THE MISSION The Newsletter of Saint Marys United Methodist Church October 15, 2014 Laity Sunday celebrates the people in the pews. Methodism has a long history of celebrating and recognizing the ministry of the laity. In the early days of American Methodism, the laity served and maintained congregations between visits of the circuit riders. Today, lay people are the front line of daily ministry at the workplace, in the home and within the community. The laity is always involved in the functions of the church, from teaching Sunday school to preparing a fellowship gathering. This Sunday we will celebrate the ministry of lay Christians whose lives are empowered for ministry by the Holy Spirit. Laity Sunday is a time to recognize the work and mission of all laity – not only within the walls of the church but in everyday lives. Laity Sunday also offers a moment for lay people of all ages to pause and consider again their own unique call to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It recognizes the servant hood of all believers, a concept that was modeled perfectly by Jesus when he washed the dust from his disciples’ feet. Our worship service will look a little differently this week. Our Pastor will join you in the pews while we, the laity, plan and lead the worship service. Come join us as we celebrate the gifts of our laity and hear from many different voices in our St. Marys United Methodist Church family! See you Sunday! Cindy Fitzgerald Lay Leader 106 East Conyers Street, St. Marys, GA 31558 (912) 882-5505 Opportunities for the Week Sunday, October 19th 8:30 A.M. Traditional Worship UMW Bake/Craft Sale (Bailey Hall) 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Praise & Worship UMW Bake/Craft Sale (Bailey Hall) 4:00 P.M. Youth Choir Practice 5:30 P.M. Youth (5pm for dinner) Monday, October 20th 6:30 P.M. UMM Meeting (Bailey Hall) Tuesday, October 21st 7:00 A.M. High School Breakfast Club (Chick-Fil-A) 6:30 P.M. Rock Bible Study (WECC) Wednesday, October 22nd 6:45 A.M. Middle School Breakfast Club (Hardees) 5:00 P.M. Wednesday Supper 5:15 P.M. Hand Bell Choir Practice 5:30 P.M. Children’s Choir Practice 6:15 P.M. Playhouse Kids & Clues Club 6:30 P.M. Chancel Choir Practice Money Matters YTD Budget Income $327,870.05 YTD Budget Expenses $330,397.49 ( $2,526.65 ) ANNOUNCEMENTS THE UMW WILL HOLD A BAKE/CRAFT SALE on Sunday, October 19th in Bailey Hall after each service. Be sure to stop in & see what goodies they have for us to enjoy! Contact Audrey Clark at 882-2125 for more info. THE UMM WILL MEET on Monday, October 20th in Bailey Hall at 6:30pm. All men of the church are invited to attend. Contact Pat Winn at 674-5449 for more info. Shut-In/Homebound Ministry Team: A ministry team of caring individuals is being organized to help reach out to those in our congregation who are shut-in or homebound. Each team member will be assigned one person to care for over the next year. The ministry will require the team member to make one visit per month and maintain weekly contact with the shut-in or homebound individual. A training session for the team will be scheduled for the first part of November. Bea Couse will be the team leader. If you are interested in participating in this ministry or have any questions please contact the Church office. Stewardship of Presence September 28 8:30 am 96 11:00 am 131 Worship Total 227 Sunday School 105 October 5 114 120 214 100 October 12 106 108 214 100 Please continue to pray for … Kathy & John Wyler & Family, Arlene Norris & Family, Jim & Tammy Lomis & Family, Helen DeVries, Dottie West, Betty Hart, Tommy Bean, Lynn Goff, Carolyn Long, Eloise Thompson, George Turner, Pat Williams, Faye Howard, Bob Manley, Richard Pippin, Ivan Stratton Extended Family and Friends Sandra & Joe Craig (Sandra is Choir Director at1st African Baptist); Cormack McGarvey, Ricky Westberry (friends of Barbara Smith); Nicky Faccento (Tina Bense’s sister); Allie & Buddy Grobe; Gene Simpson (Amos & Dottie Simpson’s son); Lois Mary Carrig (Mary Sue Michael’s mother); Vickie Bielling (Nancy Boone’s friend); Lois Hall (Barbara Hall’s mother); Ann & Jim Buskirk (former member); Winifred Boykin, Yolanda Mirarchi, Keith Smith, Myra Howard (relatives & friends of Dale & Karen Hoylman) Coastal Assisted Living Residents Bettye Howard Senior Care Center Residents (St. Marys) Betty Hart Magnolia Manor Residents Margaret Eddinger (SM), Wylidean