OUR LADY OF LOURDES, ROTTINGDEAN and ST. PATRICK’S, WOODINGDEAN Eastfield, Steyning Road, Rottingdean BN2 7GA Tel: 01273 302903 The Parish is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust Registered Charity No.252878 http://www.ourladyoflourdesandstpatricks.co.uk Office Email: [email protected] Fr Kevin’s email : [email protected] Priest: Fr Kevin O’Donnell 07538 954200 Deacon: Rev. Neil Mercer 07801 706167 Also resident: Fr Douglas Perkins & Canon Oliver Heaney Services and Intentions WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS & NEWCOMERS TO OUR PARISH Thanksgiving Mass – Fr Graham and Family Sunday 6.30pm (Church)(Sat) ST PHILIP HOWARD 19th Oct People of the Parish 9.00am (St Patrick’s) 2014 William & Josephine Lloyd R.I.P. 10.30am (Church) Monday 10.00am (Convent) Celebrant’s Intentions Tuesday Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration 10.00am-8.00pm 10.00am (Church) Mary Swan R.I.P. Wednesday 10.00am (Church) Intentions of the Mudd Family St John Paul II Thursday 9.45am (Convent) Morning Prayer 10.00am (Convent) Stan Wood R.I.P. and St John of Capistrano Intentions of Barbara Wood Friday 10.00am (Church) Maureen Dean R.I.P. St Anthony Mary Claret Divine Mercy Chaplet after Mass Saturday 10.00am (Church) Mario Fondini R.I.P. Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday TH Sunday 6.30pm (Church)(Sat) 30 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME People of the Parish Peter Moore R.I.P. 19th Oct 9.00am (St Patrick’s) John Kelly R.I.P. 10.30am (Church) OFFERTORIES: Many thanks for last week’s cash & envelope collections: £451.52 OLOL & £172.75 St Patrick’s. CONFESSIONS: Saturday 10.30am and 5.45-6.15pm. This Sunday there is a 2nd collection for MISSIO. Please welcome Shay Bryant who was baptized here last weekend. Please pray for him and his family. PLEASE PRAY for the sick & housebound, especially Pat Morris, Jane Wells, Veronica Wishart, Nick Hills, Paul Schofield, Chris Jordan, Sheila de Rosa, Angela Ansell, Jill Dogherty, Sarah Rix, Sonia Toner, Hugh McGovern, Kathleen Flynn, Philip Stevens, John Heal, John Craig, Pam Newman, Terry McGuire, Zarah, Carly, Christabel, Isobel Carrington Duxfield, Helen Shephard, Clare Francis, Mary Moore, Toby Xavier Carrington, Paddy, Damian Timlin, Joanna Noakes, Nicola, Eileen, Millie, Georgina, Fiona, Eileen Cross, Arlene DeSouza, Sister Pamela Browne, Terry Bourne, Louis Martin, Amy Shead, Larry Halley, Christopher Bishop and Bridie Reynolds. Fr Kevin and family moved into Eastfield on Monday, 13th October. – Welcome! "The more affliction we endure for Christ in this world, the more glory we shall obtain with Christ in the next." These words were carved by St Philip Howard in the wall of his cell in the Tower of London. He spent ten years there and died from poor health. He was converted to the Catholic faith by the witness of St Edmund Campion and other priest martyrs. He dared to stand up for his beliefs, sought to make no trouble for the Queen, and would have quietly left all his lands and title by slipping away to the continent. Discovered, he would not renounce his heartfelt convictions and he is an example to all of us today. Fr Kevin "The souls of the virtuous are in the hands of God..." (Wisdom 3:1) This week (in OLOL Church Hall unless otherwise stated) Tue 21st Oct Wed 22nd Thu 23rd Sat 25th 10.00am -8.00pm 1.30pm 3.30pm 4.30pm 8.00pm 10.45am Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. Mother & Toddler Group Praying with Mary at the Convent, all welcome, followed by tea. SVP Meeting Mary's Light Rosary prayer group Come & See : “God calls Abraham and makes a Convenant. Genesis. Creation” PARISH YOUTH Children’s Sunday Liturgy Group (during Sunday 10.30am Mass, in term time) for Academic Years: Reception,Year 1& 2 Life Teen Session (school Years 11-13) t.b.c & 7UP : (school years 6-9) t.b.c First Holy Communion : Next session Tuesday 4th November at 3.15pm - parish hall. Next Parents’ Session : Wednesday 3rd December 7.30-9.00pm Confirmation Group : Sunday 19th October : Launch night for parents plus teens 5:30pm-7:30pm at St Joseph’s Church Hall, Milton Road. Next session 4th November. The Children’s Choir will be singing at the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass at 5.30pm at OLOL Church and also singing carols at two local nursing homes during school time in early December. Rehearsals will be on Mondays, (Nov 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, and December 8th) with one Thursday rehearsal on Dec 4th, from 3.30 4.15pm at OLOL Church Hall, Steyning Road, Rottingdean. If interested, please contact Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School Office. Certificate in Catechesis next one, Session 2 on Sat 22nd Nov 