Direktorat Produktivitas dan Kewirausahaan (Dit. Prowira) Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Pelatihan dan Produktivitas Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi R.I Sekretariat Lembaga Produktivitas Nasional Dit. Prowira, Ditjen Binalattas Kemnakertrans National Productivity Organisation for Indonesia Dit. Prowira, Ditjen Binalattas Kemnakertrans PENINGKATAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PRODUKTIVITAS, melalui Green Productivity Pokok Bahasan • Konsepsi Produktivitas • Tantangan Peningkatan Produktivitas di Indonesia • Peran Produktivitas • Strategi Peningkatan Produktivitas • NPO Indonesia dan Program-program Peningkatan Produktivitas di Indonesia • International Resources Peningkatan Produktivitas di Indonesia • Green Productivity Konsepsi Produktivitas Konsepsi Produktivitas Asal muasal kata “produktivitas” Produktivitas bukan hal yang baru. Tulisan mengenai “produtivitas” pertama kali muncul sekitar tahun 400an. Pada tahun 1400-an, tulisan mengenai produktivitas “an efficient assembly line” muncul di Venice. Pada tahun 1800-an, peran pekerja dalam produktivitas telah diketahui, namun baru pada tahun 1900-an, pendekatan modern terhadap produktivitas melalui proses di industri tercipta Mulai saat itu, kata “produktivitas” menjadi terkenal dan banyak digunakan (the best-used and abused word) dalam vokabulari para manajer dan politikus Konsepsi Produktivitas Peningkatan Produktivitas (dahulu • Peningkatan produktivitas tenaga kerja dulu berarti kala) bekerja lebih cepat, lebih keras atau lebih lama • Kesehatan dan akibatnya Keselamatan Kerja terabaikan dalam operasional. Dengan bekerja lebih keras, lebih cepat atau dengan menambah waktu kerja berarti • Mengabaikan sumber akibatnya output yang dihasilkan akan lebih banyak. daya/input lainnya Cara meningkatkan produktivitas yang paling terkenal adalah melalui peningkatan input tenaga kerja, sementara input yang lain tidak pernah dimasukkan dalam variabel pengukuran. Beberapa hasil survey yang membandingkan tingkat produktivitas antara satu negara dengan negara lain yang ada juga hanya menggunakan input tenaga kerja. productivity improvement requires the optimal use of all resources; manpower – machinery – materials and money. Not only simply manpower alone Pengertian Produktivitas Improving productivity is not only necessary to the economic survival of an organization, but also a national prosperity. It also provides a new and absorbing dimension to our job – a constant challenge to do it better Productivity improvement requires the optimal use of all resources; - manpower – machinery – materials – and money, not only simply manpower alone Productivity does not mean : 1). Working harder, unless people are loafing on the job. 2). Cutting costs, unless this can be done without affecting quality. 3). Reducing staffs or workers, unless your market is shrinking. 4). Extra work for managers – its part of their job, 5). Employing specialist – it’s a job for evryone …to improve efficiency and utilization of resources in their organization One of fundamental principles of productivity improvement is that the productivity of existing process should be measured in as much detail as possible before any attempt to improve it is made Pengertian Produktivitas Definisi Filosofis : SIKAP MENTAL yang selalu memandang bahwa mutu kehidupan HARI INI HARUS LEBIH BAIK DARI HARI KEMARIN dan HARI ESOK HARUS LEBIH BAIK DARI HARI INI Definisi ekonomis – nilai tambah : Kemampuan bagaimana agar perolehan hasil yang dicapai (output) adalah yang sebesar-besarnya, dengan pengorbanan sumber daya yang digunakan (input) adalah yang sekecil-kecilnya Definisi teknis-matematis : Perbandingan antara Output (hasil yang diperoleh – dapat berupa barang atau jasa) dengan Input (seluruh sumber daya yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan output seperti manpower, machinery, material and money) P = O/I Pengertian Produktivitas Produktif, berarti : EFISIEN Suatu