Wynne (SSI) Deployed & Injured Military Family & Friends Joanna Bailey, Kyle Carpenter, Justin Tomlinson, Brandi Bryant Bold indicates a new addition** Names will be removed after two weeks unless otherwise requested. Please call the Church Office at 882-5505 ext. 0 for any Pastoral concerns or needs. We also have a Pastoral concern line for after hours & weekend emergencies. Call 882-5505 ext. 8, leave a message & your call will be returned as quickly as possible To our SMUMC Family, Howard and I would like to express our gratitude for the wonderful outpouring of love to the newest addition to our family, Allie! To the choir, thank you for the beautiful baby shower! It was so nice of you all to give your time to welcome our baby girl. To the congregation, your gifts and kind words have been overwhelming! Thank you so much for thinking of our family. We love our SMUMC family! In grateful appreciation, Dara, Howard, Hall, Ella, and Allie Davis Children’s News 8:30 Children’s Church 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Children’s Church Trunk-or-Treat- Please join us on the October 29th from 5:30 – 7:00pm. This is a great opportunity to minister to the community. Decorate your trunk, hand out candy, play games, and have fun with your church family. Donations of candy are now being accepted. Bags of candy may be left in the Narthex on Sunday or dropped off at the Church Office during regular hours. Contact Amber Wills at (912) 576-4690 for more info. As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact me at [email protected] or 912-674-8839. In Him - Tina Youth Corner Thank you all so much for your continued support in the youth program! Special thanks to the youth in attendance for this past Service Saturday at Salvation Army! Turkey shoots are going very well but we are still in need of volunteers to fill out the next several weekends. Please contact myself or Dara to get on the list. Our new Bible study on the Gospel of John will begin November 5. Until then please join us on Wednesday nights as we spruce up the church and Trunk or Treat on 10/29. Youth, I need your help in getting the garage organized as we continue to possibly open up that space for us. Come on out and make it your own. We are still in need of sign ups for the November 8th Mini Golf Tournament. Teams of 4 are encouraged, however we can double the scores of teams of 2. Your $30 registration gets you one park pass and 18 holes for everyone on your team. Please contact me for sign ups. Join us this Sunday as we continue the Names of God with God as Refiner. Contact me any time with questions, comments, prayer concerns, etc. at [email protected] or 912-227-0976. In His Peace - Jeremy Looking Ahead THE GOOD TIMERS COMMITTEE WILL MEET on Monday, October 27th at 6:30pm in the church parlor. Contact Carol Moore at 888-4905 for more info. THE WORSHIP COMMITTEE WILL MEET on Tuesday, October 28th, at 6:00pm in the church parlor. Contact Carol Willis at 882-1183 for more info. THE STAFF-PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE WILL MEET on Tuesday, October 28th, at 7:00pm in the conference room. Contact Donna O’Banion at 882-3922 or [email protected] for more info. WOMEN’S RETREAT: FEBRUARY 6-8, 2015 AT EPWORTH BY THE SEA, ST. SIMONS ISLAND Women of all ages are invited to join us for a special weekend retreat. This will be an awesome opportunity to grow in your own faith and to fellowship with our sisters in Christ. The cost is only $85 and will include all meals and accommodations, and financial aid is available for those in need. Contact Stacy Kiernan at 882-7508 or [email protected] if you are interested in attending so we can work on a preliminary head count. We will start collecting money and reservations in December, so please make a note on your calendars now! Congratulations to Jon Paul Lentz and Blake Blansett for completing a St. Marys UMC sweep in the First Annual Kayak and Paddleboard Race held on Saturday, October 11th. Jon Paul won in the Kayak Division and Blake won in the Paddleboard Division. Join the Missions Planning Team - A new Missions Planning Team is being organized to help plan and coordinate the mission ministries of our church. Jesus’ last words to his apostles in Acts 1:8 were, “…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” We want to expand our already outstanding mission ministries to include service beyond our local