OUR PARISH IS SERVED BY: Rev. Joseph A. D’Amico Pastor Rev. Michael A. Hanly Pastor Emeritus Rev. Jerome Arthasseril Associate Pastor Our Lady of the Lake Parish Family 32 Lakeside Avenue, Verona, New Jersey 07044 Rectory (973) 239-5696 / Fax (973) 239-7190 School (973) 239-1160 www.ollverona.org Rev. William J. Melillo Weekend Asst. Rev. Mr. Andrew Jung Deacon David J. Strader Deacon Larry Duffy Margaret M. Gardner Pastoral Associate Sr. Mary Agnes Sullivan, O.P. School Principal John V. Rachel, Trustee Ellen Narucki, Trustee Michele D. Kiernan Pastoral Council Timothy G. Dillane Financial Council Henry Gehman Music Ministry Johanna Ferloni Regina Neglio Faith Formation Gr. 1-6 (973) 239-7643 Joyce Swatt Liz Corrente Faith Formation Gr. 7-9 (973) 239-2950 Gina Butler Jeanette Mackesy Youth Ministry (973) 239-9312 John Rachel Pastoral Associate, RCIA Anthony Benenati Building & Grounds MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 5:30 P.M. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 Noon Daily Mass: 7:00 A.M. & 12:00 Noon Holydays: Refer to Bulletin Civic Holidays: 9:00 A.M. MARRIAGE Contact the parish office to arrange a date one year before the wedding for ample preparation. RECONCILIATION Saturday: 12:00 Noon to 12:30 P.M. SACRAMENTS OF HEALING Please notify the parish office if someone is ill at home or in the hospital. PARISH MEMBERSHIP All are welcome to join our Parish Family. Parish policy requires registration to participate in Baptism, Marriage and Religion Classes. Please notify the parish office when change of address or move occurs. We, the Church of Our Lady of the Lake, are a Roman Catholic Community, called as disciples and companions of the Risen Jesus Christ, made present through our celebration of the sacraments, our proclamation of the Gospel, our ministries of service and leadership. We are a community who depend completely on God’s grace. We are made equal through Baptism in Christ, and so we commit ourselves to the spirit of collaboration and inclusion. We, as a community of believers, seek to respond to God’s call. Our community is a place, where those who are searching are welcomed, where injustice, in all its expressions, is challenged, where the alienated find a home, and where people are refreshed, reconciled, and transformed as they journey in faith to God! Through the intercession of Mary, the Virgin Mother of Guadalupe, the Patroness of our parish, it is God’s reign that joins us as one in our mission. Pentecost 2007 MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, Feb. 7 5:30PM William J. Wester 5:30PM Paul Covert SUNDAY, Feb. 8 7:30AM People of the Parish 7:30AM Beatrice A. Guida 9:00AM Susan Carsillo 9:00AM Maryann J. Priday 10:30AM Annual Enrollments 10:30AM Grace Suppa 12:00PM Michael & Eileen Frey 12:00PM Rose Cicotti Hunter MONDAY, Feb. 9 7:00AM People of the Parish 12:00PM Elaine LaGuardia 12:00PM Ann Ghiradelli TUESDAY, Feb. 10 St. Scholastica 7:00AM People of the Parish 12:00PM Michael C. Prout 12:00PM Edward “Ted” Sharkey WEDNESDAY, Feb. 11 Our Lady of Lourdes 7:00AM People of the Parish 12:00PM Thomas Steigerwald 12:00PM Special Intention THURSDAY, Feb. 12 7:00AM People of the Parish 12:00PM William Webb (13A) 12:00PM Jean & Michael Gallo FRIDAY, Feb. 13 7:00AM People of the Parish 12:00PM People of the Parish SATURDAY, Feb. 14 St. Cyril 9:00AM John Pietropaolo, Jr. 9:00AM Luis Prieto 5:30PM Ernest & Philomena Cordasco 5:30PM Joseph Bianchi, Sr. SUNDAY, Feb. 15 7:30AM People of the Parish 9:00AM John Mandler 9:00AM Albert Brighenti 10:30AM Nancy Ann Iuspa (10A) 10:30AM Bobby Ball 12:00PM Betty Carini 12:00PM Charles Sylvester FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY ALTAR BREAD & WINE In loving memory of JANA RAE TUCCI SANCTUARY LAMP In loving memory of CATAPANO & PRESTIFILIPPO FAMILIES February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Please remember those who have recently died, especially Martin McNamara, Albert Canarelli and all who mourn their loss. The sick are comforted just knowing that you pray for them. In your charity, please remember them and all who minister to them in your prayers. In the world, we pray for peace in all areas of unrest. In a special way, please remember Jun Abell, Beth Adams, Allison W., Baby Luca, Baby Michael James, Mary Barton, Alex Birdsall, Lourdes and Jim Bley, John Cadmus, Beatrice Cataldo, Jack Cavalere, Judy Cecere, Nick