20/10/2014 13:37 HERO MOTOCORP 91126152659 PAGE 01 1/ 5 I t Hero October 20, 2014 HMCL:ICK:11/14A:SECT:14 Fax/speed Post/Courier A Asst. Vice President, Listing Department, National Stock Exchange of India, The Secreta , BSE Limited, 2501 Flo , Phi e Jeejeebhoy Towers, "Exchange Plaza", Daial Street, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), *iumbal - 400 001. Mumbai - 400 051 \(... Dear Sir, Re: Press release the company in Please find attached herewith a copy of the Press release being issued by respect of inauguration of "Garden Factory" at Neemrana. Kindly take the same on record and acknowledge receipt. Thankingyou, Yours faithfully, for Hero Mo 09Vp Ltd. Upx ILAIVFC. KAMBOJ 09So. V.P. - Legal & Company Secretary Encl: as above Hero MotoCorp Ltd. Regd. Office: 34, Basant Lok, Vasant Vlhar, New Delhi-110057, India Tel. +91 11 26142451, 46044100, Fax +91 11 26143321,28143198 HeroMotoCorp.com Cir'd·1· '$91 1 1L1984PLCO17354 Email ID: [email protected] 20/10/2014 13:37 HERO MOTOCORP 91126152659 PAGE 02 75 I t Hero HERO MOTOCORP RIDES INTO A GREENER TOMORROW WITH GARDEN FACTORY" LINES UP TOTAL INVESTMENT OF OVER RS 5000 CR (USS 800 MILLION) IN BUILDING CAPACITY ACROSS THE GLOBE - BUILDS STATE-OF-THE-ART MANUFACTURING FACILITY ON CREEN CONCEPT' TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE GROWTH - INVESTS RS 1050 CRORE (USS 173 MILLION) IN WORLD-CLASS PRODUCTION UNIT & GLOBAL PARTS CENTRE (GPC) - STARTS PRODUCTION WITH INITIAL CAPACtTY OF 750,000 UNITS PER it ANNUM - AIMS TO DOUBLE PARTS BUSINESS TURNOVER TO RS 3000 CR (US$ 500 MILLION) IN 2-3 YEARS - (*f 1 --- Pawan Munjal Vice Chairmrin, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director Hero MotoCorp Ltd. 1 e 3."1.4/6,1 44, .i.3* 1.1. 1= \ 4 , '- - % 4. : "It is a momenlous occasion for vs as we synergise emironment and cutting-edge technology to umeil our fourth manufacturing unit, which is a garden of health and productivity. where we don'I only manufactlire products but also nurture life. We believe in giving back to the environment as much as we take,from il, And lhat is why Hero has kept the 'green concept' in fbcus while building this 'Garden Foctoiy'. A,9 leaders in the automotive indusity, we fully realise our responsibility as an opinion leader in the fast changing industrial environment. With the knowledge thal a cleaner, pollution-free environment is the only way forward, we are lishering in an era of change. Today, we are tiving Up to that commitment by umieiling the first of our 'Green Concept' mai,ufacturing unil which will serve as a template for our upcoming production»ilities to replicate. "Augmenting our capabilities, HMCL's highly-automated Global Parts Centre is our big stride in building self-sujjlciency. "We ha\,e lined up total investment of over Rs 3000 Cr (USS 800 Million) across the globe, including the manufacturing plants in. Colombia and Bangladesh, and the new plants coming & up at Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh and the Hero Global Centre for Research & Design at Kukasin Rajasthan." % Mt'-<U MUI ULURY PAGE 03 I)" 5 Neemrana. R jasthan. October 208,2014 MotoCorp Ltd at Neemrana in the The state-of-iho-art platinum-class mailufacturing plant of Hero in keeping with the company's vision to Northern Indian state of Rajasthan has gone on stream. production by year 2020. The plant will be officially Surpass 100 million units in cumulative Soindia. inaugurated by the ChiefMinister of Raiasthan Smt. Vasundhara Raje is based on the core Hero's one-of-a-kind-garden factory that will redefine manufaoturing itted to maintain the highest principle of sustainable development as the company remains comm g envelope, to the Big Foot air handlers, to water and ecological standards. From efficient buildin demonstrates HMCL's environmental aspirations. energy optimisation - the Garden Factory km south-west of the national capital Now Delhi, Hero With the launch of this facility., about 120 - Haridwar in thc hill ing units in India MotoCorp now has four globally-benchmarked manufactur state ofHaryana, and Neemrana. The northern state of Ultarakhand, Gurgaon and Dharuhera in the risen-up to 7.65 million per now has ny combined installed production capacity of the compa 12 million annual capacity by Year 2020. annum - well in course to achieve the stated objective of ent to build HMEL has injected a sum of Rs 1050 Crore (USS 175 million) as initial investm and mankind. this stistainable manufacituring Unit balancing nature, business Global Parts Centre (GPC) whioh has Adjacent to the plant is Hero MotoCorp's state-of-the-alt and sorting system. on-line tracking autoinated storage and retrieval system, automated packaging manufacturing systems and most of parts through Warehouse Management System (WMS). lean importantly, a similar Green Building Concept, to three years, Aiming to double its annual turnover to over Rs 3000 Crore in the next two ntly enhancing the GPC is designed to have minimal manual intervention while significa productivity. Going forward, the Tbe new plant will manufacture HMCL's range of motorcycles and scooters. t production curren The . facility this company has plans to develop high-end two-wheelers from demand, with annum which is likely to go up rising capaoity ofthe plant is 7304000 units per year after construction began - The unveiling of HMCL's new plant at Neemrana - just over a is working towards realising showcases the perseverance & aggression with which the company Its long-term vision of reaching higher volumes to meet growing demand from domestic and international markets. in Hero MotoCorp is also set to commence construction of its fifth & sixth manufacturing plants ones the ing includ Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh respectively. When operational: all these plants MotoCorp to 12 Hero of ity capac d in Colombia and Bangladesh - will take tile total installe million units of two-wheelers. **'** Pream-Contacts: Weber Shandwick - India Mansi Molasi +91 9650215869 Page 2 of 2
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