Schedule for the 61st Championship Show (Held under GCCFI Rules) At KNOCKLYON COMMUNITY CENTRE, KNOCKLYON ROAD DUBLIN 16 (BEHIND SUPERVALU / EXIT 12 OFF THE M50) Sunday the 19TH October 2014 ENTRIES CLOSE 22ND SEPTEMBER 2014 Judges Dr B Bennett, Mr J Hansson, Mrs P Perkins, Mrs C Wren Show Manager Mrs V Brooks The Rowan Fairymount Crettyard Co Laois Email :[email protected] Tel: 056 444 2356 Mobile: +353 87741371 Officers President: Mrs Rhona Sullivan Vice-President: Mrs Betty Dobbs Chairman: Karen Sluiters Vice-Chair: Veronica Brooks Treasurer TBA Secretary: Gloria Hehir Committee Imelda Andrews, Carmel Byrne, Dionne Dixon, Elizabeth Flood, Hugh Gibney, Aedamair Kiely, Jim Stephens, Lorna Taylor. Judges Dr B Bennett, Mr J Hansson, Mrs P Perkins, Mrs C Wren Honorary Veterinary Surgeons Mr J Bainbridge, Mr Mark Heffernan ************************************* ALL ENTRIES TO – Show Manager Mrs V Brooks, The Rowan, Fairymount Crettyard, Co Laois Tel: (00353) 56 444 2356 Email: [email protected] NOTICE, Late entry fees Due to the very high volume of entries received after closing date we are once again imposing a late entry fee. This year of a fee of €5.00 per exhibit received after published closing date (Monday 22nd September 2014) will be charged, in the hope that more exhibitors will be encouraged to send in entries on time. SABCCI is in a difficult indeed a unique position. As all exhibitors know, there is only 4 weeks between Cork and SABCCI shows. The SABCCI closing date has to come after the Cork show which means there is very restricted time to process our entries. The entries are sent to UK for processing, collating and the printing of the catalogue judges sheets etc.; this process takes a minimum of 3 weeks and prior to this every entry is checked by the show manager, then checked by the registrar to ensure all registration details including spelling are correct. With the late arrival of so many entries, realistically this meant only 3 days for checking over 100 entries, which put impossible pressure on the show management Please DO NOT wait for your Cork results; send your entries in beforehand and if you are lucky enough to gain a title at Cork and therefore need a class change, notify show manager after the Cork Show (it is very easy to alter just one class if we already have the other details) 1 MESSAGE FROM THE SHOW MANAGEMENT TEAM We hope you enjoy your day and thank you for bringing all your lovely cats and kittens; to make for a pleasant and enjoyable day IRUDOOWKHUHDUHDIHZSRLQWVZH¶GOLNHWREULQJWR\RXUDWWHQWLRQ± 3OHDVHGRQ¶WWRuch the cats as it can spread disease. You may watch the judging taking place; the cordons will be removed once judging is completed (hopefully about 1pm) when you may feed your cats There is NO SMOKING in any part of the Hall. 3OHDVHGRQ¶WWDNHSKRWRVRIWKHFDWVZLWKRXWWKHRZQHUV¶ permission first. :HORYHWRVHHWKHFKLOGUHQEXWSOHDVHGRQ¶WDOORZWKHPWR shout or run in the Hall ± it is frightening for many of the cats that may not be used to children. Our INFORMATION TABLE is next to the entrance to the Hall. 3OHDVHGRQ¶WKHVLWDWHWRDVNWKHPDQ\TXHVWLRQV\RX may have about the cats or showing. You are not allowed to remove your cat from the Show hall before the Show is closed (unless you have the Show Managers permission) We will be checking and if you do so, you will be disqualified and lose any awards you may have won. 'RQ¶ for results and photos of the Show Above all, enjoy your day and thank you for coming! The Show Management team 2 GCCFI RULES Part One ± ENTRY 1 With the exception of household pets, all cats and kittens exhibited at a Show licensed by the GCCFI must be registered with the GCCFI. Cats entering the adult and neuter classes must be 9 calendar months or over on show day. Kittens under the age of 4 calendar months on show day must not be shown (in competition or on exhibition). Under the current reciprocal agreement, breeders in Britain and Northern Ireland must first register their cats or kittens with GCCF. When the certificates have been received application can then be made for Irish registration, which, if both parents have GCCFI registration, only requires the addition of a copy of the GCCF registration/transfer. If one or both parents have not GCCFI registration a 3 generation certified pedigree from GCF will, in addition to copy of registration/transfer, be required. 2 The Owner is the person so named in the GCCFI register 3 The Registrar must receive registration and transfer applications prior to closing date of Show.. The date of the receipt by the Registrar of such application shall be the relevant date. 4 The entry form must be accurately completed. The onus is on the exhibitor to enter the correct classes and to enter all details to correspond with the details on the registration/transfer certificate. Each exhibit must be entered in its open class. 5 After a cat or kitten has been to any Show or public exhibition, a period of 13 days must elapse before a cat or kitten from that household may be exhibited again. 6 GCCFI health declaration must be carefully read, signed and the rules specified therein must be observed. If a cat is in joint ownership, both owners must sign. 7 Correct entry fees as specified in the schedule must be enclosed. 8 Entries and fees must be returned by the designated closing date. 9 Entries may be withdrawn before published closing date in writing to the Show Manager; fees will be returned. 10 After published closing date, entries may be only withdrawn and fees returned ± a In the case of death or serious illness of exhibit(s) confirmed in writing by a qualified Veterinary Surgeon b If there is a change of open class judge from that published in the schedule. Note: in the event of a change of judge occurring after closing date of the Show, and provided the exhibitor informs the Show manager prior to judging, that a certificate has previously been awarded by 3 by the replacement judge the Show Manager shall, if possible, appoint one other judge to countersign any certificate awarded to that cat in that class.This certificate shall then count towards championship status. Should another qualified judge not be available the certificate awarded by the replacement judge shall count towards championship status. 11 Judges and members of a judge’s household may not compete in shows at which the judge is engaged, with the exception of the household pet section. 12 Exhibitors may not show at unlicensed Shows; if they do so they may be barred from shows licensed by GCCFI (Special arrangements allow for showing in Britain and Northern Ireland). Exhibitors intending to show at other than GCCF or GCCFI shows must inform the secretary GCCFI giving details of proposed show. The 13 day rule must be observed when entering for any show. One may withdraw from a GCCF or GCCFI show before the closing date. This rule is considered to be infringed if one enters for two shows within the prescribed time even if one does not attend either. Part two – SHOW DAY 13 Exhibits must be brought in secure escape proof carriers and accompanied by owner or owners representative. A top loading carrier is recommended. 14 Exhibitor or exhibitor’s representative must be available at all times during the course of the Show, in case any emergency should arise. 15 Exhibits should be in good health, free of all outward signs of illness, skin disease or vermin infestation. 16 All exhibits must be presented to the appointed Veterinary Surgeon(s) for examination prior to entering penning area. Exhibitors with a number of exhibits must present all to the same Veterinary Surgeon for examination. 17 All exhibits are required to have a current vaccination against FIE and Cat Flu, certificates to be dated at least 14 days before the Show. Certificates should be brought and will be checked at vetting in. Cats with an invalid vaccination certificate will be rejected under Section A. Cats unaccompanied by a vaccination certificate will also be rejected under Section A unless the exhibitor undertakes to provide proof of vaccination, valid for that show, to the Show Manager within seven days of the show. Failure to produce them will result in disqualification from the show and the cats name will be placed on the rejection list until proof of vaccination is received. 18 Exhibits rejected by the vet may not enter the Show hall. 4 a Depending on the reason for disqualification the Vet may also disqualify other exhibits from the same household or cattery and in some instances the owner may also be refused entry. b Rejection under sections B<C & D of the rejection form means that the owner will have to supply a veterinary clearance certificate to the GCCFI and acknowledgement of its acceptance before entering another Show. c Veterinary Surgeons are instructed not to admit adult monorchid or cryptorchid male cats d Queens which are pregnant, lactating or have kittened in the previous 12 weeks may not compete e A declawed cat will be rejected. 19 The Veterinary Surgeon (or judge) may disqualify from competition any cat or kitten which in their opinion is very underdeveloped or in very poor condition. During the course of the Show, if the official veterinary surgeon is not readily available the Show Manager alone is empowered to take decisions concerning the well-being of the cats. 20 In the case of a veterinary rejection the exhibitor will receive a signed rejection slip from the veterinary surgeon, also a clearance form which in due course the exhibitors own veterinary surgeon should complete and return to the Show Manager Following rejection either at GCCFI or GCCF shows, a clearance certificate must be sent to the GCCFI and acknowledgement received before your exhibits may compete at another Show. In the case of rejection, fees will not be refunded. 21 The decision of the Veterinary Surgeon is final and not subject to appeal. 22 Exhibits arriving too late for veterinary examination may not enter the Show and fees will not be refunded. 23 If any exhibit seriously bites or scratches a veterinary surgeon, judge or steward the matter must be reported to the Show Manager by the injured party.. It is then the duty of the Show Manager to notify the owner in writing, while sending a copy to the Secretary of the GCCFI. If the exhibit was defending itself in exceptional or frightening circumstances this information should also be given to the Secretary of the GCCFI so that it maybe reported to the Executive for consideration. If the exhibit is reported for biting or scratching at another show it shall be disqualified from participating at all future shows, both in competition and/or exhibition, unless the executive rules otherwise. 5 24 The Show Manager may require any exhibit, which shows undue distress for any reason to be withdrawn from the Show. In such a case the exhibit will be disqualified from further competition on the day. 25 Any exhibit that cannot be safely handled (CNH) may not be MXGJHGLQWKHSHQDQGZLOOEHGLVTXDOLILHG$MXGJH¶VGHFLVLRQLQWKLV matter is final. The judge is at liberty to request the Show manager display a warning notice on the pen. 26 Any complaint arising from the Show may be sent to the Show Manager within 7 days of the Show. 27 During the course of the day no exhibitor may under penalty of disqualification, approach a judge, until that judge has completed his/her judging engagement. 