ukuran dalam membandingkan penggunaan masukan (Input) yang direncanakan dengan penggunaan masukan yang sebenarnya terjadi EFEKTIF Suatu ukuran dalam membandingkan realisasi target dapat tercapai baik secara kualitas maupun waktu BERKUALITAS Ukuran yang menyatakan tercapainya spesifikasi dan atau harapan konsumen persyaratan, Peningkatan Produktivitas Cara meningkatkan produktivitas 1. Tingkatkan input, dengan catatan peningkatan output yang terjadi jauh lebih besar, atau 2. Input tetap, namun output yang dihasilkan meningkat, atau 3. Turunkan input, dengan catatan turunnya output yang dihasilkan jauh lebih sedikit, atau 4. Turunkan input, namun output tetap, atau 5. Turunkan input, namun output yang dihasilkan bertambah Tantangan Produktivitas saat ini Challenges; national and global • Unemployment (6.25% in 2013) • Low educated of labor force, mostly in agriculture sector • Low skilled labor force • Poor work ethic of labor force • Low of national productivity, labor productivity • Middle income country trap • ASEAN economic community, 2015 National Productivity Movement is A MUST Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia Employment Figures; August 2013 Employee = 110,80 jt (93,75%) Labor Force = 118.19 m (66,90%) Agriculture = 38.07m (34.36%) Manufacture = 14.88m (13.43%) Construction = 6.28m ( 5.67%) Trade = 23.74m (21.43%) Transportation = 5.04m ( 4.55%) Others = 20.97m (20.56%) ≤ Primary = 52.02m (46.95%) Secondary = 20.46m (18.46%) High School = 17.84m (16.10%) Vocational = 9.99m ( 9.02%) Diploma = 2.92m ( 2,64%) Bachelor = 7.57m ( 6.83%) Unemployment = 7,39 jt (6,25 %) Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia ≤ Primary Secondary High School Vocational Diploma 12 Universities = = = = = = 1.89 m 1.68 m 1.93 m 1.26 m 0,19 m 0,44 m (25,58%) (22,73%) (26,12%) (17,05%) ( 2,57%) ( 5.95%) Labor Productivity Figure; More to quantity-oriented production than quality-oriented production is a cause of low labor productivity 2.9 Labor productivity growth decreasing during period 1990-2011 Labor Productivity Growth (GDP per labor, 2011) National productivity growth in 2011 is similar to Japan Productivity Growth in the era of 1950-1960 Source: APO Databook 2013 Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia 3.5 2.4 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT and PRODUCTIVITY Indonesia To achieve 7% of GDP growth, Indonesia should increase labor productivity 60% higher than the periode of 2000-2010 Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia NEED “EXTRA EFFORTS” TO AVOID MIDLE INCOME TRAP Income per capita (US$) 18000 Innovation Driven Economy Shifting up to competitiveness 16000 14000 12000 Extra Efforts 10000 8000 Efficiency Driven Economy STAGE 2 6000 4000 Business as usual 2000 2010 2013 2016 Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia 2019 2022 2025 Peran Produktivitas Produktivitas dan Daya Saing EVOLUSI DAYA SAING NEGARA-NEGARA ASEAN 2006 s/d 2014 Source : The Global Competitiveness Index Report 2013-2014 POSISI DAYA SAING INDONESIA DENGAN NEGARA LAIN Berdasarkan The Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013 dan 2013-2014 Countries/Economies GCI 2013-2014 Score (1-7) GCI 2012-2013 Score (1-7) GCI 2011-2012 Singapore 2 5,61 2 5,67 2 Japan 9 5,40 10 5,40 9 Taiwan 12 5,29 13 5,28 13 Malaysia 24 5,03 25 5,06 21 Korea 25 5,01 19 5,12 24 Brunei Darussalam 26 4,95 28 4,87 28 China 29 4,84 29 4,83 26 Thailand 37 4,54 38 4,52 39 Indonesia 38 4,53 50 4,40 46 Philippines 59 4,29 65 4,25 75 India 60 4,28 59 4,32 56 Sri Lanka 65 4,22 68 4,19 52 Vietnam 70 4,18 75 4,11 65 Lao PDR 81 4,08 Cambodia 88 4,01 85 4,01 97 Bangladesh 110 3,71 118 3,65 108 Nepal 117 3,66 125 3,49 125 Myanmar 135 3,40 Timor Leste 138 3,25 136 3,27 131 GCI Indonesia 2013-2014 Source : The Global Competitiveness Index Report 2013-2014 MENGANGKAT PRODUKTIVITAS SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA UNTUK MENCAPAI KEUNGGULAN DAYA SAING Peningkatan produktivitas menuju keunggulan