OUR PARISH IS SERVED BY: Rev. Joseph A. D’Amico Pastor Rev. Michael A. Hanly Pastor Emeritus Rev. Jerome Arthasseril Associate Pastor Our Lady of the Lake Parish Family 32 Lakeside Avenue, Verona, New Jersey 07044 Rectory (973) 239-5696 / Fax (973) 239-7190 School (973) 239-1160 www.ollverona.org Rev. William J. Melillo Weekend Asst. Rev. Mr. Andrew Jung Deacon David J. Strader Margaret M. Gardner Pastoral Associate Sr. Mary Agnes Sullivan, O.P. School Principal John V. Rachel, Trustee Ellen Narucki, Trustee Michele D. Kiernan Pastoral Council Timothy G. Dillane Financial Council Henry Gehman Music Ministry Johanna Ferloni Regina Neglio Faith Formation Gr. 1-6 (973) 239-7643 Joyce Swatt Liz Corrente Faith Formation Gr. 7-9 (973) 239-2950 Gina Butler Jeanette Mackesy Youth Ministry (973) 239-9312 John Rachel Pastoral Associate, RCIA Anthony Benenati Building & Grounds MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 5:30 P.M. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 Noon Summer Daily Mass: 7:00 A.M. & 9:00 A.M. Holydays: Refer to Bulletin Civic Holidays: 9:00 A.M. MARRIAGE Contact the parish office to arrange a date one year before the wedding for ample preparation. RECONCILIATION Saturday: 12:00 Noon to 12:30 P.M. SACRAMENTS OF HEALING Please notify the parish office if someone is ill at home or in the hospital. PARISH MEMBERSHIP All are welcome to join our Parish Family. Parish policy requires registration to participate in Baptism, Marriage and Religion Classes. Please notify the parish office when change of address or move occurs. We, the Church of Our Lady of the Lake, are a Roman Catholic Community, called as disciples and companions of the Risen Jesus Christ, made present through our celebration of the sacraments, our proclamation of the Gospel, our ministries of service and leadership. We are a community who depend completely on God’s grace. We are made equal through Baptism in Christ, and so we commit ourselves to the spirit of collaboration and inclusion. We, as a community of believers, seek to respond to God’s call. Our community is a place, where those who are searching are welcomed, where injustice, in all its expressions, is challenged, where the alienated find a home, and where people are refreshed, reconciled, and transformed as they journey in faith to God! Through the intercession of Mary, the Virgin Mother of Guadalupe, the Patroness of our parish, it is God’s reign that joins us as one in our mission. Pentecost 2007 MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, Oct. 18 Saint Luke 5:30PM Ruth Bedell 5:30PM Jack Lawless SUNDAY, Oct. 19 7:30AM Filomena R. Marciw 7:30AM Marianne Marciw 9:00AM Beatification of Blessed Pope Paul VI 9:00AM Joseph M. Hanly CSP 10:30AM Mario Fornini 10:30AM Ellen & Frank Brunetto 12:00PM Sylvester Arthasseril 12:00PM Mary Arthasseril MONDAY, Oct. 20 Saint Paul of the Cross 7:00AM Brendan Tevlin 12:00PM June C. Giordano 12:00PM Gennarosa DeRogatis (1A) TUESDAY, Oct. 21 7:00AM Fr. Robert T. Scott, CSP 7:00AM Joseph M. Hanly, CSP 12:00PM Thomas J. Galligan, Jr. 12:00PM Alfonse Sedotto WEDNESDAY, Oct. 22 Bl. John Paul II, Pope 7:00AM Yolanda Simon 12:00PM Joseph Bianchi, Sr. 12:00PM Carol Ann McManus THURSDAY, Oct. 23 Saint John of Capistrano 7:00AM Terence Smith 12:00 PM Fr. Joseph M. Hanly (8A) 12:00PM Fr. John E. Murphy (44A) FRIDAY, Oct. 24 Saint Anthony Mary Claret 7:00AM Lenny Petrillo 12:00PM Nathaniel Centeno SATURDAY, Oct. 25 9:00AM People of the Parish 5:30PM Maria Covello 5:30PM John Pietropaolo, Jr. SUNDAY, Oct. 26 7:30AM People of the Parish 7:30AM Alan Harrington 9:00AM Jack Bishop 9:00AM Edward J. McGrath 10:30AM Annual Enrollments 10:30AM Ted Getek 12:00PM James M. Casalino (20A) 12:00PM Rocco Tutalo (17A) FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER ALTAR BREAD & WINE In loving memory of Bishop Michael A. Saltarelli SANCTUARY LAMP In loving memory of Brother Walter Doyle, S.C. ALTAR ADORNMENTS In loving memory of Rocco Tutalo (17A) October 19, 2014 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Please remember those who have recently died especially Lawrence Carr, Eileen Frey all who mourn their loss. The sick are comforted just knowing that you pray for them. In your