9.30am-1.00pm is led by Fr Kevin O’Donnell at DABCEC, booking essential please contact David Wills 01293 651157 or [email protected] The Come and See Group Anyone who is interested in becoming a Catholic, or in receiving their First Holy Communion and Confirmation, or in learning more about the Catholic Faith, is welcome to join. The next session is on Saturday 18th October at 10.45am: God calls Abraham and makes a Covenant. Genesis. Creation. Please contact Una on 01273 305379 for further information. New Fliers (green paper) available at the back of the church. Please take one. Questions, Questions? – Are you a Catholic? Everyone is very welcome to our Masses in our parish, whether you are Catholic or not. Did you miss out on your First Holy Communion or Confirmation when you were younger and, now as an adult, feel too embarrassed to ask? Do not worry, this is common and there is a way forward. The Come and See Team are always willing to listen and talk about their experiences. Call Una 01273 305379. The Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for October: Peace. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. World Mission Day. That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. Vocation Matters Oct: St Philip Howard. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church, as Tertullian famously stated in the 2nd century. St Philip Howard, with so many of the martyrs of the Reformation, chose the suffering of the cross over worldly acclaim. Why? Because Christ was his first love. May he be yours and mine too. Thanksgiving Mass for Fr Graham and Family : Saturday 18th October 6.30pm At the time of writing this newsletter (Friday), we are looking forward to welcoming Fr Graham and Our Parish is committed safeguarding the welfare children and vulnerable Tessa, Mollie, Beth and Joseph on toSaturday forand thepromoting celebration of a ofThanksgiving Mass adults. (at 6.30pm) for all the blessings and graces received during their time with us in Rottingdean and afterwards at a Celebration Party in Our Lady of Lourdes School Hall when Fr Graham hopes everyone will come and enjoy themselves. ooOOoo Thank you to everyone who has helped both with the preparations and on the day, with the Mass and Party. MASS INTENTIONS To keep the parish records in order, it is important that you complete and return the yellow mass intention slips which can be found at the back of the church, in a stand, above the hymn books. Please state clearly the name of the person for whom the mass is being offered, and where appropriate please state whether the mass is for a Special Intention or Welfare of. If the mass is for a deceased person, please add R.I.P after the name. Envelopes are provided for you to put the mass intention in, with your offering, and post through the presbytery door. Thank you. Barbara Pierce. 1. MISSIO (Red Boxes): Please hand in (do not leave in porch) your boxes for counting to Zita Macauley (OLOL) or Pat Peers (St. Patrick's). If you are not a member of Missio and wish to join we will provide you with a Red Box. This charity is approved by Pope Francis for spreading the Faith. Many thanks, Zita Nikki Braterman Search for a suitable bone marrow donor An appeal was made in the newsletter a few weeks ago. There is an official website www.perfecttenmatch.co.uk which gives details of how to register if you wish to become a donor. Nikki needs your help, so please spread the word and encourage as many people as possible to get tested for their suitability as bone marrow donors. It is impossible to overstate the gratitude we feel towards anyone who can volunteer as a donor to help save our daughter’s life. Thank you. John and Barbara Pierce (01273 308541) Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration On Tuesday 21st October, the final hour of Eucharistic Adoration from 7.00pm until 8.00pm will be for the special intention of the welfare of Nicola Braterman and you are all invited to come for part of an hour or all, to pray for her return to health. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on the altar for silent adoration, contrition, thanksgiving and supplication. Time can be spent with Our Lord, in several ways: pray the psalms; recite the “Jesus Prayer”; meditate using scripture; read the life of a saint (see CTS Stand in porch for booklets): pour out your heart to Christ and adore Him; ask for forgiveness and intercede for others; pray the rosary; sit quietly and just “be” in the presence of God. See prayer sheets at the back of the church. Novena for the Welfare of Nikki Braterman Tuesday 14th Oct – Wed 22nd Oct inclusive : The Rosary will be said after every Liturgy and Mass creating a Novena for this intention. Our Parish