ECI BULLETIN HAPPY BIRTHDAYS TO: Margaux Isaksen, a great Pentathlete 23 yrs. old! TRAINING FOR 2016 OLYMPIC’S/RIO Karina Marie, 16 yrs. old Happy Birthday Calla Vastola, Have a great B/day Sister in Law Nate Jr. (Cintas), Brother Nate’s son 23 yrs. old Natalie Cintas-Webster- Our Youngest Sis Julie Williamson, Have a great Day! Tyler Chuck, 35 yrs. old, have a great day! Steve Loeser, Many years’ friends, Best Wishes Dene Shaver, Happiness always Oct. 12th Josh Cintas, our youngest brother, H/Birthday Teddy Knee Sept. 24th, 14 yrs old. WELCOME NEW “TEAM-ECI” STUDENTS TO OUR ECI FAMILY OF FRIENDS! Madalyn Adams, Katelin Gossman, Lexi Berman, Kanan & Jordan Levy, October 2014 35050 Via Josefina Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (760) 321-2235 Website: E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (760) 328-6402 The Celebration of Strut Your Stuff: Sept. 13th, 2014 at ‘TEAM-ECI’ 50 ECI FAMILY OF FRIENDS WERE HERE TO SAY OUR GOODBYES! PURCHASED” ‘BELLINI’ BY ‘TEAM-ECI’ CONGRATULATIONS TO AVA SINHA ‘GRACIE’ HER FATHER DR. RAJ SINHA PURCHASED AVA HER NEW JUMPER/EQUITATION MOUNT, BARN NAME ‘PRIMA’ (show name ‘ATHENA’) Teaching Schedule October, 2014 MICHAEL’S SCHEDULE, Oct. 1-(2-3-4-5, ‘TEAMECI’ WILL BE AT DEL MAR HORSE PARK FOR A HORSE SHOW) RANDI FARNSWORTH WILL BE GIVING LESSONS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY! -6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 -21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31 MICHAEL WILL BE teaching 27 Days RIDERS AND HORSES ATTENDING THE DEL MAR HORSE PARK SHOW CAMILLE FENSON AND APOOLO AVA SINHA AND ATHENA P AMANDA MORELY ANID MAGICAL MOMENT WILLIAM STEWART AND BELLINI. We lost our Dear Rescue Dog and our ECI Mascot “Gracie” on Oct. 5th at 5:45 p.m. Gracie came to us (via Gonzalo finding her in the back 40) 10 years ago, at the age of 10 years old, she was skin and bones and totally dehydrated. This was in “Awful August”. Gonzalo brought Gracie to my office. Gracie was the first of many rescue dogs we would bring into our farm and into our hearts. I call our vet Dr. James Clark and explained the situation to him. He would be out that afternoon. Within a ½ hour after Gracie has something to eat and drink she laid very quiet in my office and then proceeded (the skin and bones that she was) to give birth to 8 beautiful puppies. Every one of her puppies were just like her white, gray and charcoal, and with the Phantom Face (such a beautiful mask) All of our “TEAM-ECI” Family of Friends took the puppies at 6 weeks old. Gracie had a wonderful 10 years with us at ECI, and ECI was her palace to run and play and feel SAFE! Gracie was 18 years old when she left us to the Heavens, but she will always be a part of us in Heart and Soul right here at ‘TEAM-ECI’. We love and miss her very much! Fourteen years ago, ECI was graced with the arrival of Strut Your Stuff, hunter champion from L.A. and Orange Counties. This handsome 15.3 dark bay Thoroughbred cross was the perfect acquisition for the Burleigh family. Both Meg, a classy, engaging, petite lady, and young Jen, a wide-eyed, shy ten-year-old were novice riders and needed a seasoned campaigner to carry them. True to his name, Strut proudly walked, trotted and cantered around the ring, careful not to jostle his riders, and jumping courses with that lovely, smooth canter stride that only a seasoned hunter such as Strut could demonstrate. As Meg became more confident in her riding, she purchased Pinot Grigio, then Ziggy Stardust, but it was always Strut who was there for her. He was her “go-to” mount. As Jen grew, she and Strut bonded beautifully. One could say, he read her mind. I was always amazed at how lightly she would apply her aids, eliciting an immediate response. Jen’s younger sister, Jess, also learned to ride on Strut: the smile on her face would light up the barn as Strut would carry her about. As the Burleigh girls became more involved in school and college, the visits became more infrequent, so