Centeno, Fred Chechele, Joseph Colella, Maureen O’Callaghan Colvin, Lena Costa, Jenna Cruz, Jessica Cunningham, Pat Daley, Pauline Diakos, D.J. Diorio, Doris Dolan, Juliana Donnelly, Bill Doyle, John Drury, Bob Ferloni, Betty Ferrari, Carrie Ciganek Gottlieb, Cindy K., Roslyn Gutman, Ruth Hamilton, Darien Inacio, Fabian Izsa, Diane Johnson, Margaret and Guy Lee, Philip Liberato, Janice Lombardi, Mia Rose Lonergan, Vincent Lucanie, Michael Lucia, Edward Madera, Ralph Magrans, Marie Malara, Alla Malko, Walt Maloney, Jim McEvoy, Dennis McGorty, Tom McGovern, Nicholas Mitola, Carol Miscia, Claire Mongelli, Erica Monicelli, Nick Munning, William Mulqueen, Patrick O’Callaghan, Mary Beth Oria, Tammy Orthman, Kim Pham, Edward Pienta, Victoria Queyquep, Marie Rachel, Thomas Reilly, Janine Reisert, Josephine Ruotolo, Jake Russo, Christina Citrano Sandy, Patricia Savino, Mark Scott, Michael Serrao, Lisa Seruto, Claire Smith, Debbie Stern, Joseph Stivala, Melissa Suchocki, James Tressita, Robert Treuvey, John Michael Tully, Margaret Vanderberg, Ada Vasquez, Sandra Wotanowski, Elizabeth Zoppi. Please call the rectory if you would like a loved one’s name added or taken off our Bulletin Sick List. Stewardship of Treasure ALTAR ADORNMENTS In loving memory of JOHN & ROSE FARRELL Jan 31-Feb. 1 Gift Cards $16,073 $ 172 #609 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dear Friends, Peace, blessings and all good to you as we recover from another round of winter storms. It's been a while since we've had so many and consistent storms in this area. Of course the children love it!!! As the children are departing the church I'll often ask them if they're praying for a snow day during the week and their wide smiles tell the story. The look on their parent's faces of course tell a different story. I'm sure you can observe that I'm the type of person that likes things organized and predictable. I don't like surprises. For that reason snow days are very problematic for me. As the meteorologists attempt to predict the impending storms I begin to ask the following questions: Whether to close the rectory office? Will the church staff be safe? Will parishioners heed travel warnings and stay home or attempt to attend mass? If the snow is on a Sunday I have the stress of worrying about not staying on budget because of fewer envelopes. Then there's the cost of the snow removal and salting for the parish campus. I'm sure you have the same concerns for yourselves and your families in regard to their safety, getting to work, school, etc.. But I do share this reflection with you. I've learned over the years not to control the things that are uncontrollable. If it's going to snow, it's going to snow and my worries and prayers won't make it snow any less. These past few storms have forced me to better "stay in the moment" and not worry about things of which I have no control. This attitude encourages me to pray through the storm and to have greater trust in God. I still don't like snow and still continue to be very concerned for our parish plant and our parishioners, staff and maintenance crew but realize that complaining, worrying, and stressing isn't going to make the snow stop falling. And aside from all the safety concerns regarding the snow I can see the perks in the snow. Living across the street from Verona Park I can see a beautiful winter landscape that is priceless. When the office is closed I'm able to catch up on some office things that I often neglect. And later in the day I can catch up on some movies since I don't usually watch TV during the day. But the greatest gift that a snow storm gives me is forcing me to slow down and appreciate the beauty of God's presence even in surprising ways. Next week we will begin another season of the ARCHBISHOP'S ANNUAL APPEAL. Sadly I need to report that we were over $8000.00 short of our goal last year. I understand that there are many opinions about this appeal and understand that your informed opinion is between you and God. That being said there is a bottom line. Our parish is not unique in not reaching our goal. Many parishes throughout the Archdiocese have experienced the same. As a result of less revenue from the appeal the poor, elderly, seminary recruitment, struggling parishes and schools, pro life programs, youth programs, and a legion of other charities will not be funded. Even our parish is effected by not reaching the