Document 355220

Twenty-Seventh Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
October 11 2014
October 12, 2014
October 18, 2014
Saturday, 6:00pm
Sunday, 8:00am
Saturday, 6:00pm
+Eugene Jansing
+Gilbert Wilde
+Leonard Hoelscher
+Erwin Kahlig
+Adolph Smetana
+Gladys Kahlig
+Anna Smetana
+Helen W. Hoelscher
+Bertha Hoelscher
Special Intentions
Henry and Nettie Beach
Jane Kahlig
Tammie Frenzel
Calvin Wilde Family
Bill Reid & Edward
Bernard Ordner
Chris Hrabal &
Lynwood Kleypas
Kerri Meier
Janet Loden
Mass & Shut-ins
October 13th
No Mass
Mallory Wright
October 14th
Deceased Members
of the Alois Fuchs
+Annie Frei Fuchs
October 19, 2014
Sunday, 8:00am
Tammy Ryan
Ray Rabroker
Don Culp Family
Edward Meyer
Red Carson &
Joey Hoelscher
Allen Frei &
Randy Frei
Connie Petru
Geraldine Kahlig
Mallory Wright
October 15th
+Tommy Frei
+Clifton Wright
October 16th
+Charlotte Ann
The Sanctuary Candle Is Burning the Month of October in
Memory of Ashley Hoelscher
October 17th
+Mildred Bruggman
Vocations Cross
Altar Servers
10/12- 10/18
Gary & Bernadette Ketterman
Marvin & Jane Meyer
Altar Servers
Adam Herwald, Mikey Lewis, Regan Willberg, Dalan Willberg
10/13 -10/17
Rosary Leaders
Clean Church
10/18& 10/25
Doris Wright
Louis & Jerlene Vrana and Horest & Bernice Weaver
Calvin & Cheryl Wilde and Craig & Debbie Ordner
Georgia Ketterman & Lou Buckholt
Raymond & Margaret Moeller
Dorothy Dewey Smith, Ann Wilde, Fran Greger, Melinda Stojanik,
Salem Wilde
Visit the Sick
10/6 thru 10/12
Todd Doskocil
Luke Petru, Brenden Doskocil, Kasen Ordner, Ty Stock
No High School Religion today after Mass today
Boy Scouts Monday, October 13th @ 7:00pm
WVFD Wednesday, October 15th @ 7:00pm
Adult Choir Practice Wednesday, October 15th @ 7:00pm
Building Fund----$903.00
Please pray for the sick & suffering: Nelson Coker, Kenneth Bernsen, Terri Hoelscher, JoAnn
Kalmbach, David Michalewicz,, Kenneth Green, George Wright, Tim Friesen, Doug Landry, Fran
Hrynyk, Pattie Pletzke, Charles Ordner, Edwin Green, Johnnie Thornton, Jr., Craig Thornton, Lori
Meyer, and Grace Hoelscher.
Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. A special collection will be taken up for the Pontifical
Society of Propagation of the Faith. This collection is taken up during October every year so that
Catholics everywhere can recognize their common responsibility to evangelize the world. Share the
love of Christ with the world — please be as generous as you can.
The Church, Little School Museum, Convent, and Farm Shed will be open today from 9 AM
to 6PM for those who attend the Picnic. Everyone Welcome.
Special thanks to those who participated in the “Life Chain” last Sunday in Lott by standing
and praying for an hour in support of Pro-Life. It was a very peaceful and uplifting experience. Many
people honked, waved and smiled to show their support of the unborn! Also, thanks to those who
could not attend but prayed in their homes. God bless each of you.
Post Picnic Meeting: Anyone interested in providing feedback from our picnic is welcome to
attend a post-picnic meeting in the Centennial Room on Tuesday, October 21st at 7:00pm. All
chairpersons are encouraged to attend and provide input to make next year’s picnic better. Thanks,
Renae Willberg
Remember to donate any spare pocket change to your Baby Bank & help foster a greater respect
for the sanctity of life. Return you filled Baby Bank on Sunday, November 1, 2014.