Strut continued his role as Schoolmaster for the many young riders with bright futures as hunter/jumper/dressage competitors. Over the years, he has been in the ribbons for his young riders. Always correct, Strut would let his riders know when the wrong aids were applied, and patiently taught his kids (and adults!) the right way to ride. I know I speak for everyone in the ECI family, that we will miss that expectant nicker of greeting every morning when we enter the barn, that dark bay face with the star, the glint of excitement in his eye for the day to begin. To us, Strut was a true champion; he won our hearts. - Sincerely, Julie Carter ECI BULLETIN THE HORSES OF “TEAM ECI” APPRENTICE POSITION AVAILABLE EQUESTRIAN CENTERS INTL., MICHAEL D. CINTAS RANCHO MIRAGe CA. LUVI, A 8 Y/O BROWN, BLACK POINTS BEAUTIFUL MARE THAT IS 16.3 HANDS, VERY SWEET, VERY PLEASING AND BRAVE, DRESSAGE AND EQ. /HUNTERS, WILL BE A TOP JUMPER AND IS PARTNERED NOW WITH PHILIPP WAEFFLER AND MICHAEL CINTAS ECI Will be interviewing for an apprentice position under Michael D. Cintas (one year program) A good solid foundation on the flat, and over fences Equitation foundation a must. Will train in Hunters, Jumpers and Dressage, Farm management, Riding and training 4-5 times a day on young stock thru Grand Prix. THEO, A MAGNIFICENT EQ. /JUMPER 17 HANDS 18 YRS. OLD, WILL MAKE ANYONE PROUD AND WILL DO THE 4 FOOT DIVISION AND LOVES HIS JOB. THOROUGHBRED GELDING AND PENTATHLETE, HUGE STRIDE, LOTS OF SCOPE AND WILL TAKE A 4’ FENCE. STELLA, A WONDERFUL 9 YEAR OLD THOR. MARE, CHESTNUT, PERFECT COUNTRY SHOW HORSE FROM CROSS-RAILS THROUGH 3 GOOT HUNTERS. VERY PRETTY 16 HANDS. Some beginner/novice teaching/learning and being further educated as a future top coach Position, includes housing, room and board, horse shows, clinics, training, transportation and stipends. Contact will be re-addressed after the first year’s internship. Applicants who apply, serious, passionate, confident, hard workers and goal minded for a future in our Equestrian Sport and Business (drop any egos, not needed or wanted at “TEAM-ECI”) The Girls have started Dance Class! Aspen and Taelyn are now in tap/jazz class, they are growing up so fast! ORION A 16.2 HAND APPENDIX GELDING, 7 YR. OLD CHESTNUT, JUST AN ALL AROUND NICE RIDING HORSE ENGLISH OR WESTERN, LOOKING FOR A VERY GOOD HOME FOR HIM. CHIP, APPRENDIX (1/2 BROTHER TO ORION) CHESTNUT, 16 PLUS HANDS, WILL BE A VERY NICE LOWER LEVEL HUNTER AND AS A WONDERFUL TEMPERMENT, HE IS 7 YEARS OLD. JUMPER PROSPECT UP TO 3 FEET. Contact: Michael D. Cintas, [email protected] (760) 861-2984, send resume, goals, video & references. TEAM ECI SCHOLARSHIPS COSMO, AND OUTSTANDING 4 YEAR OLD BROWN GELDING, VERY HANDSOME, VERY GOOD MOVER, EXCELLENT JUMPER WITH LOTS OF SCOPE, 16 PLUS HANDS WILL BE 16.1-16.2 WILL BE A TOP MID-JUMPER. Please contact us for any financial assistance you may need.Go onliny for a TEAM ECI RIDING SCHOLARSHIP application at ECI-Rancho Mirage, please print, scan and email or mail hard copy to ECI, our address is on the bottom of the form. MONTY, 16 HAND THOROUGHBRED, WILL WIN THE JUMPERS, IN THE BEST OF HANDS. Each Year ECI gives various type riding packages to children between the ages of 5 yrs old thru 16 years old. Michael and his pack! ECI will award 10 riding packets scholarships in 2014. King, Tito, Fox, C.J., Poochey, Tina, and Matt. Each year we also donate Hunter/Jumper/Equitation Training and Dressage Training as well as lesson packages to many of the Local organizations in the Valley for their fund raisers. Lets have a wonderful October of Riding, Training and Showing” Michael, William, Jill, Julie, Randi, Emily, Gonzalo & Carlos BELLINI, 5 YEAR OLD THOROUGHBRED, MARE 15.3. VERY BRAVE, AND LARGE STRIDE WITH A BIG JUMP. AND MORE PICTURES AND DESCIPTIONS TO COME OF: MIGHT MOUSE, AFTER DARK, CRUISE CONTROL, AND TILLY. PLEASE CHECK WITH MICHAEL ON ALL INQUIRIES, AND MORE DETAILS
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