goal. The rebate of $5,000 which we budgeted for was not received. This cuts directly into our operating budget because I was hoping to use the rebate check to help fund the ongoing renovation of our convent to bring Page 3 it up to code as the Fr. Michael Hanly Pastoral Center. I've heard from many parishioners that they will not be supporting the appeal but will give the money directly to the parish. But this hasn't happened either. Supporting the AAA and any other charity is between you and God. All I ask is that you prayerfully discern your decision. We will be doing our appeal on the weekend of February 14/15 and I've asked Deacon David to preach at all the masses that weekend. Let's keep praying for each other. Fraternal regards, Rev. Joseph A. D'Amico Post- Souper Bowl Announcement: Last weekend, the OLL Youth Group collected $1944.00 at the doors for our annual Souper Bowl for Caring Collection. All proceeds will be donated to Connie Pifher at the Verona Health Department for the Children’s Holiday Fund. We thank you sincerely for always giving so generously to the causes we care about. We are consistently overwhelmed by your generosity. Thank you! “Soup and Stations” Please join our parish family each Friday evening during Lent at 7 pm as we gather in the Church for Stations of the Cross. Following the Stations, we will share a supper of soup and bread in the cafeteria. Deacon David will prepare the same soup served that day to our brothers and sisters at St. John’s Soup Kitchen, offering us the experience of sharing a family meal similar to that of the less fortunate in our community. Each person or family will be asked to donate the amount that you were planning to spend on your Friday night meal, either at home or perhaps for a pizza or dining out. These donations will be gathered each Friday evening during Lent, and given to St John’s Soup Kitchen during Holy Week. Please bring your family to join us Friday February 20 at 7:00pm as we begin our Lenten journey! Stewardship Reflections: “Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed...He told them, “Let us go on to the nearby village that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.” MARK 1:35, 38 In today’s Gospel reading we see a perfect example of stewardship. Jesus gives His time to do all that God wishes— healing the sick and preaching. Yet, Jesus also makes time to be alone in prayer. It is through prayer, spending time with God, that we find the strength to do what God wishes us to do. Be sure to find time every day to be with God. #609 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Registration for September 2015 Pre-School—Grade 7 Call the School Office for an appointment Witness the power of prayer! Join the Knights of Columbus and the rosary support group from Roseland on Saturday, Feb. 14, 2015 from 8:45am to 10:00am on Bloomfield Avenue in Montclair. We meet in front of the former Social Security building opposite the Pilgrim Abortion Clinic where over 100 babies are aborted each week. We gather to pray the rosary that mothers will know that there will be help for them and to not abort their babies. We meet the second Saturday of every month. Come spend as much time as you can. Surely you have one hour to pray that the life of a pre-born baby may be spared. Your prayers and presence will and have saved babies lives! Bring your families. Rosaries Needed The Knights of Columbus are collecting excess rosaries. The rosaries are to be distributed to Catholic refugees who were forced to leave their homes in east Ukraine, which has become a dangerous war zone. Please put them in the basket for eye glasses by the organ in the church. Thank you. Our Lady of the Lake Faith Lent 2015 Formation Ministry It is hard to believe that Lent 2015 is quickly approaching with Ash Wednesday on February 18. The six weeks of Lent provide an opportunity to pause and reflect on our Christian journey. As was referenced in our Faith Formation Welcome Letter in August, our Catholic tradition supports the scripture of James 2:17, “So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.” We regard Christian service to be a valuable component in forming disciples. To that end the Faith Formation Ministry has elected to support Heifer International this Lent and we are hoping to involve all of our students in their stewardship of time, talent, and treasure. Heifer International is