The Parish of St Vincent de Paul, Altrincham Canon John Rafferty Deacon John Penny Tel: 0161 928 1689 Email: [email protected] Website: LPA: 19th October 2014 Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Readings: Isaiah 45:1.4-6; Psalm 95; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5; Matthew 22:15-21 Reflection We don’t have to look too far at home or abroad to see what impact a narrow point of view can have. Single agenda politics and religious intolerance brings out some of the worst aspects of human behaviour. As followers of Christ, our aim must be to be a people of peace, living lives of tolerance and without prejudice. Our call is to serve both sides of the coin, God and our neighbour. With open arms God invites all into an embrace of love. As God has embraced us, so we are called to embrace all others. TODAY 19 OCTOBER Tea and coffee at Westleigh after 10am Mass. Children’s Mass this Sunday at the 10am Mass. The retiring collection this Sunday is for priests’ education and training. The retiring collection next Sunday by the SVP is for Winter Fuel relief. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CATHOLIC? Meetings continue on Wednesday 22 October at 8pm, this week in Westleigh, for those who would like to find out more about the Catholic Church with the view to becoming a Catholic. It’s not too late to join so if you, or someone you know, might be interested, please contact Fr John or Deacon John. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Yr3 to Yr6 children attending non-catholic schools living in the parish who would like to join the First Holy Communion Programme, please collect a form from the back of Church, complete and return it to St Vincent’s Presbytery by 26 October. PARISH DATABASE Are you new to the parish? Have your details changed (address, telephone number or email)? Please let us have your details by completing a green registration form (found in the porch). Details can also be verified at the parish office on 928 1689, or submitted by email to [email protected] or completed on line at and follow the link to 'keep in touch'. ALTRINCHAM PASTORAL AREA There will be a discussion evening in Westleigh on Thurs 30 October at 7.30pm with Rev Mgr Fleetwood on the impact on Parishes of Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium, the Joy of the Gospel. All welcome! DIOCESAN DAY OF RENEWAL “I invite all Christians everywhere at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ..” Pope Francis - Evangelii Gaudium You are invited to a Diocesan Day of Renewal “Discovering the Joy and Beauty of God” at Westleigh on Sat 15 November from 10am-4.00pm. Take time to explore a deeper relationship with God with talks, Mass, music and Adoration. Doors open for registration, tea/coffee from 9.30am onwards. There will be a shared lunch table. For more information contact Maureen Carlisle on 980 5229 or email: [email protected] All welcome! CELEBRATING THE THEME OF PEACE On Wed 22 Oct at 7.30pm, Menorah Synagogue are hosting an event on the theme of Peace, with music played by celebrated pianist Syuzanna Kaszo interspersed with readings of prose by members of the synagogue. The cost is £10 and there will be light refreshments. To book please visit the Menorah website or phone 428 7746. Everyone welcome! KRAKOW 2016 - INTERNATIONAL WORLD YOUTH DAY Krakow is the next International World Youth Day and there will be a meeting on Sun 26 Oct at Holy Apostles & Martyrs Church, Wallasey at 2.30pm to find out more. Open to all young people in Yr 10 and above. See poster for more details or email: [email protected] Mon 20Oct Tues 21 Oct Wed 22 Oct Thurs 23 Oct Fri 24 Oct DIARY Parent and Toddlers Men’s SVP CWL Ladies SVP Brownies Bridge Parent and Toddlers Bridge Group Rainbows RCIA Parent and Toddler Group Mothers’ Prayers Parish AGM Lydia Bowden talk 10am-12noon 7.00pm 7.00pm-9.30pm 2.00pm 5.45pm-7.15pm 7.45pm 10am-12 noon 2.00pm-4.00pm 6.00pm-7.00pm 8.00pm 10.00am-12noon 11.15am 7.30pm 7.30pm SOCKTOBER! We have been approached by those working with Homeless people in Manchester city centre who help the men and women gain access and engage with primary healthcare services at Urban Village Medical Practice in Ancoats. Throughout the month of October they have launched an appeal called “Socktober” where people are asked to donate new pairs of adult socks that can be distributed amongst the patients in the winter months to prevent trench foot and other diseases experienced by people sleeping rough. A simple and yet hugely beneficial way to help the homeless during the next few months. If you feel you