28 Except in the case of household pet section all items used in the pen must be regulation white, and no identifying objects such as toys may be left in the pen, until judging has been completed A hot water bottle is permitted and should be concealed under the blanket 29 Water must be left in the pen at all times but feeding dishes must be removed before judging commences. Exhibits may be fed during the lunch interval. 30 The use of grooming aids in the Show hall other than the use of a clean brush and comb, or cloth, is prohibited. No powder or other grooming substances may be left in the coat of an exhibit. 31 Exhibitors are requested to point out to the Show Manager at the earliest possible moment any errors in regard to their own entries, which may appear in the catalogue. If pointed out at a reasonable time during the Show, errors that have occurred as typing, printing or other managerial mistakes will be corrected in the judges books. and other relevant paperwork. If error cannot be corrected Show manager may refund the entry fees on request. 32 Exhibits may not leave the Show until the published closing time. Failure to observe this rule may result in awards being cancelled 33 The GCCFI forbids the sale of cats or kittens at shows. Sale arrangements may be made at shows but a quarantine period of 7 days must elapse before a cat or kitten is released from the breeder to its new home. This is to protect the welfare of the cat/kitten and the interests of the breeder and new owner. 6 SABCCI SHOW RULES In addition to the GCCFI Show Rules above, the following club rules will prevail¾ The right to cancel, amalgamate or divide classes (other than the open classes) is reserved. ¾ The right to limit the number of exhibits at the Show and to accept or refuse entries is also reserved. ¾ The Club disclaims all responsibility for loss or damage to cats, boxes, baskets or any other property. ¾ While every care will be taken in compiling the catalogue, the Club disclaims liability for any errors. ¾ Should any of the judges be prevented from fulfilling their engagements, the right is reserved to appoint other judges. ¾ Any exhibitor in breach of the rules is liable to disqualification of exhibits and to forfeiture of any awards. Fees will also be forfeit. ¾ Registration and transfers must be received by registrar by closing date of the show. The date of the receipt by the Registrar of such application shall be the relevant date. PEDIGREE CLASS ENTRY FEES (Including 1 Miscellaneous) First Entry Adult/Neuter Members €30-00 Others €35-00 Second Entry Adult /Neuter Members €25-00 Others €30-00 Subsequent Entries Members €20-00 Others €25-00 First Entry Kitten Members €25-00 Others €30-00 Second Entry Kitten Members €20-00 Others €25-00 Subsequent Entries Members €15-00 Others €20-00 Double pen (subject to availability) additional €10-00 Exhibition pen Single €20.00 Double €25.00 NON-PEDIGREE OPEN CLASS ENTRY FEES (Including 2 Miscellaneous) Cat/Kitten Members/Non Members €15.00 x Additional Miscellaneous Classes (Ped and Non-Ped) x Charity Class (not to be treated as a Misc Class) x Proceeds to go to the SABCCI Cat Welfare Fund. €5.00 €5.00 LATE ENTRY FEE (Ped & Non Ped) for entries received after 22nd September €5.00 per exhibit ADVERTS, Full page only x Exhibitors x x x x Members Non Members Trade Craft stalls Trade Stands Sponsor a Class 7 €15.00 €20.00 €30.00 €30.00 €50.00 €10.00 NB. Euro payments preferred; for Sterling payments please contact Show Manager. One free admission ticket will be given to each exhibitor. Additional admission tickets may be purchased at a reduction with Entry at a cost €4.00 for Adults and €2.00 for Children. Cost on Show Day will be €5.00 & €3.00 Advertisements should be set up ready for photocopying and sent in by closing date. Sub-standard copy will not be accepted. The catalogue is printed in A5 size so please leave margins of at least 2cm each side and top and bottom which leaves an area of 10.5cm wide and 17.5cm long for your copy DEFINITIONS ADULT Entire Cat 9 months or over on showday KITTEN 4 months and under 9 months on showday NEUTERED KITTENS Compete in Kitten Open / Misc classes and compete for BIS kitten NEUTER Castrated male or spayed female 9 months or over on showday CHAMPION Holder of 3 GCCFI Challenge Certs awarded by 3 different judges PREMIER Holder of 3 GCCFI Premier Certs awarded by 3 different judges JUNIOR Aged between 9 months and 2 years on showday SENIOR Aged over two years on showday DEBUTANTE Shown for first time under GCCFI rules LIMIT Exhibit having won LESS THAN 4first prizes in any class. SPECIAL LIMIT Exhibit having won 4 OR MORE first prizes in any class BREEDERS Exhibit owned and bred by exhibitor NON-BREEDERS Exhibit owned but not bred by exhibitor RADIUS Residing in Dublin city or County (Non-Ped only) VISITOR Residing elsewhere (Non-Ped only) AC AV CC BOB = Any Colour = Any Variety = Challenge Cert = Best of Breed AOC = Any Other Colour AOV = Any Other Variety PC = Premier Certificate PRIZES Perpetual Trophies are awarded to Group Winners and in certain other categories. Club Trophies are confined to fully paid -up members, and must be signed for, and returned for the next\HDU¶VVKRZ7URSKLHVPD\QRWEHWDNHQRXWRIWKH country. OPEN CLASSES HIBERNIAN GRAND CLASSES BEST OF BREED ASSESSMENT MISCELLANEOUS BEST OF VARIETY BEST IN SHOW Rosettes for 1st, 2nd,and 3rd Special Rosettes for Hibernian and Reserve Special Rosettes for Grand and Reserve Special Rosettes for Cats, Kittens, Neuters Special Rosette for Merit winners Rosettes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Special Rosettes Special Rosette 8 BEFORE THE SHOW It is recommended that you check your cat - Check that ears are clean and free of wax and ear mites; check coats that there are no fleas or flea dirt. Especially take notice of bald areas as these will undoubtedly lead to rejection because of the risk of ringworm. Rejection on the day is deeply distressing so help to avoid it! Show Day ¾ For confirmation of entry please include email address (or S.A.E. Stamp excused outside Republic) there will be no further communication. ¾ Exhibits will be received at the entrance of the Show Hall on Sunday 19th October between the hours of 8.00 am. and 9.30 am. On arrival at the Hall you will receive an envelope containing exhibitors pass, vetting in card and pen number for each exhibit. ¾ All exhibits must arrive in a secure carrier; if a cat cannot be easily removed from the carrier it will not be vetted in or judged for Best in Show. ¾ Each exhibit will be examined by a Veterinary Surgeon who is authorized to exclude any exhibit they consider unfit. (See GCCFI rules for details). At this point you will be asked to show your cat’s vaccination certificates. **Vaccinations must be up to date and you must bring your card with you** ¾ The Veterinary Surgeon will sign your vetting in card and you may enter the Show Hall. ¾ Should your cat be rejected by the Veterinary Surgeon under Section A, an isolation pen will be available to you for the duration of the show if you so wish. If rejected under any other Section (i.e. when the exhibit might be a health risk to other exhibits) you will be asked to take the cat away from the show premises. ¾ Exhibitors must provide each exhibit with a clean white blanket (Vet Bed or similar is permitted) with no distinguishing marks, a white sanitary tray, white food bowl and white water bowl. ¾ Household pets may use colored accessories; other rules apply as above. ¾ Show Accessories will be available – please mention with entry if you require any accessories. LITTER WILL NOT BE SUPPLIED AND YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO REMOVE LITTER AT THE END OF THE SHOW. IF YOU HAVE ANY COMPLAINT ABOUT THE SHOW IT SHOULD BE SENT IN WRITING TO THE SHOW MANAGER WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF THE SHOW TO COMPLY WITH GCCFI RULES. ¾ Please feel free to contact the Show Manager if you need clarification or advice, especially NOVICE EXHIBITORS, at [email protected] ENTRIES CLOSE MONDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER 2014 9 PERSIAN SECTION HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO PERSIAN/EXOTIC GRAND CHAMPIONS ONLY) 1 A.C. Persian/Exotic Grand Champion ......................................................... Mrs P Perkins 2 3 4 A.C. Self Persian Champion ........................................................................ Mrs P Perkins A.C. Non-Self Persian Champion ................................................................ Mrs P Perkins A.C. Exotic Champion .................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES (OPEN TO CHAMPIONS ONLY) BREED CLASSES - PERSIAN ADULTS (OPEN TO UNTITLED ADULTS ONLY) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Black Adult ................................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins White (Blue-Eyed) Adult .............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins White (Orange-Eyed) Adult ........................................................................ Mrs P Perkins White (Odd-Eyed) Adult .............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Blue Adult ..................................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Red Self Adult .............................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Cream Adult ................................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Black or Chocolate Smoke Adult ................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Blue or Lilac Smoke Adult ........................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Red/Tortie/Cream/Blue-Cream/Chocolate Tortie/Lilac-Cream Smoke ....... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Silver Classic/Mackerel/Spotted Tabby Adult .................................... Mrs P Perkins Brown, Blue, Chocolate & Lilac Classic/Mackerel/Spotted Tabby Adult . Mrs P Perkins Red/Tortie/Cream/Blue,Choc,Lilac Tortie Classic/Mackerel/Spotted Tabby .. Mrs P Perkins Chinchilla & Shaded Silver Adult ................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Tortoiseshell Adult ....................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Chocolate Tortoiseshell Adult ..................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Lilac Cream Adult ........................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins Tortie or Chocolate Tortie and White (inc odd-eyed & blue-eyed) Adult . Mrs P Perkins Blue or Lilac Tortie and White (inc odd-eyed & blue-eyed) Adult ............ Mrs P Perkins Bi-Coloured (inc odd-eyed & blue-eyed) Adult ......................................... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Tabby/Smoke/Cameo & White Adult ................................................... Mrs P Perkins Blue-Cream Adult ........................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins Seal Colourpoint Adult ................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Blue Colourpoint Adult ................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins A.O.C. Self Colourpoint Adult ..................................................................... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Tortoiseshell Colourpoint Adult .......................................................... Mrs P Perkins Tabby Colourpoint Adult .............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Chocolate Adult ........................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Lilac Adult .................................