ALBURY PUBLIC SCHOOL PROUD Member of the crossing point learning community Week 2 Term 4 15 October, 2014 [email protected] Relieving Principal: Carolyn Howard Rel. Deputy Principal: Gail Eckley 481 David St Albury NSW 2640 Ph 60213849 Dear All SWIM SCHOOL- Once again Albury Public Thurs 16 10:20am K-2 Assembly- Councillors School and the Riverina School Sports 12:00noon 3-6 Assembly- 5/6AKB Association will be offering a learn-to-swim program for Fri 17 PSSA Summer Sport students in Years 2-6 in Weeks 8 and 9, commencing 24 commences November. This program offers students the opportunity to Mon 20 6:00pm BUSHWAHZEE- KWD,KWB, develop their swimming skills under the instruction of qualified 1MN,1MH,2MWM,3CK,3CC,4LJH, 5AB, (AUSTSWIM) instructors and school staff. An expression of 5/6AKB,6AP interest note has been sent home today. Please note priority Tues 21 will be given to students who are not yet able to confidently 6:00pm BUSHWAHZEE– KWC,KWS, 1MM,2MC,2MH,3CM,4LB,4MCH,4/5LM,5LN, swim a distance of 25 metres. Swimming is a vital skill for our students, particularly as we live near waterways. If your child 5/6AB,6ACP Thurs 23 Grandparents Day will benefit from these lessons please complete and return the 10:20am K-2 Assembly- KWD note to the class teacher by Friday 31 October (Wk 4). Please 12:00noon 3-6 Assembly- 4LB note late applications cannot be accepted. CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY(CSU)- We enjoy a very positive relationship with CSU and often welcome Education degree students into our classes to complete their practicums. Currently Mr Davey is working with Miss Macleod and 4/5LM for the next three weeks. Yesterday Year 1- 4 students enjoyed several puppet and drama performances performed by third year CSU students. The performances were based on multiculturalism. GOLD CERTIFICATES- Students please bring in your five blue certificates to receive a gold certificate. French, sports and friendship awards can also be submitted. Five gold certificates are to be submitted to your class teacher so you can receive an invitation to the special Gold Morning Tea with myself, Mrs Eckley and your parents. The morning tea will be held on Wednesday 26 November. VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS- We are still accepting payments of the 2014 School Voluntary Contribution of $40 per student. These voluntary contributions are used to supplement educational resources and programs in our school. Our school would welcome your contribution as this will significantly enhance the resources made available to our students. If you are unsure as to whether you have already paid please enquire at the front office. The payment can be made through the Parent Online Payment facility. SPORTS NEWS- Last week I omitted mentioning that Natalie Gibbons will also be competing at her fourth State Carnival tomorrow when she competes at the State Athletics Carnival in Sydney. Congratulations Natalie this is an outstanding achievement. A reminder that PSSA sport commences this Friday morning. I am sure all participants and spectators will follow the PSSA code of conduct and be wonderful representatives for our school. SUN SAFE POLICY- Being Term 4, students are reminded that they must wear a school hat whenever they are in the playground. Our school enforces the ‘no hat- play in the shade’ sunsafe policy. If students do not have a hat they must play under the COLA or in the shade. We would appreciate your cooperation in ensuring your children wears their hat to school and that their hat is clearly labelled with their name. BUSHWAHZEE- I am looking forward to seeing lots of students and families at the evening performances of Bushwahzee’s ‘Band Of Pirates’ either next Monday or Tuesday night. Please support the P & C sausage sizzle commencing at 5:00pm each night. Grandparents and family friends are also invited. Don’t forget to wear your pirate clothes and eye patches! STAFF NEWS- Our congratulations and best wishes go to Mrs Karlee Nolan and her husband Steve, on the safe arrival of their baby daughter Pippa, who was born in the early hours of Monday morning. Our staff baby tally this year is two boys and two girls!!! Carolyn Howard, Principal (Rel.) Dates for the Diary PSSA SUMMER SPORT- PSSA Summer competition commences this week. Please ensure students have returned their Permission Notes and their Code of Conduct to their team coach. Teams will leave Albury Public School at approximately 9:00am and will return at 11:00am each Friday. Students will pay their $3.00 for the bus, at the Annexe each Friday morning, before they leave. Thank you again to our PSSA coaches and to those who have assisted in organising our teams. Chris Bourke, Coordinator. BUSHWAHZEE- FRIENDLY REMINDER– a reminder that all payments for BUSHWAHZEE are due tomorrow (Thursday 16 October). This is a wonderful opportunity for students and staff to be involved in musical activities. Students are encouraged to come dressed as a pirate on either Monday or Tuesday, depending on which day their class is attending. (See dates for the diary). This visiting performance is part of our Creative Arts Program and we would encourage all students to participate. Gail Eckley, Deputy Principal. (Rel.) GRANDPARENTS DAY - Thursday 23 October 2014. Everyone has fond memories of their Nan and Pop, Ma and Pa or Gran and Grandad. To celebrate the unconditional love and support they provide us with, we would like to invite your child’s grandparent/s to our school on Thursday 23 October. Classrooms will be open for Grandparents to come in and share a positive learning experience with their grandchildren. Tea and coffee will be provided in the gym at recess. Years 3-610:15am – 11:00am Tea and Coffee11:00am – 