara Cox Shinae Paik Marshall Fisher Robert Winchell Shannon Leochel Betty Driver Ted Leahy Jeff Cutter Barbara Settle Kristi Johnson Mary Tippin Rhonda Murrah To have a name placed on the prayer list, please call 404-237-5539. Hospitals no longer notify churches when a member is a patient. Therefore, we depend on family and friends to let us know when a congregant has been admitted. *If you would like additional information on those on the prayer list, please contact the church office. Serving This Week Ushers: Gil Simonds, Frank Brown, Bob Meier, Jeff Upchurch Greeter: Harriet Kelly Worship Coordinator: Bruce Logue Sound and Light: Bruce Snyder Breakfast Volunteer: Brad and Lynne Miller Young Children and Worship: Dan Fondell, Harriett Kelly Elder on Call: John Wilson Oct. 10-23, Harry Balance Oct. 24-Nov. 6 Sunday sermons are available on-line at http://nwpcatlanta.podcastpeople.com. Christian Education Northwest Kids: Friends, Faith and Fun! 9:30AM Morning Child Care—Sunday mornings in the Nursery (Room 1) from 9:00AM until 1:00PM. Professional caregivers and NWPC volunteers. Pre K—4th Grade—Meet in the Childrens Building at 9:30AM for “Holy Moly!”, Music, Bible Story, Video and Fun activities. Northwest Youth Come “Connect” with God and each other in the Youth Lodge. Breakfast and Fellowship at 9:30AM followed by age-group discussions. In the Youth Lodge Lower Grades: 5th-7th Grade will delve into the Connect curriculum. This Fall the 9:30AM unit will focus on “Beginnings”. Upper Grades: 8th-12th Grade will connect together to address current events and relevant issues that we face as Christians today. Bible Discovery—(Calvin Room) Bible Discovery begins with Paul’s letter to the Northwest Adults Ephesians. Classes are held in Faith Seeking Understanding—(Garden Room) This course will delve into a the Education fascinating, multilayered historical puzzle– one that offers a rich illuminating look Wing of the Family into the origins of both the Christian faith and the Western worldview. Life Center and Journey Class—(Agape Room) Take a seven-week tour through some foundational begin at 9:30AM. Christian beliefs and ask what it might mean for your own quest. This class welcomes all who are seeking meaning and hoping to deepen their faith journey. Children’s Noisy Offering: Treadle Pump! The noise is joyful and generous for the children’s Fall Noisy Offering! On October 12, the children counted the pot of coins and dollars from October 5 and announced that $98 has been raised so far. The offering from October 12 will be counted and announced on October 19. One treadle pump for the farmers in Malawi costs $65, so we are well on our way to our goal of sending two treadle pumps to friends in the Presbyterian Church in Malawi. Keep the coins coming! Club 46—October 19, 12:15pm Club 46 is a place where youth in 4th-6th grade can get together, build relationships and learn about God. Club 46 events will be held the 3rd Sunday of every month at 12:15PM. Lunch will be provided and fun will be had doing a variety of activities both on campus and off. For more information email: [email protected] NW Youth: Trunk-or-Treat Haunted House Get ready for our 2nd Annual Haunted House, hosted by the Northwest Youth. On the evening of October 30, during the church-wide Trunk-or-Treat celebration, the Youth Lodge will be transformed into a labyrinth of thrills and chills. Youth should mark their calendars for the dates below* so that we can be sure to get all of our arrangements and decorations in order before the event. Everyone is invited to come visit, and we will even have a not-so-scary room for our smallest thrill seekers. Be sure not to miss us… it’s going to be a scream! October 19–Brainstorming and Planning (6-8PM) October 22–Shopping Trip for Supplies and Dinner to follow (6PM) October 26–Assembly Night (6-8PM) October 29–Final Assembly (4-6PM) *All activities will begin in the Youth Lodge Announcements Reformation/Heritage Sunday Dust off your kilt, tartan or anything plaid, and join us for a celebration of our Scottish Presbyterian roots on Refomation/Heritage Sunday, October 26. The service will start with a bagpipe and banner procession, and end with a shortbread snack afterwards in the courtyard. Everyone’s a Scot on the 26th. Invite all of your bagpipe-loving friends to join us! Agape Youth and Family Center, one of NWPC’s mission partners, is in dire need of homework buddies for the E. Rivers Elementary Program, which meets at Agape each day after school Homework buddies help the same student, one hour each week on their chosen day, Monday through Thursday, each week during the school year. Homework Buddy Time is 3:15PM to 4:15PM. The program meets at Agape at 2353 Bolton Road, First Floor Community Room, Atlanta, GA 30318. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Laura Jernigan, [email protected], or Agape Director of Development Tony Conway, [email protected]. For more information about Agape please go to www.AgapeAtlanta.org. PW (Presbyterian Women) Post-Its Final Registration Now Underway for Next Weekend’s Women of Northwest Fall Lake Retreat, (October 24 -26): If you’ve been considering attending the PW Fall Retreat, it’s only 1 week away! So, now’s the time to register for this relaxing weekend at the beautiful Dorsey home on Lake Lanier. You may choose to stay for the weekend ($65) or to arrive for Saturday activities only ($20). We have 14 women currently registered and would love for you to join us! We’ll enjoy gorgeous scenery, delicious food and lots of time for relaxation and fellowship. Our program theme will be “Seasons of Faith”. Ellen Carrington will guide us through a study of the way our faith evolves as we move through stages of our lives. To register or inquire please email Ellen at [email protected]. PW Pledge Reminder: It’s not too late to make your annual pledge to Presbyterian Women for 2014-15. Pledge cards are available on the table in the Narthex. Check made out to “Presbyterian Women” can be mailed to: Lynne Schlosberg, 50 Cameron Glen Dr. NW, Atlanta, GA 30328 You may also take it to the church office or put in the offering plate. These monies fund our small operating needs, as well as act for seed money for our many benevolence projects. Don’t Miss the Ditty Bag Deadline: Support PW's long-standing ministry and help provide gifts of toiletries, warm socks, hats and gloves to our brothers and sisters in need. $20 is all it takes to fill a bag with these necessities to distribute to the needy visitors at Central Presbyterian Night Shelter, Shrine Night Shelter and Clifton Presbyterian Church. Please make your checks out to “Presbyterian Women”, marked "ditty bags" and drop in the offering plate or deliver to the church before October 26. Daytime Circle Books Are Here: If you asked to have a study book ordered for you, please pick one up in the Narthex and check your name. The cost of the books “Bad Girls of the Bible”, $9.50 each, should be paid to Gayle Mitchell. Please read the first 3 chapters for our November 11 meeting. Many thanks to the night circle members, who gave us books and enabled us to have this low price for everyone in our circle. Church Calendar Sunday, Oct. 19 Monday, Oct. 20 9:00AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 12:00PM 6:00PM Breakfast Sunday School Worship Club 46 Youth—Northwest Nights 11:30AM Intercessory Prayer Group Wednesday, Oct. 22 9:30AM 6:30PM Covenant Women’s Bible Study Choir Rehearsal Saturday, Oct. 25 7:00PM Serve Dinner at Clifton Shelter Sunday, Oct. 26 October Birthdays 18th 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 9:00AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 6:00PM Breakfast Sunday School Worship Youth—Northwest Nights 27th Monday, Oct. 27 11:30AM Intercessory Prayer Group Tuesday, Oct. 28 7:00PM 28th 30th Wednesday, Oct. 29 Thursday, Oct. 30 Sunday, Nov. 2 9:30AM 12:00PM 6:30PM 6:00PM Session Meeting Covenant Women’s Bible Study PW-Serve Lunch at Grant Park Choir Rehearsal 31st Trunk or Treat 9:00AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 6:00PM Breakfast Sunday School Worship Youth—Northwest Nights Monday, Nov. 3 11:30AM Intercessory Prayer Group Tuesday, Nov. 4 10:00AM PW– Coordinating Team Lisa Bridges Marilyn McCown Jane Mohler David Massey Rebecca Metzloff Gil Simonds Helen Holderread Anna Kimble John Brown Barry Holderread Kaye Mulkeen Anne Snyder Elizabeth Beveridge Allison Camp Martha Gay Carolyn Amos Judy Wagner Cherie Everhart Debbie Hyde Nancy Hyte Lucy Mulkeen November Birthdays 2nd 3rd Sandra Thorington Joe Deadwyler Dick Myrick Gordon Thompson Join Us for Trunk-or-Treating: Thursday, October 30! This is a big event for our church! We expect 200 people and it cannot happen without many adults on hand to offer this fun and safe event to our community. We need NWPC volunteers to staff trunks full of treats, our “happily haunted house”, traffic flow, and food distribution. We count on our very creative NWPC trunk decorators and generous candy givers. Please note: Register your trunk by October 24 in order to be included in “Trunk or Treat”. Please see or email Michele Soteres on the Outreach Team to register your trunk