Check the Workshops You Will Attend: REGISTER BY MAIL 2 Days, 2 Interactive Workshops for Therapists, Educators & Childhood Professionals. Receipts Sent Via Email - Please Print Clearly! WORKSHOP 1 - Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Right-Brain Thinkers WORKSHOP 2 - Executive Functioning Skills in Children and Teens ATTENTION: Copy as needed for each attendee or print additional forms at Appleton, WI - November 18, 2014 Waukesha, WI - November 20, 2014 Appleton, WI - November 19, 2014 Waukesha, WI - November 21, 2014 EMAIL OR PHONE # REQUIRED! Name*____________________________________________________ Email*___________________________________________________________ Profession/Job Title* ______________________________________________ Organization_____________________________________________________ Billing Address*___________________________________________________ Address2 _______________________________________________________ City*_____________________________State*_______ Zip*_______________ EMAIL OR PHONE # REQUIRED! Phone*_____________________________________Ext._________________ (MM) (YY) (YRS) CE Renewal Date _________ / _________ License Cycle Length ____________ Pricing* EARLY 1 DAY BOTH DAYS $179 | $338 Individual $169 | $318/ea 2-4 People $149 | $288/ea 5+ People REGULAR 1 DAY BOTH DAYS $199 | $378 Individual $189 | $358/ea 2-4 People $169 | $328/ea 5+ People *Early registration must be received 14 days prior to workshop. GROUPS: Registrations and payment must be received together via fax or mail. You may register online if payment is with a single credit card. 1. Online: 2. Phone: (800) 433-9570 3. Fax: (615) 376-8233 4. Mail: Summit Professional Education PO Box 908 | Franklin, TN 37065 Summit Professional Education PO Box 908 Franklin, TN 37065 PAID NASHVILLE, TN PERMIT NO. 508 Check, credit card or PO# MUST accompany registration form. PRIORITY CODE: Check enclosed, payable to Summit Professional Education MC Amex Lori Benson Adams, M.Ed., is an educational intervention specialist with over 30 years working with children and teens with Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD, and a variety of learning and genetic challenges. With a master’s from Auburn University in early childhood special education, Lori has worked in public and private school, early intervention and special needs preschool, and private educational practice where she works intensively with children and families. Day 1 PO#: __________________ (PO FORM required for registration) VISA Strategies for Learning, Organization and Self-Control PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE Payment Required For Registration Price ____________ X Quantity ___________ = Total __________________ A Comprehensive Approach to the Young Brain Easy Registration! All prices are per person Learning Interventions and Strategies for Discover Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Right-Brain Thinkers Cardholder’s Name: ______________________________________________ Card #:__________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________________ 3 Digit CSC/CVC: _________________ CAADLM.1114.3 PLEASE RETURN ENTIRE PANEL • Identifying visual-spatial (right-brain) vs. auditory-sequential (left-brain) learners • Evidence-based intervention techniques • The right brain and ADHD, Autism & Dyslexia 2 Days, 2 Interactive Workshops for Therapists, Educators & Childhood Professionals. A Comprehensive Approach to the Young Brain Dates & Locations Appleton, WI November 18 & 19, 2014 Waukesha, WI November 20 & 21, 2014 Strategies for Learning, Organization and Self-Control Day 1 Learning Interventions and Strategies for Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Right-Brain Thinkers Breakthrough Solutions for 800-433-9570 l Online at Executive Functioning Skills in Children and Teens Day 2 • Thinking in pictures: The classroom through the child’s eyes • Visual ‘cues’ for teaching behavioral skills Day 2 Breakthrough Solutions for Executive Functioning Skills in Children and Teens • Current research on the development of Executive Functioning skills (EFS) and Executive Functioning Disorder (EFD) from toddler to teen • The correlation between EFD and Autism, Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities, ADHD, Depression and Bipolar Disorder • Identification and assessment of executive functioning skills • Case studies, research-based strategies and intervention for teaching EFS • Comprehensive workshop manual with forms, checklists, resources and materials that you can use right away back at work 800-433-9570 l Online at Day 1 Learning Interventions and Strategies for Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Right-Brain Thinkers Visual-spatial learners have powerful right brain hemispheres, thinking and learning in pictures as opposed to a step-by-step presentation of information. They tend to grasp ideas as a complete whole, or big picture, and do not learn in smaller steps of drill, practice or repetition. This innovative, new workshop takes you inside the mind of the visual-spatial learner to view the classroom, and home through the child’s eyes of complete concepts and pictures instead of words. Comprehensive assessment tools will be outlined to identify the characteristics of the visual spatial learner. Participants will learn methods to build auditory skills while teaching to the visual strengths of the child. I. II. Understanding & Identifying VSL »» Hemispheric review • Right brain hemisphere • Left brain hemisphere Characteristics of the Visual Spatial Learner »» Academic • Visual tracking issues, the trouble with basics, translating thoughts to paper, verbal memory, twice exceptional kids »» Social • ADHD, Autism & Dyslexia, insecurity, and think time »» Emotional • Sensory sensitivities, hypersensitivity to criticism, and home behaviors III. The Make-Up of Most Traditional