kompetitif akan dicapai seiring dengan upaya memperkuat kemampuan sumber daya manusia berbasis inovasi. Warisan ekonomi berbasis sumber daya alam yang bertumpu pada labor intensive perlu ditingkatkan secara bertahap menuju skilled labor intensive dan kemudian menjadi human capital intensive. Peningkatan kemampuan modal manusia yang menguasai Iptek sangat diperlukan ketika Indonesia memasuki tahap innovation-driven economies. MENCIPTAKAN EFISIENSI DI SEMUA SEKTOR MELALUI PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS SEBAGAI LANDASAN PERTUMBUHAN INOVASI Attention Weight Basic requirements: •Institutions •Infrastructure •Macroeconomic stability •Health and primary education Keys for Factor Driven Economies 60% 35% 5% Indonesia 2013 Efficiency enhancers: •Higher education and training •Goods market efficiency •Labor market efficiency •Financial market sophistication •Technological readiness •Market size Innovation and sophistication factors: •Business sophistication •Innovation Keys for Efficiency Driven Economies 40% 50% 10% Indonesia 2025 Keys for Innovation Driven Economies 20% 50% 30% Strategi Peningkatan Produktivitas GERAKAN PRODUKTIVITAS NASIONAL STRATEGI BERORIENTASI KEPADA “INPUT” STRATEGI BERORIENTASI KEPADA PRODUKTIVITAS MENDORONG - MANAJEMEN YANG LEBIH BAIK - TEKNOLOGI BARU - INOVASI MELALUI KONTRIBUSI TFP YANG TINGGI & MENCIPTAKAN PERTUMBUHAN STRATEGI DASAR • Penyadaran (awareness) • Peningkatan (improvement) • Pemeliharaan (Maintenance) • Pemerintah • Dunia Usaha • Masyarakat Strategi Dasar Peningkatan Produktivitas PERBAIKAN SISTEM MANAJEMEN dan BIROKRASI INOVASI TECHONOLOGI dan ENGINEERING KOMITMEN, KONSISTENSI DAN KONTINUITAS PENINGKATAN KUALITAS SDM PENGEMBANGAN BUDAYA PRODUKTIF STRATEGI DASAR PENATAAN BIROKRASI & MANAJEMEN INOVASI TEKNOLOGI PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS KAPITAL IKLIM USAHA KONDUSIF PENINGKATAN KUALITAS SDM PENGEMBANGAN BUDAYA PRODUKTIF PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS SDM PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS TOTAL • • • • Metoda : A I M INDIVIDU PERUSAHAAN PEMERINTAH MASYARAKAT KESEJAHTERAAN PERTUMBUHAN DAYA SAING NPO Indonesia dan Program Peningkatan Produktivitas NPO Indonesia; programs and activities • Organization Chart • History • Programs and Activities NPO Indonesia, Directorate of Productivity and Entrepreneurship is subordinate body of Directorate General of Manpower and Transmigration, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration RI Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia Organization Chart Minister of Manpower and Transmigration RI Inspectorate Secretariat General General Research and Information Board Directorate General of Training and Productivity Directorate General of Labor Inspection Directorate General of Training and Productivity Alternate Director Directorate of Competency Standard and Training Programs Directorate General of Industrial Relation and Social Security Directorate General of Placement Directorate of Training Providers and Training Facilities Directorate General of Development of Transmigration Community APO Director Secretariat of Directorate General of Training and Productivity Directorate of Apprenticeship Directorate General of Development of Transmigration Region Productivity and Entrepreneurship Promotion and Cooperation Directorate of Instructors Directorate of Productivity and Entrepreneurship Productivity Improvement Methods Productivity Measurement Entrepreneurship Development Implementing Agencies; Vocational Training Centers and Productivity Training Centers Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia The History of NPO Institutional Building in Indonesia Directore For Productivity Development was changed into Directorate For Productivity and Entrepreneurship Development Periode I (Before Crisis) 2014 2007 National Productivity Centre was changed into Manpower Productivity Centre Manpower Productivity Cente was changed into Directorate