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Black/Tortie/Choc/Choc Tortie/Red Shaded & Tipped Cameo Adult ......... Mrs P Perkins Blue/Blue-Cream/Lilac/Lilac-Cream/Cream Shaded & Tipped Cameo ...... Mrs P Perkins Pewter/Blue Pewter Adult .......................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Golden Persian Adult ................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Self Exotic Adult .................................................................................... Mrs C Wren A.C. Tabby or Tabby & White Exotic Adult .................................................. Mrs C Wren A.O.C. Non-Self Exotic Adult ........................................................................ Mrs C Wren 41 Dilute Chinchilla/Shaded or Golden Adult ................................................... Mrs P Perkins 42 43 Black Kitten .................................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins White (Blue-Eyed) Kitten ............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins PERSIAN ASSESSMENT ADULTS PERSIAN KITTENS 10 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 White (Orange-Eyed) Kitten ........................................................................ Mrs P Perkins White (Odd-Eyed) Kitten ............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Blue Kitten .................................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Red Self Kitten ............................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Cream Kitten ................................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Black or Chocolate Smoke Kitten ................................................................ Mrs P Perkins Blue or Lilac Smoke Kitten .......................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Red/Tortie/Cream/Blue-Cream/Chocolate Tortie/Lilac-Cream Smoke ....... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Silver Classic/Mackerel/Spotted Tabby Kitten ................................... Mrs P Perkins Brown, Blue, Chocolate & Lilac Classic/Mackerel/Spotted Tabby Kitten . Mrs P Perkins Red/Tortie/Cream/Blue,Choc,Lilac Tortie Classic/Mackerel/Spotted Tabby .. Mrs P Perkins Chinchilla Kitten ........................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Tortoiseshell Kitten ...................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Chocolate Tortoiseshell Kitten .................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Lilac Cream Kitten ........................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins Tortie or Chocolate Tortie and White (inc odd-eyed & blue-eyed) Kitten Mrs P Perkins Blue or Lilac Tortie and White (inc odd-eyed & blue-eyed) Kitten ........... Mrs P Perkins Bi-Coloured (inc odd-eyed & blue-eyed) Kitten ......................................... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Tabby/Smoke/Cameo & White Kitten .................................................. Mrs P Perkins Blue-Cream Kitten ........................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins Seal Colourpoint Kitten ................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins Blue Colourpoint Kitten ................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins A.O.C. Self Colourpoint Kitten ..................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Tortoiseshell Colourpoint Kitten .................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Tabby Colourpoint Kitten ............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Chocolate Kitten .......................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Lilac Kitten .................................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Black/Tortie/Choc/Choc Tortie/Red Shaded & Tipped Cameo Kitten ........ Mrs P Perkins Blue/Blue-Cream/Lilac/Lilac-Cream/Cream Shaded & Tipped Cameo ...... Mrs P Perkins Pewter/Blue Pewter Kitten ......................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Golden Persian Kitten .................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins A.C. Self Exotic Kitten ................................................................................... Mrs C Wren A.C. Tabby or Tabby & White Exotic Kitten ................................................. Mrs C Wren A.O.C. Non-Self Exotic Kitten ....................................................................... Mrs C Wren 78 Dilute Chinchilla/Shaded or Golden Kitten .................................................. Mrs P Perkins PERSIAN ASSESSMENT KITTENS HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO PERSIAN/EXOTIC GRAND PREMIERS ONLY) 79 A.C. Persian Grand Premier ........................................................................ Mrs P Perkins 80 81 82 A.C. Self Persian Premier (Gr Pr) ............................................................... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Non-Self Persian Premier .................................................................... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Exotic Premier ...................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins GRAND PREMIERSHIP CLASSES (OPEN BREED CLASSES - PERSIAN NEUTERS (OPEN 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 TO PREMIERS TO UNTITLED ONLY) NEUTERS ONLY) Black Neuter ................................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins White (Blue-Eyed) Neuter ........................................................................... Mrs P Perkins White (Orange-Eyed) Neuter ...................................................................... Mrs P Perkins White (Odd-Eyed) Neuter ............................................................................ Mrs P Perkins Blue Neuter .................................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Red Self Neuter ........................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Cream Neuter ............................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins 11 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 Black or Chocolate Smoke Neuter .............................................................. Mrs P Perkins Blue or Lilac Smoke Neuter ......................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Red/Tortie/Cream/Blue-Cream/Choc Tortie/Lilac-Cream Smoke Neuter ... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Silver Classic/Mackerel/Spotted Tabby Neuter ................................. Mrs P Perkins Brown, Blue, Chocolate & Lilac Classic/Mackerel/Spotted Tabby Neuter Mrs P Perkins Red/Tortie/Cream/Blue,Choc,Lilac Tortie Classic/Mackerel/Spotted Tabby .. Mrs P Perkins Chinchilla Neuter .......................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Tortoiseshell Neuter .................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Chocolate Tortoiseshell Neuter ................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Lilac Cream Neuter ...................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Tortie or Chocolate Tortie and White (inc odd-eyed & blue-eyed) ........... Mrs P Perkins Blue or Lilac Tortie and White (inc odd-eyed & blue-eyed) Neuter .......... Mrs P Perkins Bi-Coloured (inc odd-eyed & blue-eyed) Neuter ....................................... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Tabby/Smoke/Cameo & White Neuter ................................................ Mrs P Perkins Blue-Cream Neuter ...................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Seal Colourpoint Neuter ............................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Blue Colourpoint Neuter ............................................................................... Mrs P Perkins A.O.C. Self Colourpoint Neuter ................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Tortoiseshell Colourpoint Neuter ................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Tabby Colourpoint Neuter ........................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Chocolate Neuter ......................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Lilac Neuter .................................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Black/Tortie/Choc/Choc Tortie/Red Shaded & Tipped Cameo Neuter ...... Mrs P Perkins Blue/Blue-Cream/Lilac/Lilac-Cream/Cream Shaded & Tipped Cameo ...... Mrs P Perkins Pewter/Blue Pewter Neuter ........................................................................ Mrs P Perkins Golden Persian Neuter ................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins A.C. Self Exotic Neuter ................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins A.C. Tabby or Tabby & White Exotic Neuter .............................................. Mrs P Perkins A.O.C. Non-Self Exotic Neuter .................................................................... Mrs P Perkins 119 Dilute Chinchilla/Shaded or Golden Neuter ................................................. Mrs P Perkins PERSIAN ASSESSMENT NEUTERS SEMI LONG HAIR SECTION HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO SLH GRAND CHAMPIONS) 120 A.V. S.L.H. Grand Champion ...................................................................... Mrs P Perkins 121 122 A.C. Birman Champion ................................................................................ Mr J Hansson A.O.V. S.L.H. Champion .............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES (OPEN TO CHAMPIONS ONLY) BREED CLASSES - SEMI LONGHAIRED ADULTS (OPEN TO UNTITLED ADULTS ONLY) 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 Seal Point Birman Adult .............................................................................. Mr J Hansson Blue Point Birman Adult .............................................................................. Mr J Hansson Chocolate and Lilac Point Birman Adult ..................................................... Mr J Hansson Red, Cream and Tortie Point Birman Adult ................................................ Mr J Hansson Tabby and Tortie-Tabby Point Birman Adult ............................................. Mr J Hansson A.C. Turkish Van Adult ................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins Usual Somali Adult ....................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Sorrel Somali Adult ...................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins A.O.C Somali (ex silver) Adult .................................................................... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Silver Somali Adult .............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Brown or Blue Tabby (inc Bi-Colour) Maine Coon Adult ........................... Dr B Bennett A.C. Silver Tabby Maine Coon Adult ........................................................... Dr B Bennett 12 135 136 137 138 139 A.O.C Maine Coon Adult .............................................................................. Dr B Bennett A.C. Colourpointed or Mitted Ragdoll (inc Red & Tabby) Adult ................. Mrs P Perkins A.C. Bi-Colour Ragdoll (inc Red & Tabby) Adult ........................................ Mrs P Perkins Norwegian Forest Adult ............................................................................... Dr B Bennett A.C. Siberian Adult ...................