Wymondham Village Hall 4 Church Lane, Wymondham, Leicestershire, LE14 2AB Wymondham Institute is a Charity Registration No: 702835 Minutes of Committee Meeting held in the Village Hall on Monday 6th October 2014 Minutes Members Present:- Jenny Weston, Tracky Cropper, Kay Drake, Derek Adams & Chris Bell. Apologies:- John Robertson, Robert Beech Last committee meeting on Monday 1.Sept 2014 minutes were read and agreed:Review of last Film “The Grand Budapest Hotel” Forty people came to this and a grand total of £110 was made. There are two Films in November. The first is 11th November and as it is the Centenary of the first world war, the film will be actual film made during that time.The second on 20th November is called PAGE EIGHT. More details to follow. Review of Produce show The produce show was well attended and Several people said they enjoyed it and would like to exhibit next year. A total of £158 profit was made plus about £30.00 on the bar. Ideas are already formulating for next year. Badminton meeting Six more people have expressed an interest in playing badminton The present group of players are up to capacity but another session could be started. Ian has now e-mailed them all to say that it is up to them organise themselves and get together to decide when they would like to play etc. Centre Stage. “Einstein” this Saturday 11th October 27 tickets have been sold so far which is just enough to cover costs.Need to try to get more people to come. Jenny has very kindly offered to stock and set up the bar. She will also provide food for the three artists. We need someone to do the bar. Chris & Graham will help set up tables etc and help wash up at the end. Tracky will be on the door checking ticket and collecting money from those paying on the night. Chris will provide a couple of raffle prizes and sell raffle tickets. Centre Stage Sunday 7th December 2014 Candlelit Christmas Concert More details to follow. WI Talk at the Village Hall Friday 17th October. The man from the shop at the back of the windmill is giving the WI a talk about making decorative containers for Christmas. They have asked us if we would like to run a bar. Jenny is happy to do this. Bar sink/Macerator Since we have still not moved forward on this problem we have now decided to pay someone to do the job of creating a proper drain out to the main drain at the front of the building and re-slabbing the whole of the front forecourt . We will get three quotes and decide then who is the cheapest and the quickest.. Kay will get quotes from Will Ashmore and Ben Wood? Chris will get a quote from Colin Mousley the builder who put in the disabled Loo and moved the bar. Coffee Mornings Actions The first coffee morning will be Tuesday 21.10.2014 from 10 – 12 John is organising this. Jenny is helping. Kay and Chris have volunteered to make cakes. Quiz Nights As Anne and Brian are no longer wanting to do these, it has been suggested that the village hall take them over. They will be on the 3rd Sunday of each month. We have agreed to do this and will keep to Sunday Night’s. The first two will be on Sunday 16th November & Sunday 21st December. We decided that profits from the raffle will mostly go to the village hall as we are a charity but would be open to suggestions from anyone trying to raise money in the village for a worthwhile cause. Breakfasts (Sunday Sizzlers) The first one will now be Sunday 26th October. It was agreed that these will be from 9am – 12 Noon. A full English will be £4.50p. Will also have a vegetarian option. Robert , Derek and Andy Peachy have offered to help. Robert has suggested that we have a sub committee for these. Will ask Jackie about newspapers. A.O.B Curtain tracks still need attention. Kay said she is going to bring down a roll of white carpet tape to wrap round the ends of the tracks. Good idea. Burns Night This will probably be on Friday 23rd January Chris will endeavour to book David Kirk the piperJenny asked if Duncan might want to wait on again or Nathanial or Talek perhaps. We agreed that we would pay them £4.00 an hour. John has said that he can’t make Mondays for a while. Could we possibly change the night. As previously agreed Jenny will purchase a microwave and will order this week. She will also purchase a thermos jug to help with keeping water hot for drinks. Bob & Annie Curtis have very kindly offered us an A3 laminater with some laminating pouches.Could be very useful. Walter Robertson has offerred us two mirrors. Could come in useful. Fridge in kitchen had been switch ed off with some food in it. Was very very manky to clean out. Jenny asked if we could perhaps leave it switched on as doesn’t take much electricity. All agreed. Robert has checked the oil and it is still half full. The P T A are using the hall on Saturday 6th December so will need to make sure they clear up early the next day, as we have a stage show on that day. Jenny said people have told her they have e-mailed her via the website but she hasn’t received them. Date of next meeting is Monday 3rd November 2014 in the village hall. Chris will endeavour to book David Kirk the bagpipe player. Chris will ask Duncan Chris will ask him how long this will be for to see if it is worth our changing the night. Jenny or Chris will let them know that we would like it. Chris will look into
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