dedicated to ending hunger and poverty while saving the earth. Heifer provides livestock, trees, training and other resources to help poor families worldwide to become more self-reliant. More information will be disseminated to our families. Thank you for your support! First Eucharist---Explained Mass We will celebrate an Explained Mass on Saturday March 14 at 10:00am for all parents and children who will receive First Eucharist in the spring. (Please note the change in time.) This is a marvelous opportunity for the children to understand what our Eucharistic Celebration is all about and why the Eucharist is considered the source and summit of our Catholic faith. Page 4 Collection For St. John’s Soup Kitchen Bereavement Rectory Women’s Spirituality Chapel MAN UP Men’s Spirituality Ash Wednesday New Parishioner Registration Danny O’Callaghan Dance Women’s Cornerstone Weekend Feb. 7/8 Feb. 10 7:30pm Feb. 11 7:30pm Feb. 14 7:30am Feb. 18 Feb. 21/22 March 14 March 20-21 Youth Ministry Corner *More information can be found at www.ollverona.org* “Soup”per Bowl for Caring – Last weekend, the OLL Youth Group collected $1944.00 at the doors for our annual Souper Bowl for Caring Collection. All proceeds will be donated to Connie Pifher at the Verona Health Department for the Children’s Holiday Fund. We thank you sincerely for always giving so generously to the causes we care about. We are consistently overwhelmed by your generosity. Thank you! Insight –March 6, 7, 8 – Registration forms for the Insight Retreat are available and should be returned with a $50 deposit ASAP. There is now a mailslot in the Youth Ministry Office door (formerly the convent). Have a parent send an email to [email protected] stating that you would like to attend and that the deposit and permission form is on its way! Youth Group Meetings– Make your Monday a Funday! We are in the Danny O’Callaghan Youth Center every Monday at 7:00! Quiet prayer time will be available in the church beginning at 6:45. All 9th – 12th graders are welcome to attend. There is no meeting on President’s Day, Monday February 16. Youth Group Meetings February 9 - Battle of the Sexes February 23 ASH WEDNESDAY MASSES FEBRUARY 18, 2015 7:00AM, 8:30AM, 12 NOON, 7:30PM ASHES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AT THESE MASSES BAPTISM SCHEDULE Baptism 1:30PM April 12, 2015 April 26 , 2015 May 17, 2015 June 14, 2015 July 19, 2015 Catechesis 7:00PM April 9, 2015 April 21, 2015 May 12, 2015 June 9, 2015 July 16, 2015 #609 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of the Lake Music Ministry Welcomes New Members for the New Year! Have you ever thought about joining the Music Ministry of Our Lady of the Lake Church as a singer or instrumentalist? Our Parish and Children’s Choirs and Youth Band are now recruiting new members. Please read on to see where you fit in. The Parish Choir Weekly Rehearsals: Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:00pm. Sunday Liturgies: 10:30am Holyday and Holiday Liturgies: All Souls Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Palm Sunday, Holy Week Triduum, and Easter Sunday. Concerts: Annual Parish Christmas Concert Open to all individuals high school age and older. The ability to read music is not a requirement. The Praiseful Youth Band (Grades 6-12) Weekly rehearsals: Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:15pm. Liturgies: 8 Sunday masses between October and May at 12pm including Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, Palm Sunday, and Easter Sunday. Other: Parish Christmas Concert Open to all instrumentalists. Students must be able to read music. The Joyful Voices Children’s Choir (Grades 3-8) Weekly rehearsals: Wednesday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:00pm. Liturgies: 8 Sunday masses between October and May at 9am including Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Family liturgy at 4pm, Palm Sunday, and Easter Sunday. Other: Parish Christmas Concert Open to all students. The ability to read music is not a requirement. If you are interested in joining any of these musical groups, please contact music director Henry Gehman at (973) 513-3192 or see him after a weekend mass. Annulment Information Evening An Annulment Information Evening is scheduled for Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 7:30PM at Our Lady of Sorrow Church, 217 Prospect Street, South Orange, NJ. A staff member