is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. PARISH AND LOCAL ITEMS Volunteers needed We are desperately seeking volunteers for the following:- Book keeper to do Parish returns, Money counters, someone to help with CAFOD, Flower arrangers, Catering committee, Cleaners – please make yourself known to Fr Kevin asap. Thank you. Poems Out Loud will start again on Monday 13th Oct, and then every fortnight: 27th Oct, 10th and 24th Nov, 8th Dec. All are welcome to explore the excitements and consolations of poetry. We meet at 11 a.m. at St Patrick’s, Woodingdean, and each session lasts an hour and a half. Patrick Bond will read poetry new and old, and we will discuss any aspect of the experience. Contributions are welcomed, at £2.50 per person; tea and coffee are provided. The atmosphere is always friendly and relaxed. Come if you love poetry! Contact Patrick on 07425-011341. Sponsored Swimathon in aid of the Rottingdean Lions Charities and Chestnut Tree Children’s Hospice on Sunday 19th Oct. If anyone is able to help organise this, please see Sybil Workman who is happy to support and guide you. CATHOLAITY SAT 8TH NOVEMBER SVP Stall : Donations required for the SVP Tombola stall – chocolates/wines/ or any unwanted new gifts – please contact Peter Johnson tel. 01273 390731. Jose Sharp will have a Book Stall. St Patrick's stalls include plants, preserves, savoury and sweet food and chocolate tombola. Please cook and freeze, make donations, or help Stallholders on the day, but let us know in advance. Co-ordinator for St Patrick's Bernadette 01273 309118, [email protected] Jose will be selling the Catholaity raffle tickets over the next weekends. The parish receives 90% of the money back paid for each ticket, raising much needed funds for Our Lady of Lourdes. Bookstall : If you are able to help for all or part of the day, please Jonathan or Jose Sharp. Thank you. St Anne’s Day Centre St Anne’s Day Centre needs men’s socks, belts, underwear and shoes. Patrick Elliott is happy to collect, please contact him on 01273 303782. Thank you. DIOCESAN ITEMS Passion Changes Everything is the dramatic title of the next Scripture Saturday at the Catholic Bible School. Jenny Baker, an excellent and warm speaker will be helping us get fired up for change. November 8th 2014, 10am to 3.30pm, bring a packed lunch, suggested donation £15. For more: [email protected] | www.catholic-bible-school.org The Living Faith Course – a response to the Diocesan Jubilee and Pope Francis’ Letter, ‘The Joy of the Gospel’ – is running this Autumn in St Joseph’s Hall, Milton Rd (off Elm Grove) from 7:15pm for supper (with a glass of wine!), followed by a talk from excellent guest speakers, discussion, and prayer. 14th Oct: Called to Holiness –Br David Jarmy OSB, Benedictine monk of Worth Abbey. 21st Oct: Called to Communion – Fr Stephen Dingley, lecturer in Theology at St John’s Seminary ; 28th Oct: Called to Joy and Mission - Alice Hall, former leader of discipleship training courses nationally. For more info, contact: [email protected] or call 01273 386159. Called to Communion - a Conversation with the Wellspring Community – An Into Silence Event: Sat 18th Oct 9.30am-12.00pm at the One Church, Gloucester Place, Brighton. A morning seminar Exploring a vision for radical community living with members of the Wellspring Community; a Catholic community seeking to live the Gospel of Christ, with the Rule of St Benedict as a guide. No booking necessary; refreshments provided; donation only. For more info, contact: [email protected]. The Call to Discipleship - Young Adults Retreat (18-35), 31st Oct – 2nd Nov 2014 @ Worth Abbey: An opportunity for you to discover deeper meaning and direction in your life, to hear Christ’s call, and to be formed as disciples. With talks from excellent speakers. Talks – Prayer/Reflection – The Divine Office & Mass – Spiritual Direction. Cost: £65 for students/the unwaged, and £95 for the waged (subsidies available). For more info and to book, contact Jo: [email protected] or call 07595761483. An Arundel and Brighton Vocations event: www.calledbyname2.com CCRS If you are an active member of the parish, catechist, teacher or someone interested in increasing your knowledge of your faith, the Catholic Certificate of Religious Studies may be for you. The course runs at the University Chaplaincy in Falmer on Thursday evenings. More info: Leaflet at the back of church or contact Kate Williamson on [email protected] / 01273 776491 / website ccrs@brighton. Annual Discovering Priesthood Day 1st Nov at St John’s seminary 10am-5pm, for men aged 16-50 who are courageous enough to explore a vocation to the priesthood. Please contact Fr Terry Martin 07545 576627 or [email protected]
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