community. Our goal is to plan at least one or two domestic mission trips for 2015 and by 2016 to have at least one international mission trip planned. If you have a passion for missions and want to be a part of the group that helps organize new opportunities for our church to serve, then please contact Dave Peterson at [email protected] or Tom Jones at [email protected]. Read Through the Bible in a Year - I want to invite you to join with me in 2015 as we read through the Bible in a year. The Bible we will read together is a Chronological Bible in the New International Version. Scholars have worked to organize this version of the Bible based on the order the events actually happened providing a unique approach to reading and understanding the scriptures. The daily readings can be completed in 15 minutes. The Bibles will be available in the church office the first week in December. The cost will be between $10 to $12 per Bible. If you are interested in ordering a large print version please contact the church office as soon as possible. The cost of the large print version will be between $15 to $17 per Bible. My prayer is that every adult and youth in our church will accept this invitation and make it our priority as a church family to spend time daily in God’s Word. Watch the bulletin, newsletter, and website for further updates and details about getting your Bible. Tom SMUMC STAFF Wednesday Night Suppers Tom Jones Senior Pastor [email protected] 912-882-6194 The serving line will be open from 5:00pm to 6:15pm. The cost of the meals will be $5 per person with a $20 maximum per family. This Wednesday’s menu (Oct. 15th) is: Baked Ziti, French Bread, Salad, Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars, Tea & Lemonade. Tina Bense Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Also make plans to join us for Wednesday Night Supper on October 22nd. Please let us know by Friday, October 17th if you plan to attend on the 1st. See the form below for the info we need & contact Tricia in the church office at 882-5505 ext. 0 or [email protected]. Jeremy Cole Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] Wednesday Supper Sign-up Form October 22nd Menu: Chicken Alfredo Bake, Broccoli, Rolls, Dessert, Tea & Lemonade Tricia Perrine Church Secretary [email protected] Name: Total number of Adults & Children ($5.00 each) Family Maximum (Immediate Family Members) is $20.00 Sandra Nihiser Financial Secretary [email protected] Please give us your information by Noon on Friday, October 17th. The office gives a “head count” to our cook on Friday in order to purchase enough food for the dinner. Dara Davis Director of Music Ministries [email protected] – Our New and Improved Website! Ginna E. Stein Director Happy Apple Academy [email protected] Church Office Hours: Mon., Wed., & Thur. = 8:00am-3:00pm Tue. = 8:00am-2:30pm Fri. = 8:00am-Noon Helping Hands Ministry/Food Pantry : Mon. thru Thurs. = 9:00am - Noon Fri. = Closed The newly designed website for our church is up and running! You are encouraged to visit the website and explore the number of ways it can benefit you. From general information about the church to online giving and registration, the website has been designed to be user friendly for our members as well as those who are looking for a church home. A special “thank you” to Shawn Kiernan for his hours of work in reconstructing the website and for his continued efforts to add and update information. One of the additions he currently has in the works is an audio section for archived sermons and special musical programs. Great job, Shawn! If you have information that you would like in the next newsletter, please send it to [email protected] no later than Noon on Monday, October 27th. St. Marys United Methodist Church 106 East Conyers Street St. Marys, Georgia 31558 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid St. Marys, GA PERMIT NO. 8 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Lord, you have been our help, generation after generation. Before the mountains were born, before you birthed the earth and the inhabited world - from forever in the past to forever in the future, you are God. Psalm 90:1-2 (UM809) Those Who Serve in Special Ways October 19 , 2014 Altar Flowers: Roy & Yamy Bauers Children’s Church: Tina Bense 8:30 Acolytes: Kayleigh Brandon 11:00 Acolytes: Kaitlyn & Mikayla Boyd 8:30 Greeters: Tom & Sheila Headlee 