here - Acomb Flower Guild

May 2015
May Practice Night
Welcome to Audrey Foster, our judge this evening, who will be judging exhibits in
the following categories:
Novice: Place in the Country; Intermediate: All on a Summers Day &
Advanced: Far Away Places (no niche)
Book of Condolence & Trophy in Memory of Nellie Tierney
Please leave a message in the condolence book tonight in memory of our
founder member Nellie, who recently passed away. We will also have a new
Novice trophy in Nellie’s memory, awarded to the Novice with the highest number
of points.
Congratulations and a big thank you to
Margaret Titman and Jan Gardner on a
fantastic club class exhibit at the Harrogate
Spring Show. A huge amount of detailed work
went into the design, which celebrated the first
wedding anniversary (Paper) in intricately
folded and rolled newspaper, anthuriums and
gyp! They achieved 4th place in the club
class. Well done!
George Smith Visit 16 June Info
We will meet at 7.20pm in the gravelled yard
of The Manor House, Heslington, YO10 5EA
(next door to the Deramore Arms). Parking is
available nearby in The Stables Staff car park,
University of York, Main St. Heslington. Turn
first right opposite Charles XII pub. There is
no designated disabled parking unfortunately
and George’s talk will take place in his
Granary Studio up a stone flight of steps.
St Crux Fundraiser 16 September
Thank you to everyone that has volunteered
to help so far. The fundraiser is a crucial part
of our income, without which we would need
to increase subs by £18 per head to cover the
cost of running the club.
Open Demonstrations
Income for Janet James demonstration:
Ticket sales £220 + Raffle £133 + Tea & coffee £17 = Total Income: £370
Costs for Janet James demonstration:
Hall hire: £125 + Flyers £26 + Demonstrator £622 = Total costs: £773
Loss of £403
We hope you will understand and support our decision to charge members £8 for
Open demonstrations from November 2015.
AGM Change of Date
This year’s AGM will take place at the November meeting instead of September.
Accounts, minutes of the last AGM and other information will be available at the
October meeting and the trophy winners will be announced at our July meeting.
Titles for Practice Nights
We are starting to think about titles for forthcoming Practice Nights and would like
to encourage members to come up with suggested titles for the categories
Novice, Intermediate and Advanced. Please let Jan Gardner know your ideas.
Call for Volunteers
Please sign up on the lists at the back if you can help with any of the following:
Arranging flowers at Holy Trinity (June-Nov)
Coffee Morning at Acomb Methodist Church (Sat 13 June)
St Crux fundraiser (Wed 16 Sept) We need 45 volunteers for 2-3 hr shifts!
Refreshments & running the shop on club nights
New Committee members: Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Chairman & Chairman
Please continue to support Cartridge World in Front Street, Acomb,
who print this newsletter free of charge.