charity, please remember them and all who minister to them in your prayers. In the world, we pray for peace in all areas of unrest. In a special way, please remember Jun Abell, Beth Adams, Baby Luca, Baby Michael James, Mary Barton, Alex Birdsall, Lourdes and Jim Bley, John Cadmus, Beatrice Cataldo, Jack Cavalere, Judy Cecere, Nick Centeno, Fred Chechele, Joseph Colella, Maureen O’Callaghan Colvin, Lena Costa, Jenna Cruz, Jessica Cunningham, Robert Dewitt, Pauline Diakos, D.J. Diorio, Doris Dolan, Juliana Donnelly, Bill Doyle, John Drury, Bob Ferloni, Betty Ferrari, Iolanda Florio, Carrie Ciganek Gottlieb, Roslyn Gutman, Ruth Hamilton, Darien Inacio, Fabian Izsa, Florence Jacobson, Diane Johnson, Margaret and Guy Lee, Philip Liberato, Janice Lombardi, Mia Rose Lonergan, Vincent Lucanie, Michael Lucia, Edward Madera, Ralph Magrans, Marie Malara, Alla Malko, Jan Mancini, Jim McEvoy, Dennis McGorty, Tom McGovern, Nicholas Mitola, Carol Miscia, Claire Mongelli, Erica Monicelli, Edyie Moursey, Nick Munning, William Mulqueen, Mary Beth Oria, Tammy Orthman, Kim Pham, Edward Pienta, Victoria Queyquep, Marie Rachel, Thomas Reilly, Janine Reisert, Josephine Ruotolo, Jake Russo, Christina Citrano Sandy, Patricia Savino, Mark Scott, Michael Serrao, Claire Smith, Debbie Stern, Joseph Stivala, Melissa Suchocki, James Tressita, Robert Treuvey, John Michael Tully, Margaret Vanderberg, Ada Vasquez, Sandra Wotanowski, Elizabeth Zoppi. Please call the rectory if you would like a loved one’s name added or taken off our Bulletin Sick List. Weekend of Oct. 11/12 Gift cards $ $ 13,913 120 #609 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dear Friends, Peace, blessings and all good to you as our Fall days fill us and our world with so much color and beauty. We can certainly see the Divine Artist at work in his handiwork of creation. I'd like to discuss three things in my bulletin column this week. 1- As we move through the month of October, a month dedicated to the holy rosary, I again urge all of you to continue, discover or if necessary rediscover the rosary as a very powerful prayer. Especially for families. Have you tried at least one decade with the family before a family dinner? Do all the members of your family or household have their own rosary? I have dozens of rosaries and proudly boast of them. I have so many great and dedicated friends that continually gift me with a rosary while visiting a holy place or shrine. I love having these extra rosaries because I'm constantly asked by others if I have a rosary to spare. I keep all of my extra rosaries on my bed post as a reminder of Mary's role in my life as a priest and her spiritual son. Can I suggest that you keep and store all your rosaries in an obvious place? You never know when someone might want or need a pair. I've found that the more rosaries that are given to me the more people ask me for them. 2- We are almost at the end of October and moving into November. November is a month dedicated to all the faithful departed. Please fill out the envelopes you have in your packet so that your loved ones can be prayed for and remembered by having their names on the altar during the whole month. November is also a great time to visit a cemetery and arrange for masses to be said for our loved ones. You may have noticed that our mass intentions are way down. When I was a newly ordained priest hundreds of our parishioners would line up to arrange masses to be said for their loved ones when the mass book opened. Today it's possible that there may not be a mass intention from the people at all. Mass intentions are a great way to bestow graces upon a person living or deceased or for a personal intention. Our younger generation of Catholics may not even know that it's customary to provide a mass card for someone visiting a wake service. But mass intentions are not only for deceased. We can have masses said for any intention; birthday, anniversary, success in school, military personnel in active duty, employment, etc.. I have reproduced some copies of a great article I found on a Catholic website and placed them at each of the entrances of the church for you to see and learn more. 3- Fr. Jerome is enjoying some very needed vacation time for a few weeks