of the Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Newark will provide basic information about annulments; the requirements for annulments and how to begin the process of petitioning for an annulment. There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of the session. Pre-registration is not necessary, but for directions, please call the parish at 973763-5454. Page 5 Archdiocese of Newark Anniversary Liturgies Once again the Archdiocese of Newark is preparing for the annual tradition of honoring those couples who will be celebrating five, twenty-five and fifty years of Christian marriage in the year 2015. These anniversary liturgies will be celebrated by Archbishop John J. Myers in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark as follows: For 50 years— April 19th, 2015 at 3:00pm; 25 and 5 years– May 3rd, 2015 at 3:00 pm. It is the desire of the Archdiocese that every couple deserving of such recognition be present at the appropriate liturgy as the presence of a large number of couples will give favorable witness to the strength and stability of Christian marriage in today’s society. For application please the rectory office 973-239-5696. Wanted: Used or New Communion Dresses and Suits The Archdiocese of Newark will be organizing their second annual collection of gently used and new communion outfits. A child’s First Communion is a special day for any family and the Archdiocese of Newark is trying to make sure financial hardship does not stand in the way of it being as special as it can be. The Office of Development and Stewardship will be collecting gently used, in good condition, Communion dresses/ veils, suits and shoes for our inner city parishes. Last year over 300 dresses and 100 suits were donated. If you have something you would like to donate, you can drop it off it when you bring your child to Faith Formation, or you can bring it to the rectory until March 27. We will see that all donated items get delivered to the Archdiocesan Center for distribution. Many thanks and blessings in advance! Women’s Cornerstone March 20-21 Women on a Journey! Growing a bit restless with the winter weather? Feeling a bit weary always tending to the needs of others with no time for yourself? Perhaps it’s time to plan some time away and answer the call to Women’s Cornerstone! Come join us! For 26 hours, from 6:30pm Friday until 8:30pm Saturday, you will be pampered, pruned, pleased, and prayed for! On Cornerstone, you will spend time in a relaxed atmosphere with other warm and loving women of faith, sharing life’s stories, multiplying joys, dividing sorrows, and uplifting hearts. The relationships forged on Cornerstone are treasured for a lifetime! There is time for private prayer, as well as, the celebration of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. It is a comfortable atmosphere for you to grow personally in the knowledge and love of God. Come relax, reflect, and reconnect with God. You will return home renewed, refreshed, and rejoicing in the Lord! Please pray about it! Registration brochures will be available in the upcoming weeks. #609 Page 6 #609 BUNKY’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 144 POMPTON AVE. 973-239-0720 Auto Repairs / Road Service / All Brands New Tires Exhaust Work / Auto Air Conditioning & Brakes N.J. STATE INSPECTION STATION Serving Verona for Over 50 Years Orthodontics PLEASANTDALE NURSERIES, INC. 377 BLOOMFIELD AVE. VERONA, NJ 07044 COMPLETE GARDEN CENTER WE FILL PROPANE TANKS 973-731-0830 240 PLEASANT VALLEY WAY • W. ORANGE (973) 239-0809 CARNEVALE’S Fully Insured: Workers Comp., Liability NJHIC# 13VH06449500 Interior - Exterior & CARPENTRY Maplewood, NJ Eye Exams/Contact Lenses Unsurpassed Collection Of Designer Eyewear 973-239-8336 [email protected] www.wilberspainting.com 973-762-6333 www.eyeclassique.com 348 Pompton Ave. (Rt. 23) Cedar Grove % 10 % www.usabraces.com 441 POMPTON, AVE., CEDAR GROVE, NJ 973-239-6323 OF F % 10 QUALITY WORK & SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES BENJAMIN FIERRO, D.M.D. Lorraine Gauli-Rufo, Esq. Federal and State Criminal Attorney (Including Municipal and Juvenile offenses). Protecting clients’ rights for over 20 years, and handling close to 2000 cases. Zealous and Effective trial attorney, Compassionate advocate. Contact our office for a free, confidential consultation to find out how I can be of service to you. 130 Pompton Ave., Verona 