PERTH METHODIST CHURCH Sc016818 As Methodists we believe that God's love is for everyone, everywhere. We worship God and try to demonstrate the goodness of God in our daily lives. We seek to learn and grow together and to support both those with whom we worship and those amongst whom we live. Week beginning 8th February 2015 Sunday 8th February 11:00am Morning Worship (Judy Jarvis) Readings - Isaiah 40: 21-31 (p.724) Mark 1: 29-39 (p.1003) Evening Worship 6:00pm (Revd John Butterfield) The flowers today are provided by Kathleen Halsall, arr. Alison Reid Saturday 14th February 10:00-11:30am Coffee Morning (Alison Garrett, Gerald Bostock, Marcia Mackenzie) Sunday 15th February 11:00am Morning Worship (Jenni Whittle) Door Stewards: Chris Parkin, Alson Garrett Flowers: Provided by Eileen Munro, arr. Eleanore Mills No Sunday School Sound: Sheila Sunday Teas: Alison Garrett and Susie Turner Evening Worship 6:00pm (Revd Gordon Campbell) A warm welcome to everyone sharing in worship here today. Visitors are invited to sign the Visitors’ Book which is in the vestibule. A hearing loop is installed. If using a hearing aid, please switch it to the T position. Large print hymn books and service books are available - please ask a door steward. Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee in the hall after the Service. ************************************** We have small fellowship groups in this Church, which are open to all *********************************** Prayer Requests. There is a prayer tree at the front of the church. You are invited to write your request on a leaf and then hang it on the tree. Sunday Tea and Door Steward Rotas - I am about to prepare the rotas for period from March to September and would appreciate if you could let me know dates you will be unavailable by this Sunday, 8th February. Could you also let me know if you feel unable to continue on the rotas. New volunteers would be most welcome. Julia. Open Circle The next meeting is this Monday 9th February when the speaker will be Jim Robertson who is Scotland Development Officer for Foodbanks. He has pointed out that Foodbanks are generally fairly well off for food after Christmas and a cash donation would be beneficial as it would allow the Foodbank to buy specific items of which they are short. Therefore the £1 subs will be donated to Foodbanks this month. If you wish to add to this I'm sure it would be most welcome. Everyone is welcome to attend. Chris Parkin Church Council All items for inclusion in the agenda for the next meeting on Monday 2nd March should be with me by Thursday 19th February, please. My email address has not changed! Thank you. Fiona Goudie ‘PMC News’ - I am beginning to put together the next issue, which will cover the period from March until June. It is always pleasing to receive contributions from members of the congregation so may I ask that these reach me by Wednesday 18th February. Family news, details of forthcoming events, topical articles...........the more the merrier! To [email protected] or to me in person. Thank you. Fiona Goudie (PTO) New Superintendent Minister Revd Nick Baker and his family will be visiting Perth on Wed 18th Feb. We will have “tea and biscuits” in the hall from 2pm to have a chance to meet him and show what Perth is about. This will be an informal meeting as he does not take up post until September, but all are welcome to meet him. The Stewards Unpacking Fresh Expressions An Open Event for Methodists in Scotland led by John and Olive Fleming Drane Glasgow, 21st February 2015 (venue to be confirmed) This is a free meeting for anyone interested in different ways of opening/presenting the church and worship to others. More details on the notice board. Learning & Development Forum Event This event will consider the findings of research showing that there are many practising Christians who do not attend church and will discuss the implications of this for the established churches. It will be on Tuesday 3rd March from 4.30pm - 6.00pm at the Central Edinburgh Methodist Church in Nicolson Square. For more details see the notice board. World Day of Prayer 2015 The World Day of Prayer services this year will be held on Friday, 6th. March in The North Church at 11:00 a.m., in various Care Homes at 2:30 p.m., and in The Congregational Church at 7:00 p.m. There will be three Bible study sessions in preparation using material compiled by women of The Bahamas. These will be held in Perth Methodist Church (Sunday school room) on Thursday 12th., 19th. and 26th. February from 2:00-3:00p.m. All are welcome. Please come along Marcia MacKenzie Are you on Facebook? Our church now has a “Facebook" page where we hope to keep an up to date record of events and interesting happenings. There is a link from our website. Please “comment”, “like” and “share” to publicise our fellowship to the wider world. Barry News-Sheet This sheet will be produced in February by Gerald. Contact details can be found in the directory. Please send items ( in writing, by email, or telephone) by noon on the previous Thursday. NB! The news-sheet can always be viewed on the PMC website
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