For Productivity Development 2005 2003 2001 1996 Establishing National and Provincial Productivity Council 1988 1993 1986 1984 1968 Establishing National Productivity Centre with in Ministry of Manpower following President Instruction No.15/1968 Formally Joining APO member country Hosting ‘The 5th world Productivity Congress” Declared April month became Productivity and Quality Month of the country Productivity and Quality Month was moved from April to November Establising Productivity Improvement Service Centre in acompany to Directorate For Productivity Develoment Establising Coordination Tem For Productivity Improvement with in Coordinating Ministry For Econimic Development Establishing National Productivity Board By Presidencial Regulation following Manpower Law No.13/2003 Periode II (Post Crisis) Programs and Activities Main duties of NPO : Providing materials for policy formulation, policy implementation, standardization, technical guidance and consultancy, and evaluation on productivity and entrepreneurship Productivity and Entrepreneurship Promotion and Cooperation Productivity and Entrepreneurship Promotion Productivity and Entrepreneurship Cooperation Productivity Improvement System and Method Productivity Improvement Method Productivity Improvement Tools Director Productivity Measurement Productivity Measurement Productivity Assessment and Analysis Entrepreneurship Training Entrepreneurship Development Programs and Activities 1. Productivity and Entrepreneurship Promotion (through seminar, workshop or conference, or media) 2. Secretariat of Indonesia Productivity Board 3. Liaison Office of APO (implementing agency for APO programs and activities) 4. Developing tools, techniques and methods to improve productivity (adopted from APO and developed base on Indonesia characteristic) 5. Applying and disseminating productivity improvement tools, techniques and methods to public and private sectors, including SMEs 6. Measuring national, regional and municipality productivity level 7. National and Regional Quality Assessment (Paramakarya Award and Sidhakarya Award – using malcolm baldridge criteria) 8. Productivity and Competitiveness Assessment and Analysis 9. Training for new entrepreneurs 10. Management consultancy to improve SMEs productivity level and competitiveness Management Consultancy Percentage of productivelabor force should increase than years before Number of labor force who are well-understood of productivity should increase than years before Number of sectors (public and private sectors) that implement productivity improvement tools, techniques and methods should increase than years before Number of sectors that measure their own productivity level and maintain it should increase than years before Number of New Entrepreneurs should increase than years before Number of productive and competitive SMEs should increase than years before Key Performance Indicators Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia UPAYA PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS DI INDONESIA A I M • Awareness • Improvement • Maintenance • Peningkatan pengetahuan akan alat, teknik dan metode peningkatan produktivitas • Diseminasi pengetahuan kepada pihak lain • Penerapan alat, teknik dan metode peningkatan produktivitas • Pengukuran Produktivitas Pendampingan; Monitoring dan Evaluasi, Bekerja sama dengan : Asian Productivity Organisation, APINDO, SP/SB, Lembaga Produktivitas Nasional, Kementerian Terkait, Pemerintah Daerah, dan unsur organisasi masyarakat lainnya Program Peningkatan Produktivitas Pemerintah Dunia Usaha Masyarakat Produktif dan Berdaya Saing • Pembangunan Awareness akan pentingnya produktivitas • Peningkatan produktivitas melalui penerapan alat, teknik dan metode produktivitas • Pembudayaan Produktivitas dan Pengukuran Produktivitas Masyarakat Unit Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Penerapan alat, teknik dan metode produktivitas - Pengukuran Wirausaha Baru Produktif Wirausaha Produktif