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins 140 141 142 143 Turkish Vankedisi Assessment Adult ........................................................ Mrs P Perkins A.C. Ragamuffin Assessment Adult .......................................................... Mrs P Perkins Somali Shorthair .......................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Nebelung Assessment Adult ..................................................................... Mr J Hansson 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Seal Point Birman Kitten .............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Blue Point Birman Kitten .............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Chocolate and Lilac Point Birman Kitten ..................................................... Mrs P Perkins Red, Cream and Tortie Point Birman Kitten ................................................. Mrs P Perkins Tabby and Tortie-Tabby Point Birman Kitten ............................................. Mrs P Perkins A.C. Turkish Van Kitten ............................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Usual Somali Kitten ....................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Sorrel Somali Kitten ...................................................................................... Dr B Bennett A.O.C. Somali (ex silver) Kitten ................................................................... Dr B Bennett A.C. Silver Somali Kitten .............................................................................. Dr B Bennett Brown or Blue Tabby (inc Bi-Colour) Maine Coon Kitten ........................... Dr B Bennett A.C. Silver Tabby Maine Coon Kitten .......................................................... Dr B Bennett A.O.C. Maine Coon Kitten ............................................................................ Dr B Bennett A.C Colourpointed or Mitted Ragdoll (inc Red & Tabby) Kitten ................. Mrs P Perkins A.C. Bi-Colour Ragdoll (inc Red & Tabby) Kitten ....................................... Mrs P Perkins Norwegian Forest Kitten .............................................................................. Dr B Bennett A.C. Siberian Kitten ..................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins 161 162 163 164 Turkish Vankedisi Assessment Kitten ....................................................... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Ragamuffin Assessment Kitten ......................................................... Mrs P Perkins Somali Shorthair Kitten ................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins Nebelung Assessment Kitten .................................................................... Mr J Hansson 165 A.V. S.L.H. Grand Premier .......................................................................... Mrs P Perkins 166 167 A.C. Birman Premier ................................................................................... Mr J Hansson A.O.V. S.L.H. Premier .................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins S.L.H. ASSESSMENT ADULTS SEMI LONG HAIRED KITTENS S.L.H. ASSESSMENT KITTENS HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO SLH GRAND PREMIERS GRAND PREMIERSHIP CLASSES (OPEN TO PREMIERS ONLY) ONLY) BREED CLASSES - SEMI LONG HAIRED NEUTERS (OPEN TO UNTITLED NEUTERS ONLY) 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 Seal Point Birman Neuter ........................................................................... Mr J Hansson Blue Point Birman Neuter ........................................................................... Mr J Hansson Chocolate and Lilac Point Birman Neuter .................................................. Mr J Hansson Red, Cream and Tortie Point Birman Neuter .............................................. Mr J Hansson Tabby and Tortie-Tabby Point Birman Neuter ........................................... Mr J Hansson A.C. Turkish Van Neuter ............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Usual Somali Neuter .................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Sorrel Somali Neuter .................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins A.O.C. Somali (ex silver) Neuter ................................................................. Mrs P Perkins 13 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 A.C. Silver Somali Neuter ............................................................................ Mrs P Perkins Brown or Blue Tabby (inc Bi-Colour) Maine Coon Neuter ......................... Dr B Bennett A.C. Silver Tabby Maine Coon Neuter ......................................................... Dr B Bennett A.O.C. Maine Coon Neuter ........................................................................... Dr B Bennett A.C. Colourpointed or Mitted Ragdoll (inc red & Tabby) Neuter ............... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Bi-Colour Ragdoll (inc Red & Tabby) Neuter ..................................... Mrs P Perkins Norwegian Forest Neuter ............................................................................ Dr B Bennett A.C. Siberian Neuter .................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins 185 186 187 188 Turkish Vankedisi Assessment Neuter ...................................................... Mrs P Perkins A.C. Ragamuffin Assessment Neuter ........................................................ Mrs P Perkins Somali Shorthair Neuter ............................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Nebelung Assessment Neuter ................................................................... Mr J Hansson SEMI LONG HAIRED ASSESSMENT NEUTERS BRITISH SHORT HAIRED SECTION HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO GRAND CHAMPIONS ONLY) 189 A.C. British, Manx or Selkirk Rex Grand Champion ..................................... Mrs C Wren 190 191 A.C. British or Manx Champion ..................................................................... Mrs C Wren A.C. Selkirk Rex Champion ........................................................................... Mrs C Wren 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 White (Blue-Eyed & Odd-Eyed) Adult .......................................................... White (Orange-Eyed) Adult .......................................................................... Black Adult ..................................................................................................... Chocolate Adult ............................................................................................. Cinnamon or Fawn Adult .............................................................................. Lilac Adult ...................................................................................................... Blue Adult ....................................................................................................... Cream Adult ................................................................................................... Black Silver Tabby Adult ............................................................................... A.O.C. Silver Tabby Adult ............................................................................. Red/Cream/Tortie Tabby Adult ...................................................................... Brown, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac Tabby Adult ............................................. Black/Chocolate/Cinnamon Tortie Adult ....................................................... Blue-Cream/Lilac Tortie/Fawn Tortie Adult .................................................. Black/Chocolate/Cinnamon Tortie and White Adult ...................................... Blue/Lilac/Fawn Tortie & White Adult ........................................................... Manx Adult ..................................................................................................... Brown Spotted Adult ..................................................................................... Red Spotted Adult ......................................................................................... Black Silver Spotted Adult ............................................................................ A.O.C. Spotted Adult ..................................................................................... A.O.C. Silver Spotted Adult .......................................................................... Bi-Coloured Adult .......................................................................................... Smoke Adult ................................................................................................... Tipped Adult ................................................................................................... A.C. Colourpointed British Adult ................................................................... Golden Tipped Adult ...................................................................................... A.C. Selkirk Rex Adult ................................................................................... Red Adult ....................................................................................................... Colourpointed & White Adult ......................................................................... GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES (OPEN TO CHAMPIONS ONLY) BREED CLASSES - BRITISH ADULTS (OPEN TO UNTITLED ADULTS ONLY) 14 Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren BRITISH ASSESSMENT ADULTS 222 223 Ticked Tabby Assessment Adult .................................................................. Mrs C Wren Van Pattern Bi-colour or Tortie & White Assessment Adult ....................... Mrs C Wren 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 White (Blue-Eyed & Odd-Eyed) Kitten .......................................................... White (Orange-Eyed) Kitten .......................................................................... Black Kitten .................................................................................................... Chocolate Kitten ............................................................................................ Cinnamon or Fawn Kitten .............................................................................. Lilac Kitten ...................................................................................................... Blue Kitten ...................................................................................................... Cream Kitten ................................................................................................... Black Silver Tabby Kitten .............................................................................. A.O.C. Silver Tabby Kitten ............................................................................ Red/Cream/Tortie Tabby Kitten ..................................................................... Brown, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac Tabby Kitten ............................................. Blue-Cream/Lilac Tortie/Fawn Tortie Kitten ................................................. Black/Chocolate/Cinnamon Tortie Kitten ....................................................... Black/Chocolate/Lilac Tortie & White Kitten ................................................. Blue/Lilac/Fawn Tortie and White Kitten ...................................................... Manx Kitten .................................................................................................... Brown Spotted Kitten .................................................................................... Red Spotted Kitten ......................................................................................... Black Silver Spotted Kitten ............................................................................ A.O.C. Spotted Kitten .................................................................................... A.O.C. Silver Spotted Kitten .......................................................................... Bi-Coloured Kitten .......................................................................................... Smoke Kitten .................................................................................................. Tipped Kitten .................................................................................................. A.C. Colourpointed British Kitten .................................................................. Golden Tipped Kitten ..................................................................................... A.C. Selkirk Rex Kitten ................................................................................... Red Kitten ....................................................................................................... Colourpointed & White Kitten ........................................................................ 254 255 Ticked Tabby Assessment Kitten ................................................................. Mrs C Wren Van Pattern Bi-colour or Tortie & White Assessment Kitten ...................... Mrs C Wren 256 A.C. British, Manx or Selkirk Rex Grand Premier ......................................... Mrs C Wren 257 258 A.C. British or Manx Premier ......................................................................... Mrs C Wren A.C. Selkirk Rex Premier ............................................................................... Mrs C Wren BRITISH KITTENS Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren BRITISH ASSESSMENT KITTENS HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO GRAND PREMIERS GRAND PREMIERSHIP CLASSES (OPEN BREED CLASSES - BRITISH NEUTERS (OPEN 259 260 261 262 263 TO ONLY) PREMIERS TO UNTITLED ONLY) NEUTERS White (Blue-Eyed & Odd-Eyed) Neuter ........................................................ White (Orange-Eyed) Neuter ........................................................................ Black Neuter ................................................................................................... Chocolate Neuter ........................................................................................... Cinnamon or Fawn Neuter ............................................................................ 15 ONLY) Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs C C C C C Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 Lilac Neuter .................................................................................................... Blue Neuter .................................................................................................... Cream Neuter ................................................................................................. Black Silver Tabby Neuter ............................................................................ A.O.C. Silver Tabby Neuter .......................................................................... Red/Cream/Tortie Tabby Neuter ................................................................... Brown, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac Tabby Neuter ........................................... Black/Chocolate/Cinnamon Tortie Neuter ..................................................... Blue-Cream/Lilac Tortie/Fawn Tortie Neuter ............................................... Black/Chocolate/Cinnamon Tortie and White Neuter ................................... Blue/Lilac/Fawn Tortie and White Neuter ..................................................... Manx Neuter ................................................................................................... Brown Spotted Neuter .................................................................................. Red Spotted Neuter ....................................................................................... Black Silver Spotted Neuter .......................................................................... A.O.C. Spotted Neuter ................................................................................... A.O.C. Silver Spotted Neuter ........................................................................ Bi-Coloured Neuter ........................................................................................ Smoke Neuter ................................................................................................. Tipped Neuter ................................................................................................. A.C. Colourpointed British Neuter ................................................................ Golden Tipped Neuter .................................................................................... A.C. Selkirk Rex Neuter ................................................................................. Red Neuter ..................................................................................................... Colourpointed & White Neuter ....................................................................... Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren Wren 289 290 Ticked Tabby Assessment Neuter ............................................................... Mrs C Wren Van Pattern Bi-colour or Tortie & White Assessment Neuter ..................... Mrs C Wren BRITISH ASSESSMENT NEUTERS FOREIGN SHORT HAIR SECTION HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO GRAND CHAMPIONS ONLY) 291 A.V. Foreign Grand Champion ................................................................... Mr J Hansson 292 293 294 A.V. Original Foreign Champion ................................................................. Mr J Hansson Foreign Rex & Sphynx Champion Adult .................................................... Mr J Hansson A.V. Any Other Foreign Champion ............................................................ Mr J Hansson GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES (OPEN BREED CLASSES - FOREIGN ADULTS (OPEN 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 TO CHAMPIONS TO UNTITLED ONLY) ADULTS ONLY) Russian Blue Adult ..................................................................................... Usual Abyssinian Adult .............................................................................. Sorrel Abyssinian Adult ............................................................................. Chocolate/Lilac Abyssinian Adult .............................................................. Blue Abyssinian Adult ................................................................................ Fawn Abyssinian Adult .............................................................................. A.C. Silver (ex sex-linked colours) Abyssinian Adult ............................. Cornish Rex Adult ...................................................................................... Devon Rex Adult ........................................................................................ Korat Adult .................................................................................................. Asian (Tiffanie) Adult ................................................................................. Asian Self or Tortie (inc Bombay) Adult ................................................... Asian Smoke or Burmilla Adult ................................................................... Asian Tabby (Spotted, Classic, Mackerel or Ticked) Adult ..................... 16 Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 Ocicat Adult ................................................................................................ Tonkinese Adult .......................................................................................... Brown Marbled Bengal Adult ..................................................................... Brown Spotted Bengal Adult ..................................................................... Snow Spotted (AOC-Eyed & Blue-Eyed) Bengal Adult ........................... Singapura Adult .......................................................................................... Egyptian Mau Adult ..................................................................................... A.C. Sphynx Adult ...................................................................................... A.C. LaPerm Adult ...................................................................................... Thai Blue Point or Thai Lilac Adult ............................................................. Ocicat (Classic Tabby) Adult ..................................................................... Snow Marbled (AOC-Eyed & Blue-Eyed) Bangal Adult ........................... A.C. Snowshoe Adult ................................................................................ Russian White/Black Assessment Adult ................................................... Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson 323 324 325 A.C. Abyssinian Assessment Adult .......................................................... Mr J Hansson Silver Marbled or Spotted Bengal (AOC-Eyed & Blue-Eyed) Assesment Mr J Hansson Australian Mist Adult Assessment ............................................................ Mr J Hansson 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 Russian Blue Kitten .................................................................................... Usual Abyssinian Kitten ............................................................................. Sorrel Abyssinian Kitten ............................................................................ Chocolate/Lilac Abyssinian Kitten ............................................................. Blue Abyssinian Kitten ............................................................................... Fawn Abyssinian Kitten ............................................................................. A.C. Silver (ex sex-linked colours) Abyssinian Kitten ............................. Cornish Rex Kitten ...................................................................................... Devon Rex Kitten ........................................................................................ Korat Kitten ................................................................................................. Asian (Tiffanie) Kitten ................................................................................ Asian Self or Tortie (inc Bombay) Kitten ................................................... Asian Smoke or Burmilla Kitten .................................................................. Asian Tabby (Spotted, Classic, Mackerel or Ticked) Kitten ..................... Ocicat Kitten ................................................................................................ Tonkinese Kitten ......................................................................................... Brown Marbled Bengal Kitten .................................................................... Brown Spotted Bengal Kitten .................................................................... Snow Spotted (AOC-Eyed & Blue-Eyed) Bengal Kitten ........................... Singapura Kitten ......................................................................................... Egyptian Mau Kitten .................................................................................... A.C. Sphynx Kitten ..................................................................................... A.C. LaPerm Kitten ..................................................................................... Thai Blue Point or Thai Lilac Kitten ............................................................ Ocicat (Classic Tabby) Kitten .................................................................... Snow Marbled (AOC-Eyed & Blue-Eyed) Bangal Kitten .......................... A.C. Snowshoe Kitten ................................................................................ Russian White/Black Assessment Kitten .................................................. 354 355 356 A.C. Abyssinian Assessment Kitten ......................................................... Mr J Hansson Silver Marbled or Spotted Bengal (AOC-Eyed & Blue-Eyed) Assesment Mr J Hansson Australian Mist Assessment Kitten ........................................................... Mr J Hansson FOREIGN ASSESSMENT ADULTS FOREIGN KITTENS Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson FOREIGN ASSESSMENT KITTENS 17 HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO GRAND PREMIERS ONLY) 357 A.V. Foreign Grand Premier ...................................................................... Mr J Hansson 358 359 360 Original Foreign Premier ............................................................................. Mr J Hansson Foreign Rex& Sphynx Premier ................................................................... Mr J Hansson A.V. Any Other Foreign Premier ................................................................ Mr J Hansson GRAND PREMIERSHIP CLASSES (OPEN BREED CLASSES - FOREIGN NEUTERS (OPEN TO PREMIERS TO UNTITLED ONLY) NEUTERS ONLY) 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 Russian Blue Neuter ................................................................................... Usual Abyssinian Neuter ........................................................................... Sorrel Abyssinian Neuter .......................................................................... Chocolate/Lilac Abyssinian Neuter ........................................................... Blue Abyssinian Neuter .............................................................................. Fawn Abyssinian Neuter ........................................................................... A.C. Silver (ex sex-linked colours) Abyssinian Neuter ........................... Cornish Rex Neuter .................................................................................... Devon Rex Neuter ...................................................................................... Korat Neuter ................................................................................................ Asian (Tiffanie) Neuter ............................................................................... Asian Self or Tortie (inc Bombay) Neuter ................................................. Asian Smoke or Burmilla Neuter ................................................................ Asian Tabby (Spotted, Classic, Mackerel or Ticked) Neuter ................... Ocicat Neuter .............................................................................................. Tonkinese Neuter ....................................................................................... Brown Marbled Bengal Neuter .................................................................. Brown Spotted Bengal Neuter ................................................................... Snow Spotted (AOC-Eyed & Blue-Eyed) Bengal Neuter ......................... Singapura Neuter ....................................................................................... Egyptian Mau Neuter .................................................................................. A.C. Sphynx Neuter ................................................................................... A.C. LaPerm Neuter .................................................................................... Thai Blue Point or Thai Lilac Neuter ........................................................... Ocicat (Classic Tabby) Neuter .................................................................. Snow Marbled (AOC-Eyed & Blue-Eyed) Bengal Neuter ......................... A.C. Snowshoe Neuter .............................................................................. Russian White/Black Assessment Neuter ................................................ Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson 389 390 391 A.C. Abyssinian Assessment Neuter ....................................................... Mr J Hansson Silver Marbled or Spotted Bengal (AOC-Eyed & Blue-Eyed) Assesment Mr J Hansson Australian Mist Assessment Neuter ......................................................... Mr J Hansson FOREIGN ASSESSMENT NEUTERS BURMESE SECTION HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO GRAND CHAMPIONS ONLY) 392 A.C. Burmese Grand Champion ................................................................. Mr J Hansson 393 A.C. Burmese Champion ............................................................................ Mr J Hansson GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES (OPEN TO CHAMPIONS BREED CLASSES - BURMESE ADULTS (OPEN TO UNTITLED ADULTS 394 395 396 ONLY) ONLY) Brown Burmese Adult ................................................................................ Mr J Hansson Blue Burmese Adult .................................................................................... Mr J Hansson Chocolate Burmese Adult .......................................................................... Mr J Hansson 18 397 398 399 400 401 Lilac Burmese Adult ................................................................................... Red Burmese Adult .................................................................................... Cream Burmese Adult ................................................................................ Brown Tortoiseshell Burmese Adult ......................................................... A.O.C. Tortoiseshell Burmese Adult ......................................................... Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 Brown Burmese Kitten ............................................................................... Blue Burmese Kitten ................................................................................... Chocolate Burmese Kitten ......................................................................... Lilac Burmese Kitten ................................................................................... Red Burmese Kitten .................................................................................... Cream Burmese Kitten ................................................................................ Brown Tortoiseshell Burmese Kitten ........................................................ A.O.C. Tortoiseshell Burmese Kitten ......................................................... 410 A.C. Burmese Grand Premier .................................................................... Mr J Hansson 411 A.C. Burmese Premier ................................................................................ Mr J Hansson BURMESE KITTENS HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO GRAND PREMIERS GRAND PREMIERSHIP CLASSES (OPEN BREED CLASSES - BURMESE NEUTERS (OPEN 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 TO TO ONLY) PREMIERS ONLY) UNTITLED NEUTERS Brown Burmese Neuter ............................................................................. Blue Burmese Neuter ................................................................................. Chocolate Burmese Neuter ........................................................................ Lilac Burmese Neuter ................................................................................. Red Burmese Neuter .................................................................................. Cream Burmese Neuter .............................................................................. Brown Tortoiseshell Burmese Neuter ....................................................... A.O.C. Tortoiseshell Burmese Neuter ....................................................... ORIENTAL SECTION HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson GRAND CHAMPIONS ONLY) Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson Mr J Hansson ONLY) 420 A.C. Oriental Grand Champion ..................................................................... Dr B Bennett 421 A.C. Oriental Champion ................................................................................ Dr B Bennett GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES (OPEN TO CHAMPIONS ONLY) BREED CLASSES - ORIENTAL ADULTS (OPEN TO UNTITLED ADULTS ONLY) 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 Havana Adult ................................................................................................ Dr B Bennett Oriental Lilac Adult ....................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Foreign White Adult ...................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Black Adult ...................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Blue Adult ........................................................................................ Dr B Bennett Oriental Red Adult ........................................................................................ Dr B Bennett Oriental Tortoiseshell Adult .......................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Cream or Apricot Adult ................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Cinnamon Adult ............................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Caramel Adult .................................................................................. Dr B Bennett Oriental Fawn Adult ..................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Spotted Tabby Adult ....................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Classic/Mackerel Tabby Adult ....................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Smoke Adult .................................................................................... Dr B Bennett 19 436 437 438 439 Oriental Shaded Adult .................................................................................. Dr B Bennett Oriental Ticked Tabby Adult ......................................................................... Dr B Bennett A.C. Oriental Bicolour Adult ......................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Longhair Adult ................................................................................. Dr B Bennett 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 Havana Kitten ................................................................................................ Dr B Bennett Oriental Lilac Kitten ....................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Foreign White Kitten ..................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Black Kitten ..................