Para Hills Modbury Catholic Parish 19th October 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time — Year A (Green) Parish Team FR MANU KUMBIDIYAMACKAL MSFS (PARISH PRIEST) GRACE HEALEY (Pastoral Associate) JILL BROKENSHA (Secretary) ANGELA COON (APRIM at St Francis Xavier) Parish Admin Office 50 Reservoir Rd, Hope Valley 5090 Ph: 8264 7590 Fax: 8265 2012 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-2pm Holy Trinity Church 3 James Street, Para Hills 5096 John XXIII Church 50 Reservoir Rd, Hope Valley 5090 CHILDREN’S LITURGY CELEBRATED AT 6PM 10AM MASSES. We acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of this region. Let us share and learn together for reconciliation and justice. Parish Mass Times SINDI KINLOCH (Parish Assistant) PAULINE LAI (Finance Officer) & BAPTISMS Celebrated EITHER during the 6pm, 8am & 10 am Masses on the 2nd Sun of the month OR 11.30am at Holy Trinity 12noon at John XXIII (Alternately on 4th Sun) Bookings to be made through the Parish Office. MARRIAGES By appointment only. REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOLS St Francis Xavier’s (Primary) 8251 9500 Carignane St, Wynn Vale 5127 Gleeson College (Secondary) 8282 6600 40-60 Surrey Farm Drive, Golden Grove 5125 Bulletin Vol.11 Issue 39 Deadline: Tuesday pm Saints/Feast Days Of the Week Saturday Vigil 6pm John XXIII Church 23rd St John of Capistrano 24th St Anthony Mary Claret Sunday 8am John XXIII Church, 10am Holy Trinity Church Reconciliation (Confession) 5.30pm Sat at John XXIII and after 9.15am Mass on 1st Sat. of the Month at Holy Trinity. Go to the ends of the World…Proclaim my name to all… “The other is my salvation,” saints in past generations said, and they understood “the other” as all people everywhere. This is the challenge we hear on Missions Sunday, which is celebrated today throughout Churches all over the world. Our Lord has not only given us a command, but also a privilege. He has honoured us with the responsibility of acting as His ambassadors throughout the world to tell his story and to share His love. Imagine, we each play an integral role in His plan of salvation for all people and that brings about our own in turn. If a parish has no awareness and consciousness of being “sent” by God to speak His words, to do His work, and to accomplish His will in this world, then it is not a Catholic Christian Parish!” We are not living up to our Catholic Christian identity if we don’t fulfil this calling to “go forth” and become Christ’s witnesses in the world around us. When Jesus asked his disciples to follow him, when he asked them to lay down their lives and then sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom he was asking them to give witness to himself. As we live out this in everyday life we make ourselves available to participate in the ongoing mission of God in this world. Mission then is giving witness to who Jesus is through the proclamation of what we believe lived out in our daily actions; actions of loving God and loving others! It is local and global – It involves our worship and devotion as well as our outreach and love to neighbour. The church becomes the foundation and anchor point for the continual retelling and celebration of the gospel story. The world, all of it becomes the context in which we live out the ongoing story of the gospel as participation in God’s Mission and Ministry in the world! Fr. Manu Kumbidiyamackal KIDS CORNER Kids Corner Everything we have was given to us by God, who gives love with unending generosity. How often do we remember to say “thank you” or to return just a little of what we have been given? In the Gospel reading today the Pharisees were jealous of Jesus because he was so popular with the people, and he often criticized the Pharisees. They were expecting him to tell the people to give their money to God and not to the Romans. The Pharisees knew that anyone who did not pay their taxes was immediately arrested and punished. Jesus answered the trick question wisely. He told the people to give back to Caesar what belonged to him, but