dan Berdaya Saing PROGRAM-PROGRAM PENINGKATAN PRODUKTIVITAS Melalui DIREKTORAT PRODUKTIVITAS dan KEWIRAUSAHAAN; Balai Besar Pengembangan Produktivitas (BBPP) Bekasi dan Kendari; Dinas yang membidangi ketenagakerjaan di daerah dan Balai Pengembangan Produktivitas Daerah (BPPD) • Pelatihan Peningkatan Produktivitas (melatih peserta dan atau membimbing perusahaan/lembaga/pemerintah/desa untuk mengetahui dan memahami sehingga mampu menerapkan alat, teknik dan metode peningkatan produktivitas) • Pengukuran Produktivitas (melakukan penelitian – pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder untuk mengukur tingkat produktivitas perusahaan, kabupaten, provinsi dan nasional) • Pelatihan Kewirausahaan • Pembentukan dan Pengembangan Desa Produktif • Pemberian penghargaan kualitas dan produktivitas “SIDAKARYA” dan “PARAMAKARYA”, kepada perusahaan kecil dan menengah yang berprestasi karena mampu meningkatkan nilai tambah perusahaan melalui penerapan alat, teknik dan metode peningkatan produktivitas International Resources Peningkatan Produktivitas di Indonesia (Asian Productivity Organisation) APO Spirit: Contributing, Sharing, Supporting and Growing Together 20 member economies 1961 1963 1965 1966 1968 1969 1982 1983 1984 1992 1996 2002 2004 Republic of China India Japan Republic of Korea Nepal Pakistan Philippines Thailand Hong Kong Islamic Republic of Iran Sri Lanka Indonesia Singapore Bangladesh Malaysia No one member country possesses fully the knowledge Fiji and expertise on capabilities related to improving Mongolia productivity Vietnam Lao PDR Cambodia Approach to Improve Productivity Output Value-added, Sales, Profits, Quantity, Quality, etc. Climbing the productivity ladder through continuous innovation: • • • • • • Innovation Leap Incremental innovation Human Capital Exchange of ideas Technology Knowledge New Markets Creativity, etc. Objective is to help members acquire new knowledge and change mindsets Number of Employees, Hours worked, Wages, Funds, etc. Input Spirit of APO - through mutual assistance and cooperation, help members climb the productivity ladder 37 Five Key Roles of APO In serving its members, the APO performs five key roles: Think Tank, Catalyst, Regional Adviser, Institution Builder, and Clearinghouse for Productivity Information. • As a think tank, the APO conducts research on emerging needs of members for their follow-up and for determining appropriate assistance to them. • As a catalyst, the APO promotes bilateral and multilateral alliances among members and between them and others outside the APO region for collaboration in productivity-related activities for mutual benefit. • As a regional adviser, the APO surveys the economic and development policies and performance of each member and assists in formulating strategic changes for enhanced productivity and competitiveness. • As an institution builder, the APO strengthens the capability of the National Productivity Organizations (NPOs) and other institutions to provide productivity promotion, training, and consultancy services to the public and private sectors. • As a clearinghouse for productivity information, the APO facilitates the dissemination and exchange of information on productivity among its members and other stakeholders. 39 MISSION, VISION and STRATEGIC DIRECTION Mission Contribute to the sustainable socioeconomic development of Asia and the Pacific through enhancing productivity Vision To be the leading international organization on productivity enhancement, enabling APO economies to be more productive and competitive by 2020 Strategic Directions Strengthen NPOs and promote the development of SMEs and communities Catalyze innovationled productivity growth Promote Green Productivity Institutional Strategies I. Increase operational efficiency and organizational effectiveness II. Expand cooperation with global and regional organizations III. Increase the number of member countries Classification of projects Classification and Description