11:20am in the gym Years K – 211:30am – 12:15pm Rachel Johnson, Assistant Principal (Rel.) 2015 STUDENT COUNCILLORS- Stage 3 students will be invited to nominate candidates for Student Councillor positions in 2015. Nominations will be held on Thursday 23 October and Friday 24 October. Candidates are then required to prepare a small poster/profile (a template will be provided) about themselves for submission to Miss Brooker by Friday 31 October. These profiles will be on display in the windows of the West Building throughout Weeks 5 and 6. Candidates will also be required to deliver a short speech (no longer than one minute) that will be presented to students in Years 3, 4 and 5 in Week 6. Students in Years 3, 4 and 5 will then vote for 12 councillors on Monday 17 November. Ms Howard will meet with all the candidates on Friday 21 November to announce the successful councillors. Badges will be awarded to each of the Councillors on Presentation Day. The School Captains and Vice Captains will also be announced on Presentation Day. Jess Brooker, Assistant Principal (Rel). INVITATION TO PERFORMERS FOR THE ALBURY PUBLIC SCHOOL FAMILY FUN FAIR As you are aware our Albury Public School Family Fun Fair is fast approaching and we will be having our Centre Stage set up with entertainment for the afternoon. We are asking for submissions from instrumentalists, singers and dancers to include in our program. As we have already secured a number of performances from some of our fantastic local dance school already, places will be limited. If you are interested in performing, please contact the front office for the submission forms. We will respond to all submissions. Submissions need to be handed into the school office by 22 October. (Any further questions please call Andrea on 0400 491 903.) ALBURY SHOW- Thank you to the many wonderful show entries that have been brought in so far. Please note that the last day for entries is Wednesday 22 October. The items should be temporarily labelled with the students’ name and class and taken to the 4LB classroom. You will be able to see your child’s/childrens’ entry on display in the J.J. Wright Pavilion (Showgrounds) Saturday 1 & Sunday 2 November. Chris Bourke , Coordinator. BOOK CLUB- We have an unclaimed order at the front office. It is quite a large order (6 items) please call in to the front office if you are missing your order. Gold Certificates Congratulations to:Lenny Koller, Jordyn Hopkins, Taylan King, Mia Johannis, Jack Kelso, Bidish Chouhan, Meg Campbell and Jonah Mobbs WEDNESDAY SPECIAL! 22/10/14 Thurs Fri Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 11:00am- 1:30pm 9:00- 11:30am 12:001:30pm 12:001:30pm 11:001:30pm 9:001:30pm 9:00- 11:30am Carmel Belinda Taylor 11:00-1:30pm Amber Rodd Annie Phothisomphane Luke Brown Kim Porta Marion Baines LeAnne Smith 11:00-1:30pm HELPER NEEDED Cheese Toastie Sub and a Milkshake (Full roll cut in 1/2 with melted cheese) Thank you to everyone for your help. Don’t forget that sauce is 20c extra when ordering lunches. Rachael and Ali, 60212370. P & C NEWS THE MANGO FUNDRAISER- It is approaching mango season again. If you would like to purchase a tray of delicious mangoes please fill in the order form and return it to the front office with your payment by Wednesday 29 October. They make a great early Christmas present for friends, family or co-workers and are a wonderful lunch box snack. Order forms went out with today’s newsletter, however if you didn’t receive one you can pick one up from the school office or download one from the school website. For more information phone Lou Newman 0408 709960 BUSHWAHZWEE SAUSAGE SIZZLE The P & C will be providing a sausage sizzle prior to the Bushwahzee performances on Monday and Tuesday nights. Sausage in bread and drinks will be available from 5:00pm so skip cooking for one night and come down a little early and support the P & C! COMMUNITY NEWS LOCAL ABORIGINAL EDUCATION CONSULTATIVE GROUP- The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 22 October and will be the AGM. Please contact Aileen Williams at [email protected] for further information. JUNIOR GALLERY ART CLASSES– Commencing Monday 13 October at Albury Public School. All materials are provided. Please visit the website or ring 0414 392 459 for further information. 1-2-3 MAGIC PARENT COURSE– Learn how to manage challenging and testing behaviours, how to discipline without arguing, yelling or smacking and seven tactics for encouraging good behaviour. For more information contact Centacare on 6051 0222. Bookings are essential CAMP QUALITY exCARpade is coming to Albury– Saturday 25 October at 3:00pm . Themed cars travel from Broken Hill to Albury. The teams have been raising money all year for Camp Quality to help kids living with cancer. Come along and enjoy the parade, the noise and the fun that is EsCARpade. WODONGA CHILDREN’S FAIR 2014– Sunday 26 October from 10:00am to 3:00pm at the Wodonga Racecourse, Hamilton Smith Drive, Wodonga. For further information phone 6022 9300 or visit MIDNIGHT BASKETBALL– PCYC Midnight Basketball commences Friday 17 October from 7:30pmMIDNIGHT. Ages 12—18 years. Register online at I love my nana and poppy because they play with me and they give me ice-cream. Jasmine Butterworth. Grandma and Grandpa love me because they are kind to me. Eliza Stevens My Grandpa and Grandma play with me and take me to the ice-cream shop. My Grandpa gives me ice-cream Brooklyn Phothisomphane and takes me to the park. Eliza Pope I love Grandma because she has curly hair. Layne Griparis 11:30am - 12:15pm Yrs K - 2 10:15am - 11:00am Yrs 3 - 6 My Grandma and Grandpa love me and I love them. They come to my house. Charlie Hood.
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