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Blue Kitten ....................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Red Kitten ........................................................................................ Dr B Bennett Oriental Tortoiseshell Kitten ......................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Cream or Apricot Kitten .................................................................. Dr B Bennett Oriental Cinnamon Kitten .............................................................................. Dr B Bennett Oriental Caramel Kitten ................................................................................. Dr B Bennett Oriental Fawn Kitten ..................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Spotted Tabby Kitten ...................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Classic/Mackerel Tabby Kitten ....................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Smoke Kitten ................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Shaded Kitten .................................................................................. Dr B Bennett Oriental Ticked Tabby Kitten ........................................................................ Dr B Bennett A.C. Oriental Bicolour Kitten ........................................................................ Dr B Bennett Oriental Longhair Kitten ................................................................................ Dr B Bennett 458 A.C. Oriental Grand Premier ........................................................................ Dr B Bennett 459 A.C. Oriental Premier .................................................................................... Dr B Bennett ORIENTAL KITTENS HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO GRAND PREMIERS GRAND PREMIERSHIP CLASSES (OPEN BREED CLASSES - ORIENTAL NEUTERS (OPEN 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 TO TO ONLY) PREMIERS ONLY) UNTILTED NEUTERS ONLY) Havana Neuter .............................................................................................. Dr B Bennett Oriental Lilac Neuter ..................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Foreign White Neuter .................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Black Neuter .................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Blue Neuter ..................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Red Neuter ...................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Tortoiseshell Neuter ....................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Cream or Apricot Neuter ................................................................ Dr B Bennett Oriental Cinnamon Neuter ............................................................................ Dr B Bennett Oriental Caramel Neuter ............................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Fawn Neuter ................................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Spotted Tabby Neuter .................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Classic/Mackerel Tabby Neuter ..................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Smoke Neuter .................................................................................. Dr B Bennett Oriental Shaded Neuter ................................................................................ Dr B Bennett Oriental Ticked Tabby Neuter ...................................................................... Dr B Bennett A.C. Oriental Bicolour Neuter ....................................................................... Dr B Bennett Oriental Longhair Neuter .............................................................................. Dr B Bennett 20 SIAMESE AND BALINESE SECTION HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO GRAND CHAMPIONS ONLY) 478 A.C. Siamese or Balinese Grand Champion ............................................... Dr B Bennett 479 480 A.C. Siamese Champion ............................................................................... Dr B Bennett AC Balinese Champion ................................................................................. Dr B Bennett GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES (OPEN BREED CLASSES - SIAMESE AND TO CHAMPIONS BALINESE ADULTS (OPEN TO ONLY) UNTITLED ADULTS) 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 Seal Point Siamese Adult ............................................................................. Dr B Bennett Blue Point Siamese Adult ............................................................................. Dr B Bennett Chocolate Point Siamese Adult .................................................................... Dr B Bennett Lilac Point Siamese Adult ............................................................................. Dr B Bennett Cinnamon Point Siamese Adult .................................................................... Dr B Bennett Caramel Point Siamese Adult ....................................................................... Dr B Bennett Tabby Point (inc Cinnamon & Fawn) Siamese Adult .................................. Dr B Bennett Red Point Siamese Adult .............................................................................. Dr B Bennett Tortie Point (inc Cinnamon & Fawn) Siamese Adult ................................... Dr B Bennett Cream Point Siamese Adult .......................................................................... Dr B Bennett Apricot Point Siamese Adult ........................................................................ Dr B Bennett A.C. (inc Apricot) Balinese Adult ................................................................ Dr B Bennett Fawn Point Siamese Adult ........................................................................... Dr B Bennett 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 Seal Point Siamese Kitten ............................................................................ Dr B Bennett Blue Point Siamese Kitten ............................................................................ Dr B Bennett Chocolate Point Siamese Kitten ................................................................... Dr B Bennett Lilac Point Siamese Kitten ............................................................................ Dr B Bennett Cinnamon Point Siamese Kitten .................................................................... Dr B Bennett Caramel Point Siamese Kitten ...................................................................... Dr B Bennett Tabby Point (inc Cinnamon & Fawn) Siamese Kitten ................................. Dr B Bennett Red Point Siamese Kitten ............................................................................. Dr B Bennett Tortie Point (inc Cinnamon & Fawn) Siamese Kitten .................................. Dr B Bennett Cream Point Siamese Kitten ......................................................................... Dr B Bennett Apricot Point Siamese Kitten ........................................................................ Dr B Bennett A.C. (inc Apricot) Balinese Kitten ............................................................... Dr B Bennett Fawn Point Siamese Kitten .......................................................................... Dr B Bennett 507 A.C. Siamese or Balinese Grand Premier ................................................... Dr B Bennett 508 509 A.C. Siamese Premier ................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AC Balinese Premier ..................................................................................... Dr B Bennett SIAMESE AND BALINESE KITTENS HIBERNIAN CLASS (OPEN TO GRAND PREMIERS GRAND PREMIERSHIP CLASSES (OPEN TO ONLY) PREMIERS ONLY) BREED CLASSES - SIAMESE AND BALINESE NEUTERS (OPEN TO UNTITLED NEUTERS 510 511 512 513 514 Seal Point Siamese Neuter ........................................................................... Dr B Bennett Blue Point Siamese Neuter ........................................................................... Dr B Bennett Chocolate Point Siamese Neuter .................................................................. Dr B Bennett Lilac Point Siamese Neuter .......................................................................... Dr B Bennett Cinnamon Point Siamese Neuter .................................................................. Dr B Bennett 21 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 Caramel Point Siamese Neuter ..................................................................... Dr B Bennett Tabby Point (inc Cinnamon & Fawn) Siamese Neuter ............................... Dr B Bennett Red Point Siamese Neuter ........................................................................... Dr B Bennett Tortie Point (inc Cinnamon & Fawn) Siamese Neuter ................................ Dr B Bennett Cream Point Siamese Neuter ....................................................................... Dr B Bennett Apricot Point Siamese Neuter ...................................................................... Dr B Bennett A.C. (inc Apricot) Balinese Neuter .............................................................. Dr B Bennett Fawn Point Siamese Neuter ........................................................................ Dr B Bennett MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES PERSIAN & SEMI-LONGHAIRED SECTION PERSIAN & S.L.H. ADULTS 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 Breeders Persian/Exotic ............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Breeders Maine Coon ................................................................................. Mr J Hansson Breeders AOV Semi-Longhair ..................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Non Breeders Adult ............................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Debutante ................................................................................................ Mrs C Wren AV Charity Class ........................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Limit ........................................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins AV Special Limit .......................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins AV Junior ..................................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins AV Senior .................................................................................................... Mrs P Perkins 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 Breeders Persian/Exotic ............................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Breeders Maine Coon .................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Breeders AOV Semi-Longhair .................................................................... Mrs P Perkins AV Non Breeders ........................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins AV Debutante ................................................................................................ Mrs C Wren AV Charity Class ........................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Male ......................................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Female ..................................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV 4-6 Months ............................