07044 (Lower Level Suite B) (973) 239-4300, [email protected] www.lgaulirufo.com Frank Anthony’s Gourmet Italian 667 Bloomfield Ave., Verona, NJ 07044 973-239-1303 • www.frankanthonys.com Anthony Tortoriello • Cell: 973-981-1303 WE CATER FOR ALL OCCASIONS LITWINKA & COMPANY LLP RICHARD J. LITWINKA, MBA BARBARA A. LITWINKA, CPA TPS Financial 80 Pompton Ave., Suite 201 Verona, NJ 07044 Investments & Insurance AXA Advisors, LLC (SIPC) / AXA Network, LLC (973) 433-7681 [email protected] ACCOUNTING TAX SERVICES 280 Bloomfield Avenue Verona, NJ 07044 & (973) 239-8888 EXCELLENT & QUALITY WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES R&H PAINTING PROFESSIONALS Interior & Exterior • Carpentry • Clean Gutters Fully Insured & Free Estimates • Competitive Prices Find us on “R&H Painting” 10% DISCOUNT FOR OUR LADY OF THE LAKE PARISHIONERS Ricardo Ramirez 908-937-0824 973-239-6300 License #9100 F OF (973) 239-9100 DR. CHARLES COLLINS FIND RELIEF THERAPY, LLC CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN 6 POMPTON AVE., STE. 25 CEDAR GROVE, NJ 07009 (973) 239-0262 MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Relief from pain is just your beginning. Amanda E. Fleissner, OT Back & Neck Pain • Carpal Tunnel • Sciatica & more (973) 768-5139 www. indrelieftherapy.com THOMAS M. CONNOR, M.D., F.A.A.P., F.A.C.C. General & Cosmetic Dentistry CANFIELD OFFICE PARK, UNIT B-1 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT 878 POMPTON AVE. CEDAR GROVE, NJ 07009 (973) 239-0605 • FAX: (973) 239-5471 Specialty Permit #2247 J. VALENTE PLUMBING HEATING & COOLING INC. 710 Bloomfield Ave., Verona 10 % F Dr. David M. Solomon Sewer & Drain Lines OF OF Specialty Permit #5629 for Children & Adults Video Camera Inspections CAR SERVICE CENTER High Pressure Water Jetting of Drain & Sewer Lines Complete Auto Service F 10 Dr. Matthew J. Peluso Board Certified Pediatric & Adolescent Cardiologist 101 Old Short Hills Rd., Suite 104, West Orange, NJ 07052 973-731-5550 4-14 Saddle River Rd., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 • 201-794-1366 T.B. Painters INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING Serving the Verona Area for Over 20 Years FREE ESTIMATE Agostini & Slattery LLC Thomas Benanchietti Lucy Agostini, Esq. Attorneys at Law C (973) 479-1217 W (973) 239-6038 BUYING OR SELLING Call Suzanne Curley Sales Representative O: 973.746.1515 x203 F: 973.746.0609 C: 917.887.9156 [email protected] 272 Bellevue Ave., Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Over 30 Years Serving Northern NJ Specializing in Family Law Divorce • Support Custody • Property Division Post Judgement Divorce Mediation Real Estate Closings • Wills [email protected] 904 Pompton Ave. www.agostinislatterylaw.com Suite A1 25 Pompton Ave., Verona Cedar Grove, NJ 973-239-7288 973-857-0222 Emergency 877-643-1519 Patricia L. Bastidas DMD Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto www.jppc.net conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured RIGHTWAY NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 908-282-0220 www.rightwaywaterproofing.com 609 Our Lady of the Lake, Verona, NJ (inside) John Patrick Publishing Co. • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net L.J. LaRICCIA & SON OWNED AND SUPERVISED BY THE PROUT FAMILY SINCE 1924 PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR Plumbing Lic. B 106380 - William LaRiccia 51 Fairview Ave. • Verona • 973-239-3650 When accidents happen. . .leave the repairs to us. Offering qualit ser ice for over 50 years. FITZPATRICK BUDD’S AUTO BODY Best Electrician 4-Time Winner Grasshopper Bar & Restaurant We Accept & Work with All Insurance Companies All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates. 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Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. 420 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair NJ 973-746-2468 • redstarpaint.com REDWOOD REALTY INC. 603 Bloomfield Avenue, Verona NJ 07044 William H. Connolly & Co., LLC Insurance and Risk Management HOUSES • DECKS • PATIOS Expert in all interior/exterior painting (973) 239-1489 MICHELLE F. ARGAST, FUNERAL DIRECTOR NJ License # 4828 486 Pompton Ave. (Rt. 23) • Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 John Patrick Publishing Co. • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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