of APO Project s (Part 1) Project/ Feature Objective Output Target Participants TRC WSP Impart knowledge and practical skills based on an established body of knowledge following a structure curriculum to improve competency and performance. Teach or test the application(s) of new tools, techniques, methodologies and modules for problem solving and get inputs from the participants for enhancement or developing action plans/agenda for future . Training manual/ learning module Recommendations/ Action Plan/ Guidelines, learning modules Homogenous group of participants in terms of work experience with basic knowledge of the subject or topic . Mixed group of participants with good knowledge of the subject or topic. CON CON-Share or disseminate new knowledge , best practices, and research findings, in a field , subject or topic. FRM – Share views and knowledge on current and emerging productivity related issues , the implications and the potential solutions. Reports/ Proceedings , resolutions, technical papers Mixed group of senior level officials, industry leaders, mangers, academics, with advanced knowledge and experience in the subject or topic . OSM RES Provide opportunity to learn based on direct observations of application of best practices, innovations and advanced technologies In depth study requiring gathering and analysis of data to address specific productivity related issues. Recommendations / Report, Action Plan/ Research report, publications, electronic database Mixed group of senior level officials, industry leaders, academics, with good knowledge or experience in the subject or topic . Individuals who meet the required qualifications and experience. 42 Classification and Description of APO Project s (Part 2) Project/ Feature TRC* WSP CON OSM RES Paper Requirement Case study maybe required Country paper/report required Issue paper maybe required Country paper/ report maybe required Inception report maybe required Site/ Company Visit Required Required Optional Required ( 6080% of the time) Optional Duration Notes: 5-30 days 4-5 days 3-4 days 5-7 days Up to 1 year inclusive of 3 days coordination meeting * Excluding e-learning 43 Program lainnya : • Technical Expert Services (TES) • Development of Demonstration Companies (DMP) • Observational Study Mission (OSM) • Research (RES) 44 Green Productivity, salah satu alat, teknik dan metode peningkatan produktivitas di Industri Green Productivity Melestarikan lingkungan Integrated Concept Upaya peningkatan produktivitas yang dilakukan secara bersamaan atau dengan memperhatikan upaya penurunan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan Improving productivity at the same time reducing negative impact to the environment Productivity Improvement Enviromental Protection Definisi Green Productivity “a strategy for enhancing productivity and environmental performance for sustainable socio-economic development. It is the application of appropriate productivity and environmental management tools, techniques and technologies to reduce the environmental impact of organization’s activities for products and services”. Konsep Green Productivity GREEN PRODUCTIVITY Ensure Profitability Enhance Quality of Life Reduces Environmental Impact 3 kata kunci yang digunakan untuk mendefinisikan GP secara formal : Melakukan bisnis menggunakan “water logic”, yang tanpa pengecualian. Harus selalu berupaya untuk mengurangi penggunaan energi. Semakin sedikit energi digunakan, semakin sedikit cost yang dikeluarkan dan energi akan tersedia lebih banyak bagi orang lain. Save money and help community STRATEGI sustainability PRODUKTIVITAS DAN LINGKUNGAN Finding a way to produce efficiently, perform effectively, share equitably and show profitably • Continous improvement (mengukur saat ini berada pada level mana, dan kedepannya ingin mencapai level pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi). • Mengurangi penggunaan hal2 yg tdk dibutuhkan atau mengurangi kesalahan, jadi harus dianalisa hal2 