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins AV 6-9 Months ............................................................................................ Mrs P Perkins 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 Breeders Persian/Exotic Neuter ................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Breeders Maine Coon .................................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Breeders AOV Semi-Longhair .................................................................... Mrs P Perkins AV Non Breeders ......................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Debutante ............................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Charity Class .......................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Limit ......................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Special Limit ........................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Junior ...................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Senior ..................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett PERSIAN & S.L.H. KITTENS PERSIAN & S.L.H. NEUTERS 22 BRITISH & FOREIGN SECTION BRITISH & FOREIGN - ADULTS 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 Breeders British Adult ................................................................................ Mr J Hansson Breeders Original Foreign .......................................................................... Mr J Hansson Breeders New Foreign ............................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Non Breeders .......................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Debutante ................................................................................................ Mrs C Wren AV Charity Class ........................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Limit ....................................................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Special Limit ......................................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Junior ....................................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Senior ...................................................................................................... Mrs C Wren 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 Breeders British Kitten ............................................................................... Mr J Hansson Breeders Original Foreign .......................................................................... Mr J Hansson Breeders New Foreign ............................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Non Breeders .......................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Debutante ................................................................................................ Mrs C Wren AV Charity Class ........................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Male ......................................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Female ..................................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV 4-6 Months ........................................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV 6-9 Months ........................................................................................... Mr J Hansson 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 Breeders British Neuter .............................................................................. Mr J Hansson Breeders Original Foreign .......................................................................... Mr J Hansson Breeders New Foreign ............................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Non Breeders .......................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Debutante ................................................................................................ Mrs C Wren AV Charity Class ........................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Limit ....................................................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Special Limit ............................................................................................ Mrs C Wren AV Junior ....................................................................................................... Mrs C Wren AV Senior ...................................................................................................... Mrs C Wren BRITISH & FOREIGN - KITTENS BRITISH & FOREIGN - NEUTERS BURMESE/ORIENTAL/SIAMESE/BALINESE SECTION BURMESE/ORIENTAL/SIAMESE/BALINESE - ADULTS 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 Breeders Burmese Adult ........................................................................... Mr J Hansson Breeders Oriental ....................................................................................... Mr J Hansson Breeders Siamese/Balinese ...................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Non Breeders ....................................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Debutante ............................................................................................. Mr J Hansson AV Charity Class ........................................................................................ Mr J Hansson AV Limit ....................................................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Special Limit ........................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Junior ...................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Senior ..................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett 23 BURMESE/ORIENTAL/SIAMESE/BALINESE - KITTENS 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 Breeders Burmese Kitten ........................................................................... Mr J Hansson Breeders Oriental ....................................................................................... Mr J Hansson Breeders Siamese/Balinese ...................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Non Breeders ......................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Debutante ............................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Charity Class .......................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Male Kitten ............................................................................................ Mr J Hansson AV Female Kitten ........................................................................................ Mr J Hansson 4-6 Months .................................................................................................. Mr J Hansson 6-9 Months .................................................................................................. Mr J Hansson 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 Breeders Burmese Neuter ......................................................................... Mr J Hansson Breeders Oriental ....................................................................................... Mr J Hansson Breeders Siamese/Balinese Neuter .......................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Non-Breeders Neuter ............................................................................ Dr B Bennett AV Debutante ............................................................................................... Dr B Bennett AV Charity Class Neuter .............................................................................. Dr B Bennett AV Limit Neuter .......................................................................................... Mr J Hansson AV Special Limit Neuter .............................................................................. Mr J Hansson AV Junior Neuter ........................................................................................ Mr J Hansson AV Senior Neuter ....................................................................................... Mr J Hansson BURMESE/ORIENTAL/SIAMESE/BALINESE - NEUTERS 24 NON PEDIGREE SECTION OPEN CLASSES 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 All Black Cat ..................................................................................................... Dr B Bennett All White Cat ..................................................................................................... Mrs C Wren Black and White Cat ......................................................................................... Mrs C Wren Grey (Blue) or Grey & White Cat .................................................................... Mrs C Wren Tabby or Tabby & White Cat ....................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Ginger or Ginger & White Cat ...................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Tortie or Tortie & White Cat ......................................................................... Mrs P Perkins Any Colour Cat .............................................................................................. Mr J Hansson Any Colour Kitten (4-9 months) .................................................................. Mr J Hansson 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 Cat or Kitten with Owner under Years ....................................................... Mr J Hansson AC Kitten ........................................................................................................ Mr J Hansson Junior Cat (under 2 years) .............................................................................. Dr B Bennett Senior Cat (2-7 Years Old) .............................................................................. Dr B Bennett Veteran Cat (Over 7 Years Old) ..................................................................... Dr B Bennett Debutante Cat or Kitten (Never Shown Before) ........................................ Mr J Hansson Limit Cat or Kitten (Never Won 1st Prize) ................................................. Mrs P Perkins Radius Cat or Kitten (Lives in Dublin City/County) ............................... Mrs P Perkins Visitors Cat or Kitten (Lives Outside Dublin City/County) ...................... Mrs C Wren Rescued Cat ....................................................................................................... Mrs C Wren Rescued Kitten ................................................................................................... Mrs C Wren Cat or Kitten with Loudest Purr .................................................................. Mrs P Perkins Friendliest Cat or Kitten .................................................................................. Dr B Bennett Best Groomed Cat or Kitten ............................................................................ Mrs C Wren MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES DIRECTIONS Take Junction 12 off M50; left at roundabout into Scholarstown Road (signposted Knocklyon) At T junction and traffic lights, turn left (you will see Superquinn opposite) then right and behind the supermarket, the community centre is over to your right Schedule produced by Ketill Game, The Keys, Gardner Street, Herstmonceux, East Sussex. BN27 4SU and printed by :Emma Watts Email: [email protected] Tel: 01452 533154
© Copyright 2025