and volunteer: [email protected] October 19 2014 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost 11:00AM Let the people on entering God’s house, be reverent in silence, fervent in prayer hearty in praise and expectant of the Spirit. Please silence cell phones and pagers at this time. PRELUDE “Where’er You Walk” from Semele G.F. Handel “Our God Is An Awesome God” Rich Mullins CHIMING OF THE HOUR CHORAL INTROIT GREETING Amanda Pooser One: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. All: And also with you. CALL TO WORSHIP (Psalm 25) One: All: One: All: Make your ways known, O Lord. Guide us in your truth and teach us. You are the God of our salvation; our eyes are ever upon you. Praise the Lord! * HYMN OF PRAISE 32 “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” * PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) Holy Lord, you have promised to write your law within our hearts. We confess that we have not held fast to your sacred word, but instead, we have accommodated your teaching to suit ourselves. We have shied away from your truth when it seemed to demand too much of us. We have sinned every time we knew the right thing to do, and failed to do it. Forgive us, O God, and help us to learn to keep your Word and to live in your Truth. A time of quiet, personal confession. In your mercy, Lord, hear our prayer, and forgive us. Amen. * ASSURANCE OF PARDON One: All: Friends, believe the good news of the Gospel: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! * SUNG RESPONSE GLORIA PATRI Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. * SHARING THE PEACE OF CHRIST One: All: The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you. You are invited to share words and signs of greeting and reconciliation. TIME WITH YOUNG DISCIPLES Rev. Laura Jernigan Children K4-2nd grade are invited to depart for Young Children and Worship. CONCERNS AND CELEBRATIONS OF THE CHURCH PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (Unison) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY ANTHEM “The Majesty and Glory of Your Name” When I gaze into the night skies and see the work of Your fingers; The moon and stars suspended in space. Tom Fettke Oh, what is man, that You are mindful of him? You have given man a crown of glory and honor, and have made him a little lower than the angels. You have put him in charge of all creation: the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea. But what is man, oh what is man that You are mindful of him. O Lord, our God, the majesty and glory of Your name transcends the earth and fills the heavens. O Lord, our God, little children praise You perfectly, and so would we. Alleluia, Alleluia! * SUNG RESPONSE Praise Praise Praise Praise * DOXOLOGY God, from whom all blessings flow; God, all creatures here below; God above, ye heavenly host; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. PRAYER OF DEDICATION * HYMN OF PREPARATION 686 SCRIPTURE READING “God of Our Life” James 4:13-17 Pew Bible, pg. 231 NT PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SERMON “Keeping It Real: Arrogant Anonymous” Amanda Pooser A time of silent reflection. * HYMN OF SERVICE 12 “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” * CHARGE AND BLESSING * CHORAL BENEDICTION * POSTLUDE * “To God Alone Be the Glory” “Allegro” Tom Fettke Antonio Vivaldi All who are able are asked to stand. Children K4-2nd grade are dismissed for Young Children and Worship in the Family Life Center. Children will be returned to the Narthex at the conclusion of the service. If you would like a hearing aid for the service, please consult an usher. The Ministers Members of Northwest Presbyterian Congregation The Session Class of 2015 Mark Carrington, E* Medie Crockett, F Pat Davis, C Sally Hauptfuhrer, C Bruce Logue, Jr., P* Mary Anne Matthews, F* C=Congregational Care E=Education F=Fellowship Class of 2016 Harry Ballance, F Nate Bayer, W* Nancy McDaniel, S* Eric Mowris, P John Wilson, O Rob Rankin, S Class of 2017 Ezra Jones, E Mike McMackin, P Lynne Miller, O* Jamie Milton, W Michele Soteres, O Karen Taylor, E O=Outreach P=Worship S=Stewardship Moderator: Dr. Timothy T. Boggess Clerk: Anneke Woodward Treasurer: Karen Taylor The Staff Rev. Dr. Timothy T. Boggess, Pastor Rev. Laura Jernigan, Associate Pastor Amanda Pooser, Director of Youth Ministries Dr. James J. Kohler, Director of Music Ministries Neil Thompson, Organist Scott Mize, Administrative Manager Wendy Goessling, Administrative Assistant John Cast, Maintenance W=Witness *=Team Leader
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