which means that I'm on my own for the most part for the daily operations of the church. As you know Fr. Jerome is retired and only considered a part timer on the pastoral staff but still continues to give so much to us according to the best of his ability. Fr. Bill Melillo's help is invaluable in his generous offering of daily and Sunday masses for us. The concern that I have is a) not having another full time priest and b) our part time priest is on vacation. This creates a huge conflict in visits to the sick in homes or hospitals and wake and cemetery services. Until God gives me the gift of bi-location (Padre Pio had that gift) there are times when I Page 3 may not be able run to an emergency in a minute's notice. You can be a huge help in this regard. If you or your loved one would like a pastoral visit at home or hospital please do not, if possible, wait till the last minute. I'll have a better opportunity to plan a pastoral visit if given advance notice. Sadly, I've had to inform some funeral directors that I wasn't available for wake or cemetery services. I regret this but if there's two funerals back to back my priesthood is more needed to celebrate the second mass rather than lead prayers at a cemetery which a lay person can do. I'm already working with our Personnel office of the Archdiocese of Newark to have a second full time priest with the June transfer cycle. Until then I thank you for your patience and understanding until we are better staffed. Have a great week, Fraternal Regards, Rev. Joseph A. D'Amico With gratitude to Almighty God Our Parish Community joyfully invites you to the installation of Reverend Joseph A. D’Amico As the Seventh Pastor of Our Lady of the Lake Church Most Reverend Thomas A. Donato Auxiliary Bishop of Newark, Presiding Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:30pm Mass Reception to follow in the Our Lady of the Lake School Auditorium Please RSVP [email protected] or call 973-239-5696 Stewardship Reflections “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” - Matthew 22:21 Everything we are and everything we have belongs to God. We aren’t “owners” of anything, we are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has given each of us. All God is asking is that we give back a portion of what He gave us. This is the essence of Stewardship. God should be our first priority in everything. All else comes second. #609 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time OKTOBERFEST! What a great time and a witness to community working together. From the pre-schooler to the grandparents all joining in the fun to make the weekend a real success. Thanks to all who worked over the past months and to all who worked throughout the weekend. Our gratitude to all who attended and to all who supported the tricky tray and raffle. What a witness to our youngsters—living out the message of Jesus! One Month Developing Baby Your spiritually adopted baby has been quite active over the past month. Already your baby is 10,000 times bigger than at conception. Your baby has developed the foundation of his brain, spinal cord, and nervous system by the 20th day. His heart began to beat on the 21st day and is pumping blood through its own circulatory system. The blood type can be different from his mother’s. Your baby is most vulnerable during the next month of being aborted. Pray that the Lord of Life might move the heart of his mother to give him the most precious gift of all—the gift of life. New Jersey Right to Life Car Raffle - On the weekend of October 25 & 26, our Knights of Columbus Council 3632 with other parishioners will be selling chances on a new 2015 Volvo XC60 SUV valued at $ 40,000.00, 1st prize 2nd prize-- Shoprite Gift Card valued at $ 1,000.00 3rd prize-- Shoprite Gift Card valued at $ 750.00 4th prize-- Shoprite Gift Card valued at $ 500.00 You " can give life a chance" by taking a $10.00 ticket. Your support of this major annual fundraiser for New Jersey Right to Life would be gratefully appreciated. Check Presentation Today after the 9am Mass, our Knights of Columbus Council 3632, will present to the OLL Youth Group a check in the amount of $ 3,500.00 from the proceeds of our golf outing last June, for their activities. New Parishioner Registration doors of church Church Tour FF 7C & 7F Church Tour FF 7A & 7B Church Tour FF 7E & 7G Church Tour FF 7H& 7I All FF Church Tours meet in Church Man Up Men’s Spirituality chapel Mass of Remembrance Fr. Joe’s Installation as Pastor/reception Fr. Mike Retirement Party @ The Villa Page 4 Oct. 18/19 Oct. 20 3:30pm Oct. 21 3:30pm Oct. 27 4pm Oct. 28 4pm Oct. 25, 7:30AM Nov. 1, 5:30 Nov. 15, 5:30pm Nov. 16 Youth Ministry Corner More information can be found at www.ollverona.org Pancake Breakfast Today! - Join us after mass in the cafeteria from 8am—noon for the youth group’s annual Pancake Breakfast! Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door. I scream, you scream—Youth Group meetings begin tomorrow night! All high school students are welcome to join us in the Danny O’Callaghan Youth Center at 7:30!. Bring your completed registration form with you. You may get a registration form from the ollverona.org website, at the registration table after mass, or at the youth group meeting tomorrow. Youth Sunday—Members of the youth group will be serving at all masses this weekend to kick off our youth group year. It is an honor for us to be serving our parish through this ministry. Youth Group Meeting October 20, October 27 Protecting God’s Children Training Our Lady of the Lake will host a session of Protecting God’s Children Training, for the convenience of parishioners, on Thursday October 23 in the OLL School Auditorium at 7:00pm. Protecting God’s Children Training is required for all those in ministries serving minors, including Faith Formation Catechists, Youth Ministry, and OLL School volunteers and coaches. To register for this session, please go to www.rcan.org, click the Protecting God’s Children icon, and follow the prompts. If you require training but are not available for the in-parish date, you can follow the prompts to register for training in a neighboring parish. If you would like to attend this session for retraining, which is required of all who took the original training during or before 2011, please contact Mary Jane Curran for your original logon information before registering. Mary Jane may be reached at the rectory, 973-239-5696, or [email protected]. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation in helping us provide a safe environment for our children! #609 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time World Mission Sunday Next weekend our parish will recognize World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit www.IAmAMissionary.org At Our Lady of the Lake, baptism is scheduled for Sunday afternoons at 1:30pm, and takes place once a month. A catechesis is given on a weekday evening just prior to the Sunday baptism. At the catechesis, the spiritual and practical aspects of the Sacrament are discussed. This meeting, hosted by a husband and wife team from the parish and led by one of the priests or deacon, provides an opportunity for community building and sharing. For parents who have been blessed with a new baby and want to answer Christ’s invitation to this new life, please call the rectory at 973/239-5696 to arrange a date for your child’s baptism. We welcome the newest members of our Parish family: Ethan Richard Apisa Ella Rose Barboza| John Michael Burden Joseph Christopher Esposito, Jr. Hannah Delaney Fay Keagan Lynn Heintjes Mason Anthony Juliano Avery Adeline Sancho The Alzheimer's Association, in coordination with the Union County Division on Aging - Aging and Disability Resource Connection, Essex County Department of Citizen Services Division on Aging, and Union County College, will be offering a half-day conference for caregivers who have a loved one with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia. These programs are free and open to the public, but registration is required. Families may call 973.586.4300 to reserve a space."Alzheimer’s Disease: Approaches to Care" will be offered at Union County College in Cranford, NJ on Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This workshop will provide caregivers with important resources and tools to maintain a safe and supportive environment for their loved ones. A physician will discuss the role of healthcare