11:00 Greeters: Ben & Joan Seal Head Offering Counter: Tim Fitzgerald Offering Counter: Donna Franklin Sound System: Roy Bauers 8:30 Head Usher: Cal Lang, Jr. 8:30 Usher: Jim Lomis 11:00 Head Usher: David Shoemaker 11:00 Usher: Chip Hollis October 26, 2014 Altar Flowers: Ben & Joan Seal Children’s Church: Tina Bense 8:30 Acolytes: Ayden Wills 11:00 Acolytes: Mary Grace & Elsie Kinney 8:30 Greeters: Jack & Audrey Cosper 11:00 Greeters: Bonnie Taylor & Carol Willis Head Offering Counter: Tim Fitzgerald Offering Counter: Cindy Fitzgerald Sound System: Roy Bauers 8:30 Head Usher: Cal Lang, Jr. 8:30 Usher: Charlie Smith, Jr. 11:00 Head Usher: David Shoemaker 11:00 Usher: Bill Mossburg CAN YOU HELP?? The following people are listed as members of St. Marys United Methodist Church, but we have no way to contact them. If you have any contact information (address, phone number, email) for any of these people, please let us know. We also would need to know if anyone listed has passed away. You may call the Church Office and talk to Tricia or Sandra, or just leave a message. This is the first step for us to be able to perform a membership audit. Thanks for any information! Mr. David Warren Adams Mr. Chad Alan Bailey Mrs. Tammy Lynn (Day) Bailey Miss Kelly Renee Baker Miss Stephanie Michelle Baker Ms. Christina (Christy) Bazemore Mr. David William Berry Mr. James Tyler (Tyler) Bond Mrs. Pamela D. (Pam) Bond Mrs. Karen Brady Mr. Luther Branch John & Jena Brown Anthony Scott (Tony) Bunten Mr. Russell Steven (Russ) Bunten Mr. Donald Carney Miss Brittany Elaine Chittendon Bruce Wayne Chittendon & Kathy Elaine (Ridenour) Chittendon Mr. F.H. Clark & Mrs. Ethel B. Clark Andrew James Clink Daniel Patrick Clink Ms. Jane Williams (Vincent) Cornell Mr. Steven Webster Crader Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Thomas Wells Darrow Mrs. Cammie Lynn (Deyeer) Davidson Mr. Rodney Michael Davidson Mr. Ralph Raymond (Ray) Davison & Mrs. Beverly Carol (Ferris) (Bev) Davison Greg & Lauren Deveau Miss Amber Nicole Disotell Mr. Robert Neal Fitzpatrick & Mrs. Tammy Jo Fitzpatrick Mr. Gene Fullwood Mrs. Susan Elizabeth (Grice) Fulmer Mr. James Edward (Eddie) Funston Miss Jessica Hope Funston Mr. Thomas Rey (Tommy) Funston Mr. Matthew James Genova Ms. Frances S. (Conner) Gunzenhauser Mr. Phil Harris Mr. Michael Scott Haymaker Mrs. Brenda Gay (Brenda) Henderson Mrs. Rose Ann (Arnold) Hunter Mr. Alan Michael Huppman Mrs. Nancy Elisabeth (Cairns) Jackson Mr. Troy Scott Jackson Mr. Roland Arthur Johns & Mrs. Karen Lucille Johns Mrs. Jean Johnson Mr. Walter Seymour (Seymour) Langshaw Mr. & Mrs. Jesse H. Leary Mrs. Kathy Lee Ms. Barbara Faulkner Lentz Rucker Mrs. Lidwin (Herous) (Liddy) Lewis Mr. Ralph Livingston & Mrs. Carol Livingston Ms. Susan (Lewis) MacDonnell Miss Ashley Shane Manley Miss Mary Alisa (Lisa) Manley Mr. Andrew James (Andy) McKay & Mrs. Jeanette Ilene McKay Mr. Andrew James (Andy) McKay, Jr. Mr. Michael Patrick McKay Mr. Thomas William (Tommy) McKay Mr. David Melendez Mr. Fernando Mercado & Mrs. Jacquelyn Sue (Hupp) (Jackie) Mercado Mr. Robert Marsh (Bob) Michael Mr. Scott Lee Miller & Mrs. Stacey Lynn (Burkhart) Miller Mr. Mandal McLeod (Mac) Mixson & Mrs. Staci Kim (Kolgaklis) Mixson Mr. David Christopher (Dave) Moore & Mrs. Amy Melissa (Ramsay) Moore Mrs. Juanita Moore Miss Marion Moore Mr. Ray Moore Mr. Lonny Edward Osborne James & Valerie Owen Mr. Alan Ray Oyer & Mrs. Anna Maria Oyer Mrs. Lynn Marie (Durick) Palmer Mr. Carlton Parker & Mrs. Gloria Parker Miss Ella Parker Mrs. Ann Parrish Adam & Debbie Pappas Mr. Hampton Webb Parrish & Mrs. Nancy Ann (Fethke) Parrish Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Polmanteer Mr. Randall C. (Randy) Prescott & Mrs. Lora Ellen (Johnson) Prescott Mr. Craig Andrew (Andrew) Preston, Jr.& Mrs. Lisa Michele (Valenti) Preston Mr. William C. (Bill) Richards & Mrs. Robert V. (Pellegrino) Richards Ms. Margaret Kathryn Schmidt Miss Shelby Ann Scott Mr. Joel Patrick Scully Mr. & Mrs. Jake Smith Ms. Eleanor Claire (Conlin) Smith Ms. Doris St. Clair Mrs. Carol Stallings Mrs. Kelley W. Thompson Vay Miss Jill Britton Vincent Mr. Eric Welle Dr. & Mrs. Charles Williams Mr. Donald Kirk (Kirk) Wilson & Mrs. Nancy June Wilson John & Kathy Wilson Mr. Michael Wisecarver Mr. David Jay Wright & Mrs. Kathleen Ann (Lipski) Wright Mr. Jeffrey Keith Joyce Mr. Richard Caleb Joyce
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