could add a pair of socks onto your next shopping list then we will gladly collect them in a box at the back of church and forward them on to the organisation. CHILDRENS “PARTY OF LIGHT” You are invited to join the Children's Adoration group at Westleigh on Fri 31st Oct , 5pm-7pm. Come dressed as a saint! Please bring some food for a shared table, if boys bring savoury and girls bring sweet for variety. Parent/Carer must stay with child. Please book places by emailing Amanda with the name(s) and age (s) of child(ren): [email protected] or phone 980 2299. FUNDRAISING WALK Lydia Bowden will be talking about her experiences walking the Camino de Santiago in Westleigh on Friday 24 October starting at 7.30pm. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Pope Francis invites you all to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas mission today, Sun 19 October. There are envelopes should you wish to donate to Misso to support the work of 1,069 missionaries overseas at the back of church. Please return them to the Parish Office. BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS Margaret and Barry Mizen, parents of murder victim Jimmy, will talk about reconciliation, love and forgiveness at Ellesmere Port Catholic High School on Sat 1 November from 9.45am-4pm. See the poster at the back of church for registration details and more information. Mass Times and Intentions Sunday 19th October Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sat 7pm Joseph Duffy (ann) 8.30am 10.00am Gilbert Tracy (sick) Baby James Edward Connors (B/day & ann) 11.15am For the people of the parish 6.30 pm Sheila Heraghty-Smith (RIP) Monday 20th October 12.15pm Word and Communion 6-7pm Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday 21st October 12.15pm Mark Beecroft (sick) 3-4pm Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday 22nd October St John Paul II 12.15pm 6-7pm Leonie Ellis (ann) Thursday 23rd October St John of Capistrano 10.00am BV Mary Hyam 90th birthday 12.15pm Tony Riley RIP 3-4pm Eucharistic Adoration 4-4.20pm Children’s Adoration 6-7pm Eucharistic Adoration Friday 24th October St Anthony Claret 12.15pm Requiem Mass for Catherine Devine 7.00pm Rosary 7.30pm Kate & Tommy Jordan (ann) Saturday 25th October 11am-12noon Eucharistic Adoration 12.15pm 1.30pm Anita McArthur (sick) Wedding of James Power & Rachel Brown 7.00pm Doris Peake RIP 8.30am For the people of the parish 10.00am James Cregg RIP 11.15am Eileen Corcoran (sick) 6.30 pm Eamonn Connolly (sick) Sunday 26h October Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Eucharistic Adoration Key: BV = Bowdon Vale Convent, Grange Rd. Cycle of Mass readings Sundays year A, weekdays year 2. Morning Prayer weekdays 8.45 am, Psalter week 1. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat 11am-noon, 6 - 6.45pm. MONEY MATTERS Offertory Collection 12th October 2014 £1894.90 Thank you for your continued generosity. The diocese of Shrewsbury is a registered charity No. 234025 We welcome into God’s Family Joseph Breheny and Ayla Vint who were recently baptised here. Please keep them and their families in your prayers. Congratulations to Dylan Gareth Foxon and Laura Patchett who were married here recently. Requiescant in Pace Please pray for those who have died recently including Catherine Devine, John Simcock, Mrs Sharpe, Margaret Hardman, Josephine Bradley and all those whose anniversaries occur about this time including Joseph Duffy, Sheila Heraghty-Smith, Leonie Ellis and Kate & Tommy Jordan. Please pray for the sick who include Geoff Barnes, George Bell, Michael Bentley, Anne Bramhall, Karen Brennan, Maura Brennan, Joan Briden, Christopher Browne, Elizabeth Carroll, Sophia Cauchi, George Cauchi, Teresa Concannon, Pat Connor, Eileen Corcoran, Margaret Dale, Tony Darbyshire, Joseph Dillon, Grace Elvidge, Paddy Gilmartin, Debbie Griffin, Luke Howe, Sarah Hrybyk, Lucy Hunter, Steven Jones, Maureen Kelly, Roisin Kennedy, Amelia Kennedy, Claire McAllister, Nevan McGing, Mary McInerney, John Merrix, John Nestor, Laiose Nolan, Brian Noone, Barbara Penny, John Prole, Pat Prole, Stan Roach, Paul Rydings, Conor Simpson, Marie Smith, Veronica Starkey, Howard Toone, Maria Williams, Mason Williams, Karen Wilkinson, Marie Wilkinson and all in our hospitals and homes. Pope Francis’ Intentions During Ordinary Time (Autumn) we are asked to pray for: the Spread of the Gospel; the Harvest; the Fruit of Human Work; Reverent use of Creation; Justice and Peace in the world; Prisoners and their Families; All Victims of War; Young People.
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