Classrooms & the VSL »» Comparing VSL and auditory-sequential learners »» Percentages of VSL learners in traditional school setting IV. Strategies for Success at School & Home »» Reading • Phonics struggles • Visualization strategies • Visual-spatial disorders and it’s effect on reading »» Writing/Spelling/Handwriting • Sequencing, composing and editing strategies • Using visual anchors and pre-writing tools • Assistive technology tips and reviews »» Math • Processing challenges effecting math • Highly visual materials and strategies review »» Executive Functioning Supports • Time management • Emotional regulation V. Supports Across Environments Day 2 Breakthrough Solutions for Executive Functioning Skills in Children and Teens Research is urgently voicing the need for the teaching of executive functioning skills and how they effect the social, emotional and academic performance of children and teens. This highly engaging, practical workshop offers support to parents and professionals seeking to assist children in the development of effective time/space/ emotional control. By providing insight into the development and assessment of executive functioning skills, participants will understand what to look for in struggling students. Hundreds of specific tools and strategies will give individuals hands-on, ready-to-use information for immediate and easy use. I. II. Defining Executive Functioning Skills »» Current research on EFS »» Initiation, sustained attention, flexibility and other skills defined »» Video representation of various skills to help participants in identification A Neuro-Psychological Perspective »» Brain structure and the development of skills »» Brain-behavior connections at various developmental stages »» Stages of meta cognitive development (thinking about thinking) III. Co-Existing Conditions »» Autism »» Dyslexia, learning challenges »» Mood disorders and genetic conditions IV. Formal and Informal Assessment of Executive Functioning Skills »» Understanding crystallized vs. fluid intelligence »» BRIEF, NEPSY, Trail-Making, BADS-C »» Delis-Kaplan Executive Function Scale, CEFI, and others »» Using classroom and home observation »» Sample tasks for informal assessment »» Video clips to allow participants opportunity to practice assessment V. Connecting Assessment and Intervention »» Using assessment to determine goals »» Evaluation of setting, task and adult interaction styles »» Using cuing intentionally to create independent thought and problem solving »» Specific strategies for each key area of executive functioning »» Hands-on lab activities to learn strategies »» Case studies, video and verbal VI. Supporting Children Across Environments »» Classroom and home organization »» Understanding your own styles »» Moving towards independence Workshop Schedule - Both Days Join Our Faculty 7:30am – Registration & Breakfast 8:00am – Workshop Begins 11:30am - 12:30pm – Lunch On Your Own 3:30pm – Workshop Adjourns Summit Professional Education is currently seeking qualified professionals to develop and teach workshops nationally. Visit for more information. Your instructor will break for 15 minutes in the morning and afternoon at appropriate times. THE SUMMIT GUARANTEE Summit Professional Education is a national leader in high-quality educational products and services for today’s professional. Our seminars and training programs are designed to help professionals achieve improved performance and results in all areas. Our faculty is the “best of the best” in their fields of expertise, providing programs that really make a difference to participants. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the program, simply notify the registrar of your intent to withdraw from the program prior to the first morning break, turn in your workshop materials and receive a 100% refund or credit on a future program. REGISTRATION, CONFIRMATION & CERTIFICATES Confirmations of registration will be sent via email. A copy of your registration confirmation will serve as Continuing Education Credit Dates and Locations Appleton, WI Waukesha, WI Radisson Paper Valley 333 W. College Ave Appleton, WI 54911 (920) 733-8000 Holiday Inn Pewaukee - Milwaukee West N14 W24140 Tower Place Pewaukee, WI 53072 (262) 506-6300 November 18 & 19, 2014 November 20 & 21, 2014 Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists - These programs are offered for 0.6 CEUs each (Intermediate level, Professional Area). Learning Objectives Day 1 • • • • • Compare/contrast characteristics of right-brain and left-brain learners. Describe visual strategies for math, reading and writing. Discuss why all students need visual-spatial methods. Utilize the See it, Say it, Do it © approach. Design visual cues for the student who remembers what they see and forgets what they hear. • Recognize the visual-spatial thinking of seeing whole concepts instead of small details. • Implement practical visualization methods to improve school performance & reduce learning frustration. • Cite effective strategies for teaching response inhibition, self-control and emotional development. Day 2 • Cite current research on the development of executive functioning skills. • Identify “red flags” for executive functioning deficits. • Determine how weaknesses in EFS will affect learning, behavior and emotional health. • Identify effective formal and informal assessment tools to determine a child’s current needs. • Coordinate assessment and intervention. • Assess a child’s environment to provide appropriate support. • Implement effective plans and strategies at school and home. About Your Instructor Lori Benson Adams, M.Ed., is an educational intervention specialist with over 30 years working with children and teens with Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, ADHD, and a variety of learning and genetic challenges. With a master’s from Auburn University in early childhood special