yang menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan. • Tdk ada pengganti dari penggunaan energi yang salah. Total sumber daya di bumi adalah tetap (fix), dan hanya berasal dari satu tempat yaitu bumi. Energi yg digunakan hanya berasal dari satu sumber, yaitu matahari SOCIOECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • Pertumbuhan berkelanjutan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. • Semua pihak dalam supply chain akan menang dgn GP. • Bisnis yg selalu memperhatikan standar ekonomi sekaligus lingkungan dan sosial, akan berdampak pada performan keuangan • Inovasi adalah pendorong utama pertumbuhan ekonomi, dimana jika dikombinasikan dgn GP akan menjadi pintu bagi masa depan yang berkelanjutan 3 fokus utama GP ENVIRONMENT (sustainable development) GP QUALITY (Voice of Customer) PROFITABILITY (Factor Inputs) Karakteristik Green Productivity • Melibatkan semua pihak (pekerja, management dan mayarakat luas) • Memenuhi aturan untuk melindungi lingkungan terkadang sangat sulit dilakukan suatu industri. • Dengan penerapan GP, otomatis aturan perlindungan lingkungan akan selalu dipenuhi • Continous improvement (KAIZEN) melalui PDCA. • Including Environmental improvement Integrated people – based Approach Productivity Improvement Environmental Compliance Informationdriven Improvement • Dokumentasi dan Pelaporan akan membuat performance organisasi akan selalu diukur dan dievaluasi 6 Prinsip Utama Green Productivity Accountability Ecological Principles Polluter Pays Responsibility Precautionary Approach Integrated Strategy Profitability Productivity Principles Competitive Advantage Cost Effectiveness People Building • Akuntabilitas, selalu berupaya agar apapun tindakan yang kita ambil atau apapun keputusan yang dibuat harus dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Selalu menuju pada perbaikan lingkungan, penurunan biaya dan pengurangan resiko. Akuntabilitas perusahaan akan meningkat, mampu menjaga market image, menjadi kredibel, positive di mata regulator dan konsumen. • Kesalahan atau bentuk perusakan di perusahaan juga akan menyebabkan perusakan pada lingkungan, menimbulkan damage cost (mengganti yg rusak, penerapan teknologi baru, ganti rugi/bayar denda/bayar pajak). • Mengatasi negatif consequences, dengan polluter prevention, cleaner production, source reduction, akan mengurangi dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. • Generate profits dengan menghemat penggunaan bahan baku. • Establish dan maintain market position, (harga dan kualitas produk). Jika dikombinasikan dengan environmental protection, akan menghasilkan new bussiness opportunity – including environmental quality • Peningkatan awareness staff dan komitmen manajemen – benefit dan cost - cost dan resiko Green Productivity Framework … suatu framework yang terbuka untuk mengkombinasikan berbagai pendekatan yang telah teruji terkait dengan eco-efficiency, cleaner production dan pollution prevention. 2 key components Serangkaian tools yang digunakan to rationalize the input – throughput-output focus Serangkaian kegiatan yang terkait dengan sustainable – sustainability through prosperity in economic development dan environmental protection Must be measurable Green Productivity Tools and Techniques Tools, suatu alat yang membantu kita untuk menggambarkan hal-hal yang mengarah pada suatu kesimpulan yang kuantitatif maupun kualitatif Techniques, suatu metoda yang menghasilkan perbaikan/penyempurnaan dari suatu pekerjaan, dimengerti/dipahami/mampu dikerjakan oleh semua pihak, dari prosesnya, peralatannya, penggunaaan material dan energi, hasil produksi dan waste (hal-hal yang terbuang percuma) Green Productivity Methodology ….. Metodologi yang mengarah pada upaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan teknis dan lingkungan di industri manufaktur KAIZEN, PDCA, 3R, MFCA dll Thank You ……… Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Republic of Indonesia
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