professionals in providing medical, functional and psychological care, and an attorney will address the importance of legal and financial planning for people with Alzheimer's and their families. The need for a comprehensive safety plan and the role of the caregiver in safety planning will also be discussed. Page 5 Congratulations and Blessings to our two Deacons in Training, Ralph Powell and Paul Pak! Ralph and Paul, in their third year of formation at Seton Hall University Seminary, were instituted as Acolytes at a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Hebda on Monday evening October 13. Both men will be ordained into the Permanent Diaconate upon completion of formation in May 2016, and will join Deacon David Strader in serving Our Lady of the Lake. How blessed are we that these men have answered the call! Family Mass Thank you!!! Thank you to Ms. Gagliano and Ms Hensal’s 8th grade Faith Formation Class for your participation in our Family Mass Liturgy, especially, Lily Benanchietti, Chloe Conway, Gina Gagliano, Kayla Golebieski, Elizabeth Hensal, Hope Sweeney, and Jessica Sweeney who served as Greeters and Gift Bearers. Thank you also to our Youth Ministry representatives, Kelly Carr, Lector, and Christian Alfano and Dominque Marino for providing your personal reflections and wonderful insights on communicating with God. Many thanks also to Julia Schimenti our cantor, Cathy Cordera our violinist , and Eric Kohut for performing a beautiful French horn solo during our Communion Meditation. All of you enriched our celebration and blessed the OLL parish family by your willingness to serve! Many thanks for saying “yes!” Blessings to all of our third grade Faith Formation students and their families, as well as, our catechists who were present at the liturgy. What a remarkable celebration!!! Our next Family Mass is Sunday November 2 at 9:00am. CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES Mount Saint Dominic Academy 3 Ryerson Avenue Caldwell NJ 07006 Www.msdacademy.org Open house for 7th and 8th grade girls/families October 19th at 1:30pm Call 973-226-0660 ext. 1122 Seton Hall Preparatory School Open House for 7th and 8th Grade boys/families October 19th between 12-3pm. Call 973-325-6632 or visit shp.org #609 Page 6 “All Souls Includes Our Souls” For the past 700 years or so the Church has celebrated the “Day of the Dead” or as we know it, “All Souls Day.” This practice actually began about 200 years earlier in a Benedictine monastery in France. Traditionally, it is a day where the faithful remember those who have departed and pray their souls will be granted eternal life in heaven. Note that the act of remembrance is for the benefit of the living, while the prayer of the faithful is for the benefit of the dead. Put simply, the Feast of All Souls on November 2 reminds us of our obligations to live holy lives and that there is purification of the souls of those destined for Heaven. Thus “All Souls includes Our Souls!” This leads us to the significance of the Pascal Candle and the waters of Baptism. The Pascal Candle is named after the PASCH, the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord. The candle is blessed at the Easter Vigil, and represents Christ the light of the world. The Pascal candle resides next to the waters of Baptism. This symbolism demonstrates clearly that, through Baptism, the baptized person shares in the life of the Risen Lord, represented by the Pascal Candle. On All Souls Day we remember those who have gone before us sharing in the light of Christ and pray that they may be resurrected into the Eternal Light. We too, are reminded of our Baptismal calling and that the fruits of living holy lives will lead us to the Eternal Light. Centered in the nave of our Church you will find the Pascal candle and the waters of Baptism. This is significant because it tells us that sharing in the passion, death, and resurrection of the Lord is central to our faith. On Saturday, November 1, we will be celebrating the Liturgy of All Souls at our 5:30 pm Mass. Within the liturgy we will be remembering the faithful departed. The use of the Pascal Candle to light candles for each month that our relatives and friends have died is a significant rite