Temple Area Fourth Degree Assembly 3488, will have their regular monthly meeting on Tues.
Oct. 14 at the St. Luke's Religion Ed. Building in Temple. A meal will be served at 6:30 with the
business meeting starting at 7:00. All Fourth Degree members are invited to attend.
“Caps of Love” is an international charity dedicated to helping the disabled. Founded and
sponsored by Jean-Marie Bigard in February 2001. Caps of Love is responsible for collecting
discarded plastic caps and lids, sorting to remove debris and for delivery to recycling plant where the
plastic is sold. The money earned is used to purchase wheelchairs for disabled children. The
international charity also gives away trained service dogs. If you would like to help we have a basket
in the back of Church to put your caps in. There is also a flyer explaining how the campaign works.
The Knights of Columbus Corporate Communion will be Sunday, October 19th. You and your
family are encouraged to sit in the marked pews in the front.
St. Mary’s in Bremond will be hosting its Annual Homecoming on Sunday, October 19th.
Dinner will be served from 11:30am to 3:00pm. Bar-B-Q Polish Sausage and Beef with all
trimmings, drink, and dessert for $9.00 a plate. Plates to go available. Bar-B-Q Beef and Chicken by
the pound at the Pit.
St. Stephen Parish in Salado will host its Fall Festival October 19th, BBQ Dinner starting at
11:00 to 1:30. Games, Cakewalk, Crafts for kids, Silent Auction, Mexican Food, Raffle Drawing,
Climbing Wall. Face Painting, Live Auction 1:00pm.
Each family is asked to donate:
$20 to help defray cost of chickens
Two or three cakes (on foil-covered cardboard, not cupcakes)
Home-made items for the Altar Society booth (Bread & cookies sell well.)
Auction items
Sunday, 10/12/14
5:30 am Begin frying chicken
8:00 am Cut cakes, preparation
9:30 am Report for work in kitchen
Monday, 10/13/14
7:00 am Cleanup
General Information:
 Coordination of all parishioners’ availability and work times is not an easy task. We try to
place people in their desired positions; yet we must be careful not to allow overlap so all
stations have adequate coverage. If you would like to be placed in a different position next
year, let us know and we will try to accommodate your request. For this year, however,
please show up at your appointed time or exchange with someone else – but please let your
chairperson know of your plans.
 Chairpersons of events/activities/food are shown in italics. East line is designated E, west
line is designated W, to go lines are designated TG1 and TG2.
 All ladies are asked to bring a craft item, home-baked goodies, or home-canned items for the
Altar Society Booth.
 If you are not on the work list, please contact Renae Willberg at 584-4003.
 Saturday – your choice of jobs. Please help where needed until all the jobs are done.
 Butchering at Westphalia Market – bring knives.
 Season chicken at the BBQ pit
 Fry cracker crumbs or cut cabbage in the hall.
 Sunday
 Please begin cooking early enough to have food ready to serve at 10:30.
 Be at your station at your appointed time. Check with your chairperson if in doubt about
your designated time or work area or if you need relief.
 Bring two or three cakes.
 Monday – cleanup!
 Please join the cleanup crews to get things back in order. Cooperation and a willing
hand will allow everyone to get finished earlier.
 Let’s all work together to make the day enjoyable for all those who support us. Wear a
friendly SMILE!
 Let’s all work together to make a successful and enjoyable day. Wear a friendly SMILE for
all our friends and neighbors!
Church of the Visitation
Westphalia, Texas
144 County Road 3000, Lott, Texas 76656
254-584-4983 or 254-275-4488
Email: [email protected]
Diocese website:
Rev. Walter Dhanwar, IMS - Pastor
Bishop Joe S. Vásquez – Diocese of Austin
Deacon Bill Smetana
Deacon Charlie Wright
Deacon Julian Tyboroski
Saturday Mass – 6:00 pm
Sunday Mass – 8:00 am
Reconciliation: Sat. 5:20 pm - 5:50 pm and Sun. 7:20 am – 7:50 am