at the same time, to give back to God what belonged to God. Jesus wanted them to return the love which God gave to them. We, too can share everything with our heavenly father by giving him the gift of ourselves: all that we are and all that we have. Give this prayer of love to God: Eternal God, the light of the minds that know you, The joy of the hearts that love you, The strength of the wills that serve you Grant us so to know thee that we may truly love you, So to love thee that we may fully serve you, whom to serve is perfect freedom. Amen OUR PARISH WEBSITE: ARCHDIOCESE WEBSITE: Readings for 26th October 2014 1st Reading: Exodus 22:20-26 2nd Reading: Thessalonians 1:5-10 Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40 Musicians, Singers, Cantors We need musicians for John XXIII and Holy Trinity. If you can play a guitar, piano, etc, or sing we need you. We have weeks at John XXIII or Holy Trinity where we only have CD’s. They are ok but it’s not the same as live music. Live music brings our Liturgies to a joyous prayerful level that enhances our prayer with God. We need you to commit to a level of self-motivation and reliability. Please if you ever thought to yourself, I would love to sing, play an instrument or both …… Talk with Fr Manu or Grace Healey. Thank you to all of you that are already committed in ministering at our liturgies, we appreciate your dedication and commitment. LAY MINISTRY Para Hills/ Modbury Parish is a vibrant parish - we have dedicated parishioners who volunteer in Lay Minister roles. If you have a gift or talent that you wish to share with your parish please let us know. We always need more Lay Ministers as Eucharist Ministers, Readers, Welcomers, Commentators. We are desperate for projectionists at both John XXIII and Holy Trinity. We really need to share this commitment. The power points are part of our Liturgy and we need more people to operate this Ministry. We need religion instruction Teachers and Children’s liturgy ministers. If you have ever thought to yourself, I would love to be…… Talk with Fr Manu or Grace Healey. Community Garden News! Next Community Garden gathering morning will be on Saturday 25th October, 9 -12 p.m. We have planted some silverbeet. If you have a receipe with silverbeet as an ingredient, please email me and we will advertise it in the Bulletin. Hopefully our crop will do well. [email protected] Happy Birthday October Babies 21st 23rd 25th John MacGrath, Heidi Giebel, Tarlee Penwill Phyllis Truman James Irwin Our Community’s Prayer Petitions During October PLEASE NOTE: THE NAMES ON THE SICK LIST WILL REMAIN FOR TWO MONTHS ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTIFIED. BULLETIN PRAYER LIST: Please note that names can only be added to this list by immediate family, or the ill person themselves (for reasons of privacy). Please Remember in your Prayers THOSE WHO ARE SICK, especially: Elizabeth Meikle, Rita Robinson, Cathy Sharkey, Frances Davies, Pauline Fuller, Eileen Ryan, Gary Lockyer, David Bird, Yvonne Summers, June Tucker, Richard McDonald, Darcy Ridley, Ursula Spencer, Joy Almeida, Marie Bakaj, Brett Speed, Jennifer Francou, Owen Cannard, Regan Barry, John Cherry, Dudley Dolman, Anastazia Proc, Fr. Michael Walsh, Pat Feutrill, Paul Holmes, Michael Lochhead, Margaret Scott, Christopher Malone, Odette Dotter, Felix Williams, Kay Kennedy, Therese Middeldorp, Michaela Matthews. Those Recently Deceased Ethel O’Hanlon, Merv Bowman (Corrie Bowman’s Father-in-Law), Sarah Killen, Lynette Bird, Peter Quinn, Petronella (Nell) Boog, Alan Croucher. What’s happening during OCTOBER 2014 [J23 = John XXIII Church, HT = Holy Trinity Church] [LWHC = Liturgy of the Word with Communion] Mon 20th LWHC, 9.15am, HT Friendship Bowls, 1pm-3.30pm, J23 R.E., 4pm-5pm, HT Tues 21st MASS, 9.15am, J23 LWHC, 9.15am, HT Reach Out, 9.45am, J23 Wed 22nd MASS, 7pm, HT Over 50’s, 12.30pm-3.30pm, HT Beer Wine & Port, 7.30pm, J23 Thur 23rd MASS, Modbury Hospital, 11am Christian Meditation, 2pm, J23 Fri 24th MASS, 9.15 am, HT Craft Group, Bus Trip 9.00am. Holy Hour, 3pm, HT Sat 25th MASS, 6pm, J23 Sacramental Program, 4pm, J23 Sun 26th MASS, 8am, J23 MASS, 10am, HT Due to Craft Group Bus Trip there will be no LWHC at John XXIII this coming Friday 24th October. This weekend our parish will be holding the annual Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal. This year we are invited to reach out and support the crucial work of the Jamaican Catholic Church in helping people turn away from violence and crime to seek a new future through the power of education and the spirit of Jesus Christ. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Give the Lord glory and honour. Our Community News . . . ST VINCENT DE PAUL HQ: 1300 729 202 from 9.00 — 1.00pm or ST VINCENT DE PAUL What do you mean by crushing my people; by grinding the face of the poor. Isaiah 3: 15 Only 2 calls last week with 4 Adults and 2 Children all wanting help with Food. To date this year we have assisted 162 families with an average of 4.4 calls per week. As always we do appreciate all the support we receive from you all in helping the needy in our own area. Our pantry needs at John XXIII this week are: Breakfast Cereals, Margarine and Tinned Meat. God Bless you all. REACH OUT Tuesday 21st October, 2014 Mass 9.15am at J23 followed by a cuppa Reader: Rafael Offertory: Leo & Jos Communion: Jos & Clem Altar Server: Wayne All Welcome DEVELOPMENT FUND Congratulations Maureen Frost Ticket No. 39 Drawn by Fr Manu for Michael Flavel Contact: Marg Dolman 8264 1317 to be included in the draw. RAIN WATER TANK PROJECT AT HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Thanks to all who have donated bottles, cans, jars etc to our project. Thanks also to the people who have given cash donations, everything is a big help and is gratefully received. Once this is paid off we will have other projects coming up so keep up the good work and urge others to follow your example. Dudley Dolman Jim Gibson DIVINE MERCY The next Divine Mercy Eucharistic Adoration will be this Sunday, 26th October at 3pm at Holy Trinity Church. The Modbury Conference of St Vincent de Paul Society is hosting a Musical Evening By “SAPOL” (SA Police Band) On Friday 7th November at 7.00pm at John XXIII Parish Centre 50 Reservoir Rd. Hope Valley Cost $5.00 Single or $10.00 for Family of 4. Supper provided Tickets after all Masses or call Mary on: 8264 1742 PARA HILLS ST VINCENT DE PAUL Our conference is trialing a new system where clients come to the church for help for food and counselling. So far in August and September we have had around 15 needy families. We are available Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10am—11am. Appointment times are made between clients and our members who are on duty. We are always looking for new members. Contact Dudley Dolman 8264 1317 A JOURNEY OF FAITH DURING ADVENT Monday, 17th November, 24th November, 1st December and 8th December. Both at John XXIII and Holy Trinity Churches Starting at 7.30 for a 9 p.m. finish. Topics will be Prayer, Discernment, Holiness and Evangelization. There will be a sheet at the back of the church if you are interested. Please put your names down so that we can get an idea how many would be coming. A gold coin donation would be appreciated for stationery. Contact Grace Healey for more information on 82647590 Pavers Donated A big thank you to all those who donated Pavers for the Community Garden at John XXIII and The Barbeque area at Holy Trinity. A big thank you to those who picked up pavers and those who are doing the work laying the pavers at both places. Carlo Anzellotti, Jim Gibson, John Jarrad, Johanna and Laurie Treadwell, Pat and John Cherry, Glenys Redding, Jan & Ron Van Der Borch, Rafael Rotolo, Dudley Dolman and Michael Healey. COME AND HAVE A CUPPA AFTER MASS After masses is a great time to catch up with one another and welcome visitors. The next “Cuppa After Mass” is on next weekend, 25th/26th October. We would like helpers to make this possible, at John XXIII and Holy Trinity. Please contact the Parish Office on: 8264 7590. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Shine on the world like bright stars; you are offering it the word of life. LEARN MORE ABOUT YOUR FAITH Lives of the Saints Papal Encyclicals & Letters Teachings of the Magisterium Insights in the Gospels of Mark, John etc. How to read the Bible Does the Church still teach that? The persecuted Church Pilgrimages A Catholic perspective of World News Video/DVD Library every 3rd Sunday of the month at Holy Trinity. The Library will be open next - 19th October - after 10AM MASS. WE ARE ALL CALLED TO HOLINESS DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE ALBERTON SUPPER CLUB We invite everyone to join us at the Alberton Hotel on the 3rd Monday of every Month (except December) Our next meeting will be on Monday 20th October, at 6pm. Our guest speaker will be Sarah Moffatt from the Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults. For bookings please phone the hotel on 84471069. For further details please contact Judy Hoffman on 82611603. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE SPRING CAMPAIGN 2014 Help Save Mothers & Babies Help Save Mothers & Babies With the support of Archbishop Wilson, the 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign continues daily outside Mareeba Abortion Clinic, 21 Belmore Terrace Woodville until Sunday 2nd November 2014. Please come for 1 or more hours and peacefully pray. Enq Alan & Helen Tyson 8364 4516, 0412 389 875, 0400 364 403, [email protected], Upcoming events in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral: Tuesday, October 21 - 5.45pm, Mass to celebrate 100 years of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Sunday, October 26 - 11.00am, Catholic Women’s League Mass to conclude 100 year celebrations October 29 - 30, Patriarchal visit of His Eminence the Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Beshara Boutros Rai Advance notice: Saturday December 20 – 10am, Priestly Ordination of Deacon Tony Telford-Sharp More events: DVD OF OUR COMMEMORATION MASS FOR SAINT JOHN XXIII The DVD’s for our Celebration Mass are now available for collection. Those who have ordered a copy can now collect them from the Parish Office, at a cost of $5.00. There are extra limited copies available. BEER WINE PORT GROUP BEER WINE PORT GROUP’s next meeting/tasting (Wine Night) is this coming Wednesday 22nd October at 7.30pm in the John 23rd Mass Centre meeting room at Hope Valley. Everybody is welcome to join us in tasting beautiful wines from the Barossa Valley. Our guest this month is Ben Chipman from Tomfoolery Wines, Light Pass in the Barossa. For all information on BWP activities, including Bus Trips, Dinners, etc. please contact Greg Dew on 8265 1566 or 0411 774 510. LIVING WATERS PRAYER GROUP Charismatic Healing Mass Wednesday 22nd October Sr Margaret Scully giving Homily Rosary 7pm Mass 7.30pm including Sacrament of Anointing followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Prayer Ministry, and Candlelit prayer in the spirit of Taize, and supper at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church 420 Seaview Rd, Henlye Beach, All welcome. Enquiries: Pauline 0403 002 240 St Joseph's High School Mary MacKillop College 2014 Annual Reunion 6.30-10pm Friday 24 October All past students, staff and friends are invited to Celebrate 70 years! Mary MacKillop College Gymnasium $30 inclusive of food and beverages Bookings: Trish ph 8342 0785 THE SOUTHERN CROSS The October edition of the Southern Cross is now available. Only $2 Please Support Your Local Catholic Newspaper. CHUCKLE CORNER Through the pitch-black night, the captain sees a light dead ahead on a collision course with his ship. He sends a signal: "Change your course 10 degrees east." The light signals back: "Change yours, 10 degrees west." Angry, the captain sends: "I'm a navy captain! Change your course, sir!" "I'm a seaman, second class," comes the reply. "Change your course, sir." Now the captain is furious. "I'm a battleship! I'm not changing course!" There is one last reply. "I'm a lighthouse. Your call."
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