education, Ms. Benson-Adams has worked in public and private schools, early intervention and special needs preschools, and private educational practice where she works intensively with children and families. Ms. Benson-Adams is a nationally known author, speaker, and trainer, hailed for providing a multi-dimensional, whole-brain, practical view of intervening with learning, social and behavioral challenges. She is the owner of Breakthrough Learning Solutions in Atlanta, Georgia and Anniston, Alabama, and the author of Playful Learning. For additional information, visit www. your receipt for fees paid at the time of registration. Walk-ins are welcome but must register onsite. Please notify us at least thirty (30) days in advance if you have special needs or require assistance. Certificates are mailed to the seminar location 5 business days in advance. If your certificate is not available the day of the seminar, please complete a certificate request onsite and a copy will be sent to you. Hotel locations must occasionally be adjusted. Please provide an email address and phone number to receive any important updates. attendee. If the cancellation is made within ten days or less, refunds will not be granted for any reason. A credit voucher will be issued that may be used toward a future seminar. Credit vouchers are transferable and do not expire. In cases of inclement weather where the seminar is conducted as scheduled, you may request a credit voucher toward a future seminar. If we must cancel or change the seminar for any reason, our liability is limited to the cost of tuition. If you register and do not attend, you are still responsible for payment. SUBSTITUTION & CANCELLATION POLICY Substitutions may be made at any time. Requests for cancellation must be received in writing by fax or mail ten (10) days prior to the seminar in order to receive a refund less a $20.00 administrative charge per canceled W-9: To download a copy, logon to FEID Number: 47-1189590 Occupational Therapists - Summit Professional Education is an AOTA Approved Provider of continuing education provider #5873. These programs are offered for 0.6 AOTA CEUs (6.0 contact hours) each. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA. Educators – IL: Summit Professional Education is an Illinois Dept of Professional Regulation Approved Continuing Education Sponsor, #60110115551948. You will receive 6 CPDUs each day if you complete ISBE forms 77-21A and 77-21B. WI: Continuing Education courses must be approved by your local Professional Development Team. Submit the brochure to your local Professional Development Team for approval, 6.0 hours each. Physical Therapists - IL: Summit Professional Education has been approved by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation as a continuing education provider for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants, contact # 3719528. These courses are offered for 6.0 hours each. WI: These courses meet the requirements of an acceptable continuing education activity as per chapter PT 9.04.1 and PT 9.04.2 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code and the Physical Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board and are offered for 6.0 contact hours each. Professional Counselors - Summit Professional Education is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events (or programs) that meet NBCC requirements. Sessions (or programs) for which NBCC-approved clock hours will be awarded are identified in the program bulletin (i.e. brochure or in the catalogue or Web site), 6.0 hours each. The ACEP is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. Social Workers - Summit Professional Education, provider # 1201, is approved as a provider for social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), through the Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Summit Professional Education maintains responsibility for these programs. Social workers participating in these courses will receive 6.0 clinical continuing education clock hours each. Psychologists - Summit Professional Education is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Summit Professional Education maintains responsibility for these programs and their content, 6.0 hours each. Child Development, Early Intervention and Other Specialists - These seminars qualify for 6.0 continuing education hours each as required by many national, state and local licensing boards and professional organizations. Save your course outline and certificate of completion, and contact your own board or organization for specific filing requirements. These events contain intermediate level content. SATISFACTORY COMPLETION Participants must pay tuition fee, sign in, attend the entire seminar, complete an evaluation and sign out in order to receive a certificate of completion. Participants not fulfilling these requirements will not receive a certificate. Failure to sign in or out will result in forfeiture of credit for the entire workshop. No exceptions will be made. Partial credit is not available. WORKSHOP HANDBOOK Included with your registration you will receive a comprehensive manual compiled by the instructor. DISCLOSURES: Guidelines exist whereby all speakers must disclose any relevant relationships. Lori Benson Adams is the owner of Breakthrough Learning Solutions for which she receives a salary and she is compensated as a speaker by Summit. She has a non-financial relationships to disclose. SCOPE OF PRACTICE: Workshop content is not intended for use by participants outside of the regulatory scope of practice of their license(s). You are responsible for knowing what lies within and without your professional scope of practice. Have continuing education credit questions? Please email our CE Department at [email protected] for the latest approval status. 800-433-9570 |
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