used in this remembrance. We invite you to attend this beautiful liturgy and if you like, bring a photo of a loved one you wish to remember. The photos will be on display in Church until the weekend before Thanksgiving. It will offer you and our parish community the opportunity to remember and pray for those you know who have died, and hopefully strengthen our relationship with Jesus through our Baptism. Please note the date and time below: Mass of Remembrance Our Lady of the Lake Church Saturday November 1 5:30 pm #609 BUNKY’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 144 POMPTON AVE. 973-239-0720 Auto Repairs / Road Service / All Brands New Tires Exhaust Work / Auto Air Conditioning & Brakes N.J. STATE INSPECTION STATION Serving Verona for Over 50 Years Orthodontics PLEASANTDALE NURSERIES, INC. 377 BLOOMFIELD AVE. VERONA, NJ 07044 COMPLETE GARDEN CENTER WE FILL PROPANE TANKS 973-731-0830 240 PLEASANT VALLEY WAY • W. ORANGE (973) 239-0809 Eye Exams/Contact Lenses Unsurpassed Collection Of Designer Eyewear Interior - Exterior & CARPENTRY Maplewood, NJ [email protected] www.wilberspainting.com 973-239-8336 www.eyeclassique.com 973-762-6333 348 Pompton Ave. (Rt. 23) Cedar Grove BENJAMIN FIERRO, D.M.D. General & Cosmetic Dentistry CANFIELD OFFICE PARK, UNIT B-1 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT 878 POMPTON AVE. CEDAR GROVE, NJ 07009 (973) 239-0605 • FAX: (973) 239-5471 Dr. David M. 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CHARLES COLLINS BUYING OR SELLING CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN 6 POMPTON AVE., STE. 25 CEDAR GROVE, NJ 07009 Call Suzanne Curley Sales Representative (973) 239-0262 MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED O: 973.746.1515 x203 F: 973.746.0609 C: 917.887.9156 [email protected] 272 Bellevue Ave., Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Specialty Permit #5629 for Children & Adults CARNEVALE’S Fully Insured: Workers Comp., Liability NJHIC# 13VH06449500 Dr. Matthew J. Peluso TPS Financial Investments & Insurance AXA Advisors, LLC (SIPC) / AXA Network, LLC 280 Bloomfield Avenue Verona, NJ 07044 T.B. Painters INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING Serving the Verona Area for Over 20 Years Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards FREE ESTIMATE Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. (973) 239-8888 C (973) 479-1217 W (973) 239-6038 Thomas Benanchietti Log Onto www.jppc.net conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured RIGHTWAY NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 908-282-0220 www.rightwaywaterproofing.com Please pat onize the businesses and professionals that adver ise in our bulletin and thank them for their continued suppor ! They make the bulletin possible. Our Lady of the Lake is looking for a few more sponsors. If you would like to place an ad in the bulletin, please contact John Pat ick Publishing Company 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net Thank you. 609 Our Lady of the Lake, Verona, NJ (inside) John Patrick Publishing Co. • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net L.J. LaRICCIA & SON Bruce Snogans Realtor Associate PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR Cell: 973-239-5888 Plumbing Lic. B 106380 - William LaRiccia [email protected] Verona, NJ 07044 973-239-7700 51 Fairview Ave. • Verona • 973-239-3650 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC. When accidents happen. . .leave the repairs to us. Offering qualit ser ice for over 50 years. FITZPATRICK BUDD’S AUTO BODY Best Electrician 4-Time Winner Grasshopper Bar & Restaurant We Accept & Work with All Insurance Companies All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates. 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CUOCO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR NJ License # 4538 NEWLY RENOVATED FINE, ELEGANT FACILITIES 609 Our Lady of the Lake, Verona, NJ (back) (973) 239-1489 MICHELLE F. ARGAST, FUNERAL DIRECTOR NJ License # 4828 486 Pompton Ave. (Rt. 23) • Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 John Patrick Publishing Co. • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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